kyz2clki · 2 years
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PAKET PROMO Jimat Mancing dengan Essen Galatama | Umpan Mancing Ampuh
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444names · 1 year
in-universe star wars phraseologisms
Abermly Acer Ackew Ackul Acted Acto Actoid Actrool Addroud Aders Agers Agget Agiving Alast Ally Alot Alty Amall Aman Ampers Ancome Appeark Ardly Asolek Atalt Atelies Ater Athock Ativelm Autter Avelt Baiters Balkied Bantith Baship Bass Bbressk Beciver Befers Beine Beld Belve Beyed Bighog Bire Bittly Blanin Blars Blaving Blek Blet Blueal Bonimy Bored Borkeed Boye Brand Buchip Buck Buckid Bulper Bunde Bureard Bures Burstor Buttlet Cald Calead Cannave Caser Cautten Choo Chux Ciall Clan Cluvank Cluvap Coal Comble Commine Comming Cored Corm Coun Coutt Crah Crught Dedi Deing Denst Dered Dest Devians Dick Difer Diffic Ding Dits Ditsay Dive Doodoes Dooffy Doseld Dosharn Dred Dries Drout Dueard Dupers Eave Eleara Eltion Emmar Emple Ence Ents Events Excis Exle Exprot Factor Farand Fariand Farsole Fauchut Femoted Fhuked Fhux Fies Fliers Fliest Foop Forced Ford Forisse Forosig Forrou Fors Fose Fray Frione Gagolt Gaing Gard Gathil Gekk Gers Gestray Gights Gooread Gort Grag Gred Grekku Grescal Groars Gron Gronne Groust Gunts Haing Hass Hassit Hatcho Heard Hears Heitick Heitip Hing Hockin Hoon Hundeve Iffy Ilies Ilim Illimps Imens Impilly Impor Imwit Ingan Ithin Jafin Jakki Jawes Jawn Jocally Jughout Kals Kantery Kard Keting Kinet King Kitter Kivin Knighle Kning Knocker Knot Krall Krie Krion Labi Lairion Lakeed Lamet Land Lang Lants Leak Leel Leting Ling Lion Lior Livene Lotine Mall Malty Mank Mant Mard Math Mation Meciall Ming Minkin Minky Minseed Moiling Mone Mooper Mott Muds Muld Mynown Nabily Natted Neemy Nepur Nicid Offied Offity Offorty Offt Orna Orron Ousen Ousunt Paccows Pack Panna Parig Pary Pating Pead Pected Peres Picedy Picess Pics Piseen Pits Planeed Plat Poes Poido Poidun Pording Posial Posit Prans Prass Pred Pregeng Prepad Prie Prime Privian Prock Pulause Purpot Qualt Quic Quive Ratch Ravick Ravie Reels Refte Reling Rendis Rener Rent Rentel Reps Respe Ress Revel Revial Rewild Riands Rone Rosith Rought Rourp Routing Rubbrav Ruffie Ruker Sageon Samard Sang Sanyon Saucked Scal Scass Scur Scurew Seld Selmeon Sely Sepper Sersh Shavard Shed Shers Shil Shing Shingek Shis Shol Shor Shung Sionce Sirmoon Sivald Skunt Sland Sledro Slion Sliter Slow Smila Snothew Some Soncy Sorts Soud Spad Span Spedy Speem Sper Spers Sphro Spider Spinnon Sple Spoider Spoth Sprob Squic Stan Stied Stion Stivid Stur Sughots Sult Suraan Swent Taftel Tandats Tard Tarka Tern Tharme Thily Thip Thred Tick Tingly Tion Tock Tork Tort Trablam Trabye Tragand Tranky Trass Trawn Tray Treed Trerly Tring Trol Tronat Trong Tronin Tround Tutt Twily Twin Twounk Uneak Unerect Uper Upied Usen Usere Vancer Veer Vicied Ving Wannor Wase Wead Weal Weark Weatin Weavy Wexpen Whai Whand Whar Whit Wildek Wilet Wining Wiseed Wiss Withor Wordly Wori Wory Yonat Yought Yous Yuzzump Zershin Zyger
same thing but longer names
Abehaug Abermly Abight Accommor Accord Acer Ackew Ackul Acoating Acors Acted Acto Actoid Actrool Addroud Aders Adeuch Adeuck Affer Agers Agget Agiving Agivj Agooly Ahsoles Ailearly Airack Alast Alathealeal Aling Ally Alot Alriand Alty Amall Aman Ampers Anced Ancome Anetairmly Anion Annembe Apectud Apeeing Appeark Aptic Aptor Ardly Arraves Asolek Astar Atalt Atelies Ater Aterought Athock Atickeed Atinelive Ation Ativelm Autter Avateres Avelt Awarp Babed Bactick Baiters Balkied Ballights Bange Bannout Bantith Baship Bass Basse Batho Bationget Batort Bbilactual Bbressk Beciver Befers Begoold Beine Beld Beled Beltitter Belve Beyed Beying Bighog Bire Bittly Blanin Blarrimping Blars Blaving Bleimpick Blek Blet Blight Blooin Blueal Blumbed Boallumbely Bomation Bomenter Bonfer Bonimy Bonivj Booper Bored Borkeed Boye Boyebank Brand Buchip Buck Buckid Buggese Bulment Bulpell Bulper Bunde Buniant Buraz Bureard Bureme Bures Burstor Buttlet Cald Calead Calor Calord Cannave Captionvily Carsels Caser Cautten Chanighle Chern Chink Chints Chinvoing Choo Chux Ciall Ciester Ciked Citienalli Clan Claze Clumity Cluvank Cluvap Coal Coarater Coassight Coing Comble Combs Cometter Commine Comming Compration Confortbrat Conoutter Cored Corm Cothercomet Coun Coung Coutt Crah Cratimall Crinto Criony Cruffor Crught Crusur Damal Dance Daperan Dares Decombed Dedi Deemmandist Deing Delic Denst Dered Derou Derse Dessaya Dest Devians Devord Dick Difer Diferbank Diffic Difighters Difir Ding Dingedy Direbut Dired Disbeyonick Disgue Dits Ditsay Dive Djabb Doodoes Dooffy Doseld Dosharn Doshuttra Dostack Dred Dries Drigestucke Drighte Drouls Drout Drustabil Dueard Dupers Dupis Eaterdi Eavapta Eave Eleara Eliff Eliketrew Eltion Emared Emmar Emple Ence Ennis Enter Ents Erfeadhune Esolt Essings Esskung Events Excis Exle Exleve Exper Explot Exprays Exprence Expri Exprialang Exprogarik Exprot Factor Falay Falue Farand Fariand Farsole Fatrawar Fauchut Femoted Ferays Ferces Fermodby Ferspazel Fhuked Fhux Fical Ficallima Fielled Fies Fiessajj Fired Fliers Fliest Fodby Folse Foop Forced Ford Forisse Formber Forme Forosig Forrou Fors Fose Fray Fribeciall Frimed Frione Frockill Froguss Futing Gagolt Gaing Galuttence Ganams Gands Gard Gareer Gathil Gekk Gers Gestray Gights Giveling Goldn Gooread Gort Grag Gred Grekku Grescal Groars Grock Gron Groner Gronne Groobbe Grook Groust Gulderes Gunins Gunts Hageon Haing Hairts Harger Hass Hassit Hatcho Haveerbad Havisen Heakines Heard Hears Heastios Heitick Heitip Helefortark Helse Hemeting Herdly Hereg Hing Hockin Hocows Holour Hookeed Hoon Hopeo Hotives Hublonds Hundeve Iffy Iianondire Iians Ilies Ilim Illimps Imens Impilly Impor Imwit Ingan Intectinder Interess Ionne Iounsigge Ithin Jafase Jafin Jakinnight Jakki Jawele Jawes Jawn Jessince Jhounk Jocally Jogagek Jogant Joran Jorenter Jorks Jughout Jumphral Kals Kantery Kard Keting Ketion Kicks Kicurot Kiefas Kinet King Kitter Kivin Knighle Kning Knocker Knot Knoutt Krall Krie Krikank Krion Kwardetager Labi Labighted Laces Lagreve Lairion Lakeed Lamet Land Landogand Lang Lanters Lants Lasky Lassing Leak LeelOtice Lenger Lessinwas Leting Liket Liman Ling Lion Lior Livene Lockeed Loods Lotine Making Mall Malockin Malty Manat Manavilly Maniced Manimplest Mank Mant Mard Marfort Mariess Marract Math Mation Meciall Medice Migianing Ming Minkin Minky Minseed Minted Mintresoll Mistargall Moiling Monaully Mone Mooper Mothing Mott Mplick Mptal Muds Muld Mynowel Mynown Nabily Nabove Nadiffers Naing Natortbran Natted Neemy Neine Nepur Newead Nicid Nicuffid Obing Offelik Offewbasup Offied Offistups Offity Offorty Offt Onshiounk Ordituad Orna Orron Ousen Oustive Ousunt
Paccows Pack Paction Pactroldes Panna Parig Pariss Pary Pating Pead Pected Peres Pfars Pharch Picedy Picess Piciestees Pics Pilleing Piseen Pits Plaketbal Plamet Planeed Plat Poes Poido Poids Poidun Poked Pooblens Pooper Pording Porray Poser Posial Posit Postaitch Praing Prans Prass Preared Pred Pregeng Prepad Preptax Prie Prime Priommetst Prionfer Privian Prock Pronis Proonfel Publy Pulause Purpot Qualt Quic Quive Rallice Ranctiord Raning Rasynds Ratch Ratroid Ravick Ravie Rectiourp Reels Refeed Referider Refewast Refte Regarik Reling Rendis Rener Rent Rentel Rentorce Repablue Reps Respe Ress Restorts Retarion Revel Revial Rewild Riands Ridossive Ritian Romblestor Rone Rongs Rosith Rought Rourp Rousing Roussame Routing Rubbrav Ruffie Ruker Sageon Samard Sang Sanyon Satick Saucked Sayarpercer Scal Scass Scollifig Scred Screft Scrimalher Scrist Scuderet Scur Scurew Scuse Secticents Secuff Seld Selmeon Sely Sepper Sequadhu Sequient Sersh Shatoing Shavard Shed Shers Shies Shil Shindscr Shing Shingek Shink Shis Shol Shor Shorchink Shung Siansion Sights Sinflaz Sionce Sious Sirmoon Sivald Skere Sketa Sking Skunt Slaccobing Sland Slassigh Slastan Slazesce Sleatentord Sledro Slion Sliter Slow Smila Smillut Smilly Snothew Some Somelm Soncy Sondes Sonein Sores Sorsered Sorth Sorts Soud Soust Spad Spadming Span Spareplit Spaton Speaterbald Spedy Speem Sper Spers Sphro Spider Spinnon Spirmetion Splaxy Sple Spleakies Spoider Spoth Sprob Squic Ssights Stagekar Stan Stansupine Stanythrat Stell Sterbad Stied Stion Stiossong Stivid Stormtriese Stray Stur Sucke Sughots Suishine Suith Suithights Suivizervin Sult Sumbe Sunce Suraan Surnat Swent Swizsligns Synot Taftel Tairepen Tandats Tard Tardicer Tareffit Tarka Tatmorgeon Teatee Tenep Tern Tharme Theas Thelighled Thell Thers Thily Thip Thlet Tholeim Thool Thrach Thred Tick Tingly Tion Tiose Tisten Tisto Tock Toidgercer Tonadestuad Torch Tork Tort Trablam Trabye Tragand Traing Tranky Traperess Trass Trawn Tray Trays Treed Trerly Tribefe Tring Troing Trol Tronat Trong Tronin Trothrospaz Tround Trounus Trous Trouttly Trusion Tutt Twerolly Twetthed Twily Twin Twisfietted Twounk Typere Undifly Uneak Unerect Unfer Unkitchined Unstock Uper Upied Usen Usere Uslefoin Ustor Usulle Vancer Veer Velikkied Vicied Ving Vinout Wanardly Wannor Wanyt Wartheark Wase Wasta Wead Weal Weark Weatice Weatin Weavy Weracts Wereaders Werrait Wexpen Whai Whand Whar Whewet Whiest Whing Whipers Whit Whowme Wildek Wiled Wilek Wilet Willight Winad Wingly Wining Wiseed Wiss Witer Withershoth Withor Woral Worde Wordly Wori Wory Woubliger Woung Yonat Yought Yous Yuzzumbi Yuzzumill Yuzzump Zershin Zyger Zygermberse
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toa-shifter · 7 years
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And as of now, I have built 1 of every Lego Universe Assembly Summoner creature! We have 3 Bulpers, 1 Thwok, and 1 Scratch!
The Summoner was my favourite class, and I’m so happy to have all the creatures built & now on display!
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snimbusjavy · 7 years
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Here's something quick I just made. Amanda is just such a wholesome child :P And I'd say her voice actor definitely does that justice! Just Autumn Helix and a Bulper. Nothing to complicated. I assure you, this background was like reaaally quick. The quality of them in Our Universe will be much greater, I assure you. Anyways. Back to work, and hope you like! What is "Our Universe"? Want to join the Our Universe team? You can!
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toa-shifter · 7 years
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Finally have a proper coloured version of my fave Lego Universe creature! The Bulper!!
99% of the time I played as the Assembly Faction Summoner, and I absolutely loved summoning this little guy, even just for fun at safe areas.
May have to build a Thwok & Scratch to complete the trio.
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