#bugtown transcripts
bugtownthepodcast · 1 year
Transcript for the episode under the cut
Bug: Okay, Bug, you've got this. How does this thing work?
Multiple Clicks, clunking sounds etc.
Bug: Come on, you stupid thing, work! Why won't-
Bug: Oh. It's... already recording. Stupid. Let's try this again.
Bug (in fake-cheerful voice): Hi everyone! My name is Bug Whitlock. My pronouns are they/them... I think. Today is my eighteenth birthday. Yay!
Bug (in their normal voice): God, that sounds awful.
Bug: Hi, I'm Bug. Errr... as of today, I am eighteen. I have black hair and brown eyes. I moved into my new flat today, where I found this super-old tape recorder and decided to find out if it works, because why not. Also, journaling is supposedly good for your mental health or something, so... yeah.
A short pause
Bug: Man, this is stupid. I mean, it's not like anyone is going to hear this, so what's the point of it anyway. Just... talk into a recorder?
Bug: Ah, forget it.
Bug: Okay, so this might sound stupid, but I feel like I should finish this entry at least. So, what did I do today? I spent about six hours on the train ride here, then I got lost multiple times, since Pottersburgh is a pretty city, but also one that's quite difficult to navigate. I spent about five minutes just (chuckles) standing in front of my landlords apartment and contemplating all of my life choices leading up to this point, before I went in and got the key to this apartment. Then I started unpacking my stuff, before I found the recorder... Yeah, that's about it.
Short silence.
Bug: I have a bit of money saved up, but since I'll need groceries and stuff, I'll only be able to pay the rent for about... two months? So I, er, have to find a job fast, otherwise I'd have to go back. And we don't want that!
A small laugh that sounds more desperate than amused
Bug: Shit, this whole thing was a terrible decision. Maybe if I'd just stayed, I- it-
A short pause
Bug: Wait. What was that?
Distant voices
Bug: I thought the other flat was empty, but someone is yelling. I- I can't quite make it out, but something about... rats? And... about children.
The voices continue, before staying quiet.
Bug: It stopped. I should- I should probably go investigate to make sure that everyone's okay and stuff.
Short Silence.
Bug: But... what if it's just the tv? I don't know the situation and I don't wanna be intruding or annoying, I just moved in, I...
But if someone's in danger, and I do nothing-
Short pause
Bug: Wait here a minute.
They snort.
Bug: I'm talking to a recorder like it's a person. That's, like, super weird.
A short pause.
Bug: Wait a minute.
Bug (in a shaky voice): Okay, so... I went downstairs and knocked. I was kinda worried that I'd be intruding in some personal stuff, but nobody answered. So I knocked again, no answer. But then I noticed that the door wasn't locked and I opened it, looked inside and...
They gulp.
Bug: Nothing. It was dusty, like really dusty. Nobody has been there for at least ten years, and there was certainly no one there a few minutes ago, or there would've been footprints. I went through the whole apartment, it has the same layout as mine. Absolutely nothing, except for dust and dead flies. But I heard a voice just now, it's gotta be on the recording.
A shaky laugh
Bug: I mean, there's gotta be a rational explanation. It's just... not possible, right? Maybe I misheard and it's actually a noise that came from the next house. Or... maybe I fell asleep for a second. It's nothing. Probably.
A pause.
Bug: I'm just... scared. Because I mean- I need this to work. 'Cause if it doesn't, then all that secret planning, all that money I saved, then that would have been for nothing. And I would have to go back home. And I just...
A sob.
Bug: I thought that if I just got here everything would be okay, but it's not. I'm scared, and alone, and now I'm apparently hallucinating voices. That are talking about rats, of all things. Why am I even still talking into this thing? I am sitting on the floor and I am narrating my feelings into an old-timey recorder that doesn't even belong to me. Look at me, I'm Bug Whitlock and I'm unable to do anything without feeling sorry for myself , apparently.
A pause
Bug: Focus on the good things, Bug. I am in my new home. I have some money saved up, not much, but it's there. If everything went according to plan, my parents have no idea where I am right now. I am a legal adult who can make their own decisions. I am not at my parents house anymore. Deep breaths. Deep breaths, Bug.
They sigh.
Bug: It's getting late, I should probably go to bed. This won't lead to anything.
Silence, then knocking.
Bug: Who the-
Rustling, then a click.
Bug: Okay, so... this dude just knocked. He said that his name was Jay and that he lived in the apartment above mine. He'd seen that I just moved in and wanted to bring me some risotto he made. He also had a really cool cane, it had birds and stuff all around.
Bug: I'm actually kind of getting emotional over this right now. It's just... really nice, you know? I mean, he doesn't even know me. It just means a lot.
A short pause.
Bug: Also, this risotto smells, like, really good. I mean, yeah, you can't really tell, since this is a recording, but this snell is heavenly, it's like paradise for tastebuds. Man, Jay really knows how to make risotto. I owe him my life.
Short pause
Bug: Also, I just realized that I haven't eaten anything today. Errr, so... that's not good.
They laugh nervously.
Bug: I didn't really drink anything either. No wonder I'm such a wreck today.
A short pause
Bug: I'm going to eat the risotto now and then I'll go to sleep. I'll have to go grocery shopping tomorrow, since I don't have any food right now or furniture- I'm literally sleeping in a sleeping bag in the middle of my living room. But I hope to change that as soon as I'm earning a bit of money. Finding a job is... also on my to-do list, heh.
A short pause
Bug: Well, then, good night. I'll try to make another entry tomorrow. Bye!
Bug: Me again, half an hour later. I think I might've found something.
The sound of paper rustling
Bug: So, when I searched the empty apartment earlier, I found a piece of paper that was completely crumpled up. I didn't think it was important, but I took it with me anyway. I just looked at it, and it's a list of names, adresses and ages. All of them children. One is five years old, one is seven, one's ten... And then- here- the date of their dissappearance. The oldest one is about a year ago, and the newest one is... the twenty-first of june. In fourteen days. What does this mean? Is this... the calendar of a serial kidnapper?
A short pause
Bug: What did I get myself into?
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bugtownthepodcast · 1 year
I just published the first episode of my new podcast! Listen to Bugtown on Anchor https://anchor.fm/bugtown/episodes/Pilot---The-7th-of-June-e23mojm
Transcript can be found here
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bugtownthepodcast · 1 year
Greetings, dear friends and welcome to the official Bugtown tumblr, where you can find announcements about our newest episodes, transcripts and more!
What is Bugtown?
I'm glad you asked! Bugtown is a podcast about Bug Whitlock (they/them), who moves to a small town called Pottersburgh. But they quickly realize that something supernatural and maybe even sinister seems to be going on behind the façades...
Where can I find it?
The plan is to air the episodes on tumblr and spotify, with new episodes coming out every month. The first one is planned to air on June 7th, 2023!
Who makes Bugtown?
That would be me, Kai (he/they). Bugtown is a project I've been planning for a while and I'm very excited to share it! I also voice Bug.
Why should I listen to it?
You don't have to, of course, but if you like podcasts, ghosts, the supernatural, casual queer representation and a tad bit of romance, it might be worth to check it out!
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