#btw i think being straight fits her in the context of i dont think it fits other characters like um. nat. dykiest girl in the world
yoggybloggy · 1 year
i wish misty yellowjackets were a lesbian but she's so painfully straight and unfortunately i do think that's true to her character but i wish she liked women.
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viennacherries · 7 months
Lyrical analysis you say? 👀👀
I happen to be a bit of a musician myself (I was in my middle school choir and am lying to myself)
Would love to hear your thoughts on anything Hozier has written, but particularly Talk bc I also have thoughts on that one
okay this is nothing to do with bg3 so anyone who isn't interested feel free to skip over this. that being said i do think this song fits very well with gale when he was trying to get mystra to forgive him while he's in the tower.
if u are interested it's below the cut :)
this song is a fukin masterpiece first of all, i LOVE hozier. his lyricism is fucking incredible and never fails to sweep me completely off my feet.
this song is lyrically one of his more straight forward songs, if you know the context behind what he's referencing.
essentially, the story of orpheus and eurydice is a greek myth. orpheus finds his beloved wife eurydice dead, and sings a song so sad and beautiful that the gods take pity on him. he visits hades and hades agrees to let eurydice live again, so long as orpheus doesn't look behind him as he leaves. orpheus is nearly at the exit, only a few paces away, but he loses his faith and turns to check she's still with him. she's a few steps behind him, right where hades said she would be, but as soon as their eyes meet she's dragged back into the underworld.
now, when hozier is referencing this story he's specifically comparing himself to all of the best qualities of the characters in the myth. orpheus' devotion to his wife, the hopeful feeling he had that he could save her, the overwhelming need he felt to see her that overpowered his ability to follow hades' instruction, and eurydice in her final moments forgiving orpheus anyway because she loves him so much. this verse is hozier promising the person he's singing to endless devotion.
however, his next verse says that he's imagining all of the (presumably) indecent things they could do together. he admits that he's sweet talking them so that they dont see through to how badly he desires them.
the second verse goes back to him talking about how devoted and loving he can be. he calls true love a "lost myth" but insists that he will be the exception. he's different to others, he truly loves them. through the next few lines he's essentially selling himself as the solution to all of their issues surrounding love, he'll be the release that he believes they won't truly find in anyone except for god at the end of the world. he's bigging himself up again, he's essentially trying to sell himself to this woman.
you can view this song in a couple of ways, in my opinion. this song can be a demonstration of true devotion and love, hozier offering himself up to worship this person and telling them all of the ways he will cherish them. but i think it can also be seen as manipulative. he's sweet talking them even though all he's really thinking about is bedding them; think like a guy at a bar who knows all the stuff to say but is gone by the time you wake up in the morning. i think it can also be a mix of both, he truly loves them but feels unworthy. he thinks if they knew all the ways he thought of them they wouldn't be interested, so he peacocks and promises and parades around in the hopes of impressing them.
the songs in d minor key. by placing it in this key he's purposely evoking certain emotions/creating a specific atmosphere. d minor lends itself especially well to creating a melancholy or anxious atmosphere. a lot of songs about grief and sadness are in d minor. christian schubert, in an essay he wrote in 1784, uses the term "melancholy womanliness" to describe the key. i think that perfectly describes the atmosphere hozier creates in this song. a lot of people say that hozier is "for the lesbians" (based as hell btw) because a lot of the songs he writes are about true love and devotion to women. he's reverential in the way he talks about passion and romance, and it fits really well into the female gaze. you could view this song as him acknowledging this ("imagine being loved by me" could be him talking to the listener).
the song is 77bpm, which classifies it as 'andante' (moderately slow). it gives it a slow relaxed feeling, which really sells the whole vibe of him trying to woo someone. combined with the prominent baseline and the choral backing vocals, the song feels like worship. it feels like laying your soul bare.
it's no doubt his sexiest song. the song reeks of sex and sensuality. down to every detail this song is about seducing someone. it's romantic, sensual, and overall an absolutely beautiful piece that perfectly demonstrates hozier's prowess with lyricism. one of his main strengths is his ability to paint a vivid picture with his words.
this is quite a simple and surface level analysis of the song as i've whacked it together but in conclusion: beautiful sexy song and i am in fact imagining being loved by him.
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the owl house characters described by my friend @thelostbiscuits who has never seen toh(all this was over text and i copied it word for word btw): the bold is me noting significant things in the conversation
luz: enby lesbian uhhh theyre probably assertive, confident, painfully gay, lives off of strawberry uncrustables and peace tea they’re nice tho
king: what is the dog doinnn he and enby lesbian are friends, he's comedic relief, pretty chill eda: you thought you could just show me catras grandma and get away with it catra but shes old and tired? willow: she is baby, she isnt that smart but she tries and we love her- very nice :)) she cares about people
gus: he's friends with glasses chick(willow), he also cares a lot but he gets into a lot of trouble amity: oh i know her too because your gay ass reblogs all their ship art shes gay for enby lesbian (lmao they aren’t wrong). she's tough but like you get to know her and shes not that tough? tsundere but not anime lol. OH i feel like shes like pearl from su a little bit lilith: okay first of all im in love with them. she's serious- basically a trad goth girl from the 90s, chill but takes no bs viney: hmMMmMmmm mom vibes, probably gives really good advice. i cant think of much else for her ooP- she looks exactly like my stepmom sjhdfh- jerbo: he reminds me of greg heffley but idk are hints allowed HDJKD- (i gave them the hint of “plants vs zombies” at this point lol) hmmmmmmm i feel like he's a closeted bi. just gives off those vibes, also kind of a nerd? he might be really smart. he might also just be a straight guy that im looking too deep into the soul of i cant tell barcus: what is the dog doingggg (i told them he’s a witch on the boiling isles hoping it’d clear it up a bit and it kinda worked) prophet cat hyena dog,,,,, im thinking he's pretty wise is he friends with blue haired bisexual queen(lilith)? i feel like he might be (i told them he’s friends with jerbo and viney) oh i see that! wait are they siblings?? (i said no they’re classmates) and they were classmates edric: bro he has to be related to blue haired queen(lilith) uhhhh just judging on the face smug as all hell. annoying but we love him anyways emira: why the fuck do they all look related uhhHhhHHHHhh (i told them that ed and em are siblings) she's giving me very much older sister vibes (which she probably is older than teal haired boy(edric)), confident, has her shit together (i told them ed and em are twins) hmmm she might be mischevious too but a little less so than the dude
boscha: evil >:D she's kind of like the one princessy villain from the power puff girls, maybe kind of pretentious, the others really do try to be her friend tho hooty: HAH- how do i even judge him hes just. he. uhhhhhh he baby honestly, i love him a lot principal bump: god that man is so fucking dusty uHHHhHHHhh salad fingers but a man- "i cRaVe rUsTy sPoOns". he's staring into my soul im sorry i can't rate him ive been stunned to my core (it was at this point that i lost my shit and started cackling into my pillow) look at his fucking finger omg emperor belos: “👁👁” as a,,,, being?????? what is it?????????and like,, theyre super mysterious. i love how we started off with like soft characters and we've descended into purgatory with salad fingers and the grim reaper
mattholomule: oh cool neville longbottom uhhhhh he is also dusty, you wouldnt know him but he kind of reminds me of upchuck from daria(for context i haven’t watched daria). i dont trust him he looks like he would steal my money. the hair is what gave me neville (i told them i thought they’d say he looked like a child drug dealer) HE DOES LMAOOOO- kikimora: oh look its me we are soul siblings i relate uhhhh theyre like a little rat but not in a bad way,,, scuttle-y and kind of quiet warden wrath: WHAT THE HELL DUDE,,,,,,,, LMAOOO NOT A WHOLE ASS PLAGUE DOCTOR THAT COULD FIT INTO A HORROR MOVIE how do i eVEN RATE H- i cant even s e e them,,, what do they even do does he even go here? OH he works for grim reaper guy (i confirmed this) does he kill people for him that would be cool (i told them he does occasionally and that he runs a prison) wow i-
tibbles: he's a merchant :)) pretty good salesman HE'S A CAPITALIST PIG HAHA  but yeah he's good at his job and nice owlbert: The Owl Of The House.he is small but he knows things, many things (i asked if that was it) ,,,, yes he has seen many tragedies
the bat queen: WHAT THE HELL IS THAAAAT (i legit just said “the bat queen”) NO FUCKING WAY THIS IS THE SAME DAMN SHOW LMAOOOOO evil ass goth humpty dumpty she would kick your ass and that concludes @thelostbiscuits‘s summary of the owl house lmao
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dansdraw · 6 years
Take some time to get over Fuckboi. You use a lot of self-deprecating language when you talk about yourself. If you don't believe you're worth more, you're only going to attract relationships that perpetuate that belief. It sounds like you're moving and starting a new chapter. Try taking this opportunity to ask yourself two things 1) do you want OR do you need to be in a relationship, 2) what kind of relationship do you deserve? Be gentle with yourself, and NO MORE COMPROMISING YOUR WORTH!
Yep on Friday I left the city (I lived there for 2 years bc of uni and he’s born and raised there) and I moved home, about two hundred kilometers away. Which in itself is kinda sad, yay. I get what you’re saying about stop compromising, I *KNOW* it’s a very toxic relationship and I want SO bad to stop thinking about him and move on with my life, but it’s so damn hard? Also because, *new developments*..
So basically we said goodbye after that lunch on Friday and I thought that was it, that i wouldn’t hear from him at least for a while.. But then that very night he sends me an audio message in which he tells me that he had gone out for drinks with P and they discussed this thing that happened involving me. 
So in late August i started talking through Tinder with this guy but we ended up never going out and stopped talking for no particular reason, which wasn’t an odd thing with people met through a dating app. But then one day in October i was going through Fuckboi’s pictures on Facebook and who do I see in most of his group pics? Tinder guy!! Turns out, he’s one of F’s very good friends!!!! So I connect the dots and realize that I had mentioned to Tinder guy where i was working so I thought FOR SURE he told Fuckboi, which was no good bc he’d always make fun of dating apps saying that people that use them are desperate or whores and so on. So i start thinking that maybe Fuckboi only started showing interest in me in September bc he found out that I was on tinder, thereby making me a slut who’d be down for whatever, yk? 
By that point it was all supposition. Then the Halloween incident happened. That night Fuckboi was wasted/high at a party and he sent me a bunch of drunken audio messages to tell me to go over (which for once i didn’t yay good decision making) where you could hear in the background someone yelling though laughter “ask her if she likes Lost”, which is the one thing that me and Tinder guy bonded over in the beginning. So, not good. 
And in order to let you know how dramatic this realization was for me, picture me, driving my car on November 2nd, narrating all the shit happened with F to my girlfriend. Then her asking me if we could hear one of these drunken audio messages bc they were actually kinda funny if you dont think about the context. Me agreeing to it, and since my phone was connected with the car, picture us hearing his stupid voice at a very high volume all around us and all of a sudden a random voice mentioning Lost. The one thing I had talked about with Tinder guy. I had to pull over bc I was having an anxiety attack :))))  
Uh btw on Halloween night I went out with a bunch of friends and there was this one girl that was an intern in the office where F works and she casually told me how F used with her the same techniques he used to get to me, like opening up about his tragic life, showing he was more than a Fuckboi etc. She said she didn’t fall for it and told me that at the end of the day she thought he wasn’t all that bad, bc the reality was that he had always been clear about what he was interested in. So that left me a bit…shaken? The next day I cried all day :))))
So in the audio he’s like “P came after me telling me she doesn’t believe that i didn’t know anything about my friend and youu, but i sWEAR i didn’t! why would i caRE!” - to which, i mean, he does in fact not care about me so I believed him straight away, but i texted my friend P to understand her point of view on the thing.
[[  Oh yeah he knew that i knew about him knowing about me and Tinder guy bc a couple of weeks ago, on a “date” which should have been the last time we’d see each other (spoiler, it was not), I finally managed to confront him on THE WHOLE THING, including me crushing on him for mONTHS to which he said he had no idea and was flattered, to which i answered that i *was* into him up until i had the chance to know him a little better and realize he was a just a douchebag and that my crush on him vanished (first half of the sentence true, second half not so much. okay not at all)  ]]
So my friend P sends me an audio where she tells me that they had indeed talked about me and Tinder Guy, but in the context of her being iffy to join the app bc she might come across some of Fuckboi’s friends, and she’d rather not. Then they talked about relationships and F was probably being a total pain about him not being able to find the right one and whatnot and P told him that he’s just a egomaniac piece of trash bc he’s had a good girl right in front of him for moNTHS and he’d never done anything about it (she knows everything but he doesn’t know that she knows, or at least not with certainty). To which he had the most Fuckboi reaction. He was like “who?” (did I mention that P ships us? and that he’s an asshole bc jfc i was the only one who fit description). 
After she revealed me as the mysterious perfect match for him, he said that he’d never tried anything with me because -get this- he knew that i was going to leave the city soon so he didn’t want to risk building something that was destined not to go anywhere. LIKE, ????? STOP. AS IF. I obviously don’t believe any of this, but the nerve to say all this bullshit to my friend only not to appear as the piece of trash that he is? he’s trash. 
Okay i’ll stop here, but he’s clearly still in my brain. I’m still working on erasing him, it’s gonna take a while. Thank you for your message, i don’t deserve people being so nice to me when all i do is keep making the same mistakes :(
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