#btw this mobile game sucks dont play it.
nanjokei · 1 year
what are your fave mobile games??
to be honest i don't really play that many at the same time but ill talk historically, it makes the most sense anyway. btw this got really long
OG show by rock - one of the most fun mobage rhythm games EVER, the portait orientation 3 button setup looked deceptively easy but it has some of the most evil, vile beatmaps ive ever seen in a mobile game. AND THAT'S CRAZY!!! never gonna forgive sanrio for killing it and making its successor a shitty bandori clone (og sb69 was bound to die anyway bc it had insane rarity creep, but the cheap seeming bandori clone successor that didn't even have half the original bands at the time of EoS two years into launch was a huge slap to the face). the art in the cards was so much more charming than the ones in the new game, they weren't bad but you, me, her, he, them, everyone, we all KNOW what had more soul. i think the only thing the new game had over the old one is the interactive aspect via the homescreen live2d. also cause yasu was in it
fate/grand order - still my forever game, its a game where i dont feel pressure to do anything, you can use anyone you love. i can stop playing for weeks and come back and not feel an insane sense of FOMO which is an issue with a lot of newer mobage. i think a lot of people outsource their opinion on fgo exclusively from negative opinions which makes me kinda sad. the story is great, you can pick up the game at any time, and to those who find that kind of thing important: farming gems is easy. i say give it a shot yourself. ofc there are questionable things given the original source and its origins, not to mention the premise. but i do believe that despite its flaws i think people should reevaluate it fairly and not base it on the time they downloaded NA for 10 minutes and didn't roll an ssr right away after 20 rolls.
mahoutsukai no yakusoku - i'll be honest i have chosen not to play the game properly until an english version comes out bc i do not want to play a clicker in a language i am not very proficient in. HOWEVER. unironically one of the best stories i've read in mobage history, characters are great, i think it has wide appeal and the devs seem to understand that "joseimuke" paradoxically is something that can be enjoyed by all kinds of people (also it is a series that is kind to both fujoshi and yumejoshi. coexisting peacefully afaik). super recommend the story if you like magic, worldbuilding and interesting characters!!! bunta is a great writer. im a fan of idolish7 as well so i can vouch (also you can select your protag's gender which isn't crazy but in a game like this, i super appreciate it)
#compass - horrible game don't play this
love live school idol festival - i want you idol twitter and adjacent cunts to put respect to her name. RESPECT. SIF has never gotten her flowers from any of you facetious little slimeballs and you can deny it all you want but not only was this the blueprint but it also was probably what got you into the things you like in the first place. in a world where every other rhythm game is a bandori clone, i smile knowing SIF2 will keep the spirit of SIF alive (hopefully). the cards were cute, mu's discography is certified classic and anyone denying it in 2023 hates fun, and despite how archaic it was and its MANY flaws, i believe firmly that it deserves respect not only as an idol game but as a mobage in general. it really broke ground being localized when it was.
nikke - definitely top 10 most shocking things of the century that i played this and am still playing. its uh, very flawed, the wall sucks and once you hit that plateau in power level the struggle to catch up to content power walls is kinda depressing, but it has a lot of heart that keeps me logging in and talking to my girls. it's still unabashedly horny (though its a trick actually, a lot of the characters are more covered up than expected and it REALLY pisses a lot of the game's fanbase off), but i'm really enjoying the story. i think my pleasant surprise is so insanely high that it deserves a spot on here-- i think if you let it cook it mostly won't disappoint you. i love most of the characters :) korean kamige
argonavis AAside - i miss you. argonavis still lives, so i do not mourn what is living, but dabues was a special little game because it did not contain the evils of bandori. the gacha was fair, the spark ceiling was 100 rolls(!), but it was mismanaged from the start, fuck dena. im sad the new game will be a clicker but i will be there for argonavis no matter what. was pretty much what garupa should strive to be in terms of A GAME but unfortunately such days do not come to pass.
honorable mention cause its EOSing soon probably and im too bitter to talk about it positively rn given the current shitshow the jp version is in (ily global): vanguard zero, also megido72 because i only started playing it in december but im enjoying it a lot so far. i guess dream!ing also gets a mention. i will not elaborate
this is a postscript but i've played a lot of kusoge for tapjoy rewards and let me tell you. people playing regular well known japanese/korean/chinese mobage do not know the shit and crap that comes from the dregs of the play/app store. you do not know what a kusoge is until you've grinded earnestly and faithfully in shit like state of survival for an entire month. after those experiences i have Truly learned what it means to be a shit game
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atbgauge · 1 year
my (early) thoughts on PGR's across the ruined sea story update....
ok the reason why i say early is because well. i'm only at 20-3 for the story and so i know stage/level wise i have like 8 stages to go so hrfgkfjfm and thats not counting the inbetween "dialogue"/text-only stages. and idk pgr has definitely let me down before... but i shall get into that later
i liek how they're including moar horror in this arc like i'm literally like that fish from spongebob thats like "THATS WHAT WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR" like... yes god please return to your horror roots... we needed this so bad like idk there is a missed opportunity and they did it a little bit in XXI's arc and that entire story with lucia & luna introducing hetero-creatures and sorta kinda revisited again with vera & noan but they didn't really take it there... idk with a scary machine & human killing virus, the concept of a tide that kills all in its way and has the voices of all it has taken inside of it, and the general machine/automaton horror i wonder why they would not flesh out these concepts a little more. it also reminds me of parasite eve/the third birthday in that regard
i think despite not having gone through all of the story yet i am excited because i'm noticing new things, these past few patches they've been getting better in quality in terms of how they're going about telling their story. writing is well... hehe HRFKFJFK let me get into that later
like PGR has always done a visual novel sort of story telling which i'm fine with, i'm very used to that and it's a mobile game so it makes sense. as we go through these patch updates they add things like various scripted sequences in gameplay stages, cut scenes, etc. despite only playing up until 20-3, i see a lot more of kuro actually trying which is very good. also at 20-3 they literally give a warning about how long it is... which btw to me it wasn't that long but if you are a person that just wants to hurry they do give an option for you to skip but i have time and having played through it fully... thats how their story telling should be!!
don't just tell through the VN sequences, but also let players just... experience it. the map has some interactive points, it makes you explore to learn more about what's going on, i like how they introduced bianca's new power of being able to see the past but it comes with the cost of her potentially losing her mind and not being able to tell past and present apart, and she's also able to hear the voices of the dead through this too. and they created cool sequences and effects and executed it very well despite the limitations of mobile phones. it's just satisfying to see them improve what they can do in terms of telling a story and matching it well with the gameplay
that being said my relationship to this game is that i love the characters and i love some of their designs. in terms of writing it could be better, it sucks for global players that the localization has not improved and continues to let down every single patch. i know i dont really like the writing but at least let players experience your story in its best form instead of half-assing the translations. i dont think kuro is that interested in telling a good story though unfortunately esp with what i've seen from wuwa... but that game is under development but who knows! maybe they'll blow it out of the park with that one but i am doubtful LOL... i wish they'd do less fanservice too btw. i think i really just find myself playing PGR because the gameplay is fun and satisfying to meeee :3 the story could be better is all
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noisy-weasel · 3 years
I absolutely love dating sims but would never spend money on them because in basically every dating sim the money you would spend is not anywhere near worth what you get. Like, for 5$ in the arcana you can buy... ONE premium option. In Cybird games 5$ can buy you ONE premium option. These premium options are of completely indeterminate length, and are easily 2min or less of reading time. They try to push these as worthwhile because the story is saved, but refuse to acknowledge these sometimes don't do well at all without the context of the story.
And what else would you buy with premium currency? Well, you can participate in their gambling mechanic gachas, where you get silly little outfits for your silly little character that are necessary to raise your beauty to continue in the actual story. Ran out of closet space? You can buy it!! For a single closet space it is a mere 2$. Does this seem not even a little worth to you? That's because these aren't priced for the regular person, it's priced for the people with addictive tendencies that will get hooked into a spending loop. Completely disregarding the fact that I'd love to spend money on their dating sim, because I like the actual story aspect, but I will not pay 5$ for such an absurdly small amount of actual reading.
Compared to something like mystic messenger, whose 8.99$ option (which I had bought at the time on sale for 4.99$) was enough to buy me the entirety of the games after story. And when I had unlocked all, what, 10+ parts and ran out of premium currency? I decided to spend 5$ more, to buy the epilogues of all the characters, which I was able to do with that 5$ purchase. 10$ for a good 30+ minutes of story was well worth it for me in a way that the scummy gamble tactics that most dating sims use was not. And as someone who does truly love this genre of games, it's endlessly sad to me that these games monetization mechanics aren't made with people like me in mind, who just want to read a fun dating story with a self insert character.
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tartagliaxx · 4 years
hm, why do i have a weird feeling that you're gonna be very cautious of every link that i give to you? honestly, that's probably not a bad decision lololol
also, here's a song that rlly reminds me of my nonexistent childhood. there's english captions btw. it makes me weirdly nostalgic even though i'm not exactly 'old' yet. pinky promise that it's not another rick roll or a blessed cursed video that randomly popped up in my recommendations :))
— r. anon
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clickable link for the last ask here!
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i mean... even if i was wary (in which case, i am), i would still click on the links bc i trust people too much and hello?? it’s you?? how can i not? on the other hand, that song is on my uh ‘when i need to write angst’ playlist and one of my favorites from kenshi yonezu. it hits different when you read the lyrics but when i’m just vibing to it, it still hits bc the melody and idk... the feelings reach you regardless. it’s bittersweet almost and im just... sobbing.
stonehide lawachurls? is that one of the new challenges? i havent tried it out yet but it sounds like a drag. honestly the shooting game is the one i liked the most bc it almost serves as target practice for venti. as you know, i am a newly converted pc player from mobile and archery in mobile is... ehe. and the gliding one. ugh. i suck at gliding and im not very good at choosing which way to go. the rhythm one is fun too. i didn’t play osu on pc so it took a bit to figure out how to control but ig piano lessons helped me calm down and match beats. honestly, i just top the scores i need to get the rewards and stop. i havent really tried beating highscores yet bc i was doing the hangouts yesterday.
i think im good w the games? they are pretty easy when you get the hang of it but istg i can’t do barrage minuet. i mean i can but i cant dodge all of it which is what i need to fully do all the things in the first list. do u wanna co-op the mini-games? it sounds fun to play w someone.
honestly same! this is the first weekend i didn’t need to worry about passing smth and it really feels liberating. like i actually have control over my life and i can freely do the things i love to do w/o worrying abt anything. the feeling you get abt being anxious bc you dont have anything to be anxious about? felt and valid. im so used to worrying abt missing smth bc i feel too free but ive been so overworked that i can barely care rn. ig thats just proof that we hold so much anxiety in us. i hope you took this time to rest and rejuvenate regardless!
it’s actually a holiday here today so no classes. just more hours spent on genshin, farming and farming.
i watched that before (a bop btw) and pls?? kaeya?? good boy?? diluc?? bad boy?? no ❤️
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mimi-cee-hq · 3 years
i dont think i know them well haha thats why i wanna play the game to clarify those things. sometimes you just cant trust those things you see on tiktok lol 👀
i honestly loves games with storylines and mystery like this 😫 i wanna dwell into every characters' past to understand their course of actions, even if they don't always end up w a happy ending 💔 its also funny how i tend to speak out loud what i think during conversations btw characters lol (at one point, i'd say "paimon shut up" every time she starts talking lol)
but yeah ngl the fighting part is def not my thing 😭 i'm playing on mobile and its just super hard to navigate 🥲 omg ruin guards i rmb while fighting them i got drove to corner and the game glitched 💀 so im stuck there taking damage helplessly
The stories are so good in Genshin! (Except sometimes I'm not in the mood for it and just want my quest rewards to make my characters stronger. lollll.) That's so funny that you say that to Paimon! I think I've definitely thought that. 😂
Hopefully you'll get better at the game! I only play on mobile too and I've adapted my playing style around that. lollll. Like, I won't use aimed shots for archers because I suck at it. I love using catalyst characters because I just spam attack without having to run up to enemies. I love Noelle's shield and high defense because she can take the damage if I don't dodge or when the game lags... lolll.
At some point, I learned how to play "properly." Like learning how certain characters' talents will still deal damage even when they're not the active character. I was like, mind-blown because I wasn't playing like that at all. I also didn't understand energy and energy recharge stuff in the beginning but now it makes more sense to me. lol. (I was just too lazy to learn before.) My younger sister helped me a lot because she plays more than I do and helped me figure things out with the limited characters and artifacts that I had.
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briteboy · 7 years
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WHO is Santi and WHERE is his face?
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i am LIVING for your warm & colorful posts right now!! your editing is so amazing and it brightens my day everytime i see a new post of yours *.*
THANK YOU!!!! <3 i am so happy/relieved to be using warm colors once more, i feel like myself again. don’t get me wrong, i do like evoking different moods, but sometimes (a lot of the time, especially with santi) too much is too much. today’s posts were HOPEfully my last emo edits..............for now
LOL I actually made a comment about Fiona naming a cat/dog (once Pets comes out) Rodrigo. I'll go back underground now haha (still a great story, cant wait to read more) -Runaway NONY
OH I DIDN’T EVEN SEE THAT wtf. either tumblr ate it or i accidentally scrolled past it i’m sorry. i always enjoy seeing messages from anons who return to my inbox! but lmAO that’s a good idea. i actually met the most perfect dog today and now i know the breed and name of dog santi needs immediately
Hii! If you dont mind me askin, how do you edit your darker screenshots? I always end up making them too light or too dark to see a thing :( Thank you!
hmmm idk what to tell you about making them too light or too dark, because that’s a very specific thing that really depends on the picture. BUT i know that the dodge tool is my bff for brightening up dark pictures while still retaining some of the darker elements you want in them (aversely, the burn tool will help darken parts), messing with the exposure can also really help, coloring can also help too, selective color is my bff especially with blue shadows and orangey skin...this is kind of a broad answer, i’m sorry, but if you needed help with something specific, let me know!
I remember you answered an ask and said you drew tears when you edit right? Is there a reason you don't use CC tears?
i answered this like two weeks ago but i can’t find it so whateveR i’ve used cc tears a few times but there’s only like three of those in existence and my characters have cried a LOT. i feel like it would be kinda weird if they had the same tears every time. also there are just some variations that i like to customize myself by drawing, like sometimes they’ll be full on sobbing, sometimes just one single tear...it just depends on the situation, that’s why i draw ‘em.
Santi is my favorite Harvest Moon character.
idk shit about harvest moon so idk how to respond to this :[ here’s a small picture of michael cera with a cactus
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Would you recommend buying a macbook for playing sims?
if a macbook is what you already have, then yeah, i’d say it suffices without many problems. if you’re specifically going out and buying a computer with the knowledge that you’ll be playing sims on it, then mmmmmm i’d probably say no...but it also depends on if you’re like gonna get REALLY into storytelling and cc n shit or if it’s just casual gameplay with a mods folder that’s like 5 gb or less...if it’s the latter i think it should also be fine. but yeah it just depends on what kind of gaming you’re planning on doing.
How can I read your story from the beginning? Is there a link or something? I keep seeing it on my feet and it looks so great!
thank you! there’s a button at the top of my page that says “story directory” but if you’re on mobile you can just go here or copy this link: http://femmesim.tumblr.com/tagged/story/chrono
I've talked to u like once before and I'm to shy to talk to u again... Why am I like fish?
we are all like fish if you really think about it lmao but really just reach out my dude! if we talked once then y’know you already broke the ice so just go for it!! i am here and ready to talk about all the things under the sun
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Do you use Topaz Clean?
hi hello so maybe I am just a blind bean but may I ask how in god's name do you get your images to be so crisp? I have everything set up, but it seems as if when I do my thing in Photoshop, everything turns out lookin like a blobfish. I'm not sure if you use another person's topaz settings or if you have your own. Thank you so much if you do respond bc I was too much of a wuss to message you *cries in Spanish*
OMG well it’s mostly just resizing, smart sharpening, and most importantly topaz clean (see above) that makes them so crisp. i also use the sharpen tool on sims’ faces, and the smudge tool when something is particularly pixelated or whatever. everything i do is listed in here! UR NOT A WUSS *hugs you in spanish*
youre my inspiration to be a better writer. I know i'm good and giving characters depth and backgrounds and coming up with a rough story idea. but i rush things and i'm not great at putting it into a good story so ya. My story on simblr started out as casual gameplay but i wanted it to be more and i'm trying to get better @ everything
OMG ;_________; it sounds like you are a good writer already, and it’s awesome that you recognize your strengths while also acknowledging that you need to work on some things as well. i try to do the same and i think that’s what keeps me level headed. it sounds like you just need to dedicate some time to planning, that way you start to realize all the nuances of your story that come together to flesh out that initial rough idea. you seem to have a positive attitude, so that’s great!! you’re already getting better and better, i know it <3
now Santi's song is Post Malone - Congratulations
OMF LMAO u sent this when santi finally got to mexico and it’s fitting
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sos i was listening to the song fight song by rachel platten when i saw the photoset of santi making it to mexico and now i can't stop ugly crying please make it stop
This is so random but like, can I just say that you're so amazing like?? Why?? You're so sweet and funny and I love you very much ok
AKJSKJDFKJS THANK YOU THIS IS SO NICEEEE ;-; i try but a lot of the time i feel like a sarcastic asshole lmao thank u for thinking otherwise <3
Am I the only one who's like... really mad about pets being NPCs? I just feel like being able to control them was the best part. I don't really feel like the EP is worth it without them. Like, don't get me wrong, I understand that the team worked really hard on it, but I feel like they didn't do it as well as they could have.
hmm i’m kind of meh on that front because like on one hand i did like controlling pets and the novelty of the fact that you could just see their different interactions firsthand, but ultimately i think i’m okay with not controlling them because it makes it more realistic for me and honestly they’re probably more likely to take care of themselves a little bit more if they’re automated, because i’m just thinking about ts3 pets and how i literally had to make them go pee outside otherwise they’d pee in the house...even if they were well trained and stuff lmao. plus there might be a cheat or mod that lets you control them, like there was in ts2? so don’t lose hope yet.
hey your blog is AWESOME, i read through your stories in a day and am obsessed (kind of in love with gianni) ❤ what are some of your favorite ts4 blogs? i'm trying to find more awesome blogs to read through during my miserable journey of trying to get the game to work on my computer lol
heyo here’s some! thank you btw, and i hope your miserable journey ends soon :{
(I really need to get this off my chest) ok so my aunt is currently in a critical condition after having a kidney failure and she's in desperate need for a new one and I'm the only one in my family that's a match (so far) but I'm not allowed to donate bc I myself have severe health issues affecting my day to day life that would make it extremely dangerous for me to remove a kidney. I'm so fucking frustrated you don't understand like I just want to cry most of the time
first off i’m so sorry that this is even happening to you ;__; and you’re an amazing person for being willing to help out your aunt like that, so just know it isn’t your fault that you’re unable to. don’t guilt yourself for it okay? is there any other possible donor at all? i wanna know how this situation ends up. i really hope your aunt will be okay. just stay close to your family for support and don’t blame yourself.
how did you get photoshop for free? I'm trying to find a link that won't give me a virus, but I had no luck yet
the pirate bay is ur friend
Ok I gotta rant. GoT does NOT deserve the hype/amazing ratings. Like, sure the cinematography is pretty great and they have ok actors but the freaking script is so mediocre I actually think I could write a better one. Me. A 16 y/o tiny child. There are so much better shows out there! Hell, even Supernatural has a better script than GoT
whenever ppl agree with me about how much GoT sucks i grow stronger and stronger even the actors are iffy at this point. watching daenerys act is painful, jon snow is wooden as hell, it’s just bad. ur 16 yr old self has more potential than these writers tbh. it’s just completely mediocre; it started out as something great because it followed the same layered storytelling pattern as the books, but it’s diverged from that completely because the writers got too caught up in the hype. and you’re right, it doesn’t deserve that hype! omfdkjsgkj i’ve never watched supernatural but i haven’t heard good things. that’s a low bar
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hey-there-buddy-pal · 7 years
Can I get UT, UF Sans + US, SF Papyrus reacting to a close friend texting them and asking if they've eaten dinner, the skelly hasn't eaten in a while and replies with something like "nah, i'm already too fat/i'm tryna lose the weight of my problems" and the friend never replies back. Five minutes later the door to their house bursts open and the friend is there with bags of food and aggressively yells "I SPRINTED THROUGH MULTIPLE BLOCKS AND YOU'RE GONNA F'KIN EAT, YA HEAR ME!?"
Okay so sorry for all the texting in this, but I can’t explain how much I love domestic texting between friends. This turned into small drabbles btw and sorry if they didn’t turn out the way you wanted them to, I got carried away. 
I also put a keep reading on this, I think I’m going to start doing that on the very long posts. Tell me if it doesn’t work on mobile and I’ll remove it or try and work around it.
UT!Sans: -When he gets the first message he just thinks you’re looking to invite him out for some grub, but he’s honestly not feeling like heading to Grillby’s right now. Still, he doesn’t see any reason to lie to you. So he sends a quick message back.
5:21 pm - nah, but my bones are big enough already. dont need extra weight on them.
He waits for a few minutes. Nothing happens. Did you just forget to reply back? It says that you read it… He figures that you probably just forgot though, or you headed out for dinner by yourself. He’s content with this reasoning as he turns back to the TV, sinking deep into the couch cushions. He gets two more minutes of TV watching before the front door is slammed open, and for a second he’s sure that Undyne is here, until you step into his line of vision. Your face is red and you’re trying to catch your breath. You also have a slight manic look on your face that is making him question if it’d be wise to ask why you’re here.
‘’Um… Y/N?’’ he says trying to make sense of your messy form.
You’re still panting as you set two delicious smelling bags on the coffee table in front of him. You bend over and put your hands on your knees, breathing almost normally now.
‘’What are you doing here?’’ he asks again.
You look up at him, takes a deep breath while you straighten yourself and then from nowhere you yell at him.
Normally he’d say a joke, or argue just for the fun of it. But your eyes are showing genuine concern, and you did go out of your way to make sure he’d eat. So instead he moves over on the couch and pats the seat next to him.
‘’Jeez, kid. Talk about home delivery,’’ he laughs while looking away from you.
You make your way over to him and plop down on the couch with a sigh. Leaning back and stretching out your limbs you make a grabby gesture for the bags, which are still sitting on the table. He smiles wryly and gestures with his hand making the bags float towards you. You grab one of them with a contented smile and then rips it open, digging in on whatever is inside. Handing him the left over ketchup packets, which he stores in his pocket for later use. He does the same and you both turn to face the TV. When you’ve finished the meals, you both sit in a comfortable silence. Enjoying each other’s presence while watching one stupid show after the other.
He can’t help but feel like this is the kind of friendship he’s always wanted.
UF!Sans: - An annoying electronic chime woke him up from his sleep. He grunted and fumbled around in complete darkness until his hand felt something hard on his bed. Reaching out he grabbed ahold of his phone and tried to find the home screen button. He winced when the bright light blinded him, trying to cover his eye sockets. Swearing, he turned the brightness down and opened his new text message. Your contact named showed up as the phone loaded your recent conversation, you’d sent him a couple of texts while he’d been asleep and he read through them carefully.
6:34 pm - Yo Red, what’d you eat for dinner today?
6:44 pm - RED
6:46 pm - Red answer me I need to know
6:47 pm - Did you fall asleep again?
6:58 pm - Okay that’s it, I’m coming over and I’m bringing food. You better be up and ready or I am dragging your bony butt out of bed
Wait you were doing what? He looked at the time. 7:00 pm. Shit you’d be here soon. He threw himself off the bed, but his legs got tangled in the bed sheets and instead of standing up, he fell on the floor face first. Grunting he tried to get up, when he heard someone knock on the front door. Panicking he flailed around even more, managing to get the sheets stuck between his fibula and tibula. He stood up on one leg, and hopped around while trying to untangle himself from his prison of bedsheets and blankets. Just as he was standing there bent forward and hopping on one leg, the door opened. He looked up like a deer in headlights and saw you standing in his door opening. Flushed face, panting and desperately trying to hold back a grin.
‘’The fuck you lookin’ at,’’ he grunted as he once again fought to get free.
‘’Oh nothing-’’ you said, leaning against the doorframe -’’just enjoying the performance.’’
He muttered something that sounded like a quiet fuck you, and then finally got his leg free and stood up straight. Stretching, he managed to pop his back in a few places and he grunted in satisfaction. He walked past you and into his living room. Turning to look as you followed him out.
‘’Did ya bring food?’’ he asked.
‘’Yes,’’ you replied simply. ‘’And you are going to eat it’’
‘’I don’t need any more food, I’m heavy enough as it is.’’
You turned around and gave him a dangerously calm look.
‘’I just sprinted through a lot of blocks to get you this food,’’ you said walking closer to him. ‘’And you are going to eat every. last. fucking. bit. You hear me?’’ Your voice was low and almost threatening, and your eyes gleamed of determination.
He never thought that he’d call his small human friend scary, but that look you were giving him chilled him to the bones. And the smell of the food broke his will down, you bought him food for hells sake. He wasn’t about to turn that down.
‘’Fine,’’ he muttered and sat down on the couch.
You smiled and joined him, tossing him one of the bags while opening your own. You ate in silence, the only sounds coming from the TV playing in front of you both. It wasn’t until you had both finished your food and was sat quietly watching the show that a thought entered his head. He never gave you a key to his flat…
‘’How the hell did you get in here??’’
US!Papyrus: Papyrus sucks at looking after himself. And he never pays attention to when he should be sleeping or eating. Meaning that when he’s up playing video games in the middle of the night, it’s safe to presume that he has not been eating anything other than a few snacks for the past hours. This night was one of those nights.
He just never bothered to keep track of time.
He did know that it was late, though. Way too late for anyone to be texting him. Which is why he jumped when his phone went off next to him on the floor.
He glanced at it quickly but then looked back at the TV, doing his best not to die before the event had been completed. About five seconds from pulling through, someone shot him from behind and he fought the urge to yell in frustration as his characters sank down on the ground. He flopped backwards with a sigh and lifted his phone to read the message. Smiling slightly when he saw your name on the screen.
12:54 am - Heyyy you up?
Were you drunk or bored? Scientists can’t tell he thought and snorted at his own joke. He typed out a lazy text and waited a few seconds on your reply.
1:01 am - yea im up
1:02 am - Can’t sleep?
1:02 am - wasnt tryin, you?
1:03 am - Me neither, what’d you eat today?
1:04 am - I dont think i ate anything tbh, why
No reply. Did you fall asleep or just ditch him? He should probably go to bed then. But he can’t be bothered to get off the floor. And he’s not feeling tired enough to fall asleep where he is. Maybe he should just stay there for a while. Meditate or something.
His phone chimed again and he unlocked it as he lifted it to his face
1:09 am - Open your door
1:10 am - what ?
1:10 am - I am outside your house, open the front door or I’m climbing through your window
There was no way you were outside his house. And he didn’t feel like getting up and walking into the prank willingly
1:11 am - i call bluff on this
He waited for your comeback, where you’d desperately try and get him to go out and check the front of his house. But he wasn’t going to do that. He wasn’t about to let you own him like that, he’s not stupid.
A knock on the window made him jump and scramble to his feet. You sat on the roof under his window in a crouch. When you saw that you had grabbed his attention you started frantically gesturing for the lock. He stared at you for a while, to your obvious irritation, until he walked forwards and opened the window. You jumped in and opened your backpack on the floor, pulling out two bags of take out food. You checked the content of them both, and then handed him one while you started eating from yours. He took it from you but continued staring at you.
‘’Are you going to open it?’’ you asked with your mouth full of food.
‘’It’s the middle of the night,’’ he said. ‘’What are you doing here?’’
‘’I wanted take out food. And I wanted to eat it with you. And since you’re so stupid that you can’t even get your own food, I decided to bring it to you,’’ you said simply, still munching away on your food.
He sat down in front of you, but still didn’t touch his bag. You looked up at him, and this time you looked even more irritated then before.
‘’Listen dude, I worked hard for that food, so you better fucking eat it,’’ you said in an angry voice.
‘’Listen dude,’’ he said mimicking your voice. ‘’I’m trying to loose the weight of my problems here.’’ He tried giving you the food back.
Your eyes widened a little, and your face softened. You leaned forward and pushed the bag back into his hands.
‘’Please eat, Papy,’’ you said in a much softer voice, your eyes almost pleading.
Deciding to give up he sat beside you and picked at the contents of his bag. For take out food, it looked surprisingly non greasy. Still good though. He picked it up and started eating, while reaching for his TV remote to put on some night tv. You ate in silence for a while, until you stood up and flopped down on his bed. He did the same and crawled over you so he was laying facing the wall. Saying your goodnights, you slowly drifted off to sleep.
He woke up the next day to an empty bed and an open window.
SF!Papyrus: When Rus gets in a low mood, taking care of himself doesn’t seem all that important. He’s not lazy, really. More apathetic. Doing chores and errands for his brother and superior keeps his mind busy and his hands occupied, letting him get through the day a little easier. But when he’s alone at night, everything becomes a little harder. And self care turns into a chore he’s not motivated enough to do.
He’d rather just wrap himself in a blanket and quietly suffer in silence, waiting it out. Hoping to feel a little better soon.
He’s drifted off to sleep without even noticing, dreamless and exhausted despite it not even being 5 pm yet. When he slowly drifts back to conscousness he feels like he could sleep for a week more. But something woke him up, and he should probably see what that was.
His phone lights up with a soft ding. Showing two text notification and several others from social media. Grunting softly, he flipped over and reached out for it. Fumbling before his fingers got a good grip. He brought the phone closer to him, trying to unlock it while rubbing the sleep off his face. He got the passcode wrong three times before he managed to steady his hand enough to tap it in. Insisting on doing it with his thumb instead of holding the thing with both hands.
Your name shows up on the screen, along with the many emojis you’d used when you added yourself as a contact on his phone. He feels like smiling at the thought, but he’s too tired to move his face. So he starts reading the messages you sent him instead.
5:07 pm - Hey Papyrus
5:07 pm - What’d you have for dinner today?
He wants to type out some made up bullshit and go back to sleep. But you don’t deserve lies when you’re showing concern. This thought actually makes him smile, you’re so sweet.
5:10 pm - Haven’t eaten yet
Good, that wasn’t a lie. But he still wouldn’t worry you enough for you to take action. Meaning he could go back to sleep again.
5:10 pm - Papyrus you have to eat!!!!
Or not…
5:11 pm - I’m on a diet, it’s called ‘’how to loose the weight of your problems by not eating’’
That probably wasn’t the smartest thing to send you he thought. Shit he didn’t want to worry you before, why would he send you that. Like this wasn’t going to make you worry. God that was so stupid.
His phone made another sound, you’d sent him another message.
5:13 pm - Ok that’s it
Wait what
5:13 pm - what
What the hell were you doing? He flopped down onto the bed and put a hand over his eye sockets. Whatever it was he’d started now, he wasn’t feeling up for it. He honestly just wanted to go back to sleep. But instead he waited for your message, where you would explain what was going on. It never came. And eventually he felt his eyes slowly start creeping together. And his hand slid away from his face, coming to a rest on his pillow as he turned his body sideway. A minute later and he was sound asleep, snoring softly while curled around himself.
A sound woke him up, much louder than the first time. He sat up as he heard footsteps approaching. Expecting it to be his brother, he started to frantically straighten his clothing, intending to appear as if he hadn’t been asleep for the last god knows how long.
The footsteps were even closer now.
Suddenly his door flew open, slamming into his wall and most likely leaving a mark in the drywall. You stormed in, closed the door just as hard as you’d pushed it open, and then stormed over to him.
‘’I-’’ you started while still marching towards him-’’just ran like a hundred blocks to get you this food, so you are going to eat every last bit!’’ Your voice was loud and you sounded close to angry.
He blinked at you for a few seconds. ‘’I didn’t need food,’’ he said finally. His quiet voice a contrast to your own.
‘’I don’t care,’’ you answered. ‘’Knowing you, you probably haven’t eaten all day. And even if you have, you’re still eating dinner. Now move over and make some room for me’’
You hopped up in his bed before he got a chance to follow orders. And then you threw one of the bags in his direction, before you opened your own. He caught his bag midair and held it in his hands for a few moments. Then he resigned. Leaning over he grabbed his laptop and set it up on his nightstand, putting on his recently watched show on netflix. He figured that he’d have to right to choose the entertainment after you practically broke into his apartment. Besides, he knew that you had seen the show already.
You both ate in a comfortable silence, caught up in the show. Every now and then, he would glance back at you. Study you. He knew humans could be loyal, a trait that had mostly been lost by monsters. And he didn’t doubt that your concerns were genuine. But in his quiet curiosity one question always came back to him.
Why did you care so much?
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