#btw no i do not buy them. as much as i like camo. this is so stupid
crowcryptid · 1 year
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each time 343 puts camo coatings in a stupid bundle i start screeching
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justatalkingface · 1 year
This is a curious question, what are your thoughts on the rest of 1-A, like Tokoyami, Shouji, and Tsuyu for example (they're my favorites btw), and how they got development of sorts from the final arc? Or at least a handful of them do, oof. BTW, small note but I really like your posts about your issues on BNHA. I haven't really cared about the series anymore and just wanted to see others criticisms on the series. Keep up the good work!
Unironically, their development is shit. I really could just stop here and still get my point across, but of course I won't.
So, here's the thing about almost every character's focus in the final arc: it's pointless. Really, honestly, all they're doing there, no matter what they're actually trying to do, was just buying time for Deku, The Main Character, to show up, while Hori gave them brief camoes of, 'Look, they're there! I didn't forget them!'. This is, once you think about it, just empty space because Izuku is only late because Hori wanted him to be late, so that everyone else would have their time to 'shine', struggle against SFO and AFO, and then be saved with Izuku finally show up.
The tension of the fight involving those two was never there for me, but even for the least sceptical, most generous reader it grew harder and harder for them to take things serious when so much time was just spent... with people using their new, bigger, better attack, and having it be pointless. They couldn't beat SFO, they never could, they never had a chance, and Hori wasn't going to actually kill them, so all of that was nothing more than burning time. This is where Tokoyami was, for the record, fighting valiantly on to wait for Deku's arrival.
Tsuyu, meanwhile, has just become part of Ochaco's story, which has become part of Toga's story; her purpose, these days, is to be part of the chick fight of Ochako vs Toga, and in the time honored way of almost all shonen stories, this is a way of sort of... quarantining the females away from the men so they don't... contaminate their fight with cooties, or their lack of development powered weakness, or what the fuck ever is the excuse is they always have to do that beyond not wanting the women to be important, with some undertones of 'girl fight!' because of fucking course.
I've had my big rants about the mutant 'arc' already, but they did Shoji bad there, they're no getting around it. Beyond how so much of what he said just being... blindingly idiotic to the realities he was interacting in, that he had apparently lived himself, of the people he was talking to, and just having the people, his people, his fellow mutants, so stupid to buy it, after buying Spinner himself, of course, he got basiclly all of his development here, and it was so quarter assed. He didn't just have the flashback to his tragic backstory then, oh no; he had flashbacks to his conversation with his friends in the middle of his fight, because Hori couldn't be bothered to develop him before now, or put the work in to make the situation happen organically in the story, and so he skipped over doing that all that work by just having the flashback do it.
I know this is short, but that's because they're so little to say: Hori's done them dirty. He's barely done anything with them in the longest time, and when he has, he's given them shallow, empty victories and fights they never had a chance to win in the first place.
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rickhunolt · 2 years
How To Make A Battle Vest/Jacket
I am back with another tutorial folks! This time is about making a battle vest/jacket from start to finish!
I am just starting my second battle vest and I want to show ya'll the process and give a few tips and advices, and a few tricks as well. The main thing about my vests is that I try to keep everything I use as cheap and affordable as possible. :)
Also, I want to say that when it comes to making a battle vest/jacket there are basically no rules. Everyone can put whatever they want on it, and make it look however they like. But there is this sort of unwritten rule that I think everyone should be following when making a battle vest/jacket: Don't put patches/pins on your vest/jacket of bands that you don't listen to. Than's it, just be sure you know and listen to the bands on your vest/jacket.
That should be it, now, let's start with the tutorial!!!! >:D
1.The Base
First of all, you need a base. Denim and leather are the most common but I have seen people using camo vests/jackets and sometimes even flannel shirts.
You can find cheap denim and leather jackets/vests at thrift shops. You don't have to buy a new one because they can be kinda expensive and is not worth it when you can thrift one. (also if you end up thrifting one, make sure to wash it)
Once you chosen the base for your vest/jacket, you can add patches and other accessories on it!!
If you can't find a denim vest, get a jacket and cut off the sleeves (there are higher chances to find jackets then vests)
If you choose leather as the base for your vest/jacket, keep in mind that once you poke a hole with the sewing nedle in leather, that hole is going to be there forever. So be really careful with placing the patches!!!
2. Patches
Alright, now that you have a base for the vest/jacket, you gotta put patches on it!! >:D
The patches can be with literally anything not only bands and music related stuff!
Also, I prefer making my own patches too, beside some that I do buy, because having a vest/jacket full of patches that you bought is not going to be cheap at all. I already made two tutorials on making patches using two different methods:
How to make painted patches
How to make patches with images
Once you have the patches, you will need some sewing pins, to pin the patch where you want, in order to stay in place when you sew it. For sewing I use embroidery thread but you can choose whatever thread you want. And as for the needle, I use a thicker one.
Now, for those of ya'll that don't know how to sew, I will link a video about a simple sewing method that a ton of peopl use when working on their vests. This is a very common methods of sewing btw. (I am not explaing the sewing process here because I don't really know how to explain it in order for ya'll to understand, sorry)
How to Sew: Running Stitch | Hand Basting Tutorial | Sewing for Beginners
⛧ Tips ⛧
Don't fucking use iron on patches!!!!!!!! It doesn't matter how much heat you apply on them they will end up falling off at some point and that sucks. I know iron on patches are the most convenient solution for most people but please just fucking sew your patches!!!!!
To make them a bit easier to sew, I try and rip off the plastic sheet from the back of the iron on patch so the needle can go easier through it. (p.s. you will maybe end up breaking needles when sewing iron on patches)
You can also add studs to your vest/jacket! There are not any rules about where to put studs, so go wild with it >:D
I can't really talk much in depth about studs because I don't really use them on my vests, but there is this video that will explain more about studs >:)
⛧ Tips ⛧
If you plan on going into mosh pits, don't put sharp/tall spikes on your jacket because you might hurt yourself or others.
4.Other Accessories
Beside studs and spikes, you can add chains, pins/buttons, safety pins, etc.
⛧ Tips ⛧
You can attach chains on your vest/jacket by sewing the last loop on each end of the chain to where you want to place it or by using safety pins
To make sure you don't loose your pins, put a bit of superglue on where the pin closes, same goes for safety pins
I am sorry if this tutorial seems very plain but since there aren't any rules when it comes to making a battle vest/jacket I really didn't have much to explain. Anyway, I hope ya'll understood what I was trying to say and if you have any questions please don't be afraid to send me a message or an ask!!! :)
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