andygojuryu · 5 years
Martial Arts A demonstration of classical Ju Jutsu from the annual Meiji Shrine martial arts celebration, in Tokyo. Take note of the approach, it's all close range and against grabs. Realise that much of this is based around preventing someone grabbing your sword or preventing someone from drawing theirs. Pointedly, there is little rolling around on the floor - thought of as the signature for Ju Jitsu these days. Lastly something that even surprised me - kicking the guy when he's down ! Can't say I've seen this before in over classical Ju Jutsu style demonstrations.
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cursed-legacy · 3 years
Kind of a weird question but, how would he react if a survivor panicked and kicked him in the dick?
Hard to do to catch him in the dick since he got armor over his crotch. But if he was punched in the dick in a trial, it wouldn't do much since he's already past the anger threshold for pain to matter to him.
Outside of it, it would stun him, but before getting taken to the Fog, he's been conditioned to mitigate the pain somewhat with his kata bujitsu training.
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respect357-blog · 7 years
"When you decide to attack, keep calm and dash in quickly, forestalling the enemy. Or you can advance seemingly strongly but with a reserved spirit, forestalling him with reserve. Alternatively, advance with as strong as possible, and when you reach the enemy move with your feet a little quicker than normal, unsettling him and overwhelming him sharply. Or, with your spirit calm, attack with a feeling of constantly crushing the enemy, from first to last. The spirit is to win in the depths of the enemy. These are all Ken No Sen." - Miyamoto Musashi (Go Rin No Sho - The Book Of Five Rings: The Fire Book) ******** This video is a basic illustration of the principle of "Moving with The Mover" while disrupting his Mind in the process. This is known as "Sen No Sen". ********* Classes for Women's Self Defense are Forming Now. No experience necessary. Bro. T.A. Hargrove www.SiriusElevation.com #womensselfdefense #budo #bujitsu
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jgfiles · 6 years
Miyoshi’s character profile: Part 3 (Alternate version from drama cd 2)
Miyoshi’s character profile: Part 3 (Alternate version from drama cd 2)
“Joker Game” Metropolitan Police Department D Division investigation file (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」警視庁D課捜査ファイル “Joker Game” Keishichō D-ka sōsa file)
Surname: Miyoshi - 三好(みよし) Name: Unknown Job: Police Detective (刑事 - Keiji) Works at: Metropolitan Police Department D Division (警視庁D課 - Keishichō D-ka) Role at D Division: Police Detective (刑事 - Keiji) Superior officers: Section Chief Yūki of D Division(D課の結城課長 - D-ka no Yūki Kachō), Subsection Chief Sakuma of D Division (D課の佐久間係長 - D-ka no Sakuma Kakarichō)
Brief introduction
He’s one of the members of D Division, a Division whose men are said to be extremely excellent humans with high evaluations in intelligence, physical ability, and mental fortitude who excel in their investigations but hold certain problems concerning their human nature.
He is highly intuitive, anticipating everything that’s about to happen and is also well informed as he knew about Sakuma prior to his arrival. He’s confident, cares a lot about his hair and his look, he’s cynical and has fun tricking Sakuma and making fun of him. He shows he’s pretty picky with his food, complaining the “Nyan Nyan Cafe” couldn’t serve food suitable for his taste as he’s apparently a self acclaimed gourmet. He’s fine with drinking ice coffee though. He likes to keep Sakuma in the dark about their plans, though he claims they didn’t mean to deceive him, but they warned him they’ll take decisions depending on the situation (also Miyoshi will deliberately show to Sakuma the wrong tape for the TV program “Extreme Report, 24 Hours Police” and send a video of another division in advance in its place). Miyoshi finds the shirts with the bear application horrid and would prefer to die that wear them. Despite this he’s apparently wearing a shirt with a strange picture he bought from a dreary shopping district for 980 yen during its closing out sale. Still, he gets furious if someone criticizes his fashion sense. Miyoshi seems to be a schemer that doesn’t hesitate to use underhanded tactics to ‘destroy’ the opposite team. Miyoshi considers uncool to fall and lose the cavalry battle. Miyoshi demands from Sakuma to treat them to dinner since he thoroughly wasted their time. Although Sakuma complains it’s implied he’ll do it.
Physical appearance
We’re supposed to assume his physical appearance remained the same as the one he has in the Anime. It’s not said what he wears usually but on the cover for the cd we can see he seems to wear the same suit he has in the Anime.
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Though Japanese fanartists often enjoy themselves drawing him in a police uniform, Japanese media usually represents detectives from investigative divisions as wearing a suit… so while it’s possible Miyoshi occasionally wear a police uniform, it’s likely he’s usually wearing a suit.
We don’t really see Mutō and Miyoshi interact, we only know that Mutō is envious of D section’s success and would like to bring it down.
We don’t really see Yūki and Miyoshi interact, we only know that Yūki is his superior officer and the ones who assigns him his missions.
Miyoshi and Sakuma interact a lot through the story, they being possibly the ones who interact the most.
The first time Sakuma sees Miyoshi he’s playing cards with Hatano and winning. He sees Hatano accusing him of cheating but Miyoshi denies it and worries Hatano’s fuss might ruin his hair.
In their first interaction Miyoshi inadvertently (or not, with Miyoshi one can never be sure) slams the door against him, causing him to fall on the ground. Miyoshi seems surprised to see him there and Sakuma explains he was searching D Division but thinks he is at the wrong place. Miyoshi tells him that actually he had found it and shows he knows his name and that he’s the new Subsection Chief. Miyoshi expresses no interest in Sakuma introducing himself and warns him he’ll learn nothing from them that will please Mutō, showing he knows of Mutō’s plans to have Sakuma spying them.
From this point on Miyoshi will always be busy showing Sakuma he could figure things out in advance or that he knew them in advance. Miyoshi will claim they’ll follow Sakuma’s instructions, he also warns him that depending on the situation, they’ll make their own decisions… which fundamentally will result in Miyoshi (and the others) always doing as he pleases openly (speeding up without warning Sakuma or telling Hatano to shoot at the speeder) or behind Sakuma’s back (like having Jitsui dress up as Kirara-chan), withholding information from him or misleading him (like when he’ll let him believe that there are cats in the “Nyan Nyan Cafe” when instead there are humans dressed as cats or that the tape he’ll show him will be the one they’ll send to the tv station when actually he’ll send them another completely different).
Each time Miyoshi successfully tricks Sakuma he actually blames Sakuma for it, claiming he’s the one who misunderstood or wasn’t thorough enough. Although Sakuma complains, ultimately he let it slide and even come to expect that Miyoshi will trick him (when the tape sent turn out being different from the one he saw he immediately suspected Miyoshi was involved with the matter).
Miyoshi also takes advantage of Sakuma, by demanding he’ll pay dinner for them for having wasted their time with the sport even or for pushing the duty of writing a report for the rifle incident on him (even though it was Miyoshi’s idea). Again, while Sakuma complains he ultimately complies.
While Miyoshi acts polite with Sakuma, he’s often subtly making fun of him, correcting Sakuma’s claim that Kira Kanako is working to the café due to her willpower by claiming it’s just because the pay is high, implying Sakuma’s view was naïve, commenting Sakuma’s motto is “like a elementary school student’s kakizome, very nice” and congratulating with him for solving his first case in a manner that, according to Sakuma, implies that Sakuma had been a disappointment.
Still when Sakuma worries for Kirara-chan he asks him not to and to trust them to know how to handle it. Later, when Miyoshi will comments Sakuma should surely understand what kind of place the D Division is, what kind of people we are, Sakuma will deny it which seems to amuse Miyoshi who comments Sakuma will stick around for a very long time and that, in the meantime, they will be in his care.
It’s worth to mention that, during the cavalry battle Miyoshi wants to be the captain because Sakuma will be the captain of the opposite team and that, always according to Miyoshi, Sakuma is also knowledgeable in martial arts (Bujitsu) and therefore a strong opponent.
On the opposite side Sakuma is the first to notice how Miyoshi is staring at Odagiri, a sign he was paying him close attention.
Kaminaga and Miyoshi seem to enjoy themselves by teasing/tricking Sakuma together. Kaminaga comments Miyoshi is a “self-acclaimed gourmet”. Miyoshi doesn’t counter it. During the sport festival they’re in the same group. Miyoshi scolds Kaminaga for hitting on someone else’s wife during the cavalry battle.
Hatano and Miyoshi’s first interaction see the two of them playing cards. Hatano accuses Miyoshi of cheating, which displeases Miyoshi who, in turn complains at Hatano making a fuss. When, at the sport event, Miyoshi criticizes Hatano’s team shirt, Hatano criticizes Miyoshi’s team shirt back, deeply offending Miyoshi. According to Miyoshi Hatano has strong physical power. When patrolling, it’s Miyoshi who encourages Hatano to shoot at the wheels of a car to make it stop. Miyoshi also comments Hatano’s aim with a rifle is very precise.
Miyoshi’s interaction with Amari is extremely small.
Amari plays the role of the referee in Miyoshi’s card game with Hatano, though actually he doesn’t pay attention to the game but prefers to watch a tv program.
Miyoshi and Jitsui’s interaction is extremely small.
Jitsui defines Miyoshi a narcissist. During the sport event, Miyoshi complains that if Jitsui doesn’t hold him up a little higher, he’ll tilt at which Jitsui apologizes, claiming he’s rather incompetent at this and then asks/complain on why he should lift up a person who’s heavier than him.
Tazaki and Miyoshi’s interaction is practically inexistent.
Tazaki seems to think that Miyoshi, Kaminaga and Sakuma are having fun together at the Nyan Nyan café, mission how actually Miyoshi and Kaminaga are having fun at Sakuma’s expenses.
Tazaki comments that Miyoshi’s trick to make Sakuma fall during the cavalry battle at the sport event is dirty.
Miyoshi and Fukumoto fundamentally do not interact at all.
We know though that Miyoshi doesn’t really appreciate the design of the shirts Fukumoto sewed for the sport event and that he thinks Fukumoto has a tight guard. Fukumoto realizes Miyoshi seems to be planning something during the cavalry battle.
Miyoshi and Odagiri’s interaction is extremely small.
It seems that both of them buy their clothes at the shopping center, though Miyoshi denies it.
During the Cavalry Battle, in order to win, Miyoshi threatens Odagiri to show his secret twitter account to his family, which causes Odagiri to panic and makes him drop Sakuma. Afterward Odagiri had to hurry erase his secret twitter account and seemed pretty broken by it.
He knows how to drive.
When divided in two teams, Sakuma’s team which has Sakuma, Fukumoto, Odagiri and Hatano is far superior in terms of physical strength and unity to the team that has Miyoshi, Kaminaga, Jitsui and Amari.
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sillyumpaloompa · 4 years
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Learn to make the seemingly impossible into a reality - Go Jiu Bujitsu https://www.instagram.com/p/CLo3f4Cl3IJ/?igshid=14sgfvylcgwh6
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seelingnight · 7 years
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ne-ko-te · 12 years
Tonight's Thoughts on Training
Tonight I had a one-on-one training session with my Monday night sensei - he's the head of a security chain, previously a bodyguard to VIP around the country, with around 40 years experience in a spectrum of martial arts. Because of this, he's not the most traditional of instructors, although he does appreciate the roots of the Bujinkan and will remind us of the original purpose of techniques. He's extremely street-wise and has us focused on self defence for the modern world. He's also, obviously, very open-minded to other martial arts - keep what you've got in a cupboard within your mind, he often says to me, and with Bujinkan you will learn the skills and techniques to create the space that allows you to execute your previous strengths.
His classes have been very quiet of late, probably owing to the fact that he's an extremely busy man, but I also feel (and this may just be an incorrect interpretation, but here's to expressing myself anyhow) that the majority of the others have abandoned his classes to focus on training only with our shihan, perhaps because he is very traditional (and the one that will grade you). I feel disappointed for him that people aren't making the effort to train with him, although I was truly grateful to be able to have this opportunity tonight. I believe in having variety in your training, and that training with different instructors is a great thing. In training constantly with just the one instructor we will conform to the one style and perhaps even the one way of thinking. I believe that in Bujinkan, keeping ourselves open to different ways of training, different interpretations of techniques and different experiences is important, and a great strength.
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jgfiles · 7 years
Arisaki Naoya’s character profile (Joker Game Universe)
Arisaki Naoya’s character profile (Joker Game Universe)
(Very tentative version as no translation for ‘Tsuiseki’ novel version had been released.)
Surname: Arisaki - 有崎 Name: Naoya - 直哉 Full Name: Arisaki Naoya - 有崎直哉 Nationality: Japanese Lives in: Japan Title: Viscount (子爵- Shishaku) Appearances: Novel: Vol. 3 Chapter 3 “Pursuit” (追跡- Tsuiseki) Anime: EP. 12 “Pursuit” (追跡- Tsuiseki) Joker Game The Animation Manga: Chap 18, 19 “Pursuit” (追跡- Tsuiseki) Voice Actor: Yamaji Kazuhiro - 山路 和弘(やまじ かずひろ)
Brief introduction
Aaron Price claims that Arisaki Naoya had close friends in England.
According to what Satomura told Price the Viscount Arisaki Naoya lost his wife when he was still young but refused to remarry. In 1896 he came back to his home in Mejiro, Tokyo with a child, Akira.
Some speculated it was a secret love child that he had from a Geisha, though after seeing Akira’s fortitude and noble air, people started thinking the Viscount was merely caring for an old army comrade’s child or the illegitimate child of a princess, though the truth remains unknown.
The Viscount never registers Akira as an Arisaki but put a lot of fervor in educating him, making sure to give him many tutors from all the world teaching him various topics and also taking care personally to teach Akira Bujitsu. The Viscount first supported Akira when he inscribed to the Military school, then allows for Akira to study abroad after he’s expelled by the Military school. The Viscount dies in 1912 and Akira comes back home for his funeral and then sells of the house and leaves most of the money to the servants in accordance with the Viscount’s wishes.
He’s described as a broad-minded man who, at time, takes a cynical view of the world but is extremely popular with women.
Physical appearance
In the Anime Satomura says Arisaki Naoya’s tall and athletic and we can see he has black hair, grey eyes and moustaches.
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Arisaki Akira
According to Satomura Arisaki Naoya carried Akira home and raised him, making sure he had a perfect instruction, supported him when he inscribed to the Military school and when he was expelled likely continued to support him when he went to study abroad. We don’t know how Akira felt toward the Viscound but when the man died Akira came back and fulfilled the last wills of the Viscount.
Satomura is the Viscount’s butler and seems loyal to him as well as harbouring genuine admiration for him. He does all the Viscount asks. When the Viscount dies it’ll turn out he left in his will to sell his house and split the money between the servants, Satomura included.
He likely was a man who studied a lot and he seems to be good at martial arts.
We know that Satomura’s story about Arisaki Akira’s life was something that Yūki partly fabricated so we can’t know how truthful it is. Likely, since most of what involves Arisaki Naoya is easy to check, the part that Satomura said that is about him is true… I might be wrong though.
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