#brycen winslow
kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
Find the word
Thanks to @ayzrules here and @cat-esper here for the tag!
I usually don't do two in one because these can get long, but they are really starting to pile up.
My words: tape, grass, leg, bottle, return, last, dream, forgive
Your words: depress, favor/favour, entertain, attract
Tagging @emberlyric @chauceryfairytales @aalinaaaaaa @gottestod-writes @elsie-writes @ahordeofwasps @spitefulbull @stesierra @pluttskutt @duckingwriting @mjjune @dyrewrites
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
Keep reading for:
Jason tries to get important information out of Sadie
Lexi goes through the portal
Ash is being manipulated ew
Lexi and her lab partner Jackson
The aftermath of an intense moment
Lexi has good memory
Maddie's weird, annoying dream
Maddie and Rose make up
Tape - from "Hero's Journey Short Story" (I could not find "tape" anywhere except for this short story from the creative writing class I took in high school. Enjoy)
“You see this?” Dr. Jackson asked, pointing at a highlighted area of the brain scan. “This is Broca’s area. It has a significant amount of damage to it.” “What does that mean for Sadie?” Jason asked. “It means she’ll have trouble producing words,” said Dr. Jackson. “She can think coherently, and her comprehension is overall intact, but there will be some struggle, so keep things simple for her.” Jason nodded, pushing himself away from the wall. “Okay, Sadie. Come on.” She pushed herself out of the chair she was in and scurried to Jason’s side. Jason grabbed a clipboard, paper, pencil, and tape recorder off the desk against the wall and led Sadie out of the med-bay and out in the hallway. He opened the door to what was now Sadie’s quarters and allowed her to walk in first. “There’s a lamp by the bedside for minimum light,” Jason explained. “We already put your clothes in the dresser.” Sadie switched on the lamp and hopped onto the bed, dangling her legs off the end. Jason closed the door and crossed the room to sit next to her.
Grass - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
I tried to sit on the grass to contemplate everything when I hit something hard. I cried out in pain and shot up, rubbing the now-sore spot—feeling awkward even though no one was around. I turned to see what I hit and jumped when I saw millions of colors shoot up from the ground. I looked around and watched the endless field disappear from view. I must’ve hit my head on the concrete. Yes, that made sense. A sudden panic of long-term injury caused me to reach up to touch my head. I didn’t feel any sign of injury, but that didn’t mean anything. Maybe I was hallucinating the lack of injury. My breath quickened as the colors around me grew bigger and more vibrant. I looked down at the ground and watched as the colors erased the grass. “Oh, shit!” The ground disappeared and I fell through a tunnel of millions of colors I never knew existed. Is this what it’s like to have more photoreceptors? Is this how shrimp see? I would’ve been in awe if I wasn't falling to my death. The air whipped around me—my braids disconnected where I’d tied them in the back, causing my looser hair to partially obstruct my vision. A bright light forced my eyes shut, the inside of my eyelids red. I felt warm and safe around it, but it was too bright for my taste.
Leg - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
“Lexi relies too much on comfort. And once that comfort is broken, she will no longer be able to get comfortable again. And that scares her. Even her fear of touch. She’s afraid of not being comfortable.” I moved the ring back between my thumb and index finger. He was right. “Ash,” said Shelby. I glanced up. “I know you and Lexi are close, but you gotta remember that she’s not in charge of your friendships.” “I know she’s not!” I said harshly, accidentally dropping the ring on the floor. “Agh!” I grunted in frustration as I ducked below the table to get it. I sighed as I sat back, holding the ring in my lap. “Sorry. It’s just… Labor Day weekend… we usually spend it together.” “You still have tomorrow and Monday,” Mr. Jimenez pointed out as I stood to get back in my chair. “Yeah, but I think Lexi’s mad at me.” I pulled one leg up to the chair, leaning my elbow against my knee, gaze still on the ring.
Bottle - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
I collapsed into my seat in science class beside Jackson, who happened to be my stand partner in orchestra. “You good?” Jackson asked. “Yeah,” I muttered. “Gym. Thirteen laps.” Jackson winced. “Yeah, I hate it when Coach does that. Not all of us are athletes.” “My friend Gwen finished in no time, without losing her breath. Noelle and I meanwhile weren’t doing so hot.” I took a long swig from my water bottle. “Though Noelle’s waaay over a foot taller than me. So she finished earlier because her legs are so long.” Jackson bunched his brows. “I thought her name was Clarissa.” “It’s Carissa,” I corrected. Jackson’s face became more confused. “Long story,” I said as the bell rang. “Tell you later.”
Return - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Jedi POV)
Shuffling behind me caused me to turn to the kids again, who were all very slowly slinking out into the walkway, still huddled together, unsure of where to go, and not sure about what happened. Other passengers on the train became aware of the movement and became curious. The girl that made eye-contact with me by the restroom whispered something to another, then tentatively walked over to us. She stopped once she reached us, her shoulders turned inward, her hands clasped together. She shook where she stood, but managed to bow before she left to return with the others. Several minutes later, we reached the next stop. Xiang got their parents’ attention and they filed into the walkway. Xiang turned back to me. “Bye, Jedi.” “Bye, Xiang.” Xiang turned around to look at the Inutilia kids, still unsure at what to do. Xiang gestured for the kids to follow them. The kids looked back at the man, still unconscious, then back at Xiang. Slowly, the kids followed Xiang and their family off the train.
Last - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
“Do you know what Gwen, Rose, and Noelle’s last periods are?” Ash asked. “Gwen has science, Rose: art, and Noelle has… math,” I answered. “How do you know these things?” Ash asked as she rolled the sleeves up of her red flannel. “Like, you have everyone’s schedule memorized!” “Pfft, no I don’t.” I waved hello to Julian Austin as he ran by. “Really? What’s Julian’s fourth period?” Ash asked. I pushed open the door with my shoulder, pausing briefly to think. “Gym.” “See?” Ash pointed out. “What can I say? I’m observant,” I said as the exhaust from the buses caused my eyes to water.
Dream - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Maddie POV)
My alarm went off, causing me to jump and my head to pound. I squeezed the pillow around my ears, screaming at SORARA to turn it off. Once she did, I relaxed, releasing the pillow. In the sudden movement, I realized I’d dropped Wilfredo. I looked around for the amigurumi tiger and found him on the floor. I scooped him up and plopped back onto the pillow. That was a really weird dream I had last night. I was in an auditorium, and there was this guy dressed as Robin, as in “Batman and…,” but on his head was, like, a helmet of Steve’s face, as in, Steve from Minecraft. I went over to the guy and took the Steve head off of him, and he revealed himself to be Brycen Winslow. I wasn't super excited to see his face. We were friends in early elementary school, but then in fourth grade, he became a jerk. A bully, more like. Thankfully, he went to a different middle school, so I wouldn’t have to see his face again. Well, I did see his face again, in last night’s dream. That was annoying. In the dream, he smirked his stupid smirk and said, “Hello, Mads.” Mads. That stupid nickname. It was something only he called me, but now I hated it. Because of him. Ugh. Why did I have to see him last night?
Forgive - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
“Hey, Maddie.” We turned to Rose, who took a deep breath. “I’m sorry about earlier.” “What?” Maddie asked. “What did you do earlier?” “I yelled at you,” Rose said, not making eye contact. “And I pushed you. I shouldn’t have done that.” Maddie looked up at me for a second. I gave her a smile and a nod. She turned back to Rose. “I accept your apology,” she said. “And, um, I wanted you to know I didn’t mean to push you, either. I didn’t like how close you were to me, and I should’ve said you were too close and asked you to step away instead of pushing you. And I wasn't trying to argue when I said that you led us through a death portal. I was trying to make a joke, but I know I have poor timing with that. And I’m sorry for what I said. Especially when I said you didn’t care about Lexi. I dunno where that came from. Maybe it came from my shapeshifting powers.” “Or maybe you were just concerned for your sister,” Rose suggested. “Maybe,” said Maddie. “Oh, thanks,” I said, smiling. Maddie looked up and laughed when she saw my smile. “That’s not what I meant.” “I know.” “Oh!” Maddie turned to Rose. “And I’m sorry I pounced on you as a tiger. That entire thing actually.” “I forgive you,” Rose said, giving a small nod. I knew Rose well enough to know that she was smiling—it was clear in her eyes.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
Find four lines
Thanks @diabolical-blue here!
Rules: find four lines that match the given prompt, then change ONE prompt for the next people!
A line about friendship
From The Secret Portal Part One (Robbie POV)
But despite that feeling of isolation, I didn’t care much, since I had Akash. We were both a little lonely, but being lonely together was better than being lonely alone.
A line about a dream
From The Secret Portal Part Two (Maddie POV)
That was a really weird dream I had last night. I was in an auditorium, and there was this guy dressed as Robin, as in “Batman and…,” but on his head was, like, a helmet of Steve’s face, as in, Steve from Minecraft. I went over to the guy and took the Steve head off of him, and he revealed himself to be Brycen Winslow.
A line about nature
From The Secret Portal Part One (Gwen POV)
The woods were fascinating. I’d been on nature hikes like this one back home. There were differences here, though. There was a patch of bracken with a purple-blue hue. In fact, a lot of the plants in the forest were shades of purple. At least more than there are at home. Purple was rare in nature. But not here. We passed a small brook with reddish-violet stones. The bark had different patterns, colors—everything.
A line about a meal
From The Secret Portal Part Two (Lexi POV)
Hye-Jin pushed the plate that was in the center of the table toward me. “You have to check out Noelle’s breakfasts tacos!” “Oh, shit, they’re good!” Akash said, grabbing a taco off the plate. “Glad you replicated so many; I have to take another.” “What’s in them?” I asked as I took one. “Roasted sweet potato, poblano pepper, avocado, much more,” said Noelle. “I’ll give you the recipe.” “It’s vegetarian, so Maddie will be good with it.” I took a bite of a taco. “Wow. That is good. Thanks, Noelle.”
Tagging @duckingwriting @dyrewrites @mk-writes-stuff @elsie-writes @willtheweaver
Your lines: A line about friendship, A line about a memory, A line about nature, A line about a meal
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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