#bs dooley
threadbareturnbacks · 10 months
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Dooley's Screen Worn Stunt Double Wardrobe Set
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Matter of Course Black Sails Musical Parallels | XXXIV. XXXVII.
music variation note: the scenes in XXXVII are in a lower key than XXXIV.
I spent a year rewatching Black Sails and tracking all the bits of music that repeated at any point during the show, and my findings are reinforcing that Bear McCreary is a genius and this show should have been called 'parallels that will kill you over and over again'* (tag | chronological)
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davenweenie · 2 years
Lab Rats Headcanons
Except most of them are about Chase.
-Chase is grandma Rose’s favourite step-grandchild, Leo is obviously her favourite all around.
-the Davenport-Dooley’s have never met Donald and Douglas’s parents, I don’t think they ever will for many reasons.
-Chase used to be insecure about being short but now that he’s older he sees it as an advantage during fights and battles because he’s hard to catch/can get low enough to avoid hits from taller opponents. He’s also ‘slippery’ aka fast and quick, can get out of the hold of an opponent pretty quickly.
-Chase has a search engine in his brain, like he can literally look up answers to questions in less than seconds. He’s like a human Google.
-Chase hates Spike, despises would actually be a better word. He hates that Adam, Bree and Leo trigger Spike on the occasion because they think it’s funny (*cough* their first day at school *cough*). He wakes up not knowing what happened, what Spike has done, who he’s hurt and what property he’s damaged and it’s terrifying not knowing.
-Spike made an appearance during their time in the Elite Force. Chase’s Commando App was triggered by a news station that had made awful remarks about the EF (about Skylar and Bree’s relationship more specifically, they were very homophobic to them) and Chase had just gotten so angry that it triggered Spike to come out. He ended up ripping the TV off the wall, smashing it to pieces and basically going on a rampage. Chase is glad that Spike couldn’t figure out how to get down into Mission Command. It took about an hour for him to calm down enough that the app disengaged. It was a lot of explaining to do to his teammates.
-Chase and Kaz once got chased by the paparazzi, Kaz flipped them off as he ascended to the heavens (well, the skies of Centium City) with Chase in his arms who was laughing a lot. Thank the wonderful world of being able to fly.
-the Elite Force all saved up to get tickets to see Harry Styles for Bree’s birthday, they could have quite easily got the money from Mr Davenport but they wanted it to feel more meaningful because they had to work hard to save up for it.
-Chase struggles a lot going to concerts, meet and greets, shows etc because of his super senses. He’s found ways to cope better but it’s still always a struggle.
-to follow that, everyone tries to play music at a low volume for Chase’s sake. He always feels bad about it but they all assure him that they’d rather he feel comfortable in his own home than stress him out by playing loud music.
-the Rats never had toys when they were younger, they had to figure out how to play by themselves which often ended up with Chase getting hurt somehow. Falling over because he was going chased by someone with super speed, getting thrown around by someone with super strength just to name a few.
-Tasha and Leo were distraught to find out that they never had toys or teddies/stuffed animals so they took all three of them to Build-a-Bear and they each got a teddy. Chase got a frog, only because they had ran out of Pokémon ones but he loves that thing so much, it sits on the edge of the glass in his capsule and he named it Greta after Greta Thunberg.
-Chase finds a kitten in a dumpster on the way home from the shop/store one day, he heard it crying and clawing to try and get out with his super hearing. He takes it back to the penthouse with him and cleans it up. He didn’t have any plans to keep it, he was going to take it to a shelter or give it to someone he knew would take care of it but as soon as he dried it off and wrapped it in a blanket he knew that he couldn’t let it go.
-he finds out that it is in fact a he. He names him Tesla after Nikola Tesla. It also pisses him off so much that people think he named him after the car because he hates Elon Musk.
-Tesla is a calico cat with heterochromia. Kaz keeps telling Chase that it was destiny that he found Tesla because of their matching eyes. Chase keeps telling him he thinks it’s bs though.
I have fallen in love with this cat hc. Let me know if you want more of Tesla because I love him.
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leykzy142 · 2 years
💙❤️ SILENT MOANS ❤️💙 ( Beauty & Frankie… ) CHAPTER 15&16 By, Naomi Cindy B. ★★★★ (SWEET REVENGE) His face got stuck in the middle of her b**bs, and Dooley’s eyes came wide like crazy, she could feel his warm breath on her cleavage immediately. “What the f*ck!!!” Frankie shouted, standing from the couch. ” OMG!” Simon and Micky shouted at a time. Before Daniel could stand from her, Simon snapped…
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manabombs · 3 years
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misc. minor character costumes part 1
Thomas Hamilton (this is the only one of his outfits I was able to find)
Mark Read
Abigail Ashe
Abigail Ashe
Ben Gunn
Captain Berringer
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ellelans-graphics · 3 years
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The story, as it was recounted to me, is that Avery was the first Englishman to find the island.The Spanish had been using it to conduct illicit transactions for decades.Avery plans to lie in wait for them. He and his crew of arrive... and sail inland. But as they move up the inlet, they see something most unexpected. She was Spanish, but not one of the ships they'd been hunting. This ship had been there far longer than that.Captain's log identifies her having set sail from Havana in,souls aboard. Avery finds the remains of all.Slaughtered.Brutally so.Evidence that a number of them had been dismembered while still alive.There were natives on the island? All bodies were found still on the ship, locked inside the hold. Locked from within.They ate each other alive.Avery claimed to have seen the log. It said that the crew had refused to go inland to forage for food or for fresh water. That the first men in had returned, reporting sounds coming from the forest.The men said it sounded to them... like the voice of God... warning them to stay away.
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heytheredeann · 4 years
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olincino · 4 years
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portrayed by Laudo Liebenberg
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starbuck · 3 years
“You think what she and I hope to achieve for Nassau is impossible. That I'll be the death of her?” HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
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pirate-of-dreams · 4 years
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- La Révolution, Episode 1x06 “The Alliance”
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Encroaching Implications Black Sails Musical Parallels | XVII. XVIII. XIX. XXXIV.
I spent a year rewatching Black Sails and tracking all the bits of music that repeated at any point during the show, and my findings are reinforcing that Bear McCreary is a genius and this show should have been called 'parallels that will kill you over and over again'* (tag | chronological)
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solraneth-archive · 6 years
Flint to Dooley: You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend - those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.
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finngualart · 4 years
Oh, YES, thanks for tagging me @zwergenmaedchen and @medusinestories (oh and @old-long-john too!) I’m gonna answer this on my main blog:
silverflint or flinthamilton ☠ warship or Walrus ☠ pony tail or shaved head ☠ maxanor or maxanne ☠ Flint covered in blood or Flint in crispy white shirt ☠ madi or max ☠ storm or doldrums ☠ clean shaved silver or pubes beard Silver [I love a beard on him but Flint does need to teach him how to groom that shit] ☠ maxanne AND jackanne [come on, there’s no either/or here] ☠ Alfred Hamilton or Peter Ashe [the least of two (we)evils I think] ☠ bi Flint or gay Flint [bi if you force me to choose but I like to leave him free and unlabeled :>] ☠ flintgates or flintbilly ☠ ships or Nassau ☠ silverflinthamilton or flinthamiltons ☠ pistols or swords ☠ Muldoon or Joshua ☠ tavern or brothel ☠ Woodes Rogers or Dufresne [Woody at least interests me whereas I think Dufresne is just petty and irritating] ☠ Jack Rackham or Charles Vane ☠ sails or spyglass ☠ eleanorvane or eleanorrogers ☠ surrender or fight ☠ London era Miranda or Nassau era Miranda ☠ Dooley or Israel Hands ☠ Flint’s leather coat or Flint’s other coats [the green S4 coat!!!] ☠ reunion or devil’s theory [I don’t really know tbh but I know that I love Flinty a lot and I really want someone to give him some good loving :’D]
I think all my BS pals are tagging each other in this atm so I don’t need to tag people :D
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leykzy142 · 2 years
💙❤️ SILENT MOANS ❤️💙 ( Beauty & Frankie… ) CHAPTER 15&16 By, Naomi Cindy B. ★★★★ (SWEET REVENGE) His face got stuck in the middle of her b**bs, and Dooley’s eyes came wide like crazy, she could feel his warm breath on her cleavage immediately. “What the f*ck!!!” Frankie shouted, standing from the couch. ” OMG!” Simon and Micky shouted at a time. Before Daniel could stand from her, Simon snapped…
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captain-flint · 7 years
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If we succeed, if we are to succeed and leave this island with the alliance intact... I’m having a hard time seeing how Mr. Silver can be a part of that now. He’ll come ‘round.
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TW: Ableist comment/disability
Early this morning, I saw one post that shared by my mutual on twitter. It was antis's post on John Silver, which I believe from tumblr. The post was asking about their opinion on John Silver.
Their comments was “Put. The beard. Back where it came from. You lost your leg, not your hand, you can still shave and for the love of the gods, please stop rambling deliriously about how James is a sea god. Stay away from James.” and also “Throw him in the bin with the rest of the garbage.”
Reading this, never ever I had felt so much rage and so disappointed to read their ableist comment.
As disabled person, their comment inflicted so much pain to them. Do you know why John Silver wasn't bothered to shave his beard? BECAUSE IT WAS GODDAMN PAINFUL TO DO SHAVE BY HIMSELF, HE WAS TOO TRAUMATISED, WHICH HIS LEG WAS SAWED WHILE HE WAS AWAKE! HOW COME YOU MISSED THAT SCENE??
Of course his personal hygiene degrade because of his mind trying to processing how his body work, to deal another burden after losing his limb. If you never experience how it's feel like the numb and the burden on part of your body, slam your hands to the door and you will feel numb for entire the day.
Throwing him into the rest garbage because you think he is invalid as the part of crews? Silver believed that he was invalid to the crews, just add another burden, you know that? But he decided to stay with the crew, his brothers whom was there for him. They built rope for him to ease his walk when he's on the deck. They let him to use kitchen to cook food, it's his safe space where nobody look for him. Whose else there for him on the Walrus? Dr. Howell, Dooley, Muldoon, Billy and Flint.
What do you expect from disabled person with deal with traumatic past? Do you really think disabled person like us, must to grieve their lost of their body part? Silver doesn't want their sympathy, he wanted to show that he's capable to do his own!
When Billy said he needed one person to cause fear on the Nassau, it was Silver. He decided to step forward as behalf for Captain Flint and showed his power that his disability has nothing for him. He used his mind to prove that he is capable to fight the army. Flint taught him how to use sword and he never see Silver’s as less than human. He saw Silver as partner and shared same mind.
That comment on “You lost leg, not your hand” really enraged me so much. I was angry with this, because I experienced similar comments like this, “You lost hearing, not eyes or mouth! Get over with it!” and I was told that I should be grateful that I still have eyes and mouth to see and talk. I should be happy that I able to see and experience them before they were gone, unlike others. Wow, such nice way to look down on us.
Do you know what's most ableist thing people has done on me? By taking away my glasses whenever I need them to read their lips, even with my hearing aids on. By taking away TV remote and turning off the cllsed caption so that I had to learn lip reading by themselves. I was angry, hurt by their behaviour and I cried, a lot. Since then I cut off with that people and stopped talking to them. I ignored them and refused talk to them until they apologised on their past behaviour.
The way this person trying to invalidating disabled person's feeling and tell them to man up, it's hell rude. If you saw someone struggled alot, offer their help. Or if you have ableist thought, keep it to yourself. No thanks, we do not want hear that and we are fine by ourselves. We know our body better than the doctors or anyone else.
I don't know if you, the antis actually skipped the scenes and jumped in when Flint was in. I'm sorry to tell you, I don't believe you watched entire episode and season, only for your shipping. You ignored the story, you ignore every character's development and even worst you ignored his disability by invalidating his pain and his disability.
Please don't call yourself as Black Sails fan if you can't accept disability and no sense of empathy for each characters in this story.
You are allowed to express your dislike on John Silver and his action for taking away the war, go ahead but do not invalidate his disability and his pain.
If you insist to paint disabled person like John Silver as the villain in this story, go ahead, that's your wish right? We are disabled person too, and we are bad person because we have right to ask for equality!
Oh did you know, in pirate world, the person has lost limb or ability to function to work on the ship will receive better share for them if they wishes to retire!
But remember, even villain in the story also still have healthy body and functionally normal too, soo that's your choice. *shrug*
I know BS is fictional world, so with the characters! And remember, your answers/post/opinions reflected what your thought on people around you.
Good luck with that, I hope many people realised how ableist you are.
Go outside, see what you has been missing in real life.
Cheers and good night.
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