suit-able · 6 years
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dicehoard · 8 years
Pen and Paper Classtalk (Scoundrel’s)
Ah, the Scoudnrels, be it Rogues, Assassins, Thiefs, Snipers, Thug, Killer, Pathfinders or Pirats.ect ect...
A Scoundrel is an interesting Class, many People enjoy playing them because of there Basic characteristics. usualy Charismatic and slighty raunchy. every Scoudnrel tends to wear light and silent Clothers for obvious reasons.
As a Class based on Stealth a Scoundrel cant wear Chainmail or plate because it either would shine in the light or make rattling and clinking noises. Stick to Wool Silk, rough Velvet or Leather. dependign on what kind you play the style variates. As Upper class Playboy you can wear pretty much what you like, but as Blade in the Dark, stick to Dark colorations. dark Grey, Bloodred, dark Blue or Green. Only a total Idiot would wear white.
Weapons (Mainweapons):
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Scoundrels usualy wear small or mediumsized light weapons,
Knives, Daggers, bladed knuckledusters on Gloves, Katar, short Swords, small Axes and Pistolcrossbows. these weapons are small in size and easy to hide under a long coat or cape. a nice bonus is that they are usable by one hand, wich means they can use two at the same time. A modern Scoudnrel can use silenced Pistols and Rifles (for snipers or mid combat assists) in battle.
A blunt instrument like a Hammer or a Mace is not siutable for killing. Scoundrels have a raunchy elegance to them and any sort of blunt weapon lacks them. (exept a Whip)
Weapons (secondary and equipment):
Welcome in the Cabinet of mischief and Trickery. a Scoudnrel rarely figths fair and thats why these things come in handy.
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Poision, Powder and Firework, be it Liquid or Powder. this can be any sort of poision, be it digestive wich the scoudnrel prepaird in the enemys meal, sleeping or killing posion is the easyerst step in an thinning the enemys lines beforean encounter. Direct Combat Poision, either is thrown or injectet with the Weapons. to distract your foe you can use a wide variety of tools... a small shiny coin thrown somewhere to sneak past the enemy,  a little firecracker easyly get the atention of most enemys. bribery, hire hookers to distract. or plainly blow a hand full of sand in ther eyes from a shady corner.
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Opener, these are what a scoudnrel uses when they begin a fight, usualy as the one who starts it, being a Throwing knife from the shadows, or a Garotte. For those who dont know what that is, its a wire held between both hands to either strangle or cut a throat. they are easy to obtain, be it pianostring or cheesewire, often also spiked. the only blunt instrument in a Scoudnrel’s equipment is a Blackjack. this is a small a small but heavy hitting blunt leathercoverd item used to knock someoen out, the modern day adaption is the telescopestick. scoudnrels in modern set games also tend to use pistols with silencers or attached bajonette’s.
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B stands for being alive in the end. With usualy low defense and lack of protection a Scoudnrel relys on dirty tricks, a warrior wears a heavy armor and shieldwich you cant pierce with your knives? outmaneuver and look for a weak spot in teh armor, or throw a hand full of dirt in the eyes, a smokebomb works wonders too.
does a wizard gives you a hard time with nasty spells and his staff block’s any of your blades?? kick him in thr groin or hit him with your fist in the face.
Poision and dirty tricks are not your only recource, A Scoudnrel also often has a small variety of magic assistance, mostly Illusionspells like turning invisible for a short period, or beign less obvious and absolut silent when moving. a godo tool agaisnt spellcaster is a Curse of words ( a magic spell twistign the words in a wizards mouth, making it harder to speak magical spells)
Deadmans handshake. also known as reverse pickpocketing. instead of stealing the Scoundrel elaves a little “present” in teh foes pockets, a small explosive, poision, or false information, be it notes, maps, orders.
Scoundrels often study crafting, equipment has to be in good shape, blades have to stay sharp,  and tools must be maintaind, nothing is worse then runing out of poision in midmission. gear up
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Make use of your suroundings, be it either on tracking or fighting it does not matter, a scoudnrel finds pathes and sport most people wont be able to reach.
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If anything else fails, RUN. as one of the fastets classes in most games be it videogame or pen and paper, a scoundrel is among the fastets and has high stamina. making it perfect to escape most situations.
no one ever said a Scoudnrel has to stick to the noble tradition of Fisticufs (this is fisticufs)
Scoundrel Examples:
Next comes a spotters guide to Scoundrel’s and how to use them.
The Unstealthy Combatian
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This is a good example for Combatscoundrel, sacricing Stealth for better defense, in adition to a mid range, the Trimmings on the outfit show a upperclass person. movement and rangeattacks making him a good adition to a party. ( he proparbly uses traps and special crossbowbolts.
The Assassin/Ninja type:
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This Goblin lacks strengh and size, but taking his disadvantage to his strengh. he can hide in most places no one would consider looking for. Due to his size and strengh disadvantage he must outsmart his enemys, taking his time spottign patrolroutes deadspots and taking out one by one, Magical equipmen often helps to even the lack of defense.
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A Thief wears lightweight armor in dark colors and easy to carry equipment. ( the bow in this picture is colapsable) Rather prefaring to avoid combat the Thief is all about stealth and areacontrol, carying often tools to unlock doors, or extinguish lightsources. a thief is perfect for infiltration and theft. a good character when it comes to open the gates for the rest of the party or stealing informations.
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The Killer are a modern day Scoudnrel, skilled in mostly unarmed combat or Pistols/revolver in meele fights. there fightingstyle is called gun-fu. Good examples are Deadpool and John wick. dressed most time in a buissnesssuit they stay unremakable in officces and big companys
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Pirats are more or less the archtype of a Scoundrel, lightweigth clothers, cheap tricks ( flintlockpistols in swordfights are a a fine example) perfect use of suroundings and giftet with a charismatic personality.
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 Headhunter or pathfinder is the Lovechild between a Hunter and a scoudnrel. often primitive like killers working out in nature. you know what you are up to when someone silently lands behind you out from a tree. there equipment often resembles native decoration, fetishes, and animalparts, warpaint and bones, usualy not charismatic and working alone they develop a fearfull aura. giving yo the feelign of being stalked by wild animals. sometimes acompanied by them they work teamed up with the pathfidner from one side and the animal companion from the other.
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basicly almost anything can be a scoundrel, as long its not oversized or loud. so you got a big variety, the most used races for a rouge are:
Any sort of Elf, Goblins, Kobold, Gnome, Dwarf, Halfling, Hobbit, Human, some Troll variations, bestial creatures like Werewolfs, Reptile or Feline types, and Undead.
Pirat vs Ninja:
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not every Scoundrel fits everywhere, A headhunter on a ship or in the city is so usefull like a chocolate spear. And a Thief is on an open beatlefield dead in minutes. think beforehand what the outcome will be, before youe ven go in a figth make shure you have your equipment ready.
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suit-able · 6 years
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