#btw who missed my random thoughts posts? nobody? ok :')
lenteur · 10 months
random thoughts about castaway diva, episode seven(ette)
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
We’re starting this episode with how the mom and dad met and it’s the most wholesome thing in the world
« He was the first person who tried to walk at my pace » i let out the biggest awww 🥺 lee uk is the definition of a good man.
I just want to emphasize on how extraordinary of a man lee uk is. He saw a woman who needed help, talked with her about it and was willing to throw his existence away and start anew for that woman. If that doesn’t show how much of a loving and strong man he is, i don’t know what will.
Bo geol being one of the few who isn’t afraid and doesn’t care about lee seo jun’s power is chef’s kiss.
I like that ran joo and mok ha’s « friendship » isn’t linear and has lots of complexities. Yoon ran joo was okay with mok ha singing for her, until the truth was out. She’s become wary of mok ha and sees her as a threat, comparing her to mo rae and thinking mok ha will take this opportunity away from her. Ran joo is letting her emotions get the best of her. She wants to come back and prove her worth so bad that now that there’s an obstacle in front of her, she’s panicking. I do feel for her because she was at a very low point in her life until she met mok ha. Things started to get better but now, she’s facing reality. She’s proving she’s a diva in the sense that she doesn’t want any competition. She fears going back to the dark place she just escaped from. But then, you have mok ha who has never shown any sign of wanting to take the spotlight away from ran joo. She’s a real fan and has proved time and time again how far she’s willing to go to help her idol. Sure, she wants to become a singer, but that doesn’t mean she wants to eradicate the whole competition. She just wants to live her dream. That’s it.
The heartbroken look on mok ha’s face 💔 you can see how much she has endured. She thought being on a deserted island was hard, well she might have involved herself in a situation that’s harder than that. It pains me to see her like that because she’s still a little bit naive. She has proved enough times already how good of a person she is. She even postponed her debut to become ran joo’s manager and help the singer reach the 20 million album sales goal. She already « wasted » 15 years of her life trying to escape from her father, and yet she still chose ran joo before herself and i think you can’t question her loyalty.
I know I make basically next to zero sense but i understand both women.
The dirty look mok ha gave that guy when he called her ugly lmao. How dare you say that to her?
Mo rae’s manager is a scumbag and I’m glad mok ha put him in his place. I’m just mad that everyone wants mok ha to feel guilty for going up on stage and singing. Life was already hard for her, you don’t need to another layer on top of everything she’s been through. Also, you can try to unsettle her but mok ha is stronger than that. I’M ROOTING FOR HER TO WIN THE SHOW!!!
Kang bo geol’s outfit is super cute in this episode and seeing him jealous? MY HEART IS FULL 💗💗💗
I mean how could anyone ever doubt bo geol is ki ho? It’s clear as day! Ever since episode one, they dropped little hints about who’s ki ho. It’s the little details. He cares and it shows.
It was heartwarming to see mok ha sing without hiding and thriving on stage :D Put a big smile on my face.
It's interesting now that woo hak knows the truth the roles are reversed between the two brothers. Woo hak wants to hide everything and Bo geol is tired of hiding and wants to live his life freely. Woo hak trying to make his brother choose the wise decision when bo geol has been suffering for 15 years is insensitive. Now that his memory is back, woo hak is trying to make the entire family follow his plans, just like he's been doing before. It's frustrating to see woo hak being the one making decisions when clearly, the one who suffered the most is bo geol. He's been through so much. It was bound to happen. He finally exploded and he's taking the control back.
NO MOK HA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Don't go meet mr jung. It's dangerous.
I'll give credit where credit is due, mr jung is veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy clever. That's for sure!
I'm sorry to my girl mok ha but meeting with mr jung was a dumb idea. I've said it time and time again but she is very naive and still has a hard time adapting to the world around her. She shouldn't have talked to him when she has a hard time hiding her emotions. Just like he said, mr jung was a police officer and can see right through her. Now the ki ho hunt can officially start. By the way, he could literally follow her right to her house and find the entire family just like that.
It's bittersweet to see mok ha give up her dream after meeting up with mr jung. On one hand, I understand why she made that decision. It is to protect the whole family after making such a big mistake. On the other hand, seeing her smile when she was on that heyday again stage was such a beautiful sight. She worked so hard to reach that dream and now reality caught up with her and she has basically no other option. I hope she can find a solution and live her dream.
I feel for mok ha because after all her efforts, one mistake made her give up her dream. She's already suffered enough. She feels bad for abandoning her friend (ran joo) and putting the family in danger. Poor girl :( when will this nightmare end?
Bo geol finally revealing his identity!!! YAY I CHEERED :D
It's good to see him finally getting rid of the weight he carried on his shoulders for so long. He's choosing to live his life as ki ho because he doesn't want to be scared any longer. He's Jung Ki Ho and I'm glad to see him embrace his real identity in front of mok ha.
I'm grateful to see bo geol finally show his emotions and be vulnerable. It was hard on him. I just want him (and the whole family) to be happy and live without having to worry about mr jung.
The way he cradles mok ha's head with such delicacy, afraid she'd break if he did it with more force. I. CAN. NOT!
THE HUG 💓💓💓 It's like a wave of relief washed over them. They finally reunited. The way bo geol is hugging her tenderly to show her he's there for her. And the way she's gripping her hands around his vest (idk how it's called) hard, afraid he'll slip away if she didn't. I offically can not handle all of that. (but yes i can, please add more tender moments between the two)
They're in their own little bubble.
What's with woo hak looking at bo geol and mok ha like that? Don't you dare, I'm talking to you woo hak, put yourself between them!!! I forbid you. You'll meet my two tiny fists in your face if you ever do that, understand?
The preview for next episode seems promising. Hopefully issues will be resolved.
I'm giving this episode a 8.75/10
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chaotic-starlight24 · 4 months
I'm rereading THE OUTSIDERS so I can catch the stuff I missed and annotate stuff :) I will be updating my thoughts as I go, spoilers under the cut
BTW, please don't fight me!!! These are just my thoughts and opinions!! There is some minor hating on Dally, like about how rude he can be! And mentions of Sodapop's worse traits! I still love both of them as characters!!!
You can look in the reblogs for the next part
I feel a lot of people downplay just how rude and disrespectful Dally is. He's my favorite character but I've now realized just how horrible he is. The movie def made him a better person. Like jumping children??? What joy is found there??? He has good traits though, that's just not really shown to strangers. He's still my favorite character though, he's tragic. Just pointing out his negatives.
I feel kinda bad for Sandy because Soda was constantly flirting with other girls or saying dirty things abt them. Like I understand "They're greasers, it's what they do!" and "it didn't mean anything to him!" But like, people hate so much on Sandy, I'm not justifying her cheating that was not good, but I understand if she was insecure
Cherry should have punched Dally hard enough to knock him out. Though she would prob be jumped later, if that wouldn't happen she should've decked him
"He would kill the next person who jumped him. Nobody was ever going to beat him like that again. Not over his dead body..." p.34 abt Johnny
I like Cherry's character a bit more, she's a little more interesting. I didn't pay attention much the first read to all the details and the movie kind of made her boring. Like it's missing several of her good lines.
Steve was really beefing with Pony, and it was real one-sided. Pony was really like "I thought he was pretty ok since he's sodas bestie, but he sure don't like me." Probably a case of unreliable narrator
I like Sodapop a lot more because the book really showcases both his good and bad traits. A lot of posts on here have turned him into a sort of, he's a perfect little innocent man. I understand some people are joking but it can be a little ooc.
I like that Darry goes skiing, glad he has some sort of activity he can enjoy :)
Random thing, but first time I read the book I imagined Darry with glasses. I might draw him later with them
Please don't attack me because you disagree with my opinions!!! These are just my thoughts and stuff, not trying to call anyone out!
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id be so interested in learning abt ur hlvrai2 idea...
ough ok sorry i’m about to brain dump my unformulated unorganized ideas all over this post (tysm for the ask btw). i don’t expect anyone to read all this, but it’s nice to actually write all the ideas down. WARNING long ass post under cut 👇
so like as i rambled about in this post, essentially the science team is stuck in an endlessly looping simulation that was made as an early test of black mesa’s virtual reality/ai tech. it’s built a lot like a game because that format makes it easier to run tests over and over.
anyways, hlvrai happens, they beat benrey, they go to chuck e cheese. but the party is also a cover for gman to temporarily isolate the science team in a little mini pocket simulation as he tries to fix whatever-the-hell is wrong with the main test one. except he fails.
hlvrai2 starts with gordon waking up on the tram, playing this game to test this cool vr tech for black mesa. except gordon is not excited this time. in fact gordon is freaking out because he remembers everything from the previous loop and he is wondering WHY he’s back here. why isn’t the test over. also he only got to eat 1 slice of pizza at chuck e cheese before everything blacked out so that sucks too.
gordon’s not the only one who remembers the last loop. everyone else who aren’t just random npcs also remember. before it was just tommy, gman, sunkist, and benrey who retained memories of previous loops. tommy and gman because their job is to keep the simulation intact, sunkist because tommy made her like that, and benry because he’s an anomaly (human consciousness and alien program/virus thing melded into one). in benry’s case, the memories are more jumbled and muddled in his head. so things don’t make a lot of sense for them.
anyway my idea is that this new loop that they’re in is even more screwed up than the last one. like the seams are really breaking and shit’s getting through. enemies that never appeared in any iteration before are appearing now. sections of the map have either moved or are missing entirely. there are new places too that don’t exactly look like they belong (bubby opens a closet door to reveal a forest, “what the hell is this narnia shit”). it’s super obvious that their world isn’t “real” and coomer, bubby, and darnold have to come to terms with the fact that they’re ai. although maybe bubby not so much because honestly xe doesn’t really give a shit about having a crisis over it (“I’m already a test tube baby—what difference does it make”). but bubby, like the others, would like to escape these endless loops. so that becomes the team’s main goal: find a way out. oh, and find gman too because he’s been missing ever since the loop restarted and tommy doesn’t know where the hell he is and it’s kind of concerning.
darnold joins the science team because he also remembers the last loop and wow this whole situation is just really messed up i guess i HAVE to go on a epic quest now dang. she takes up the healer role with her potions (not a huge fan of the violence), plus he just tends to fret over others in general. benrey rejoins the science team, which of course leads to tension that has to be worked out. now that benry isn’t coded as the antagonist/final boss anymore, he doesn’t have malicious intentions, but they’re still a little shit. they feels bad about what they did but doesn’t really know how to express it other than riling up gordon. though things get better between gordon and benrey as the adventure progresses and they have to save each other’s asses multiple times. he even says sorry eventually.
sooo i don’t exactly know how they break out yet, but they will stop the loops and escape into the actual main simulation of reality, the one that irl black mesa made to preserve humanity. the science team’s simulation was one of the tests that helped black mesa build the main simulation except nobody thought to stop running that test program—hence why the team’s been looping all this time. but yeah i’m still thinking about how it all ends. and also what the heck i want to do with forzen. i think i want him to be similar to be an ai that a piece of alien virus/coding latched onto. i think the alien virus/code used to be bigger and more intact before irl black mesa began messing with the alien tech, then it got fractured off into pieces that eventually found things in the system to latch onto, which is why forzen’s like “we used to be best friends” to benry. because technically there’s a part of them that used to be part of a bigger thing. idk. i think i want forzen to play a bit of an antagonist role, but not as a really bad one or anything. he’s just misguided. and maybe confused. let’s be real he doesn’t really know what he’s doing.
gman is missing because he’s dealing with his “Employers.” aka the super advanced hivemind ai that helps keep everything running in the background. they think the test simulation isn’t worth having around anymore because it’s becoming more trouble than it’s worth and they think gman isn’t able to handle it, so they’re stepping in. they aren’t the reason the test simulation is breaking down—the deterioration just got their attention. gman’s trying to either convince them to NOT erase it all or just stall them long enough in hopes that the science team figure a way out before the hammer comes down.
i was thinking who the main antagonist WOULD be, but maybe there doesn’t actually need to be one. it’s mostly the science team vs the test simulation. i guess the Employers could be seen as the main antagonist, but they’re just doing what they think is best to keep everything running smoothly.
ok that’s it im going to stop i’ve drained my brain resources. if anyone’s actually read all the way through, wow. thanks for slogging through my ramblings. :’)
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restlesssleepers · 3 months
more syscourse cause im mad feel free to skip
im not gonna tag this or mention anyone specifically because i dont want to be fucking attacked but our largely inflated sense of justice is going GRGRGRGGR so i need to make my point a bit here so im sure weve all seen the pluralpunk system punk argument currently going on, at this point i was about to go yay !! new tag so people will stop bitching and leave each other alone !!! but noooooo someone went and made a flag going grgr i hate anti endos heres a flag with a dead animal in the mouth of its predator. which, weird in the first place to make that, why are you so pressed its a tag on tumblr pls go touch grass, but depicting a prey animal DEAD on a flag 'reclaiming a term from the evil stupid antis' is?? did you not connect the dots??? that people would interpret it this way???? like if its reallyyy about the field of psychiatry as a whole sure whatever, but don't get mad at people for missing your symbolism when the thing youre symbolising had nothing to do with the conversation.
and THEN theres the people attacking the person who pointed this out are?? are they ok??? like, idk abotu yall but they probably just opened the syspunk tag, saw that bullshit, blocked, then went 'hey guys thats really weird' on their own account, they most likely !!! did not go snooping on that persons account first to see if that person has a cdd or not before blocking because !!! thats kinda weird !!! same thread for the people who are going 'I HAVE A FUCKKING CDD BITCH YOU FCUCKING BITCH WE HATE YOU ANTI ENDOS ARE EVIL YOURE VICTIMISING YOURSELF BECAUSE ME AND THIS OTHER RANDOM GUY AND THE CREATOR OF THE FLAG HAVE CDDS' compared to the people i have personally seen saying 'chains + predator + its dead prey + creator aggressively hating a group of people = people in that group thinking it was targeted' girl.... nobody cares if you have a cdd or not you're just mean, youre just yelling at abused kids, idc if you were also or are also an abused kid, having a shit life does not make you unable to make someone elses life shittier also even the creators response if awful,, like 'idc if you feel unsafe by the possible insinuation that people are going to hurt you' ??? weird which brings me to YET ANOTHER POINT because no im not done i could talk about how stupid some people are forever the extremely negative generalisations (which are on both side, but i'm specifically referencing the response from the flag maker, specifically specifically "tbh If it made anti endos feel unsafe..I kinda don’t care lol anti endos never made anyone feel safe" do you now see how cynical that is?? why do i feel like i have to beg people to treat each other with like a smidge of humanity, like are you reading this?? you dont care if you make other human beings feel unsafe like thats not even really my point but i have to keep coming back to that bit there but like actually my point is, stop talking to each other, i'm being so fr, youre like evil siblings that need their own corner but get jealous then ruin it then argue then need their own corner and the cycle just repeats, use the tag filters, use tags properly, if you dont like a post, block the user, i thought this was basic internet knowledge and btw !! this is coming from someone who is technically anti endo, but you know what !! i interact with endos and other system types on discord servers and stuff because it is (and let me say it real loud for the people who have their head in the ground) A PUBLIC SPACE. if you dont want to interact with an individual so bad, it is your job to facilitate that, but guess what !! theres always going to be overlap because not everyone can control everything, so everyones best bet is to just shut your mouth, please i am begging shut your mouth, if you happen to come across one another accidentally and it comes up, just say smth like "i know we wont agree on this topic, so lets not talk about it" because lets be so fr, there are bigger issues, which i know sounds very hypercritical of someone who has spent the last however long typing this out but whatever, because its the internet nobody will care by tomorrow, just treat each other like people
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yeahimaloser · 4 years
Hawks X shy!reader
Hi there! So i posted the first part of my story and thank you to everyone who liked it! I may do a Dabi x reader one-shot a little later, but for now, birb man. 
This is a one shot with a shy reader and a little bit of a jealous Hawks. Basically, Hawks has a huge crush on you and you also like him. But you're too shy, but one day you go to the bar with hawks and he confesses to you.
No pronouns mentioned!!
Btw don’t worry I plan to make y/n a total badass in a different one shot ;)
Warnings: none just fluff
Word count: 1587
Edit: here’s part 2!
God, you were so cute. 
Hawks was in his office, gazing at you as you talked to a coworker. He saw the way you timidly smiled, he saw the embarrassed look you gave him when you realized he was staring at you. He quickly looked away, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. 
Shit, he was in deep. But how could he resist you, you were just so adorable! The way you would timidly smile at him, the way you would get flustered so easily, the way you would trip over visibly nothing. He just thought you were so cute. 
He heard a quiet knock at his door, he peered over and saw you standing there, looking a bit embarrassed. 
“I’m so sorry Hawks sir, but it looks like I messed up some paperwork. I completely understand if you're mad or want me to work over time. I'm so sor-” but Hawks cut you off with a hearty laugh.
“Oh yeah I was notified about that, dont worry its all taken care of,” he said in his calm and composed tone. But he didn't miss the look of shock and embarrassment you gave back at him, only to then drop your gaze to your feet.
“Hey seriously, don't worry about it ok? We all make mistakes but you came in here to correct them quickly, right?” He said and gave an empathetic smile. you gave a nod, still looking down at your feet. 
He couldn't help but smile a little at how cute you were. Then he had an idea.
“How about this, a few of the other office workers and sidekicks are all gonna go out tonight for some drinks, you should come as you're supposed ‘over time’, ok,” he asked. Hawks was very good at hiding his emotions, if he wasn't you would probably catch on to how nervous he really was. He just didn't want you to turn him down.
Your head snapped up, looking obviously very flustered you said, “Me sir? Are you sure, I mean, I want to but-”
“Then you should come!” he said, maybe a little too excitedly, “come on, I’m being, like, 99% serious here!”
You giggled a little, “99? Not 100?”
“Well, you always have to be kidding by at least 1% of the time,” he said, putting on a reassuring smile, “come on I promise I'll make it fun ok? After all, my dream isn’t just to make hero’s have a little bit more free time, but for civilians as well!”
You nodded, a little bit more confident than before, “ok sir.”
Hawks couldn't help but smirk, “you can drop the formalities kiddo, just Hawks.”
You nodded, “Hawks, got it. Thank you so much Hawks!”
Hawks couldn't help but give you a loving smile as you left his office.
You smiled wide after leaving Hawkses office. My crush just asked me to come out for drinks!
Maybe you were looking too much into the situation, but still, you couldn't help it! Ever since you came to work at Hawkes agency, you couldn't help but really like him. He’s always so nice and goofy and so passionate about his job!
You let out a loving sigh, which one of your coworkers picked up on. 
she looked at you and said, “Well, well, well, what do we have here? What did the boss want to talk about, hmm?”
You looked back up, smiling a little too brightly, “he invited me out for drinks with the rest of you guys, he's always so nice.”
She nodded, but gave you a knowing look, “yeah he is, but be honest,” she smiled a little deviously, “you like him don't you.”
The flustered look on your face was all she needed. But she was right, you definitely had a massive crush on Hawks. He was always so kind to you and never failed to make you laugh. And yet, you knew it was futile. You were a shy, clumsy nobody, and he could have anyone he wanted. 
But nonetheless, you sighed and let yourself feel a twinge of giddiness at the prospect of going out for drinks with Hawks.
Going out was a mistake.
You liked your coworkers well enough, but right now? Not so much. They were all just so loud. You didn't really feel like drinking that night, just hanging out with the people you work with.
But by far the most memorable moment of the night was when some random guy came up to you to try and ask you out. He was obviously drunk, but still he should have seen how uncomfortable you were.
“Heyyyyy there cutie,” his words seem to slur together, you tried to back away from the guy but that just made him advance more towards you.
“What’s wrong sweetie? Come on lemme buy you something.” He said, cheeks rosy.
“N-no thank you sir, I’m good.” You say, obviously scared.
But he just wined, “come onnnnn have some fun.”
“No, really I don’t want to.”
He chuckled, taking a step closer to you. But he was cut off by a male figure.
Hawks smiled up at the guy, yet it wasn’t the same smile he would give to you. You noticed how he was in his normal clothes and not his hero outfit. You blushed a bit by how he protected you behind him.
“Alright pal, I think that’s enough. Find whoever you came with and go home, you’re way too drunk,” the guy huffed, but he seemed to know who he was talking to.
“Tch, whatever,” the guy said, clearly irritated. Nevertheless, he walked away from you and Hawks.
Hawks turned around to face you, “I’m so sorry about that, are you all right? He didn’t do anything, right? If he did I can always help you press charges-” this time you cut him off.
You giggled a little, “no really I’m ok. He just was really weird, that’s all.”
Hawk gave a comforting smile, “I’m glad. Hey,” he said looking around. “Do you wanna get out of here? I can take you back to your place.”
You looked down, a little flustered, “well I mean-”
Hawks just chuckled, “don’t worry, I’ll just walk you home. I promise, hero’s honor.”
You giggled, “sure why not. I trust you.”
While Hawks walked you home he was a perfect gentleman.
He asked you how you liked your job and he asked what you did before you worked at his agency. 
You would also ask him questions, like what it was like being a hero, did he enjoy it, and who his favorite hero was.
“Hmmm,” he said, “it’s gotta be Endeavor. He's been my favorite since I was a kid!” He explained excitedly.
You giggled at how cute he was, and he smiled back at you.
You seemed to reach your house in no time. You didn’t really like how soon all of this had to end so quickly, it felt like you were on cloud 9. I mean, your crush was talking to you! And it was going so well.
As you approached your door, he stopped you, “hey I was wondering,” you looked at him, but he seemed to try to look anywhere but you. “Would you want to, I don’t know, go out for drinks… with just me?”
Your brain stopped working, your crush just asked you out for drinks.
He put his hand up after seeing your expression of shock, “or we could do something else! Or if your not interested that's totally fine, don’t worry about-”
But you cut him off, “no no no! Ummm…” you looked down at your feet. “M-maybe we could go out for lunch tomorrow?”
You looked back up at Hawks and saw him beam with happiness, “yeah! That sounds great!”
You smiled at him, and he smiled back. Soon, he was leaning into you.
“Is it ok if I kiss you,” he asked.
You were a little flustered but nodded non the less. 
He smiled, and leaned in.
Your lips shaped his perfectly.
God, even kissing you was so cute. The way you shyly pressed your lips against his.
It only lasted for a little bit, but it had to be the best kiss of his life.
You shyly looked down at your feet again, “so umm, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
He chuckled and leaned over to kiss your check. He whispered, “anytime, cutie.”
Ok but for real, I hoped you all like this oneshot a lot. I plan to make another Hawks oneshot, probably in the next 3 days or so. 
But don’t worry! Part 2 of Oh, To Be In Love is in the work, I just don’t want to rush it. Thank you all so much again! <3
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