#brotp: red brooks bros
dinosaur-raawwr · 7 years
Nathan or Lucas Peyton or Brooke Deb or Karen Keith or Dan Chris or Chase Haley or Brooke Mouth or Millie
Brooke x Peyton or Brooke x Haley Lucas x Haley or Nathan x Lucas Mouth x Jimmy or Mouth x Junk x Fergie Brooke x Peyton x Haley or Quinn x Brooke x Haley
Nathan x Haley or Lucas x Peyton Lucas x Peyton or Lucas x Brooke Skills x Deb or Dan x Rachel Keith x Karen or Dan x Deb Jamie x Madison or Quinn x Clay Peyton x Julian or Lucas x Lindsay
Rivercourt or Karen’s Cafe Clothes Over Bros or Red Bedroom Records TRIC or Tree Hill High School Brooke’s apartment or house Karen’s house or Deb’s house Clay’s beach-house or Nathan and Haley’s house
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
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This is a little something I wrote featuring @belorage​’s sons in our shared universe. Kate thank you so much for letting me borrow them each time I do :’) I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved writing it!
“Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.”
— Homer, The Iliad
Danny runs a hand through his dark hair, setting the paintbrush in his hand down, leaning on the wood of the old bar. He probably should have stopped once the sky burned orange which muddled some of the colors and this piece needed perfection. He wants it to be the one to outshine anything he did and everything he will do, even if critics won’t even give it a second glance. Danny squints tilting his head, Maybe it’s better I’m seeing it at night too. Better to see how it pairs with the neon.
He doesn’t look in the direction of the footsteps approaching, the thick heels against the gravel make it obvious who’s joined him. “Seems a little late to be coloring don’t you think,” Liz, his older sister, leans next him, the crossing of her arms musical with the amount of jewelry she’s worn today. Danny gives a shrug, sliding his eyes to take in the bright yellow shirt under jean overalls covered in paint stains, half attempted embroidery, and various iron on patches that lead all the way down to scuffed white boots.
“I want to get this finished before I have to fly back,” Danny mutters, stuffing his hands into the pockets of the black denim jacket.
Liz frowns, turning to face him, “You sure you can’t take a little more time off?”
“I want to,” he sighs, “believe me I do, but Graham doesn’t want to delay the opening and he doesn’t trust himself to make sure it’ll all be set up like how I want it too.”
She scoffs, “Think it’s time you found a better agent, Danny.”
He shakes his head giving a small chuckle, “Nah, he’s just operating on my norm.”
“Right,” she smiles, “I forgot you have to place it all yourself or else it won’t be in your perfect mind's eye.” Liz lets her smile fall, “Things aren’t normal right now though, can’t he do it just this once?”
“What about you?” He counters, Liz cocks a brow at the sudden subject change, “You were planning on flying out not too long after me.”
She exhales slowly, “I told Val I’m gonna have to extend my stay here a little longer.”
“How’d she take that?” He asks, kicking at some of the small rocks beneath them, “She willing to take over your cases?”
“You know what century this is right,” she smirks, “She is though. She understands, said she’ll make it out here for a few days if I’m still here after this big one’s done with, finally.”
Danny nods, letting silence fall for a moment as he goes back to eyeing the painted wall across from him, fingers turning over the beat up carton in his pocket. “How’s she doing,” he finally asks, softly.
“Still distraught, crying,” Liz pulls her hair back tying it up in a bun that reveals the small bits of grey in the pink neon, “She’s at least starting to somewhat cook again.”
Danny gives a quick raise of his brows, “That’s something.”
Liz gives a shrug, “I mean if you count ramen and pb&js as cooking, then sure.”
“Still better than the four days in bed.”
“True. Thought she was never going to leave it I’ll be honest.”
“What about John, he still holed up,” Liz gives a nod, “And dad?”
“Stoic,” she answers quickly, “Using mom as a cover to cry in public. He’s gotten better though.” She gives a small laugh shaking her head, “Said someone has to be the adult and make sure things get done.”
Danny snorts, “Thought that was your job.”
“It is,” the smile she gives to her younger brother is small, “I just give him the easy jobs to make him feel better.”
“Better hope he never finds out about that part,” Danny laughs as his sister shoves him with her shoulder.
Her smile falls completely as she looks up into Danny’s eyes, “What about you? How are you holding up?”
His hand stops moving, trying and failing to muster up anything but a frown, “I’ll be okay. More worried about them. I think they all thought he’d live longer.”
“I’m fine, Liz,” he says, turning away from her.
“And that’s what worries me,” she moves closer, their shoulders touching, “You’ve always been the more emotionally expressive and yet with this,” she shakes her head looking at the ground, “I don’t think I’ve seen you shed a tear since the day it happened.” Danny opens the carton just enough to feel the still full cheap lighter, Maybe I should go looking through his stuff, see if I can find his lighter. “Danny,” Liz starts again, “You were there when it happened, right next to him, and I know some part of you blames yourself.”
“Why do you assume that,” Even if I do find it, John’ll want it back.
“Because I would too,” her answer is soft and quick. “So I’m worried about you.”
Danny pulls out the carton half filled with cigarettes and the gas station lighter, opening to count once again that it’s the same number, eleven and a half, Liz’s eyes going wide. “He was halfway through one of these you know,” Danny gives a half attempted snort, “When the ‘copter came he put it out and handed me the half he didn’t get too. When I asked him why, you know what he said?”
She shook her head, “That he was cheap and it was the last one from the sale of the good brand?”
Danny cracks a smile, “Nah, though he may have thought it a second reason. What really happened was Uncle Wes didn’t even answer my question, just told me to hold onto it until he was better and allowed to smoke again.” He quickly puts the carton back in his pocket, wiping away at his eyes, “He had me thinking he was going to make it….and then….,” “Don’t worry kid. Takes a lot more to kill me” Danny shakes his head once again, “Then he didn’t and I don’t know Liz, maybe it hasn’t hit me yet. All I know is that he’s pretty much gone….and all without a trace.”
“Physically yes, but he’s left his mark in so many lives and places here in Falls End alone,” she wrapped an arm around his, “So he’s never going to just be forgotten about.” Liz smiles while taking in the mural her little brother had been working on, “And you’re making double, triple sure he won’t be with this masterpiece.”
Danny hummed looking back up to the wall, “Well technically I can’t take credit for this one.” Liz’s brow furrowed looking up at him, “Sort of a last wish of his.”
“He asked you to paint a mural while you waited for help to arrive?”
Danny shook his head, “I doubt he even remembered when he made mention of it.”
“You do though.” She gave a small nudge of her elbow, “So come on tell me.”
He gave a smile looking up to the few stars poking through the haze of the neon bar, “You remember when you went college scouting with mom and dad, and I got left behind cause of school.”
Liz laughed, “See I remember you asking to stay behind because you didn’t want to be stuck listening to me ramble on for hours and hours.”
He waved off the comment, “Whatever, same thing. Anyway, I think I was ticked off at mom or dad or both because I went looking through John and Wes’ cabinets for alcohol.” Liz gasped, pulling away from him, “The plan was to have a single drink and never tell them.”
“How rebellious of you,” she teased.
“Shut up, I was sixteen and stupid okay? I thought it was the best way to stick it to them.” She rolled her eyes, waving for him to continue, “I got caught by Uncle Wes though and instead of getting me in trouble he let me indulge.” “Better it happen in a controlled environment. ‘Sides you’re responsible.”
Liz gave a snort, “You know it’s probably because you were as stubborn as mom was back then.” “What about Uncle John? He’ll snitch.” “Nah.” “I can’t snitch if I don’t see it!” “See you’re fine.”.
“Do you want to know the story or not Lizzie?” She moved pinched fingers across her lips before throwing up her hands, “One drink turned into two, then three, then I stopped halfway through four but he got pretty far into the bottle. Don’t know how but we got to talking about some contest or graded project I was worrying about and started shooting ideas out there.” Danny laughed at the memory, Wes’ laughter echoing in his mind, “Then he stops suddenly slapping his hand down on mine, looks me right in the eye and goes, ‘You know what you should do? You should have a cowboy leaning against a motorcycle with his dog on the seat wearing like a little hat and holster. But it’s not the desert he’s standing in or the mountains, it’s gotta be the ocean!’,” he pauses, running a hand through his hair. “He also at one point made mention of some guy named Gregory Peck-.”
Liz cocked a brow, “The actor?” Danny gave a shrug, “Wessy has to be referring to the actor.”
“How do you know? What makes you so confident?”
“Cause he played a lawyer in To Kill a Mockingbird and Wessy watched the movie with me for class.”
“Okay. Whatever,” Danny rolled his eyes, “But after that he kept going on and on. Made me go into the house and get my art stuff and had me start sketching it.” “Can’t lose this kid. Gotta be able to remember it tomorrow.”, He pulled out a folded up piece of paper, some of the lines faded or smudged and the writing in pen started to fade in places, “By the end of it it was this huge piece that was so full of things that made no sense being together, I was surprised dad was able to make some sense of it when I showed him a few days ago, but Uncle Wes was still very happy about it though.” Danny handed it over to Liz, she squinted holding it up to the best light to take a look, “He leaned back all proud and said that if I didn’t make that for whatever it was, then he’d want it on his gravestone if he made it to be an old man.”
She handed it back over, “Thought paint didn’t always stick the best to gravestones?”
“It doesn’t, and I’m not doing his true vision, it would be almost impossible unless I had a whole skyscraper, then that would do it some justice.”
“Thought you said it didn’t make much sense,” Liz wondered with a frown.
“Not to me, well sort of. More I didn’t know where to start with it,” he let out a sigh, “Dad saw me agonizing over it-.”
“Oh wait,” Liz piped up, “is this the paper incident that made mom laugh for like a second?”
He let out a small groan, “Yeah. I hit him in the head with one of the many failed ideas. Worth it though, to hear mom make a sound other than crying, and he helped me out in picking out what the heart of Wes’ idea was. Kinda wish you were there, Lizzie, you would have liked to see the way dad talked about him.” 
Liz patted his arm, smiling, “Maybe I’ll try and con him into talking to me about Wessy while you’re gone.”
“Hope it works for you,” Danny rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m also a few years early.” He exhaled slowly, “I was gonna do it for the big six zero but-.” Liz leaned her head against his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him, “He’s old enough to order off the senior menu so despite what he said, he is….was an old man. I wish I was able to get better real estate for it, but this was all I could get on short notice and I guess this is as good as any place to have it. Wanted it to be on one of-.”
“He’d have loved it, Danny-boy,” she smiled, nodding when he looked like he was about to protest. “So this is how you’ve been coping with it, putting all your energy into this piece.”
“Not really. If I remember mom’s words, pushing down emotions isn’t coping.” Liz frowned, pulling him closer, “Like I said this is fulfilling a promise to a man who probably never thought he’d make it to thirty, let alone fifty-seven.”
“So when does your coping start?”
Danny pulled out the carton once more glancing down to the half finished cigarette, “When I can finally give him the rest of this back.” His sister looked up at him curiously, “I still need a center focus piece for the shared space in New York.”
“The one you’ve been so nervous about?” He nodded, “What’s the theme for that one?”
Danny let out a slow breath, “A bit hard to explain but it’s supposed to invoke feelings of melancholy, nostalgia, grief, and remembrance. Graham said I was lucky that a good amount of my new stuff fit the theme already.” 
“Why this place kid?” Wes asks as he tries, and fails, to even out his breaths.
“You can see most of the county from here,” Danny chuckles, “I said that you didn’t have to come.” 
“‘Nd risk Catnip pacing my house,” he gives a shake of his head, the gold and silver in his hair glimmering in the sunlight, “What I meant, was why this county. Plenty of other locations.” 
Danny huffs as he climbs up a rock, “None that went through as much as this place.” He turns, reaching a hand out for his uncle to take.
Wes groans as he lifts himself up the rock, “Don’t think a lot of people wanna remember that stuff.” Danny turns continuing up, the pain in Wes’ body crawling towards his chest as his breathing turns short and shallow. 
“That’s not the focus though, Uncle Wes. I’m looking for the ending and this spot feels like the best place for it. To understand-.” Danny turns to face him, smile leaving when he sees the way his uncle clutches his torso. “Wes,” he breathes out, running to catch the older man as his knees buckle, “Uncle Wes!”
Danny gives a half hearted shrug, “It’s still vague in my head about how it’ll look but I know it’ll be a statue and that I’ll be able to make sure that he’s never without some of the stuff he didn’t have on him when, well….you know.”
“You’re running on the ghost theory that you’re left in the afterlife with whatever you were wearing when you died?” Danny hummed his response, “Man if that’s true then he must be pissed about his jacket. He didn’t have it at all that day right?”
“Nope. Too hot for it, or well the sun was too prominent.”
“Well if you want to get textures and the look right,” Liz took a deep breath, “I’ll let you borrow it,” Danny turned, giving her a smile, “but you’re gonna give it back as soon as you're done.” She leaned closer, jamming a finger into his chest, “And it better be in the same condition that I gave it to you.”
“Of course, Lizzie.” “I’m fine. Don’t worry kid. Takes a lot more to kill me.”, He folds his arms, voice soft, “I’m not that irresponsible.”
She bites the inside of her lip, looking down to the ground, “You know if it doesn’t sell, maybe we make that a monument here.”
“I’m not gonna have it up for sale.” Liz snaps her head up at the swiftness of his response, “Graham’s gonna be upset as those are the pieces that go for the most money, especially in New York, but I don’t want him going home with some stranger.”
Liz gave a tilt of her head, “So we’re going to put it outside?” Danny shook his head, “Then what are you going to do with it?”
“I don’t know,” he looked up with a shrug, “I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. I’ll figure it out though.”
She nods, “You have a name for either of these tributes yet?” Danny glanced down at her, eyebrow raised, “You always end up having a name before you start stuff.”
He gave a snort of a laugh, “Surprisingly, I only have working titles right now. This one,” he points to the wall, deciding that maybe he just call it quits for the night, “I might want to go with ‘Harbinger’ or….well I don’t know.” He hums in thought a moment, “Maybe this one doesn’t need a name.”
“And the other one?”
“Sweet Baby James.”
Liz smiles, “Your guys’ song. I like it.” She pursed her lips looking over the wall, “Actually, if you want to use that as a name, call this one here ‘Sweet Baby James’.” Danny knits his brow looking down at her with a frown, “The other one you should call ‘Let Me Go Down In My Dreams’, it’ll fit the theme better and well it’s your way of coping so it feels a little poetic. It’ll feel more like you’re putting him to rest with all that he needs.”
“Huh,” Danny says, looking ahead, “You know what, I think you’re right, Lizzie, I think you’re right.” He chuckles, turning to her once more, “About the second one, the first still needs some work. Starting to feel impartial to my idea, cause I can’t let you have all the credit.”
She gives him a small punch laughing, “You’ll figure it out though. You always do.” She pats his chest pushing herself up, “Alright, Danny-boy, time for you to call it a night with your finger painting, mom’s gonna start worrying.” Liz walks to the brushes and paints, Danny rolling his eyes with a groan, “And I’m also starving so you owe me dinner as payment for my brilliant ideas and contributions.”
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
"And I wanted to listen, to digest the bloody images, to paint them flat and unremarkable onto the vase of posterity. To release him from it and make him Achilles again."
-The Song of Achilles, Madeline Miller
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
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“You’re my bestest friend, though. I’m one of your best friends right, Wessy?”
“Yeah. You’re one of my best friends, Catnip.”
“Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise.”
A little soft board for the friendship that is Cat and @risenlucifer​‘s Wes. 
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
Don’t know how but this came in as a submission Stella way back when. Either way it is finished after so long!
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“is that blood?”, “yes, but that doesn’t matter right now, what does matter is-” “you are literally bleeding.” + red brooks bros
It was always a good thing to get out of the house, especially to a place that felt like some kind of home. The tension at the ranch was starting to become too much and Cat just needed a little air to breathe. She was still attempting to wrap her mind around the idea that Raf didn’t hate her or find her completely out of her mind for her stunt a few weeks ago. The alcohol took the fall for that kiss which was fine with her so long as she didn’t have to be reminded of that moment for the rest of her life. Not that Lance was helping any as the two took a break at his temporary house, Cat lying against the couch letting her mind wander as Terminator 2 played. 
“Think I should start making some kind of dinner for us?” Cat asked hand feeling the kernels of the now empty bowl of popcorn. 
“Was under the impression we were doing pizza,” Lance said, eyes never leaving the television, “Thought your boyfriend Rafael was bringing some?”
Cat rolled her eyes, Kill me, “Yeah when he was planning on coming over,” she sat up, setting the bowl on the coffee table, “he canceled, remember.”
Lance took a sip from the beer bottle in his hand, a smile playing on his lips, “Not good boyfriend material if he cancels like that.”
“Would you stop with that?”
“Just looking out for you is all,” Lance laughed as a throw pillow came for his face, “That boy may think he’s perfection but-.”
“He’s still human and therefore impossible to be perfect,” Cat finished, tone laced with mockery. “I know that,” she scoffed, “but that stuff would only really matter if he was interested in me. He’s fine with our relationship as is so therefore I am too.”
Lance laughed, spitting up a little of his drink, “And I’m set to win the lotto.” Cat narrowed her eyes, mouth ready to argue when the sound of a bike overtook the sounds of gunfire from the movie. Lance let out a sigh, “I sure hope that kid slowed down to park in the garage this time.”
“Wes? Slowing down?” Cat smiled, “The day he does you better buy a lotto ticket.” 
She opened the front door, hearing the clattering of a shelf falling, “How in the hell does he manage to hit the same damn shelf every time?”
Cat looked up at Lance, raising a brow, “Maybe you should move it Old Man.”
“I have,” he let out a breath, “Come on let’s go get him.” The two walked into the garage, watching as Wes pulled off the helmet, shaking out his hair, “I thought you were a pro on that thing?”
“I am,” Wes answered looking at the fallen shelf and its contents, “It jumped out at me.”
“Uh-huh, sure Wes,” Cat laughed, eyes assessing him, widening in horror, “Oh my god!”
The two men looked up at her change in pitch, “What?”
“Wes-. You-. How-. Wes- You’re-.” He lifted an arm looking down his body, meeting her eyes as he pointed to the dark stain on his shirt, “Are you? Is that blood?!” 
He gave a shrug, Lance moving to take a closer look, “Probably.”
“Probably. Wes! You are literally bleeding!”
Lance gave a small shake of his head, “Yeah, but that doesn’t matter right now. What does matter is-.”
“Is I took down that big ol’ YES sign,” Wes finished triumphantly.
Cat’s shoulders sagged, “Let me guess you’re homemade explosives?” Wes nodded, Lance pushing him towards the house. “Wes,” she glanced up to the mountain watching as the black smoke rose, heart falling as she placed a smile on her face, “Good job taking that eyesore down.” It's not that she didn’t want to see that Hollywood wannabe gone but it did mean John would be in an even more sour mood. Never a danger to herself, but it didn’t make for very pleasant conversation either given her friendships. 
If Wes noticed anything a miss with her, he didn’t get much of a chance to voice it, “What I was going to say was that we need more of an actual dinner,” Lance continued, ushering his two children inside.
“You want to go and get pizza,” Cat asked.
“I’m going to get pizza while you clean him up,” Lance picked up his canvas jacket and car keys gesturing to Wes, “Now before you say anything you can stitch him up just fine. I’ve shown you how and seen you do it.” 
“If you mess up I’ll just open them and do it myself,” Lance lowered his voice, eyes watching as Wes took out the first aid kit, laying the towel out on the couch, “‘Sides I think you should talk to him. He’s holding something in and he ain’t going to talk to me about it.”
Cat exhaled through her nose, nodding, shutting the door behind Lance, gathering a bowl of warm water and some rags. “You think it's a good or bad thing that you know exactly what to do when you come over after your injuries?” Cat joked, sitting next to Wes on the couch tossing the dirtied shirt to the side.
“Depends on who you ask really,” Wes paused the movie before he moved, giving Cat a better look at the wound. It wasn’t as deep as the amount of blood would indicate but still was a few inches long moving along his right ribs. Cat set the bowl in his lap, gentle in her movements as she cleaned the blood away, “Might be some shrapnel still.”
“I’ll pick out what I can,” he flinched, letting out a yelp, making Cat jump. Wes laughed, “Don’t do that,” she chastised, lightly hitting his arm, “You know you’re just gonna give me a heart attack one of these days.”
“You were being too serious,” Cat picked up the tweezers spotting the small glimmer of metal.
“Cause I’m concentrating,” Cat pulled back grabbing the bottle of alcohol, “This is gonna sting.” Wes sat still as she brought the soaked cloth to the open wound, “I’m still not one hundred percent used to this kind of first aid.”
“Here I thought you were certified.”
“Yeah for the basics,” she snorted, “Other than that it had to be left to the real medical staff.” She gave a small smile, “Only thing I can really claim competency in is healing the mind.” Wes grew silent, turning his head away from her as she gathered the needle and thread, Cat’s smile fading, “You know you don’t have to keep it all in. Suffering alone isn’t a good thing.”
“You let Raf do it,” he countered, lifting his arm to rest on the back of the sofa.
“Don’t think I wouldn’t or won’t get on his case too,” she winced as the needle pierced his skin, pausing to take in Wes. He stayed still through it, calming the shaking wanting to start in her hands, “And if we’re being honest I let you get away with a lot more than him.” He gave a smirk, “So the YES sign,” the smirk evaporating quickly, “You and John still-.”
“Don’t,” he said quickly, “I’m not talking about that.”
So much for Lance’s belief, Cat nodded, “Okay. We don’t have too.” Silence fell as she worked on the stitches, slower than was necessary, but she didn’t want to make a mistake forcing Wes to have to go through the process again. She was nearing the last two needed when Wes shifted, “Careful, I don’t want to hurt you on accident.”
“You ever think about us?”
“Like what we’ll do after this whole thing is over,” she gave pause, pursing her lips, “Or do you mean that night?” Cat glanced up at his face, unreadable, “Because I thought we were never going to talk about it.”
“Guess it does play into it,” he mused, “But no. I mean us as in you and me. Together.”
Oh, Cat concentrated on the last stitch picking her words carefully, “Why does that matter to you all of a sudden? Did it get real bad with John this time?”
“Humor me,” he answered, ignoring her question.
Cat let out a sigh, wiping at the now closed wound, “Guess I’d be lying if I said it never crossed my mind.”
“Had ample opportunity to act on it,” he tilted his head, eyes following as she put everything away.
“I said it crossed my mind,” she gave a smirk, “not that it was anything more serious than that.” Cat got up from the sofa quickly hiding the small blush that was coming to her cheeks, grabbing a new shirt for Wes, tossing it his way, “I don’t think we’d work out in the long run in a romantic way.”
He pulled the shirt on, careful of the stitches on his ribs, “What makes you say that?” 
His face took on a hurt expression, hands looking for something to mess with, shoulders slumped over. Her face softened, lightly touching his shoulder as she sat next to him, “I say that because you deserve better than me.” The corners of Cat’s lips turned upward into a quick smile as she watched his mouth start to open in protest, “Let me explain what I mean before you start trying to correct me.”
His golden eyes glanced her way before giving a quick nod, Cat settled herself more going over her thought process. “Don’t get me wrong Wes, we’d be happy, on top of the world, and so in love that people would get cavities just being in proximity,” she grabbed his hand, “But that love isn’t sustainable, not for either of us. When you love someone like that, you have to feel like there’s a balance in all aspects.” 
“I feel like you do sometimes,” Wes said softly.
“And there it is, sometimes. Wes it has to be all the time. You and I don't have balance where it’s most important.” Cat paused, “We both are very giving in nature and in turn will take whatever is given back to us because we need to feel some kind of connection. We would have too much of that and we need people that will tell us when to stop.” She turned his face towards hers, “Wes I can’t ever really say no to you and that’s not what you need in a long term partner. Sure from a friend it's okay but not when it comes to life long commitment. Does that make sense?”
Wes gave a shrug, “A little.”
“In essence you need someone that will challenge you, make you see life a little differently so you can grow into it the way you were meant to. I’m more of a support while you figure that out, I can try but I know I won’t be the best at it, not in the way that you need.” Cat looked down to his hand in hers, continuing, “I’m also not someone you deserve because there are some things about you that I could never fully and truly understand. I can empathize with so many things Wes, but there are some life experiences that I can only sympathize with and you need and deserve someone that can.”
“Someone like, John,” Cat nodded, “It doesn’t feel the same with him, not like how you love me.”
“No two loves are going to feel the same, Wes,” she countered, “I love both you, Raf, and Lance the same amount and I’ll tell you now each one feels different. Lance is protective, stable, and parental like my own dad. That feeling of being noticed when you’re lost from your parents at a busy mall, you trust them because they have kind eyes and stay until your parents come back for you. Raf is structure, helpful, and,” All consuming, “consistent. Like testing to see if a video game has fall damage and then the relief when you find out that it doesn’t because you now know the parachute is going to open each time just before you hit the ground. It also feels like light that someone left behind just for you.”
“You though,” Cat looked up into his eyes, “that love feels soft, warm, hopeful, and like peace, our own little treehouse overlooking the field behind a house. It's hard to describe just right but it's something you come back to because there's a sense of safety in it that can only come from that one place. That’s what it feels like for me to love you.” She smiled, “I bet if you really look at all the people that you love and care for you’ll find that each one feels different in some way and that’s okay. That’s kind of how it's supposed to be.”
“How do you know which one’s the right one?” Wes looked at her expectantly as Cat searched for the feelings that had her marrying Theo. Searching for the right word that would convey the unique feeling into something that could resonate with Wes. Some way that would be easy to understand and simplify the complexity.
“You’ll feel….some kind of….whole.” 
“Whole,” he repeated.
“Yeah, whole,” she smiled as his face showed signs of disbelief and confusion, “Every person that you love and loves you in return contributes to this puzzle that is you, but there will be spaces open for that one person that will complete the whole thing. That can be yourself, a friend, or a romantic partner. Once they’re there, you won’t really feel like there are any open spaces left, you’ll feel whole.”
“You think people can find it again if they lose it?” Wes asked eyes flicking down for a millisecond to the leather bracelet Cat moved to cover up on instinct at the question. 
Her fingers playing with the metal circle, “I want to believe so. That answer though is up to you at that point.”
Wes let out a huff sitting back in the chair, eyes turned upward at the ceiling, “Not really meant to be simple is it,” Cat stayed silent, watching him, “This is why feelings are the worst.”
“Well we have them and we can’t really put them back,” Cat laughed, “Just give it some time Wes. You’ll figure it all out in the end, just have to remember to not run away this time.”
“Nah, couldn’t do that to you Catnip,” he turned smirking, “Pretty sure you’d follow me and drag me back.”
She shook her head, “Not what I meant, Wes. You’re right, but not what I meant.” Wes waved her words off, Cat exhaling slowly, “Well I think that’s enough therapy for the night.” Cat stood moving to the table holding stacks of tapes and dvds, “Music or movie while we wait for dinner?”
“Movie? You pick though.”
“Your suffering Brooks,” Cat mumbled, looking through settling on The Goonies. “Here this one shouldn’t be so bad.”
He glanced at the summary on the back of the case, “A bunch of kids go treasure hunting?”
“Yeah,” she answered, loading the movie, “So many quotable parts about that movie! Trust me you’ll have a good time.” Wes shook his head settling into the couch more as Cat took her place laying her head in his lap. His fingers started to run through her hair as the car chase began in the movie, “Wes, you may forget your worth and what you deserve, but I never will,” she looked up to his face, “So I’ll remind you until it sticks in that big brain of yours.”
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
💋 #43 for catwes
Here’s the fluff for the day Kate! Please enjoy a little of the Red Brooks Bros on this lovely day.
Kiss Prompt #43: A kiss pressed to the top of the head.
“And I would walk five hundred miles! And I would walk five hundred more!” Cat sang as she kept her arms wrapped around Wes’ chest, his arms wrapped around her legs, the two walking down the empty street, “Just to be the person that walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door!”
Wes smiled, “Don’t think those are the words,” he lifted her a little adjusting his grip on her.
Cat giggled, “Woah there bronco! Don’t buck me off ya,” she rested her chin on the top of his head, “And ‘sides we’re gen’er neutral in this house. I can change to a differ’nt song if you want.”
“Hmm, what song would it be, Catnip?”
“Anything you want!” Wes flinched with her loud volume in his ear, Cat caught sight of it, her face turning red, “Sorry. Shhhh, quiet time right,” she whispered, “but anything you want I’ll serenade you.” Wes chuckled, “Oh,” she perked her head up, “I know one you could like. Wouldn’ it be nice if we were older? Then we wouldn’ haf to wait so long!”
Cat continued to sing, mumbling when she wasn’t sure of the lyrics, Wes’ arms straining, “You always have to park far?”
Cat stopped looking at him, “No parking at the bar, Wessy.” She buried her face into his back, the scent of leather and cigarettes filling her nose, “‘Sides I like you carrying me like this. I miss it.”
Wes frowned, spotting her car, “You got your keys? Don’t want to have to walk back.” She nodded, the word pocket mumbled into Wes’ back. He set her down, her body swaying as she gripped the car. “Better to get sick now if you’re gonna be.” She shook her head slowly, “Alright, but I’m not cleaning it if you do.”
Wes got Cat settled into the passenger seat, her hands moving the radio as he made his way to the driver’s seat. She laughed as Wes’ knees hit his chest before sliding the seat back as far as it could go. “Tall man in a tiny car,” she giggled, “You’re like the clowns. Oh man you’d throw off the mexican clown car with your legs you know that?”
“What was that?” Wes laughed as he started the car, “Can’t hear you all the way down there.” 
She glared, throwing a light punch at his arm, “You’re lucky I like you, cause that was rude.”
“Where we going then?”
Her smile returned, “Raf’s! Yeah! He needs to get in on the party!”
Wes sighed, pulling out of the parking space, “My place then.”
“Why would-?” Cat’s face fell, “Oh. Right.” She looked at the clock on the dashboard, “How many hours away is he again?”
“Too late to call him, Catnip,” he glanced her way, golden eyes sympathetic, “We can call tomorrow though.”
“Not the same you know,” she rested her head against the cool glass, “Callin’ him when I just want to lie next to him again. Jus’ miss him,'' her fingers trailed down the fog she made with her breath. 
“I’ll go over and steal one of the colognes he uses tomorrow,” Cat turned slowly, brow knitted, “Spray it all over a pillow for you.”
“A body pillow?”
Wes snickered, holding back his laughter, “You want it to be?”
Cat hummed, thinking, “Be too soft you think?”
“Yeah that’s the issue.”
“Know what you could do?” She lit back up, “We wash your hair in the shampoo, and then you lay on it,” her words started to slur, eyes getting heavy, “then it's closer to him being there.”
“Think that’s going too far now.”
“You started it,” Cat mumbled as they started to pull up to Wes’ place. “What are we doing here?”
Wes shut the engine off, “Getting you to sleep.”
“Oh,” Cat opened the door, falling out as she fumbled to unbuckle herself from the seatbelt. “Help,” she whined, reaching out for Wes. He smirked, grabbing onto her hand hoisting her up to her feet. She wrapped her arms around his waist leaning against him as they walked inside. “You’re warm,” she said softly, “inside and out.”
“S’how bodies work,” Wes opened the door walking her to the bedroom, “You get the bed.”
“Couch too small,” she looked up at him with wide eyes, “I’m small. Cat small. Cats sleep on couches.” Wes shook his head, sitting her on the bed, “Shoes off?” He nodded turning to grab one of his old shirts from the drawer, hearing her grunt as she worked to kick the converse off, a breathy exclamation as she finished getting them off. Cat grabbed the hem of her shirt pulling upwards, the fabric soon getting caught on her hair, she whined, Wes tossing the shirt beside her. He averted his eyes as he helped her out of the fabric, only turning them back once she placed the old shirt on, her pants easier to pull off.
He gave a small nod seeing her drown in the fabric, “Better?”
She nodded pulling the blankets back, “You stay,” Cat ordered, “Stay and sleep.” She patted the bed for emphasis, eyes daring him to argue with her. He sighed, shrugging his leather jacket off and kicking his boots to their spot next to the bed. Wes hopped onto the bed, Cat’s arms wrapping around him, “I wanna be the big spoon,” she shuffled, placing her head above his, making sure his head rested against her chest, “There.”
Cat’s eyelids grew heavy as she ran her fingers through his soft hair, humming. Wes listened to her heart slow along with her breathing, waiting for the right moment to slip from between her arms to make his way to the couch. “Wes,” her voice no more than a whisper to his ears, “you’re my bestest friend. Did you know that?” 
“One of them,” he replied softly.
She shook her head, “No. Number one, that’s you. I think I lost the other ones cause I was so sad. I love them still but they aren’t the tippy top one. That’s you.” She paused, letting out a yawn, “Then again, none of them felt like having you for a best friend. You’re different. Special.” Cat gave a small hum her thoughts slower than normal, “I was sad, Wes, so very sad, but you didn’t mind that. You stayed. Did I ever tell you how sad I was?”
“You’ve made mention of it.”
“Hmm. I was Wes, I wanted to try one more time,” Wes propped himself on an elbow looking down at her, eyes closed and her hands still reaching out for some part of him to hold onto, “Third time had to be the charm.”
“What changed?”
“Saw you fiddling with the beer bottle,” she grabbed onto his hand patting it, “Caught my eye somehow, but I saw you and I don’t know, feels hard to explain, we talked briefly by the jukebox. Only a few lines, just the way you said them made it hard to stop thinking about you and that bottle.” She shrugged, “Don’t know why, I didn’t even know your name, couldn’t even tell you the color of your eyes if you asked me at that point. Then I stood at the bridge looking over the ledge, when I remembered the fleeting feeling when we talked.” She opened her eyes, lying on her back, “I didn’t feel like I was alone.”
Wes tried to think back to the moment she was referring to, so small of a moment that it seemed to be a blur. Felt like any other time at the bar that night, nothing remarkable to him, to her….it meant everything. Was there a moment for him, like hers, where it all started to make sense, where it felt like there was going to be a change? Not that he could recall in this moment, what Wes did remember was all the little things, every little thing she did that culminated into the bond the two had now. How each time he pushed, she pulled him back, refusing to let go. Things he found as flaws and unforgivable, she saw as part of him and loved him because of and despite it. Cat’s love was unconditional and she made it known and showed it as much as she could….and he loved her for it. 
She smiled up at him, her eyes half closed, Wes sighed pulling the blankets up around her, “I don’t feel so alone either, Cat, not with you.” 
He wrapped his arms around her like she preferred in her inebriated state of mind, chin resting on the top of her head. “No. I be big spoon,” Cat muttered, hands trying to push him lower. Wes smirked, rolling his eyes, getting back into position, “Better.” Cat grew silent, her breathing having evened out, just what he needed. Wes took a moment to figure out how to untangle himself from her when he felt her lips press against the crown of his head, “Love you, Wessy.” 
He stopped, inhaling slowly, “Cat you need sleep. It’s bedtime.”
“You’re my bestest friend, though,” she curled up more, Wes moving out of the way of her knees aimed for his stomach, “I’m one of your best friends right?”
“Yeah. You’re one of my best friends, Catnip.”
“Pinky promise?” Cat held up her hand with it’s extended pinky out against his chest. 
“Pinky promise,” he whispered, interlocking his little finger with her even smaller one, “Now get some sleep.”
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
“Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?” + WesCat (Friendship)
Thank you for sending this in! Please enjoy Kate!
The phone vibrated away for the third time in a row as Cat looked at the screen. Wren’s name showed up again and Cat couldn’t bring herself to hit the hang up button as she laid curled up in bed. The time on the phone read two in the afternoon, she was supposed to be at work today, she called off last night, not telling Wren. It had to be the reason she was calling Cat now, wasn’t like Cat to just not show up with no warning. 
She had tried though, the whole week she kept going to work, putting the smile on her face, keeping herself upbeat and busy….and still she would sit in her car exhausted and crying driving home or to Raf’s. She stopped going anywhere else but home and work a few days ago. Her communication limited and dwindled over the week with everyone. Now, here she was not even going to work or making contact with anyone. 
Cat groaned and put the comforter over her face, shielding the small rays of light peeking through the curtains. She didn’t want to be mean but she also didn’t want to have to explain everything to Wren. They were just starting to become friends and she didn’t want to screw that up….though she probably was by ignoring Wren’s calls. Catlina sighed under the sheets, I’ll text her after a nap. Tell her I came down with a cold and I’ll be back to normal soon. 
Wes slammed the door of the cruiser gathering the bag of hamburgers and drinks from the roof of the car, making his way to Wren. She had found a picnic table with a good view of the river, something she normally enjoyed admiring if she didn’t seem frustrated looking at her phone. She hit the redial button as Wes got himself and their lunch settled, her foot tapping as she waited for someone to pick up. Wes could hear the faint voice of a computer woman informing Wren that she should leave a message for whoever she was calling. Wren rolled her eyes, running a hand through her hair, letting out a breath, “Hey Cat it’s me Wren….again. Look can you just call me back when you can? I’m worried about you.”
Wes looked at Wren, eyebrow raised, “E’erything okay?” He asked as she pulled out her burger and fries taking a sip of her drink. 
She sighed shrugging, “Mostly. I just- Well Cat didn’t come into work today. They said she called out last night.”
Wes shrugged, “Maybe she got sick,” he let out a small laugh, “Raf finally gave her food poisoning.” He took a bite of his food watching as Wren tapped a French fry against the paper surrounding the burger. 
“That’s the thing though,” she started, “He came in and asked for her. He told me he hasn’t seen her for a few days now and she cancelled their plans for the week. He was hoping to bring her lunch.”
Wes’ mind replayed all that she had said, the pieces starting to click. Wren had the two statements backwards, Raf was bringing lunch because he hadn’t seen her due to the canceled plan. Cat was wanting time alone and during those times she didn’t always eat or care for herself as she should, Raf was trying to gauge how bad she had gotten. If she was still making it to work things weren’t bad yet, if she missed she was getting to a point where she needed more care. It had been awhile since she got this bad. “He tell ya not to worry?”
“Yeah, but how can I not worry,” Wren drew lines in the ketchup, “She’s my friend, Wes. We just started to get close and now she disappears like this,” she shook her head, “just doesn’t feel normal for her.”
Wes reached out, grabbing Wren’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, “I’ll check on her. Think I know where to start.” He gave her a reassuring smile before going back to finishing their lunch quickly. Wes watched as Wren drove away in her Jeep before pulling out his phone sending a text to his friend: 
Going to check on her. Unless you already did. 
The response time was quick from Rafael:
Haven’t gotten a chance yet. Still at work. I'm going to when I finish, I’ll meet you at her place when I do. 
Wes nodded to himself as he put his phone away starting up the car making his way to the small studio above the Spread Eagle. Her purple sedan was parked next to him behind the building, a good sign. Wes looked at his key ring spotting the silver key with a pink flower sticker at the base, spares Raf made without her knowing after last time. Felt wrong to have it without her knowing but last time they had to break the door down after she stopped communicating for almost a week. It was a bit of a misunderstanding as to what the two men had walked into that day; Cat passed out in the bed, a medication bottle emptied on the counter, another, sleeping pills, beside her empty, the small uniformed cuts along her inner arm is what kicked their worry into overdrive. Both men worked to try and get her to wake up or respond to them in some way. When she wouldn’t they rushed her into the car making their way to the hospital. 
The actual story, Cat hadn’t eaten for three days straight and hadn’t slept for two days, she’d taken two sleeping pills to try and help get back to normal. They hadn’t agreed with her as she sleptwalked, her body trying to go about a normal day, flushing the sleeping pills down the toilet in the process. The cuts were shallow and created not for the purpose of wanting to die but for trying to regulate her mood. Rafael and Wes were halfway to the hospital by the time she started to wake up. 
Wes hoped it wasn’t so bad this time as he walked up the stairs, it seemed like they caught it early this time around. The studio was small and easy to see the mess of brown hair underneath the blankets, and other than the mess of dishes and take out, everything else seemed to be as it should be. He shut the door quietly as he walked towards the mattress on the floor, she was breathing still, asleep, but breathing. Her phone rang with another call from Wren, hand reaching to try and turn it off, Wes beating her to it. She didn’t wake and Wes didn’t want to wake her. He looked around and decided to pick up some of the empty food boxes and dishes lying about, trying to not make too much noise. When that was done Wes took the time to text Wren and Raf with his findings, his friend getting more details, leaving it up to Cat on how much she wanted to tell his girlfriend. He took a seat on the chair she had, turning the tv on to a low volume, the cooking he’d leave to Raf once he got here. 
By the time Catlina had stirred the sun had started to set and her stomach was twisting in hunger. The only other light in the room came from the black and white cowboy movie Wes was watching, she didn’t want him here. “You don’t need to keep watch,” she mumbled, turning to face the other side, “This isn’t a psych hospital.” Her hand felt around for the sleeve of crackers that she left on the other side of the bed last night, “Where are my crackers?”
“They ain’t a meal,” he replied, looking at his phone.
She grumbled, closing up into more of a ball clutching her stomach, “Don’t feel like cooking.”
Wes got up to look in the fridge, “You got leftovers,” he opened them making sure none of them were bad. Cat stayed silent as Wes let out a slow breath, “That bad huh?”
It was bad that she hadn’t even been able to heat up the food in the microwave, more than that though it felt like too much work to eat the meals. Crackers were easy and less hassle, she could keep them near, never had to leave the bed to eat. She felt her eyelids get heavier, the energy leaving her body quickly, “I’m tired Wes. You should go home.”
He shook his head pulling out some pasta they had over the weekend, the contents going onto a plate and then the microwave. She covered her head, the aching in her chest feeling painful, her eyes shutting as she tried to keep the tears from falling. “Take your meds today?” Wes asked as he nuked the food another thirty seconds, trying to figure out if she had based on what was left in the bottle. Math was never his strong suit and it looked like this would be something to leave to Raf when he got here. 
He grabbed the plate bringing it over to the bed sitting next to her, offering it to her. She looked up at him through narrowed eyes, the smell of the food calling her to wake up and eat. She gave a small shake of her head, her stomach betraying her. 
“Gotta eat. Worked hard on it,” he joked, smirking, putting the plate closer to her face, “Ain’t leaving till you eat.” Catlina sighed, releasing herself a little from the ball she had put herself in. She grabbed the fork with a bite on it chewing slowly once the pasta made contact with her mouth. As soon as she swallowed she felt like it was going to come back up. Wes set the plate on the ground next to him, “Here,” he grabbed her, moving her so her back hit the wall and she was mostly sitting, “Better.” He put the plate in her lap, getting up to grab her some water. Wes looked back at her watching as she slowly brought another bite to her lips, her hand falling limply back to her lap. 
Wes scavenged her cupboards for the stash of kool aid powder she had lying about, there was a lot she had stashed trying to keep her air of decent eating habits with Rafael. It was a mystery as to what she would do once they decided to finally just move in together, she’d still try to find places to hide them. He finally found what he was looking for in the top of a cupboard, “Do you jus’ climb everywhere?” He asked, reaching for it, his eyes straying to a plastic container with a panting coyote with a bright red tongue and a red pepper running away in victory. Wes pulled it down also looking it over, habanero pepper peanuts, his favorite. He looked up to Cat who had moved on to the third bite, “Thought you didn’t like spicy peanuts?”
She looked up to him briefly, her eyes not fully focusing on him, “I don’t,” her voice flat, “Got them for you.” 
Wes set the peanuts down, “They’re my favorites.”
“I know,” her tone of voice made it sound so matter of fact, Wes’ heart fell a little at the difference in his friend. 
“Raf?” He guessed, giving a smirk looking at the comical picture.
She shook her head, “No. You told me that night we got drunk, when we played twenty questions.” Wes mixed the water with two spoonfuls of mix, “It’s four spoonfuls.”
He rolled his eyes adding the two more scoops, “You ‘membered that?”
She gave a small shrug, “Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” Wes stopped stirring the drink taking her in as she continued to look down, “I kept an eye out for them,” she gave a small snort and smallest of smiles, “I almost bought the whole box they had in the store for you.” She looked up to his face, “Only reason I didn’t was ‘cause I became unsure if they were the ones you mentioned.” Wes looked down to the container of peanuts, the corners of his mouth lifting, “Meant to give them sooner but….,” he made his way over to her as he saw her eyes fill with tears, “Sorry I didn’t. I didn’t mean to, I just-.” 
His arms wrapped around her tightly, Cat stiffening before returning the hug weakly, “Thank you. I love it.” He pulled back away from her with a giant smile on his face, laughing when his eyes looked at the bottle’s picture. 
Cat did a double take, “Wait,” she looked at his face, blinking back the tears, as he tried to go back to containing his emotions, “Wes did I sleep my way into an alternate universe or did you really crack an actual smile?”
“What of it?” he replied, getting up to grab her drink, waving off her comment.
Cat looked down pushing some hair behind her ear, the ache in her chest alleviating a little, “Nothing, just-. It- well you should smile more. It lights up a room.”
Wes didn’t respond, just shook his head as his phone went off, glancing briefly at the screen, “Raf’s here.” Cat looked down at the plate of pasta, it wasn’t very filling for her and felt tasteless.
“You think he’d-,” she stopped listening to something outside. It was muffled but was clearly music and nothing that would be played in the bar below. Cat tried to place the melody of the song, feeling it familiar, “With her sweetened breath,” she mouthed, “and her tongue so mean,” the song title hitting her, someone was playing Hozier outside her window. The knock at the door proved it to not be Raf as he walked in placing a grocery bag on the counter. 
She was slow as she moved off the bed, comforter wrapped around her as she made her way to the window. She pushed the curtain back a little looking down, there in the neon lighting she saw Wren, portable speaker in hand above her head. Cat opened the window a little bit, the song clearer now, Wren smiled at her, “Wes said you weren’t feeling well!” She shouted turning the volume down a little, “Thought you could use a little bit of a pick me up!” Cat gave her a smile, turning back to Wes who was already making his way to the door. 
Cat only turned away once she saw Wes come up the side of the building, making her way to Raf in the small kitchen, resting her forehead against his shoulder. He smiled, placing a kiss on the top of her head, “Should I make the usual, Conejito?” She turned her head looking at what he had on the counter through her messy hair, boxes of Kraft mac and cheese in various shapes and a package of hot dogs. She felt her eyes fill with tears nodding against him. He moved the arm she leaned against to wrap around her shoulders pulling her closer to him, “As you wish mi amor,” he gave her a kiss on her forehead as Wren walked in through the door. 
“Okay I want in on this rotation now,” she demanded gently pulling Cat towards her. Wren gave her a once over before pulling her in a hug, “You scared me.”
“Sorry,” she said into Wren’s dark hair, “I didn’t mean too.”
“No need to be sorry,” her hands ran over the blanket where Cat’s hair was, “Should have told me. You know I would understand,” Cat nodded against her, “But I know it’s because you don’t want to feel like burdening another person in your life. Now I know and I’m telling you that I do not feel like you are a burden.” She walked Cat back to the bed, “We’ll still give you the space you need,” if she wasn’t so tired Catlina would laugh at how quick Wren was in taking control of the situation, “but one of us will come by to make sure you’re at least eating one proper meal a day, got it?” Wren pointed a finger at her waiting for her response, Cat nodded, “Good. Now I made sure to get you at least a week off from work so you don’t have to worry about that. And tonight we are all watching your favorite movie and having dinner before we leave you alone.” Wren sat her on the bed taking a spot next to her grabbing a few movies options Cat had lying around. 
Cat nodded, snuggling into Wren, resting her head against her shoulder, “Thank you,” she said softly. Cat glanced to the bed’s orientation, “We should turn the bed around. Make sure there’s enough room for all of you to sit comfortably.”
Wren smiled, lying Cat down, “Wes,” she instructed pulling his attention, “You heard her. Let's get this bed reoriented.” They were fast at making sure the long side of the bed faced the television, Wren settling back into place next to Cat. She helped her pick a movie that they all could watch while the two men cooked. Bowls were passed around once the food was done and Stardust was loaded up to play. The group only paused the movie to switch from dinner to dessert; a pint of raspberry cheesecake ice cream for Wren and Cat, lemon bars from a local bakery for Raf, and the spicy peanuts for Wes. 
Cat was exhausted by the end of the movie and watched as everyone put things back in order. Wes put the bed back into place when she reached for his hand, he sat next to her on the bed, “Why did you call them here?”
“You needed us,” Cat looked down avoiding his face, “Can’t tell me you’d do any different.”
“You guys deserve all the love in the world,” she sighed, closing her eyes.
“So do you,” Wes laid her down, “It’s what friends do. Remind you how loved you are.”
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
Full clear Cat × Wes!
Alrighty this is mostly for their Friendship! There will be distinctions made for a possibility of a romantic relationship for some.
1. Who would sell their soul to the devil to save the other.
Cat more so only because she would just not listen to Raf’s wise words of “Hoe don’t do it” Wes would listen more to avoid the lecture, but he wants to though. 
2. Who would become a stalker, in the right (wrong) situation.
Given Wes’ tendency to run away from things Cat will stalk him down and bring him home. She also just wants to make sure he’s okay.
3. Who would pine away in silence their entire lives without confessing their love.
Both. Honestly how these two would end up in a romantic relationship is a damn mystery if they were left to their own devices. You would need to make some more elaborate plans to get these two together than Wren and Wes in jeopardy verse honestly. They will remain such great friends and just play on the whole stereotypical Gals Just Being Pals notion. It’s terrible.
4. Who would leave their friends, family, and life to move overseas to be with the other one.
Wes is more impulsive and if there isn’t much holding him to a place he’d leave faster. Not like Cat would want to leave him behind anyway. People on the military bases kind of wonder what the heck is going on in that house, while Major Raf is just tired.
5. Who would be the most worried the other might cheat on them.
Romantic relationship? Wes. He can be more insecure whereas Cat is a very committed person and expects her partner to be the same or else why be in a relationship with them in the first place. 
6. Who would run into a burning building to save a stranger while the other calls 911.
Wes runs in and Cat calls 911. He’s better suited and she wants to help but he’s more a danger to himself after the fact and needs more medical attention than she can provide. 
7. Who would haunt the other after death and chase away other suitors.
Cat. No one will ever be good enough for him other than certain people she knows and likes. She may stop trying to chase away people if he’s really happy but she’s gonna be petty and untrustworthy of them. Oh that’s a nice piece of jewelry would be a shame if it fell down the drain. Or nice pie there Raf too bad you accidently burned it.
8. Who would stand up at the other’s wedding and say they object.
As friends? Both would because both believe the other belongs with someone else! Friends don’t let friends marry the wrong people! Romantic? Both again, though Wes a little more so. Cat would but if she likes the person then fine grin and bear it, but it will be known after she has some drinks at the reception. 
9. Who would write long, beautiful poems for the other.
Wes would. Surprisingly Cat has a love for the arts and creative things but is not the very best at them.
10. Who would love the other no matter how evil the other became.
Both would, Cat will always want to make sure Wes was okay and Wes would also try to bring her back from the dark place. This would translate as both platonic and romantic. 
11. Who would be the most likely to become an addict (gambling/drugs/etc.).
Wes just given his past but Cat will always be there and help him. She would never give up on him until he’s dead and even then see if she could bring him back from the dead.
12. Who would propose in a grand gesture of some kind.
Cat would. She can be a bit extra at times honestly and she loves to express her love.
13. Who would go berserk at harm or death befalling the other.
Both would, but again there is a difference in how this happens. Cat would have the rage building up inside and have more control to make sure everyone pays feeling the same pain she feels. Wes is impulsive and will make it known right away. Bad timeline BnD verse though she does fight like hell to keep him close to give him a proper burial though and he is included in her slow and steady method of harm.
14. Who would spend too much money on expensive gifts for the other.
Cat. Disneyland is a bad option because she spoils the shit out of Wes and will say Yes to just about everything honestly. She’s....she’s terrible and has the spine of cooked spaghetti with Wes
15. Who would fight an impossible battle to give the other time to escape.
Both would. But Cat has the more authoritative tone of voice and would win this one. She would make sure to get Wes out first. In BnD she does this a few times once leaving the cult and it is much to Raf’s dismay, but she’s scrappy and tiny and uses it to her advantage. 
16. Who would be able to spend centuries in misery waiting for the other to be reborn.
Both would. They also are both not the brightest to figure out that being reborn doesn’t mean that you will look the same and will become ships passing in the night. But given Cat’s stalking tendencies she would find Wes easily in each life and dote on him whether he wants her too or not.
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
"Did you expect this to turn out better?" for Cat angst!
Okay let’s start out this angst Friday strong! Uhm trigger warnings for mentions of death. It’s angst and gets deep. So uh yeah. Sorry.
Their footsteps are slow, steady...hollow as they bounce off the wood of this hallowed ground. His hair is still soft as she runs her fingers through it, head cradled in her lap as the steps move closer to her. The chains clink as they hold the empty bird cages above her, tears falling in time silently, the sobs having passed long ago. This isn’t real. It can’t be real, her eyes can’t focus on his features as they are, bloodied, bruised...pale. All she can see is the brown eyes that shined when he smiled at the world, his hair a mess when he woke in the morning after having slept with it wet, the lean muscle that held her close or teased her when they found themselves in the kitchen together. 
How did they end up here? How did she end up here all alone? The plan was fool proof everything went as planned….and then….it didn’t. The Saint was the first to fall when reinforcements no one anticipated came at them from all sides. She was never meant to run into the battle but she did, watching him stumble to the ground, a hope that if she made it fast enough he could live. Misplaced hope as she had seen the three bullets hit him in places that one could never survive even if he made it to a hospital in time. The distance she made him walk didn’t grant him any more time with her either. 
The edge of the battle field was met with words of comfort and reassurance while trying to stop the inevitable. Bandage after bandage was wrapped around him, her hands still working on placing more when she heard a commotion in the middle of the field. She looked up, there in the center was the Sinner, arms held behind his back by three men. He trashed against them his gold earrings flashing in the afternoon sun, dragged to his fate, forced to join like she was. Even after John’s death, one everyone blamed him for, it was still Joseph’s will to bring him into the fold, a fate worse than death for him. Mercy, swift, given as a falsely loyal follower took it upon themselves to shoot him….point blank. 
Hesitation rooting her to the ground, eyes wide, as his captors half threw him to the side to yell at their fellow member, her scream silent to her ears, rough and rattling her vocal cords. Her heart pulled to bring him back home like he would have done, overpowering any voice to stay with the love of her life. Lungs burning she made it to him, avoiding the blank gaze his hazel eyes held for the sky, she pulled, lifting him to her back. “I’m here. I got you,” repeated like a prayer as gravity from the hill helped her bring the two of them together once more. 
The three of them needed safety and only one place close enough to offer them that. Stretcher attached to her back with Wes lying on it and Rafael clinging to her, his steps faltering holding more of his weight, she walked, leading them to the church. 
Back to where it all began. 
That same church she sits in now, clinging to the last memory of him, the words he spoke softly, his thumb still trying to wipe her tears when it was obvious the two were going to part. “Tenerte y amarte significa que mi corazón está en paz. Nunca fuimos destinados a igualar las historias que adoramos porque somos nuestro propio romance épico,” his last words to her. The first declaration of love he spoke that she had understood fully after months of only ever putting pieces together. A tear in her chest with each word he spoke, breathing slowing down, heart in shreds. Clinging to him, rocking him, she waited until his last breath to scream out. Deafening in the empty church.
She only let go of him long enough to try and fight off those that came to drag Wes’ body from her. He was to become a display. A warning. She put up a fight, best she could keeping Wes as close as possible, but when it was five against one, she was easily tossed to the side. Her friend, best friend, the older brother she never had, and wanted back, “You just be careful out there. Can’t stand to see you lose.” “Always careful, Cat.” She couldn’t remember if she reminded him that he was loved by her as he had been taken, stolen, to be desecrated. 
Left to cry and apologize to deaf ears. Back at square one sitting in silence until those footsteps joined her. He finally stood in front of her, tattoos and scars on full display, hair tied back, and yellow glasses that turned his blue eyes green. She pulled Rafael closer to her, gripping as tightly as she could as he kneeled down to meet her eyes. “You can’t have him too,” she whispered, “You’ve already got the one you wanted.”
His breathing was even, she knew his face would have sympathy on it, the same look he gave Catlina when she first found herself in the middle of Montana lost and alone. “My child,” he reached out to her, she pulled back from his touch, his hand falling. “Did you expect this to turn out better?” Yes, “After everything that’s happened to you.”
“It’s not fair,” her voice is soft.
“I know,” she looked up slowly meeting his eyes briefly, “This world has been unfair to you. To us both.” His words were calming, drifting to her ears with a summer breeze guiding them. “Come with me. We can make this world a better place.”
She shook her head, fingers tracing her love’s features, “I’d rather die,” she brushed his curls from his face, “I think I just might.”
“You’re not destined to die yet,” the flame that sparked when he spoke of her destiny, her fate, remained cold now, embers fading. “How many times have you defied death in your life,” she kept her mouth closed, throat closing in on her, “Four times now?”
Catlina was twenty-two the first time, her mother left her behind, admitting that if she couldn’t be cured then she was no longer capable of loving her. Then again three years later, neighbors found her lying on the floor of her living room clutching the picture of her husband, pill bottles tossed to the side. Finally, months ago when she found there was no way out of Eden’s Gate, Catlina threw herself from the bridge. Each time someone was there in just the knick of time, saving her, granting her another chance at life. A life she no longer wanted, if she ever really did.
“This last time, God spoke to me,” I don’t believe in a god, “Showed you running to your friend through the gunfire. So many bullets you missed, knives grazing your clothes and not your skin.” She wanted to cover her ears, stop his false prophecies from reaching her brain. Too late though, her soul tired and saddened let his words sink in, little by little. “And then an image of you below the cross cradling the Saint,” Rafael, her savior. The one she placed all her faith in.
“I don’t want a purpose anymore,” she mumbled under her breath, sobs that had started to form, dissipating.
“I compassionate thee,” a sermon, a prayer, “sorrowing Mary, for that martyrdom which thy generous heart sustained,” she’d been to many services, “in being present with thine agonizing Jesus.” Never once had Joseph quoted this. There was never anything about Mary ever said. Not since she baptised before being married off. The change of her name and her first purpose given to her, “O dear Mother, by thy heart undergoing so severe a martyrdom,” this wasn’t the Mary she knew though, “obtain for me the virtue of temperance, and the gift of counsel.” 
Tears fell silently looking up to Joseph curiously, “What are you talking about? You never speak of Mary.”
He held out a scorched thin paper out to her, she took it gingerly looking it over, “Because I misunderstood her purpose.” There was only one line that was complete, “35 so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.” “Luke two, thirty five.”
Catlina shook her head handing it back, “I don’t want this life. I never did.” She looked at Raf’s face, she’d be joining him soon, “Please,” she tried to plead again, “just leave me be.”
“You want to die,” his hand brought her face up to meet his eyes, “and I can help you with that.”
Her chest felt so hollow, and yet….something spoke to her, “How?”
“We bury you with him,” she searched his face for any indication of lies or ill intent. Nothing. “And once he’s been laid to rest next to you, we give you a new life. One where all this pain makes sense, has meaning.” Metaphorical death, that’s all he could offer her. Another fake life, one where she was open to the pain of being hurt again. Catlina was tired of living….tired of being. “You’d never be alone ever again. You’d never live a life feeling lost. Catlina could be free from that life.”
Catlina….that’s who held all this pain. She was the one that was forever destined to end up alone. Always lost. Catlina was the one that wanted to die. 
Did she want to die? 
“You promise I can give Rafael a proper burial?” Joseph nodded, her mind straying to the horrors that awaited her brother. “I want to bury Wes too,” her eyes met Joseph’s with determination, “He deserves to leave this world loved and cared for.”
There was no hesitation, “Yes,” relief creeping in her chest, “Mary was always a symbol of love and compassion for all people. We should follow suit.” 
“I want to oversee it all with my own eyes,” or no deal.
He gave a slow nod, “Of course.” He stood holding his hand out to her, “Come. We must prepare them.” She looked longingly at her heart committing his face to memory, etching it onto her soul. When it finally cemented she inhaled deeply.
Mary gently laid Rafael’s head on the floor, her blue sweater softening the wood below him. She closed her eyes, placing a kiss gently on his forehead, “Till we meet again, amor de mi vida,” she whispered, letting go. Mary looked up to Joseph, placing her hand in his standing, the setting sun silhouetting her frame in golden light. Giving him a small nod Mary followed him out of the church to recover Wes and lay the three of them to rest.
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
44 or 22 for CatRaf 😘😘😘
Okay I think I combined both but if not this is 22 for sure! Please enjoy the bonus adventure at the end also! 💜🌺
22. A kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party 44. Tentative kisses given in the dark.
It’s warm under the covers as the lightest of blues peeks through the edges of the closed curtains. Catlina’s eyes flutter open peering to the digital clock on the nightstand, the only other illumination in the room, five in the morning. She smiles softly to herself turning over in the bed, finding his body on instinct, arms and legs wrapping around him. His arm always makes the best pillow, she thought as she settled in listening to the sound of his breathing. It had been six years since she and Rafael finally married, hours away but today was the day. She grabbed the hand on his bare stomach, bringing it to her lips laying soft kisses on his fingers and the back of his hand.
He started to stir his right leg entrapping hers as he started to turn to his side. His left arm removed itself from its position, his fingers drawing patterns all around her bare hip. His eyes had yet to open, the steadiness of his breathing told her that. Cat shimmied up higher, leaning her face close to his, her lips a breath from his. Raf was peaceful like this, vulnerable, even if she couldn’t see it she knew how much softer his face looked, the stiffness gone, the lines of worry nonexistent, and his lips parted ever so slightly. It was her favorite look from Raf, the one no one else got to see unless they were right here with him like this. Her hesitation in meeting his lips was making that face disappear until the next time she woke before him.
Gently she moved to have their lips meet, soft and quick she made it last. She smiled to herself, Raf’s breathing still even, Cat gave another slow kiss, this one met with some resistance when she tried to pull away. His grip on her tightened bringing his lips back to hers each time she pulled away smiling and starting to laugh. “No fair Conejito. You can’t just wake me with kisses,” he had fully turned to his side, his left hand brushing her hair back from her face, “and not expect me to want to stop kissing you.” He brought his lips back down to hers, hand entangling in her hair.
She ran her right hand down his body massaging his already hard length. Raf moved her onto her back spreading her legs open with his hips, lips moving down the side of her neck. Cat let out a small moan, fingernails digging into his abs as he pushed aside the thin strap of her silk nightgown. She grinded against him feeling a heat rise as his lips moved across her chest, his hands running up her thighs, finding that she wore no underwear. He pulled back smiling down at her, “Happy anniversary, amor de mi vida,” she whispered.
“To many more years with you, mi amor,” he kissed her once softly before kissing her more deeply and passionately. Their hands ran along the other’s body, moans interlacing themselves with their breaths. Their kissing started to become feverish as the sound of a twisting door handle had them stopping suddenly. Raf took himself off of Catlina while the watched the door curious, “Did you lock the door last night?” Raf whispered to Cat, who was shaking her head.
The door swung open illuminating their faces, a small silhouette before them, “Mom! Dad,” the voice small and high pitched called out, “Uncle Wessy is trying-.”
The young girl's voice was cut off as the light quickly vanished by the running of a tall man, “Liz! There you are,” he picked her up starting to shut the door, “I told ya to leave them alone. Come on n-.” A high pitched alarm had Wes looking to the ceiling, the smell of burning food starting waft in, “No, no, no. Fuck!” The door shut with a slam as the couple looked at each other smiling a moment before laughing.
“Oh god,” Cat groaned against Raf’s shoulder.
Raf shook his head, “How did we end up not being alone again in this winter house?”
“Because your parents had something come up last minute,” Cat mumbled in his shoulder, “and then Wren said she’d do a good job of keeping them out of our hair if she got to come along with.”
“Well, at least it appears that keeping the kids out of our hair is something they’re doing right,” there was muffled yelling coming from the kitchen. “They got this handled. I’m sure Wren’s getting it under control.” Raf went back to kissing her, hands running up her curves.
A child scream had Cat pushing him away briefly, “Maybe we should help them.”
“It’s on fire güero! Mom! Dad!” Their daughter’s voice pierced through the house.
“I’m sure she’s just exaggerating,” he whispered between the kisses along her neck. She raised an eyebrow trying to focus on the situation below them.
“I don’t know love,” he was making it harder to do with each intoxicating touch, “Might be dangerous. Too much for them to handle.”
“Chance! Get the damn fire extinguisher!” Where was Wren in all of this? Or Ro at the very least.
“See they got this,” Rafael reassured her, “They’re putting out the fire downstairs while I,” his hand found its way to her clit, the sudden contact sent a shock through her body, “put out the one I’m starting up here.” She rolled her eyes closed letting a soft moan leave her lips. He was right, the two men downstairs were handling it and if it got dire enough they would be summoned.
“I just needed you to get the cereal, Wessy,” I’m telling him as I try to climb the counter using him as a foot hold. He pulls me off of him placing me back on the ground as I cross my arms. “Mom and dad are gonna make breakfast.”
“Not today, kiddo,” he’s grabbing things from the cabinets looking at a book mom brought.
“What do you mean they aren’t?” They always cook breakfast, I only have cereal so I can let them sleep.
He’s looking for things to scoop in the drawers, I pull them from the right one for him, “Thanks. I’ll make you something. Then we can surprise them.”
My eyes go wide, “No! You can’t cook Wessy! That’s mom’s number one rule for the kitchen!” I look to my brother in the crib by the tv, we’re gonna die if he does.
“It is not a rule of hers,” I climb the chair flipping to the front of the book to the rules mom and I wrote. I point to the first one before putting my hands on my hips, “Okay maybe it is. But we have to leave them alone today.”
“Can’t we wait for Wen,” I whine.
“It’ll be a long while.”
“Then give me and Danny cereal.”
“Liz, please,” he’s bent down to look at me smiling. I don’t trust his smile, “it’s only pancakes. Not that hard to make.” He ruffles my hair as I roll my eyes. I take my spot on the counter watching him like I do when mom and dad cook. I try to not correct him in the lack of sugar he puts in or how he needs to make the blueberries white before putting them in the batter.
“We cookin’ today Wes?” I turn to see Uncle Chance picking up Danny who’s making a fuss. I know we should have just gotten cereal. Wessy nods, “You sure we shouldn’t wait for Wren and Ro to come back?”
“Thank you!” I clap my hands as I say the words. My stomach growls loudly.
“Can’t leave her hungry,” is all Wessy says turning on the stove. He has the dial too high and I’m making my way down the counter, “You got Danny, I get Liz?”
Chance nods, he’s making his way to the bathroom with my brother. At least Chance is here. The first two pancakes come out looking right on the outside. I see the smoke starting as he’s grabbing a smaller pan from the oven. His back is turned and I make my way up the stairs to their room. I’m putting a stop to this nonsense.
It’s a bit of a reach for me to get the door open but when I do, “Mom! Dad! Uncle Wessy is trying-.” I hear the clambering of his steps behind me as I’m being lifted off the ground. I try to push his hands off of me.
“Liz! There you are,” his face looks worried, as he should be when mom finds out, “I told ya to leave them alone.” I glare at him already picking up the smell of smoke, “Come on n-.” The alarm hurts my ears as I cover them. I can’t make out what Wessy is saying, but I hear him say an adult word he shouldn’t be saying around me. The door shuts on my only heroes in this mess as he’s rushing down the stairs dropping me in the tall chairs just outside the kitchen.
There’s smoke coming from the stove and I know it’s the pancakes already. Disappointing. I reach for the ones that are done taking a bite. “Blech,” it’s goopy in the middle. Disappointing.
“Wes the hell are you doing?” Chance has Danny back in the crib as Wessy is trying to blow the smoke out. “Don’t do that!” Chance says opening the windows.
“I can’t see Chance,” he’s coughing the towel moving over the stove. I see orange starting to form.
I scream, “It’s on fire güero!” The two men look to the stove, Chance’s eyes go wide first and I’m done with this mess. “Mom! Dad!” Wessy is shushing me as he reaches for the dials on the stove, “Don’t shush me mister.”
“Chance! Grab the damn fire extinguisher!” Wessy yells as Chance reaches under the sink. The red object quickly pointing it to the stove. The white foam flies everywhere and I’m holding my arms up blocking it. It’s cold and smells funny.
The alarm stops as I open my eyes, the kitchen is a disaster. “Mom and dad are gonna kill you Wessy,” my eyes stay wide as I look around the mess.
The front door opens, Wen and Ro walking in with plastic bags in hand. Their eyes all go wide, eyebrows pulling together confused, “What happened?” Wen asks, looking to Chance and Wessy.
I cross my arms, “I just wanted cereal!”
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
"You took all the pillows so I'm using you as one." + "You are crushing me right now." Red Brooks Bros ♥
Alright here’s a little Brains and Disaster verse for you. Please enjoy your child of a son!
Life still felt out of the ordinary even a year after Eden’s Gate fell apart. There was still a lot to clean up, most of the mess from their savior, and people that needed recovery from that time. The cold winter months didn’t help much with trying to finish putting the pieces all back together, but it did offer a chance for life to feel normal again. Today was one such occasion as Cat waited for the popcorn to start cooking, forced to make it the old fashioned way as no one liked the synthetic butter and it was no longer a good option for her to eat it at this point. It was movie night and nothing was going to stop that from happening even though it was only going to be two of them tonight. 
The blast of cold air hit Cat as Wes stomped through the door brushing the snow off of his coat, goosebumps forming on her exposed skin in the tank top. “Take your shoes off at the door this time Wes,” she called out, finally hearing the popping of kernels. 
Wes came into the kitchen shaking the melting flakes from his hair, a few sizzling as they hit the pot, “Just us tonight?” She nodded giving a light shake of the pot, Cat put her hands warding off some of the droplets that came for her, “Can I pick tonight then?”
“We have time for two,” she looked up to the window seeing the big flakes from the sky, “Maybe more if the snow keeps up like this.”
Wes leaned against the counter picking up one of the cocktail straws they kept around for him, “Might be best. Don’t think John and Raf’ll make it back from where they’re at.” He placed the end of the straw in his mouth.
She shifted the flannel pajama pants letting the folding to shorten them loose, “So long as they’re safe that’s all that matters,” the popping slowed as Wes made his way to the shelves of movies. “How much butter? Or do you just want plain this time?”
“Don’t matter much with the butter,” he looked through movies intently, “Just watch the salt. You made it too salty last time.”
She laughed, “If I remember correctly it was just fine and you asked for more.”
“Nah,” he pulled a few options from the shelf, “that didn’t happen. It was all you.”
She rolled her eyes grabbing the bowls and lemon juice, “Come on I got the bedroom all ready for us.”
“Thought that was a one time thing,” he teased, Cat bumping him into the wall. He gave a small laugh rubbing his upper arm, “Ow.”
“Don’t think I’m not afraid to tarnish your share of popcorn if you keep it up,” she warned, placing the bowls on the nightstand sitting on the edge of the bed. Wes jumped up, fanning the movies out, “You picked out some good ones tonight, Wes.”
He pointed to an Alfred Hitchcock movie, “Say we start with this one,” his finger moving to a musical, “then this one cause know you like it,” he pointed to the last movie, a slice of life romance movie, “End the night with this one.”
She picked up the last one, raising an eyebrow, “Why this one? You didn’t seem to enjoy it last time we watched it.”
He gave a shrug, “With ever’thing seems nice to see normal.”
She smiled nodding, “Then I approve of this plan,” she got up getting the DVD player set up with the movies, still seemed like such a unique find of their six disc player, while Wes got himself settled to sit against the headboard. Cat joined him creating a cushion system with the pillows, one she could use to eventually lie on her side as it always seemed to happen by the end of the first movie. Cat took the bottle of lemon juice, spraying it on her bowl of popcorn, Wes rolling his eyes shaking his head, “Wes, you know this is my thing. You need to stop being so surprised.”
“Not surprised, just weird still.”
She took a bite, “I’d say don’t knock till you try it but it’s even better with the extra butter microwave popcorn.” 
He looked up in thought, “You haven’t been buyin’ much of it lately.”
She slowed her bites, “They say it's bad for you,” she shrugged, “So figure might as well stop eating it you know.”
He looked at her eyes narrowed, looking for any signs of what she was hiding, “You’re the most unhealthy of all us,” he hummed, “Don’t think that’s it.”
“You’re one to talk about being unhealthy,” she poked his stomach, “You hardly eat. If not for us you’d be nothing but bones. Not eating is just as unhealthy.”
He put his hands up in defeat, “Geez calm down. Just an observation is all.” He turned to face the movie again, eyes straying in her direction every now and then. Cat seemed to be her normal self but there was just something a bit different with her, especially with how she answered the last question she asked. Cat deflected like she did when she didn’t want to tell the truth and a lie would be too hard to make believable. By the time the movie was over, Wes got up taking their bowls with him, “Gettin’ a beer. You want some?”
She shook her head, “No. But the ice cream in the freezer would be amazing.”
“Any kind of drink,” he asked again, covering all his bases with her.
“No alcohol for me tonight Wes,” Cat said stretching out along the bed, “Just the ice cream. Oh, and some water.” He nodded leaving her in the room, grabbing what they needed. As he made himself a stronger drink, it started to occur to him that he hadn’t seen her drink at all the last few weeks. The bar was usually a common occurrence but it had been a while since he’d seen her even touch the stuff. He handed her the ice cream, placing the water on the nightstand. She looked so comfortable with all the pillows around her, leaving little room for him. 
He frowned, “Where am I supposed to be?”
Cat looked at the bed, “Oh,” she pursed her lips, “That’s a very good question because I’m already very comfy.” 
He climbed on the bed pushing her back so she was as close as she could be against the headboard, “Now since you took all the pillows,” he lightly patted her stomach before leaning against her, settling himself so his legs wouldn’t be in front of the tv, Cat laughing as he made himself comfortable, “I’m using you as one.”
She rolled her eyes running her fingers through his hair, “Fair is fair I guess. Just be careful okay?”
He looked up to her with his golden sympathetic eyes, “Cramps?”
She didn’t look his way, “Something like that,” she responded as she started up the musical. Her voice filled the room for some of the songs as Wes tried to put pieces together. Something seemed off with her and he was only just starting to realize it, but there were things wrong for almost two months now. Then again, Raf wasn’t entirely himself either, there were a few times he seemed to have drank more than normal, while Cat stayed sober despite having a few drinks. Their diets had changed a bit too, well mostly for Cat it didn’t seem that out of the norm for her husband. 
By the intermission of the musical Cat looked at the clock, “Maybe we ought to call it quits with this one.” She yawned, “Getting kind of tired and I do want to watch the last movie with you,” another sign, she never felt frequently tired unless her mood went way down something that hadn’t been a problem. She patted Wes’ chest, “Here get up I have to go to the bathroom.” Wes watched as she left the room, his brain debating on if he should get to the bottom of this mystery now or….
No, now was the better option. He got up from the bed waiting near the door for her. She walked out, eyes widening in surprise seeing him stand there, cursing under breath as she clutched her chest, “Somethin’s up. Not just with you, but Raf too.”
She took a step to the side, “Don’t know what you’re talking about Wes. Think you’re getting too many ideas in your head,” she wave him off, taking a step forward. 
“No,” he blocked her way into the room, “you two are up to something. I’m gonna find out.” He put his hands on his hips standing straight hoping to intimidate Cat. 
She gave a nod, “Yeah you sure will Wes. Let me know when you do,” Cat pushed past him again.
He let out a breath as he let her take a step, “Didn’t want to have to do this.” He shook out his arms readying himself. 
Cat turned to him confused, “Do what?” She asked before Wes put his arms around her letting her carry his weight. “Wes!”
“Tell me what’s wrong,” he said, pushing against her a bit.
“Wes! Stop it!” She pleaded, her knees starting to bend as he managed to make himself become more dead weight against her.
“I can’t,” a smile on his face as she came closer to the floor, “Gravity it’s increasing,” he proclaimed in a dramatic voice, as he pushed harder against her arms trying to keep him off of her. 
“No it’s not you jerk!” He opened his mouth to quote more, “And no,” Cat huffed, “the same thing didn’t happen to you the last time.” Catlina finally fell to the floor Wes on top of her, she tried and failed to push him off of her, most of her arms trapped under his body. “Wes,” she whined, muffled by his shoulder, “Get off of me.”
He shook his head, “No.”
“Don’t be such a child,” she tried to roll out from under him, his arms wrapping around her tightly, her breathing starting to become restricted, “Wes! You’re crushing me right now!”
“Just tell me,” he repeated, his hands reaching for her waist to tickle her.
She gasped, “Don’t you dare!” Her chest hurt even more as he made her laugh and squirm under him, “Wesley Daniel Brooks! Stop this right now!”
He lifted his head just enough to look her in the eyes, an exaggerated frown, “Now who’s being mean?” He let himself fall against her, knocking the air out of her, “Just tell me.”
She shook her head, “I can’t!” Her laughing started up again, “I want to but I can’t. I’m sorry.”
“Not good enough,” her sides were starting to hurt and she felt her arms tire more with each second that passed. 
She laughed, “Okay fine! Fine! But you gotta get off of me first,” he propped himself on his elbows looking down at her, “Like fully off of me so I can catch my breath.” She gave a light push as she brought herself to a sitting position. Wes stood, holding his hand out to her as she took deep breaths, “Thank you,” she said grabbing his hand. He watched her as she smoothed out her tank top and pants, inhaling deeply when she was done.
“So what’s up?”
She pointed a stern finger at him, “You can’t tell anyone else. I shouldn’t even be telling you but you damn near killed me.” She crossed her arms looking to the ground, “I’m pregnant.”
Wes’ eyes went wide, jaw dropping, “What?”
Catlina shrugged, running a hand through her hair, “Raf and I are going to have a kid.”
“Assume he knows right?” She nodded, “This new?”
She bit her lip, a blush coming to her cheeks, “No, not really.” She grabbed Wes’ hand seeing him start to turn sad, “We haven’t told anyone else Wes. In fact, we were planning on telling you next week, then everyone after that.”
He gave a slight tilt of his head, “How far ‘long are ya?”
“Almost three months,” her free hand instinctively went to her lower abdomen, “This is going to sound dumb but we waited becuase there’s a superstition in my family. Tell anyone outside of immediate blood family before three months and you’re gonna jinx it.” She gave a squeeze of his hand, “I’m sorry. I really wanted to tell you but I wasn’t sure how far that superstition went and I,” she shook her head, “I didn’t want anything bad to happen.” She looked up to his eyes, “I’m really sorry Wes. You’re the first person I’ve told other than Raf if that makes you feel any better.”
“Not even your dad or sisters,” he asked.
She shook her head, “No. We just started to get a better relationship going and I don’t know it seemed like too much to drop on them.” She glanced away from him, “How do you feel about it all though? Now that you know.”
“Bit sad you didn’t tell me sooner,” Wes took a breath, “but real happy for ya both. Truly. You always wanted this and it’s happening.” Cat smiled nodding, her eyes filling with tears, “So long you both are happy, that’s all that matters.”
Cat pulled him into a hug, “Thank you Wes. Next time you’ll be better kept in the loop, I promise.” He hugged her tightly lifting her from the ground briefly before putting her on the ground, “But Wes,” he looked at her serious expression, “You can’t tell anyone else. Don’t even let Raf know that you know. Act as surprised as you can when we tell you and John next week. Got it?” Wes gave her a smirk smiling, Cat holding out her pinky, “Promise me.”
Wes wrapped his pinky around Cat’s looking her dead in the eye, “I promise.” She nodded walking back to the bed, “So you gonna name ‘em after me?”
“Wes we don’t even know the gender,” Cat answered rolling her eyes as she made a spot on the bed for herself, Wes following suit.
“Wes could be gender neutral,” he argued.
“Wes Estrada dos Santos doesn’t really have a nice ring to it does it?” She laughed, letting herself lay against him.
Wes hit play on the movie, “I mean, could make it work.”
Catlina rolled her eyes, groaning, “This was a mistake already,” she looked up to him smiling, “Telling you that is.” Wes chuckled, keeping quiet as the movie started.
“Wait,” he said softly, “This mean I’ve to plan a shower now?”
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
cat & wes + 💛
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“Friendship ... is born at the moment when one man says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself.”
-C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
“Fine I’ll admit it. You’re the best fuck I’ve ever had.” “I knew it.” for CatWes 😈
Kate you sly devil! You absolute sinner! I never intended for this pairing but well here we are! 🙃 This will only happen once so I hope you enjoy it! 💜 This is a continuation of this prompt from way back when.
Very NSFW so yeah. And a little longer than intended.
Waiting for embarrassment to fade away was harder to do while on your own and Catlina had been waiting for almost a week now. Nothing was changing and she was running out of ways to hide her thoughts about that night. How could she have been so stupid to think he wanted her to kiss him. He probably wanted nothing to do with her now. Cat was getting up from the chair when she heard the lingering shouts of an argument and the slamming of a door, followed by the stomping of feet down the stairs. She looked out the window to see Wes’ motorcycle peeling out of the driveway. That wasn’t a good sign. She grabbed her keys making her way to her car, she had a good feeling of where he would be at.
Following behind Wes the entire way back to his cabin was difficult since he decided to make it a game, swerving and making false turns. She’d nearly crashed four times in the twenty minutes it took to get to his place. Once there though Wes was all smiles which made the whole ordeal worth it to Cat seeing as how mopey he had been at the little dock. 
“I can’t believe you still managed to follow me,” he told her unlocking his front door, “Most give up after the first crash.”
She crossed her arms, “Well I didn’t crash once so,” she stuck her tongue out at him as she followed him into the two bedroom house. She made a beeline for the kitchen seeing what ingredients she could use to make something for him. 
“What are ya doing?” Wes asked, shrugging off his leather jacket. 
“I said I would make you food. So that’s what I’m gonna do.” She put the measly offerings on the counter trying to come up with….well something. 
Wes walked into the kitchen going for one of the higher cupboards pulling down some bottles. “One for you,” he handed over the clear bottle of vodka to her, “and one for me.” He pointed the neck of the bottle at himself before twisting the top off. Cat watched as he took a drink of the amber liquid. His eyes caught hers briefly, “You gotta drink to. Looks pathetic if it’s just me.”
She pushed past him grabbing the orange juice from the fridge, “I thought you weren’t above being pathetic?” She grabbed a glass filling it a quarter of the way with the vodka, the rest with juice. 
“But I ain’t the only one recovering from failed exploits of love,” he smirked at her as she narrowed her eyes over the glass. 
She walked to the kitchen table leaning against it, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t I?” He arched an eyebrow at her before taking another drink. Cat shifted looking away from him. He sighed, “You act like he didn’t tell me what you did. We’re friends, Cat. Or did you forget that?”
She shook her head, “It was stupid and I’m ashamed of it okay. You happy I admitted it?”
He gave a small smile, holding out his bottle to her, “Cheers to the broken hearts club.” 
She tapped her cup against his bottle, both taking long drinks. She coughed as she finished most of hers, “Wes I think you mean the lonely hearts club.”
“Huh, that has a nice ring to it,” he laughed as he got to refilling her drink, “Maybe you and I should start a band with that name. Do you like the sound of Wes Pepper?” 
She rolled her eyes giving a playful push, “Just make my drink for me pretty boy. I’ll go pick the first movie,” she gave a pat on his chest making her way to the collection he had. Slim pickings but soon neither of them would remember or be paying attention anyway. 
“No fucking way! There’s no way you were able to pull a stunt like that?!” Cat shouted, hitting Wes on the arm. 
He gave a flex of his arms, “Course I did. Cause I’m amazing.”
“Pfft, okay hotshot. Whatever you say,” she grabbed their cups stumbling to the kitchen for a refill. Both bottles on the counter were half full with Wes’ first bottle off to the side, it was surprising they were still coherent. 
He turned, resting his chin against the back of the couch, “Okay your turn.” He followed her with his eyes tapping his chin in thought as she walked over handing him a glass, “I got it. What or should I say whom was your best fuck?” 
Cat spat up part of her drink, “‘Scuse me? Wes ladies don’ kiss ‘nd tell.”
He leaned closer to her, the smell of his whiskey hitting her nose, “I don’t see a lady around here.”
She pushed his face away from her, “Wes! That’s rude! I am too a lady!”
“Ladies aren’t five foot and kiss men randomly.”
“You’re right they only kiss hot and attractive men randomly.”
“Can’t you just answer the damn question?”
Cat pulled back hiding the blush running up her cheeks with the cup, “I can’t.”
“Why not?” He whined, shaking her a little.
“Cause you’ll make fun of me,” she pouted hoping he would drop the question.
He held a pinky out to her, “I promise I won’t make fun of you.”
She watched his other hand as she laced her pinky with his. “Okay. Fine. So the best fuck I’ve ever had was actually Jacob…,” she watched as his mind worked out which one she was talking about. 
Wes’ hazel eyes went wide as his jaw dropped, “You didn’t!” She nodded, taking a bigger drink, “No way. No fucking way! Jarhead?! You fucked the eldest Seed brother?”
She shrugged, “I was grieving so get off my back.”
“Now I gotta know. How many times you do it?”
“One time Wes. A one and done,” she sliced the air with her hand horizontally. She wasn’t proud but with Wes it was hard to be ashamed of it.
He leaned back against the couch, his face still stunned, “Does John know?” She shook her head. “What made it so great? Cause like he’s so,” he held a hand high above his head, “ya know and then you’re so,” he brought his hand down towards the floor, “So how did that even like work.”
“Mr. Brooks, that is none of your business. I don’t gotta tell you anything,” she gave him a wink smiling.
“Oh I’m Mr. Brooks now?” He gave her a smirk waving her off, “Okay fine. Keep your secrets. Cause you know what I bet I could have him beat in that department.” 
The statement took Cat by surprise, “You really think so highly of yourself?” Was he actually being serious? No way this was this part of their joking. 
“Yeah I do.” He leaned close to her ear, “Don’t think I didn’t ever see how you looked at me when I would sneak out of the ranch.” He ran a light finger up her arm, a touch that any other time would have her pulling away from him. The feeling of his calloused fingers showed that it had been too long since another person touched her like this. Was that why I was so impulsive that night? “I bet,” his voice deepened, eyes slowly tracing her, “you thought about asking John if you could join us now and again.” 
She brought his hand down, this was just part of their banter. Wes would never be this forward. “Again Wes, that’s none of your concern.” She pointed to his half full glass, “Should I get you another drink?” He shook his head, “But okay I’ve spilled, so now the question goes back to you. Who was your best?”
“Ladies never kiss and tell.” 
Cat picked up one of the throw pillows hitting him with it. “Fuck you. That’s not fair.”
He held his hands up in defense from the hit, “I know you’d want to.”
“Come on Wessy, you gotta give me a little something,” she prodded, placing her cup on the ground.
“Is that the line you used?” The hazel in his eyes glinted a smirk on his face, “Or did it go a little something like this,” he quickly grabbed her wrists pushing her against the couch pinning her. The action took her by surprise, her heart racing being in this position with him, a heat starting to rise. 
Wes wasn’t wrong that the idea of them together hadn’t passed her mind, she had always tried to take any advantage she could to try and just get a look at him, before she ever knew of his best friend’s existence. Back then she reasoned it had to be because he fit her ideal with the leather jacket, aloofness, and the danger of being on the opposite side of what was allowed for her. The complete bad boy, something she always had a thing for. She had never let herself think there was ever possibility of them together once they became friends, now though proved to be a great excuse to get him out of her system. Fulfill the fantasies she had envied John over. 
She gave him a smirk, “You’re wrong that’s not how that went,” she leaned her head up closer to his, their lips a breath away, “At least to start out.” She laid back down, “We still haven’t finished our twenty questions. We each have two left.”
“You’re right,” his free hand ran along her side, hard for her to discern if it was intentional or not.“You’re enjoying this position too much aren’t you?”
She squirmed under him causing her to rub against his leg placed between her thighs. She bit her tongue holding in the moan that snuck up on her, It really has been too long. “Maybe. Do you find me a little enticing right now?”
“With your personality? Normally no.” She rolled her eyes and watched as he looked her up and down, ”I’m curious. What would happen if I said yes?”
Her impulse to bring his face closer to hers was thwarted by the fact that he still had her wrists pinned above her. She leaned up to kiss his lips lightly feeling the softness of them. She pulled away, still keeping them inches away, smiling, “What do you think?” She kissed him again biting his lower lip as she pulled away, “And that counts as your last question by the way.”
“Now who’s not being fair.” His free hand traced down her jaw, neck, and chest, “You still have one more though,” she felt his heart racing in pace with hers. Wes’ hand continuing down her body as she thought of the one question she needed answered. 
“Do you want to do this?” She whispered. 
Holding her breath she waited for his answer. Wes’ lips didn’t hesitate in answering her question, the hand that was at her side quickly pushed away her shirt, his calloused hand ran along her bare skin. She gasped at his touch, Who knows maybe after this we won’t need John or Rafael. She pushed her hips up to meet his and create more friction between her thighs. He let her wrists go, his kisses moving down her neck, hands grasping at her waist. Her hands quickly moved to pulling his shirt off. “Woah,” she pushed him up, admiring him, her fingers tracing the etchings of scars and muscles. She always knew Wes was toned but like this, better than anyone she ever had in all the years she’d been having sex. “How the hell are you a real person?” Cat breathed out, rubbing her thighs together. 
She didn’t give him any time to speak or even think of a response pushing him to lie on his back. His eyes went wide as she placed herself between his hips kissing down his neck, feeling his pulse increase with each kiss. Her hands snaking down, rubbing his hardening member. His moans were spaced out and quieter as she made a trail down his torso. She stopped looking into Wes' eyes, “You’re holding back aren’t you?”
“What?” He asked breathlessly. 
“Your moans,” she brought her lips to his, “Don’t you dare hold back on those. I want to hear you,” she slid her hand into his pants pumping his length eliciting the moan she craved, her breathing became heavy feeling herself start to become wet, “Let me know how good this feels for you.” She brought her hand back out of his pants, unbuttoning them and tossing them to the side. “Remember Wes,” she kissed his neck giving a light bite, he let out a breath that was followed by a small moan, “Don’t. Hold. Back.” She placed her lips next to his ear whispering, “I get off on that.” She saw him give a smile before finding her place on his body continuing down. When she reached his cock she licked her lips giving it a few pumps, “I see why you’re so coveted.”
She brought her lips around the tip hearing Wes let out a groan, the aching need starting to grow. She was slow in her descent of his length relishing in the hitches of his breath and smooth moans. She moved up and down his shaft with increasing speed taking inconsistent pauses on the tip running her tongue around him sucking harder. She felt her need for him grow with each moan and groan from his lips. When Wes started to move his hips, lightly thrusting into her mouth she paused letting him, her own moans vibrating against him. 
“Fuck,” he pushed her off of him, “No way am I letting it end like that, Cat.” His breathing was ragged as Cat prepared herself unsure of what Wes’ next move was. His hands went to work on stripping her of her clothing leaving her underwear in place. “It’s gonna be your turn now,” he growled, his mouth quickly attaching itself to her breast. 
“Oh fuck,” she cried out her hands moving to grip his shoulders. His tongue was graceful in its movements around her nub, his fingers easily finding their way into her underwear, circling around her clit. Her hips bucked as she let moan, “Fuck Wes. You’re working hard to surpass Jake aren’t ya?”
He pulled away, his fingers starting to tease her entrance, “You haven’t seen nothin’ yet, sweetheart.”
“I’m not your sweetheart,” she bit her lower lip groaning, Wes pulling away his fingers from her. 
“I don’t believe you ever were sweet,” he kissed her, biting her lower lip. 
She ran her fingers through his hair pulling him back down for another kiss, “Just get back to what you were doing. Or else you’re not gonna stand a chance.”
“You want me to try and beat him?” He grabbed her wrists pinning them above her head grinding against her, his kisses hungry matching hers. She wanted him, there was no doubt about it, he just wanted to drag this out. His lips moved down her neck biting her intermittently. She moaned, letting her head fall back, moving against his hips, cursing the fabric that was between them. Fuck me, Wes pulled back his touches. 
“Are you sure?” She opened her eyes, she said it out loud, Didn’t mean to do that, “Do you really want this?”
His movements paused as Cat caught her breath, “Yes. Yes I do Wes.” He released her long enough to tear off the last remaining fabric. His straining cock pressed against her clit sending a shivering moan through her body. 
“So you gonna tell me now exactly what he did?” He whispered in her ear. He let his free hand lightly touch her body, “Did he do this?” She was moving under him trying to have him in her as his fingers teased her rubbing slow circles on her bud. She bit her lip trying to hold her groan back, she loved the sound of his voice in her ear. “Or maybe,” he slid his middle finger down her slit, the tip of his finger teasing her as she let out a breathy moan, “this?” He thrusted his finger inside of her, a yelp of pleasure her response. “No, he didn’t.” He tsked as he pulled out, adding another finger, Catlina withering and whimpering beneath him. 
She wanted him and didn’t care how good it felt with him on top of her. She tried to move her hips up to push him off when Wes started to thrust his fingers in and out of her. Cat arched her back, her eyes closing, “God Wes,” she moaned, “no he didn’t.” His thumb expertly played with her clit as his fingers continued to pump in and out of her. She could feel her toes start to curl, her moans turning to screams as she felt her muscles tighten around him. She arched her back feeling her the tension release with a scream of his name as he slowed letting her ride out her orgasm. 
As she came down with her ragged breathing she looked to Wes’ face, it held a smug smile for her. He loosened his grip, which she took advantage of grabbing his face to smash her lips against his, “I’m not done having you yet.” His hands sent shivers through her body with the lightest of touches. 
He smirked, “Neither am I,” he picked her up walking them towards his bedroom. 
Cat grabbed the edge of the wall, “Wait.” She looked him in the eyes lips curving in a smile, “Take me against the wall.”
She looked away from him nonchalantly, “Guess you don’t want to have Jacob beat then. He never took me against the wall,” she lied. She saw the hesitancy in his eyes, “Just fuck me against the damn wall, Wes.” 
He pushed her against the wall wrapping her legs around his waist, aligning himself perfectly at her entrance, “Fine but not the whole time.”
“Wouldn’t dream-,” he thrusted into her, cutting off her thought with a scream. His thrusts started hard and deep as she gripped his hair and upper back, nails digging in. He increased his speed, his grunts and moans playing in her ear. His hands gripping her hips tightly in assurance  that bruises would be left there tomorrow. “Fuck,” she let out in a breath. She felt the tensing in her muscles, her nails raking down his backside. “I’m close,” she was ready to release when the pressure disappeared, Wes had pulled out of her. He left her empty and aching for more, he couldn’t do this to her. “No,” she whined. 
He ran his fingers down her jawline with a devious smile on his face, “Trust me.” Wes brought them both to the bedroom, quickly throwing her down, crawling on top of her. His mouth and hands explored her quickly bringing her to the edge again only to stop. He continued this dance changing technique with the ending being the same each time she got close. She even tried to not say anything hoping it would give her the ecstasy she wanted, Wes was too smart for her tricks though. “You’re easy to get to the edge,” he gloated pulling away from her, she arched herself to keep contact with any part of him, “I’ll admit I love seeing you get upset when I stop.”
“Wes, please,” she begged, “just let me cum. I promise you I can keep going for a long while.”
“Is it making you feel good,” he bit the crook of her neck, Cat let out a groan, “Because I think it is.” He dipped a finger into her bringing the now slicked digit to her mouth. She took it in her mouth licking it clean, “I’m gonna make sure you don’t forget this night.” He slid his cock up and down her slit, each touch of her entrance sending shocks of pleasure throughout her body. He was slow in finally filling her, low moans from both of them. Their kisses deep as Wes thrusted slowly, Cat meeting him halfway. 
She was working on increasing the speed and force of his thrusts hoping that this time he’d let her finish. The volume of his moans increased as the intensity of his thrusts did. She held on to him, “Fuck Wes you’re well on your way to being the best I’ve ever had.” She let her head fall back, gripping on to his waist for dear life, screaming, “Just don’t stop! Don’t stop!” Her toes were curling the tension building up again. This was it, it had to be. He was finally going to let her-.
He pulled out of her just as she was ready to finish. She narrowed her eyes at his smug face, his breathing ragged. She was done with this game of his. “Damnit Wes!” She pushed him off of her, grabbing his shoulders to throw him on his back, “I’m done with your game.” When he tried to prop himself up she pushed him back down, moving to straddle him. She fought with his hands finally getting a grip on both of his wrists pinning them to the bed. She took a moment to take him in steadying her breathing. His eyes were slightly wide with surprise at the sudden showing of dominance from her, while the rest of his body was settling into the role. “Now I swear on all that is holy,” she growled at him, “you try to pull that edging shit,” she leaned close to his face, “I will tie you down to his bed and torture you the same way,” she tightened her grip on his wrists, “Do I make myself clear?”
He chuckled, “Crystal.” She gave a quick nod before sliding down his length enjoying the feeling of him filling her. She let out a moan once he was fully inside of her enjoying the feeling a moment more. Sparks flying around her body drove her to start moving back and forth with her hips, slower and softer than she liked but she didn’t want him to pull any stunts. He joined in, making sure the thrusts were deep, his moans mere breaths. When Catlina couldn’t take the slowness of it anymore, she slowly let go of Wes’ wrists placing his hands along her body. She increased the pace only when she was sure he was going to pull any tricks, her nails digging into his sides and abdomen. Their moans became in sync with each passing minute and soon she felt her muscles tighten around him, his hands moving to her hips helping in making the thrusts harder. Her eyes rolled back feeling the tell tale signs of her impending orgasm, Wes must have been holding back for too long as his thrusts became off rhythm. She moved as fast as she could against him, his nails biting into the skin of her hips, her moans near screams. She felt her whole body tense up in a way she’d never felt before. The multiple times she was denied an ending were built up inside her, charging themselves for their release. She heard Wes’ grunts and moans, his cock starting to twitch inside of her. The small movements breaking free the explosion of pleasure that racked her whole body, screaming out his name. Her vision blurred and filled with stars as he thrusted into her one last time gasping, filling her. She inhaled shakily moving against him as she came down from the intense wave of pleasure he caused. 
When the shaking of her body stopped Cat laid against him catching her breath listening to the slowing of his heart. She was exhausted, still sensitive to his touch shivering with even the slightest whisper of his hands against her bare skin. “See,” he said, his breath evening out faster than hers, ”I told you to trust me.”
She weakly hit his chest, “Shut up,” she responded breathless, “I don’t think I could ever trust you again.”
He smiled putting his left arm behind his head, “This mean it’s more than a one and done?” 
“Who knows, Wes. Who knows,” she closed her eyes enjoying the small moment of silence between them. 
His right hand started to trace patterns on her arm, “So does that mean I surpassed Jacob?”
She let out a sigh, “I’m not telling you Wes,” she just wanted  to fall asleep in his arms. 
“You have to tell me,” he whined. 
He glanced down to her, “Cause then I’ll assume that I didn’t and I couldn’t live with that.” Cat moved to get a better look at Wes seeing tears form in his eyes, “I’d start crying and then I’d have to retreat to the mountains and forever live as a hermit.”
“Stop exaggerating,” she watched as the water in his eyes threatened to fall from his eyes. Her eyes got wide, “No please don’t start crying. If you cry then I’ll cry and it’ll just be a mess.” He pouted sniffling, “Wes no please,” she begged the expression on his face not changing, “Okay. Okay. Fine I’ll admit it. You’re the best fuck I’ve ever had. Now please don’t cry or start living like a hermit.” 
The sad expression and tears were gone in an instant replaced by a big smile, “I knew it!” He laughed to himself, kissing the top of her head. 
She scoffed, “Were you faking the crying,” he nodded. Cat grabbed one of the pillows hitting him with it, “God, why do you have to be such a jerk!”
He shrugged, “Because I know you’ll always love me.” 
She rolled her eyes, “You’re just lucky you tired me out to argue anymore with you.” 
He pulled a blanket over them settling himself against her, “Well that was always the plan.”
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
“ i see you. i know you feel so invisible all the time, but you’re not. not to me. ” for the prompt thing, for anyone you feel like! 🌺💕
Thank you Kate! I really hope you like this and what you were thinking. I had to change the wording a bit but the message its still the same. 
The cloud cover marked a small reprieve from the eighty-five degree day, too hot for Catlina’s liking, as the sound of her comic printed converse shuffled on the dirt. She wasn’t too familiar with where she was but it was the only place she could think of to look for him. She was right in her instincts as she walked closer to the mess of brown hair, the wood of the dock creaking under her weight. Wes barely looked up to meet her eyes as she took a seat on his left at the end of the dock. 
“Thought I’d find you here,” she said softly looking at the sparkling ripples of the water. She saw him move away from her from the corner of her eye. She hadn’t known what he and John were fighting about but it ended in what Cat could only assume was a form of break up for the pair. Part of her didn’t want to come and find him, Wes seemed to be the more suffer in silence type at times, but comments and jokes in the past, made her feel more worried then caring about his normal preferences. 
If it was a break up then he shouldn’t be alone, she knew that much. “You don’t have to be here you know,” she turned her eyes to him, “I won’t be hanging around much longer. No need to care about me anymore.”
“Then I should be here having as much time as I can with you,” her lips turned up in a small smile. She looked to his dangling legs as the tips of his toes brushed the water all the while hers hung well above. She didn’t really know where to start or even ask him at this point. Any speech she had blew away seeing the far away look in his eyes. “You know-.”
“I don’t want to talk about what happened,” he said, suddenly bringing his left knee to his chest.
“Then we won’t talk about what happened within the last hour,” she waved the words away, “Anyway I didn’t come here for that.”
He looked at her head tilted, “Then why come here at all?”
She gave him a small smile, “I knew you’d need a friend,” she patted his back lightly, “So I’ll try my best not to talk so much if that’s what you want, or if you really want me to leave you’ll have to tell me. Though I warn you now I won’t listen to that one right away.”
He stayed silent looking ahead of him, Cat took the opportunity to move closer to him. She listened to the sounds of the water lapping at the shore and the buzzing of bugs, while she figured out how to approach what she wanted to say to him. “You know when I was younger I didn’t have a ton of friends,” she saw the brief hint of a smirk on his face, “I know so hard to believe, but anyway, when I did have friends I still felt this loneliness that just never went away. I couldn’t figure out why it was, I did however find ways to deal with it.”
“Let me guess some motivational affirmations, therapy, or a makeover like in the movies?” He gave a small snort at the last part.
She nudged him playfully, “No. That didn’t come until later.” She sighed, “I went to anyone that made me feel like I was seen. Started off small, stripping for adults via webcam, they enjoyed it despite knowing I was fourteen at the time. Then I moved to meeting just about anyone I talked to. Most were close in age to me, some weren’t, but they made me feel special like I was there. So I slept with them.”
She saw Wes’ eyes get bigger before going back to a neutral expression, “Did you do anything worse than that? Not that it doesn’t sound bad already. Fuck, you were just a kid.”
“You weren’t much different from what I’ve gathered once you were on your own. To answer your question, no. I didn’t do anything worse than sleep around.” She kicked her legs out, “It took me years though to figure out why I did what I did. I thought it was because I was lonely, turns out I just wanted someone to understand me, see me for who I really was. I just thought I found it in people that never did to begin with.”
“What about your friends and husband, didn’t they see and understand you?” Wes asked softly.
“Sort of. They all saw me but I had to make sure that I saw myself too. I got so good at making her invisible that I couldn’t even see her after a while.” She looked up to Wes placing her hand gently on his, “Sound a little familiar?” She rested her head on his shoulder, “We’ve both spent so much time caging ourselves in making sure no one sees us, the real us, because it was so much easier to not feel hurt when people rejected them.”
“It’s inevitable,” he hung his head, picking at invisible lint on his jeans, “No one really cares about that.”
“I do.” She gave his hand a small squeeze, “I always will. Those that don’t, well they didn’t deserve the beauty that is you to begin with.” 
“What if I never am able to make myself visible?”
“Firstly, you will, it just takes time and you already have a head start on that part. You have me,” she turned to face him, tucking one of her legs under her, making sure his eyes weren’t going to leave hers, “I will be here to remind you that no matter what,” she grabbed both his hands encasing them in hers, “I see you, always.” She wrapped him in a hug feeling him stiffen against her, “I know underneath it all you feel so lonely and invisible, but you’re not. Never to me.” She felt him start to relax ever so slightly in her arms, “You’re one of my best friends Wes. I love you and I always will. No matter what.”
He leaned into her, his arm wrapping around the middle of her back, “Thank you.” He pulled away from her facing the water with an arm around her still which she mimicked keeping one wrapped around his waist. They both looked to the water in silence for a minute or two before Wes’ voice broke the silence once more. “You know you’re pretty good at making people feel better, or at least comforted.”
Cat laughed, “Believe it or not I was making a career in it. I wanted, want, to help people.”
“So is what you told me true?”
She nodded slowly, “Yeah. I wish it wasn’t but I’ve accepted it. Just like you will one day.” She rubbed his arm before standing up with a groan, extending a hand out to him, “In the meantime, if what you went through is a breakup then this calls for comfort food and movies. Come on.”
He rolled his eyes, grabbing her hand, “I feel like you do nothing but make me comfort food.”
“Yeah but this time I’m gonna make whatever concoction you want. No matter how much it pains me,” she gave an exaggerated shudder as she slumped an arm around his lower back walking to where their vehicles were parked, feeling his arm rest on her head.
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
😘 (one for each ship!)
Goodnight Kisses
Alright lets see if I can remember them all!
CatxJohn: Their sleeping schedules actually don’t match up a lot of times so their kisses are given while the other is asleep.
Not So Cutthroat Cooks: There always has to be at least one kiss between these two at night, no matter how small it is, and it must always be followed by an “I love you”. Its a safety net for Cat, to her it can ensure that should something happen one of the last things said to the other was that they love the other. She’s always had this belief that her last husband passed believing that she didn’t love him and she’s not about to make that mistake again.
Cat in a Cowboy Hat: These two do not have any sort of ritual to start off as they always must part before the other falls asleep. There was one given by Cooper the one time she fell asleep at his place.
Biconic Couple: These two always spend at minimum ten minutes giving good night kisses. Sometimes it is a competition on who can give the last kiss, sometimes Wren tries to get lucky, and other times its just the fact that the last one just wasn’t that good so they have to get it right.
Tiny Dancer: These two have to spend some of the early years of their relationship long distance, so they blew kisses to the other over video chat, this is a habit that follows them longs after they get used to real good night kisses. 
ChancexFaith: Good night kisses become essential for these two as it helps ensure to the other that they are still there and actually exist. It also helps to keep the nightmares at bay for them as both tend to wake up multiple times through out the night.
The Crow and the Wolf: Kisses before bed are seen as a promise after these two commit themselves to the other for Chance more so. So long as he gets one of some kind he knows Rowan will still be there when he wakes up.
Victorious Secret: It is a slight running joke that all good night kisses must start at midnight in homage to their first kiss. Most of the time it’s cause Wes is a gremlin. 
Red Brooks Bros and Soul Sisters: These are friendship ships however! Whenever Wren or Wes fall asleep(alone!) with Cat and she’s still up, she will always tuck them in again and give a kiss on the top of their heads, very motherly. She figures it helps them sleep better because both were close to their moms in some capacity and so it must feel like a comfort to them. She has yet to find out if it is as she never brings it up to anyone that she does this. 
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
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