#btw I only caught that that was supposed to be a silent rekindling when my mom explained it to me
lichtecht · 5 months
of the dfk audiobook translation
Narrator (Nichtraucher): So the Internals flew to the aliens themselves and to get a picture of it.
Narrator (audiobook): An overdimensional cardboard spaceship is let down from the ceiling.
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): Due to the heroic act of the brave alien Uli, who the astronauts had met on their travels through space... the aliens met the earthlings as friends.
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Direktorin Kreuzkamm, whispering: „That’s Ruda! And her friends!“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „How beautiful!“
She sighs happily.
Narrator (audiobook): Ruda and the others play the aliens. They hug the astronauts and welcome them on their planet. Suddenly, words like „External“ or „Internal“ don’t even matter anymore.
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Ruda, through the microphone: „Although galaxies apart, we have achieved peace in the end!“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): And if Internals and Externs could empathize with each other… I should be able to manage it with Justus as well.
Justus looks at Robert. Robert looks back. Justus waves a little.
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Narrator (audiobook): Only separated by the middle aisle, Robert and Justus look at each other for a long time.
Justus turns away and starts clapping.
Bökh, to Direktorin Kreuzkamm next to him: „They've finally made peace! That’s awesome!“
Narrator (audiobook): You can recognize forgiveness in their eyes. And longing to let a deep friendship bloom again.
Loud applause and whistles from the audience. Standing ovation.
The kids on stage bow.
Justus and Robert look at each other again while they clap, this time smiling.
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Frau Kreuzkamm hugs Justus in joy.
Audience: „Encore! Encore!“
[Note: the internet tells me that's the english version of "Zugabe". I hope that's true]
Bökh: „There’s Uli!“
Uli: „The only home we’ve ever known.“
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Narrator (audiobook): At the very end, Uli is shown in a video recorded at the hospital. The play was a full success - and it united people who hadn’t believed in it themselves for a long time.
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Narrator (audiobook): The next morning is the day of departure. Almost all kids have packed their suitcases and are picked up by their families. Justus Bökh stands at the gate and sends off his Internals. Only Martina is walking tensely through the corridors, because she still has a test ahead of her today.
Narrator (audiobook): Finally, the test begins. Besides Herr Bökh, an official examinor is also present, but Martina doesn’t let him unnerve her. She only focuses on her tasks - and sometimes the encouraging gaze of Justus Bökh.
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Narrator (audiobook): It’s already dark when Martina returns to her room, where Jo is already waiting for her. She sits down at her bed.
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