#bruh this is why i love mdzs lmao
lansizhuis · 5 years
wei wuxian telling jiang cheng he wasn’t his type much like the fat bull in the village after being resurrected 13 years later is something expected from the wei wuxian before his yiling patriarch transformation and im certain that’s how jiang cheng recognized him aka that’s the brother he was familiar with
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gravitydefyingtears · 5 years
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MDZS Audio Drama S3 Extra: Gatecrashing
The final episode of the audio drama!!! It may be over but I will never stop listening to it!
^ Bruh, that height difference... 😂
Power couple WangXian taking their son out for some training. A+ content. Wei Wuxian with his unorthodox methods, Hanguang-jun just going along with it, and their poor son covering up for his shameless parents.
Also, I just love that little moment where they were talking about servants. Both father and son looked at Wifi, worried that it was a sensitive topic for him. Warm and fuzzy feelings! Punched in the face by love! 💕💕💕
And the iconic moment: Master Qin thinking LWJ is a virgin but little does he know...LMAO.
WWX: In my previous life, aside from saving people, I never even touched a girl’s hand but no one would believe I was a virgin. ... ... You’re laughing! You have no sympathy! At the very least, I was ranked as the fourth young master but in the end I only kissed someone once in that lifetime! The entire time I thought it was some beautiful maiden harbouring secret feelings for me. I was thinking that I, Wei Ying, hadn’t lived this life for nothing. But who knew it was actually you! *tackled by his husband*
LWJ: It was me...is that not good? >__<
WWX: Pfft. What are you getting nervous for? *gets silenced by a kiss*
Implication that WWX often puts on LWJ’s inner clothes by mistake. Boyfriend husband shirt!
Rich-gege! Limitless ATM for WWX!!!
WangXian having a casual conversation while their son is battling a fierce corpse and Master Qin is scared shitless.
LWJ recognizing Yunmeng’s sword style by sound alone just from the few times sparring with WWX more than 10 years ago...because he remembers every little detail about his husband!!!
WWX: Too bad the candlelight is too dim...must get closer...to see whether Hanguang-jun’s ears have turned red.
WWX: Even for people, when they begin to hate, they become unreasonable. So why would you expect expect an evil spirit to be reasonable? You must know, everyone in the world thinks they’ve been wronged.
LWJ: He was lucky.
LSZ: But I keep thinking...isn’t one punch too little? <- A-Yuan can hold grudges lol. Makes me think, if he didn’t lose his memories, he would be frontline in defending his dad’s name in those 13 years.
WWX: Hahaha, Sizhui, oh you...
I really love Lu-laoshi’s laugh! It’s so perfect for Wifi!
The audio drama is over but please support the team if you can! Once again, I will say: you haven’t fully experienced MDZS if you haven’t heard this adaption.
P.S. Listen till the end! There’s content after the ending song. :) A glimmer of hope for the future of humanity as well as a heart-warming WangXian moment...what a perfect ending.
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tag people you want to get to know better
tagged by @captain-apostrophe! <3
tagging (but only if you want to): @vexingcosmos, @spectralprongs,  @brehaaorgana ,  @grandsairs, @christinismithe, @serendipitysunnyflower and anyone else who wants to do it!! <33
your name and then what you would have named yourself: ana! i am good with my name tbh idk that i'd change it
astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): libra/leo/capricorn
when did you join tumblr and why?: i just checked and i have been a part of this hellsite since feb 2009 fladkfmaf i remember there was like a week that almost all of ontd_ffa joined @ once because one of us was like HEY THERES A COOL NEW SITE and i'm still here lmao
top 5 fandoms: like active fandoms or just Things I Like? obv rn like… mdzs/the untamed lmao, but also bnha and ffxv pero like in tiny circles??? idk fandom for me is better when u curate your experience, also yk when people are like hey what do u want for christmas and your brain decides it suddenly doesn't know anything? that's what my brain is doing right now lol, UHHHH lemme get back to you on the rest of them. OH i am also dipping my toes into the bts fandom with @spectralprongs's help!! <3 i'm also still very mad that in the flesh was canceled after 9 episodes
top 5 favorite films: pan's labyrinth, pacific rim, coco, jurassic park, the devil's backbone probably 
go to song when you wanna Feel something: when i want to feel WHAT THO? so many moods, so many songs if you get specific i might have a better answer lol
what’s your religion or faith if you have one?: i was raised catholic, so there's a flavor of catholic jokes that will always make me laugh
a song that makes you feel seen: la respuesta lmfaldfmllkm YO NO NECESITO UN HOMBRE QUE ME JODA
if you could have any career: i wanted to be a photographer traveling the world taking pics and getting paid for it, but idk i'm p ok where i am rn working in immigration law if only because i can help people
do you have a type?: sweet gremlin men with nice bone structure, women who could probably beat me up
what does your heart/soul yearn for: for unprecedented times to be OVER please a bitch is tired
if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone who doesn’t know you: I Cannot for some reason it's so hard for me to describe myself lol but if anyone else wants to answer this for me GO FOR IT
favorite subjects in school: photography! art! languages! english! french! music classes!
where does your soul feel most at home: anywhere i can relax with my favorite people <3  
top 5 fictional characters:                                        
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top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: OOF moments??? the first ep of futurama with seymour the dog, the season finales of itf, idk i try not to watch shows that are going to make me sad lmao i'm cheating and putting the beginning of up here too
the earth, the sun, the moon or the stars: the earth we are not nice enough to her she's doing her best!!!! the stars are a close second but i don't get to look @ them enough thanks light pollution
favorite kind of weather: SNOWSTORM you can spend all day playing in it and then be cozy inside after with blankets and soup
top 3 characters you relate to: I CHANGED THIS QUESTION BECAUSE I DIDN’T LIKE HOW IT WAS WORDED LMAO but every oldest sibling from the untamed who raised their younger siblings oldest siblings deserve financial compensation!!!, prob the weasley twins who are v smart but also v much not about their grades lol (that's 6 it counts)
favorite medium of art: all of them i refuse to pick one!!! well no i can tell u my least favorite art medium is art made from trash and/or period blood
introvert/extrovert/ambivert: extrovert allegedly
a favorite literary quote: bruh i haven't read an actual book in SO LONG i need to make more time to read
some of your favorite books: remind me about this one i am at work and have forgotten every single book i've ever read
if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?: i think i'm ok here! i love traveling and visiting new places, but i live super close to a big city and i like having Four Seasons (total landscaping ladfkamdf i'm sorry it was right there)
if you could live in any time in history when would it be?: mmm like cap said, history hasn't been particularly good to female-presenting people, and i'm gonna add that it's also been sorta terrible to not white people. NOT THAT NOW GOING PARTICULARLY WELL LMAO BUT UHHHH. if i could go just like watch history, maybe a period when art/music was having a big boom
if you could play any instrument masterfully it would be: piano!!! i have one but i can only play by ear lmao (it was an inheritance) i should be able to read music after many years playing different instruments but nope none of it stuck
if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you feel a connection to: i do not have one
and lastly, favorite recent selfie in your camera roll: all of my recent selfies have been mask selfies i sent kie or pics of office puppy on the selfie camera WHOOPS i don't really take selfies
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lansizhuis · 5 years
Between The Untamed and Guardian, which do you think did more justice or paid more respect to the source material and why?
THE UNTAMED IS EXTREMELY SUPERIOR IN ALL ANGLES (except pair acting but that’s bc zhubai has unmatched chemistry) The thing is MDZS was able to keep almost all of the necessary plot elements bc they’re not very religion-ish. Then we have Guardian who’s entire main plot has loads of religion theme from the tales of the primordial gods, ghosts, the existence of diyu (hell) - so the entire plot was 90% scrapped off to make way for er……mutant aliens…….sjdjkafbskdgbsg im still cackling whenever i respond to drama asks im sorry bc as much as i love guardian’s liveaction, the new adapted plot was reaaaally crap hahahaha tbf i dont see anyone who loves weilan and zhenhun (both drama and novel versions) claim the plot is good LMAO EVEN ZHU YILONG AND BAI YU THEMSELVES SAID THAT THE DRAMA HAS SO MANY SHORTCOMINGS which is mostly due to yeah the censorship with 90% of its real plot (like bruh novel shen wei is way darker compared to the kinder shen wei in drama) and also that the rich company who was sponsoring them (hence the really amazing pre-prod stuff like their OST is superior yo xueran chen with orchestra??? zhubai’s weilan duo ost??? etc) ended up being bankrupt midway whelp SO YEAH OVERALL - THE UNTAMED WAS HEAPS AND BOUND BETTER (again, except the main pair chemistry lol)
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