#bruce around vance: 🥰
sunricgod · 1 year
finney: i dare you to kiss whoever comes next into the room.
bruce: i'm not kissing any—
vance: *enters the room*
bruce, getting up: well, a dare is a dare.
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ghost-wysteria · 2 years
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Their reactions to you picking them up/piggy back rides
Requested by @catsleftoe
you didnt say what gender you want the reader to be so im gonna do trans male reader bc my trans bbs need some love🥰
Vance: bro would be perplexed, not even robin could pick him up and here you are?? He would be so proud but so confused, but also angry. "y/n why tf are you picking me up!! Put me down now!"
Robin: would also be confused but happy, would be so fcking proud of you for being this strong, as he knows that your scared of being seen as weak for being trans. "Look at you go, muscles" while jokingly rolling his eyes.
Finney: gasps when you pick him up, bro gets spooked easily(me), he absolutely asks you to carry him every from then on💀💀(in truth its just bc he wants you to feel strong<3), tells you how strong and buff you are "wow babe your such a buff manly man😎💪"(half jokingly, half to boost your ego)
Billy: bro probably doesnt like being picked up, caught off guard by it, "y/n please set me down love.", afterwards he'd compliment you for being strong enough to actually pick him up, lets you pick him up sometimes when your feeling dysphoric(bc it makes you feel masculine <3)
Bruce: gasps but then starts giggling like a mad man when your start spinning him around in your arms, lets you pick him up constantly, loves it especially when your hanging out and you just do randomly to kiss him or something "*intensely giggling like a psycho*"
Griffin: curses at you but then forces you to be his personal horse.. "giddy up horsey!!" Mf's a menace💀💀
(They're so cute i love all of them)
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lynderman · 2 years
My Black Phone Dr As TikTok Audios Pt.4
Me: Who broke my guitar? I’m not mad, I just want to know.
Finney: I did it. I broke it.
Me: No. No you didn’t. Bruce?
Bruce: Don’t look at me! Look at Vance!
Vance: What?! I didn’t break it.
Bruce: Huh. That’s weird. How’d you even know it was broken? 🤨
Vance: Because she’s holding it in front of us and it’s broken!
Bruce: Suspicious.
Vance: No it’s not.
Gwen: If it matters, probably not…Robin was the last one to use it.
Gwen: Oh really? Then what were you doing in Vanity’s room earlier?
Finney: All right, let’s not fight. I broke it. Let me buy you a new one, Vanity.
Me: No. Who broke it?
Vance: Billy’s been awfully quiet..
Billy: REALLY? 😀
Me: I broke it. I was trying to play a new song and my chord got stuck, so I threw it and stomped on it. I predict 10 minutes from now, they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
*Vance runs down the hall, chasing Bruce, who’s chasing Robin as Robin screams at the top of his lungs.*
Me: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here. 🥰
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ghost-wysteria · 2 years
Random Vance Hopper headcanons(bc i can)
He was a mommas boy before she left because of his abxsive dad.
Has a terrible relationship with his dad, his dads a neglectful, abusive, drunk.
He loves PDA. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong, hes a attention starved little gay boy.
he wont even care that people are looking at him and his boyfriend holding hands and kissing each other on the cheek, give. That. Boy. Lovings.
Never fucking brushes his hair, you had to have bruce and robin hold him down while you and finney untangled it(it took probably like 10 hours and everyone was exhausted after) and griffin and billy watched, eating popcorn.
After that you would tackle him in the morning and forcefully brush his hair, eventually he got used to it, and after a REALLY. Long time, he started to enjoy it.
Is an only child(i love the hc where he has a bunch of sisters but its not for me)
Is super overprotective, literally is always grabbing you in some way, either your hand, your leg, your shoulder, hes holding you,
when he plays pinball tho he'll either have you pressed against his chest or have you right next to the window.
The only people he likes/cares for is finney, billy, griffin(his favorite other then you), Robin, bruce, gwen, and you ofc♡
Hes part of the #finney protection squad
Hes the "hates everyone but you" type of guy.
If you guys are just friends he still cares about you just as much
Literally doesnt care if anyone judges you two for being queer, will literally punch them in the face for even giving you two dirty looks
I still have no clue how the grabber kidnapped vance tbh
Adults hate him, never fucking bring him around your parents or grandparents..
Will NOT. Hesitate to bitch slap a girl if she deserves it, he'll never full on punch a girl or something but lawd she gettin' SMHACKED.
(Again these are all headcanons🥰❤)
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