#brot3: pirating marines
jasonvtodd · 7 years
Top 5 group chat moments
ask me my top 5 anything for 2017
FUCK... aight
less of a gc moment (though there was a LOT of harassment happenig there too) but the nick o’flaherty url drama + 2.0 of it
everytime both of us wouldnt shut up with the puns
CMM NIPPLES (when my poor cousin... saw.. .all... those... nips.. in my saved photos... ohmy)
................ CAN WE NEVER EVER LET @haljordon LIVE DOWN... THE... KIWI INCIDENT... CUZ......ICONIC
the cillian murphy icons (we were all cursed) ... RAT MAN CILLIAN
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petrichorus · 7 years
tfw both u make both ur favs @kyleraysner and @guygardsner watch the exorcist tv and they like it
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join me
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gaygardner · 7 years
So it’s the new year. But I can’t say goodbye to 2017 without making this post.
This past year has been amazing on a personal level. So many good things happened and whilst I know as a whole it was a shitty year, I would look back at 2017 with fondness.
But I just want to end the year right and talk about two of the best things to happen to me this year.
Firstly, @kyleraysner.
I first started talking to her... I don’t know on the 8th of January i think. Back then I obviously didn’t know she would end up being one of my closest friends. She was this hyper, hilarious person that I thought was gonna be just another mutual I’ll sparodically have conversations with. But throughout the year, I could count on one hand the number of days we have gone without some sort of communication. Be it texting, sending a post or tagging each other on tumblr, actual phone conversations or skype dates. She knows my deepest, darkest thoughts - the ones I have a kept a secret from so many people. She’s seen (or heard) me angry, frustrated, scared, worried, estatic, sad, happy and she’s always there to give me some encouranging words or to call me a cunt and make me forget about whatever shit I’m going through. We’ve gone through multiple crisis, plenty of pun battles, lived through various highs and some lows and survived plenty of anxiety-inducing moments in our lives. Sometimes it surprises me how in sync we are. We are such complete opposites but at the same time we are also so very similar.
I can’t explain to you how important she is to me. Just trust me when I say that she is. If platonic soulmates are a thing, I think she’s mine. I hope I’ve been as good a friend to her as she has been to me.
Speaking of soulmates, the next person I want to talk about is Emily’s girlfriend, my wonderfully talented, painfully English friend @haljordon.
I remember the first time I spoke to Jo. I asked her about the Pacific and if I should watch it. I started following her last year because of Black Sails (i think) but never really spoke to her until late last year. The beginning of our friendship was purely fandom based - we share similar interests so it wasn’t hard to find a new topic to talk about. And then she drew me a picture of Anne Bonny and I knew I had to keep her. But our friendship really took off after I introduced her to Emily and Emily made the group chat that would end up being the most fun I would have chatting to people in a group. I got to know the incredibly old soul that lives in a (then) 19 year old body. I discovered her quirks, her love for old anything, her love for basic white men, her ‘tubelight’-ness but also her ridiculous sense of humour, her kindness, her honesty. I cannot imagine my life without her.
When Emily and Jo started dating, (you’re welcome btw. Just call me cupid. A very persistent, angry cupid but cupid none the less) I was afraid the dynamics of the group will change - that I’d be the odd one out looking in but honestly nothing has changed. They are both massive losers still (they’re just bigger saps now) and we are still going through the group chat one inside joke after another. They never made me feel like a third wheel, although I am (but I guess they do all their sappy shit in PC - thank fuck!) so I’m grateful for that.
They have helped me through my final year in med school in ways they will probably never know but I am forever grateful.
Cunts, I love you both. And just know that if we ever end up distant and not on speaking terms, I would still love and treasure the fuck out of you two.
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jasonvtodd · 7 years
nickoflahertys >>> kyleraysner
cuz i hate lanterns 
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gaygardner · 7 years
where’s @kyleraysner and @haljordon? I miss them )):
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gaygardner · 7 years
i was gonna write a post saying ‘fuck @kyleraysner’ but i knew if i did jo would be a smartass and say something like ‘i’m trying’
Because that’s just the type of couple they are
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gaygardner · 7 years
me: y’all @kyleraysner and @haljordon should fuck already!!!!!! like the fuck are you waiting for bitches
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petrichorus · 7 years
*wipes tears away looking at your url and knowing all the dcau you've watched* they grow up so fast :')) so proud.
*trying not to cry* e-emily youre embarrassing me in front of my cool friends 
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gaygardner · 7 years
@nickoflahertys : i'm not biased.... i love all of them equally
also, emily: *reblogs nothing but aramis*
me & @zanegarrett : we see you satan
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gaygardner · 7 years
@zanesgarrett is truly the only friend i can trust. 
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gaygardner · 7 years
so where is the post asking us to post our weirdest group chat names? cause rn our gc is called
attack of the nipples
@nickoflahertys @zanegarrett
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petrichorus · 7 years
i love @kyleraysner and @guygardsner and i apologise for confusing their brains even tho if theyd just looked at my about page theyd have realised i made a writing mistake on that post last night  and i love them so SO much 
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petrichorus · 7 years
spending six days without wifi has revealed i cant actually function happily without being able to talk to @nickoflahertys and @kellyabbotts
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jasonvtodd · 7 years
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an actual Disaster Child™ 
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gaygardner · 7 years
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there are three types of people
@kahlilravishans @zanesgarrett
Jo is definitely the coolest out of the three of us. Guess who is the least cool?
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jasonvtodd · 7 years
@kellyabbotts @zanegarrett our new icons together ook so 😍
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