#bug nets
onenicebugperday · 8 months
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Trilobite beetle, Platerodrilus ruficollis?, Lycidae
Photographed in Malaysia by nadjabaum
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zolanort · 5 months
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@shekorla Ganon won’t know what hit him
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orofeaiel · 4 months
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Red-Net Winged Beetle, love these guys!!!
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jax0n · 6 months
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toastysol · 27 days
Thinking about how, between him and V, Jackie is by far the more personable of the two. He oozes such easy charisma that it's really hard to actually hate him. He's the one with connections all over Night City. V's best friend who always knows a guy. He hooks V up with whoever they could possibly need. Everyone who's ever met him either loves him, or has great respect for him.
And yet. Despite the number of people he knows and who know him, after he dies, V is the one they remember. "Didn't you have someone with you?" Sandra asks. "You did well, V. You and that... friend of yours." Wakako states. Jackie is the one who got them that job. Or at least that's what the prologue sequence led me to believe. V asks him if Wakako had any tips for the Sandra case. Therefore, Jackie was the one who got them hired. I cant tell if Wakako forgot his name on purpose cause she didn't like him/care enough or genuinely doesn't remember. I know Sandra has good reason not to. She was unconscious.
It's just gut wrenching to me. Jackie put in all this work, prolly called in so many favors, to help V get to where they needed to be, and in the end, no one knows his name. He went out with a bang and didn't even get a footnote. Of course, V can change that after the game if they want I would guess. Use their prestige and respect to spread the word about the bestest friend they ever had in nc. He does get his own drink at the Afterlife, but does anyone know who they're drinking? How colorful and full of life he was? Do they know how he died? What he did?
And I mean, his name seemed to be at least somewhat well-known in the valentinos. But that means about jack squat in the merc world. He was supposed to be a legend, but all he ended up as was a ghost.
What makes this worse in my canon, is that the "Major Leagues" was never even V's dream. It always belonged to Jack. When he chases it, he does so in Jackie's place. For him. Not for V. Sometimes he wishes it were Jackie's name he was using, just so someone would hear it and be filled with hope for the future. Just like Jackie was with Morgan Blackhand, Andrew Weyland, and Adam Smasher. He carries Jackie's ghost on his back, every rung of the ladder, and no one even sees it.
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nerdyperday · 1 month
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Day 2902 MegaMan.EXE, BugStyle
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outsidersheadcanons · 2 months
Johnny and Pony love collecting critters. Lizards, beetles, frogs. But their personal favourite is spiders and putting them on the rest of the gang's back or sumthn.
Dallas: *girl screams in terror and jumps on a chair*
Soda: "What?! What is it?! You good?"
Dallas: "NO! Them fckers put a tarantula on my arm!"
Johnny and Pony: *Both Cackling*
Soda: *Staring at the tiniest spider he's ever seen*
Spider: :3
Dallas Winston is afraid of spiders, I'm calling it. Also Johnny loves snakes, he will "pspsps" the little garden snake he finds.
they would 😭
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bat-connoisseur · 1 year
People acting like animals should have a use or a purpose so that they have the right to continue existing is one of the most regressive and annoying things that I keep seeing fucking EVERYWHERE.
Animals should be allowed to live and are important for the simple fact that they are here and alive. You see it a lot with insects. Just because they are personally annoying to you doesn't mean they are less deserving of life. Everything interacts with everything else to keep the whole world ticking around, and it is not up to us to upset that. So what if mosquitoes annoy you. I don't give a shit. They shouldn't be blanket exterminated because of this. Not to mention the fact that they are important. They are pollinators, food for other animals, but even if they weren't, even if they just did nothing, that wouldn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to exist. What gives you the authority to decide that, huh? Why are you so special?
This goes for humans too, by the way. Why must a person contribute or work or whatever to be worthy of being loved and supported? They're alive, and therefore have inherent value. If you think that isn't enough, then you are the problem. Have some god damn compassion, or failing that, just keep quiet.
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platycryptus · 1 year
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a trio of banded net-winged beetles (Calopteron reticulatum or C. discrepans) engaged in some sort of indescribable debauchery
net-winged beetles (Lycidae) are one of several families closely related to fireflies, but while most members of this group are carnivorous as larvae, those of lycids feed on slime molds and fungi.
(Massachusetts, 8/11/23)
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jenfoundabug · 4 hours
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I caught this rambunctious creature flying around the kitchen. Outside you go.
Life pro tip: a cheap butterfly net with telescoping handle is excellent for relocating small friends, especially if they’re skittish and obsessed with the ceiling.
Yellow-legged mud dauber (Sceliphron caementarium)
Northern California
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gaylight-prairie · 1 year
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Skyward sword is cool because you can catch bug in bug net
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onenicebugperday · 6 months
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Blue net-spinning caddisfly, Polymorphanisus elisabethae, Hydropsychidae, Trichoptera
Found in Sub-Saharan Africa
Photo 1 by stefaneakame and 2 by thijsvalkenburg
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bitsandbirds · 3 months
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The subtle beauty of slugs, even in the most average looking ones. Those eyestalks! Those patterns! Those silly little faces!
Netted Field Slug (Deroceras reticulatum) (1, 2),
Arion Slug (Arion subg. Arion) (3), Ireland
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desertpirate77 · 2 months
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Out catching bugs to give to an owl
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crayonbunnyagere · 1 month
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abstractjello · 2 months
Idk if you care but skyward link loves Zelda, skyward Zelda is Hylia botw Zelda loves link, botw link is hylias champion
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