neosoultonollywood · 6 years
11 days ago
As the days have flown past since the event, I have seen the importance of post-event PR – especially since that is what allowed for the evolution of Bucks Live – from the concourse to The Grange.
We have been included in the Bucks Free Press, the Bucks Herald and even the university website!
The importance of content, again, is very apparent. If not for the numerous photos and videos taken on the day, we would not have anything to show for the success of the event. Research, primarily for Facebook, has shown that followers have grown from 589 to 656 from early October to mid-May, while the page insights have shown a small boost of page likes from 606 to 671 during the same period. Although this may not seem like much, there have been consistent high engagement rates on social media, which is fairly surprising seeing as this medium did not seem like a promising communication tool with our target market after evaluating the market research carried out in the winter. Nevertheless, engagement – especially on Twitter and Facebook – was relatively high on the day and the immediate following periods.
Social media has been quite effective in not only publicising the event but also in developing the SubWoofers brand. Juxtaposed with the account activity from previous Bucks Live events, we have definitely been more active and engaging. It has been wonderful learning how social media can almost be a science – whether that be moving pictures to the left-hand side or using video content more than photos or text because it is more engaging, or even that posts have higher engagement rates after 6pm.
If I could do it all again, I would carry out more extensive research about social media specifically and encourage my team members to do the same. Although there were no serious issues, I should have been more persistent in encouraging my other team members – specifically within social media – to create content and think or help more to generate ideas. Up until the new addition to the team (and somewhat now), I was the sole idea/content generator for social media and, although it was successful, the team would have benefited from even more of everything on socials. After all, three brains are better than one.
Nevertheless, it has been an enjoyable experience, and doing this with a larger group instead of the much smaller 8-people (sometimes 10) Music Business group has really helped to spread the load, and simply give a different dynamic. If I get the chance to do a similar project next time, I would enjoy the larger group experience more and not dwell on the negatives that can sometimes come along with it (such as longer communication chains, too much input when it is not needed etc.).
All in all, it has been a great learning experience. I have learnt about hearing loss, what hearing dog charities do, how to schedule Facebook posts and even what Heras fencing is! I hope to take these things with me onto future endeavours. You can take the Dana out of SubWoofers, but you can’t take the SubWoofers out of the Dana!
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musicandliveevents · 6 years
SubWoofers - Marketing Begins!
Finally! SubWoofers brought to life with its design work finished and ready for our disposal!
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As part of the marketing team we took a huge step forward when we received the design work,  as we were finally able to efficiently market this event once and for all. Making us all feel very excited of the realization that this event was actually happening! For the first time both ‘Bucks Live’ and ‘The Hearing Dogs’ teaming up to create our first ever dog music festival, the anticipation was high! 
Immediately we re-skinned all our social media platforms to give SubWoofers an identity, with Hudson the dog becoming the USP! We also wanted to establish the unique partnership with essentially our client for the event, ‘The Hearing Dogs’, to get the ball rolling to what ‘SubWoofers’ is all about and what we are intending to achieve. As a result, we made a trip  to ‘The Grange’ in ‘Saunderton’, where the event would be taking place, to create some marketing material to form the relationship, as can be seen below.
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Moving on, not long after seeing the picture of Hudson the dog on the flyer, we were meeting the real thing! As you can seen in the picture above, a very well behaved, photogenic dog, who overall i was just relived when he decided not to chase me around the 30 archer site dressed as Rusty Buck! ;) Which on that particular topic, me dressed up as a mascot seems to be a regular theme throughout promoting this event as you may begin to notice ;) 
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Within the Marketing Team we knew the expectations of us where high, especially from ‘The Hearing Dogs’, to ensure we can attract as many people as possible to the event. As a result, during one of our Tuesday planning sessions at ‘Bucks New Uni’ we all come together to put a plan together of what our best marketing opportunities are and what are we gonna do to make stuff happen. ‘The Henley Dog Walk’ was the perfect opportunity, not only to market our event, but market it to the target audience we want to attract! it was the perfect opportunity to gather potential numbers for ‘SubWoofers’. On the day we had a stool set up with flyers to hand out, with once again me in a mascot costume (pretending i can play the guitar). Altogether, it gave us a chance to feed into the target market, and begin word of mouth marketing within our desired audience going forward. 
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As an attempt to get me out of a dog onesie, i took matters into my own hands and decided to order ‘SubWoofer’ t-shirts ;) In all seriousness, we began to have plenty of material at our disposal in the forms of both digital and traditional physical marketing media teckniques, to help provide ourselves with a presence to the public. As weeks went on the colour green began to have a big presence in the majority of the surrounding areas, whether it be via flyers, mascots, t-shirts or large banners, like in the picture below.
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Due to the scale of the event we wanted to achieve, unlike ‘Winterland’ the year before we wanted to venture out our marketing further. For example, the banner below i drove and took to ‘Pebblebrook School’ on ‘Churchill Avenue’ in ‘Aylesbury’,  where the particular location receives a lot of stationary traffic, especially during school times. This, alongside with other pieces of traditional marketing, was seen as our most productive and efficient form of marketing, when referencing back to the market research carried out earlier in the year. Therefore, we wanted to take advantage of it and try to increase our image within the surrounding areas. Things all weren't plain sailing though, as when i went to put the banner up it turned out that i had the wrong size cable ties and had to make a quick diversion to the nearest DIY store to put it right, baring in mind a bad worksman blames his tools ;).
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During another Tuesday planning session at ‘Bucks New Uni’, i was over the moon when our course leader Alan had booked us a rehearsal studio for us to create some marketing material for the event. It was a win,win, as i love playing the drums and i was doing something constructive for the event at the same time... However, i wasn't so over the moon when we realized there was no drum sticks...Never the less i managed to improvise ;). Overall, it was a very productive day as we manged to blend what ‘SubWoofers’ is about in a single piece of marketing material, with the use of dogs, music and fun to portray the associations of the event we wish to stage. 
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To conclude, ideas for marketing where coming thick and fast from all the sub groups within the team, and with the event just around the corner we have had to make the most of every moment and marketing incentive we could get to help reach the goal we set out to achieve. Never the less, despite the pressures of delivering an event for a client, i more importantly than anything else was just enjoying being part of the creative environment and overall process of making ‘SubWoofers’ happen, picking up and acquiring new skills along the way. Overall, having the opportunity to be apart of an event on this scale was something that i wanted to thrive upon, not something i wanted to shy away from!
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bucksmusicandevent · 6 years
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A new partnership between Bucks New University and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People will see live music performed at the charity’s home in Saunderton this summer. A fun day out has been planned for all the family with live music, entertainment and attractions that’ll leave everyone smiling.
The event, presented in collaboration with Bucks New University’s Bucks Live, will be called SubWoofers and will take place during the bank holiday weekend on Sunday 6 May 2018 at Hearing Dogs, The Grange, Saunderton, Bucks HP27 9NS, from 1pm until 7pm.
 Michele Jennings, Chief Executive of Hearing Dogs says: “We are delighted to be working with Bucks New University on this brand new event. With the growth in music festivals over recent years, we want everyone to enjoy live music, but remember to look after their hearing! The one-day event will raise funds to train more clever, loveable hearing dogs, and we hope lots of families will enjoy a great day out with us.”
Following the success of other Bucks Live events at the University's High Wycombe Campus over recent years, students from second year Music & Live Events Management and Music Business courses have been working with Hearing Dogs over several months to create what promises to be a great fun day out.
 In the UK 11.5 million people suffer from hearing loss* and this number continues to rise. Deafness can be caused by many factors, of which frequent exposure to loud music is one, and increasingly festival goers, well-known musicians and many employed in the entertainment industry are developing hearing loss. We want this event to raise awareness of the causes of deafness, while ensuring live music can still be thoroughly enjoyed.
About Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
For anyone who loses their hearing, or is deaf from birth, everyday life presents a great many challenges. Deafness is an invisible disability, and is frequently misunderstood. Deaf people can feel isolated, cut off from family, friends and the community around them. The charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People provides clever, expertly trained assistance dogs that change the lives of deaf children and adults by providing constant companionship, and alerting them to important sounds. In addition, we provide expert support and advice across the UK for those encountering hearing loss, and we raise awareness of mild to severe deafness and the issues that surround it.
Websites: www.hearingdogs.org.uk/
Social Media: 
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Winterland- The Day (9th Dec)
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The day began with a McDonalds breakfast at 7:30. Everyone was half asleep, bundled in scarves and gloves but excited for the day ahead. At 8:00 we arrived on the university concourse ready to begin working.
I would say set up can be considered the least fun part of the day as our first job was to place all the fencing so that there were clear indicators for where the public could and couldn't go. Next was the gazebos, thankfully as we had bought all new ones there were no missing pieces and they all had instructions. During this time, we had multiple deliveries and traders arriving with the first being the Ferris wheel as it took the longest to set up. When the other fairground rides arrived, upon seeing the layout of our space the workers suggested different positioning which meant we had to adjust the layout of a few other elements. Thankfully the stage had already arrived as the repositioning meant there was no room for vehicles to arrive on site at that entrance.
Next to arrive was the inflatables, the event hall where they were being set up had already been carpeted and we were able to reverse the delivery van directly in front of one of the entrances allowing for quick and easy unloading. Once all the key elements had arrived and were mostly set up we were able to begin decorating. The main area that needed decorating was the Santa's grotto so as some of the group decorated it others worked on signage and adding Wintery flourishes such as wreaths and candy canes.
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At 13:30 set up was almost complete so the head of health and safety at the university came down and lead us through all the checks he was doing and why he was doing them. This was especially helpful to myself and one of my classmates Lexi as we were both in charge of health and safety throughout the event. 
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After we had the all clear we were finally ready to open to the public, the first problem occurred within the first hour when the grotto workers realized it was going to be more popular than expected and they were going to run out of presents. Luckily the grottos opening times were laid out in half an hour slots so on their next break they were able to get another colleague to go buy more. Apart from this the first hours ran fairly smoothly; the pressure didn’t begin until around 16:00 when the event was at its busiest. The inflatables got immensely busy and we even considered closing it for a certain amount of time until the crowds became more manageable but instead we reworked the positions of a few colleagues to allow for extra staff in that area.
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The popularity of the event also caused a few issues outside as both the grotto and box office ran out of change at the same time and traders ran out of water. As myself and Lexi were health and safety it meant we were not obligated to remain in the one area so we were able to deal with problems as they were occurring. Although it did involve us running around a lot we didn’t mind as it kept us warm. As well as this we were also the main colleagues dealing with any issues with the public although there were only a handful of instances that had to be handled and they were fairly easily solved. 
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At 19:00 the event came to a close and so began the take down, this was fairly quick to do as everyone was still running off of adrenaline from the event and because we had done the set up we already knew what to do in the take down. All and all the event was a success with 3,500 members of the public attending with plenty of positive feedback and no major issues occurring.
Photos by: Gloria Gryta
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greatnowimconfused · 7 years
Bucks Live: ‘Winterland’
On Saturday the 9th of December I had my first event as a first year.
Not long into the start of my fist year at university we were set a task to put on a winter event called ‘winterland’. The fact that we have only just met each other as a class made us all a bit on edge about how we would approach starting the event. Winterland had only happened once before and proved to be a big success, it included...fairground rides, inflatable’s and live music throughout the afternoon. We loved the sound of all of this but we had plans to make it bigger.
Once we got put into groups which were: Talent, who was in charge of getting acts to perform on and off the stage. Marketing, who promoted the event on social media, radio and with flyers in local towns? Logistics, which had to provide the catering, the rides and decorating the event to make it look appropriate.  And lastly Production, which was the team I was in. We had the task of the lay out, stewards, fencing and Santa.
My team leader was Jess who did weekly update with information on what had gone on that week and what had to be done for the next week. However all the jobs was split and it was a team effort. In our groups we very much stayed together for the first couple of weeks, then we slowly had to speak to each other. I feel that because we weren’t close as a class our groups didn’t communicate as much as they should of. Allot of information as past back and forth on the Tuesday sessions that we possibly should have discuss before the workshops.
Pete the penguin was a giant stuffed penguin that one of my class mates had brought whilst looking for sponsors for Winterland. Whilst this was just an out the blue buy, he became a part of the group. We used him as a kind of mascot and I believe if we planned a bit earlier we could have had him on the face book page and made him a recognisable face for the kids. We did have The Rusty Buck costume however I personally don’t think he was a friendly face compared to Pete.
The day before...
The day before on the Friday, everyone was in a rush to complete certain jobs that had to be finished, this is where I believed we started to come together as a team.
My job on the day was to organise the stewards. We had quite a bit of trouble with requiting stewards for this event. Unfortunately it was around deadline session and quite allots of people was unable to help us out. We had a list of willing volunteers however the list slowly got less and less as the event grew nearer and on the day we ended up with 8 stewards. I had a plan of where my stewards would need to be placed and I placed the ones I had on the most relevant and important places that I thought was necessary. I had done a sight map with the placing of each steward and on the back had a description of what they would need to do and a few questions and answers that they may be asked. Overall I feel as though we as a team did very well with who we had and although it wasn’t the job they was expecting to do on the day when my team was asked to cover the rides they did and it made a great difference.
They day started off really well, we all met for 7:30 in McDonald's to discuss how we thought the day was going to go. We made our way to the site where we met with Neil, Alan and Stan. We began to put up the fencing and gradually the rides and food vans turned up. Before we knew it we had a stage, Santa’s grotto, tea cups, chair-o-planes, carousel, inflatables, a ferris wheel and a lit Christmas tree. I think getting this all up in the 5 hours we had was amazing, we worked as a team and it was a real bonding session. Me and Lizzy was putting up gazebo and there was some queries on whether we could do it, however 1 and a half hours later and 3 gazebo up, we was the gazebo queens. Later on me and Lizzy spoke and realised we haven’t had convocation together till that day which we found quite funny. It hit 1 o’clock and my stewards where there, I briefed them gave them there walkie torquay and site maps and they were set into place. Then, it began....
During the event I personally came up agents a few challenges that I had to make decisions on where I ended getting into the car with Elsa and showing her to the car park and running circuits round the uni to get to each stewarded.
The acts on stage consisted of Homers Green school choir and rook band, woodburn Green and High Wycombe rock project, Bucks New uni Accapella society and Musical theatre society, Irene and Iiz and Barney, all in witch were very talented!
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I think we all really struggled with team work over the preparation of the event however pulled it together in the end! The time management was structured and we had successful feedback on the event from the public. Things I think we will defiantly take away from this event is communication, we defiantly need to talk as a team allot more. I believe we could have also looked into society’s and volunteers more but having face to face contact with them and more dialog which may have improved our contacts. We had ideas that could have been made possible like a tea and coffee stand and more lighting in certain places. However I think I speak for the rest of my team and myself that we are very proud of what we achieved for our first event.
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Bucks Live presents...
After a hectic but amazing summer, i was ready to come back to uni and do everything I'd seen over the past months recreated but on a much smaller scale, or so I thought...
Once we arrived back to uni we were told that we would no longer be hosting the normal Bucks Live event on the concourse, but we would be upgrading to a bigger site and working on behalf of a client, The Hearing Dogs Trust. To find out this was all because of the efforts we put in for last years Winterland was insane seen as wed only been at uni for 3 months!!
This year I am in the Logistics group and was appointed the team leader. I was excited to bring to the group what I’d learned over the summer and get some ideas from the events I’d attended. The first few weeks we chucked ideas around the group and then we started to finalize and get things moving. I gave myself the role of the bar and the beer garden, I thought this would be a good task as licensing is something which I've been considering more over the past few months so it will be good to see the real build up to putting everything together. 
Everyone had the responsibility to go and visit a surrounding area to engage with the traders and to see if they would be involved. Izzy and I went to Marlow and we found a small sweet shop which also sold American sodas, a balloon shop which sells the walking balloons and Barkers, a dog boutique! Everyone seemed really keen to get involved and I’m especially looking forward to the walking balloons, as let's be honest, we're all still a kid at heart and if we couldn't get fake snow, we had to get something just as cool.
One of the things which I’ve struggled with as team leader has been communication. In the first few weeks, things were going really well and then as things started to take shape, it seemed as though everyone has disappeared from the uni. Trying to fit in meetings around everyone's schedule has been hard but the progress which has been made has been quite good. I’m hoping that the Christmas break doesn’t make communication even worse but I have faith that the group will understand how big this event really is! That said, everyone is working well towards their tasks and things slowly start to be taking place!
We have been able to start finalizing the rides, inflatables, and traders which we hope to have at the event and plan to have everything booked in and confirmed just after the Christmas break. The group are also currently looking at pricing strategies for the rides and inflatables to see the best return on investment for the event. We are still throwing ideas around about the name as as it currently stands, we are still nameless! 
We have thankfully found all of our traders and we are working on drafting up some confirmation letters to ensure that everyone we spoke to was still interested and so we had proof in writing. My main priority for the team after Christmas will be to get the contracts written up for all of the traders and attractions so that we can then start to focus on slotting them all into the sitemap. After Christmas, we will also start to focus on the signage as I feel that this year it is definitely going to be a bigger task than last year!
I’m really looking forward to everything which will happen after the Christmas break and to see the event start to really take shape. Still seems crazy to think that Bucks Live is now an actual mini-festival!! 
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ohheyitskerry · 7 years
Bucks Live Presents Neverland is Complete!!
It’s all over, all that planning, the stress, the tears, the tension, it’s finally over! It wasn't all doom and gloom, we had fun! There was laughter and smiles all around, once Sunday arrived! Kidding, it was an enjoyable experience, we are a great group and we put on a great event in the end!
On my part, the team I was in worked their butts off, the endless emails coming through to our mailbox was crazy, we’d go into our meetings feeling like we had everything under control and sorted, only to leave having more things that we forgot piled on us.
I did feel like I never had much to do, but I ended up doing things in all departments for the event, even if some of my ideas never quite made the cut, from finding rides, artwork, handing out flyers with Rusty, tracking down Enrico for that damn till and basically just following Tamara around like a sheep helping to de-stress her!
At times, it did feel like everyone was in it for themselves and some people didn't quite pull their weight at times, me included. There were people within our group working their butts off and it did at times seem like some were taking the credit for things that they hadn’t been a part of. It did get to the point where it was all guns blazing in one of our meetings, but things all just got too much and it needed to blow, because after that things settled and planning was on the up!
As D-day approached everyone seemed to fully pull their weight. Shannon Tamara and I were dipping in and out of the workshop to do some painting here and there, sent off emails when we could wherever we were, put flyers around the town on our way back home, going to radio and taking Rusty out to walk around the town, well at least try to walk around town to hand out flyers, but the kids loved it, one kid even came up to us asking if Rusty was one of Santa’s Reindeers, which melted my heart.
Sadly, the day before the event I had to go home due to family matters which I felt was a big decision for me to make, I didn't want to let everyone down but I had to go home. Everyone was so supportive, and even though I wasn't there, I was there in spirit. Liking and sharing everything on Facebook and Twitter, following them every step of the way.
Watching the group chat go mad, with countless messages being sent asking:
‘is anyone free?’
‘can someone meet me here?’
‘is anyone in the workshop?’
‘we need as many hands as we can get over here’
It was crazy, and that was just the group chat, so I can imagine how crazy it was being there, everyone running around like headless chickens, but from the feedback given the day went great.
We had some competition on the day as there was another event going on at the rye, which I feel did take some of our customers away. However, all things considered, Bucks Free Press gave us a pretty good review!
To our disappointment, we only had 400 at the most come to our event. whereas in past years there has been nearly 2000 odd turn-up. On reflection, there were some things that could have been done better/dealt with better.
I do feel that the lack of public we had come through could have been to do with the fact that some parts of marketing wasn't done until after Easter. Thoughts that ‘the public may have got confused in thinking the event was in Easter’ was mentioned numerous times in the group, so we decided to start flyering and publicising the event after Easter, this only gave us a week. In my opinion, it should have been done throughout Easter, the public would have been out and about more, considering it was half time for the kids, we could have taken Rusty out more, seeing as the kids loved him. The only piece of marketing we had out over Easter was the piece in the Gallery space.
Throughout the planning process a lot of things I feel we did well, rides, and all things production side were being booked and that all seemed rather speedy, I don't feel like we could have handled this in any other way. The same goes for Talent, but I do feel as though there needed to be a little more communication between the Talent and Logistics, it was only until the final week when we were told that we needed extra PA systems and given the entire backline, it became a bit rushed to get all that together, but we managed.
Another thing in my opinion that should have been done a lot earlier in the process, was stewards, we only had 6 out of 13 that signed up, actually turn up on the day. It was worked out that we needed 23 on the day. Again, this was only arranged a week before Easter, then we broke for Easter and then we only had another week to inform them all. We should have got it all arranged a lot earlier, we were on the ball with it, but suddenly décor in the workshop took over and it sort of got forgotten about for a while. It should have just been nipped in the bud and sorted in the beginning.
Something that seemed to have been forgotten about completely was the raffle. The intention was there, we even asked who worked where, to get some prizes in, but then weeks went by and it got brought up again but by then it was too late to do anything, too late for the public to buy raffle tickets as well. It was such a shame because everyone loves a good raffle.
This was our first proper big event we have done. We did learn a lot from putting this event on, I know I did. The mistakes made were a learning curve, and next time things just need to be dealt with as they arise, every little detail matters, things shouldn't just fade into the background because we feel other things are more important, as shown it can influence the event.
It was a great experience, and I've taken a lot from it!!
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shannonweller1-blog · 7 years
‘All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again’
Bucks Live is an all-day family event that 2nd year Music and Live Events Management students all have to plan and manage as part of their Event Management module. Currently, I am in the process of planning Bucks Live with my fellow classmates. 
When we returned to uni in September, our first lecture back was designed around deciding on our theme for our event. Before we left for the summer we had already brainstormed some ideas which included Pirates, The Wild West and Peter Pan and Neverland. Our final decision was made, and we chose the theme of Neverland. And ‘Bucks Live presents Neverland’ was born! 
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jenniclack11 · 8 years
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A few photos from the big day!
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neosoultonollywood · 6 years
It happened!
SubWoofers Music Festival finally happened. I’m still in shock.
On the 6th May 2018, I was instrumental in carrying out a successful music festival! Although there were things that could have gone better, the fact that the up-end of three thousand people came and enjoyed themselves is a significant win for the Bucks Live team.
10am. No alarm. Phone is dead. Bad news for social media team leader.
To say that the day started with a shock is an understatement. The panic of missing the early bus, missing the briefing (which didn’t end up happening) having 2% battery and having to pay an extortionate rate for a taxi all flew through my mind as I launched out of bed. Nevertheless, the cloud of worry and panic quickly disappeared as I was able to think quickly, problem solve and make getting to the festival site as soon as possible my goal. Once the ball started to roll, it just kept rolling. That brings us to over 3,000 attendees, loads of photo and video content, press coverage by Bucks Free Press and Hiya Bucks and a month more of evenings spent finding emojis that fit just right with scheduled Facebook posts.
The day was definitely a learning experience. I have learnt that some events have late sales, and the weather can have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. Also, from the day and in the weeks leading up to it, I learn that quality communication and asking for clarification is KEY. Especially on a large, busy festival site where it can take a relatively long time to get to where you need to be, one must be sure of what they are doing and should not be scared to clarify their task because time and energy is wasted when you get to the other side and realise you are not entirely sure of what you need to do. Equally, people who do know what they mean to say sometimes are unable to communicate that, so for the benefit of all parties, clarification of tasks and objectives is a must. This was particularly apparent when a template media response was needed for the serious incident report. Although this was my task to complete, the guidelines given were unclear and long-winded and the delegators were not entirely sure on what the task was. This taught me that even those in charge can sometimes be clueless, but to allocate work, the giver must in fact know what that work is.
In retrospect, many things could have been improved on the day and in the time leading up to the event. From a social media perspective, there should have been better communication between the talent and marketing teams, specifically when acts were either being added to or taken away from the list. Since social media is where many people find out about the event, this is vital. Similarly, communication between all of the teams could have been better, regarding the things provided at the event such as traders and attractions and logistically the general arrangement of the finished product. This is particularly important seeing that at the end of the day, we all wear the same ‘Bucks Live Event Staff’ Hi-Vis vest. This means that to external people (who do not know who is part of marketing, or production, or logistics), we look like we know everything about the event, so if they ask a question about where something is, they expect an answer coming from a place of knowledge. This could have been managed better if there was a briefing in the morning from the production and logistics team where they explore possible queries from customers or even traders and how we would handle this. This would have been especially helpful for volunteers.
Differently, more stewards and BSL interpreters could have improved the event as a whole for both the organisers and the general public. Not only were people doing many miscellaneous jobs that stopped them from doing their main role, there were instances where people were trying to interact with people who needed BSL interpreters, so communication was sometimes a challenge.
Personally, my performance could have improved by being more adamant when asking for information and updates from other teams, as slow responses (or no response) meant that social media did not cover all bases. In a different way, stressing the importance of teamwork within the marketing team could have been higher on my task list. Although I did not want to undermine leaders or take on too much work that I do not need to, I could have been better at highlighting when others were not pulling their weight and encouraging them to contribute further.
How I aim to approach similar situations in the future is by making sure that my instructions are understood by clarifying with colleagues, chasing up tasks and maintaining constant communication with both external and internal team members. In another way, I will make sure that there is ALWAYS a Plan B – whether that be giving someone else the task to manage social media while I am directing traffic in a car park or having a back-up person to help organise the countdown if someone does not follow through. Nevertheless, I was surrounded by a great team; passionate, hard-working peers who also love music.
Also from now on, if it’s the night before the event, I will always make sure that my phone is charged.
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musicandliveevents · 6 years
Kicking off second year with Bucks Live & The Hearing Dogs
After our first year success of planning and carrying out our event "WinterLand" I was excited to say the least when we were informed that throughout our second year we will be carrying out our live music event off-campus in partnership with the Hearing Dogs Trust on their 30+ Acre site. Once we were informed we were going to be in complete control in the planning process of the event all of us in the class had a lot of enthusiasm considering the higher responsibility and opportunities that we have been granted with this year in comparison to last year in order to carry out this event in May 2018. 
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We began the lectures with briefings of what the Event Management course had lined up for us this year, before paying the Hearing Dogs Trust site a numerous amount of site visits to help begin to fuel our creative minds of what we are working with and what we wish to conduct during the lead up to the event and on the day itself. During the first year, with the Winterland event, I was placed in the Production Team and very much enjoyed the responsibilities and tasks that came with it, however also showed an interest in the Marketing Team hence the participation in some of last years marketing events, including dressing up as Rusty Buck and walking around the town of High Wycombe, not being the fondest memory ;). As a result of this I decided to give the marketing team a go for this years event. However, marketing this years event is proving to be very different to marketing previous bucks live events, which we had predicted due to us working for a client as opposed for ourselves. This has so far proven to have both positives and negatives to it in the way that the negatives are we don't originally know the hearing dogs audience and social media presence, along side with how they decided to conduct and promote themselves through marketing due to being a charity of course. Never the less, we are beginning to get to know our client and their intentions which is a huge positive due to the much higher social media following they have than our bucks live social media presence. 
Furthermore, our preparation to marketing the event has been strengthened even further in the last few weeks after our team, alongside with the music business team attended the Christmas market event at the hearing dogs trust to get an idea of the social fabric of an Hearing Dogs Trust event. We were able to conduct this not just be showing our faces at the event, but also due to the help of the music business students who designed a public questionnaire to gain market research to build hub of information for us marketers in particular to base our marketing focuses off. The information gained has since been converted into clear easy to understand graphs and figures by the music business students for us to use as a bases to focus our marketing in-depth. 
To sum up the start of this years planning of our event I would say in particular within marketing it has been very much a preparation semester where we have done more research than marketing so far due to the circumstances and importance of understanding our client before we jump in. Kicking off semester 2 we are equipped and ready to market this live music event as we will have all the bucks live accounts handed over to us to re-skin, after being used for the 2017 winterland event with the first year. Additionally, we will have all the information we need to take advantage of our clients social status alongside with all the traditional type of media opportunities we have in and around the local area and surrounding towns. I'm looking forward to the next step in this creative journey all the way up to the day of the event!
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Winterland- The Process
Since beginning university in October, I have been working with my peers to put on an event to the public on the 9th of December called Winterland. The first step as with any event was to form groups for each of the most significant areas. Production, which involved creating the site map, arranging fencing and so on; next was marketing who were in charge of social media, radio and basically just getting the word out to anyone and everyone. Then there was talent who are pretty self explanatory, they were in charge of hiring performers and creating a line up. The final team was logistics which was the team I was assigned to, we were in charge of catering, fairground rides, inflatables, décor and so on.  
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Our first priority and the thing we reminded each other on throughout was knowing 'who is our target audience?' For this particular event our main focus was families with younger children, especially because we planned on creating a Santa’s grotto which didn’t seem to be being done anywhere else in High Wycombe at the time. It was important for us to keep our target audience in mind as it was central to everything we did. For example when I ordered the inflatables I made sure to order ones that adults would be allowed to go on as well; this meant if they needed to accompany their child they could. I also ordered a soft play area so that very young children could be included too. Another area this was important in was the catering, if we had decided on a gourmet stall children wouldn’t have been so keen so instead we choose foods we knew children would enjoy such as burgers and sweets.  
During this project there had to be a lot of communication between not only our individual groups but also between all the groups. Each group depended on another at least once. My group in particular worked more closely with the production team. This was because they had measured the area and so when we wanted to order something were then able to create a mock diagram to insure there was enough room without blocking emergency exits.  
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Within the first few weeks my group managed to confirm most of the larger elements such as catering, inflatables, fairground rides and the Christmas tree. Our next priority was to get into a workshop and start designing what props we wanted to use. Firstly, we had to set up gazebos that had been used for an event the year before. You might be thinking this doesn't seem like a particularly taxing thing but, you would be wrong. After struggling with no instructions and many broken and missing pieces we gave up and decided to purchase new ones instead. Next was A LOT of painting, thankfully most of us found it therapeutic so spending eight hours doing it ended up being enjoyable. This painting included our Bucks Live signs, candy canes, large signs and a picket fence to go around Santa’s grotto to give the gazebo a more cottage like feel. Our biggest stress was creating the public sign posts, this required having stencils specially made. Then my team had to work with the production team to ensure the signs were in accordance to the site maps which all took longer than we anticipated to get right.
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The biggest issue that became apparent during this process was getting other teams to help. As it was not their teams job to do many lacked the effort to help which in turn put pressure on my team when it came to the last weeks before the event. There was still a lot that had to be done including making Santa’s chair. Although, we were not the only team that needed contribution from others. When it came to marketing handing out leaflets was a big part of it and it required large numbers of people. So for a few of the times there was a struggle to get people to do it but, when most did help it was very successful. It also helped that we usually brought along our university mascot Rusty who always interested kids for long enough for us to explain the event to their parents.
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 We also had to make a few compromises which were ultimately down to poor time management; even though my team would meet every Monday to go through what still needed to be done. For example, we were supposed to make multiple games but instead were only able to refurbish the one that had be used before. We also had an order form that included parts for props we were going to make, but it was sent off too late and then was not processed with enough time. Luckily my team thought on their feet and one member went shopping a few days before the event to buy the essentials that we were still missing.  
Despite the issues that occurred when it came to the final week before the event everyone seemed to realise the importance of working together and all started helping. This meant that although we had to compromise a leave out a few things, everything we had started we were able to finish to a good standard  ready for the day.  
Photos by Gloria Gryta
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buckslivepresents · 9 years
Great effort from @george_the_baker with his chocolate bucket challenge. #BucksLive #2015 #chocolate
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ohheyitskerry · 7 years
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Had a helping hand from our good friend Rusty Bucks handing out flyers for Neverland!
It's safe to say all the kids loved him!
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jenniclack11 · 8 years
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The Snapchat geofilter that was live in High Wycombe on the day. This meant that anyone in the local area could use this filter over their ‘snaps’ which raised awareness of the event. It was also really useful for our social media streams during the day and gave the whole event a professional feel. 
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ohheyitskerry · 7 years
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Headed down to Marlow FM today to talk about and promote Bucks Live. It was so much fun, felt all professional. I was so nervous and hesitant at first, I think all three of us were, but the presenters down at Marlow FM were lovely and were so enthusiastic about everything we are doing at university and for the event! Such a great experience!
Massive Thank You to Marlow FM for having us!
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