#brown people love their symbolism front and center like why am i still second guessing myself
cosmicrhetoric · 2 months
man ive been out of school too long i forgot the regular threshold for like. media analysis. monkey man had me like hmm am i reading too much into things by thinking parallels were made with not just the gendered violence in the ramayana but also the looming threat of sexual violence and it's like no. no how could you possibly think you are overanalyzing they named the film after hanuman it's literally Right Fucking There
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toonqueen · 4 years
Duckvember 2020
This is taking place in my 87/Comic headcanon universe for Magicstone. Again. YOU CANNOT STOP ME.
Just some headcanons for the Gander side of the family. Wheeeee.
Lot of beta from @cataradical thanks again ahhhhh
“I told you this would be fun,” Gladstone said as he handed Magica a drink. He smiled and took a sip from his glass.
“Depends on what your definition of ‘fun’ is,” Magica replied, taking a swallow. The two hanging out by the drink table at the party felt a little familiar to the witch. Like being awkward outsiders at a high school prom.
“My aunt was really impressed with you! Or maybe she was my grand-cousin?” Gladstone counted fingers on his free hand silently. “My father’s mother’s aunt’s daughter? What would that be?”
“I believe an aunt, since she’s a few generations older than you. At least, that's how it works in my extended family,” Magica replied as she looked over a few groups chatting with one another. “All we did was talk about growing our own spices. Half Foods Market is such a rip off.”
“It's nice being around people that don't know /know/ you," Gladstone added. 
Magica knew Gladstone didn't mean for that to sound offensive. Though, it still upset her. True, she wasn’t known as a criminal witch here. Gladstone’s father’s side of the family was a distance from Duckburg, and not well knowledgeable on the goings-on there. Yes, it was nice to be at a party where she could openly be Gladstone’s date. With normal folks, too, no one in the magic community. Magica was guilty of dragging Gladstone to a few of those, so she bit her tongue about his comment. However, her sudden silence already said enough for Gladstone to pick up something was off.
“I mean, for both of us. They aren’t bugging me about my luck either. Since, they don’t know,” Gladstone explained, turning the half-full glass in his hands. “Neither of us have bad reputations here. And I get to see family I haven’t seen since I was a toddler.”
“I know what you meant,” Magica replied. She knocked back the glass, finishing her drink in one swallow. Gladstone’s comment stung nonetheless. A reminder that they couldn’t have a real relationship. She still had to get Scrooge’s dime, despite having feelings for the old duck’s nephew. Feelings Gladstone might recepticate, or at least like having someone else around for various activities and adventures. 
For someone blessed with luck, Gladstone sure was a lonely guy. 
“Let's have another dance! They’re playing something less boring again,” Gladstone offered a distraction. Maybe he had been mulling over the same relationship doubts too. Though his way of dealing with problems was to change the subject. He took her empty glass from her and placed both of theirs on the nearby table.
 Magica smiled lightly, maybe a bit sadly. “All right.”
They started dancing quietly. The two had danced at enough events to understand and memorize each other's moves. After a short while, Magica rested the side of her head on Gladstone’s chest.
“Thank you for coming with me. I felt weird coming alone,” the half-goose admitted softly, “bringing my sort-of-girlfriend to an already awkward situation cancels that out, right?”
Magica gave a soft chuckle. Gladstone was glad his small joke amused her. “Well, I understand what it’s like having a family you don’t ever see. Not really having bad blood with them, but you know. Drifting apart.”
“I’m not sure why my father didn’t take me to see them. Why he had a falling out. I guess he was from a higher social class, and mom was a farm girl. Maybe they looked down on him for that?” Gladstone contemplated out loud. Quietly, as another couple danced by.
“They’ve been nothing but cordial to you tonight,” Magica stated, lifting her head up from Gladstone’s chest. 
“Ah, well. While I have enjoyed talking to my extended family, ah...” Gladstone smirked, “I am wearing a six thousand dollar suit I won right after I accepted the invitation for this reunion.” 
Magica rolled her eyes. “Of course.”
“And luckily it matched the dark green of your dress. It's quite lovely. I’ve never seen you wear that one before.” 
“It’s my mother’s,” Magica replied softly, then rested her beak on top of Gladstone’s shoulder. 
They danced slowly for what felt like forever. Magica knew so much about the half-goose’s family from past late night talks. It was at that moment Gladstone realized he knew hardly anything about hers. He made a note to listen more; he knew he could be bad at that. Gladstone had dragged Magica to a strange family party, so it would be the least he could do in the future. 
“Well, even if they might be snobby, it would be nice to have a family to spend time with every once in a while. They seem like the type to have outdoor picnics in spring. Wouldn’t that be fun for the both of us to attend? Just--whatever gatherings they might have. Once in a while,” offered Gladstone. 
Magica was endeared by Gladstone’s words. He had found this new thing that might make him happy, and he was excited to share it with her. What he said next sounded simply, but was loaded with multiple implications: “We could get a house out here.” 
“But my career comes first, darling,” Magica replied. It was tongue in cheek, a vague hint she still needed to steal his uncle’s dime for the Midus spell. However, it was a little sad as well. If only things had been different. If only they’d met a good decade earlier. 
Gladstone didn’t say anything, but where his hand rested on her side gave a quick light squeeze. There was a pause, and another deflection. “But we’ll still go on a few family activities with the Gander side of my family, hm?” he said in his usual optimistic tone.
“Of course,” Magica said as she pulled back. She gave Gladstone a peck on the cheek. “I need to powder my beak. I’ll be right back.”
Gladstone nodded as they headed to the edge of the ballroom floor. The half-goose instantly struck up a conversation with one of his uncles there.
Magica approached an elderly goose sitting at a table. She recognized her as one of the matriarchs of the family. “Excuse me, but where is the bathroom?” she asked.
“Through the study, to the left,” the old goose answered. 
Magica nodded gratefully and left.
Magica was only gone a couple seconds. She had a brief look of panic on her face as she scanned the party for Gladstone. He was a few tables over from where she had left him, talking to an older aunt and the same uncle. 
“Ah, yes, we met your mother when you were nothing but a babe,” the aunt said, smiling. She had the same slender goose bill as Gladstone’s father did. “She was always willing to help in the kitchen. Your grandfather, rest his soul, always told her they had servants for that. Oh, and she was always going on about her good luck.”
“Oh, yes, I’ve heard many a-story about sweet Daphne. I’m sure living a simple country life and meeting the goose of her dreams would make any gal feel like she’s always lucky,” Magica interjected as she stood beside Gladstone. Her beak looked a few shades paler than usual. Gladstone would have made a comment about “over-powdering her bill” but he instantly picked up something wasn’t right.
Magica took hold of his hand, fingers interlacing between his. They’d held hands at least a dozen times before; cupped around each other, but not like this. 
Magica gave his hand a squeeze, followed by an uneasy smile. Normally, he would find her nervous smile sweet or cute, but Magica’s tense body language and energy set off alarms in his head. 
Something was *very* wrong.
Gladstone said abruptly, “You know, it is getting late. We should really head out, darling.”
The aunt and uncle looked confused. The uncle then smiled and said, “Well, Gladstone, we do hope to see you around. Please, don’t be a stranger.” 
Magica pulled Gladstone to the exit. She whispered from the corner of her beak, “I’ll tell you in the car. Right now we must leave.”
If this had just been a normal party, not with the estranged side of his family, Gladstone would have left with her right then and there. He believed something had upset her, but since this involved family, he needed to know. Gladstone would’ve trusted her to tell him what she saw; he really would have believed her no matter what. He was just drawn to see whatever it was for himself. 
Gladstone brought Magica’s hand up to his bill and gave it a light kiss. With everything else going on, this seemed to surprise her as well. It was easy to figure out whatever upset her happened on the way to the restroom. He spoke loud enough for the relatives nearby to hear, “Go warm up the car. I’m going to use the restroom real quick. It was a really long drive out here.”
Gladstone handed her the keys to his car. Though he was often a selfish half-goose, he wasn’t going to make her stay in a place that made her uncomfortable. At first Magica gave him a baffled look, one brow cocked. She opened her bill slightly, about to talk him out of it-- The witch then looked away from his gaze before turning to head out. 
Perhaps it was best Gladstone saw for himself.
With that, Gladstone went to find the restroom. Passing a hallway, and then into the study. At the end of the room was the slightly ajar door to the restroom. 
The study itself was more like a large living room. Two dark brown leather sofa chairs were in front of the fireplace. Hanging above the fireplace was an old shield, and two long spear-like weapons crossed behind it. The shield had a set of red wings, with a heavily patterned circle in the center. Something about the emblem and symbol felt familiar. 
Gladstone recalled something Magica had said in passing during an adventure. They were looking through an old book she’d found. Inside that book was the very symbol on this shield. Gladstone remembered Magica, frustrated, saying, “There are many bad things I can say about the McDuck clan, but at least they weren’t hunters.” 
Maybe he was a better listener than he thought. 
The shield symbol had been in that book she held then. He glanced over a few paintings in the room. One looked like a regular medieval scene; people at a feast in fancy dresses with baskets of fruit and baked ham on decorated picnic tables. On the horizon of the picture, however, was a fire. 
With a small silhouette of a person tied to a stake in aforementioned fire. 
Oh, so just your average witch burning party, then. 
Gladstone sighed to himself. That explained everything. On one side of his family, Magica was the villain, and now the other side turned out to be descendents of witch hunters. Just great. As if he and Magica having a normal relationship wasn’t strained enough. 
Gladstone had a sudden urge to look behind him. Like that feeling when you know a fly is in a room that needs a good swatting. He glanced up; bordering around the edge of the wall right before the ceiling was a line of hooks. And on those hooks were various hats, ranging from Victorian era, ladies Sunday hats, to top hats with an unusual garnish of flowers on the side. Some were stereotypical witch hats: bent points, different colored patches. Anyone might have thought they were keepsakes, antiques; heirlooms passed down the generations. Gladstone, knowing what he knew of the magic world through Magica, saw them differently.
Trophies from past hunts. 
The snooping half-goose noticed a wall of family portraits throughout the years. He looked over them until he found one of his parents. He assumed it was painted from when they first married. It dawned on Gladstone that Magica’s strange behavior wasn’t just this shocking revelation, but that she was worried about him, too. 
Four times tonight family members asked him about his mother’s luck. What if the witch hunters weren’t just ancestors? What if these relatives were active hunters themselves? There were more empty hooks in another corner of the room, which could mean... What a terrible thought. 
“Oh! Admiring all the family portraits, I see!” a different aunt spoke from the doorway. It was the one Magica discussed spices with earlier that evening. Gladstone would have jumped out of his skin if his immensely high charisma didn’t help in the most stressful of situations. 
“Yes, yes. It's so weird to see my parents so young. I have so many photos of them from when I was five and six-ish? That's when all my cousins and their parents insisted we hang out with each other. Have playdates.” He knew he was over-explaining things, but hopefully it was a good enough distraction.
“Ah, cousins on your mother’s side,” the aunt deduced. She smiled coyly. “Maybe you and Helen will be on this wall someday, hm?”
“Huh?” Gladstone was already in such a tense situation that he’d forgotten Magica had used a different name when introducing herself. Now he was grateful she did. Couldn’t exactly come into a household of hunters (presumably) with a name like Magica. “Oh, yes… well… that's a more complicated situation.”
“Someone on the other side of the family does not like her?” the noisy aunt pried.
“In a way,” Gladstone said, as he moved towards the door. He eyed a window for a possible emergency escape.
“Well, we found her company most delightful. We would hate to lose more relatives due to a misunderstanding.”
“Ah-- Yes, well--” Gladstone truly didn’t know how to reply to that.
“You know, the falling out our family had with your father wasn’t because of your mother. It was your grandmother. Elvira, was it? She took a shine to your father but gave the rest of us quite the cold shoulder since the wedding. The last time we saw him you were just a baby, so you wouldn’t remember the details. What most of us assumed is Elvira told Goostave it was either her daughter, or his family. And he made his choice.”
“Ah-- all right. Well, I didn’t ask,” Gladstone said, tone suddenly cold. The way she spoke about Elvira... It felt like this aunt was trying to turn him against the sweetest grandmother anyone could have. He was done being polite, swiftly left the study, and headed out of the house. 
Gladstone sighed in relief when he saw Magica seated in his car. He quickly got into the driver’s seat. Stiff for second, he let out another deep sigh as he put the car in drive.
“Are you all right?” Magica asked, concerned. It wasn’t like her to sound so worried. 
“Yeah,” Gladstone said quietly as they started down the long driveway. 
“You saw what I saw, right?” Magica questioned. She knew she hadn’t been seeing things, but it still helped to have some confirmation she wasn’t alone. She relaxed back in her seat, asked, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Maybe when we’re close enough to Duckburg to see the skyline,” Gladstone muttered.  
Magica paused, then put her hand over his on the gear shift. There was a lot to take in. Less than a half an hour ago he had been happy to have a family he could spend time with freely. Spend freely with both him *and* her.  
“You know,” Magica said, “my mother’s grandmother’s side of the family, they’re nice. They-- well. My grandmother-- well, she’ll have quite a few questions, and I’m sure she’ll talk you under a table, but we do spend time together. You’d have to ignore Rosolio, though, if he’s tagging along. Ugh. They’re in Italy, so I don’t know how easily--”
Gladstone’s phone buzzed. He went to reach in his suit pocket before Magica quickly snatched it out. “Oh no,” she scowled, “not while you’re driving. I don’t care how lucky you are.”
Despite the lingering tense energy in the air, Gladstone chuckled, “Okay, okay. Read the text for me then. In case it’s from someone important.”
Magica glanced at the message and gave an undefined sigh. It wasn’t in frustration, just the usual “this is so typical” tone. “You just won two free tickets to Italy.” 
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keijikunn · 4 years
All Of Your Soul
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Part of the @babythotshq mini collab!! You can check the other parts here!
Pairing: demon!Tsukishima Kei x gender neutral!reader Genre: angst, crack if you squint for like 2 seconds  Summary: Your superstitious grandmother always told you not to get involved with demons, but how could you not when Tsukishima Kei, the one you’ve summoned, was so alluring? Word count: ~3.4k
Author’s note: Happy Halloween!! I hope you enjoy this piece, and a massive shoutout to @hidden-otaku-stuff  @kaitycole  and of course @babythotshq who helped me out during the process of writing this fic! Love you all mwah mwah 💞
WARNINGS: mentions of blood, minor and major character death, yandere!tsukki, mentions of violence, mention of sex, swearing
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Ever since you were a kid, your grandmother warned you about the evil creatures that cohabited the world you lived in. She was often called crazy because of it - after all, she was an old lady talking non-stop about demons. However, that topic amazed you rather than giving you chills down your spine. Your curiosity grew progressively as she told you the same thing over and over: “Don’t mess up with them, or else they’ll take your soul away”.
You always thought grandma told you those stories just to scare you off, to make sure you would stay in line. But the way you’d laugh it off at the age of 7 almost like daring the threat hinted your disbelief. 
"The entire hell can come get me, they won't be able to touch me!" you once told your grandmother, which earned you a scoff and a flick on your forehead. 
"Oh, Y/N" she cooed, almost in pity, patting your head. "You will regret it when you're older," 
And once again, you laughed at her. 
It became part of your childhood, long forgotten as the years passed by and the concept of believing in demons appeared to be silly. Your memory permanently buried it in the depths of your mind after your dear grandmother passed away, leaving this world with her tales from underworld creatures.
A long time since she passed,, you remembered the spooky way the old woman would tell you different myths when you were packing your belongings to leave for college. The old box stuffed inside the attic filled with dusty and thick books lit a lamp in your head, concluding your grandma used to tell you those stories. 
Not only did she have short terrifying ones, your grandma seemed to be way more superstitious than just believing in simple tales. Some of them had different symbols, with many side notes written - assumably - by your late relative. The barely readable handwritten overlapped one another, all information mixing into a big mess that you could hardly understand. 
“Granny was really into it, huh?” 
It wouldn’t hurt reading them - after all, it would be for the sake of your childhood. 
And just like you found yourself drawing strange patterns inside a circle on the floor of your bedroom with chalk, it hardly appeared but you didn’t mind. It’s just some made up stories, you thought, proceeding to let an airy laugh just thinking about your grandmother tossing and turning in her coffin. Your disbelief in these surely came from your young age. After that, all you needed to do was a single drop of your blood and say some weird phrases. 
“If it doesn’t work, it’s because of these freaking sentences,” you muttered, pricking your finger with a needle. As the red liquid fell on the center of the circle you drew, the difficult words slipped out of your lips.
A few minutes passed by after you finished the ritual and the bedroom was engulfed in silence. How you wished you could talk to your grandmother right now, just to rub it in her face that she was wrong - even though you had a mess to clean. Tossing the old book aside, you laughed at the situation you had put yourself in and undid a part of the draw. 
“You know, ever since you were a kid your sassy attitude got me on my nerves,” a second voice echoed, a male one. 
You have never turned your head so quickly in your life, looking for the person who just spoke to you. A tall, blonde guy stood on the other side of the circle; the black dress shirt had the first three buttons undone matching with the black slacks. He was handsome, and you wondered if it was your mind’s work to show you one of the hottest men you’ve ever seen (and imagined) in your life. “It’s rude to stare”
“I must be crazy,” you laughed, rubbing your eyes, when you opened them again, he was still there, with an annoyed look on his features. “Granny must be pranking me, there’s no fucking way I summoned-”
“A demon, actually you just did, haven’t you read the book, dumbass?” he hissed, rolling his eyes. The blonde man crouched to look at the poorly drawn summoning circle and scoffed. “I wonder how you managed to summon me, this shit is terrible, not to mention your Latin”
“Well, I’m sorry if it’s fucking hard to draw it, let alone speaking goddamn Latin!” This guy, this demon was pissing you out, and he had only been in your room for less than five minutes. “Okay, I guess you’re real, my grandma was right, go to hell”
“A lot of people have already told me this joke, and I have to remind every single human that it sucks,” he snapped angrily, before sighing in defeat and looking at you. “What do you want from me?”
“Me, nothing,” you chimed sarcastically. “I was serious when I told you to go to hell, demon.”
“Can you please not call me demon?!”
“So how should I call you? Rex?”
“Jesus, you’re so annoying-”
“I thought demons couldn’t say Jesus’ name, Rex”
“For fucks sake, it’s Tsukishima!” he said louder than he wanted, his voice vibrated inside your body sending chills down your spine. “You’re the worst human that has ever summoned me, and it was just for fun!” 
“Then stop complaining and return to hell, it’s not that hard!” you shot back, just as annoyed as him. A part of yourself, the superstitious one, the same one that had believed for a short while in your grandma, was screaming at yourself for picking up a fight with a demon, but your prideful one wouldn’t let that go easily. 
“I can’t just do it when you fucking used your blood while summoning me!” Tsukishima exclaimed, rolling his eyes. “Don’t you know how to read? It clearly says that blood rituals are strong, they tie your soul to me.”
“You’re telling me you, a demon, can't undo this shit?” you asked, at the sight of the male shaking his head sideways you groan frustrated. "What kind of shitty demons are you?"
"A demon that is way smarter than you, idiot." he mocked angrily.
"What am I going to do with such a pain in the ass?" The question didn't look for a proper answer from him, but either way he grunted in protest. "If I pray to whatever god, will you be repelled?"
"You're really the dumbest human I’ve ever met," Tsukishima stated as he rolled his eyes. "Of course not, what do you think I am? An ordinary demon from a shitty movie?"
"You know what? Don't answer it," he cut you, shaking his hand as if the gesture would shut you off. "Clean this mess, it's giving me chills seeing such a bad job." 
"Use your demon powers to clean it all!"
"I'm not a fucking fairy!"
Tsukishima was just a single demon, but his presence seemed to bring the whole hell to you. His witty and unnecessary comments easily threw you off the edge, and as if he noticed, which he probably did, the man made sure to say at least one provoking statement every single time he opened his mouth.
It wasn’t easy to get used with his presence, especially when Tsukishima made sure to remind you every minute you were awake that “it’s your fault”. 
Yet, the demon did not tell you how to break whatever bond you established with him. You came to the conclusion that his duty whenever he was summoned was to annoy people out. What a useless demon, you thought once, just to hear him screaming profanities and insults inside your head.
You have never imagined that this situation would drag for so long. Tsukishima was there on your first day at college, and he made sure to make you embarrass yourself in front of your class. He was also there to ruin your first date with a cute guy from one of your periods, Inuoka ended the night a bit paranoid about someone following him around.
“I think you told me you weren’t a fairy to do this kind of thing, Tsukki” you commented sarcastically, feeling the anger bubble inside your chest. 
“You heard it right, Y/N,” he answered, throwing himself at your not-so-comfortable sofa, stretching his legs over the coffee table in front of it. “That guy looked like a little boy scared of his own shadow!”
“Why did you do it?!” The question came out more desperate than you wanted it to be. Inuoka wasn’t the first man Tsukishima pulled a stunt on, and by the way your personal demon (as you address him) acts it’s not going to be the last. “He was so nice, he didn’t deserve this childish attitude of yours!”
“Well, he doesn’t have part of your soul like I do,” Tsukishima muttered quietly, but his eyes spoke volumes about his feelings. The possessiveness shone in his golden-brown orbs, a hint of jealous maybe, and you wondered once again if he had feelings like you.
All words left your brain as the tall man walked over you, holding your face with his hand. He ran his thumb over your lips and squeezed your cheeks with his grip, forcing you to maintain eye contact with him. “What are you-”
“You’re mine.” He spoke firmly, not giving a chance to say anything back. “I have a part of me in you and part of your soul is mine. You are mine”
Without a warning, Tsukishima leaned down to smash his lips against yours. His movements were harsh, but it didn’t take too long for you to give in into the heated kiss. Your head was empty, and all you could feel was his mouth on yours and a slender hand travelling inside your shirt. The lack of air in your system made you pull away from the contact, locking eyes with him with a clear question mark above your head. 
“What the hell was that, Tsukki?” The anger vanished, leaving behind confusion and a bit of… desire inside of you. 
“I’m just showing you who you belong to.” 
At that moment you couldn’t see all the red flags on that simple statement. The frustration of many failed dates piled up on your nerves to the point that you were not able to see the meaning behind those words. The mere thought of a man desiring you probably the same way as you did blinded you, and that made you snake your hands around Tsukishima’s neck and bring him down to another feverish kiss.
The rest of the night passed by like a blur, Tsukishima’s touch was hot on your skin - and you enjoyed it. The sane part of your brain didn’t have enough room to question your actions: what on Earth were you doing hooking up with a demon? Were you that desperate to be intimate with someone? As quickly as those thoughts invaded your mind, the man towering over you proceeded to take your focus to himself
You don’t know when you fell asleep, but once you woke up, feeling sore as fuck, you noticed Tsukki lying next to you. His eyes were closed, yet you knew for a fact he wasn’t in a deep slumber-  he didn't need sleep. Nevertheless, you took a few moments to appreciate the view, at the same time flashes of your previous activities together came to you just like a fever dream. 
“You don’t have a brain to think too much, dumbass,” he said without even looking at you, a sly smile graced his face nicely and you wondered if he was, at some point in his life, an actual angel. “Do you know who you belong to?”
“I’m not really sure,” you replied shamelessly. Tsukishima’s eyes opened to look straight at yours, arching his eyebrows at your daring tone. “All I remember is a very annoying demon being a bitch about a guy I was interested in”
Messing with Tsukishima became one of your favourite things, because his immediate response was to pin you on the next hard surface and engage in a messy kiss. Being with him was way different than any other relationship you've had, which weren't many since that demon was on your ass ever since you started college. 
Either way, you loved the push and pull between you two. The constant bickering would eventually turn into a heated make out session, and sometimes even more than that. You completely forgot that the man you were in a sort of relationship (if you could call it that way) was a supernatural creature; your mind chose to bury the important information of who Tsukishima really was: a demon.
His actions started to change after over a month or two since you fucked for the first time. Although the snarky and teasing comments were far from coming to an end, you found yourself curled next to him every night. Tsukishima would hold you before you sleep, even if he had to spend a few hours in the same position (which never lasted long, he learned in the hard way that you toss and turn a lot). 
You also changed around him, much to your surprise. You no longer found other men at college attractive; your Friday nights were spent on your couch with Tsukishima next to you, with a random movie on the TV while the two of you kiss. He was your getaway when things got too rough for you, with his hot touches and endless desire. 
Maybe it was the attention Tsukishima gave you, or perhaps that he has been with you for so long, but he managed to win your heart completely. Every time the blonde demon hissed “you’re mine”, how he always satiates your desires and even the awkward moments when he tries to cuddle you. Every little thing this man does pull the strings attached to your heart and mind. 
And you knew Tsukishima noticed your change of demeanor as well, how you got clingier as the months passed by, the soft tone on your voice and the lack of sarcastic responses to his mean comments. You were falling in love with him, and it was the most obvious thing Tsukki has ever witnessed during his whole life dealing with humans.
“I think I love you, Tsukki” you managed to say, your body trembled due to the intense pleasure the man above you just provided. His eyes were unreadable as he looked down at you, but you could dare to say there was a hint of fondness swimming in them. “I never thought it would be possible to fall in love with in all creatures, a demon”
“Yeah?” he caressed your cheek, tracing down to your neckline and pressing on the reddish marks on your skin. “And you were the almighty kid who didn’t believe in demons”
“A pretty annoying demon changed my mind, I have to add” the smile on your face was small, but held so much meaning. However, Tsukishima didn’t mirror your feelings, displaying a rather sadistic one instead. “And you, have you changed your mind about humans?”
“Who knows?” Tsukishima asked rhetorically, letting his body fall next to yours on the bed. "You're the most… interesting human I've met." 
You laughed at his comment, pressing your face against his side in a loving manner. The fact that Tsukishima stood still instead of responding to the display of affection went unnoticed by you; he was being himself, you tried to justify his stiffness. 
Your relationship with him was just like that: you being overly affectionate and Tsukishima… being himself, the hard to approach demon with beautiful looks and with a magnetic aura. You fell easily for him, like getting used to a new daily routine. In a matter of time you found yourself being more vocal about your quick paced heart, the butterflies flying inside your stomach and even the high pitched tone of your voice whenever you couldn't retort one of his comments. 
The man, on the other hand, didn’t follow this demeanor - in fact, Tsukishima started to act the opposite way. He would avoid your touches like the plague, leaving your apartment late at night and returning near the afternoon with purple marks on his neck and collarbones. Something inside you, jealousy, lit up like setting something on fire: wild, uncontrolled and destructive. Once it starts burning, it won’t stop easily. 
“Can’t you stop fucking other people around?!” You screamed at him, not caring if the clock on the wall just hit three in the morning. “Am I not enough for you?”
“Stop making a case out of it, Y/N” Tsukishima rolled his eyes trying to pass through you, only to be blocked by your body. “Jesus, why are you being so jealous?! We have nothing between us”
“I am fucking in love with you, dumbass!” Your high pitched voice was followed by a dead silence. Tsukishima stared at you blankly while you took deep breaths in order to calm yourself, but the adrenaline of your confession didn’t help you stay quiet. “I’ve been head over heels for you for the longest time and you proceeded to hook up with other people every night… Am I that easy for you? I love you with all my heart, a part of my soul is yours- why can’t you do the same?”
All you could hear at first was your erratic breathing pattern, then the room was filled with his laugh. He was laughing as if someone had just told him the funniest joke he ever heard, the way his torso bent forward to accompany sick amusement creeped you out. Tsukishima pretended to wipe a tear and smiled at you. 
“Oh, Y/N… You’re definitely something else, huh?” He said rhetorically, stretching his arm so his hand could cup your face. You stood still, suddenly unsure about his actions and words. Tsukishima has never used such a cold and psychotic tone with you, let alone that sadistic smirk hiding so many feelings. “So you finally accepted that you’re mine, right?”
“H-How can I be yours if you don’t give yourself to me, as well?” Never in your life have you felt so terrified, something in Tsukishima’s demeanor screamed that he wasn’t joking around. He was about to do something bad, and it would be against you. “Isn’t my love enough for you?”
“Well, to be honest? It’s almost enough” he agreed, his index finger traced down your cheeks, following down your neck until it pointed directly to the left side of your chest, above your beating heart. “So, shall I claim what is mine?”
The time seemed to be slowed down, your heartbeats were loud in your ears and your limbs were numb - you couldn’t move them at all. Regardless, it would be impossible for you, a mere human, to stop Tsukishima from slamming his hand against your chest. You didn’t feel physical pain, but the sensation of something, someone wrapping slender fingers around your inner self made you scream. 
“Tsukishima, w-what are you doing?” Your trembling voice made him laugh, the same hand he used to hit you fully on display for you to see him close it. The immediate reaction of you was a shriek, as if the demon was squeezing your insides. “What the fuck, Tsukki?”
 “Why are you so surprised?” Tsukishima asked with fake innocence, wiping the tears you didn’t know you shed. “You just told me you loved me with all your heart, that a part of your soul is mine… So I’m claiming my belongings, after all, this is the kind of demon I am: whenever a stupid little human like you summons me with blood, they sell their souls to me. It’s a matter of time for me to get it”
“I… I trusted you, Tsukki…” Your sobs interrupted your own speech. All the intimate moments you two have spent together were pure acting, meaningless, just to make you give your everything spontaneously to him. 
Your grandmother was right. You regretted every single interaction you had with Tsukishima, the demon you summoned before entering college. 
“Well, it’s your own fault.” With that, Tsukishima harshly pulled his hand backwards, leaving behind only an empty body with no soul. 
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crossed users are the ones i couldn’t tag!
@jovialnoise @paripedia @angmarwitch @shinhiromi @mariachiiii @elianetsantana @moonlightaangel @vicassa @boosyboo9206 @shrimpypenis @sunshine-hina @kozupresh @humanitysbiggestsimp @atsumubabe​ @sachirou-senpai
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