#brotp: this city could use a sentry
shrinkthisviolet · 30 days
1, 2, 10, 12, 16, 21 for the roots asks for Morgan :)
1. How many living parents does your OC have? If they're alive, where are they now and what’s your OC’s relationship with them? If they’re dead, how did they die?
Ooh well right now, 1 with Tina. Though later it'll be 2, because of Henry (and probably later 3, when she comes to think of Harry as a father figure too).
Obviously, her relationship with Tina is very strong—naturally there’s tension at times, especially after Tina finds out about Eowells, but that’s bound to happen. Spoilers perhaps, but they come back from this tension stronger.
For Henry, it’ll be a bit of a bumpy ride given Morgan’s…difficult history with the concept of fatherhood. Calling Henry “Barry’s dad” is far easier than thinking of him as “stepdad”, but…she’ll get there. For Harry, she will probably never actually call him Dad, nor will he ever call her any form of “daughter” to her face, though they’ll probably refer to each other as such when talking to others. (More details about both of these relationships are TBD)
Harrison and Tess…well, Morgan’s relationship with them is ofc complicated. They’re her parents, but she doesn’t remember anything about them—she was too young when they died. Everything she knows about them is secondhand from Tina (or to a lesser extent Eowells*), or via what she can glean from Harry…though the latter is so E2-specific that it’s still lacking. So really, they’re her parents in a much more distant sense…and she barely even feels like she has the right to mourn them 🥺 more easily referring to them as “Aunt Tina/Mum’s friends” than “my parents”
*about this, btw…he does something quite underhanded that I can’t say too much about. You will hate him more than you thought possible when I reveal it.
2. What was your OC’s first job? Do they still work that job (or in that field), or do they do something else now?
Barista at Jitters! Then in s2, barista at Starbucks. Though once she transfers to CCU in s3 and sophomore year of college gets going, she decides to stay unemployed for a while 😅 juggling college and superhero duties (especially since Organic Chem is one of her classes during s3) is hard enough
10. What’s the first significant injury your OC remembers getting? Did it leave any scars?
Hmm maybe the time she fell off a Razor scooter when she was in kindergarten and got a scrape above her eyebrow. It was a pretty bad scrape, and she had to get stitches, though luckily it healed up fairly quickly.
One of the good memories she has of Eowells is him taking the day off work to spend with her in the hospital, and letting her curl up with him in bed. It was one of the few truly good days she had with him…and as with those good days, it was a rarity undone as soon as the next day
(He took her to the doctor that morning to make sure her stitches had dissolved and that her ill-effects were mild, then dropped her at school around noon before going off to work himself. And with that, they were right back to normal)
12. Does your OC’s family practice any faith or religion? Does your OC still practice? Why or why not?
She’s not really religious tbh, neither were her parents. She celebrates Christmas, but not in a super religious sense, more in a commercial sense (caveat: I do think Christmas is to a degree religious in nature, which is why I don’t celebrate it, but I do think people often do celebrate it secularly. Such is the case for Morgan)
Cut for length (16 and 21 are below):
16. What does your OC’s childhood bedroom look like?
Ooh well she has two: one in Tina's house for the most formative 6 years of her life (7-13, though she does also use it from ages 17-18 (and maybe beyond that)...possibly? Depends on if she dorms at CCU), and one at Eowells's mansion/house that she uses from 1-7 and then 13-16.
Her room at Eowells's house is fairly plain—Eowells had it painted a tactful pastel yellow, though when she was 13, in the early days of moving back in, she managed to convince him to paint it pastel blue instead (her superhero costume may be dark green, but blue is her favorite color). She doesn't have much decoration on her walls, no posters or anything of the like, though she did convince him to let her hang a whiteboard calendar on her wall. She still uses it. She also always keeps her room very neat, because Eowells gets tetchy when even a hair of it is out of place. He also doesn't see much point in knick-knacks or books that he seems "frivolous", so she learns quickly to keep those hidden
That aforementioned calendar was actually a gift from Tina, when she was 12. And her room at Tina's is much more lived-in, much more of "organized chaos"—knicknacks littering her dressing table, her clothes not always neatly folded, books scattered on every surface...though she always remembers to make her bed. And her four walls are alternating dark blue and dark green, the way she likes it 💞
21. If your OC could speak to their childhood self, what would they say?
“You are enough. You are more than enough, just as you are. And you don’t have to settle for him, you deserve better. One day, you will have so much better, I promise.”
oc ask game!
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shrinkthisviolet · 3 months
OC question: Has anyone ever claimed any of your OCs as their child? How'd your OC feel about that?
Ooh well for Morgan, there’s ofc Tina. Morgan’s always seen Tina as a mom anyway, and she knows Tina’s her godmother, so the shift isn’t surprising or even really all that jarring. In a lot of ways…it’s freeing. She didn’t realize just how suffocated she felt with Eowells around…until he wasn’t anymore (and she feels this complicated mix of relief and guilt around the whole thing).
Of course, things aren’t totally smooth sailing—s2 explores some tension between them as Morgan grapples with “either she knew he was an imposter the whole time and still let me live with him and lied, or she didn’t know and she thus wasn’t as close with my birth dad as I thought.” Though as with most things, the truth lies somewhere in the middle 🥺
For Amelia, Rosalie and Otto Octavius in the MCU, who by my headcanon are basically the Raimi versions but tragedy hasn’t struck them (yet 👀 maybe it will, maybe it won’t). Amelia isn’t sure what to make of them at first—they’re not the first family to try to foster her during the Blip, and she’s certain it’ll go the same way—yelling, screaming, and insults from both sides, and eventually an unceremonious trip back to the overcrowded orphanage.
But the Octaviuses…they’re different. They don’t back down when she purposely pushes their buttons and acts difficult—in fact, this gets them to try harder. Amelia doesn’t understand it. She’s not even really their family, all of this is just temporary until May and Peter come back—because they will, Amelia’s sure, they have to—so why are they trying so hard? It takes some time, but eventually, Amelia comes to realize their efforts are genuine, and they adopt her. She then becomes Amelia Parker Octavius…and even after May and Peter come back, Amelia remains an Octavius. She loves her new family too much to give them up 🥺 she has Parker and Octavius in her name, she can be both (until of course a certain death and a spell force her to only be one)
Reyna…sorta has this with Kamilla? But then again, Kamilla’s been part of Reyna’s life for as long as she can remember. Reyna adores her stepmother, the most present parent in her life*, and Kamilla adores her right back. Reyna loves her dad too ofc, but…she and her stepmom have a special bond 🥰 even in the past, she gravitates to Kamilla before anyone (well…after Nora, but before anyone else)
*Cynthia gave Reyna to Cisco to raise so she can continue to be a Breacher full time, and Cisco is partially in hiding due to his powers (metahumans being illegal in the future and all that). He did think of giving them up, so he could be more present to raise Reyna, but…she’s also the reason why he’s keeping them (in case of another outburst like in her younger years), along with him still wanting to help the displaced and endangered metas who need someone like Vibe in the absence of the Flash 🥺
Lucy has a similar situation with Obi-Wan, in that he adopts and raises her from essentially her babyhood, but it’s also a little different because she thinks he’s really her dad. I haven’t totally decided how the reveal is gonna play out, but…yeah, there’s gonna be some hurt feelings. Just because Lucy understands his reasons and knows that he genuinely did the best he could at the time doesn’t mean his lies don’t hurt.
ask my OC(s) anything!
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shrinkthisviolet · 10 months
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Morgan Wells + Tina McGee
qocc oc challenge 2023 (Aug 25): The Ties That Bind Us
create something for the most important relationship(s) in your OC’s life!
@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @ironverseocs @raith-way @vexic929 @thechaoticfanartist @nolanhollogay
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shrinkthisviolet · 7 months
A little preview for the next chapter:
“I wouldn’t say they benefitted,” Morgan argued. “Yes, they filled a void, but their employees were affected too…and some died. It broke my aunt’s heart.” And you didn’t really deal with the fallout, Cait. Dad scoffed. “That would be a first.” Morgan frowned. “What’s your problem with her, Dad?” “I’m aware you two are close, Starlight,” he said gently, “and I’d never want to erase that, but…you don’t know everything about your aunt.”
~i still love you (i promise)
yep, tensions are high next chapter, when we really dive into 1x9...specifically, the episode in which Tina McGee becomes relevant. If you've read the Barry & Tina oneshot already, you know what's coming...
for every "🌹" I get, I'll post a sentence of a WIP I'm writing!
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shrinkthisviolet · 7 months
Chapters: 1/10 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barry Allen & Original Female Character(s), Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells & Original Female Character(s), Tina McGee & Original Female Character(s), Barry Allen & Cisco Ramon & Caitlin Snow & Original Female Character(s), Iris West & Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s) Characters: OC: Morgan Wells, Barry Allen, Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells, Tina McGee, Iris West, OC: James Bennet-Evans, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow Additional Tags: starts at:, Episode: s01e08 Flash vs. Arrow, ends at:, Episode: s01e14 Fallout, Angst and Feels, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, (the comfort...takes a while tho sorry), after all this is the barry & morgan angst fic!, Canon-Typical Violence, Title from a Gracie Abrams Song, (specifically 'i miss you i'm sorry'), Platonic Female/Male Relationships, minor appearances by Team Arrow in chps 1 and 2, (because 1x8) Series: Part 6 of reaching up to touch the sky Summary:
“He sounds like a nice young man.”
“He is!” Morgan beamed. “He’s sweet and thoughtful…I get why Iris became friends with him. He…kinda reminds me of Ronnie, honestly.”
Barry and Morgan might still be in the early stages of friendship, but there's no doubt that they trust each other, if only because of their history as Flash and Sentry.
But what happens when that changes? When the trust shatters between them...Morgan's not sure how to feel, and Barry doesn't know what to do. Too bad the universe is intent on testing them anyway.
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shrinkthisviolet · 29 days
3, 4, 8, 12 for Morgan?
3. How did your OC feel the first time they left home? Why did they leave?
The first time she leaves is post-s1/during s2, when she goes to SCU for college. It's quite a distance away from Central (much further than the CW would have you believe given the number of Flash/Arrow crossovers 😅 CC is in Missouri, and SC is in Washington), and it's also more crime-infested (pretty sure it was the Arrowverse's Gotham until Batwoman started airing), so it's...an adjustment. Barry and Tina are CONSTANTLY worried about her (so is the rest of the Team but ESPECIALLY Barry and Tina).
Morgan meanwhile misses home a lot 🥺 but she keeps telling herself she'll adjust and settle in. And she does, but...she keeps finding herself drawn to Central, because that's where her family is (and this is something she eventually admits at the end of s2)
4. What was your OC's childhood dream? Is that still their dream? If it has changed, why did it change and what's their new dream?
Ooh well her career ambition was to be a doctor. It still is, currently, but...we’ll see how things turn out (if she intends to keep being Sentry, then medicine might not be a great career choice)
As for generally…she mostly just wished for stability. She has that in Tina, but...she’s also acutely aware that Tina is beholden to Eowells’s wishes. And even post-s1, she knows shes Tina’s goddaughter, not her “real” daughter (as Eowells liked to remind her from time to time), so stability is still uncertain. So post-s1 (and esp post-s2, as Tina and Henry start dating), she’s wondering what's gonna happen when she turns 18 and Tina isn’t legally responsible for her anymore...and that scares her 🥺
8. Were there expectations placed on your OC when they were growing up? Have they lived up to those expectations?
Oh absolutely. Being raised by Eowells meant that there was an understanding that she was expected to excel academically. He didn't expect her to be a genius, so in that regard, she exceeded his expectations (thus warranting his effusive attention), and she’s rarely struggled in academics (until Organic Chem, but she’ll have Barry’s help with that)
As for decorum...she’s more outspoken and self-sacrificial than he’s like, especially as she spends more time with Barry, and of course, Eowells also disapproves of them being more than just teammates (i.e. friends/siblings. Eowells feels threatened by that closeness).
So...I guess yes and no? Though Morgan often feels like she falls short no matter what she does.
12. Answered here!
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 month
what are your OCs doing for their moms/mother figures for Mother's Day? :)
Ooh what a lovely question!
Morgan ofc always makes a card and gets a cake for Tina, as well as a gift—usually something Tina’s been eyeing for a while, or something Morgan knows she’ll like. If she can’t think of anything, she’ll usually opt for a night out for dinner, or a night in with a movie (Tina doesn’t mind theaters, but she prefers watching movies at home). And once Henry enters their happy family, he assists too 🥰
(RF!Morgan, ofc, spends the day in mourning, since Thawne kills Tina 🥺)
Reyna’s mom figure is her stepmom, Kamilla, and the two of them have a girls’ day out on Mother’s Day! She also gets Kamilla flowers usually—yellow and orange carnations or roses. Kamilla loves them 💞 and inevitably, photos of them are featured in her next collection.
She has a tumultuous relationship with Cynthia, but on Mother’s Day, Cynthia tries to make time. They don’t do anything fancy…usually how it works out is they spend a few hours together on Kamilla and Cisco’s back porch, and they just talk (sit in silence, the first handful of years, but the more time goes on, the more Reyna has to say).
Tangentially-related: on Reyna’s birthday, Cynthia’s in-person visits are less frequent, but Reyna always finds a gift on her bed (usually something she’s desperately wanted) with a card that reads Feliz Cumpleaños, mi Reynita 🥺
Lucy always celebrates Beru on Mother’s Day, insisting on doing most of her chores—she, Luke, and Owen all band together to make sure Beru does as little work as possible on that day and her birthday (or her Life Day? Idk what they call birthdays in the GFFA). Post-ANH tho…she mostly spends Mother’s Day in mourning. So do Luke and Leia 🥺
Amelia ofc celebrates May, and then Rosalie after she’s adopted (with some grief mixed in, because May was her first mom), and then both of them post-Snap. The latter is the most fun because…reconnecting with May is easy. The harder part is bridging her and Peter with Amelia, Otto, and Rosalie, and Amelia jumps at every chance to do so. She always celebrates both her moms in tandem 💞
Thanks so much for asking, and:
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shrinkthisviolet · 4 months
Talk Shop Tuesday: do you have a part (/few episodes) of the Morgan AU you're most looking forward to writing or sharing?
One of them I can’t tell you about because you’ll immediately guess why I’m excited 😅 but I’ll tell you some of the rest (in chronological order
the end of s1!! I have a few twists I can’t wait to share…and the fallout of Eowells’s betrayal is gonna hurt BIG time. Those of you who have read the s2 arc know that it still lingers, but…you’ll get to feel that betrayal full-force :D with an added wrinkle you might not expect (or maybe you will, but I hope you enjoy it regardless!)
Morgan & Jesse becoming friends during s2! I call this their “unofficial roommates” phase—when Jesse runs away from STAR Labs, she decides to run as far away as possible and to someone she sorta knows already, whom Harry would never expect because Morgan and Jesse, at that point in time, don’t like each other! They become friends while they’re living together 💞 it’s a nice way to explore the issues of “you are the best and worst of me, amplified in ways that make me jealous and insecure at the same time” and how they work through it. And it’s marginally safer than Jesse squatting with a stranger in a strange world…especially with Morgan’s powers
2x17, the time travel episode 🥰 the addition of Morgan is gonna make for some very fun tweaks (and s1 Barry being jealous of how Morgan gravitates to s2 Barry…especially because 2x17 is is during 1x11 and Morgan still hasn’t admitted she’s forgiven him yet)
Morgan & Tina’s relationship is so super important…and in s2, it reaches…not a breaking point, but a turning point. Morgan has idolized Tina for so much of her childhood, but Tina wasn’t a perfect (god)mother. She wasn’t ready for it, and at first, she struggled with the balance. Much like Eowells…but Tina made an active effort to change and be better for Morgan, while Eowells didn’t. It’s why Morgan sees Eowells’s flaws more easily, but overlooks Tina (and it’s why she’s a bit too hard on Tina in s2…but they grow past it) 💞
In that vein, I’m so excited to write Morgan’s complicated relationship with her future stepfather, Henry. She likes him, she thinks he’s great, he clearly loves Tina, and she’s not worried that he’ll hurt her, and he’s Barry’s dad…but the idea of him being her stepfather is still a lot for her, considering her baggage around fatherhood. It’ll take some time to work through, even with his endless patience, and I’m so excited to write it!
THE SAVITAR ARC/SEASON listen so much of s3 is a giant question mark, because I’m still trying to figure out how much I want to change from canon…but Savitar? I’ve pretty much decided on his characterization…particularly his relationships with Morgan, Barry, and Iris (especially Morgan). And I can’t wait to write that 🥰
Morgan & Iris! post-s3, and also during the bad future in s5. Both are instances of them grieving Barry, and there are similarities and differences in how both of those unfold…but even when they argue, even when they walk away…there’s so much love there still. Even when one of them doubts it, it doesn’t change that 💞
The Westallen wedding!! I haven’t decided wtf I’m doing about s4’s Crisis, but in any case, Westallen will get their full ceremony (with no proposal at their rehearsal dinner, no sudden double weddings, etc). If their wedding is crashed, it’ll be during the reception, after the ceremony is all said and done. And there’s a brother-sister dance after the main couple’s dance—Iris with Wally, Barry with Morgan 🥰 (they even swap partners in the middle!). Wally even dances with Linda at the wedding 👀
CRISIS OFC this is gonna be the grand finale (possibly with one other mini storyline after it but…nothing about the Mirrorverse or s7-9), and I’m so excited 💞 no details I can share just yet, except that it’ll be a mishmash of what we got in canon and what was presented in 2024’s newspaper. And Thawne will ofc be prominent, as he should’ve been in canon
talk shop tuesday!
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shrinkthisviolet · 7 months
Summary: Morgan gives Iris her present, and Iris, like Barry did, invites Morgan to come over for Christmas, leaving Morgan conflicted. In the aftermath of her dad being attacked by the Reverse Flash, though, he encourages her to go—and while there, she and Barry have an important talk. The next day, Morgan makes a surprising discovery.
New to the fic? Read from the beginning!
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shrinkthisviolet · 6 months
Director's Commentary on 'i still love you (i promise)' please!!!!
So this is the affectionately-titled “Barry & Morgan angst fic”! It’s very centrally About Them, and they spend pretty much all of it at odds: first Morgan is mad at Barry, and then he’s mad at her.
It’s interesting, because initially the whole fic was just gonna be Morgan being mad at him. But then I kept finding reasons to reconcile them sooner, but they still needed to be not on speaking terms until 1x14, but then Morgan telling Barry “I helped Hartley” wouldn’t leave room for reconciliation at the end...so we ended up with what we got: Morgan being mad at Barry, reconciling, Eowells stepping in to wreck that reconciliation with his “revelation”, and then Barry being mad at Morgan.
Yeah, it’s strange thing to hear I bet, but Eowells did not initially have a hand in ruining that reconciliation in the very first draft 😂 which surprises even me tbh because he slots into that role perfectly. Makes it hit so much stronger.
This fic was chock full of the miscommunication trope, but hopefully I did it in a way that wasn’t just “easy misunderstanding that could be solved in 5 seconds is stretched out unnecessarily”. It’s more than that! Barry and Morgan do talk here and there, Barry does what he can to atone, but Morgan’s mad at him because her anger isn’t necessarily at Barry...it’s at Eowells, projected onto Barry because he’s a “safe” person to be mad at. Although Barry’s had outbursts of temper, Morgan doesn’t fear him the way she fears Eowells. Of course there’s Morgan’s fierce protectiveness over Tina playing a role in her anger at Barry too, but…it’s mostly anger at Eowells, given that she’s still mad at Barry even after knowing he apologized to Tina.
(It’s just his temper, Morgan tells herself, that’s what I fear—but what’s the difference between that and fearing the man himself, when you live with him? Eowells is rare with his outbursts of temper, but he’s not as effusively apologetic and comforting about it afterwards. Nor does he take any steps to fix it…he doesn’t even tolerate any dissent from her anyway.)
And on Barry’s end, he was told about Morgan working with Hartley from her “dad”!! The person who’s meant to paint her in the best light, always!! Ofc Barry should’ve probed deeper and looked closer, but he trusted Eowells to paint his own daughter in the best light, and that was his mistake, sadly 😭 an understandable one though, I hope.
There’s also the Ronnie & Barry parallels going like crazy in this fic, like how both of them helped measure Morgan's height—exclusively them, no one else. Not even Eowells back when he could stand. Clearly he felt it was “beneath” him past a certain point (past age 7, probably. In his mind, that’s when he “lost” Morgan). Also how Morgan constantly compares them. Also how often the narrative does too, framing them as similar and contrasts them too (Ronnie passing the big-brother torch to Barry is a bit of tragic foreshadowing about his fate at the end of the season). It’s great stuff 💞 I’ve talked more about Morgan's relationships with Barry and Ronnie here!
There’s also such a wonderful focus on Morgan & Tina and Iris & Morgan here, brought about in part because of Barry & Morgan being at odds (Iris & Morgan’s focus in particular is a large part of why I wanted to keep that Barry & Morgan tension later in the fic, especially the reveal).
Tina’s motherliness to Morgan gets to shine, and I loved showing how protective and supportive she is towards her. You also really get the sense that Tina knows…something 👀 maybe not fully, but enough to reasonably suspect.
And Iris!! Oh, how her friendship with Morgan shines in this fic. The future-sisters-in-law dynamic is going strong…and it’s very telling that she’s the first person Morgan actually tells about having powers and being a hero (Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, and Eowells all find out. So does James, and Sentry is half his idea anyway). She trusts Iris so much 🥰 and that’s so wonderful to write.
ask for the director's commentary on a certain story, or send a ⭐️star⭐️ for me to choose something to talk about!
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shrinkthisviolet · 6 months
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i still love you (i promise)
T | 59k words | 10 chapters
“He sounds like a nice young man.”
“He is!” Morgan beamed. “He’s sweet and thoughtful…I get why Iris became friends with him. He…kinda reminds me of Ronnie, honestly.”
Barry and Morgan might still be in the early stages of friendship, but there's no doubt that they trust each other, if only because of their history as Flash and Sentry.
But what happens when that changes? When the trust shatters between them...Morgan's not sure how to feel, and Barry doesn't know what to do. Too bad the universe is intent on testing them anyway.
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shrinkthisviolet · 7 months
Summary: Barry has a bone to pick with Morgan, and she's left reeling in the aftermath. James tries to support her, Tina provides some startling context, and as Iris's concern grows by the day, Morgan makes a series of crucial decisions.
In between, though, she still makes time for superhero-ing.
New to the fic? Read from the beginning!
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shrinkthisviolet · 7 months
Summary: James gives Morgan some advice about Barry, though Morgan is unsure about whether it's too late to follow that advice.
Meanwhile, the mysterious "yellow blur" (aka enemy speedster) shakes Barry to his core yet again, so the Team decides to trap him.
Barry attempts a trap of his own, but it doesn't pan out...in fact, it ends up upsetting the wrong person.
New to the fic? Read from Chapter 1!
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shrinkthisviolet · 10 months
“You must wonder how I even know him.” Had Tina figured out that she was Sentry, or that Barry was the Flash? “I do. But I trust you…as much as you trust me. When you want to tell me, you will.” And it was reassuring, that trust, enough that Morgan’s shoulders relaxed.
send me a "🌹" and I'll post a snippet from a WIP I'm writing!
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shrinkthisviolet · 10 months
“You care about the Flash.”
Morgan startled. “What? No, I—”
“You do.” Tina smiled. “I think it’s sweet.”
Tina definitely knows something, that’s for sure 😂 possibly two things, but definitely at least one thing.
send me a “🌹” and I’ll post a snippet from a WIP I’m writing!
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shrinkthisviolet · 10 months
4, 13, 21, 29, and 30 for the couples/relationship ask game!
4. What's the fastest you've reached a romantic couple's first kiss (in words/scenes/chapters)? First "I love you"? Other landmarks?
Hmm Maiko, in about 652 words. Their first kiss! Their first "I love you" comes in that same scene ("I don't hate you," which is their way of teasing each other).
13. Are there any consistent trends when you write a budding relationship, or does it vary by character? If there are trends, what are they?
I mean…knowing me, there probably are some trends (if it’s in-character, I’ll usually try to squeeze in some physical contact between the two characters, and I like writing conversations), but usually it varies by character.
For example, I don’t write Maiko the same way I write Bumizumi—they both have the childhood friends element, but Bumizumi, as a result of having happier childhoods, are more open with each other, whereas Maiko, for all their closeness, still have somewhat of a wall between them until the very end (the finale) when they finally meet each other where they are.
21. Answered here and here!
29. What's the most interesting friendship that you've written?
…okay I promise I won’t say Barry & Morgan again 😅 honestly, probably Lucy & Astra. They’re so different, but they work so well together!
30. What's the most interesting familial relationship that you've written? Found family counts
Ooh toss-up between Morgan & Tina and Morgan & Caitlin.
Especially Morgan & Tina, later in s2, because…as much as I haven’t gotten the chance to really explore it yet, Tina wasn’t always the amazing, perfect mom we see in the s1 arc. When she first started actively raising Morgan at 7…she was kinda out of her depth. She started working from home a lot more, but…she was still a workaholic, so she wasn’t always as attentive as she would’ve liked. She and Eowells are similar in that way.
But unlike Eowells, Tina realized her mistake once Morgan raised complaints, and she actively worked to fix it. She'd already been going to therapy to work through her grief about Tess, but now, she also read parenting books, asked some of the moms she knew (which admittedly wasn’t many, she wasn’t terribly social, but she’d do anything for Morgan). Morgan doesn’t remember this super well—not because of being too young, but because she doesn’t want to remember her aunt as being anything but perfect. But the truth is…no woman is a perfect maternal figure, especially one who wasn’t ready to become one so early. Tina and Eowells were both thrust into parental situations they weren’t ready for, but Tina stepped up, while Eowells dug in his heels and gaslit Morgan when she tried to say something.
(This is also why Tina and Eowells have a fight and fall out after he takes Morgan in again at 13. Tina has a new perspective, she worked through her grief and changed her ways to more properly raise Morgan...but Eowells won't. Years later, and he's still stuck in his ways. Tina, who doesn't know Eowells is an imposter, thinks this is just Harrison stuck in his grief for Tess, and she's furious that he's letting his grief over her still stop him from raising Morgan—grief is complicated and never entirely goes away, but Morgan needs him. And ofc, as we see, that is probably part of the reason given Eowells's inherited grief over Tess, but...it's not all of it. Tina doesn't know how much worse it is, that Eowells is letting revenge consume him rather than grief.)
As for Morgan & Caitlin…well, Caitlin’s an only child with a dead father and a distant mother. She has no idea what she’s doing—and she doesn’t even really know how to interact with Morgan when they first meet (hence why Morgan gravitates to Eliza, who is an older sister and has better social skills in general). It’s really only after Morgan loses Eliza and moves back in with Eowells that she and Caitlin get a chance to try again…and things are better now. But also…in some ways, Morgan looks at Caitlin throughout s1 and part of s2 and sees Eliza looking back.
(That changes when she and Eliza reconcile in s2…and then when the Trajectory episode happens. But for now, that’s what it is)
fanfic relationships ask game!
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