luvksj · 3 years
yandere!btob: finding you months later after you escaped
author’s pov: heyyo it’s me again! just wanted to let you know that i don’t plan on stopping the yandere!btob spam any time soon and expect a lot more stories with a similar theme. maybe i’ll do another group like super junior or clc that don’t have any stories with these types of themes... idk.
what do you guys want to see? please don’t be afraid to tell me. anyways enjoy the story, thank you for always supporting me. ps: let’s think of this story as the successful version to ‘trying to escape’!
WARNING: strong use of violence, cursing ahead. if you feel uncomfortable with themes of stalkers/stalking, violence, obsession, yandere aus, manipulation, torture etc or mentions of blood, killing, death, torture, kidnapping or anything similar please DO NOT read this story!
plot: you succeeded in escaping them but that doesn’t mean it’ll last long.
e u n k w a n g
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-  you were trapped in a toxic relationship for nearly your whole with a someone who could be the definition of a psychopathic demon
- he was manipulative, possessive and controlling
- at first he was one of the sweetest, goofiest, kindest, caring and loving person which you fell for but he did a full 180 and showed his true colors 
- you couldn’t do anything without his permission otherwise he’d beat you until you were on the verge of death 
- no matter how many times you tried to escape, he’d somehow find you and forcefully bring you back ‘home’ where he would mercilessly punish you
- but this time, you had carefully calculated each and every step, you were determined to escape this time
- you built up his trust and he decided to foolishly trust you to stay home alone for two days while he dealt with an issue at work
- that’s when you escaped, vanished without a trace and you couldn’t help but scream in utter delight when you realized that you had succeeded for once
- tears of pure joy and happiness cascaded down your cheeks as you were finally free of him
- six months had passed and you had settled down comfortably with your new life
- you had got a good paying job and everything in your life was finally right for once
- however this ‘fantasy dream’ was destroyed one day
- walking home from work, you reached your apartment and noticed that the door was unlocked, knowing fully well that you always lock the door before you leave for work every day
- a bad feeling pools in your stomach and you contemplate whether or not to open the door
- unfortunately a voice interrupts your mental debate, “jagiya! i know you’re there!” 
- everything suddenly stopped, you couldn’t believe it, he had found you and you were now in danger
- slowly backing away, you try to run but a hand grabs your wrist and throws you harshly against the wall
- it was him, you were hoping this was all a nightmare but it wasn’t
- eunkwang had spent every second of the past six months searching for you and he finally got news that you were hiding out in jeju
- he immediately went there and using his charm, he found your apartment and waited there for you
- he had vowed to himself that he’ll never let you out of his sights again
“I finally found you after so long... why did you leave me?! Nevermind, I found you and now I’ll never let you out of my sight ever again.” 
m i n h y u k
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- let’s be honest for a moment, it was a real miracle you managed to even to get out of the house, let alone escape his clutches
- minhyuk had caged you like an animal inside his big mansion which was hidden in depths of forest so you couldn’t escape
- plus he had hired 24/7 security so there was really no hope in you even being able to leave without being noticed
- however, you needed to try because you couldn’t live like this anymore and let him control you like you belonged to him
- you were not a possession he could own and so you started planning your escape 
- minhyuk was possessive and aggressive
- he’d get angry at anyone even talking or touching you thinking you were cheating on him so he’d punish both you and the person
- everyone knew you belonged to him because he’d always say it, “she’s mine! hands off her!” 
- by some god blessed miracle, you managed to escape this prison while he was away for the day
- after kissing him up, he decided to let his guard down for once and trusted you home alone
- as soon as he left, you escaped by finding his little notebook containing all the passcodes to every single door and gate 
- packing a bag and caught a bus to anywhere far away from that torture chamber
- you couldn’t believed you had actually escaped him and silently celebrated as you arrived at the new place you would call home
- four months later, you had settled down and found yourself a job, working in a cafe near the apartment you had brought
- right now, everything was going well in your life 
- one day, you were working when you spotted a horrifying sight and nearly screamed as it came closer to you
- minhyuk destroyed everything in his path when he realized you had succeeded in escaping him despite doing everything to keep you caged up with him
- he was angry and nearly killed the entire security team he hired for being incompetent at their jobs
- everyday he’d search for you, leaving corner unturned, he didn’t care how long it would take, he will find you
- his persistence and determination finally paid off when he had just finished making rounds when he spotted a familiar figure inside a cafe
- he stormed inside and he tried to grab your wrist but you managed to evade him
- running off, he continued chasing you and once he caught you, you will never be able to leave his side again
“Stop playing these games right now, jagi! You will always belong to me no matter what!”
c h a n g s u b 
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- changsub was someone you met while at school, he was in most of your classes
- both of you got on really well but you failed to notice all the warning signs people gave you about him and accepted his confession 
- that’s when your life became hell 
- he was manipulative, possessive and clingy
- you couldn’t do anything without his permission and most of the time he’d say no to you 
- if you dared disobey him, he’d punish you until you cried for him to stop or you just passed out
- he wasn’t the changsub you grew to like, the changsub you knew was the complete opposite of this one
- the changsub you knew was kind, sweet, funny, bubbly, outgoing, caring and everything you could ask for in a boyfriend but this one... he made your life a living hell
- one day, you couldn’t take it anymore and after gaining his trust, you fled when he went away for a week for work purposes
- he trusted you home alone but you took that opportunity to escape this demon’s grasp
- you even left korea and moved to [choose a country] where you could rebuild the disaster that is your life
- nine months had passed and you were confident he wouldn’t find you
- you had settled down nicely in the country and found yourself a job which kept a roof over your head, food in your body and paid your bills
- however, that luck unfortunately ran thin one day because by coincidence changsub had a meeting in [your chosen country] 
- when changsub came home and found out you had succeeded in escaping him, he was livid
- how dare you leave him? he didn’t give you permission to do that
- changsub searched all over korea for you but you were no where in sight and he was getting frustrated because you were really testing his patience
- nine months had passed and he had a meeting in [your chosen country], he had hoped you would be there so he could bring you back
- after his meeting, he decided to drive around and by fate he saw you walking from work 
- “oooh baby!” he sang out and you froze, you hoped it was a hallucination but when a pair of familiar tattooed arms wrapped tightly around you... it was him
- while hugging you tightly, he whispered some words into your ear and silently promised himself that he would never let this happen again
“Baby I was so worried! Let’s go home now where I’ll make sure you never act so foolishly ever again...”
h y u n s i k
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- you vanished without a trace one night while you both were out celebrating his current achievement at work
- he latched firmly by your side and informed you not to walk off without him
- however little did he know you had something else planned... for a while now and tonight would be the only chance to execute it
- again, when you guys met he was a different person, the person you fell in love with not this monster
- that hyunsik was shy, reserved, full of adorable charm and the sweetest person you probably ever met within your existence
- once you guys began dating, he suddenly changed into this possessive, clingy and controlling monster who believed he had total control over you
- he decides what you can or cannot do, what you can or cannot wear, you’re his little muse and he loves showing you off to any and every one he meets
- you have had enough with this behavior and wanted to free yourself but you knew that wasn’t going to be easy
- luckily, you had been a good girl and gained his trust enough for him to take you to this celebration, honoring him for all his hard work
- he didn’t let you attend such events because he didn’t like people staring at you because you were a lovely piece of candy in a pack of hungry wolves
- while everyone was mingling, you excused yourself saying you needed to go to the bathroom and he thankfully let you since he was talking with some important people
- that’s when you disappeared and ran to your awaiting ride, you disappeared to a small village completely off the grid
- three months later and you had completely settled down, working as a farmer for an elderly couple, tending to their luscious garden full of vegetables
- you were confident he’d never find you here but hyunsik isn’t the one to give up so easily
- once hyunsik realized you hadn’t returned from the bathroom, he got a bad feeling and stormed inside the girls bathroom ignoring people’s screams
- you were nowhere to be seen despite his security team triple checking the venue, he realized you had run off and was incredibly pissed that he let something like this happen
- the happiest moment in his life turned out to be the worst moment because his babygirl had betrayed him
- everyday he would look for you and unfortunately you were nowhere to be seen despite sending out search teams 
- one day, one of his security guards notified him of someone resembling you who was living in a quiet village and he immediately drove there
- returning home from work, you immediately sensed something wrong and turned around to see a figure following you
- a bad feeling settled in your stomach and you quickened your pace but this person was faster
- they immediately pin you against a wall in an alleyway, taking off their disguise to reveal the one person you didn’t want to see again
- hyunsik maliciously grinned, trailing a finger against your cheek and you tried pushing him off but this angered him even more
- tightening his grip, he dragged you back to his car and threw you inside before driving off
“You’re really something else, huh? When did my babygirl become so naughty and disobey me huh? When we get home, I’ll show you what happens to naughty little girls who disobey their master.”
p e n i e l
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- peniel, oh sweet peniel, this two-faced bastard was the reason you hated life and your motivation to escape this wicked world known as your relationship.
- on the outside, he was sweet, kind-hearted, down-to-earth, laid-back, caring... everything you could possibly want in a boyfriend. this gained him tons of contacts all over the world.
- that’s how you guys also met, you came to korea for an exchange program and he was assigned to look after you.
- he looked after you, attended to your every needs and this blinded you to see his real side, believing he was just a precious little puppy but oh boy did he prove you wrong.
- while spending time with you, he developed a fondness which turned drastically into an obsession. he didn’t want you to leave, you were his and no-one elses so he kidnapped you.
- that started the worst three-years of your life.
- you were kept tightly sealed in a room and you weren’t allowed to even open the door otherwise he’d think you were trying to leave him.
- you craved freedom from this clingy, possessive, two-faced bastard so you kissed him up while pushing your pride to the side and interacted with him when he came for his daily chats.
- peniel trusted you to roam freely around the house, thinking you would never escape because he had contacts everywhere from korea to antartica. but you were a determined little girl.
- so once he left you to your devices, you vanished without a trace by meticulously planning this escape everyday until it was perfect.
- fast forward two months later and your luck ran thin.
- when peniel came home and noticed you were nowhere to be seen, he panicked then literally tore the house down out of anger, anxiety, frustration and guilt.
- how dare you leave him, you were his to begin with and spent every day searching for you and used every single contact he had but came back with negative results.
- but he finally found you after a contact spotted you and raced there, determined to catch you before you could flee again.
- you had sought shelter in new zealand because you believed no-one would find you here.
- settling down, you stayed at a hotel while working as a cleaner at a nearby school and even though it barely covered your expenses, you continued working hard cleaning.
- oh but you were wrong because two months later, you had finished cleaning and got changed into normal clothes, waving goodbye to your colleagues and caught a bus home to your hotel.
- when your stop came, you exited off the bus and didn’t even bother to pay attention to the person dressed in all black, watching you with hawk-eyes.
- that person immediately grabbed you and pinned you harshly against the side of the bus station, you tried screaming for help but once the person revealed himself, you went quiet.
- how did he find you, you were sure that you were well-hidden but fate had other plans for you.
- peniel sweetly smiled at you but you could see his true intentions behind that facade, besides you were in a public place after all and he didn’t want to ruin his public image.
- once you guys were inside his car, he’d drop his facade and his true demeanor would show, silently promising himself that he’d never let this happen again.
- “Baby! I was so worried about you! Why did you do that?! Don’t do that again... otherwise you’ll reap even harsher consequences...”
i l h o o n
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- it wasn’t hard to see that ilhoon was different from the rest.
- he didn’t hide behind a ‘fake persona’, he showed you and everyone who he was immediately by claiming you as his.
- everyday, he would remind people what belongs to him and what will happen if someone dares to even touch you, he didn’t mind demonstrating the consequences to everyone.
- you hated how he dictated your life like some video game character. he choose what you could do and if you dared to disobey him, your punishment was severe because ‘bad girls deserve to be punished.’
- there was no chance in you escaping because he was attached to your hip 24/7, 365. he wasn’t taking any chances of you trying something so foolish because you belonged to him. end of story.
- however, you decided to take a chance and escape him while he decided to trust you by yourself while he was being pulled into a ‘last-minute’ meeting.
- there was security guards and cameras everywhere so ilhoon believed you wouldn’t get far but he didn’t know that you had been carefully looking for every blind spot of every security camera while waiting for him to finish his first meeting.
- once those doors closed, you took off and evaded both his security cameras and guards by making up some sort of stupid but believable excuse.
- you cheered loudly as the taxi took off and his taunting black car wasn’t following you, knowing you had successfully escaped the clutches of a psychopathic beast.
- seven months later, you resided in an unknown part of korea and decided to go by a fake name to keep your identity a secret, you got a boring office job that paid your bills.
- on the other hand, ilhoon was livid when he returned to his office, hoping for his precious babygirl to be waiting for him since the meeting went terribly and craved for your embrace but you were nowhere in sight.
- he wasn’t gone for that long?! how did you manage to escape him in such a short amount of time?!
- ilhoon destroyed his office in anger and then continued his path of destruction on his lousy security team that bowed their heads low while ilhoon continued going off at them for failing to do their jobs.
- everyday he searched for you, he didn’t give two damns about his health, you were more important and he’d be damned if something so little prevented him from looking for you.
- by this point, ilhoon looked awful. he had nearly died from malnourishment if his private doctor didn’t physically force food down his throat and he spent that time thinking about how he could be searching for you than eating food.
- one day, his tactics finally paid off when one of his security guards announced that he had found you after spending all afternoon looking for you and found you walking home after work.
- ilhoon immediately raced to your location and grinned sinisterly, knowing once he reached you, he would never let you out of his sight again.
- you were oblivious that your crazy boyfriend had found you until you were walking home one day and spotted an oh-so-familiar black lamborghini following.
- you tried sprinting in the opposite direction but ilhoon pulled his window down and grabbed your arm tightly, digging his nails into your wrist.
- struggling, he looks at you beneath his sunglasses and you noticed his new appearance. ilhoon stepped out of the car, briefly letting go of your wrist but he just as quickly pinned you against his car.
- caressing your face, he smiled at your terrified expression and once you both got home, he’d punish you to remind you who you fucking belong too.
“Boo! I found you jagi! I’ve been searching for you every single day and now that this stupid game of hide and seek is finished, I’ll make sure you know what happens to things that belong to me disappearing.” 
s u n g j a e
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- from the first time sungjae laid eyes on you, he knew that he wanted you all for himself and once he set his mind to something... no-one could stop him.
- sungjae manipulated his way into your life by spreading fake rumors about those around you and acted like any best friend should by comforting you, 
- then once everyone was out of the way, he revealed his true colors and kept you locked up inside his house while manically smiling because he had once again succeeded in getting what he wanted.
- you hated yourself for blindly believing him but how could you not, he was charming, sweet, kind, innocent, adorable and it wasn’t hard to not believe what he was say. 
- he liked coming home from work everyday and just cuddling with you but you refused this act of love so many times that it set him off so he decided to punish you for disobeying him.
- once he realized that you weren’t budging, he started manipulating you by playing victim and making you feel guilty... which worked for sometime until you started realizing the game he was playing.
- it disgusted you how your best friend was actually this manipulative, clingy monster underneath that facade that everyone fell for and you were determined in escaping his clutches. 
- however, it would be challenging since he knew where you were every second of the day and kept tabs on you. however you were also incredibly stubborn and determined so you crafted a perfect plan and got to work.
- pushing your dignity and pride aside for once, you started gaining his trust and made him believe you were finally ready to be a ‘good girl’ and sungjae fell for it.
- one day, he trusted you alone for a day as his work needed him to handle something important.
- as soon as he disappeared, you smirked before grabbing your belongings and ditched the place, laughing as you had just played him at his own game, mentally applauding yourself.
- five months later and you had hidden yourself in daegu, working at a secluded cafe as a barista.
- you were happy that you escaped the devil’s clutches but sungjae on the other hand was angry, livid... all other synonyms to those words.
- he came home so happy that the important thing at work went so well and he wanted to come home to you waiting for him then spend the entire night cuddling.
- but imagine his surprise when you’re no where to be seen and he realized that you had just played him at his own game, making him incredibly mad that he fell for it.
- the next months were spent hunting you down but even his most trusted resources couldn’t find you making him even more agitated and angry that you were really testing his patience.
- sungjae made it real clear that you belonged to him and even got rid of everyone who posed as a threat to him, so why did you leave him?
- one day, his work sent him to daegu and he was walking alone in the streets when he coincidentally looked across the street into a cafe.
- he instantly recognized your figure and made a bee line for the cafe, happy he finally found you and order his special drink, stating clearly that he wanted you to deliver it to him.
- you found this request unusual but as you made the drink, you got a bad feeling about this person who ordered this drink and your suspicions were confirmed when you delivered it.
- placing down the drink, the person looks up and sungjae smiles mockingly, his usual charming smile would make butterflies appear but in your case, your anxiety just went haywire.
- was it a coincidence? you had taken extra measures to ensure he’d never find you. so why did fate just decide to rain on your parade.
- sungjae grabbed your wrist, pulling you down to his height and leaned closer to whisper something in your ear, making your blood freeze.
- “I see you like playing games and I must applaud you for playing me with my own game. But now, I will be taking you home where I’ll show you whose boss here.”
b t o b
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- i’ll be honest for a moment, you should really applaud yourself because you managed to escape despite having seven possessive, manipulative, clingy, aggressive yandere boyfriends.
- at first, you were a back-up dancer for them and they took an immediate liking towards you which turned into an obsession because you were everything they wanted in a girlfriend.
- when they confessed, you tried declining stating you weren’t interested in pursuing a relationship right now but that went in one ear and out the other.
- this started the downfall of your life and you were miserable because you had been trapped in something that you couldn’t escape. btob had done a real 180 from the idols MELODYs loved to something so horrific that it made you cry.
- people around you started noticing the sudden shift in your mood and despite trying to put up a ‘happy’ front, some could see through the cracks. 
- btob on the outside were those loveable beagle idols that everyone loved: cheeky, sweet, kind-hearted, quirky, funny and outging. but when they were with you (alone), they turned into cold, manipulative, possessive, clingy people.
- you already knew no-one would believe you if you told them about what btob is really like and they’d say you were making things up. so you had to take matters into your own hands.
- for months, you sucked up your pride and acted like that ‘perfect little girl’ they loved and gained each member’s trust slowly but surely. 
- eventually, they trusted you to stay home alone while they went on tour. they were certain you wouldn’t try anything because there were security cameras operating in the dorm 24/7.
- waving goodbye, you grinned as you put your plan into motion and fled after a couple of days of waiting it out since they would be constantly checking the cameras.
- disabling all security cameras, you brought a plane ticket and took your small stash of belongings and left korea altogether.
- one year later, you were happily settled down in canada and were confident that they wouldn’t find you because you had gone extra measures to ensure this.
- as you lived your happy life, btob were not happy. they realized something was wrong after looking at the cameras only for them to not be turned on and returned back to realize you had escaped.
- btob were livid, frustrated, angry, disappointed and slightly impressed that you escaped. they turned korea upside down trying to find you but failed because you weren’t even in the country.
- you were really testing their patience. you belonged to them so what gave you the right to leave them? and how dare you betray them like this!
- one day, btob found you by a mircale since a MELODY posted a blurry picture of you in canada and they immediately flew over.
- however, you were spending your free day from work exploring canada when you received a phone call from a phone number you immediately recognized. 
- panicking, you decline it and look around you but you couldn’t see them. however another recognizable number called, you again ignore it knowing you’re testing their patience.
- they don’t relent and eventually you answer it, whimpering slightly at the sudden harsh voice emitted, “jagiya... stop playing these games and come home right now.” changsub demanded.
- you tried running off but sungjae’s chuckle made you stop, “don’t try running jagi. we already have you cornered.” looking up, there stood your 4 of your boyfriends at the end of the street, disguised wearing coats, hats and masks.
- frozen on your spot, you turn around only to see the other three blocking off the other exit, leaving you trapped. 
- approaching your trembling figure, minhyuk and ilhoon grabbed your wrists tightly which prevented you from escaping. eunkwang crouched in front of you smiling mockingly.
- behind those disguises, you knew that sinister intentions awaited you and there was no way they would ever trust you again. 
- “Thank god we found you! We really have to thank MELODYs for helping us find you otherwise you’d still be running loose. Now, let’s go home where we’ll never let you go again...”
I’m sorry for not posting in a while, been having a road block of ideas. Anyway here you go, sorry if it’s shit.
65 notes · View notes
homebodypotato · 5 years
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On the dark day like this, without think of anything, I want to lay down again. Close my eyes and only listen to the sad rain sound.
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goodmakerlee · 4 years
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비투비 ���루 / BTOB blur - 비가내리면 #바투비 #비투비블루 #비가내리면 #btob #btobblue #프로필 #지엠픽쳐스 #gmpictures #성수동사진관 #성수동스튜디오 #굿메이커픽쳐스 #스튜디오 #촬영 #goodmakerpictures https://www.instagram.com/p/B-FWjuxA8UR/?igshid=y34pcsjqg0zi
0 notes
abeautifulcatharsis · 7 years
20170714 | BTOB Time in HK (ctto) - Look at changsub astonished by melodies who filled up his lines! HK melodies are so soft, this is so precious IM IN TEA RS 💛💛 #btob #btobblue #changsub #sungjae #eunkwang #limhyunsik #btobtime2017
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ddonggeun · 7 years
‪btobblue earned their spot as the B in lgbt because of their clara kuo’s heart wall cover learn ur fact normies‬
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khansashaww-blog · 7 years
Ngakak sekebon kebonnya😂😂😂😃😄😄 #Repost @syairanindya (@get_repost) ・・・ LOL 😂😂😭😭😂😂 . . #BbyuYoungLove #쀼어린爱 #YookSungjae #Sungjae #Joy #ParkSooyoung #SMTOWN #cubeent #Bbyu #SungJoy #JaeJoy #WeGotMarried #BtobRV #SungJoyTeam #육성재 #성재 #조이 #박수영 #쀼 #우결 #우리결혼했어요 #성조이 #재조이 #육조이 #Btobblue #Btob #redvelvet @redvelvet.smtown @yook_can_do_it
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mrspenalove · 6 years
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BTOB-BLUE – When It Rains (비가 내리면) Aparece frente a mi Cómo una mentira, como una coincidencia Por favor, regresa a mi . . . . 만약 혹시라도 그럴 일은 없겠지만 너도 날 가끔 생각한다면 예고 없는 소나기처럼 너도 내 앞에 나타나줘 거짓말처럼 우연처럼 내게로 돌아와 줘 . . . @btob_silver_light @yook_can_do_it @imhyunsik @lee_cs_btob . . #btobblue #btob #Eunkwang #Changsub #Hyunsik #YookSungjae #whenitrains #single #vocals
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kpop-is-my-fix · 6 years
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BTOB-BLUE’s new song “When It Rains” is so so beautiful!! I love you so much Eunkwang, Hyunsik, Changsub, and Sungjae!!!! Thank you for all you do for us Melodies!! I’m going to miss you so much Eunkwang ♥️😭♥️😭♥️I will forever love you BTOB and BTOB-BLUE @btob_silver_light l @hutazone @lee_cs_btob @imhyunsik @btobpeniel @ilhoonmj @yook_can_do_it @cube_official_btob #btob #btobblue #melody #whenitrains #kings #amazing #talented #sweet #funny #hardworking #adorable #iloveyoubtob #iloveyoubtobblue
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6dengdeng-blog · 6 years
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#btob_blue 🎁 #btobblue 💙 #btob 💝 ☔(在 Xian, China)
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changsubjjang-blog · 6 years
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Differentiation everyone 💁🏻‍♀️
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luvksj · 3 years
yandere!btob: trying to escape
author’s pov: hello again, it’s me on a yandere!btob spam because i can’t stop staring at their concept photos from their ‘new men’ album which gives me immediate yandere vibes. anyway, right now i’ll continue including ilhoon until someone gets into contact with me saying it makes them uncomfortable then i’ll not add him until otherwise.
please enjoy this story and don’t forget to engage by liking my post, commenting and following me please! enjoy the story!
WARNING: strong use of violence, cursing ahead. if you feel uncomfortable with themes of stalkers/stalking, violence, obsession, yandere aus, manipulation, torture etc or mentions of blood, killing, death, torture, kidnapping or anything similar please DO NOT read this story!
plot: you were sick and tired of how he controlled you so you tried escaping while he was away.
e u n k w a n g
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- this was your only opportunity, you had to take it
- eunkwang was leaving and trust you to stay home alone for two days
- you watched as his car pulled out of the driveway, ensuring it disappeared completely before placing your plan into action
- pulling out your suitcase hidden underneath your bed which you packed last night when he was at a meeting
- quietly, you made your way to the door and looked around for any pesky guards who’d ruin this rare opportunity
- no-one was in sight and your heart started filling with hope as you opened the door, stepping outside
- quietly shutting the door, you descended towards your car and checked for any hidden trackers that eunkwang might have hidden while you ‘slept’
- ‘slept’, yeah, you didn’t get a wink of sleep from all the nerves bouncing around as this was the only chance of freeing yourself from his clutches
- he was manipulative and controlling.
- you couldn’t deal with it any longer so you started making plans to escape but they had all failed miserably but this one wasn’t; you were sure of it
- starting your car, you took one last look at the plan before driving off, crushing your phone in the process
- everything was going smoothly and you arrived at your first destination, abandoned your car and headed towards your next destination: a bus stop.
- the bus pulled up and you nearly screamed with glee, boarding hastily
- the bus drove off, you couldn’t believe you were actually escaping and you arrived at your destination hours later
- you had rented out an apartment and opened the door to reveal a horrifying sight awaiting your arrival
- eunkwang stood there, looking incredibly pissed off as you remained frozen
- “hello jagiya.” he literally spat with venom as he chuckled mockingly at your reaction
- how the fuck did he find you here? you were sure he’d never find out but i guess fate has other plans
- marching towards you, he pushed you against the wall and dug his nails into your wrist causing bleeding
“I trusted you and you broke that trust. Now, let’s go home where I’ll punish you accordingly for being such a bad girl.” 
m i n h y u k
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- this was the riskiest thing you’ve ever attempted in your [age] years of being alive
- minhyuk had you trapped inside this house with a dozen security guards surrounding the entire perimeter of the house
- there was no way you could escape without being caught
- every door had a passcode only he knew and each passcode for each door was different
- but you needed to try, you couldn’t live like this any longer
- unfortunately for minhyuk, he forgot to hide his little notebook filled with every single passcode to every door
- you entered the passcode for the back door and slipped away undetected, hope started filling you
- tiptoeing further away, you couldn’t believe that you might actually get away with this
- entering the code for the back gate, it swung open and you bolted away, disappearing inside the forest the house was camouflaged in
- it was now dark and minhyuk would have been back by now, furious you escape and was actually successful
- your feet were hurting badly from walking so much but you couldn’t rest, not risking minhyuk finding you
- finding a small cave, you checked the place before leaning against the wall, drifting asleep
- you woke up to the sound of footsteps approaching your hide out and immediately knew it was minhyuk
- he chuckled lowly, taunting you as his footsteps came closer
- “oh where could my naughty little jagiya be, hmm?” he said
- you watched in utter fear as he entered the cave, his shadow grew bigger as he now stood right in front of you but with his back facing you
- you tried slipping away but he suddenly turns his head to meet your figure and smirked while slowly walking towards you
- you tried running off but he harshly grabbed your wrist and slammed you against the cave wall, anger blinding him
“You are mine, how many times do you have to remind you? You are coming back home now where I’ll remind you again exactly who you belong too.”
c h a n g s u b
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- luck seemed to be kind to you
- changsub was currently away on business matters and you decided this was the only good opportunity to escape his clutches
- he used to be different when you first started dating him: fun, bubbly, loving, caring, happy, energetic and kind
- suddenly he changed out of the blue: he revealed his true colors by keeping you locked up in his house and you couldn’t even leave your room without his permission
- you didn’t know what happened to him but he wasn’t the changsub you fell in love with
- but what you did know was that you needed to leave him, you couldn’t be in a toxic relationship 
- he had told you that he would be away for business matters and decided to trust you to stay home alone for one week
- “i’ll be back soon. remember stay here otherwise i’ll punish you.” he reminded, pecking your forehead lightly before disappearing 
- that was two days ago and you were now in a taxi, on your way to the airport
- during those two days, you brought plane tickets to new zealand and packed your bag, inspecting everything for any hidden trackers he may have hidden
- hailing a taxi was the easy part but going through customs was the thing stressing you out
- arriving, you fished out your bag and sprinted inside the airport
- looking around, you saw your line and ran there but something or someone was also there as well
- your boyfriend, lee changsub, was there and he did not look happy, shouting on the phone 
- disappearing before he could see you, you hid inside the women’s bathroom and tried composing yourself, pep talking to your reflection in the mirror
- but when you turn around, he stood right in front of you with a stoic expression. he looked calm to others but you could see the anger burning in his eyes
- “hello y/n.” he said, you have never heard him speak with such venom
- gulping, you didn’t even try run off as he holds your wrist tightly and drags you out of the airport and towards the awaiting car
- throwing you inside, he sits next to you and signals to the driver to drive off
“I knew something bad was bound to happen the moment I left you alone. But because I’m so nice, I’ll let you explain yourself but if I don’t like your explanation... I’m doubling your punishment.”
h y u n s i k
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- you tried disappearing while he was out celebrating for the night
- he invited you to come but you gave an ‘award-winning’ performance of faking a cold
- he offered to stay home and look after you but you insisted he could not miss this celebration which acknowledged all his efforts
- “are you sure, y/n? i can just reschedule it.” he tried persuading you but you wouldn’t budge
- hyunsik eventually gave in and left you, promising he’d be back soon and would bring you some supplements 
- soon as his car left the driveway, you mentally applauded yourself for your acting and revealed your suitcase hidden underneath a floor panel
- making your way to the front door, you quietly entered the passcode to open the door and slipped out undetected
- blending in with the dark, the security guards don’t spot you 
- you force yourself and your suitcase through a small crack you found while investigating the perimeter one day
- walking, you kept to the sidewalks and remained vigilant on the passing cars, ensuring it wasn’t his car driving pass 
- when you met hyunsik, he struck you as a shy, quiet and adorable person
- he was charming, caring, loving, kind when you started dating but then suddenly he started changing 
- became overprotective, didn’t trust anyone, would easily lose his temper if he saw you talking with someone else
- it shocked you and you wanted to free yourself but needed to wait for the perfect opportunity
- sitting at a bus stop, you were tired and your feet was killing you
- someone sat down as well and you instantly got a bad feeling, you immediately got up and ignored the searing pain in your foot
- the person chuckled, it was him, your heart stopped. you couldn’t turn around and look at him as he sarcastically started clapping.
- standing behind you, he couldn’t believe he had fallen for your little act and when he got home after worrying about you-- oh imagine his reaction when you were no where in sight
- needless to say, he was flabbergasted but found you as he was driving around, looking for you.
“I must admit babe, you’re really great at acting. You had me fooled but now I shall show you what happens when you play with fire.”
p e n i e l
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- i’ll admit half of your escape plan succeeded but the rest failed because of your one brain cell
- you had wanted to leave this relationship for so long after discovering peniel’s true identity and planned it all out
- you and peniel met while you were in korea for an exchange program, he was coincidentally assigned to look after you for the time you were there
- he developed a fondness which turned into an obsession, he didn’t want you to leave so he kidnapped you, revealing his true colors
- when you met he was sweet, down-to-earth, laid-back, caring and would help you with anything, you had fallen for those ‘charms’ not realizing that it was all a facade
- he kept you locked up inside a bedroom and would only open the door if he had food or wanted to talk
- you realized that if you wanted to escape, you needed to kiss him up so that’s what you did while pushing your dignity aside for once
- he brought it and started slowly trusting you until he trusted you enough to let you stay home alone while he went to america and deal with stuff
- that’s when your plan started and once he left, waving him off at the airport, you put your plan into motion
- booking tickets to america was the first dumb move and choosing chicago was your ultimate dumb move
- did you really not pay attention to anything peniel told you during those times when you were handcuffed to the bed, forced to listen to his stories? 
- you had informed a close friend of everything and she had picked you up from the airport in chicago, hugging you tightly as you explain everything to her
- “ummm... y/n, you do realize that this is chicago so he could see you?” she informed and you wanted to punch yourself in the face, scold yourself for being so careless
- you were so excited to be free that you didn’t pay attention to anything else
- unfortunately, your stay in chicago only lasted... a good eight hours when you and your friends received a phone call from an anonymous number that wouldn’t stop calling until you picked up
- “hello y/n... can i ask where you are right now?” peniel rhetorically asked and your heart leaped out of your chest, having a sudden odd feeling about the people around you
- “ummm... home?” you lied and heard him click his tongue before he asked you to turn around
- low and behold, he was standing a couple feet away from you and your friends looking incredibly pissed that you had betrayed him like this, he hung up before marching angrily towards your group
- he immediately pulled you away from everyone, you couldn’t even protest afraid he’d kill your friends and let him drag you away to your doom knowing that you would never see them again
“I fucking trusted you and what do you do?! You try escaping! I will have no mercy on you tonight-- kiss those friends goodbye because you will never be allowed to step outside again once I’m done.”
i l h o o n
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- you knew right from the get-go that he was different from the rest
- he instantly claimed you as his and despite your protest, he still told everyone that you belonged to him
- it didn’t surprise you how incredibly possessive he was when you both were around people: his friends, work colleagues, even your families
- he would always ensure everyone knew that you were his and he was yours, “don’t forget she’s mine, understand?” 
- you hated how he would always dictate your life like you were some video game character, there was no such thing as freedom in your life because of him
- boldly, you decided to run off while he was at work one day 
- packing a bag, you slipped passed all the security guards and quietly got into your car before revving off at the speed of light
- there was no turning back now as you were going beyond the speed limit but you didn’t care about that
- you had double-checked everything to ensure there was no trackers: you checked your clothes, under garments, car-- literally everywhere because ilhoon loved keeping an eye on you 24/7
- you had destroyed any technology devices that he had bugged and personally ensured your family was out of harms way by flying them far, far away from here 
- everything was going smoothly so far as you managed to leave seoul and started to feel euphoria as you were going finally escape that psycho man
- oh dear, you decided to jinkx yourself as a familiar black car pulled up behind you and you nearly cursed, instantly recognizing the number plate
- ilhoon was following you so you tried losing him but he kept up with you and suddenly pulled up beside you
- he did not look happy and you barely missed the bullet aimed for your tires
- the chase continued until your car ran out of gas and you cursed before making a break for it, but ilhoon was and is always one step ahead of you
- he grabbed the back of your shirt and pulled you into his embrace, he grunted as you tried to push him off you but it was no use
- “stop resisting, darling. it will only make things worse.” he warned and forcefully pushed you inside the car, you couldn��t believe it
- he wasn’t pleased that when he checked the cameras, you weren’t in sight and noticed your car was missing
- he luckily saw your car while he was driving around like a mad man trying to find you, he promised that mistakes like this will never happen again
“Why did you decide to leave me, baby? You will always belong to me even in death, I will ensure that this will never happen again.” 
s u n g j a e
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- from the moment you guys met, sungjae knew he wanted you all to himself and once he set his mind to something... it was impossible to change it
- he started spreading false rumors about your friends with the hopes to break off all relationships with everyone -- including your family
- you blindly believed him because he was your childhood friend since diapers but you instantly regretted that once he revealed his true colors
- he was manipulative, possessive and over-protective of you
- no-one could touch, talk or even glance at you because he’d immediately punish that person for hurting his love
- you hated him and made sure he knew it everyday, you would refuse any sort of skinship and lock yourself away in your room
- sungjae didn’t like how rebellious you were so he started giving you punishments and you would always act stubborn by forcing your body to endure the pain
- it worked for a little while until he got really frustrated and started threatening to hurt everyone you loved
- you decide to play along because you didn’t want everyone you loved dead since you knew he meant every word he said
- you started earning his trust and slowly he loosened the rules, you could roam around but you weren’t allowed outside with him 
- one day, he announced he was going to be away for a couple days due to work and this was the perfect opportunity to escape the demon’s clutches
- giving you a kiss, he reminded you of the rules before driving away, you waited a bit before getting to work
- packing a duffle bag of essential supplies, you destroyed all devices he had bugged plus checked for any hidden trackers he may have installed without your knowledge
- sneaking out the back door, you quietly made your way to a nearby bus stop and boarded the first bus that arrived
- as it drove off, you felt hope fill you but that was immediately destroyed when you got off and saw sungjae waiting for you
- oh shit, how did he find you but your thoughts were interrupted as he backed you against the side of the bus shelter
- his eyes were filled with anger, betrayal and hurt because he decided to trust you for once but you betrayed him immediately
- let’s thank god for a moment that you had helped everyone you love escape korea because they would have died from your foolish actions
- sungjae wanted to test you and so he lied about having to leave you, he had tabs on you everywhere so you wouldn’t get far at all
“I wanted to test you and you failed the test. You are now on house arrest, you are now no longer allowed outside after this foolish act.”
b t o b
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- if you thought having one yandere boyfriend was hard, try having seven
- you were one of their back-up dancers and they took an immediate liking which soon turned into an obsession
- they one day asked you to be their girlfriend and while you tried declining them saying that you weren’t interested in a relationship, they didn’t listen
- you were shocked at how they could change their persona so quickly from those quirky, funny and outgoing idols MELDOYs loved to cold, harsh, manipulative people
- even the other back-up dancers noticed how they would act around you and how miserable you looked despite always smiling
- you knew cube wouldn’t believe a single word you would say so you took matters into your own hands by forming an escape plan 
- for months, you obeyed their every order in order to gain each member’s trust and it worked because they decide to trust you alone for a couple month while they went on tour
- you weren’t allowed to leave the dorm and they even installed security cameras to keep an eye on you 24/7
- watching as they disappeared, you grinned happily as this would be your only chance at escaping their clutches
- you needed to wait a couple days and discreetly prepared everything by finding all the blind spots the security cameras couldn’t catch 
- one week later, you put your plan into motion by disarming every security camera and practically sprinted out of the dorm to your awaiting taxi
- arriving at the airport, you were confident they wouldn’t catch you because they were currently performing right now
- checking in, you kept yourself hidden by wearing oversized clothing, hat and mask while waiting for boarding to begin
- the flight attendant checked your ticket and passport, allowing you to enter the aircraft, your hope slowly growing as you took your seat
- sitting down, you stared out the window and prayed silently that this plane would take off soon
- suddenly, you received a phone call from an anonymous number and you declined but they were persistent
- eventually, you decided to pick up, “hello?” you answered and a familiar chuckle was heard on the other side causing your heart to stop
- “hi baby, just curious... where are you because according to the tracker in your phone... you’re in the air.” eunkwang questioned, you were caught red-handed
- panicking, you hang up and cry because your efforts went to waste, you eventually fell asleep because you were tired from crying so much
- arriving at your destination, you make your way out of the airport and there were your seven boyfriends waiting for you
- shuddering you accept your fate and walk towards them, unable to meet their eye as you climbed inside the van while sungjae loaded your suitcase into the car
- squished between changsub and hyunsik, you were sure that you would never see the light of day again after this
“How could you do this to us, y/n? We trusted you and you betrayed us. You better kiss any taste of freedom goodbye because from now on, you will now always be with us-- no matter what.” 
here you go, i tried... sorry if it’s bad
44 notes · View notes
homebodypotato · 5 years
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You said that the rain drops look so beautiful.
You also said that you like the rain when the breeze carries the rain smell and touch your nose.
I replied that I also like the rain, but I don't mean it.
I just say it because actually it's you, the one in my heart.
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teaforme07 · 8 years
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0 notes
vivibopp · 8 years
His underrated vocals made me swoon in only 6secs #yooksungjae #btob #standbyme #btobblue
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migraivne-blog · 8 years
I don't understand why nobody is talking about this work of art. I loved every second of Stand By Me and the mv>>>>> If nobody promotes them, I'll spam their gifs and pics on my twitter account until the end of my days.
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lisset-8 · 8 years
Mis hermosamente talentosos vocales 💖 #BTOB #BTOBBLUE #STANDBYME 🎵 💜 #EUNKWANG #CHANGSUB #HYUNSIK #SUNGJAE 💖 #LOVE 💜
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