— @burgledthem bullied me into writing a starter
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    ❝ how do you feel about broadway? ❞
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mstadons · 7 years
alright, hold onto your horses kids i’m going to try to be nice for once in my life. lets talk about @burgledthem / @notfrail.  deen.   she’s gone by many aliases including: somebody that you used to know.  a moron.  deeb.  that’s just a few, but she’s mainly deen.  ANYWAY !  this is an appreciation post since she’s had a semi-rough time off and on and i’d like to shed some light into her life even though im a black hole.  so, deen.  you’ve been my friend for almost 4 ( or more? ) years.  i’ve admired you since day one for your writing, handle on your characters and best of all your sparkling personality (  that sounds so sarcastic but i promise my gay ass means it !! ).  you’re someone i’m glad that’s in my life for all this time and lifts my mood to talk to.  you’re always funny even if it’s to covER UP YOUR OWN DESPAIR, YEAH I SEE YOU HOMIE,  but i enjoy it regardless. and i love you a lot, honestly.  big bitch to my little bitch, for real. you’re always there for me when i need to complain or just let shit out and you don’t judge me ( much ).  you’re one of the realest people i’ve met, honestly. honest to a fault which i appreciate.  also,  we haven’t written together much during the ENTIRE TIME WE’VE KNOWN EACH OTHER but it doesn’t matter.  i watch your interactions and how you handle your characters and it’s always with so much love and attention that makes each rendition of yours unique.  i’ve felt that way since the very beginning when you had damon and i loved your portrayal of him so much.  jordan parrish?  phenomenal.  snap snap, spark spark in the diggy diggy dark ( roy mustang ) gave me war flashbacks to my weeb days.  you roasting my on silas?  fucking goals.   anyways, what i’m trying to say is i appreciate you.  you’re a huge inspiration to me and someone i cherish very very much.  this is so gay but you get my point, bitch.  ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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medusx · 7 years
Conversely, how does Medusa feel about Scott?
          MEDUSA REALLY LIKES SCOTT! She feels bad for him a lot, mostly because she can see he’s in pain & struggling but he won’t ask for help. She feels bad because she does the EXACT SAME THING !!! So she tries to gently nudge him to ask for help & hopes that he can trust her enough one day. She really does appreciate Scott & his presence & the fact that he like, can make the mood lighter ( even if she’s got NO IDEA what he’s talking about sometimes ) 
she wants good things for him because she knows what he’s capable of & she just wished him the VERY VERY BEST & if she can help him with anything, she will do it in a heartbeat.
but yeah, he’s weird. she knows this, but she loves him anyway.
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wholemeasure-a · 7 years
burgledthem replied to your post: o h  gOODY theyve slapped the hydra logo onto...
what the FUCK
have you ever seen something so out of character you wanted to puke
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mstadons · 7 years
Deen - Today at 4:44 PM DO IT FOR DADDY
deen. 7.18.17. a daddy.
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geneticmisfit · 7 years
burgledthem replied to your post: what's your #1 otp of all time and why is it...
It’s better than the scott / hope shipname
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wingshead-aa · 7 years
burgledthem replied to your text post:
me w/ 'ant-man' and 'antman'
tumblr: will the real ant man please stand up?
ant man: stands up at 2cm tall
tumblr: guess this url stays in limbo forever
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agentvencm · 7 years
@burgledthem   he didn’t wasplieve
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stolenparticlesarch · 7 years
didn’t know i’d love you so much from repo is 10000000000% a cassie and scott song bye
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archived-rev · 7 years
♠ ♠ ♠ !
send a ♠ for a mun fact
ooh um i wrote and recorded a song about fidget spinners for a youtube channel and it’s v/shameful hahahah
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terrifiesthem · 7 years
( @burgledthem ! )
0Nl Y r3 @l F@ NS 3m br @C3 th3 P0n Y t @I L !!!
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ritastripper-blog · 7 years
deen: starts spazzing out. me: ??? are ?? you okay ?? what happened ?? what’s wrong?? deen: i forgot about food in my car. it’s ok it’s heating up now. me: ....
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rickityrrekt-a · 7 years
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          ❛ COME ON BITCH, SEE ME WITH THEM HANDS !  ❜ // @burgledthem ♡ ‘d 
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akaknightress-blog · 7 years
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               “ i’m not pissed at you. “
          words come shallow, & jessica sounds defeated. “ i’m not. “ she quietly echoes,           reassuring him. “ it’s just ... “ raw throat swallows a mouthful of saliva,           head cants away from scott. “ it used to be him i seen. in my dreams.           sometimes when i’m awake. but it’s not anymore. “ 
          fingertips drum nervously atop her knee as she struggles to be as close to           forthcoming as she can manage. admitting what ails her never feels flattering,           & although she knows there’s nothing to be ashamed of, she can’t help but to           feel overwhelmingly abashed. eventually, she forces out the words.
               “ i see hope. hope shlottman. “
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