#built-in Stranger Danger energy. which can work for or against him lkjhsdfg
dragonbleps · 2 years
What is your character's posture like? How do they carry themself? (you get a 2-for-1!)
Ooohhh, thank you!!! I'll talk specifically about TES Dal here:
Dal's posture is immaculate. He stands ramrod straight, shoulders square. In fact, his posture is so diligently consistent that him slouching, especially in public or while standing is a sure sign that something is wrong and loved ones are pretty quick to notice! He's a bit more relaxed while sitting.
I wouldn't say he carries himself "proudly" although that's definitely part of it. But more like, deliberately. Every movement is meant to appear deliberate and measured, assured, no effort wasted. He is very aware of the space he takes up, the speed of his movement, and the weight of his self, and it shows, especially when he's focused.
Sometimes it shows a little too well and can cause a little bit of the Uncanny Valley feeling in people who pay enough attention. They realize something's Not Quite Right™ but can't put their finger on it. Most people aren't really going to point it out aside from thinking he's a little odd and possibly staying away from him, which, in his mind, is a win/win.
Bonus: Prolonged eye contact has been known to make people squirm. It can instill a feeling of danger, an "I've been caught!" feeling, like when you meet the eyes of a creature in the woods with much sharper teeth than you. This feeling lessens considerably if you like, get to know him, but rarely goes away entirely. But of course this varies from person to person.
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