juantravelsblog · 1 year
How Smart Travellers Earn Money Through Cash Back Travel
We recently ventured into a travel project that helps us book future travels that we want to do with family and we have learned that there are many travel services that offer cashbacks on every purchase. From the many, we chose one that stands out from the rest. Here’s a list of what to look for when it comes to buying travel services ahead of time. 1. Cheaper Flight Options with cashback…
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digitalfilipina · 2 years
Create your own tipid merienda 2-pc snack combos at McDonald’s!
Create your own tipid merienda 2-pc snack combos at McDonald’s!
Whether you’re an employee facing petsa de peligro or a student with a limited allowance, McDonald’s got you. Their NEW McSavers Mix & Match allows you to create your own 2-pc snack combo for only P75*! When budgets are tight, your food choices need not be limited when you dine at McDonald’s! Through their McSavers Mix & Match, all types of budgetarians have the freedom to create a 2-pc snack…
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oldnewhaven · 2 months
Types of Food each corporation would distribute– A post I started writing at 1:23AM yesterday while Hungry, Part 1 [?].
- Dahl is all about Militaristic Seriousness to comical degrees, so it shouldn't surprise you that most of what they have to offer is Rations. Canned food, nutrition packets and weird astronaut looking pastes, all packaged up in neat browns and greens to match with the very boring aesthetic of the Rest of their products. Everything is neatly separated and easily accessible in Dahl settlements. One bonus of it is that it never expires, so if you're hungry and need a snack, just find an old military base and that should have you pretty much covered for a few weeks.
- "But Magnus, what's in the packs?" I hear you ask, and not to worry my situational friend, I've done Way Too Much research on this and can absolutely tell you ! Again, its all very shelf stable and nutritional, so it ranges from cereal bars, dried up meats and nuts, protein powders and pastes (usually peanut butter), some mildly flavoured crackers, a variety of canned foods (including but not limited to: "Spaghetti", """beans""", soups and veggies. These are meant to be complimentary, not really eaten on their own), and ready-made "pop it in a fire for a few seconds" sustenance providers like curries. It's good enough to eat ! Hopefully.
- ...It does Not. Taste like the best thing in the world usually. If you're desperate enough you won't notice it at first, but these things are meant for soldiers who haven't dreamed of a non-dehydrated vegetable in 10 years, so it's tough to swallow once you're not suffering from all the malnutrition ailments. It's very barely seasoned to account for the vast majority, and it's probably not a good investment to waste spices on any of it either. You could still reasonably throw a meal together with the pastes plus the canned stuff and (if you get lucky) have a chocolate cake for dessert though, even if it does taste like a biting an old boot.
- Tediore is, by all lore definitions, a 'budgetarian' company. They appeal HARD to the aesthetic of the common person, and that their main demographic are consumers who are just looking for something quick and reliable, knowing people will more often than not only use it because they have no other choice, so it shouldn't surprise you that their business model for selling food is basically the same as Walmart's. In my mind they mostly sell quick snack food you'd usually see in a convenience store– Likely not the best choice as far as nutritional value goes, but it's tasty, affordable and it hits the spot when you're in a pinch or when you're starving after a long day of Torment Nexus'ing around the six galaxies. so you really can't afford to be picky most of the time. Sometimes Pretty Literally.
- The food itself is, again, just about everything you'd find in a convenience store in the middle of nowhere after a long roadtrip and are so hungry you can't see straight: Isles upon isles of chips, cereals and cookies, pre-made lunchable type meals in refrigerated containers, soda that is Technically brand name, but is still so obscure you have to look up if its even real later. It's the perfect combination of accessible, cheap and edible enough to grab the attention of people. The packaging in general tends to vary between shades of gray plus some extra shines to be recognized as food and not bagged motor oil, plus varied mascots to differ each product from one another as though they're from separate entities and not just Tediore All Over Again.
- How does it taste though ? Well, the answer is that it's good, even though it probably Will give you either a headache or a stomachache later. Like all hyperprocessed food, Tediore knows that the secret to making stuff taste good is to just either put a Lot of Salt or a Lot of Sugar in it, and that's really the whole secret. Let's say you get a nice Cheese Flavour snack bag from the local bodega: You eat 5 chips and think "Oh, that's really good!", completely oblivious to the fact you will regret this decision, and eventually eat the whole bag. Hard cut to you on the couch sluggish and weird, unsure to what caused it, but it was 100% the amount of sodium you consumed just being so high your body thinks you're sick. Or something like that. I'm not speaking from experience here.
- Now, let's get this out of the way: Maliwan is as much a corporation as it is a cult. Its corporate identity as "hip" and cool and sleek and transhumanist and beautiful is all a facade for what they're really trying to sell you, which is an insecurity they can profit off of. They approach people who are already very lost, exhausted and burdened by the world and promise them a place to belong, to become something More, and if they need to manufacture your burdens, they will. All of this is to say, they're social media influencers creating problems you didn't know existed so they can sell you More Things, so obviously they're the "organic"/diet product food sellers of this world. They're like if an MLM had WAY too much credibility and power and people just had to live with it.
- You know the kinds of products I'm talking about. It's stuff that comes bragging about how it's "from the farm to your door!" even though it has gone through the same industrialization as everything else that is mass produced and meant to be sold. It's your diet versions of products, yogurts and teas and protein milks and "healthy" snacks, despite the fact they're the same composition-wide and just marked Way Up. They'd probably sell a lot of very niche products too though, all with the same promises for health benefits and what have you, but that at least have the decency to be interesting or *a little* flavorful. For one I think Maliwan branded gum would be really good, and they'd probably make some really good flavour blocks for putting in soup and stuff. That's their forté to me.
- Most of the food just tastes really bland and has kind of a chemical aftertaste, and the textures tend to vary between "Really airy and light, kind of like a foam or shaving cream" to "Unbearable combination of crunchy and soft that makes you confused on what you're even supposed to be tasting". It's a very high chance to be hit or miss depending on what you try, and since it's so expensive it's usually not worth it unless you're using these products for really specific dietary goals.
- Hyperion to me is complicated to say on what they'd offer as far as food goes. On the cafeteria area in TPS you only really see fast food, so I imagine that the conglomerate would own most of a food court in your average shopping mall. All the name brands are owned by Hyperion and your variety is manufactured to look like you're spoiled for all the choices when, really, you're just going to give them money either way. The food is all pretty consistently good, even though the sourcing for it is questionable and it's always plated the same everytime, which makes you think all the ingredients just go through moulds before they plop it into your plate, and it's probably the closest thing it'll get to something like homemade food from the corporations.
- Again, variety is their main selling point, so as far as food goes, you'll find a little bit of everything. Pizza, hamburgers, hotdogs, food that's been genetically modified or has poison in it, tacos– really, the world is your oyster ! They probably have that on the menu too if you look ! Its all about the flashiness and the exclusivety and the way its presented and sold that really gets peoples gears turning. They're not bound just by ONE thing, they have ALL the things you could possibly ask for right here !
- ...But does it taste good ? Ehhh, that's more of a complicated issue. Again, because of all the variety and the way everything is synthesized and made based on the standards for the company, it'll always just taste Good (as in, You bite into it and say "Yeah, that's pretty good"), and after a while of eating Just Good food, you'll already have built a tolerance to it and it'll just taste mid after a while... and that is when they start advertising to you Bigger and Better foods, stuff that's been made in a lab to taste as good to human beings as possible, something so unbelievable your tastebuds might explode ! And then they do. Because it was an experiment and they were using you as a guinea pig. But hey, all in the name of progress, right ?
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jeannnieee · 4 months
Trough the Years: The Changing taste of Travellers for trends.
Throughout the years of different trends in tourism, some trends retain their spots, or let we say that no matter what season, and generation is, it will stay as one of the choices for travellers. Travel trends are known for its specific experience provided for travellers, to be able to reach the satisfaction of their free time, vacation, or leisure. Travellers, often choose trends categorized with their hobby, and if not, it should be close with. However, some people will also consider travelling because of influence and budgetarian. One of these is "Staycation", this kind of travel trend aims to provide a comfortable yet budget friendly hotel-like accommodation to people who wants to have their family time or me time, example for that is Tagaytay, or any SMDC condo property. The second one which is the "Wellness Travel", this travel provides aspect of wellness, such as mental wellness, physical wellness, and emotional wellness. The best example for this if you want to know what is Wellness travel trend, example is Therese Tiangco (niece of Mel Tiangco), a famous tiktok influencer who went abroad to try the Yoga, and spiritual wellness activity in Thailand. Third one would be, "Cultural" travel trend, as we all know, Philippines has a lot of festival, traditional ceremonies, and cultural places, and things to celebrate and to visit. People from different region and country, like to experience this trend once in a life lime. Such as Panagbenga and Apo Whang-Od traditional tattoo. Fourth one is, "Bleisure". In tourism terms, bleisure is a Business trip with leisure. People who works remotely or outside the office, tend to avail this kind of experience. Last one is, "Sustainable" travel trend. And I would say, that this trend will remain as is even though we have new generations coming, because of its goal.
However, since the more the year has been passing by, the more travel trends were introduced to us. For our generation, we tend to look for a trend that will satisfy our taste buds. As of right now, as what we can all foresee in the next 5 years of booming travel trends, one will be the "Food Travel trend". Whatever generation are we, the foods on the travel is a must. Be it for Bleisure, cultural, or staycation, we often base our reviews and experience from the food we had there. The next one will be, "Fashion" travel trend, one example for that, are those people who spend thousand of dollars to go to a place where they can try, or experience the culture through fashion, such as Hanbok, Luis Vuitton, and some other luxury brands. The last one will be, "Volunteering" travel trend. I believe, it will be a trend since young ones nowadays are well aware of what is happening to the surroundings, and environment. Example is volunteering to poor places, they travel miles away to extend help, and recruiting people to do the same thing.
Moreover, these are the travel trends to look forward with for the next 5 years to explore the country, or every region you can visit.
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According to the urban dictionary,
“Average Joe” refers to someone who is just like everyone else. aka; a normal person.
Average' means 'in the middle' or 'not extreme', and 'Joe' is a common male name. So 'average Joe' refers to a man who is not extremely different from everyone else.
Getting to know An average Joe from head to toe.🤯👉🦶
I have been spending hours, thinking about how could I introduce my true self to all of you, my beloved readers. As I’m just an average Joe, there are not many things interesting about me. Therefore, I think it might be fun to introduce myself from head to toe (literally) so that you could know what I like to do using each part of my body. 😄
Head 💀
To talk about my head, I would talk about the thing that I’m interested in. Currently, I am interested in a concept called “Budgetarian”. A budgetarian is a person who lives on a budget and choose to spend his money only on things that are the most important. This idea came up to my mind because I do not believe that I would become rich in the near future. Therefore, I only have one choice which is to be as frugal as I can to prepare myself for my life in the future🤣. I found it quite fun to put a challenge such as “spending only 700 baths for a week” on myself to control my spending. I feel good to challenge myself and save my money at the same time. However, I have never completed my challenges 🥲.
Eyes 👀
Talking about my eyes, what I like to do using them is reading books. Surprisingly, I prefer reading books over watching movies or tv series. I think it allows me to use my own imagination and relates myself to the characters and incidents within the books. I think I enjoy them much better that way. My favorite genres are comedy, rom-com, and fantasy. Namely, Harry Potter, The diary of a wimpy kid, and red, white, and royal blue.
Mouth 👄
Coming to the mouth, I would talk about what I like to eat. Thai food is my all-time favorite growing up. I love spicy and sour tastes often found in our food recipes. Therefore, my all-time top 3 would be papaya salad, Tom yum kung, and Mackerel Lettuce Wrap ( Miang Pla Too). I also enjoy watching the food cooking YouTube channel. My favorite one is Pailin’s kitchen. I’m putting the link right here 👇
Hand 👏
lately, I have been using my hands to express myself because I’m taking a sign language course. It’s a totally new experience for me. I have never imagined that we could use our hands to communicate with others (successfully). By attending this class, l am not only getting to know how deaf people communicate, but I also realize the challenges and obstacles they have to face being in the silent world and I do hope I could do something to make their lives better and easier in the future. ( sign language interpreter for every tv program would be a great idea)
Feet and toe 🦶
What I like to do using my feet and toe is traveling. I think it is a dream for everyone to be able to travel wherever we want to. From my own experience, I have been to 4 countries in total, Malaysia, Singapore, Argentina, and Japan. I am a person who is interested in traveling a lot. I think traveling to other places or countries give us the opportunity to learn new things and embrace new cultures. It opens up our eyes and makes us become more of a global citizen. Unfortunately, I do not have the chance to travel a lot.( money is the biggest factor 💸😂). Therefore, the only thing I could do is to “watch other people travel” on YouTube. My favorite ones would be FAROSE and Backpaeger.
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lifestylelaguna · 2 years
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Must-Try Unlimited Grill Restaurants | SM Supermalls
Whether you’re a K-Drama fan, a southeast asian cuisine enthusiast, or simple just a barbecue and grill lover, there’s no denying the irresistible allure of these japanese recipes and korean samgyeopsal a.k.a. yummy, tasty, grilled pork belly/ barbecue that’s best enjoyed alongside a variety of side dishes, hot white rice, and your favegochujang (or red chili paste). In Filipino-speak, however, the term samgyeopsal has become synonymous with a serious meat feast—one that features unlimited servings of not just pork, but also beef, chicken, and more meaty goodness.
Hungry? Already feeling that sesame oil and sweet potato in your taste buds? Check out these 10 barbecue and samgyeop restaurants that you can find at SM Malls and get ready to unbutton your pants for a belly-busting treat!
Romantic Baboy
(Image from Facebook.com/RomanticBaboy)
Celebrate your love for all things K-BBQ at Romantic Baboy, which lets you nosh on unlimited meats, six kinds of side dishes, rice, Korean soup, and veggies for just P499 per head. They also offer Samgyupsal sets (and more) for delivery, starting at P350. Don’t forget to get a side of their famous cheese, which goes well with everything.
Branches: SM Southmall, SM City North Edsa, SM City Clark, SM City Cauayan, SMDC Light Mall, SMDC Strip at Mezza
SOBAN K-Town Grill 
(Image from Instagram.com/soban.ktown)
Imported straight from Europe, each slice of samgyeopsal (pork belly) is soaked in six signature marinades and aged overnight. A must try: their Favorite Feast BBQ Set (P1,378/good for two) is a mouth-watering spread of pork, beef, chicken, unli rice, soup, side dishes, iced tea, and a dessert to top it all off—that is, if you still have room! 
Branches: SM City North EDSA, SM Megamall 
Jin Joo Korean Grill
(Image from Facebook.com/JinJooKorean)
Bring the fam and your appetite to Jin Joo to enjoy their USDA Prime meats, which are tasty even without any marinade—the true test of its pure and high quality. There are a ton of sets to choose from, but if you’re really hungry, you can go for their premium choice set (P2,790), which includes a hefty 1,260 grams of meat plus all the yummy side dishes and is sure to fill you right up! 
Branches: SM Aura Premier, SM Mall of Asia, SM City Bacoor, SMDC Jazz Mall, The Podium
Gen Korean BBQ House 
(Image from Facebook.com/GenKBBQPH)
Starting at P798 and ranging up to P1,348 per person, you get your unlimited fill of samgyeopsal, along with a mouthwatering number of dishes, like bulgogi, chicken, and more. Some of Gen Korean BBQ House’s food choices, like their Cajun Calamari Red Wine Samgyeopsal, are actually American-Korean-inspired, so you actually enjoy the fusion of two cultures in one dish! Talk about traditional korean food!
Branch: SM by the Bay 
(Image from Facebook.com/SamgyeopMasarap)
Looking for an affordable group meal? Their Masarap Family Sets start at P1,199 for the pork, P1,299 for the beef, and P1,399 for the combo, good for four people. Even better: They’ve got so many branches at SM Supermalls nationwide so it’s easy to find one near you to satisfy your meat cravings. 
Branches: SM City Bacoor, SM City Cebu, SM City North Edsa, SM City Pampanga, SM City Santa Rosa, SM City Taytay, SM Southmall, SM City Manila, SM City Sta. Mesa, SM City BF Parañaque (For more branches, check out the SM Mall Directory)
(Image from Facebook.com/kogiq)
Budgetarians, this one’s for you! The classic samgyeopsal over at Kogi-Q starts at P399, and you get that along with chicken wings, chorizo, fish steak, beef, and a whole array of side dishes. Get the South Korea samgyup experience with this eat-all-you-can without burning a hole in your wallet! 
Branches: SM City Iloilo, SM City Consolacion, SM City Cebu, SM City Legazpi, SM Seaside City Cebu, SM Lanang Premier
Samgyeopsal House 
(Image from Facebook.com/SamgyeopsalHouseby25thTurningPoint) 
Samgyeopsal House keeps things simple and lets their meats speak for themselves. For unli-pork or an unli pork and beef combo, you’ll be spending less than P500. That comes with heaps of as much rice as you want, side dishes, and iced tea. Who can say no to that? 
Branches: SM City Butuan, SM City San Mateo
(Image from Facebook.com/ALL4UsmEastortigas)
If you’re looking for more variety in terms of what goes with your full-course samgyeopsal meals, look no further than All4U’s unlimited offerings of meat, rice, shrimp, and ramen! Their tabletop grill doubles as a shabu-shabu, so you get an extra soup right smack in the middle of the grill. Awesome add-on, especially when you get all of this for P599! 
Branches: SM City Masinag, SM City Manila, SM City Fairview, SM City Lipa, SM City Sta. Mesa, SM City East Ortigas
Sumo Niku
(Image from Facebook.com/sumoniku)
Sumo Niku holds nothing back in their unlimited yakiniku and authentic wagyu beef, giving you everything in that meaty and flavorful japanese grill with unlimited mozarella cheese sauce. Satisfy your yakiniku cravings for an all-day rate of Php 549 and a whole lot more! Click here to view their branches and don't forget to bring the whole squad!
Branches: SM City Bicutan SM City North Edsa SM City Bacoor SM City Manila SM City Pampanga SM Mall of Asia SM City Olongapo Central SM Megamall SM Southmall SM City Sta. Mesa SM City Cebu SM City Dasmariñas SM City Lipa SM City San Lazaro SM City Clark SM City Marikina
Oppa Samgyeopsal
(Image from Facebook.com/Oppa-Samgyeopsal-Sm-City-Lucena-853946428331052)
Say “sana all” to their Unli All set for P549, which gives you unli pork belly, side dishes, egg, a pitcher of iced tea, lettuce, and-get ready for this—Angus beef and mozzarella cheese. As yummy as your oppa, right? 
Branch: SM City Lucena
Time to treat yourself to a KBBQ fix and #DineInSM now! You can also check out the complete SM Mall directory for more options. Gamsahabnida!
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I commuted from Airport to downtown Mong Kok! Know more about it on the blog! 😉 www.rollingfeetwanders.wordpress.com #rollingfeetwanders #hongkong #budgetarian #mongkok #blogger #travelgram #photography #blog #instagram (at Mong Kok) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpdrhIsHiKg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4aamfsn2huho
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josephgraincenter · 3 years
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After PETSA DE PELIGRO, 😔here comes the "NAKAKALUWAG-LUWAG NA". 🤑Kaya naman kain tayo 🍚🥩🍗sa masarap, may pa side dish at iced tea pa.🧋 Next day back to BUDGETARIAN na. 😉 👇Tag mo ang kakilala mong mahilig mag yaya kumain pag nakakaluwag luwag!😉 #kaninmoments #hugotbigas #petsadepeligro #Nakakaluwagluwag #budgetarian #LetsEat #sidedish #josephgrain #TatakPinoy #TatakSigurado #tatakjosephgrain #riceofeveryfilipino #rice #supportlocal #FridayFeeling (at Joseph Grain Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSyVN9shClS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bennmonyo · 3 years
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Dahil may birthday... Nagluto nanaman ako ng paksiw... 😁😂🤣 #Budgetarian #GoodVibesForever (at San Juan City, NCR) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNob0AmnEtO/?igshid=1r8r4py8orx59
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juantravelsblog · 1 year
Quick Travel Survey| Are you eligible for a Travel Cashback ?
Hello Fellow Travellers,I’d like to take a quick travel survey. The questions are answerable by YES or No. Don’t worry this will be easy. Let’s Go!Q1. Are you employed and earning at least 1000-1500 USD a month? If YES, please proceed to Q2. Q2. Do you travel frequently and transact through a credit card or online payments? If YES, please proceed to Q3.Q3. Do you want to maximize your next…
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essential4you · 4 years
(WATCH IN HD!) Hit Like and Subscribe! To be notified with our new uploads, hit the bell button. See you on our next vlog! Instagram: @kevandchen Email: … source wedding gift ideas
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plsbyallmeans · 2 years
Can I just say how much I love that VP Leni and her supporters are taking notes from Democrats? From Build Back Better program to reading books about Hillary, Barack.
Now they are taking notes from James Carville's 1992 successful slogan: “It’s the economy, stupid!”, but changed it to “It's the economy, Sweetie!” because VP Leni is gentle with words.
So yeah, this Democrat/Clinton fan in me is actually shakinnnnngggg!
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whooolaanmo · 2 years
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After Election
Babawasan kita after ng eleksyon di naman kailangan na malaki ang gastos budgetarian travel lang, kaya mas malaki pa din ang ipon.
May 05, 2022 01:01 pm
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itswanderfulph-blog · 5 years
A 3800 PHP ($73) Trip to Cagayan Valley (3 Days 2 Nights)
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I’ve always wondered how it would feel to reach the tip of Luzon or to visit the farthest island down south. I’m from Luzon but south part of it so I’m kind of living in the middle part of the Philippines (not really middle I know, but you get my point), and reaching the farthest parts of this beautiful country is something I’ve been dreaming of. And because of pagiging kaladkarin, I was able to tick one of the two from my bucket list: REACHING THE TIP OF LUZON!
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Above is a map of Luzon which, of course, I screenshot-ted lol from google images and edited through paint. Haha. But that tip is what I’m talking about! Traveling all the way from Laguna to that part of the map is tiring. Just by looking at it, you know it would consume so much time, energy and money but believe me, it’s worth every single minute and effort of your life!
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Let’s lay down everything you need to know about transportation to Tuguegarao which will be the jump start of your trip to this awesome destination. You have two options: one is riding a plane to Tuguegarao thru Cebupac. Rates would vary depending on the date you will be booking your flight. I would suggest you choose this first option if you have very limited time since the flight would only be for an hour and 10 mins. It would save you so much time which you could use to explore the province.
But if you’re like me who doesn’t care about time and wants to experience all the hustle and bustle of commuting, then choose option B: the bus. Just to set your expectation, the bus ride would be for more or less 12 hours. Much cheaper but definitely much longer.
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We arrived at Victory Liner in Kamias at around 10PM and was waiting to book for a ticket when we learned that the next trip was scheduled at 6AM. That was way out of our plan.
Tip: Book your tickets ahead of time especially if you’re going there on a holiday.
We asked for other routes but it would take so much more of our time and 12 hours was all we had alloted for the travel to Tuguegarao. Fortunately, Jac Liner, which is just near Victory Liner in Kamias, also has trips going to Tuguegarao. The seats aren’t as spacious as Victory Liner, but it would do for spontaneous travelers. A ticket would cost you around 650-700php ($13.49) one way. Make sure to bring food with you during the trip because it would really be a long travel. There will be a series of stop overs but since we traveled at night, we consumed it mostly for sleep for the itinerary the next day.
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This was us on our way to Tuguegarao. I look like I’m already tired but the trip wasn’t even half there yet. LOL
We arrived in Tuguegarao and awra na agad us. We were so eager to start exploring! We just had a quick breakfast before we headed to the first stop. There’s a Chowking near where you’ll get off from the bus. There’s also Jollibee so a quick fix for your food would not be a problem.
From where you’ll be eating, you can ride a tricycle going to another tricycle terminal which will bring you to Callao Cave. Fare is for 20php. From the terminal, there are other modes of transportation going to Callao Cave but it’s very seldom. Best option would be to rent a tricycle. Fare would be much higher (in our case, 200php each and we were 3 so total of 600php) but the travel time would be for around 30 to 40 mins and the place is not that accessible. So the amount I paid is actually just fair.
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Other fees you need to pay when you arrive at the venue would be:
Entrance Fee - 20php
Bangka Rental - 40php each
Tour Guide - 100php each
It’s actually really cheap when you’ll have this view after:
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After exploring the whole cave, we went back to town to eat their famous pansit batil patung.
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Don’t be deceived by its looks. This serving is actually for 3 people!
After trying my best to eat the whole plate, we decided to spend the night in Sta. Ana, Cagayan since we need to leave very early in the morning for the next stop. We were able to get a very cheap hotel for 1500php a night for 3 people: Eden’s Lodging Hotel. you can check their facebook here for details and pictures of the rooms.
Day 1 Expenses
Chowking breakfast - 120php
Tricycle to terminal of Callao Cave - 20php
Tricycle to Callao Cave - 600php (max of 4 people) ; 200php each
Entrance in Callao Cave - 20php
Bangka - 40php
Tour Guide - 100php
Ref Magnet (because you know) - 50php
Water - 20php
Pansit Batil Patung - 90php
Mt Dew - 32php
Tricycle to Terminal of Sta Ana - 10php
Van to Sta Ana - 180php
Eden’s Lodging House - 1500php ; 500php each
TOTAL: 1382PHP - $26.83
We woke up extra early since we needed to travel to the port of Sta. Ana where we will be riding a more than an hour boat ride to Palaui Island! We left the hostel we were staying at 4 in the morning and rode a tricycle going to the port. Tricycle ride will cost you 50php each (not bad for the distance you’ll actually travel). Once we arrived, we went to an office which handles tours to Palaui Island. The boat trip will cost you 850php back and forth. Quick reminder: since it’s located at the tip of Luzon, the boat ride will be challenging. The water’s not calm so you have to anticipate rough waters and high waves, but the people driving the motorboat are skilled so you’ll be able to reach the island safe but wet.
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Wasn’t able to take much photos during the boat trip because I was scared that my camera would get thrown off the boat or I would get thrown off the boat. lol
After an hour of rough boat ride, we arrived in paradise. The local tour guide gave us a quick orientation about the history and topography of the island.
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It is also with them that you need to pay 70php environmental fee and 100php each for the tour guide.
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The view once you get off the boat.
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And the hike begins. We did not have the proper footwear for this trip. We just had slippers and the bad news was it just rained so the hike was more challenging than what we expected. We badly wanted to see the famous Cape Engano Lighthouse which was used by early Filipinos to welcome incoming ships from the north.
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Once you reach half of the hike you’ll have this majestic view:
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At that moment, I just felt so lucky to be witnessing this beauty!
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The entrance to the lighthouse.
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Finally! After an almost hour of hike, we arrived here. And the bonus part was, we were the only people.
Now this was already breathtaking, but the view on the other side was much more than what we signed up for this trip.
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Just casually sitting down and letting everything sink in. This is why I feel in love with discovering different places in the Philippines. When you think you’ve already seen everything, you’ll be surprised at how much more there is to see and explore!
Stayed here for hours when we decided we had to check one more hidden gem in this island before we head back.
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Trail back down.
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Don’t get tips from me about trekking and hiking. I’m not the best person to give advice. LOL
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After 20 mins of trekking, this welcomed us!
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And of course, we can’t leave without taking a dip!
After a whole day tour in the island, we went back to our hostel. It was ‘leg day’ for us since we had to hike to the top of the island to see the famous lighthouse and to witness that breathtaking view, plus that waterfalls! Before we hit the sack, we went out to get some dinner. There are only a few stores near our hostel but we really didn’t mind because we just wanted something to eat and then sleep immediately. If you’re someone who really needs full meals, you can bring canned goods with you, or ask the hostel if they can cook for you. There’s also a restaurant nearby but it closes early.
Day 2 Expenses
Tricycle to Port - 50php
Boat ride - 850php (285php each)
Environmental Fee - 70php
Tour Guide - 100php
Tricycle back to Eden’s Lodge - 20php
TOTAL: 525php - $10.12
We woke up early the next day to commute going back to Tuguegarao. We needed to catch a van trip going to a friend’s house to get some free lodging and food. Sa buhay ngayon, importante ang mga ganitong bagay. Haha.
Before the trip, we decided to have brunch first. Rode a van back to Tuguegarao and another van to Piat, Cagayan where our friend lives. Spent the whole night there and decided to go back to Manila early morning the next day.
Day 3 Expenses
Brunch - 120php
Van to Tuguegarao - 180php
Tricycle to terminal of Piat - 20php
Van to Piat, Cagayan - 70php
Tricycle to termina back to Manila - 20php
Bus to Manila - 700php
Bus to Laguna - 71php
Jeepney - 8php
Tricycle to home - 20php
TOTAL: 1,209php - $23.30
3,816php - $73.54
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This trip will always be one of the most memorable for me. Got to tick this off my bucket list plus only spent less than what I usually spend on my trips.
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eisenphire · 5 years
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Lesson 1: Paano makakatipid sa pamamalengke. So, pag sa resto mo inorder to pwedeng 100+ ang presyo 1 order lang. Pero pag sa bahay mga 40PhP lang unli servings pa. 😁 Salamat sa pag sama at pagtuturo samin ni ninang kung saan ang mga suki niya at saan makakamura ng mga bilihin dito sa Hangar(Baguio Market) #budgetarian #waisnamisis #kuripotnamisis #vegetablesalad #freshveggies (at Baguio City) https://www.instagram.com/p/BswxbVRlZ0v4DlEHL9D8O2tZxtWxlSbWrjfGHY0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nrbogm13mpln
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itrulyam · 7 years
How To Book The Cheapest Flights, Now up on the blog!
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