#bts gas
byler-alarmist · 24 days
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Lord help me, I laughed
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randomfoggytiger · 2 months
The X-Files's Set of Pranksters
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By most accounts, Anderson is the biggest prankster on a set filled with them.
People have been known to hide under desks during filming, popping out at inopportune moments. There was the “Day in the Life of the X-Files” gag videotape sent to a Fox executive, lampooning a typical day’s shoot. And there was the infamous mooning of the camera at a Christmas party.
On this day, at any given time, several people are walking around with clothespins stuck all over their clothes. It’s a running gag with the crew, to clip as many clothespins to each other’s clothes as possible, without the victim knowing.
“Last year (director) Rob Bowman and I would try to pin clothespins on each other regularly,” Anderson says. “I won with 37 at once on this big red coat of his.”
(Source, 1996)
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“Occasionally, when I get real tired, I just want to start making stuff up,” jokes Mitch. So what’s the best gag they’ve come up with?
“That David’s having a testicle reduction,” Nick announces, straight-faced, and the pair of them crack up with laughter.
(Source, 1996)
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debdarkpetal · 2 months
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Radio Ga Ga
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v1ctorsstuff · 1 year
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it's kinda nostalgic
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viikkah · 2 years
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David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson behind the scenes of The X-Files
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worrygutz · 8 months
been wondering why some ppl act so shocked when you say that you find drayton sawyer attractive.
A lot of ppl find abusive, villain, fictional characters hot I wanna know what the big deal is
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korean-dreams-girls · 4 months
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GaEul (IVE) - 2nd EP [IVE SWITCH] ‘Accendio’ Naver Update Pics
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oshisanbignaturals · 3 months
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Them again………….
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
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some faves from 230503 rosemont🖤
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aricastmblr · 6 months
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BT21_ X 2 Abril 2024
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Oh my, who are these adorable little angels?! 🍼 きゃー、この天使のような可愛い赤ちゃんたちは誰?!🍼 세상에, 동글동글 귀염둥이 아기천사들은 누구?!🍼
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"Goo-goo, ga-ga!"🐣 (Interpretation: Watch out, UNISTARS! The cuteness of BT21 NEWBORN has no exit)
BT21_ X 4 Abr. 2024
BT21 facebook 4 Abril 2024 "Goo-goo, ga-ga!"🐣 (Interpretation: Watch out, UNISTARS! The cuteness of BT21 NEWBORN has no exit~) BT21 NEWBORN is waiting for warm touch of UNISTARS! Meet 'em now. 👐 💜 LINE FRIENDS SQUARE 💜 April 3, 19:00 PDT
🔗 https://lin.ee/LVMUZgQ
「ばぶばぶ!」 🐣 (翻訳:ユニスターズのみんな気をつけて、BT21 NEWBORNの可愛さには出口がないから) BT21 NEWBORNが ユニスターズのお迎えを待ってるよ! 今すぐチェックしてね👐 💜 LINE FRIENDS SQUARE 💜 4月4日 11:00 KST
🔗 https://lin.ee/LVMUZgQ
"응애응애" 🐣 (번역 : 조심해 유니스타즈, BT21 NEWBORN의 귀여움은 출구가 없다구~) BT21 NEWBORN이 유니스타즈의 따뜻한 손길을 기다리고 있어요! 지금 바로 만나보세요.👐 💜 LINE FRIENDS 온오프라인 스토어 💜 4월 4일 11:00 KST 🔗 https://lin.ee/5iXyqI8
BT21 #NEWBORN #BABY #merch
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pudgecuddles · 1 year
Yoongi who’s not used to physical affection from Taehyung but still wants to show how much he loves him by feeding him. Which then turns to also surprising him with new clothes as he grows fatter. Before long, Yoongi has a massive Taehyung on his hands.
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“This looks like kind of a lot, Yoongi.” Taehyung stared at the spread of take out in front of them.
“Yeah, maybe.” Yoongi rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “But hey, there’s always leftovers. Besides I know that Thai’s your favorite, you can have a little of everything and pack the rest away.”
Taehyung hummed, contemplating his options before shrugging and loading up his first plate with, like Yoongi said, a little of everything. “If I end up eating all of this, it’s your fault.”
Yoongi held up his hands in surrender. “Got it. Got it.”
Plopping themselves down on the sofa, they started up the movie they were going to watch, Ratatouille. It was Taehyung’s favorite movie and always inspired an appetite in him.
Needless to say, there were no leftovers that night.
“Heal me dammit!” Taehyung shouted as he tapped frantically on his keyboard. “Can we get a fucking Medic on our team already?! Red is pulverizing us! They have Uber already!”
The match ended shortly after, Blu team having failed to prevent the bomb from being pushed into their base.
Yoongi walked in with a platter of snacks just as Taehyung smacked his forehead in exasperation. “Did we really need three fucking Gibus Snipers? Really?”
“Playing casual matches again?” Yoongi was amused at how vocal Taehyung always got when he played his games. “You know that comp has better communication.”
“Yeah, but sometimes I just don’t wanna be roasted for maining Demoknight, okay? Casual doesn’t give a shit.”
“True.” Yoongi wanted to lean in and kiss his boyfriend sweetly, but hot embarrassment ran through him at the thought of potential rejection. Instead, he offered the tray to Taehyung. “I made you a consolation prize…”
Taehyung’s eyes bugged out at the sight of all his favorite snacks placed so prettily on the platter. “Yoongi, you shouldn’t have. That’s so sweet of you!” It didn’t matter to Taehyung in that moment that he had just eaten breakfast, or that he was actually trying to lose a few pounds. The kind, loving gesture from his boyfriend outranked silly little diets.
Taehyung grabbed a butter cracker dolloped with nutella and popped the whole thing in his mouth at once. “Mmmmmm…”
Yoongi took that as approval. “Well, I guess I’ll leave you to it-”
“Nuh-uh.” Taehyung swallowed audibly. “You’re always my good luck charm, I’m keeping you here.”
Taehyung stood up just then, pulling his tight shirt down his newly grown belly. Yoongi gulped at the sight. “I’ll stay.”
“Good, now come over here and sit.” Taehyung gestured towards his large, comfortable gaming chair.
Confused, Yoongi obediently sat on the chair, sinking into it’s softness. Hmm, this was nice.
Suddenly, all of Taehyung’s weight dropped onto Yoongi’s lap. “Oof! What-?”
“Sorry Yoongi, but you’re trapped now!” Taehyung grinned, lowering the chair so that he could reach the keyboard from his elevated position. “I knew you’d say no if I asked, so I tricked you.”
Cheeky brat. Yoongi Smiled, glad that his boyfriend was one to take initiative.
Taehyung got into queue for a new game as Yoongi tried to get comfortable. They have had Taehyung sit on Yoongi’s lap in the past, but this was different.
You see, Taehyung was 33 pounds heavier than last time, and Yoongi felt every ounce of it.
He knew only because he checked their scale’s history feature. Taehyung used to hover around 137 pounds, now the chubby boy clocked in at 170.
170 pounds sat right on Yoongi’s poor dick.
This was going to be a long match…
After months of weekly take out, and daily snacking sessions, it was about time that Taehyung started having trouble with his pants. He’d grown a little bottom heavy over time and he wasn’t sure how to feel about it. On one hand he really didn’t care what size he was, but on the other, he values Yoongi’s opinion more than anything in the world. What if he was grossed out by him?
Thoughts for later.
Grunting and groaning, Taehyung’s double belly wobbled viciously as he jumped up and down trying to squeeze his dimpled thunder thighs into his favorite pair of jeans. It’d been a while since he’s worn them, having defaulted to his comfier pair of sweats for the past month and a half while he was between jobs.
Now, he had a job interview in an hour and needed to wear something other than stained sweatpants and BO coated tank top. Besides, that one tended to leave a bit of his lower belly hanging out to jiggle for all to see. It was fine when he was at home alone or with Yoongi, but he somehow doubted that a potential employer would approve of it.
“Dammit!” Taehyung flopped onto his bed, causing the springs to creak from the sudden weight. “I guess 276 pounds is officially the limit for Levi’s…”
With a brief knock at the door, Yoongi came in to see Taehyung looking like someone gave up on pulling the pants up their too fat Barbie doll and just tossed it on their bed for later. “Taehyungie?”
“Don’t start. I know how I look.”
“I wasn’t gonna say anything.” Yoongi held up one hand in surrender, the other holding a medium sized box. “I actually brought you something that I think will help you out.”
Taehyung lifted his head, giving himself a double chin. “What is it? A present?”
“Kinda…” Yoongi blushed. “I saw the other day that you kept pulling down your shirt, so I decided to grab you some more clothes… Uhm, bigger ones.” He mumbled that last part, hoping that Taehyung didn’t take the gesture badly.
Taehyung again wasn’t sure how to feel. Yoongi went out of his way to cater to his larger size and buy him new clothes, that had to mean that he didn’t hate him right? Otherwise, Taehyung had no qualms about going up in size, it was just part of getting fatter.
“Thank you, Yoongi.” Taehyung smiled, deciding to be touched by the effort. “Lemme try ‘em on.”
The ones on top of the pile, XXL, fit perfectly.
Both men ignored the bottom pile of XXXXL outfits.
Besides, it was smart to have clothes with room to grow on hand.
“-Urp!- Can I have some more, Yoonie?” Taehyung burped politely into his fist. “I’m all out…” He set down his big gulp cup in the cup holder of their new sofa, Taehyung having broken their old one.
Yoongi called out from the kitchen, “Coming up!” The sound of a blender cut out anything else he might have said.
Taehyung’s tummy grumbled. The large double belly hung off of the couch, between his legs and rested on the floor. It’d been over a year since he’d started seriously gaining weight and he already found that most of his days began and ended with his massive ass on the sofa, stuffing his face with whatever Yoongi presented to him.
It was a special occasion this time though, he’d reached 637 pounds that morning. A full 500 pounds more than his starting weight. He and Yoongi never really discussed what they were doing with Taehyung’s body, they just both knew they didn’t mind it. Maybe it was a subconscious effort to see how far they could go, maybe it was just their love language in action. Either way, Taehyung had seriously ballooned and he didn’t care at all.
“Here you are.” Yoongi stepped into the living room, handing a second big gulp cup to Taehyung. “I added some prunes this time. You know you need more fiber.”
“But Hyung!” Taehyung whined. “You know that makes me gassy…”
“Everything makes you gassy nowadays.” Yoongi deadpanned.
“True.” Taehyung sighed. He brought the cup up to his lips ad began gulping.
And gulping.
And gulping.
He whined slighting as the mixture hit his stomach heavily. Yoongi immediately came over and began massaging his taught upper belly. Willing his stomach to digest faster. To grow fatter.
Gasping for air, Taehyung hiccuped loudly. “That- hic! Was so good, Yoongi.”
Taehyung let out a loud belch.
Yoongi continued rubbing his hard gut, encouraging the release of gas, used to it by now. “That’s it baby, keep going.”
That last one was gurgley.
Panting and still hiccuping, Taehyung rested his chubby hands on his bulging love handles and squeezed. “Look what your excellent cooking has done to me, Yoongi. I’m huge!”
“I know, Taehyungie.” Yoongi slipped his hand into Taehyung’s cavernous belly button, hidden between his sagging upper and lower bellies and wiggled his long fingers. “I know.”
Taehyung moaned, only recently getting used to Yoongi’s courageous showings of affection. “Y-Yeah… Here’s to another 500.”
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rj-jinye · 1 year
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from white line fever by mothface on ao3
(when i say this was the most gut wrenching scene i’ve ever read in a fanfiction i am serious.)
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debdarkpetal · 9 months
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Radio Ga Ga.
Via deakycheaky on Instagram.
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parano1d · 2 years
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viikkah · 1 year
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Behind the scenes of The X-Files
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roadtwt · 2 years
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