#bunny changbin
kpopandmusicpassion · 3 months
Lose My Breath Pt 1
Fae Lynn just got home from work. She was about to unlock her apartment when she heard running. She looked up to see a Fennec fox running her way before climbing up her and hiding in her hood. She heard several footsteps of multiple people running her way. She felt the fox peeking from behind her neck to look at the men who just stopped at the apartment next to her's trying to catch their breath.
A freckled hybrid saw where the fox was peeking from.
"Innie! What are you doing there! I'm sure she doesn't want a hybrid she doesn't know in her hoodie!" He exclaimed.
The fox whines laying his head on her shoulder as she pets him.
"He's okay. I just wasn't expecting him. And I was honestly surprised he climbed into my hood. I haven't had close relationships with hybrids so I always thought they were more cautious than running up me and hiding in my hood." She giggled.
"You're not angry at him?" A squirrel hybrid asked in awe.
"No. Why would I be? My name is Fae Lynn. You must be my new neighbors. Innie, come out please? I don't mind holding you but I would appreciate it if you get out of my hood please." She said. He crawled out of her hoodie and into her arms. She grinned scratching his ears. He chirped. Snuggling into her neck.
"He's never done that before." A bunny gaped at him. The calico, ferret, and squirrel slowly walked over to her. The ferret stuffed his face into the crook of her neck on the other side.
"You smell good." He said as the other two hybrids grabbed her arms cuddling her arms.
The other two hybrids and the two humans looked about as surprised as she felt. They also looked like they were worried she was going to get upset with them. She gave the calico her keys and showed him which one opened the apartment asking him to open it. So he did and she invited everyone inside which her four new friends eagerly took her up on. Innie jumped down running around the apartment as she turned around looking at the other four men.
"You coming?" She asked.
They looked shocked but followed her in. "Anyone want anything to drink? I have tea, coke, water, milk, juice, and I can make coffee. I also have fruit as well as carrots, lettuce, and spinach."
Innie chirped at fruits. So she brought him the fruit and he yipped at the strawberries. She asked their names.
"That's Jeongin we call him Innie he's the maknae. I'm Felix!" said the excitable calico.
"I'm Jisung!" The squirrel said munching on the pecans she gave him.
"I'm Hyunjin." said the pretty ferret.
"Changbin." said the muscular bunny.
"Lee Know." said the stoic Siamese.
"I'm Seungmin and this is Chan hyung." The cute puppy like guy introduced himself and the only other human among the eight men.
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changbinholic · 2 years
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Got me nervous to speak pt.1
↬pairing: Lee know|Lee Minho/Seo Changbin
↬rating: G
↬tags: awkward meetings; cat!Minho; Bunny!Changbin; possesive behaviour; roommates minchan
↬summary: Chan's new roommate is weird. Not because he is a cat hybrid but because he just keeps staring at Changbin.
↬a/n: Minho making biscuits on Changbin’s chest everyone
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
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bunny nose scrunch 🤏
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mirisss · 5 days
Chapter 11
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Stray Kids OT8 x hybrid! afab! reader
Warnings: some more spicy thoughts though nothing really explicit, descriptions of someone being shirtless, nightmares, anxiety, like on or two mentions of someone being tortured (not described how), lack of sleep, anxiety/panic attack, someone collapsing/falling unconcious, 
Wordcount ≈ 3.1k
Sorry for the long wait, life has been crazy during the last few months for me but here is the long-awaited eleventh chapter! I hope you all enjoy it! 
Please reblog! 
taglist, some tags aren't working and I don't know why 😭:
@ayoo-bangtan, @lose-lose07, @kingcarrot-thecarrotking, @starjane312, @reighlee-greaves, @hi-39024, @queenmea604, @septicrebel, @justayoungandwisefangirl, @imasimplol, @k-p0p-4ever, @detectivedoodle, @hehe-24-hehe, @jinnie-ret, @0325tiny, @borahae-reads, @shycreationdreamland, @kiaralynn3838, @blondechannie, @theydy-madamonsieur, @boi-bi-ahaha, @riri321, @3rachasninja, @kkamismom12, @yuki-sama6, @fun-fanfics, @turtledove824,
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10,
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Changbin fell back asleep almost instantly, (Y/n) stayed awake for a couple of minutes but eventually, thanks to the warmth and the safety of his strong embrace, the dream world welcomed her as she fell into a deep slumber.
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Third person POV
Once morning came, (Y/n) jolted from the bed as Changbin’s alarm set off, the bunny almost fell off the bed however Changbin’s strong arms held her up even in his tired state. “Morning, (Y/n),” (Y/n) looked up at the rapper, she had almost forgotten that she had fallen asleep with him in his bed, the hybrid thought she would feel ashamed at this but she didn’t. No, she actually felt happy and she yearned to fall asleep like this again.  
“Good morning,” “Did you sleep well?” (Y/n) hesitated for a second before she answered, “Very well,” Changbin smiled so widely that his cheeks began hurting, “I’m glad to hear that, now, how about some breakfast? We need to leave for the company soon,” “Can I have a smoothie? Like the one I got a while ago?” “Yeah, I’ll fix that for you, but you’re eating something more than just that, Minho-hyung won’t be happy otherwise,” “Maybe a sandwich as well then,” “That’s better, go get dressed, it’s a bit rainy today so dress a bit warmer,” 
(Y/n) got up from the bed and went over to Jeongin’s room only to find it empty so she headed over to Felix’s room instead but he too was nowhere to be found. Thanks to her hybrid senses she could hear Seungmin moving around in his room, so (Y/n) went to his door and gave it a tiny knock. “Come in,” Seungmin said from inside, (Y/n) carefully opened the door and peeked inside. “Hey, (Y/n)!” “Hey, um, I can’t find Jeongin or Felix, they usually help me with my outfits,” Seungmin looked a bit shocked, but then he nodded and smiled. “Innie had to leave earlier for a personal schedule so he left about 2-3 hours ago, he’ll meet us at the company after lunch, Felix is probably helping Minho-hyung with the breakfast. You have most of your clothes in Jeongin’s room right?” “Oh, he must be tired if he left that early, but, um, yeah, mostly with Innie and some in Felix’s room and a few things in Hyunjin’s,” 
Seungmin grabbed a hoodie from his wardrobe before he signaled to (Y/n) that they were leaving his room. They walked down to Jeongin’s room and went inside, over to the new wardrobe they had put up to keep (Y/n)’s clothes in. “Alright, let’s see, how about a hoodie and jeans? Or would you rather have yoga pants for the most comfortable outfit?” (Y/n) looked at Seungmin’s outfit, and then out the window, before returning her gaze to the wardrobe. She thought back to previous days at the company building, most people wore expensive and impressive-looking outfits, while she did want the yoga pants because they were comfortable, she didn’t want to make SKZ look bad because she didn’t dress up. “Wouldn’t jeans or something like it be the most presentable option?” 
Seungmin was a bit confused but then noticed how the bunny looked at his outfit and her wardrobe. “I mean, sure, if you were coming with us to schedules where you must appear on screen, then yes a more dressy outfit would be better but for a day like this, a hoodie and yoga pants, are perfectly fine to wear,” “But you look so much more dressed up than I would,” (Y/n) was pouting, which Seungmin thought was adorable. “I’m gonna stay behind after practice and go live for a little bit, hence, my outfit,” Seungmin thought that would be enough but then he thought about what the others would be wearing, “the others will be dressed more comfortably, well, I think so, we’re all so used to dancing in all different kinds of outfits so we sometimes wear jeans and stuff like that to practice as well,” (Y/n) admired how hard Seungmin tried to comfort her whilst also staying truthful to the fact that anyone of them could show up in a performance grade outfit. 
(Y/n) was thinking hard about this, should she choose her own comfort and risk making SKZ look bad or should she choose the presentable outfit and be uncomfortable all day? Some bad memories from the past began surfacing in her mind, choosing herself never ended well. But it’s different now, she tried to remind herself. Her family is not like the monsters from her past. (Y/n) took a deep breath, “I’ll take the yoga pants,” She was nervous to actually say it out loud, but once she had, it felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Seungmin smiled at her, “Then yoga pants it is!” Seungmin took a pair of black yoga pants out of the wardrobe and a light blue hoodie, along with a pair of socks. “Here ya go! Get changed and then come to the kitchen, breakfast should be about done,” Just before Seungmin turned to leave the room, he bent down and kissed (Y/n) on the crown of her head, and then he walked toward the kitchen. (Y/n) stood in shock for a second, her whole face was as red as a tomato. 
(Y/n) couldn’t understand the way she was feeling, kissing Hyunjin and Jeongin made her feel a little embarrassed and tingly but this, this kiss made her feel so weak in the knees from warmth that she thought she might pass out. After a minute, she managed to shake of the shock and she got changed before she walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen. 
The kitchen was noisy, (Y/n) could barely make out the 30 different sounds coming from behind the kitchen door with her enhanced hearing. She gently pushed the door open and walked inside, Minho and Changbin were rushing around making sandwiches, smoothies, and whatnot for everyone. Felix was sitting at the table, eating a sandwich in big bites, (Y/n) noticed his lack of a shirt and that he was wearing pyjama pants so he was probably eating quickly to then change into his work clothes. The hybrid blushed as she saw his sculpted, muscular back, she couldn’t even imagine how his torso would look. Suddenly, she was very grateful to the fact that he wasn’t facing her. 
Hyunjin sat in front of Felix, drinking what looked, and smelled, like coffee, (Y/n) scrunched her nose at the scent, it wasn’t her favorite. Jisung sat beside Felix, resting his head on the other's shoulder. He must be tired. (Y/n) thought. Bang Chan sat across from Jisung, drinking a smoothie, it looked delicious, making (Y/n)’s mouth water. Seungmin stood in a corner, looking down at the coffee maker, waiting for it to finish filling his cup. (Y/n) searched for Jeongin, but then she reminded herself that he wasn’t home, it felt weird, it felt a bit empty not seeing them all together. 
Minho looked up from what he was doing and noticed (Y/n) standing by the door. “Good morning bunny, come on, grab some breakfast, we don’t have long until we must leave,” (Y/n) walked over and grabbed a sandwich from Minho before she turned and looked at Changbin, she smiled expectantly at him, her eyes so wide and bright one could only describe them as puppy-like. Binnie chuckled at the realization, their bunny hybrid giving him puppy eyes. “Here is your smoothie, as promised,” “Thank you,” (Y/n) said as she accepted the glass from Changbin. 
The bunny walked over to the table and sat down beside Jisung, doing her best not to steal any glances at Felix’s bare upper body. All the boys at the table mumbled somewhat of a “good morning”, some had their mouths filled with food or drinks, and some were just really tired. “Hi,” (Y/n) answered back before she took a big gulp of the smoothie Binnie had made for her. It was full of delicious fruits, she felt mango and strawberries the most, and maybe a hint of peaches? “Mmmm,” “Was it as good as the first one you got?” Changbin asked before he emptied out his own glass that was filled with a smoothie. “Well, the first one will always be the best because it was the first one I ever got, but this one is really tasty too!” 
All seven boys who were in the room with the hybrid felt their hearts swoon at the happy smile that rested so naturally on the bunny’s lips and the spark in her eyes as she enjoyed her second ever smoothie. To think that there were people out there who had harmed such a beautiful and kind soul. 
“If you ever want another smoothie, just ask for one, next time, I might be able to teach you how to make one even, so that you can do it for yourself if we can’t help you,” “Thank you,” Minho walked over and looked down at the table, noticing that (Y/n) hadn’t taken a single bite out of her sandwich yet and neither had Jisung who was as good as asleep on Felix’s shoulder. Lee Know lightly hit Han on the head to wake him up and then he gently put his hand on top of (Y/n)’s head, making the bunny look up at him. “Eat your sandwiches, you two, and Ji, no sleeping at the table, also-” Minho turned to Felix, “you, go get dressed,” Felix gulped down the last of his breakfast before he stood up and walked out of the kitchen. 
(Y/n) couldn’t help her wandering eyes as she watched the dancer stand up, the way his muscles flexed and stretched, she felt tingly all over and she suddenly felt very thirsty but she thought that was because of the sandwich she was eating and not because of Felix. 
Both Hyunjin and Chan noticed the way that (Y/n)’s turned red, the sudden big gulp, the wandering eyes. No one can deny that Felix has a good body, and apparently, their little bunny finally noticed it too. Hyunjin felt his lips tingle a little as he remembered how soft the bunny’s lips were, and how he wished he could kiss her again, for real this time. Chan looked down to (Y/n)’s lips, seeing her tongue run over them to catch a stray crum from the bread, he didn’t want to rush her but damn did he want to feel her lips against his, would they feel as soft as they seem? Would she taste as sweet as she looked? He knew it might take a few days, weeks, months or even years before she would be comfortable to do things with all of them, maybe she wouldn’t ever want to be with all of them in that way, and that’s okay. However, he couldn’t deny the yearning that he felt deep inside for her. Her soul was so beautiful, so pretty, so kind and warm, not to talk about her looks, Chan sometimes forgets that she isn’t even human because she looks more like a goddess in his eyes. 
Jisung didn’t notice what everyone else saw, he was way too tired to even keep his eyes open. That night he had dreamt nightmare of (Y/n)’s past. He hadn’t even been there, experienced what she had gone through, but whenever he had closed his eyes, all he saw was dark shadows chasing (Y/n), they held weapons in their hands, eventually, she couldn’t run any longer, and the torture began, Jisung would jolt awake as he heard her scream. After the fifth or sixth time it happened, he gave up on sleeping. He wished he could have checked in on (Y/n), to see if she was sleeping, but he didn’t dare disturbe her or Changbin if they were asleep so he waited and waited until morning came to see if (Y/n) was alive and well. Deep inside he knew she was okay with them, but the anxiety from the nightmares clouded his mind with doubt of her safety. 
After a few bites of his sandwich, Jisung’s head once again felt heavy with exhaustion, he couldn’t hold it up anymore and eventually, he let it fall and it landed on (Y/n)’s shoulder. He fell asleep almost instantly as he inhaled her sweet scent, seeing her awake and smiling, hearing her talk and be so lively, so different from when they just met, he felt relieved, part of his anxiety slowly washed away as he rested on her shoulder. 
(Y/n) was surprised when Jisung’s head landed on her shoulder, but she welcomed the closeness, until she felt unease rush through her veins. His breathes were shallow, stressed, his body felt like it was burning up, her sensitive nose picking up something that smelled awful, she couldn’t even describe it, all she knew was that the scent came from Jisung, from inside him. (Y/n) gasped, catching the attention of everyone in the room. “What’s wrong, (Y/n)?” Seungmin asked as he walked over. “Jisung,” (Y/n) couldn’t form a coherent sentence, she was stressing, anxiety filling her own body. She didn’t understand what was wrong with Han, what if it’s something serious? 
Chan looked between (Y/n) and Jisung, only now noticing how exhausted and stressed Jisung looked, he looked sick. “What’s wrong with him? Can you feel something?” Chan asked. “I… I don’t…. know… um, scent, warm,” “Shhh, it’s okay, calm down, everything will be okay,” Minho immediately walked over to (Y/n) and enveloped her into his arms as Seungmin gently moved Jisung’s head away from the hybrid. “He’s burning up, hyung,” “This seems like a reaction to an anxiety attack, remember, he used to get like this often back when we just debuted?” Chan said as he too walked over to the younger rapper. Jisung was unconscious yet he seemed like he was in the midst of a panic attack, his breathing hurried, sweat forming on his forehead, body shaking and feverish. (Y/n) was shaking, her eyes couldn’t focus on anything, her temperature rising from the panic, tears silently falling down her cheeks. 
“Minho, and Jinnie, can you two take care of (Y/n) whilst Seungmin and Changbin take Jisung back to his room? I’ll go call the company and say that we might not come in today because of this, I’ll ask Felix to message Jeongin so that he knows what’s going on,” Everyone just nodded before getting to work. 
(Y/n) was shaking in Lee Know’s arms, so worried for Jisung that she internalized his own sickness onto herself. “This is similar to how she was when I found her, shaking, scared, confused,” Minho said as Hyunjin came over and gently scratched (Y/n)’s head, right by her long and soft bunny ears. Something she once mentioned calmed her down. “Yeah, it’s kind of how she got in the elevator too,” Hyunjin stopped his sentence to wipe away some of the tears from (Y/n)’s face, “it must be stressful to see someone in her newfound family collapse like this,” “(Y/n)? Should we at least move to the living room? So that you can sit down comfortably on the couch?” 
(Y/n) could barely hear what the two dancers were saying, it sounded like she was under water and they were above the surface talking. All she could do was just grip onto Minho’s shoulders just a little harder and hope that was enough of an answer to whatever question he had asked her. Minho tried to stand up as gently as he could with (Y/n) clutching on to him, Hyunjin helped with stabilizing the bunny and holding the door open for his hyung. They sat down on the couch, (Y/n) half in Minho’s lap and half on the couch, Hyunjin leaned over so that the hybrid was sandwiched between them and he once again began gently scratching her head. 
This had been one shaky morning, it started out so good but it quickly turned bad. Maybe a free day would do them all so good. The company wasn’t happy with them but they approved the sudden day off once Chan promised to work on some songs at home. Once Felix managed to reach I.N, the maknae hurriedly finished his personal schedule so that he could rush home as fast as he could. They all wanted to be there to comfort their family. When Jeongin got home, he found Minho, Hyunjin, and (Y/n) asleep on the couch with some low music playing in the background, Chan, Felix, and Changbin were sitting on the floor of Jisung’s room, half asleep as they watched over their brother, and finally, Seungmin was in the kitchen, cleaning up from the breakfast and prepping to make tea for everyone once they woke up again. Jeongin joined Seungmin in the kitchen, helping with the final pieces of the clean up, before he went to the living room, joining the hug-pile on the couch and letting himself fall asleep as well. Perhaps, the afternoon, will be kinder on all of them. 
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And that was this chapter, I hope everyone enjoys it, what do you think will happen next? Will Chan get his moment to kiss our dear (Y/n)? Or will someone else perhaps steal her next kiss before him? Will Jisung be okay? I guess we will see, next time! 
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liinoracha · 10 months
Head empty... just thinking about Changbin and this snippet I found that I wrote 2 years ago:
"mmm Binnie"
Your brows furrowed as you felt overwhelmed in your dream at how real it all feels. Another moan slipped from your mouth as your eyes fluttered open, and you realized you weren’t actually dreaming. “Binnie?” you asked sleepily, arching your back, pushing your ass against him as he thrust once hard when he heard you say his name. God he could've cum alone just hearing his name fall from your lips.
Changbin's hand on your breast never ceased their movements, rolling the bud between his fingers... Fuck he wanted to suck on them so bad,,  but this position wasnt it, he knew he'd have to pull out.
"sssh bunny, go back to sleep, Binnie's gonna take care of you.."
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minchanlove · 2 months
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hearted-anon · 5 months
Bunny love
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Words:810 Note: I am minbin biased so I need them going feral rn THIS WAS SO SHORT I'M SORRY @itzsana-kiddingmenow T/w: no pinning, no angst, might be a bit short hopefully not Lee: Changbin Ler: Minho
Changbin slumped against the couch lazily, right onto his Hyung's stomach. They both had just been through ridiculous schedules once more, the rapper having little to no rest akin to the rest of 3RACHA. Eyebags started to become prominent under his eyes, his posture getting worse and worse over time. With comeback season and production of songs weighing heavy, none of the producer trio got any rest at all, now Chan being forced to rest with a cuddle hungry Lix while Jisung busied himself with Jeongin's company.
Minho barely batted an eye at the sleepy Dwaekki resting on his tummy, immersed in catching up on the K-drama that he held still on his phone above the younger's head. He felt incredibly bad, not knowing what to do besides let the rapper rest comfortably after all they've been through. He wanted to help, give back to Changbin who was their support during tough times, Changbin who was their happy pill when schedules suffocated them tight in restraints, now completely sucked of energy without anyone to lean on.
The cool breeze of the aircon blew over the bunnies, Lee Know trying to keep a calm face that increasingly worn down to an obvious frown of concern when Changbin shuffled awkwardly on his comfortable 'pillow', evident that his horrible sleep schedule was finally hitting him in the face with karma. Slowly but surely, a hesitant hand reached down to the younger, holding it gently in a warm embrace.
The dwaekki's eyes twinkled as he stared up at the older, who didn't look in his direction once, keeping his usual stern but calm expression with his eyes fixated onto his show. Changbin's fingers intertwined with Minho's slowly, the older holding his delicately as if he was a fragile piece of glass. The older eventually released his fingers from Changbin's, making him pout and whine pitifully under his breath. Fear not to the rapper though, eventually the fingers returned to him, this time on his forearm. He held his forearm, gently scratching the skin that connected the forearm and wrist area.
To Changbin's dismay, it tickled. It tickled a lot. The gentle scratches meant to lull him to sleep only kept him more awake, biting down on his lip to prevent himself from squirming or giggling. Unfortunately, Minho was all too oblivious, lightening up on the sensations to just barely grazing his inner forearm with light strokes. The rapper trembled in his grasp, throwing his head back onto the tummy, eliciting a choked gasp from the older. He glanced down to the squirming rapper, eyes glued to how the younger didn't try to pull his arm away from the soft tickles.
A smirk made its way to the bunny's face, before it was pushed down to a neutral expression, hiding his absolute joy of being the one to wash away the younger's worries. His heart swelled into a ball of affection for the rapper, watching his eyes crinkle with the cutest dimple ever, wanting to fawn over how adorable Changbin looked trying to bite back his giggles. Changbin eventually pulled away after a few minutes, afraid to cause a disturbance by ruining the silence with his laughter.
Unlucky for him, the fingers didn't stop, just landing onto his tummy to stroke his fingertips gently along the area instead, making Bin squeal and snicker away under his breath. This tempted the older all the more to start cooing over his reaction, but he wanted to be nonchalant about it until Changbin was ready to admit he needed more of these soft tickles.
"Hyuhuhung! Quit it! P-Plehehease!" Bin whined softly through his giggles, tugging gently at the fingers that made his tummy swarm with butterflies, his cheeks heating up like a sauna despite being in an aircon room as of late.
"Quit what my bunny? I'm just watching my show." Lee Know feigned ignorance and innocence, relishing in the giggles that bounced around the walls, grabbing his arm that pulled at his to gently scratch along his inner forearm again, making Binnie shake his head with more squeaky laughs.
"Stahahahap! Noho tickles!" He begs weakly for mercy, the tips of his ears burning red from the show of affection that piled onto him, melting into a puddle of tired, blushing giggles. God forbid he tried to hide his face in his hands, brought down gently by the older before his torture resumed. Eventually, he felt himself being worn down, eyes lidding while his vision clouded, his giggles wearing down.
Minho let the arm go, running a hand through the rapper's hand that elicited a purr from Changbin. Quietly, Lee Know might've turned down the volume of his exciting show, the snores of a finally resting Changbin smiling softly under the affection that rained down upon him.
He definitely didn't do that to hear the snoring, definitely not.
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buffyspice · 5 months
The difference in responses between Changbin and Lee Know from us asking 'show us your guns':
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a5starmichelin · 2 years
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secretsecretbunny · 7 months
jfc I have my alarm set to use stray kids radio on pandora and the first time it went off this morning it woke me up with "Red Lights" and I just chuckled and snoozed it and then the second time it woke me up with "The Sound" and Changbin literally scream raps in the beginning of it and I jolted RIGHT tf up 😭😭😭 Binnie please I was so frightened 😭
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kpopandmusicpassion · 3 months
Lose My Breath (SKZ)
Chan and Seungmin just moved in next to Fae Lynn with their 6 hybrids. She easily befriends her new neighbors finding herself receiving a huge amount of attention from 4 of the hybrids. Attention she was extremely new to but quickly adapted to and soon all 6 hybrids were smitten with her. But another man and his 3 hybrids had their eyes on her and start harassing her. What will the guys and their humans do? Will they be able to protect her? Will Chan and Seungmin ever fall for her like their hybrids and make her theirs? What about Onew and his hybrids? Will they ever leave her alone? Or will they take her by force?
ferret! Hyunjin
calico! Felix
fox! I.N
bunny! Changbin
squirrel! Han
siamese! Lee Know
panther! Taemin
wolf! Minho
dalmatian! Key
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b1gbang · 2 years
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My Bunny Binnie 🐰🥰
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faunandfloraas · 5 months
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kpop-bbg · 21 hours
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boba-skz · 2 years
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based off one of my fav binsung photos :’)
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cherrysmooth-ie · 1 year
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Ignoring the fact that he's talking about noodles— WHAT DOES HE WANT FROM MEEE GOD HE LOOKS SO BIG AND HIS ARMS LOOK SO FUCKING GOOD I WANNA BITE THEM AND OMG BINNIE BELLY ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I want him so bad. SO BAD. He looks so yummy you don't understand how bad I NEED to ride him !!! I'm losing my mind
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