#btw if ur not still masking i hope u eat shit <3
studylustre · 6 years
hello carol, on december 30 i will turn 20... god im no longer a teen!!! but i still look 12 though... ppl also treat me like im the maknae of the group. i dont like makeup so i'll be stuck with my babyface until 40 haha. since you are a 20-year-old urself, what do you want to say to us who are about to turn 20 soon?? tips on better adulting? life lessons?? ily btw pls never stop being a great person. my studyblr will never be as bomb af as urs but i try to be like you in a noncopycat way:))))
hello!! oh wowowoww how exciting - i turned 20 on the 1st of november and whilst everything is pretty much the same, it’s so weird to think that i’m entering?? a different era of my life?? that’s so freaky to think about lmao, in the best way possible. anyway, is this like a “20 things i learned at 20″ kinda thing?? bc if so,, i got u (ps this ask is so cute bless u and i love u)
1. choose the people who choose you sounds dumb + obvious but as someone who chased the approval of people who couldn’t care less for a solid part of their high school years, trust me when i say it’s so so important to surround urself with the people who love you unconditionally for you. don’t change urself or make urself into something you’re not for others bc it’s never worth it. and on that note,,,
2. don’t be friends with people for the sake of having “friends”i get a lot of asks about fake friends + toxic friendships and it makes me so sad. you all deserve so much better than to stick with toxic people who hurt you and take you for granted. i know it’s tough and a nerve-wracking process to confront them or leave them, but please stand up for yourselves and don’t let people walk all over you in the name of “friendship”. demand respect, and if they’re unwilling to give it to you, leave them for the people who will. you all deserve wholesome and healthy friendships that leave you feeling fulfilled and happy.
3. work hardagain, seems obvious but when you’re in school/college/whatever it seems like procrastination and general slacking off is the easier + better option. please do yourselves a favour and work hard, even when you don’t feel like it. you owe it to yourself (and specifically your future self, who believe me, will thank you for it) to do well in life, and that comes as a result of hard work.
4. wear sunscreen. seriouslyskincare is SO important and a vital part of that is wearing spf (factor 50 or above, always) to protect your skin. even if you think you won’t care, you probably will when you’re older so just apply some goddamn spf before you leave the house + reapply regularly throughout the day if it’s particularly sunny. it literally takes like 5 seconds and your skin will thank you for it. speaking of skincare….
5. wash your face and invest in skincare that works for youskincare culture was so big in 2017 and i hope this trend continues because skincare is, as previously mentioned, v v v v important. you don’t have to buy the most expensive stuff, but if it whatever you use works well for you, it’s worth investing in. make sure you cleanse your face every morning and every night and moisturise. do a face mask every now and then, and if you wear makeup, never fall asleep with your makeup on or i swear to god i will find you, break into your house and remove your makeup myself bc i am THAT committed to the anti ‘not removing your makeup before bed’ cause. (psst: if you haven’t tried it already, retinoid is a miracle worker and is definitely worth checking out. do your research on it first though bc it’s a time consuming process to work it into your skincare routine)
6. drink!! water!!!!!!y’all,,, staying hydrated is v v important. ik it’s not the most exciting beverage choice out of juice and coffee and tea etc but it’s the best for your body and for your skin, so make sure you drink at least a litre of water a day!! if you want to make it more interesting, you can stick some fruit in, or even cucumber (which is rly nice!!). also, hot water is rly good, especially with lemon and honey in
7. don’t sweat itthis sounds neurotypical af and i don’t want to trivialise your emotions at all, but when it comes to small things like a low grade on one assignment or missing a deadline one time etc, it’s not a big deal. is it ideal? no. but will it affect you dramatically, 20 years from now? also no. it may feel like the end of the world and it might make you sad (which is understandable!!) but don’t work yourself up too much over it because the likelihood of it affecting you a year from now, or even a month or a week, is very very low. sometimes you just have to laugh and move on (and if you cry a little bit while doing so, then that’s your prerogative. i won’t judge you. just keep your chin up high and move on - you’re doing great!!)
8. learn to cookplease don’t be one of those people that turn up to uni and don’t know how to make toast. learn at least one recipe, and learn it well. you should always have at least one recipe under your belt to feed yourself. also, if you haven’t already, learn how to do laundry.
9. if there’s something you want to do but you haven’t because you’ll do it “one day”, do it now. just start. it’s either “one day”, or “day one”. what are you waiting for?
10. take a breakit’s important to work hard but it’s also important to rest when needed. you are not a machine. go for a walk, hang out with friends, bake some cookies, take a bath, do whatever that’s not related to your work. it’ll do you a world of good to distance yourself from your work for a little while - when you come back to it, you’ll be refreshed + ready to get shit done
11. always listen to your gut instincteven if everyone’s telling you otherwise, listen to your instincts. they (your gut lmao) know what they’re talking about, and in my experience, they’re never wrong.
12. know when you’re in the wrong, and apologise for itlisten,,, as a v petty and stubborn person ik this can be a tough pill to swallow but sometimes you just gotta put your pride aside, own up to your mistakes and move on. don’t be that person who can never admit when they’re in the wrong, bc they suck.
13. appreciate the beauty in the little things like sunsets, the night sky, the first snow. everything is temporary and life is a little less stressful and more enjoyable when you slow down and appreciate what’s around you.
14. unless it’s not the norm in your country, always leave a tip.just don’t be one of those assholes that writes shit like “don’t eat yellow snow” in the place of actual money, because as a waitress, i can confirm that everyone in the restaurant will hate you
15. if you want a haircut/dye your hair/change up your look somehow but you’re too nervous in case it “doesn’t suit you”, just do it anyway.hair is just hair and it will grow out. same with makeup - if it doesn’t work out, you can just remove it (and that’s never the case because in my experience it always works out, so just try it out and stick with it!!) makeovers are fun and life changing in the best and most superficial way.
16. treat yourself to things you like, but know when to dial it back and savei’m always encouraging people to treat themselves, but it’s important to save money too. try putting 10% or 20% or whatever percentage you’re comfortable with of your wages into your savings every month. your future is always worth investing in. and on that note…
17. things also worth investing in: good books, lingerie, perfume, shoes, your dreams
18. take pictures of/with your loved ones more.
19. always stop to pet cats/dogs you see in the street, and if you’re driving, always brake for birds
20. be kind, even when you don’t feel like it.
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