#btw seokmin lightly scolds soonyoung the next day when he finds out he gave her SWEETS
sketchguk · 10 months
It is so cold today so I started wondering, how would gryfindor soonyoung and hufflepuff mingyu react to mc falling sick ? what are the differences in the way they react, and how would mc react to them caring for her? sorry if you are not taking questions on the au anymore ! hope you are feeling warm today <3
Hope you're staying warm !! I, on the other hand, have gotten sick :'( I need a doting partner to take care of me !!! Where is my mingyu, where is my soonyoung !!!
Mingyu is such a natural caretaker. If mc is sick, he is instantly in the kitchen, cooking her favorite soup. He'd sit by her bedside and spoon feed her, even if she stubbornly refuses. Mingyu would constantly tell mc to rest because she simply cannot sit still. She has to revise, do her homework, practice her spells, return to work at the library, water her plants because who will take care of them if not her?! But rest assured, Mingyu has it all covered <3
He's already made a copy of his class notes and set it aside on her desk. He tabbed all of her references so that she could use them for her assignments and practice her spells for another day. It didn't take Mingyu much begging to get Wonwoo to cover her shift at the library. In exchange, he just needs to clean the dorm and cook his dear roommate dinner every night for the next week :-) He would gladly do it all over again to ease the workload off of mc!! Anything for his bestie !
As for the plants, Mingyu rarely steps into the greenhouse because he's... dare I say... a bit too large to be in such a cramped space knowing how clumsy he is. But he's committed. He took mc's herbology notes and diligently watered her plants accordingly
She is so impressed with everything Mingyu has done for her. Of course, she's even more smitten. If her face is getting a bit warm, then blame the sickness!! Mingyu is quick to act because he'll grab a glass of water to make sure she's hydrated. He'll even wet a towel and dab it across her skin to reduce her temperature
Mingyu would stay the night to make sure there's always someone to take care of her. He'd climb into bed and wrap his arms around her to keep her warm :-( She gets flustered because she feels snotty and gross, and her crush is barely an inch away !!! She doesn't want him to get sick !! But he doesn't seem to care as he pets her hair and hums her to sleep, reminding her that she's still the prettiest girl in the world
Soonyoung is... well, he's Soonyoung. He doesn't know how to cook. He barely knows how to boil a pot of water. He isn't studious like mc, so how could he possibly be of help to her? But what Soonyoung doesn't know how to do, he makes up for in spirit
He'd fly to the ravenclaw tower, hovering outside her bedroom. He'd drop off a treat with a sweet note (probably something punny with a tiger drawing), knock on the pane glass, and duck away just to see her reaction in the shadows. Mc knows that she shouldn't have ice cream and chocolate, and Mingyu definitely advised against it. But they're her favorite! How could she refuse?
There's a smile on her face as she takes the treat and closes the window. But moments later, there's another knock on the glass and another treat left behind (with another sweet note)! Surely, Soonyoung's pockets are full of snacks. Thankfully, she entertains him and accepts his gifts before finally begging him to show his face and just come inside because it's cold!
Soonyoung's goal is to make sure she's happy and smiling even when she doesn't feel her best. So he plays games with her and tells her funny stories that she missed from class. Soonyoung even offers updates on events that she missed like the student union bake sale (it's not the same without her cookies) and his latest quidditch match (he searched for her in the stands, but she wasn't there). She promises that she'll go to the next game when she feels better
It's well into the night, and mc is half asleep. Soonyoung thinks it's best to return to his dorm. But mc protests with tired eyes. She tells him that he doesn't have to go so soon (he's been there for hours). It leaves Soonyoung feeling giddy :) He doesn't wanna go either, yet he tucks her into bed, pushing her hair out of her face. And he climbs out the window once again, flying back to the gryffindor tower. He keeps himself up all night just replaying the memories <3 and the way she flashes her pretty smile
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