#bts kim teahyung
oursvenus · 6 months
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𝗋𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗒 𝖽𝖺𝗒, 𝖼𝗈𝗈𝗄𝗂𝖾’𝗌 ꕤ 𝓯𝐨𝐥𝐤𝓵𝐨𝐫𝐞
☆ v ( bts ) lockscreens !
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jimzittos · 4 days
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@cg1rl ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤℐ love you with my past ㅤㅤㅤㅤand ℐ love you for my future ࠜೄ
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georgiebrits · 6 months
Baby fever - Kim Taehyung
You're lying in bed beside your husband Taehyung, his hand resting on your belly. His eyes are fixed on your bulging stomach, his gaze intense and focused. You can't help but feel aroused by his eagerness to impregnate you. Taehyung looks up at you, his eyes filled with lust. You notice his hand has migrated downwards. He pulls you closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "I want to make a baby with you," he whispers.
Taehyung leans in and kisses you deeply, his tongue darting into your mouth. He traces his fingers along your curves, teasing and tickling your sensitive skin. "Mmm, you're so beautiful and fertile," he moans.
Taehyung continues to kiss and caress you, his hands moving with increasing urgency. "I want to feel you come apart in my arms," he whispers, his breath hot against your ear. You feel his hand slip beneath your panties and he parts your folds with his fingers.
You remember the research you did on the best positions for conception and without hesitation, you pull Taehyung’s hand up to your mouth and suck his fingers, making sure they're wet and ready. You then put his hand back down between your legs, guiding his fingers towards your entrance. "Let's try it with me on top," you breathe out, feeling a sudden sense of urgency.
Taehyung eagerly rolls onto his back as you position yourself over him. You lower yourself onto his thick erection and begin to ride him, your hips grinding against his in a slow but deliberate rhythm. "Oh fuck, you feel so good," Taehyung groans, his fingers gripping your hips tightly.
“yeah so good that you think I'll be pregnant this time”
Taehyung moans in response, his eyes locked on your stomach as your hips continue to move against his. "I can feel it already," he gasps, his fingers digging into your skin. "You're going to be pregnant for sure." The sense of urgency only grows more intense as you both chase this shared goal, each moment feeling like it could be the one to bring the two of you a step closer to parenthood.
With a sudden burst of energy, Taehyung grips your legs and flips you onto your back, easily pressing your knees to your chest. He thrusts deep inside of you, the pressure building with every hard pump of his hips. Each time he drives into you, your body trembles with pleasure and anticipation, the tension growing until it is almost unbearable. Finally, with a deep groan, he releases inside of you and you both come undone in a wild frenzy of pleasure. You collapse against each other, breathing heavily as you revel in the feeling.
“Hopefully we are pregnant this time”
Taehyung smiles and pulls you close, his hand resting on your stomach once again. "I have a feeling we will be," he says, his gaze shifting between your eyes and your belly. "And if not, we'll keep trying until we are. I want to start a family with you more than anything." You feel a warmth spreading inside of you at his words, a deep sense of love and contentment filling your heart. You both drift off to sleep, exhausted but happy, ready to take on whatever the future may hold.
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taetaespeaks · 1 year
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Speak / THV
genre : werewolf au, yandere, mythical
summary : In a world where mythical creatures and humans have been at war with each other for years, you find yourself in a mansion managed by those same dangerous entities without the possibility of fleeing, a sinister fate awaiting you at the end of your stay. Refusing to say a word for years, your silence will attract the attention of your tormentor. A romantic werewolf who will do everything to make you his forever, whether you like it or not.
warnings : angst, smut, mention of death, blood, violence, yandere, mention of depression and family issues
rate : mainly +18
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"You have to talk!"
These four words you now knew by heart. You heard them every morning, every evening, louder in your ears with each passing day. When you took your shower, when you ate, when you watched TV. Always these four words that punctuated your life. It didn't provoke any reaction in you, motionless, your usual impassive expression, you watched without showing any interest the little old lady who was standing in front of you, hands on hips in an expression of pure annoyance. There was a time when you might have smiled to express your regret, but that time was over and having extended this reflection too many times, you could no longer feel guilty about your silence or even look sorry.
"Impossible!" Ms. Jeon raised her arms to the sky, letting them fall limply along her sides one second later as she turned her back to you, muttering a thousand dark words of annoyance that left you stunned behind the bar. You couldn't afford to be hurt by the old woman's lack of patience, she had always treated you as a friend, though firmly. She made you work at her family bar, even though you were not related to her and despite your categorical refusal to speak properly. Indeed, you were not speaking. No, you weren't mute. You had just decided to keep quiet one day and since then, only a few words crossed your lips and only when it was really necessary.
You felt in danger though. This job at the Jeon bar was all you had to make ends meet, and with grandson Jeon's early return from downtown at the end of the month, you didn't worry that your position as barista would be challenged and shamelessly given to the youngest member of the family. After all, it would be quite normal and logical but you couldn't help but sigh in dismay, the only sound you made today.
The end of the day came slowly but surely and soon you found yourself under the dark sky of the city of Bangtan. The capital. When you were little, you were bitterly jealous of those others who lived under the Bangtan sky, promising yourself that one day it would be your turn, that you would live a life full of madness and adventure because everything was possible there, in the capital! Now, you couldn't say that you missed the countryside, no, falling asleep every night in anguish at the idea of waking up with a demon or a ghoul over your face, no, but you weren't happy either in the safety of the high walls of the fortress in the center of the country. You even disapproved of this unequal security. The poor, like you and your family, were condemned to barricade themselves at night to protect themselves from the creatures roaming the woods while the richer ones slept with their windows open and protected by the high white walls and guards. Silly policy. You would never have imagined going home alone, unarmed, without a phone and in the middle of the night. Indeed, years ago, the government had announced the existence of the so-called myth creatures. People had obviously panicked, distrusting their neighbor, their teacher or even their brother, despite the insistence of the heads of state that being a vampire, a mermaid, a werewolf or whatever did not necessarily mean being a bloodthirsty beast. But it didn't matter, soon people who were suspected without proof were being massacred by barbarians, soon, civil wars began and even today, you can't really tell who won in theory. The humans, the creatures? In any case, neither of them mix. At least that's what they say in the capital, but where you come from there are quite a few stories about couples where one or both of the protagonists are secretly creatures. You shuddered. It doesn't matter.
"Watch out!"
You didn't have time to react when a dark mass entered your field of vision. Obviously the biggest chine you've ever been given to see was coming right at you, tipping you violently as it passed and causing you to lose your balance as your bag emptied onto the wet pavement of the street. Safe from creatures, never from careless humans who don't know how to keep their animals on a leash, you thought bitterly, but you said no less. The huge dog stopped in his tracks and took a few steps to sit on your right. With his ears perched on his head, he seemed almost proud. Although huge for a pet, the animal was beautiful, its silky brown hair bawling in the moonlight and its eyes shining with a golden glint.
"I'm so sorry miss! Let me help you!"
A young man appeared in your field of vision in turn. Like master, like dog could not have been better applied as the young man stooping to offer you his hand was of a beauty worthy of the princes in the fairy tales. Mouth agape, you let him help you without reluctance to straighten you on your feet. He was slightly taller than you, with perfectly coiffed blond hair, full lips and a charming look. A real beauty.
"Please accept my deepest apologies! He doesn't listen to anything I say despite my best efforts to keep him by my side!" The beast growled to your right as if it understood its master's words causing you to give it a puzzled look. "You are not hurt?"
For a moment you thought of answering but your mouth immediately closed in a tight line as you looked away. You didn't want to talk and this man and the beast that was his dog couldn't change that. Embarrassed, you waltzed from one foot to the other before bowing as a greeting and a thank you that you didn't think he deserved anyway. The man had not finished with you, however.
"Oh, forgive me my sweet! I couldn't know you couldn't speak! Did you have your tongue ripped out, could you never speak or worse?" He looked away in mock dismay as his dog came forward as if suddenly interested. "Have you been the victim of a curse?"
Perplexed, you shook your head from left to right quickly, letting a small indignant sound cross your lips. The reason was much simpler, much more human, much more psychological but now your surroundings had taken such a liking to your silence that the answer didn't even cross your mind.
"My poor princess, you are like the little mermaid."
You shivered uncontrollably. No one had ever referred to this tale worthy of a child's worst nightmares since mermaids began to really manifest themselves and drown sailors and bathers without remorse. This had all the makings of an insult. You frowned against your will with an expression of hurt incomprehension. Now you really wanted to end this "exchange" as soon as possible, but as you tried to bend down to pick up your things, a searing pain shot through your skull, the feeling that a cruel arrow had just broken your brain made you groan softly. Surprised and perplexed, you straightened up and put a trembling hand to the back of your head, discovering a sticky, viscous substance that you recognized as blood. Your blood. The world began to spin as the man in front of you slowly disappeared into the whirlwind that was your surroundings.
"She is tough Jeongguk. Don't be afraid to hit harder."
Jeongguk? Like Mrs. Jeon's grandson. Despite the incessant whistling in your ears, you could almost hear the blow coming. He wasn't afraid to hit harder this time.
"This is barbaric, Jimin! The poor little thing."
"I'm not the one that did it, Joonie!"
"But you asked him to do it."
"It's a good thing you hit her in the back Gukkie, she's such a beauty, it would have been a waste."
"What do you think, Taehyung?"
"She smells funny."
"Keep it down! She's waking up! Miss?"
The pain returned as soon as you regain consciousness. For a moment you thought you were back there, at your parents' house, warm in the open arms of your bed. Away from the city, from the bar where you worked, from the responsibilities, but you soon remembered that this was not an option. Your parents had kicked you out long ago.
"Speak, please!"
"She can't."
Were you dead? Maybe you were. But heaven was dark in that case. Slowly opening your eyes, you discovered the top of a four-poster bed, a few gray roses embroidered on a black background, little light in the room. You recognized the soft touch of quality sheets between your fingers that gripped the bed beneath you as a wave of pain suddenly swept over you. You could only wince in response.
"Thank God, you're alive!"
Despite the paralyzing pain, you found the strength to turn your gaze in the direction of the voice that sounded so concerned about your condition, even your own self was not so concerned. It was a man, short hair, skin tinged with a honey-tan color and a sincere smile, he was tall and muscular but not scary and surprisingly you felt reassured but you didn't know him. Where were you? Why were you there?
"Namjoon, she just woke up. Shut up."
He lost his smile as another man was caught by your frightened gaze. Smaller, with jet-black hair and a stolid look. You had never seen him before either.
"Hello Miss. I am Yoongi. I was a doctor, well, I am a doctor. You have received a strong blow to the head." He looked sternly to the side but you didn't follow his gaze, too busy focusing on his words. "Your condition is stable now. Would you like something to eat?"
"She can't talk!"
This time you looked away. He was as tall as the first one from your point of view, but of the three men, he was the one who stood out the most. His complexion was tanned, his lips were drawn, his brown hair was elegantly styled in a style that hadn't been modern for a long time, and he had beautiful golden eyes. He was handsome. The most handsome man you'd ever seen, but now that was the least of your worries.
"That's right! That's why you're here."
A cheerful voice exclaimed. Too many voices. Too many sounds. Your headache worsened as you closed your eyes and sank back into the darkness of your mind. No coherent thoughts helped you. You were lost in many ways.
Held by creatures. The last straw. You sat on the edge of your bed, your eyes lost in the void. How was this even possible? Kidnapped by creatures in the very heart of the capital. All to become the little werewolf's plaything of the bunch in due course. Oh no, not some sexual reference. At full moon, the wolf became particularly violent and to prevent him from hurting his comrades, what better way than to sacrifice a human who couldn't scream and therefore couldn't draw attention to their presence in Bangtan? To convince them to change their minds, all you had to do was speak, but what was the point? They would kill you anyway or worse! They would give you to the group's ghoul, Jimin, who seemed to take great pleasure in making anything that could cry suffer. You sighed.
"Don't be sad!" You gasped as a young man appeared before you. A succubus. Who would have thought that Mrs Jeon's grandson was a creature and a dangerous one at that. He was also tall and handsome. His beautiful brown eyes were like a deer's and his smile like a rabbit. You liked his tattoos and piercings but you couldn't tell him and even if you could, you wouldn't. He was the one who had spotted you and proposed the idea, he was the one who had knocked you out. Yet you weren't angry. It didn't matter. It wouldn't matter now.
"Here." He handed you a cup, it looked like tea. You drank it immediately without making a fuss. He would gain nothing by poisoning you. "I asked Jin to enchant it so that your grief and state of distress would be less hard to bear, Madam."
He called you Madam, probably because he was younger. It didn't bother you that much. Anyway, you had no way of telling him your first name. As if he could read your mind, he added.
"You can write your name down so that I can learn it!
"Jeongguk, get out of here, you have no right to seduce her!
Blushing in surprise. The young man flinched and then changed his innocent look into a more seductive and dangerous one and too lazy to protest, disappeared as quickly as he had appeared in a last fake unhappy smile worthy of a cliché movie.
This voice was the one you heard least often of all. Seokjin, a wizard, was the master of the huge castle where you were kept and from time to time he visited you, made you smile, tasted a cake with an unknown taste that soothed your pain and then went away. Yoongi, the doctor with the pale complexion, came to examine you every day, you liked him, he didn't talk much or ever a few times, and the marks around his neck allowed you to understand that he was actually dead for a long time. Hoseok, the fairy who asked you to call him Hobi, didn't come as often as Yoongi, however when he came, it wasn't to lounge around, he danced, told you about his life, almost force you to read books, and explain with passion how the disneys had soiled the image of the fairies, although it seemed to fit his character from your point of view. Namjoon, to your surprise, was as human as you were, which is why he seemed most eager to reassure you and apologize sincerely. Then came Jimin, he liked to make you jump, to smell your hair in a sensual way, hungry by his instinct of ghoul. Jeongguk was soft and endearing, but you were not stupid, the succubi know how to seduce otherwise what good would they be succubi, then came the last one who had just entered the room. The most beautiful of all and also your future assassin, Taehyung. The werewolf.
He approached the window. Hands behind his back with a serious look. You were intimidated by him without being able to express it. He had always been polite to you. Courteous and respectful. He seemed to come from another time and given the longevity of creatures of his type, you had no doubt that was the case.
"I'm sorry." He sensed your confusion. "For Jeongguk. His instinct is to act that way, just like Jimin. They don't know how to control themselves, so forgive them."
You knew that your goal was to be slaughtered by the man in front of you. Technically, he was the only one here who was going to hurt you but you were careful not to point that out to him.
"You smell funny." Were you stinking? "I have to admit, I haven't smelled many humans in my life but I'm sure your smell is different."
Golden eyes pierced you suddenly.
"I'd like to make you talk. He confessed. "But the choice is yours."
So he knew you were able to speak. Strange.
"Sleep better than the other nights this one." You looked at him with perpexlity. "I feel your restlessness at night. You walk, you think, you whisper." You blushed. "Tomorrow I will show you something to prepare you for the full moon."
And with that, he left.
to be continued…
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A BREATH OF FIRE ox Min Yoongi
[Hybrid Gods AU]
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A taste of honey and dreams
Side characters: Park Jimin/White fox hybrid, Kim teahyung/Human King.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, death, violence, sharp objects, suggestive words, smut, alcohol, killing.
Genre: Fantasy, romance, strangers to lovers, R +18.
The sun rays bathed my skin as i sat beside the river, my feet getting wet as sank them in the water warmed by the hot summer sun.
Fragments of images blurrier my vision, happening so fast. At first I was walking beside the river with the sun shining bright and the birds singing while the trees danced with the wind. Then the night fell, i laid in bed while a lady was beside me, blood all around me and I felt cold. So cold. The lady cried while holding my hand. I couldn’t move, no words came from my lips all a saw before everything changed was a shadow of a man dressed in black behind the lady.
The images changed fast, a man was in front of me. Goosebumps run all over my skin as he walked towards me but i didn’t felt frightened, I felt happy. Relived. I run to him. Arms closing around his waist tightly.
- teahyung…
My voice was a whisper under water, but my heart burned with feelings I didn’t understand. Who was this men? What where my feelings for him?
- my dear yn…. - his deep voice made me look up at him, he was beautiful but looked so sad - i missed you so much I thought i was going to die.
- Don’t said that. I’m right here my king…
Anguished i felt, so suddenly the images change but i couldn’t make out what it was. I saw fire and people running around, then a stabbing pain on my stomach. An arrow.
You know that feeling of when you swim deep in the water and come back to the surface. That was what i felt when I finally woke up from that dream.
Relief flowing through every part of my body as i took in my surroundings. The ceiling of Yoongis room, the smell of wood and cinnamon and in the background of everything else thundering.
Heavy rain fell outside, the sound of it helped in calming my fast beating heart. It felt real.
A warm weight laying over me and i knew i was safe, once my eyes fell on his face to the sight of his massy hair all over his face, one arm over my waist holding me tight. I moved his hair out of his face smiling as I look at his soft features while he sleep. Although the scar gives him a different demeanor, he just looked endearing to me.
I run my hands through his hair, softly touching the base of his long black ears that laid flat against his head, hiding on his hair you could bearly tell he had them.
A soft moan left his lips, his brows furrowed as he stoped my hand from moving. Holding it softly in his, eyes still closed he left a small kiss on the palm of my hand. For a moment i thought I had crossed the line he draw, but his reaction told me otherwise. Was he still sleeping?
My question was soon answered as golden eyes stared tiredly at me, he had a lazy look on his face and he smelled like flowers and honey. Such a different contrast as to what he usually smelled like, but still heavenly.
- are you okay? - he asked, voice raspy and deep.
- Yes… why?
- I heard your heartbeat… was it a bad dream? - his thumb moved slowly against my hand, massaging the palm as he looked at me.
- Kind of… but it was just a dream - I assured him.
He gave me a “okay” while putting my arm around his neck laying completely over me, his head over my chest. I went back at caressing his head, running my fingers against his hair.
The sound of rain and thunder in the background was so calming and peaceful i was almost drifting back to sleep again, but my mind woke up quickly at the reminder of Jimins arrival with sweet bread for breakfast, he would be delivering the bread at any time. I had to get things ready for breakfast.
- I need to get up - i said, hands sliding to his shoulders trying to move him off of me.
- No… - he only murmured. Not moving an inch.
- Yoongi… I have to make breakfast and Jimin - i tried to convince him.
- Jimin won’t be coming today… - he interrupted me.
- He won’t? - i asked, he always did - why not?
- He don’t like rain and getting wet - he said lifting his head from my chest to look at me.
- Oh… but still - i said, his golden eyes staring into mine. - if you want to stay in bed is okay, I can work by myself i just…
He didn’t let me end my sentence and was already getting up in a second.
Fixing his clothes before making his way to the door he gave me one last look.
- let’s make breakfast - he said before leaving.
I sat there stil not understanding anything. What has gotten into him?
This moody fox.
We eat breakfast quietly enjoying the sounds of the rainy falling outside, it had lessen from now. No thundering sounds anymore just a quite rain. It felt so peaceful as some birds where singing, happy for the rain after so many days of hot sun.
The sweet smell of coffee and honey bread brought a comfort to me, Yoongi sat in front of me this time eyes on his coffee as he drank and a book on his other hand.
I watched him as he read. His eyebrows would furrow here and there when he read something intriguing. He would lick his lips after taking a sip of his coffee then would go back his full attention towards the book in his hand.
I watched as he turned the pages, fingers sliding over the page every time he read one and went for the next one, his golden eyes looked darker this time.
I felt my cheeks getting warmer as i stared at his neck, his Adam apple moving down once he took a sip of his coffee. His colar bones showing as the hanbook was slightly opened and still messy, half of his chest exposed moving up and down slowly as he breathed, his soft skin seemed to shine over the grey light coming from the window.
I was lost in every inch of him, not even realizing he noticed me staring at him. Cup of coffee still on my hands in front my lips, to busy looking at the fox that sat in front of me to drink my coffee.
- you’re staring - he said, not looking at me. Eyes looked on the book in his hand.
- You look good… - I confess, almost inaudible checks hot and red.
He didn’t say anything but I noticed the small smile he had on his lips.
After we have breakfast i went outside, watching the rain fall in the garden. Some people don’t like the rain because it makes them sad. But i always loved the rain, it brought me serenity and calmness.
The roses seemed to bloom even more in the rain their perfume was everywhere, the garden was so beautiful it looked like a painting.
I hugged myself as a cold wind flowed through, the leaves on the floor danced around as the wind moved them.
I couldn’t help but let the flashbacks from my dream run through my mind, my heart felt heavy at the thought of the man. Just who was him?
Up until the point I touched him the dream felt like… a dream. Then it was as if i was right there. Every bit of feelings i had at that time hit me with so much pain, I loved him. And it pained me. Why?
- what’s going on the head of yours? - Yoongi said behind me. I turned to him noticing he changed his clothes. Now wearing a black hanbook.
- Nothing. - i said, for some reason telling him about another man didn’t felt right to me.
- Don’t lie to me… - he walked in my direction, out of instinct I walked back making him stop then he walked towards me with absurd speed, holding me against the wall. Golden eyes burning into mine.
- Yoongi…
- You promised me… - he said, as if not believing in it - you promised you wouldn’t… - before he could finished I stoped him, I knew what he was thinking. I knew he thought that mark on my hand was still reason to make me uncomfortable.
- And I’m keeping my promise, it’s not that… - i assured him, the worry in his eyes subsiding - the dream… i think I saw my past life.
I finally take it out of my chest what has been ghosting around my mind, a sight of relief coming from his lips worry slowly leaving his features, his glare on me wasn’t angry anymore but gentle and understanding.
I knew he just worries about me, somewhere in his heart he cares for me and just want to protect me. It felt hard on me keeping things from him knowing that. But at the same time, those were things I wasn’t even sure of yet.
- sorry… - i said, guilt weighting on me for making him worried about me - i should’ve told before.
I know I could tell him about everything but it still confused me, i didn’t know anything i saw in that dream.
- No… it’s okay - he told me, pausing for a moment.
He looked to the side before looking back me, his hand leaving my sides as one he held my chin slowly caressing it, the other rested on my waist. He pressed his forehead against mine as he closed his eyes taking a deep breath before looking back into mine.
- what did you saw? - he was more gentle now, still caressing my chin.
- I can’t really tell… - I tried hard to picture the images I saw in my dream - i only saw fragments of images…
I wondered what i could tell him about the dream and from some reason telling him about the men i supposed I was in love with seemed to bother me, it felt wrong as I was in his arms.
- there was a man his name was Taehyung, i think he was the king…i called him that… - I tell him.
- Just that? - he asked. Curiosity shining in his golden eyes. He was giving me all of his attention.
- I saw how I died… - I could still feel the way the arrow went into me, a chill running down my spine as i remember it - the rest was only in fragments nothing clear…
He sighted, hand falling on my waist as he pulled me closer for a hug. Burying his face on my neck as he moved his hands up and down my sides in a gentle caress, i closed my arms around his neck embracing him back. His delicious smell of wood and cinnamon surrounding me.
He began to slowly leave small kisses on my skin, starting from the back of my ear down my neck and colar bone. Stopping to look me in the eyes again, our foreheads touching and the tip of his nose slightly brushing against mine.
He moved us forward, pushing me completely against the wall, a gasp of surprise falling from my lips. His hands holding me tightly against him, body fully against mine as his golden eyes burned with so much fire over every inch of me. I felt like melting as one of his hands held my chin up, his face nearly inches away from mine lips brushing over mine. I closed my eyes waiting for him.
- am i interrupting something?
Yoongi pulled out from me so fast at the source of voice I almost lost my balance. It was Jimin. He wore a baby pink hanbook that shined on the silver light of the sky, it gave him a look at cuteness and innocence.
- don’t you hate rain? - Yoongi said, i notice the slight impatience on his tone. Angry from being interrupted.
- Yes - Jimin walked to us then pointed to the sky - but it stopped… - he looked at us both up and down eyes stopping at Yoongis hand still on my waist.
I quickly brushed Yoongis hand off and made my way towards Jimin, taking his hand in mine quickly running away from there with him. Yoongi looked like he could punch him at any moment. I didn’t want that to happen.
- so good to see you made it today - i said, rushing inside the house - did you brought that delicious bread?
- You bet! - he answered excited.
Once inside he went straight towards the small table in the middle of the kitchen, putting the basket with all the bread and sweets on it. I was immediately hit by the delicious smell of it. He opened the basket and my mouth watered at the sight of so many different kinds of sweet. Straight out of the oven, I could tell from the small mist coming from them. There was a small bread full of sugar and strawberry jam, a bread bathed on honey, small and round shining with honey all over it.
- oh my, Jimin! - I exclaimed eyeing the sweets - they look so good!
- Try this - he gave me the strawberry one, i took it from his hand and it was impossible not to get sugar all over my fingers. And the taste? Simply delicious and so juice. The strawberry jam was sweet and perfect.
- It’s so good oh! - I complement him. Mouth full and lips covered on sugar.
He smiled shyly a bit of red on his checks, he turned to take the breads out of the basket putting them over the table.
- Is it that good? - Yoongi suddenly said coming towards me and Jimin, I watched as he slowly made his way towards me.
He had that look on his face. The one he had on the bath last night, golden and fierce. Long ears standing proud on his head as he walked towards me as if i was his pray, before I could try to escape he was right there in front of me.
- let me try it - he said once he stood in front of me. Golden eyes never leaving mine.
I swallow hard, not once did it crossed my mind he would hold my hand with the bread and bring it towards his mouth taking a bite of the bread so slowly. Torturing me with his golden eyes staring straight into mine as he licked the sugar off his lips. Same lips that were on my skin not long ago. It was turture.
His hand slided down my arm slowly, he made sure to touch every centimeter of it after he’s done.
- delicious indeed - he said, never once did those golden eyes left mine - oh… you got some sugar here.
He moved his hand to my face, thumb sliding over my lips taking all the sugar from it. Golden eyes fallowing his touch over my lower lip, looking up into mine only to lick off the sugar from lips on his thumb, so damn slowly.
My mind was going places. Racing with thoughts and my body burned everywhere he touched.
- Should I… should i make some tea to drink with the bread? - I try to run away from that awkwardness. Jimin only looked at us confused before saying a small yes, he didn’t understand what was happening and it showed in his eyes.
To be honest neither did i. Yoongi has been acting different towards me ever since he came covered in blood, more touchy and protective over me. It made me nervous. So nervous at how much i desired him. Did he felt that too?
As i make the tea Jimin tells me he’d get the table ready and i decide to make a Chamomile and peach tea, I fill the kettle with water and turn the stove on. Watching as the fire starts to heat up the kettle and i put the tea inside the teapot. Since i had my back towards them the whole time i didn’t notice Yoongi coming behind me until he corners me against the sink, both his hands on each sides of my body. His soft breath hitting the back of my neck sending chills down my spine.
- did i made you uncomfortable? - he asked, worry in his voice.
- No… - i whisper, wondering if this was about the strawberry bread or the incident outside before. - not uncomfortable, just…
- Nervous? - he didn’t let me finish not single drop of worry in his voice this time, his lips slightly brushing on my neck. I could only nod. - good.
A ghost of a whisper as he then left to sit in front of Jimin on the table. I swallowed hard, checks burning red.
What does that mean? Does he know how he makes me feel? Does he know i want him… is he doing it on purpose?
I didn’t thought much of it as the kettle was starting to make an annoying sound, i pored the hot water in the teapot breathing the smell of peaches and chamomile.
We can deal with it later.
Jimin and Yoongi were talking a lot more today, and i quietly watched them as they proceeded to make a comfortable conversation. Yoongi seemed to be in a better mood today, they talked about different topics and things i didn’t understand about their world. Jimin would explain to me excited at my curiosity and Yoongi would listen and watch us, a found smile on his face.
Time passed so fast i didn’t realized we’ve been talking for hours till Jimin says he has to go now, Yoongi fallows him outside turning back to me only to say he has some fox duties today.
I only nodd and smile to him, assuring him it’s fine. He gives me one last smile before going for real.
Once it was just me in the house i took my time to clean up the table and put the food in their place. After that i decided to read something till Yoongi comes back, so i went to our room stopping in front of his bookshelf. I picked a book of poetry which had a red cover with the name written in gold.
Sitting on the bed i got comfortable before i began to read, line after line the book getting me completely into it. The soft sounds of rain falling outside was music to my ears as i continued to read, looking outside of the window from time to time admiring the rain.
One thing added to the other, the smell of honey and the sounds of rain falling down. My mind was being serenaded by the words in the book and everything seemed to be so peaceful and comfortable.
Eyes staring to get heavy and slowly i fell asleep, face over the book but still so comfortable. How?
I didn’t worry about that in the moment, my only thought being how comfy I felt in that moment. Falling into a deep sleep.
More and more deep.
The sound of rain further away from my mind.
Deeper into the darkness of my dreams.
- yn… - a deep calm voice whisper in my ear. - my darling please wake up for me?
Hands moved up on my back, it didn’t scared me far from it. His touch felt nice. So deliciously nice.
- humm… Teahyung? - still sleepy I said.
- yes my darling…
My eyes opened slowly and I took in his face. He was over me, his hands caressing my face so delicately. A found smile on his lips.
- I’ve missed you my queen… - he said, before lowering down to kiss me and I closed my eyes waiting.
Everything changed in a second after that, I opened my eyes at the sudden feeling of cold only to see the full moon shined bright in the sky as i looked at it. It didn’t bring me comfort as it usually did, no.
This time I felt pain. The more I looked at it the more it pained me.
- yn…?
I turned to him immediately as I hear his voice asking for me, a hopeless sight escaping my lips at the sight of him. Covered in blood again, the sword on his right hand.
- no, Yoongi… - my voice was bearly a whisper.
- yn?… - the sound of his voice cracking as he walked towards me, eyes shining but this time it was from tears.
I walked towards him as he came to me, tears falling over his face. He looked so terribly sad and lost, I just wanted to hold him in my arms.
But he walked right through me.
I stoped in my tracks. It took me a second to realized. I didn’t wanted to turn around, deep down I kinda knew what was waiting for me. Even so I turned back, only to see the the flames growing more and more on the house, his house was on fire. Falling apart.
Yoongi fell down on his knees in front of what i now realized was… my dead body, he held me against him crying out loud. His cries where a punch to my stomach. Each time another painful cry left his lips was a painful stab into my heart. Tears falling on my face and i kept screaming to him. “I’m here” “I’m alive” “please… look at me”.
But he never did.
That felling of almost drowning but then coming back to the surface, waking up from that dream felt like dying and then being forced to come back. My chest was hurting painfully, my body still recovering from the dream, that pain felt so real and heavy on my chest.
If I closed my eyes again i could still hear his cries, wiping a single tear off my face as i remember it. How was that so clear? It felt so real i couldn’t make it up.
The sound of rain was heavy now, i looked up the window to see the sky has darkened. I must’ve been asleep for a long time, taking a deep breath i made my way out of the bed. Wondering if Yoongi had come back already or if he’ll come back only tomorrow morning like usual.
A sudden need to see him filling my chest, i just wanted to make sure he was okay. I didn’t think i would be able to wait until the morning to see him, not after that nightmare. In such short period of time he became so dear to me.
I didn’t spear any seconds as i quickly got out of the room, not seeing any sign of him in the house i make my outside.
That weight of worry melted out off of me as soon as my eyes landed on his figure, he was sitting on the porch a serene look on his features as he watched the heavy rain falling. For a moment i just watched him, taking in his presence. I felt like crying for some reason but held back.
He noticed my presence as he looked over at me and a small smile made its way to his lips, i felt so relieved walking towards him. Yoongi seemed to notice something wasn’t right as he took me by the waist as soon as i was in front of him. My arms closing around his neck as i hugged him tight.
- is something wrong? - he whispered in my ear.
- i thought you wouldn’t come back today - i reply, burying my face in his neck.
- sorry.
It wasn’t just any apology, he understood exactly what I meant and i know deep down he meant it for last time and for now. When he wouldn’t come back from his duties, and when he came covered… i just held him tighter as the image of him like that crossed my mind. We held each other for so long the sky began to clear, I looked up to find the moon shining over us.
For the first time i didn’t want to look at it, it made me nauseous. Something about it didn’t felt right with me, a sudden need to challenge it.
Sliding my arms over Yoongis i looked over his face, beautiful golden eyes staring into mine. We were so close yet i needed more.
- we should go inside… - he murmured - it’s getting colder.
I simply nodded letting him guide me back inside the house, his hand in mine the whole time.
Once in his room he turned to me, one hand gently caressing my face. The other one on my waist as he walked making me walk backwards slowly till the back of my knees touch the bed, I sat down looking up at him as he continues to caress my chin.
- you look tense… - his voice dark and velvet - allow me to… help you relax? - I feel a chill on my skin as he leans down, his face mere centimeters close to mine.
I swallow hard as he then draws his finger down from my chin to my neck and along my colar bone. Leaving a ghost of a kiss on my check he stands upwards walking to my right he sit beside me before sliding to sit behind me, both his thighs on each side of my body. I could still feel the tip of his finger dancing along my skin.
I almost lost my breath as he moves my hair gently to the side fingertips brushing slightly against my skin, just a simple movement but the way he does it makes into so much more. One arm circling around my waist as he than opened the not i made on the clothe i wore. He pushed slightly down making me hold it against my chest, turning to look at him from the side.
- don’t worry… - he murmured against the back of my hair - I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.
He began to push it down again just enough to expose my colar bones and shoulders . His hands sliding up my arms so slowly it felt like torture, he always loved to tease me I knew that. But this time it felt so nice I simply closed my eyes allowing him to do as he pleases, enjoying every second of it.
His warm fingers finally coming in touch with my shoulders as he slowly added some pressure with the tip of his fingers, massaging my neck in slow movements of up and down.
I had to bite my lips to hold a moan as he focused on my neck, aplaying pressure with his thumb in the back of my neck and slowly sliding down his fingers on my colar bones.
A long sight escaped me as i leaned my head back against his touch, feeling his breath hit the back of my neck as he came closer to me. He held me against him making sure i lean on him, completely rested over his body. He left small kisses along my neck, my hands resting on his thighs as he began to use his teeth on my skin. So slightly i could bearly feel yet enough to make his canines known.
- is this okay? - he suddenly asked.
- yes… - i could bearly say anything, completely lost on his touch.
I felt his smile over my skin, he was enjoying the effects he had on me. Yoongi continued the assault on my neck, this time leaving long wet kisses over it taking long licks on my skin from my shoulder up to my ear leaving a long kiss behind it. Sucking on it more harshly, his teeth clearly scratching my skin this time he was leaving marks all over it i could feel it.
His hands holding my waist tighter and tighter each time, i could feel his breathing turning faster as he held me against him. One final kiss over the curve of my neck, his hands sliding up almost too close to my chest but never trespassing it. He groaned against my skin slightly moving his hips up.
- Yoongi… - i moaned, grabbing his thighs sticking my nails on him.
Turning my face towards him i searched for what i needed the most now, his lips. One hand grabbing the back of his neck towards me to finally kiss him. We both moaned at the touch, wet lips finally meeting each other.
I wish I could say it was a romantic kiss but, it wasn’t. It was sexual and full of desire, tongues fighting for space savoring each other’s taste. We been teasing each other for so long, waiting for one to finally give in. Not leaving space for curtesy, he bit into my bottom lip just to lick over again.
One arm around my waist he held me tight before turning me over as he stayed above me, golden eyes shining under the dim light of his room. Lips red and plump from the kiss, his pointy fangs showing a bit as he smirked coming down to leave a small kiss on my lips.
Then my neck leaving a tray of kisses all over my chest and between my boobs, opened the hanbook completely now my body on display for him as he kept leaving kisses over my skin down towards my bellybutton. Hands over my hips as he slides them up over my ribs then down using the tips of his finger nails carving my skin, goosebumps flowing up my body at his touch making my arch my back.
Eyes closed as I felt him leave more kisses all over my hips, fingers sliding under the sides of my underwear over my hips to push them down. Taking them off completely from me, he stayed there on his knees just looking at me, cold wind coming from the window hitting my body making my nipples harden immediately.
He brought his hands over my knees, brushing his thumb over them slightly before opening my legs for him. His eyes savory every centimeter of my body, once he was satisfied he began to lower down towards my belly.
Leaving mouthed kisses and bites over my skin making a tray down where I needed him the most, his hands held my thighs in place as he gave my pussy a long lick.
I couldn’t stop my body from reacting to his touch, my back arching immediately seeking more of him. Hips rocking against his face.
- Yoongi… - i moan. His name falling from my lips like sugar, I feel him crave his nails deeper into my flash.
He started with long licks over my clit, his eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he began to suck on it moaning against my pussy. The wet sounds from his mouth on me driving me completely insane, every movement of his tongue against me sending a burning desire over my body, I couldn’t stop my body from moving against him.
It made him hold my thighs harder as he stared to move his tongue faster against me, one of my hands grabbing his hair as he sucked on my clit harder. He moaned against me, the vibrations of his voice making me go more and more wilder.
I was getting closer, he could fell it as he continued to move his tongue faster not stop in even fora second.
- Yoongi… - i moaned out his name, grabbing his hair harder as he groaned against my pussy.
I was so close I could feel my heart beating faster against my chest, blood burning through my veins. My hips moving against his face uncontrollably as I held his hair between my fingers, his nails leaving red marks over my thighs.
He continued to suck on my clit his voice vibrating against me, I could feel the heavy burning sensation of my high coming. I was head in the clouds so close to it. But then he stopped. I groaned inpatient. He lifted his head up from my pussy, smirk on his wet lips as he stared into my eyes with his golden ones.
His right hand sliding down my thigh.
- you taste so good… - he said over his lashes, I looked at him still coming from my high. - i taste you all night….
I could say anything. He didn’t gave me much time, pushing my hips against his face again. His tongue inside me as he used his finger to touch my swollen clit. My whole body was burning with his touches. Moving his tongue in and out of me so slowly in the most delicious way.
Hand instinctively gabbing his hair again as I rocked my hips up and down against his face, fallowing his peace. I felt my high coming again, so close but he never stopped his peace. I felt like a could met every time he moved his tongue inside me. Legs shaking around him, I couldn’t control my body anymore.
Begging him for more.
My feet sliding down over his back stopping at his bottom, he groaned against me. Sucking on my clit he inserted his finger inside my pussy, finally giving me what I wanted.
Meet sounds coming from his fingers fucking me as he continued to lick and suck on my clit, I was a complete mess. Legs shaking beside his head getting closer and closer to my orgasm, he kept going faster groaning against me.
- Yoongi… so close… - i moaned his name, grabbing his hair harder.
A wave of relief filled me, my heart was racing and my whole body felt so light. Everything felt so deliciously good I couldn’t explain. Looking down between my legs Yoongi now moved slower as I came into his fingers, he rode out my orgasm with his tongue, licking all traces of it from my pussy.
I caressed his hair as he began to trace the skin of my thigh with his finger, licking his wet lips he stared at me. Golden eyes shining brighter than I have ever seen, the sweet smell of cinnamon in the air coming from him more noticeable than ever.
His finger slides down, stoping at my hip and than sliding over my pussy so slowly a ghost of a touch, he moved his finger deeper against my clit deliciously finally sliding inside me again.
- Yoongi, no… - i manege to whisper to him. He chuckled not stoping his movements. - no I can’t again…
- Yes you can… - he murmured, low voice full of desire dripping from his mouth.
With that he slides another finger inside me making me arch my back, my hands closing into fists as I grabbed the sheets. He lowered his head down on me again, this time sucking over my clit as he moved his fingers in and out of me painfully slow.
- no… - i moaned again, but he didn’t stop. At this point I didn’t wanted him to.
- Come for me again y/n… - he growled over me, coming back for my mouth as he kissed me harshly.
I moaned against his mouth as he began to move his fingers faster, using his thumb to move over my clit as he went faster. The wet sounds of his fingers moving inside me sinfully, his groans against my lips all driving me towards the edge again. Tasting myself on his lips, he slides his tongue against mine making me moan in his mouth.
My hands holding his shoulders tighter the closer I got, scratching his skin deeper his moans driving me completely insane.
- more, Yoongi…
- that’s my girl… - he said over my ear, leaving a kiss over it - com for me again…
- Yoongi…
I held on into him harder the closer I got, his finger moving in and out of me faster. He continued his assault on my neck as I held into his shoulders, nails marking his skin hiding my face on the curve of his neck.
I could feel that wave filling me up again, painfully slow and so good. My hips moving against his finger as he drove me to my second orgasm, I moaned out his name sinking my teeth over his neck.
I felt his voice vibrate through his skin as he groaned in pleasure, my nails sliding down his back leaving marks. He moved his finger slower driving the last bit of my orgasm.
My head was in the clouds again, my whole body felt so heavy and tired.
I moaned once he took his finger out of me, leaving a kiss over my check he stared into my eyes.
- that’s my girl… - he said, caressing my bottom lip with his wet thumb - taste yourself for me hum?
Slowly I opened my mouth for him, taking in his two fingers that were inside my pussy. Tasting my own juice as he looked at me with such pleasure, bitting into his own lips as I suck on his fingers. Feeling the soft tips slide against my tongue, wet with my cum. Holding his wrist as i suck on them, eyes locked with his golden ones.
- fuck.. - he cursed, closing his eyes - you’re driving me crazy y/n…
He slides them off my mouth licking them before coming back for a kiss, lips moving slightly against mine. Leaving one last kiss over my check, he caressed my face golden eyes staring into mine with adoration.
- you should rest now - he whispered against my neck.
- but you… - i moved my hands up his shoulders which he takes them into his to put them by my sides on the bed.
- i can wait for you tomorrow… - he pressed a kiss over my ear - I’ll need you full rested.
- oh… - i simple said, realization hitting me. He chuckled.
One hand he bald my thigh over his hip the other around my neck as he pushed me up to lay over him, my head resting against his chest as he still held my leg over his hips.
His hand caressed my head softly as the sound of his heart beat slowly draw me to sleep, my eyes feeling heavier each time.
The rain outside still falling heavy, thunder lightning above in the sky. The smell of rain misture with his heavenly perfume of wood and cinnamon, I held him tighter as i finally embraced my sleep.
That night I had no dreams of my past life.
Taglist: @missmin @whipwhoops @glosstwn @i-have-no-life-charlie @kooslilhoe @catlove83 @taegicity @ginger-coffee-addict @rosquilleta @tarahardcore @liveyun @manuosorio @thvlover 7 @4ukiyo4 @sukonsukuna @passionandsuga @missroro @btspurplesky @crystallizedtime @i-am-invisible-for-you @celticcountrygal @dancerninjastudent-blog @fairywriter-oracle @m4gg13-g @alexxa013 @unadulteratedlyunique @kpopmultistantrashsstuff f @anaspectoflife @younhakim29 @slinekyu @nochookiee @strxwbloody @yoongislatinagff @pandafuriosa60 @nattjuless @cuntessaiii @fatmaortiz @kimsonlyluv @wobblewobble822 @be0mluver @bangchanbabygirlx @illnevertrustmyselfagain @slut-4-yourmom @jiminbluerose @mygdday @bitch—ari @honsoolgloss @kimtaehussy @amariemoore @starrlo0ver @blue-and-grey-army
Sorry for any grammatical mistakes 😅💖
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flvrnne · 9 months
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aloneatpeace · 8 months
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The sound of the wall opening make you arise from slumber to your confusion you see Namjoon and hoseok run into the maze. Yoongi and seokjin watch them run from the entrance.
When it was time for breakfast you and Jungkook make way to the kitchen area “did you get enough sleep?”
You smile looking at him seeing that he already looking at you “yeah surprisingly I did”
He smiles widen at that as he observes you from head to toe his smile dimming when he sees the bruised wrist “what?”
You look down to your wrist to see what he is pointing about to see swollen wrist “oh yeah, I think it happened yesterday you know...”
“Why did you tell anyone?”
“what’s going on. Tell you what?” seokjin asks as he comes to you, he gasps when seeing you cradle your bruised wrist “oh my god, are you hurt why didn’t you tell us?”
He takes your wrist and examine it “jimin” he yells without looking away and an annoyed jimin yell back coming into your vision.
Jimin eyes lift up then dim quickly when he sees you and your wound, he slaps jin away and take your wrist looking at the bruise “you should have told us yesterday otherwise it won’t have gone this bad”
You shrug “we all had our plates full”
Seokjin shakes his head “but that doesn’t mean you had to cover it up, yesterday was awful to everyone there is no denying in that still you should have let anyone us know.” Jungkook and jimin node at his words agreeing “jimin, you treat her, we can eat later that if your alright with it” he voiced to you.
You nod at him and jimin takes you med hut his hands delicately holding your bruised wrist, when you get inside the med jack you see yoongi sleeping and jimin shush you to speak in low voice. you let jimin do his job in silent.
“Now it’s all better how do you have any problem moving your wrist?” he ask his voice barely loud
You move around wrist “its just aches a little but I’m good, thank you.”
Jimin give you a wide grin “well in few hours it will good as new you won’t have any aches”
You nod at him looking around the hut jimin gaze at you, he doesn’t know what it is but something inside him feels like he knows you that your important to him just like how he felt like about Namjoon, seokjin, yoongi, taehyung and Jungkook but with you it feels more than that something with a deeper feeling, yarning for something he doesn’t know what it is.
“What happened to your wrist?” yoongi voice startle him that he let a scream making yoongi give him 
‘Are you serious’ look and you glance at him in confusion why he got scared out of nowhere.
Jimin clear his throat giving you sheepish smile “I just got lost in thoughts”
You nod and turns to yoongi “it from yesterday” that all you said and yoongi didn’t need anything to understand. He remembers seeing the bruise and taking a mental note check on you but he forgot.
The feeling of his neglecting you and your well being made his heart burn, the guilt hit him harder than ever.
He glances at door “did you eat anything?”
He stands up “then come on let’s get some food in your system” he walks towards the door “I see later jimin”
Jimin nod at him turning to give you a smile “take care y/n. doesn’t hesitate to come if you need anything else”
“Thank you again jimin, I see you later” you said with smile walking towards yoongi.
“Huh, look who is back” jin exclaim as he sees yoongi beside you setting the plates down “how do you feel now y/n does it hurt?”
“Just a little, jimin said it will go away soon” you answer sitting down your seat with yoongi beside you with jin Infront of the both of you.
As you dig in you wait for minute “I saw Namjoon go into the maze why would he go, I mean he is not a runner.”
“Things are different now. Namjoon went to retrace ben’s footsteps before sundown.” Seokjin answers
You frown “so he’s gonna go back to where ben was just stung.”
“Namjoon knows what he’s doing.” yoongi cuts in “all right? He knows better than any of us.”
“What is that even mean?”
Yoongi sighs “well, you know how every month the box comes with new greenie, and someone has to first right?” your eyes widen you understand what that means.
“Someone has to spend a whole month in the glade, alone. That was Namjoon, I mean it can’t have been easy. But when those other boys started come up one after another, he saw the truth and he learned the most important thing…is that we all have each other. Because we’re all in this together.” Seokjin concluded.
The unexpected raining has everyone puzzled you all huddled up with the boys under the shade watching the opening of wall in anticipation when they will come. “They should be back by now.” taehyung said
“What happens if they don’t make it?” you ask glance back at yoongi and seokjin
“They are going to make it” yoongi declared Jungkook jimin and taehyung watch as he said with it such a certainty
You walk towards him “what happens if they don’t?”
“they’re gonna make it.” he said glancing at you seokjin place his hands on your shoulder giving you pat.
After the rain had been stopped all the gladers gather around the opening waiting for them to arrive.  The gears start to shift the sound echoes through the glade making you shiver “come on, guys, can’t we send someone after them?’
“that’s against the rule. Either they make it back or they don’t.” gally states
“We can’t risk losing anyone else.” Seokjin adds
The wind starts whooshing and everyone watch in fear as it close at that moment you see them more like hoseok dragging Namjoon towards the opening.
“Something is wrong” jimin exclaims in worry
“Come on hoseok you can do it’ Jungkook yells that made everyone cheer for them
“Come on hoseok”
“Hoseok you gotta leave him” gally yells
“they’re not going to make it. “Yoongi said from beside you, finally understanding the truth that he didn’t want to acknowledge.
Hoseok grunts as he drags Namjoon by his leg, screaming trying to get outside the maze.
All you see hoseok trying his damn hardest and the walls closing in and the guy who was leader knocked out. Your eyes trace the wall and the next thing you know is that you running inside squeezing through the closing wall that could crush you if you slow down your ears ring as the boy shout grunting you making it inside the maze falling to the floor you turn to the now fully closed walls.
Panting you stand up to see hoseok on his knees panting as well “good job. You just killed yourself.”
“What?” you make your way towards them kneeling down next Namjoon as hoseok sit down and catching his breathes watching you walk towards them. “What happened to him?’
“What does it look like? He got stung” hoseok said looking down his mind was all over the place he just lost his friend and runner partner yesterday and now his other friend also seems have sealed the same faith.
You see the gash on his head “what happened to his head?”
“I did what I had to do.” You glance at him see him head down, tensed frame sweating.
The distant roaring hoseok glance that direction as well as you, as he gets up you do to grabbing Namjoon’s shoulders “Okey. Okey, help me get him up.”
But hoseok stands Infront of walking away from both you “we gotta go. The maze is already changing. “
He walks away “hey, Hoseok!” you yell at him making him halt “we can’t just leave him here.”
You and hoseok drags Namjoon away looking for a place to hide safely “sit him down, just sit him down.” Hoseok asks and you both sit him down a roaring echo through the maze making him stiffen he glance the hall way in fear “this isn’t going to work we gotta go. We gotta go”
“Wait, what are you saying we gotta hide him, we can’t just leave him here.” You hurried out your words looking around.
Hoseok pace around his whole-body buzzing “where?”
“I don’t know. are you telling me there’s not a single place we could take him?”
Grunting in frustration hoseok walk up to you grabbing by your shoulders pushing you to the walls “listen to me women all right. Take a look around there’s nowhere to go!” he growled making your eyes wide at sudden shift of personality hoseok slowly take his hands off you staring into your eyes that trained on his face collecting himself he sighs “I’m sorry, but we can’t do anything else” you still look at him with unreadable eyes.
Shaking his head, he moves away “you don’t get it. we’re already dead.” Hoseok, watch you stand up walk up to him, eyes shining with hope walking past him he sees that your eyes fixed on the large ivy that covered the wall.
Your grunt as you pull the ivy that tied Namjoon up, hoseok behind you two pull the ivy with a grunt lifting him higher and higher while you were focused on the work hoseok hears the maze shift and peek around and he pause making you question him “what are you doing? What are you doing?”
Hoseok watch in fear as the section open up and the griever step out, the terrifying creature with robotic limbs. “We gotta go. We gotta go.”
hearing the shakiness and absolute fear in his voice made you look up and deeming Namjoon is safely high and hard to see. “Okey okey. Now we have to tie it up somewhere”
you pull one more time just be sure and look for something to tie it off when hoseok yelps behind you “hoseok its alright. We just need to tie him now”
hoseok move away from you with a guilty look on his face tears in his eyes “I’m sorry, y/n. I’m so sorry”
“What?” hoseok run away making you lose foot at Namjoon’s weight. You plant your feet at the wall holding up the ivy.
They’re mechanic not exactly a creature how?
Whimpering you hear the roar and sound of the creature approaching you, sliding under the ivy you hide yourself holding your breath as you watch the mechanic limbs of the griever walk away with a roar.
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You let out a gasp and grab the root of the ivy and tie it too getting out of there. Once you secure it you pull it to check if it come off, the sound of the creature make you shake as you get up and quickly hide behind the wall when the creature come back.
Once the sound fades away you move peek around and with last checking on Namjoon, your attention change when you hear the walls shifts and the roars echoes around you walk away from the sources of sound. When you felt something slimy thing under your shoes.
You shake away the disgusting thing when something gooey oddly similar to what you just steeped on falls on your shoulders.
Looking up you see the griever with a gasp you move away as it lands on the floor the thing roar at you scramble away from it and starts to run away with it following behind you, turning the corner the creature block you taking another path you run away from it without any idea of where to go you run through the  maze when you come to an end cursing you turn to see the creature and try to climb the wall that has covered in ivy with the creature behind you.
Panting you stand up only to see the limbs of the creature coming up behind loud screeching noise you the fear and adrenaline kick in and you cover the small gap between the walls and jump to the next. The creature still behind you, you get up and run only to stop when you see you have nowhere to go as you reached the edge of the wall.
Chest, heaving you see the roaring creature behind you and ivy-covered wall, the faceless creature roar at you and you turn with a yell and jump to aiming to the wall, getting a hold of the ivy you let out a sigh of relief but it short lives when the creature also jump after you.
The thing just behind you trying to stung you with its limbs as it tries to hold on and you struggle against it as the thing hit besides you, fortunately none of them hit you the creature’s sharp blades cuts the ivy’s make you both fall with a yell.
 Groaning you hastily push away the ivies off you getting up as the creature now caught up in the vines of the ivy’s you run from it without looking back when you dim your in safe distance you halt to catch your breath and sees the creature still laying on the floor ivy vines.
When something crashes into making you gasp “you’re a one crazy women” hoseok voice reach you. As he watches the griever struggle against the giant ivy vine you remember what he did to you.
“You fucking left me alone you, asshole” you hiss at him Pushing him off you with groan.
“We talk later come on, follow me” hoseok garb your wrist and run that’s when you see the creature starts to get up. You follow him as hoseok run to the walls that’s shifting “okey, its changing come on, come on!”
You and hoseok run up to see one of the walls that’s starting to close “this section close now come on, come on. We can lose it down here!” hoseok yells that’s made you stop.
Hoseok making to the other side turning to see behind him but lose his shift when he sees you stand there on the other side, looking around. He already abandoned you once that made him be disgusted with himself.
“WOMEN YOU BETTER COME RIGHT NOW” he yells waving his hands around jumping around like crazy
Backing away you look for the creature and see it come around the corner that you both came, the creature roar when it sees you.
“Y/N WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR COME TO ME RIGHT NOW” hoseok yells and that made the creature roar as well making hoseok legs jelly when you still stand there looking at the creature.
“YOU WANT ME COME AND FUCKING GET ME” you yell at creature and it starts run to you and sprint into the closing wall.
You look back to see the creature following you “COME ON Y/N DON’T LOOK BACK” hoseok yells encouraging you to run.
Hoseok sees the walls starts to close up “MOVE IT, Y/N! GO ON” the creature still behind you shifting its limb to move to catch up as the walls close up. Hoseok stretches out his hands for you “Y/N”
You stretch out your palm and once you reach his arm’s length Hoseok garb on your hands and pull you out before the wall close and the creature limbs get you.
The force sent you both you and Hoseok crashing down he wraps his arms around your waist and you hand around his neck legs tangled with each other. you both sigh in each other’s hold heart beating out of your chest ears ringing “you alright?” Hoseok asks his hands running up down your back, he could hear the sound of your heart beating like crazy, his hands and legs feel numb and he could feel the heat coming from your and his body,
Nodding you close your eyes slowly moving away from him but he held you against him “just wait for couple moment” he whispers against your ears oddly you didn’t protest blaming it on the exhaustion you let yourself give into the embrace Hoseok lay down his head letting your head fall his chest.
He closes his eyes the exhaustion finally hitting him.
When the first light of sun hit the maze Hoseok wake up, blinking when his eyes his body felt unusually hot, it wasn’t uncomfortable but it was soothing turning he finds you asleep on him. Lips parted eyes shut baby hairs flowing in the wind.
He recalls what happened last night, getting Namjoon stung, then to be trapped into maze and you he doesn’t know what made you run into the maze but glad that you did lastly you killing the griever. Who knew the new greenie could be this wild.
He did not forget the fact that he left you alone, caressing your cheeks he taken your peaceful state “how can I undo that, forgive me for that”
He remembers what Namjoon and yoongi talked with him and seokjin he did it expect Namjoon’s and yoongi words come true this fast, he finally understands what they were saying.
Hoseok walks into the council hall where he knew his friends where “hey guys” he said walking towards them with smile on his face.
Namjoon and seokjin smile at him while yoongi nod to indicate he acknowledged him “how was the run? Did you find anything?” the leader asks
Hoseok shook his head as he sits down “the same old story” the look of hopelessness was visible on their face.
“Did you see the new greenie?” yoongi asks hoseok changing the topic
Hoseok face lit up “yeah, I saw her! And he is she how and why though?” he turns to Namjoon
“I have no answer to that but I can tell you this greenie more than that” Namjoon state that
Making hoseok raise his eyebrow “really how?”
“She made pretty good dash; she could be runner and she kicked taehyung on his balls when he tackled her.” Yoongi said with grin
“We are not making her runner. And no, its not because she is girl but because of what’s out there” seokjin quickly shut down the thought.
“She is curious more than everyone” Namjoon adds
Seokjin let out a laugh “I think jimin has been already have hots for her, trying to be acknowledged by her, saying he they are meant to be together”
Namjoon and yoongi let out a laugh “what did he says? He felt in his bone” Namjoon and yoongi said simultaneously and the group let out a hearty laugh.
“He better not be thinking with his bone I assume I think he is. You know what I mean” seokjin adds making them laugh harder.
“No, God please don’t.” Namjoon pleads
The laugh dies down hoseok sees the visitant look on Namjoon and yoongi, he silently asks Jin but he shrug his shoulders.
“There is something else” hoseok states
Namjoon sigh “it just I feel like I know her.” He can feel Jin eyes on him with and hoseok side eye “not like that. I genuinely feels like I know before the maze maybe. We clearly don’t remember anything about ourself but still somehow, we bonded and I feel that with her but…...”
“Deeper. More pull against your will something about her feel familiar but also forbidden” yoongi finish making everyone look at him “you weren’t the only one” he adds looking at Namjoon.
Hoseok takes a breath glancing at Jin “what about you?”
“I haven’t meet her up close all I saw her running away sacred out her mind” he answers
Namjoon nod “about that I was thinking how about we give her a sperate hut with locks and all, to make her safe.”
“I don’t think so, putting her away from us make her safe, builders have huts remember and saw what just gally did. Its better we let her sleep in the hammock next to jungkook and you will be few distance away, and I’ll patrol the nights” yoongi said pointing at Namjoon.
“Alright we just hope she is settling in quickly” seokjin said .
Series masterlist
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karliiesuniverse · 3 months
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yooboointhemood · 1 month
My Joon as modern LWJ agenda is going strong because this song is so LWJ coded like wdym you are my pain divine divine can't wait for the whole album 💜 also can't wait for him to perform it when he's back
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glastirmsaksei · 1 year
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themwordsblog · 26 days
La la la la Love
The school bell rang, signaling the end of another tedious math class. Hana quickly packed her books, hoping to avoid any unnecessary encounters. But as she turned the corner, she ran into the last person she wanted to see—Kim Taehyung.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Hana,” Taehyung drawled, a smirk playing on his lips. “Where are you rushing off to?”
Hana’s heart pounded in her chest. “J-Just going to the library,” she stammered, avoiding his piercing gaze.
Taehyung’s smirk widened. “I think you have time for a little chat, don’t you?” He stepped closer, his presence overwhelming.
She took a step back, fear evident in her eyes. “Please, Taehyung, I don’t want any trouble.”
He reached out, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “Who said anything about trouble?” His voice was soft, almost tender, but Hana could see the dangerous glint in his eyes.
During lunch, Hana sat alone in the cafeteria, trying to enjoy her meal. Taehyung watched her from across the room, his eyes never leaving her. His friends, Namjoon and Yoongi, noticed his fixation.
“Why don’t you just leave her alone, Taehyung?” Namjoon suggested, concern in his voice.
Taehyung tore his gaze away from Hana and looked at his friend. “I can’t. She’s… different.”
Yoongi raised an eyebrow. “Different how?”
Taehyung didn’t answer, his eyes drifting back to Hana. He stood up, ignoring his friends’ questioning looks, and made his way to her table.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked, not waiting for a response as he sat down next to her.
Hana tensed, her appetite disappearing. “Why are you doing this?”
He leaned in, his voice low. “Because I can’t stay away from you.”
Hana was sitting alone in the cafeteria, trying to eat her lunch in peace.
Suddenly, Taehyung and his friends approached her table. He sat down next to her, an unsettling grin on his face.
"What's for lunch today, Hana?" he asked, leaning in too close for comfort.
Hana tried to ignore him, but he grabbed her sandwich, taking a bite. 
"Not bad," he said, his eyes never leaving hers.
"Give it back, Taehyung," she said quietly, her voice trembling.
"Why? So you can eat it in your little corner all alone?" he taunted, tossing the sandwich back onto her tray.
Hana felt tears prickling her eyes but refused to let them fall.
 "Why do you do this?"
"Because it's fun," he replied, his grin widening. 
"And because you react every time."Before she could respond, he stood up, his eyes flashing with something darker. 
"See you around, Hana."
During gym class, Hana tried to stay out of Taehyung's way, but he seemed to find her no matter where she went. As they played dodgeball, he made a point of targeting her with every throw.
"Hey, Hana!" he shouted, just before hurling a ball directly at her.
 It hit her hard, knocking her to the ground.Laughter erupted around her, but Hana felt only the sting of humiliation and pain. She looked up to see Taehyung smirking down at her.
"Better watch out, Hana. You're an easy target," he said, his voice mocking.
Hana picked herself up, her cheeks burning with embarrassment and anger. 
"Why can't you just leave me alone?"
Taehyung's smirk faded, replaced by a flicker of something more complex. 
"Because I can't," he said quietly, before turning and walking away.
The cafeteria was abuzz with the usual chatter as Taehyung and the boys sat at their usual table, joking and laughing amongst themselves. Suddenly, a hush fell over the room as someone approached their table.
"Hey, Taehyung," a voice called out. It was one of the school's notorious troublemakers, a cocky grin on his face. "I've got a challenge for you."
Taehyung raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh yeah? What kind of challenge?"
The troublemaker leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I dare you to kiss the first person who walks in through that door."
Taehyung's friends exchanged uneasy glances, sensing trouble. Namjoon opened his mouth to protest, but Taehyung held up a hand, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Fine," Taehyung said, his voice filled with bravado. "You're on."
Just as the challenge was accepted, the cafeteria door swung open, and Hana walked in, her eyes downcast as she headed towards the lunch line. Taehyung's heart skipped a beat as he watched her, a rush of conflicting emotions flooding through him.
"Wait, Taehyung, we shouldn't—" Namjoon started, but it was too late. Taehyung was already on his feet, striding purposefully towards Hana.
"Hana!" he called out, drawing the attention of the entire cafeteria. She looked up, startled, as Taehyung approached her.
The room fell silent as Taehyung stood in front of Hana, his heart pounding in his chest. He could see the confusion and fear in her eyes, and for a moment, he hesitated. But then, with a determined glint in his eye, he reached out and gently cupped her face, leaning in to press his lips against hers.
Gasps echoed through the cafeteria as Taehyung kissed Hana, his friends looking on in shock. But as he pulled away, he saw something in Hana's eyes that gave him hope – a flicker of something resembling understanding.
He met her gaze, silently pleading for forgiveness, before turning and walking back to his table, leaving the entire cafeteria in stunned silence. As he sat down, his friends stared at him, speechless.
"What was that, Taehyung?" Yoongi finally managed to sputter.
Taehyung shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant despite the turmoil raging inside him. "Just a kiss, right?"
But deep down, he knew it was so much more than that. It was a bold declaration of his feelings for Hana, a risk he had taken in front of the entire school. And as he stole a glance at her across the cafeteria, he couldn't help but wonder what would come next.
As the cafeteria gradually returned to its usual buzz of activity, Hana stood frozen in place, her mind racing. She felt the lingering warmth of Taehyung's lips on hers, a confusing mix of emotions swirling inside her. Part of her was shocked by his boldness, while another part couldn't deny the flutter of something resembling excitement deep within her chest.
Meanwhile, Taehyung tried to maintain his composure, but his heart was racing with anticipation and anxiety. He stole glances at Hana from across the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of her reaction, but she avoided his gaze, her expression unreadable.
Namjoon cleared his throat, breaking the tense silence at their table. "Taehyung, what was that all about?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.
Taehyung shrugged, attempting to play it cool despite the turmoil churning inside him. "Just having a little fun, Joonie," he replied with a smirk, though his eyes betrayed the uncertainty he felt.
Yoongi raised an eyebrow, his gaze piercing. "Fun? That didn't look like fun, Taehyung. It looked like you were making a statement."
Taehyung's smirk faltered, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He knew his friends were onto him, but he wasn't ready to admit the true extent of his feelings for Hana – not yet, at least.
Before the conversation could continue, Hana quietly slipped out of the cafeteria, her mind spinning with confusion. She needed time to process what had just happened, to sort through the jumble of emotions that Taehyung's impulsive kiss had stirred within her.
As the bell signaling the end of lunch rang out, Taehyung glanced around the now-empty cafeteria, his heart heavy with regret. He knew he had crossed a line, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had just made a mess of things – not just for himself, but for Hana as well.
With a heavy sigh, Taehyung rose from his seat, his friends following suit. As they made their way out of the cafeteria, he couldn't help but steal one last glance at the door through which Hana had disappeared. 
As the days passed, Taehyung and Hana found themselves caught in a delicate dance of proximity and avoidance. There were moments of intense closeness, where their paths would intersect in unexpected ways, followed by abrupt withdrawals as the weight of their shared history hung heavy between them.
One such moment occurred during a school event, where Taehyung and Hana were assigned to work together on a project. As they sat side by side, their elbows occasionally brushing against each other, the air between them crackled with tension. Taehyung could feel the warmth of Hana's presence beside him, a comforting yet unsettling reminder of the connection they shared.
But as they delved deeper into their task, the conversation between them flowed easily, the barriers that had once stood between them crumbling away with each passing moment. Taehyung found himself laughing at Hana's dry wit, while Hana marveled at Taehyung's genuine enthusiasm for their project.
Yet, just as they began to relax into each other's company, a familiar pang of guilt washed over Taehyung, reminding him of the hurt he had caused Hana in the past. Sensing his discomfort, Hana withdrew slightly, her smile faltering as she retreated into herself once more.
Their interaction left Taehyung grappling with conflicting emotions – the desire to reach out to Hana, to bridge the gap between them, battling against the fear of causing her further pain. And so, despite the undeniable chemistry that simmered beneath the surface, they both retreated into their own respective worlds, their connection left unexplored and unresolved.
In the days that followed, Taehyung and Hana found themselves falling into a pattern of avoidance, their encounters becoming increasingly fleeting and strained. They would exchange polite nods in the hallway, their gazes skirting away from each other as if afraid to acknowledge the tension that lingered between them.
But amidst the awkwardness and uncertainty, there were fleeting moments of vulnerability – a shared glance across a crowded room, a hesitant smile exchanged in passing – that hinted at the depth of their unspoken connection. 
The teasing began innocently enough, with Namjoon flashing Taehyung a knowing smirk during one of their late-night study sessions.
"So, Taehyung," Namjoon began casually, flipping through his textbook. "How's your little crush on Hana going?"
Taehyung felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment as he glanced around the room, hoping none of the other members had overheard. But to his dismay, Yoongi, who had been quietly scribbling notes in the corner, looked up with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Yeah, Taehyung," Yoongi chimed in, his voice dripping with amusement. "We all saw that steamy kiss in the cafeteria. Got anything to say about that?"
Taehyung's face turned an even deeper shade of red as he sputtered for a response. Before he could come up with a suitable comeback, Hoseok and Jimin burst into the room, their laughter echoing off the walls.
"What's so funny, guys?" Hoseok asked, his grin widening as he caught sight of Taehyung's flushed face.
Namjoon wasted no time filling Hoseok and Jimin in on the latest gossip, much to Taehyung's chagrin. Before long, the entire room was abuzz with speculation and teasing, with Jin joining in the fray as he entered the room with snacks in hand.
"Looks like our Taehyungie has a soft spot for Hana," Jin teased, winking at Taehyung as he passed out snacks to the rest of the group.
Taehyung buried his face in his hands, mortified by the attention. He knew his friends meant well, but their teasing only served to highlight the awkwardness between him and Hana, making it even harder for him to navigate his feelings.
As the teasing continued into the night, Taehyung couldn't help but wonder how he would ever be able to face Hana again without feeling like a complete fool. But deep down, amidst the laughter and teasing, he knew that his friends had his back – and that maybe, just maybe, there was hope for him and Hana yet.
The teasing from his friends continued in the days that followed, with every mention of Hana's name accompanied by a knowing look or a playful nudge. Taehyung couldn't escape the relentless ribbing, no matter how hard he tried to brush it off with a laugh or a witty retort.
One evening, as they gathered in Taehyung's room for a movie night, the topic inevitably turned to Hana once again. Taehyung tried to steer the conversation in a different direction, but his friends were relentless in their teasing.
"So, Taehyung, when are you going to make your move on Hana?" Jungkook piped up, earning a chorus of laughter from the group.
Taehyung groaned, sinking lower into his seat as he tried to deflect the attention away from himself. "Can we please talk about something else? Like, I don't know, the movie we're about to watch?"
But his protests fell on deaf ears, and soon the conversation was back on track, with each of his friends offering their own unsolicited advice on how to win Hana's heart.
As the movie played in the background, Taehyung found himself lost in thought, his mind drifting back to the kiss he and Hana had shared in the cafeteria. Despite the awkwardness that had followed, there was something undeniably electrifying about the moment – a spark of connection that lingered between them, waiting to be reignited.
Lost in his musings, Taehyung barely noticed when the movie ended and his friends began to drift off to bed. But as he prepared to turn in for the night, a nagging voice in the back of his mind reminded him that he couldn't keep avoiding the inevitable – he had to confront his feelings for Hana, no matter how daunting the prospect may be.
With a sigh, Taehyung climbed into bed, his mind swirling with thoughts of Hana and the uncertain future that lay ahead. Little did he know, his friends were already plotting their next move, determined to help him navigate the rocky terrain of love and friendship with Hana by his side.
One afternoon, during a particularly chaotic school event, Taehyung and Hana found themselves accidentally locked in a small storage cupboard. At first, they panicked, banging on the door and calling out for help. But as the initial panic subsided, they realized they were alone together in the confined space.
Taehyung's heart raced as he looked at Hana, their faces inches apart in the dim light of the cupboard. He could feel the heat of her breath on his skin, the proximity stirring something primal and undeniable within him.
Hana's apprehension melted away in the warmth of Taehyung's gaze, her heart fluttering with a mixture of fear and excitement. Despite her reservations, she couldn't deny the pull she felt towards him, the magnetic energy that seemed to draw them together.
In the silence of the cramped space, Taehyung reached out tentatively, his hand brushing against Hana's cheek. She shivered at his touch, her eyes fluttering closed as she leaned into his hand.
Their lips met in a tender, hesitant kiss, the passion building between them like a wildfire. Taehyung's heart soared as he lost himself in the sweetness of Hana's kiss, his hands tangling in her hair as he pulled her closer.
For what felt like an eternity, they were lost in each other, the world outside the cupboard fading away as they surrendered to the intensity of their desire.
When they were finally freed from their confinement, Taehyung and Hana emerged flushed and breathless, their hearts racing with the knowledge that something irrevocable had shifted between them.
From that day forward, Taehyung and Hana found themselves paired together in every project, their classmates and friends no longer able to ignore the undeniable connection that crackled between them.
As they navigated the ups and downs of their newfound feelings, Taehyung's feelings for Hana only deepened, bordering on obsession. He couldn't get enough of her, craving her presence like a drug that he couldn't quit.
But Hana remained cautious, her heart still guarded despite the passion that burned between them. She knew that giving in to Taehyung completely meant risking everything, but with each passing day, she found herself drawn closer to him, her walls crumbling in the face of his relentless pursuit.
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oursvenus · 9 months
✜⠀v⠀⠀⌯⠀ lockscreens . ⠀ ♡
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kaylee9597 · 2 days
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Thank you, Joonie! We love you all to the moon and back! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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georgiebrits · 6 months
Safe word - Kim Taehyung
You're in Taehyung's spacious kitchen. He's behind you, your body bent over the kitchen aisle. His hard cock is pressing against your ass, slipping in and out as he relentlessly fucks you. His strong hands hold onto your hips, pulling you back onto his thick length. You moan with pleasure as you both move in a synchronized rhythm. Sweat drips down your back as the intensity builds.
“Fuck,” you say quietly. He grins into the space between your neck and shoulder blades before whispering, “Yeah…fuck me harder, baby.” You oblige. You can feel yourself getting close to release, but not yet. Taehyung pumps faster and deeper inside of you, his hands gripping your hips tighter. "I'm so close, Tae," you moan out, feeling the pleasure building up inside of you. "Come for me, baby," he growls out, as you reach your climax with loud moans. The kitchen is filled with the sounds of your bodies slapping together in pleasure.
Taehyung continues to thrust into you, his pace slowing down slightly but his length still filling you up completely. "Fuck, you feel so good," he grunts out, his hips slapping against your ass. You moan as the sensitivity intensifies, but he doesn't stop, his grip on your hips still firm as he takes what he wants from you.
The pain starts to become too much, and you gasp out "Apple," the safe word the two of you had agreed on beforehand. Taehyung immediately stops, concern etched on his face. "Are you okay, baby?" he asks, his hands letting go of your hips and rubbing soothing circles on your lower back. You nod, catching your breath and thanking him for stopping.
He reaches around you to open some cupboards on the aisle, grabbing an apple and cutting it into quarters. Then he returns to your side, handing you the fruit. You smile at him. "Thanks," you murmur, eating the half piece you'd just gotten from him.
"Do you need anything else, baby? I mean, do you want me to leave so you can rest after that little… incident? Or do you want to come sit outside? We could watch something on TV." His voice was full of warmth when talking about how much he loves and cherishes you, and you know that he would never let another person get hurt by his actions, especially someone who means such a lot to him. He's kind of like that, always looking out for others first, even if he feels responsible for them himself. It makes you happy to be able to call him yours.
You shake your head. “Maybe a nice warm bath," you ask with a pout on your lips. You're sure you don't look like a sad puppy with those large eyes, but you've learned that sometimes it is helpful to act like one. Taehyung nods, kissing your temple gently. “I'll order us some takeout then, alright?" Your eyes light up at that idea. "Okay, babe. Take as long as you need!"
Once he leaves, you stand up from the table to start taking off your clothes, stripping them off quickly before diving into the bathtub. You sigh happily at the hot water relaxing your tense muscles. You love the way you feel when you are clean - the way all of the stress and tension in your body dissipates. It's therapeutic to just lie there for hours, soaking in every last drop of your sweat and cum. You feel amazing when you finally stand up. When you emerge from the bathroom wearing only your robe, you see Taehyung sitting on the sofa watching TV. He turns when you walk into the room, setting it on pause. "Hey honey, I ordered fried chicken. It is your favorite right?"
You nod enthusiastically, sitting next to him and resting your head on his shoulder. His arm snakes around your waist, holding you tight while he kisses your forehead. "It will be here in fifteen minutes.""Thank you~"
As soon as the food arrives, the two of you dig in. Once you are done, you lean against Taehyung's chest, his arms tightly wrapped around you. The television is left to play at low volume as you lay there comfortably, Taehyung humming along with the songs playing. "That was really good," you mumble sleepily. "Thank you for all of this." His arms tighten even more around you as you feel the vibrations of his laughter through his chest.
"Anything for you, baby," he responds softly as you drift off to sleep. He places a kiss on top of your head, his thumb stroking your cheek, the skin warm under the heat of his touch. "Any time."
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kpopsexstories · 2 months
QUICK FIX #14: You play around and pleasure BTS Taehyung's (V) cock with a vibrating teddy bear
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Member: BTS Taehyung (V)
Content: Masturbation, Cumshot
Word Count: 986
This story is part of my Quick Fix Dirty Kpop Imagines series. Check it out for more smut and other members and groups 😊
You're seated by the foot of the bed. Taehyung is laying naked in front of you, leaning on his elbows, with a hard dick between his legs. In your hands, you're holding a soft, comfy teddy bear.
You pull the little ring behind the mechanical toy. The bear vibrates for several seconds, while the string you've pulled out slowly retracts back into it. You both look at the bear curiously.
When it stops, you turn to Taehyung with a naughty expression on your face. He grins playfully back at you. You're both thinking the same thing.
Taehyung spreads his legs slightly, while you scoot closer to him and lean in between his thighs. You reach up and place the adorable bear on his chest, pull the string, and move the bear around. Slowly, the vibrations and soft fur gently massage Taehyung’s skin.
Taehyung closes his eyes and opens his mouth. The sensation the bear produces feels great on his naked body.
You pull the string again, and the bear sets off, eager to explore every inch of Taehyung’s front. It seductively visits his neck, stomach and waist as you move it around, and pull the string repeatedly. Taehyung shivers and breathes heavily. He seems to love what you're doing to him.
The bear ventures south. It circles around Taehyung's crotch, and explores his legs and the sensitive areas on his inner thighs. It goes down the legs, one at the time, and back up again toward the boner.
Taehyung is so fucking hard. Throughout the whole thing, his long dick leans stiff against his stomach. When you finally let the bear touch the dick, Taehyung let's out a loud moan.
You pull the string again, and let the bear climb up and down the shaft. It presses and vibrates against it. The vibrations send a thrill through Taehyung, who begins to pant and moan a little heavier. The shaft occasionally jolts as blood pulses through it.
You crab the root of the dick with your hand and hold it up. It points straight in the air, and the vibrating bear climbs and slides down it, as if playing in a tree. Again and again, you and the bear enjoy the full length of Taehyung's cock, while Taehyung continues to moan and groan with pleasure.
You use your teeth to pull the string, and your nose brushes against the erection. You play with the bear, move it as if it's climbing, and every time it reaches the top the bear kisses the head.
Eventually, the bear doesn't climb back down. You pull the string for the twentieth time, and press the nose of the toy harder against Taehyung's dick head. This teases the cock, and edges him on as he gets ever closer to an orgasm.
Taehyung begins to squirm. He wraps his legs around your body between his thighs. He lifts and lowers his ass repeatedly, while the bear sends sensational vibrations through his cock.
“Ugh,” Taehyung groans. “Ahh, Mr. Bear, you're gonna make me come!”
His eyes are shut hard and his face becomes strained and twisted. When the edging almost gets too much for him to bear, he opens his eyes wide, sits up straight, and leans on his hands behind his back. His leg muscles become tense around you, and he stares with his mouth wide open at your hand and Mr. Bear on his boner.
“Fuck!” Taehyung exclaims, when you grab a little tighter around the shaft, and press the bear a little harder against the head. “Ughhn, fuuck, I'm coming on you Mr. Bear!”
The shaft suddenly jolts, as a sexual pulse shoots through it. Taehyung quickly lifts his ass from the bed. You bend down, briefly to pull the string with your teeth again, then sit back up to avoid the cum you know is about to ooze out of the tiny hole at the tip of Taehyung's shaft.
Still holding around the root, and pointing the dick straight in the air, you press the vibrating bear harder and harder against the tree.
For a moment – a split second which feels like an eternity – nothing really happens. Taehyung is holding his breath and his body freezes, every muscle in him tense as the orgasm happens.
You both sit and stare at the head with anticipation. You never take the snout from the head, as you hold it completely still while it goes through its vibration cycle.
Then Taehyung erupts. He jolts again, throws his head back, and moans: "Aahh-uhhh!"
Cum squirts out of him, like lava from a previously dormant volcano. The thick, white liquid keeps coming, oozing out until the head, shaft and back of your hand is completely drenched in it. The bear gets soaked, as you begin to move it in tiny circles around the head, sucking up all the sperm.
You bend down one last time to pull the sting with your teeth. A second pulse shoots through the shaft, and more cum squirts out and rolls down it.
Mr. Bear is loving it. You move him around, letting the fur soak up all of Taehyung's produce. The bear starts climbing the makeshift tree again, up and down the shaft, while he cleans both the shaft and the back of your hand.
You finally let go of the cock and wipe your palm on the bear. Taehyung has come down from his orgasm and begins to relax, leaning on his elbows once again. He looks at you, and when your eyes meet you both start to giggle.
“Damn, that was amazing!” Taehyung says. ”You're so good baby.”
“I can't take the credit,” you say playfully. “It was Mr. Bear.”
“From now on,” Taehyung says, “Mr. Bear should always come to bed with us."
He reaches out and places his hand between your legs. “Maybe next time he'll visit his cave. I've heard he loves a cozy pussy.”
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launlili · 2 months
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i nearly cumed
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