mangor · 2 years
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Bullet going through apple at 49,000 frames per second, super slow motion, piercing apple core made of black matter, creating an unusual worm hole.
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maria021015 · 5 months
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“Okay, fire!” Lydia called out and the ten slivers of water Zaida was controlling flew through the air like knives at bulletspeed as her palms snapped forward and outwards from their parallel position, as if she was pushing - and technically, she was. The empty water bottles stacked atop the Lacrosse bleachers clattered to the grass in shredded pieces. Unfortunately, the bench beneath them also split into two, leaving one side drooping as it lost connection to its centre support beam.
“You’re getting stronger,” Stiles noted with an impressed nod as he climbed up the steps to run his fingers along the sharp edge of the serrated metal seat.
“Aim is still a bit rusty.” Zaida grimaced at the damage she’d caused. “You think Coach will notice?”
“Coach still hasn’t noticed my name isn’t ‘Bilinski’.” Stiles snorted. “He’s not gonna see it.”
“We’ve been practising for a whole month, and I’m still no closer to perfecting my blocks. We should be focusing on that, instead of this. This, I’m good at.” Zaida huffed, resting her hands on her hips. Using her powers always left her fatigued. “The other day, I was in the library and I felt you get absolutely slammed at practice. Lucky the place was dead, otherwise people would have seen me get knocked on my ass seemingly out of nowhere.”
Since practising with Lydia and Stiles, Zaida’s powers had been getting stronger. Unfortunately, that meant all of her abilities were heightened, including her telempathy. Instead of just feeling echoes of emotions, she was starting to feel physical sensations as if they were happening to her, and her nervous system was responding in kind. The impact of Stiles getting knocked down had caused her own muscles to respond to the force, and she’d fallen too.
“We’ll work on blocks tomorrow. You’ve pushed yourself hard enough for today.” Stiles pointed out with a worried glance. He handed her a spare bottle of water - a full one, this time - and she took it gratefully, unscrewing the cap and drawing it to her lips.
“I should probably head home soon so I don’t get another lecture.” She rolled her eyes just thinking about what was probably awaiting her at the apartment.
“Xander’s still giving you crap about training?” The boy asked, looking to Lydia for an answer as Zaida sculled her water.
“He thinks that the more powerful she gets, the easier it will be for other supernaturals to sense what she is.” The redhead explained with a shrug. “And he’s probably not wrong.”
“At least he’s stopped leaving case files of werewolf victims around the apartment for me to ‘accidentally’ find. Guess he finally got the message that I’m not going to abandon you guys just because Scott’s a wolf.” Zaida wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Things are getting better, but they’re still tense. Just wait until he sees the results from Harris’ pop quiz today.”
“That exam was hard, don’t beat yourself up over it, Zay.” Lydia sighed, encouraging her friend.
“What did you even get? Because I guarantee it was better than me.” Stiles chuckled humourlessly.
“She got an eighty-four, it’s not even that bad.” The redhead assured the brunette and Stiles’ jaw dropped.
“That’s the mark you’re ashamed of? That’s still a ‘B’.” He pointed out. “I got a sixty-five.”
“It’s a B minus .” She reiterated. “Which isn’t good enough for Xander. I’m usually a straight ‘A’ student, and I finally managed to get my grades back up after all the Kanima business, only for that asshole of a chemistry teacher to surprise us with the quiz from the ninth circle of hell.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say it was the ninth circle. Possibly the sixth?” Lydia jested with a tilt of her head and a sly smirk.
“Yeah, maybe for you. You still got a ninety-seven.” Zaida scoffed and tossed her ponytail over her shoulder dramatically. “God, I can’t wait for summer.”
“That makes both of us.” Stiles groaned. “Four long weeks to go, and I am counting down the days.”
“Let’s just hope Harris’ final isn’t as bad as the quiz was. I need to keep my average up for end-of-year reports.” Zaida pursed her lips. “We’re still all studying for the English exam on Wednesday, right?”
“Yeah, Scott and Allison are going to meet us at the library.” Stiles nodded in confirmation.
“Because that won’t be awkward at all.” The brunette drawled sarcastically. The two still hadn’t spoken to each other since their break-up, much to Scott’s dismay. Zaida herself hadn’t exchanged any conversation past polite pleasantries with the huntress. Allison had moved into an apartment building just down the street from Zaida’s and whilst she was still part of the group, she was distant from all of them except Lydia. Zaida found it funny how the girl had thrown the redhead to the side for months only to then latch onto her when she had no one else. Well, not funny so much as slightly unbelievable. “Isaac’s coming too.”
“Great.” Stiles’ mood instantly shifted as his eyes darkened. He’d made it abundantly clear that he liked the boy about as much as he trusted him - which was not at all.
“Jackson might come too.” Lydia piped up with a hopeful glint in her green eyes.
“That’s what he always says, but you know he never shows up,” Zaida spoke gently, knowing it was a touchy subject for the girl. Jackson was moving to London as soon as Sophmore year was over. He still was coming to terms with everything that had happened, and apparently being around them just reminded him of the things he’d done, so he usually avoided it. Usually, being always.
“This time could be different,” Lydia suggested, still holding on. Stiles looked away, busying himself with tying his shoelaces - even though Zaida could have sworn they were already tied. She could feel a pang of sadness in her chest. Was it his, or was it her own? She couldn’t really tell sometimes.
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“So, you really think she's gonna come back to you?” Stiles asked as he carried his Lacrosse equipment across the field, his best friend next to him.
“Yeah, I know she is.” Scott insisted, still convinced that he and Allison would eventually get back together. “What about you and Lydia?”
“Ahh. Well, the ten-year plan for making Lydia fall in love with me is currently on the back burner. I don’t think she’s ever gonna notice me in that way, man, and I can’t force it. If it’s gonna happen then It’ll happen on its own.” Stiles shrugged. He wasn’t bitter about it by any means, but he couldn’t deny it was still disappointing.
“Why don't you just ask her out?” Scott suggested as if it were the easiest and most obvious option in the world.
“Yeah, okay,” Stiles scoffed sceptically. “Why don't you just get into the goal and help me make team captain like you promised, there, big guy!”
“Hey, you know what I just realized?” Scott said as he stepped between the goalposts. “I'm right back where I started.”
“What do you mean?” Stiles questioned, not quite understanding what he was getting at.
“I mean, no lacrosse. No popularity. No girlfriend. Nothing.” The boy shrugged as he answered.
“Dude, you still got me!” Stiles huffed, feigning at being offended.
“I had you before.” Scott smiled, spotting a redhead and brunette approaching from the other end of the field.
“Yeah, and you still got me, okay? It's a life fulfilled.” Stiles grinned, scooping the ball into his net with a tilt of his stick. “Now, remember - no wolf powers.”
“Got it.” Scott nodded and got into position.
“No, I meant it! No super-fast reflexes, no super-eyesight, no hearing…none of that crap, okay?” Stiles eyed his best friend warily. “You promise?”
“Would you just take the shot already?” Scott cried out in exasperation, and Stiles pulled the stick back and launched the ball through the air. Scott’s eyes glowed yellow as he caught the ball with superhuman speed.
“I said no wolf powers!” Stiles complained, appalled.
“Scott cheats during games, why wouldn’t he cheat in practice too?” Zaida’s voice from behind him made Stiles jump, swinging the Lacrosse stick around and unintentionally almost knocking the girl in the head. Lydia stood just a little way off, crossing her arms and waving hello.
“Watch where you point that thing.” Zaida managed to dodge the equipment easily. “Last day of Sophmore year is over and you guys are…practicing Lacrosse?”
“Well, you got any better suggestions?” Scott asked, approaching from the goals.
“I do, actually. The rest of us are celebrating with burgers and drinks at the Preserve. Wanna come?” She offered with a smirk.
“The rest of you being…?” Stiles questioned with a narrowed gaze.
“Yes, Isaac is coming.” Zaida rolled her eyes, knowing what he was really asking. She looked past him to Scott. “Allison’s gonna be there too.”
The wolf looked at his best friend with hopeful eyes, and Stiles sighed heavily, giving in. “ Fine .” he relented.
“We’ll pack up the gear and meet you in the car park." Scott nodded and both boys packed up their things and headed towards the locker rooms.
Lydia and Zaida didn’t have to wait long in her black Beetle for the boys to arrive and hop into the Jeep. Lydia pulled out of her car spot and waited for Stiles to do the same before driving off, leading the way to the spot where they’d organised to meet the others. Isaac and Allison had been tasked with picking up drinks and food respectively. When they got there, they all helped carry something through the woods to the spot that overlooked the whole of Beacon Hills. The summer air was hot even though the sun was dipping under the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange. They ate, and laughed, and some of them drank until only the dull moonlight and twinkling lights of town miles away from them illuminated the night.
Zaida was nursing a sour grape cruiser, sitting alone on a rock overlooking town when Stiles noticed she’d gone strangely quiet. He could immediately sense something was off as he took a seat next to her and bumped her leg playfully with his knee. “What’s wrong?” He asked - the others were too distracted to notice.
“Lydia just told me that her dad’s coming to pick her up on Sunday. He’s taking her to spend a week with him in Los Angeles.” She explained in a low voice.
“But…weren’t you girls supposed to leave for Monterey on Sunday?” He realised and Zaida nodded.
“I know how much Lydia wants to see her dad though. He’s never around, and I couldn’t ask her to miss out for me. We can always go another time.” Zaida tried to brush it off even though she was extremely disappointed. She’d been looking forward to their trip for months.
“You know…I could still take you?” Stiles offered and she looked to him in surprise. “Don’t look so shocked. I once promised you I would take you, didn’t I? I’m a man of my word.”
“Even though I ditched you to go with Lydia?” She arched a brow, still feeling slightly guilty for pushing Stiles out of the trip.
“I get it - it made more sense for the two of you to go. It would have raised less suspicion.” He shrugged.
“How would we explain it?” She wondered. “Xander thought I was going to Lydia’s lake house with her.”
“You can still go ahead with that story. Lydia won’t be in town and Xander would never find out she was actually with her dad in LA and not with you.” He suggested.
“What would you tell your dad?” Zaida questioned, pointing out the flaw in his plan.
“I could say I’m going on a camping trip with Scott?” It was the first thing that came to his mind. “Dad won’t question it.”
“The problem with that is Scott’s not going to be out of town. What if they run into each other? And won’t Scott be wanting to hang out? What are you going to tell him about where you are? And what if Xander and your dad talk and they realise that both of us are supposedly out of town on separate trips? They’d definitely think something’s up.” She listed everything that could possibly go wrong, her mind working on overdrive.
“Okay, yeah, you’re right.” He admitted and scoured his brains for an answer. “Okay, new plan. You keep your story the way it is. I’ll tell my Dad that I’m staying at Scott’s for a few days, so if he does talk to Xander he’ll think I’m still in town. Then I’ll tell Scott I’ve got the flu and can’t go out. He’ll be so busy moping about Allison going to France for the summer that he won’t be going anywhere, so Dad won’t see him in town. Then when we get back you just tell Xander the trip got cut short because Lydia’s dad wanted to take her to LA. It means we’ll only get a couple of days, but it’s better than nothing.”
“That…” Zaida slowly nodded as she processed everything, her excitement sparking. “That could actually work.”
“So…is that a yes?” He raised a brow and turned to him with a broad smile.
“That’s a definitely!” Zaida agreed and held up her drink in a cheersing motion before taking a long swig. She’d get to go to the beach house after all.
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wannhedaa · 6 years
Hack Paladins Aimbot
Paladins Aimbot Download Features
Enable Aimbot
Auto Aim
Visibility Checks
Field of View
Ping Correction
FPS Correction
BulletDrop Correction
BulletSpeed Correction
Stick to Target
Activation Key
Lock-On Message
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oh-my-mami · 6 years
Olá! Nesse post irei falar um pouco da primeira parte do nosso trabalho:
Recriando Clásicos!
O objetivo é recriar um jogo da Segunda Geração de Videogames (ATARI 2600, Magnavox Odyssey 2, etc.) ...... no processing.
Enfim. Eu escolhi um jogo chamado Berserk (Atari 2600). 
Você pode ver um vídeo da gameplay abaixo:
Um pouco sobre a história:
O jogo se passa em 3200, e você é o único sobrevivente de um pequeno grupo mandado para explorar o planeta Mazeon. Pouco depois de chegarem, descobrem que o planeta é inabitável e sombrio, porém, tarde demais. Sua nave foi destruída por Auto-Mazeons. Você agora é prisioneiro deste labirinto onde até as paredes são mortíferas.
O Modelo Natural pode ser mais simples de explicar, e é inspirado em Berserk. 
Nesse jogo, o jogador se movimenta pela tela para cima, baixo, direita e esquerda. Atira um projétil nas mesmas direções, podendo somente existir um por vez. O jogador só pode atirar novamente quando a bala sair da tela ou colidir com a parede ou um inimigo. O jogador tem como objetivo sobreviver por mais tempo possível.
Os inimigos (Auto-Mazeons) andam para cima, baixo e lados, atirando, também, somente nessas direções e com as mesmas propriedades do tiro do jogador.
As paredes são mortíferas tanto para você quanto para os inimigos.
O modelo matemático já é mais complicado.
Para a movimentação do personagem nas 4 direções:
Baixo: y=y+speed;
Direita: x=x+speed;
Esquerda: x=x-speed;
Modelo Computacional do PROTOTIPO_MOVIMENTO pode ser encontrado aqui.
Para os tiros:
A bala vai se mover em MRU até que saia da tela. 
Enquanto isso (xb<=0 || xb>=width || yb<=0 || yb>=height) for falso, para atirar nas 4 direções:
Baixo: yb=yb+bulletSpeed;
Cima:yb=yb- bulletSpeed ;
Direita: xb=xb+ bulletSpeed ;
Esquerda: xb=xb- bulletSpeed ;
Modelo Computacional do PROTOTIPO_TIRO pode ser encontrado aqui.
Se o personagem colidir com as paredes, ele volta para a posição inicial.
se (playerX + 10 >= paredes[i].paredeX && playerX <= paredes[i].paredeX + paredes[i].tamanhoParedeX && playerY + 10 >= paredes[i].paredeY && playerY <= paredes[i].paredeY + paredes[i].tamanhoParedeY) {      playerX = posicao_inicialX;      playerY = posicao_inicialY;
Modelo Computacional do PROTOTIPO_COLISAO pode ser encontrado aqui. ---
E esses são os 3 protótipos de mecânicas iniciais! Em breve serão adicionadas as outras partes do jogo!
Baixe aqui o Protótipo_1
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jessicameadeus · 7 years
Rules Of Survival Hack – Cheats No Survey Verification Tool
Rules Of Survival Hack is the right thing to go for it when you are in need or coins and diamonds. You want to stay ahead in the game and overcome all the challenges.
Hello And Welcome to TheGag.Tv…..the one stop spot for all you gaming related hacks cheats and generator.
Today I will tell you about my favorite game Rules Of Survival Hack tool which has been designed completely inhouse by myself and my team.
I would like to tell you that you have come to the right place. Since the internet is filled with lot of hacks which claim that they are the best and provide the solution. But many fail to deliver what they had promised. This makes the gamer feel depressed as he had high hopes with the gaming cheats tool.
Before diving into the Rules Of Survival Cheats full details let us first start with what exactly is Rules Of Survival. Let’s discuss that first..
Introduction: Rules Of Survival Hack
Rules Of Survival is a mobile freemium game developed by NetEase and is loved by more than 80 million players worldwide. The game is immensely popular and reached soaring heights of popularity within a very short span of time.
The game can be played both all devices namely Android, iOS and Windows.
In the game you are one of 120 players who are unarmed. You are dropped from air on a very big island which is practically deserted. The winner is who survives to the end.
In the game there is a concept of safe zone where every player is safe. But the safe zone continues to decrease.  You have to fight with other players and to overcome all the challenges which are there like poisonous gas, enemies shooting and ultimate death chasing.
Rules Of Survival Gameplay And Walkthrough
Rules of Survival Cheating Tool
 Works on all platform like Android Phones and tablets and iPhone, iPad, iPod, iPad Mini and other iOS Devices!
No root or jailbreak is required
24/7 free online access!
Auto updated on daily basis
We have worked really hard to make our Rules of Survival Hack is working with and without escape, work’s on Android and iOS and all sort of gadgets iPhone, iPad, Samsung each cell phone. The tool is working in top condition and delivers the coins just like clockwork. The generator will associate with HASH A5 calculation utilizing Anti-Track™ Technology to the site and will produce the Unlimited Diamonds and Gold for free.
Rules of Survival Hack Features:
Generate unlimited coins
Generate unlimited diamonds
Generate unlimited gold
Auto updates
Built-in proxy
Supports all mobile devices
No root (with Android device), no jailbreak (with iOS device)
How To Hack Rules of Survival (How To Use Rules Of Survival Hack)
Go to and click Access Online Generator
Go to: Online Rules of Survival Hack
Enter Username & Select Your Device
Select amount of coins you need
Select amount of diamonds you need
Select amount of gold you need
Click Generate Now
After Successfully Verification You Will Get Your Coins Instantly.
Rules Of Survival Hack Features (contd…)
Enable Aimbot
Auto Aim
Visibility Checks
Field of View
Ping Correction
FPS Correction
BulletDrop Correction
BulletSpeed Correction
Stick to Target
Activation Key
Lock-on Message
Enable ESP
Player ESP
Dead Body ESP
Item Drop ESP
Vehicle ESP
Name ESP
Health ESP
2D Radar
Show Radar
Radar Movement
Radar Size
Player Visible Mode
Player Invisible Mode
Save Settings
Load Settings
Move Menu
Resize Menu
Undetected by Game Client
In-Game Mouse Driven Menu
Cheat Watermark
Game FPS
Game Resolution
Current Time
Few Supercool Rules Of Survival Cheats And Tips And Tricks
The name Rules Of Survival itself tell that you need to be very smart and tricky to stay ahead in the game. So here are some smart tips and tricks to cheat and hack Rules Of Survival. Let’s understand these points:
Be first to land: This is extremely important. Take into consideration the concept that if you land on the ground first you will have more time to grasp the surroundings and understand and find useful items to go ahead. This doesn’t means that you need to jump from the plane first. Just jump and open the parachute only when you reach near to the ground. So that you land safely
Map memorization: This is self explainatory. If you had memorized the map, then you will know when and where the things are. You will not face any problems regarding directions and all.
Internet connection: A good internet connection is a must. If your internet connection is loose or if it’s breaking every now and then, then it will get pretty difficult for you to compete with players as they will get ahead of you,
Keep moving: Simply because if you keep on moving, then you will not get targeted and you may not get hit. But here is a word of caution, be careful of the enemies they might be hiding right where you must be thinking of going
Use headphones: We need headphones while playing the game. Reason then you will always be aware of sounds and you will also know which sound is coming from which direction. This will keep you alert and will make you more smart.
Find the best weapon: You maybe smart, you may be fast, you must be having the best strategy, but remember you need to have the best possible weapon. This will help you to fight your enemies. The best weapons in my opinion are the assault rifles and scope rifles.
Keeping doors closed: Since we tell you to be the first to land. If you follow that advise then you will enter any building first too. So I advise you to close the doors as soon as you enter and subsequently close all doors of the rooms which you visit. This will confuse other players and they will have no idea whether someone has already visited that door or not. If they try to open the door they will make noise and you will get alert. You can then plan your next move and strategy.
Find ideal covers: This is important to safeguard yourself. Please remember that the safe zone is continuously decreasing. Someone might be thinking of striking you. If you are having any covers you can keep yourself safe behind that.
Final Conclusion
What is the best Rules Of Survival Hack and Cheats, this will bog you. The internet is filled with lot of hacks. Remember the best hack is which is updated everyday. Which helps you stay under the radar and let you cheat.
Our hack is the supreme and best and will help you hack Rules Of Survival very easily.
The post Rules Of Survival Hack – Cheats No Survey Verification Tool appeared first on TheGag.TV No Survey Human Verification.
from TheGag.TV No Survey Human Verification http://www.thegag.tv/rules-of-survival-hack-cheats-no-survey-verification-tool/ from TheGag.TV https://thegagtv.tumblr.com/post/169919867043
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