guardedserum · 7 months
Just updated my PB&J and Stevepop fanfic.
Thought it would be a good idea to start promoting it here.
Sorry to anybody who has been reading it, chapter 8 took all while, I broke my wrist three days ago so I had to get it in a cast and I had to get a cortisone injection in my foot on the 1st because I have Neuroma Bursal Complexes, now I’ll have to be in a wheelchair for a few days since I can’t hold crutches with my cast. So all of that put together has made me EXTREMELY sluggish.
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h3xactinellida · 2 years
BOY am I sure glad you asked. I will now write a long post about starfish sea stars.
So you've got your classic Asteroid. Probably what most people picture when they think of a sea star. Love these guys. My grandparents lived by the ocean and when I was younger my dad and I used to go down to the shore and see if we could find any stuck on the rocks at low tide. Special shoutout to Pisaster, one of my profs studies Pisaster so they're always floating around in my brain. In fact, here's one right now:
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Then we've got Ophiuroids- brittle stars and basket stars. Big fan of these guys. They have a flat, disk-like body and long skinny arms that they can move quite fast actually. They've evolved to not have an anus, they shit out of their mouth instead. Some species brood their young- I like to picture mommy sea star taking care of all the itty bitty baby sea stars in her bursal slits. I know there are more interesting facts about them but that's all I can remember right now. Brittle stars have a more simple body plan, where basket stars have arms that branch in complex ways. Basket stars can also grow to be pretty big, and can be predatory.
Here are examples of brittle stars (left) and basket stars (right). Enjoy.
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And the last class I'll talk about are Crinoids, specifically feather stars. My personal favourite. These guys are suspension feeders. They attach their body to a substrate and wave their beautiful, feather-looking arms in the air water to catch food (ie plankton) which is carried down to their mouths by some crazy little ciliated grooves. But oh wait, they're not actually attached to the substrate. These fuckers can swim!!
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Aren't they beautiful? I swear they look fake but yea they do that. Soo cool. I want to be reincarnated as a feather star just so I can do that. They also form beautiful fossils. Most intellectual facts about feather stars have left my brain because I just see them and go oooo pretty :)
Anyways. Crinoids! x x
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I could go on. I could talk about how fascinating and complex their water vascular systems are. I could talk about how cool it is that their larva are bilaterally symmetrical but develop to have pentaradial symmetry as adults. I could also talk about sea urchins and sea cucumbers, more favourites of mine that are of the same phylum as these sea stars. But I need to cut myself off somewhere. This was fun though. <3
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pulpsandcomics2 · 2 years
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Spicy-Adventure Stories    December 1934
God of Lust by Ken Cooper
Perils of the Sea by Atwater Culpepper
The Blizzard Blonde by Frank Roberts
Congo White Devil by C. Samuel Campbell
Women of the Shaikh by Kirk Hand
Island Accursed by Grant Dell
The Last Cut by Bursal Llews
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didanawisgi · 24 days
Four Chinese IBDV isolates were characterized and compared with European strains.
The early Chinese vvIBDV strain SH99 was closely related to the typical vvIBDV.
The recent Chinese vvIBDVs showed several genetic changes in both segments.
The Chinese vvIBDVs exhibited similar antigenicity with European typical vvIBDVs.
The recent Chinese vvIBDV showed higher pathogenicity than European typical vvIBDV.
However, IBDV strains with new properties could emerge later on due to the high mutation rate of RNA viruses and the high selection pressure generated by intensive vaccination of birds.
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sb-group-nepal · 27 days
Poultry Production System in Nepal: An In-depth Overview
Poultry production is one of the key components of Nepal’s agriculture industry, which is essential to the country’s economy. Over the years, Nepal’s poultry industry has experienced substantial transformations, moving from small-scale backyard farming to a more organized and commercialized sector. This essay explores the several facets of chicken farming in Nepal, highlighting the system’s growth, difficulties, and possibilities.
Nepal has a long history of poultry farming, which is based on traditional agricultural methods. Poultry was historically mostly raised for domestic use and had little economic value. Backyard farming was common, with people raising a few hens for eggs and meat to suit household needs.
Nepal’s Poultry Production System Types
In general, there are three types of Nepali poultry production systems:
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Backyard Poultry Farming(Source: Pinterest)
Semi-Commercial Poultry Farming:
Description: This system represents a transition between backyard and commercial farming. Farmers rear a moderate number of birds, often using improved breeds.
Characteristics: Birds are partially confined and provided with supplementary feed. The productivity is higher than backyard farming, with a focus on both egg and meat production.
Challenges: Inadequate infrastructure, limited access to veterinary services, and fluctuating market prices.
Commercial Poultry Farming:
Description: This is Nepal’s most advanced and organized form of poultry farming, characterized by large-scale operations.
Characteristics: Commercial farms focus on intensive production, keeping birds in controlled environments. The breeds used are typically high-yielding, and the farms are equipped with modern infrastructure.
Challenges: High initial investment, disease management, market competition, and dependency on imported feed and chicks.
Also Read: Organic Poultry Farming Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
Poultry Breeds in Nepal
Nepal’s poultry industry utilizes indigenous and exotic breeds, depending on the farming system.
Indigenous Breeds: These include local varieties like the Sakini, Ghanti Khuile, and Pwankh Ulte, known for their adaptability to harsh conditions and disease resistance. However, their productivity in terms of egg and meat yield could be a lot higher.
Exotic Breeds: Commercial farming heavily relies on exotic breeds like the White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, and Broiler strains (e.g., Cobb, Ross). These breeds are preferred for their high productivity, with layers producing many eggs and broilers maturing quickly for meat production.
Feed and Nutrition in Poultry Production
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Feed and Nutrition in Poultry Production(Source: allaboutfeed)
Traditional Feed: In backyard systems, poultry is often fed on scraps, grains, and insects. This practice results in inconsistent nutrition, affecting the growth and productivity of the birds.
Commercial Feed: Formulated feed is used in semi-commercial and commercial systems to meet the specific nutritional requirements of layers and broilers. It is balanced in protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals, ensuring optimal growth and production.
Challenges in Feed Supply: Nepal’s feed industry depends on imported raw materials (like maize and soybean meal), and price volatility and inadequate feed quality control may raise the cost of production and reduce the competitiveness of regional poultry products.
Disease Management in Poultry Farming
Disease management is a critical aspect of poultry production in Nepal. Common poultry diseases include Newcastle disease, Avian Influenza, Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD), and Salmonellosis.
Backyard Farming: Disease management is often neglected due to insufficient awareness, veterinary services, and financial resources. This leads to high mortality rates and reduced productivity.
Commercial Farming: Disease management is more systematic in commercial farms, with regular vaccination, biosecurity measures, and veterinary supervision. However, the industry still faces challenges, such as the emergence of new diseases, inadequate disease surveillance, and the misuse of antibiotics.
Veterinary Services: Access to veterinary services is uneven across Nepal, with rural areas often needing more adequate coverage. This gap poses a significant risk to the poultry industry, particularly during disease outbreaks.
Poultry Product Marketing and Distribution
The marketing and distribution of poultry products in Nepal have become more organized with the growth of commercial farming.
Market Structure: Nepal’s poultry market includes formal and informal sectors. The formal sector consists of registered poultry farms, processing units, and retailers, while the informal sector includes backyard producers selling directly to consumers or through local markets.
Distribution Channels: Poultry products are distributed through a network of wholesalers, retailers, and direct farm sales. Due to the higher demand for eggs and meat, urban areas like Kathmandu, Pokhara, and Biratnagar represent significant markets.
Challenges: The poultry market in Nepal faces challenges such as price fluctuations, inadequate cold chain infrastructure, and competition from imported poultry products. Additionally, the lack of standardization in product quality and safety poses a risk to consumer health and market trust.
Future Prospects and Challenges
The future of poultry production in Nepal holds both opportunities and challenges.
For More Details, Click Here
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backyardchickennews · 3 months
How Bad Is Gumboro In Chickens? What is the Impact of Gumboro on Young Chickens? Is There No Hope for Gumboro-Infected Chickens? Is Gumboro Wreaking Havoc on Your Chickens? Is Gumboro Causing Damage to Your Chickens' Immune System? Gumboro disease is a highly contagious disease that affects young chickens. Also known as infectious bursitis or infectious avian nephrosis, the disease is caused by an infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV). It causes decreased immunity, decreased growth rate, and dehydration. Several virulent strains of IBDV have been found in South-east Asia and Europe. https://backyardchickennews.com/how-bad-is-gumboro-in-chickens/?feed_id=6515&_unique_id=668681a96d663
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hoantovet · 3 months
Bệnh Gumboro Trên Gà Chọi:
Bệnh Gumboro Trên Gà Chọi: Nguyên Nhân và Triệu Chứng Bệnh Gumboro, hay còn gọi là Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD), là một bệnh lý nguy hiểm ảnh hưởng đến hệ miễn dịch của gà chọi, gây ra bởi virus Gumboro. Bệnh này có thể làm suy yếu hệ thống miễn dịch của gà, dẫn đến khả năng mắc các bệnh nhiễm khuẩn thứ phát cao. Dưới đây là những thông tin chi tiết về nguyên nhân và triệu chứng của bệnh…
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biotech-news-feed · 4 months
Veterinary medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Nobilis Multriva RT+IBm+ND+Gm+REOm, avian infectious bronchitis,avian reovirus,avian infectious bursal disease,Newcastle disease,Turkey rhinotracheitis virus, Status: Opinion #BioTech #science
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techninja · 10 months
Gumboro Disease Market: Trends, Challenges, and Future Prospects
Gumboro Disease, also known as Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD), is a highly contagious viral infection affecting poultry, particularly chickens. The disease primarily targets the immune system, specifically the Bursa of Fabricius, leading to immunosuppression and increased susceptibility to secondary infections. The economic impact of Gumboro Disease on the poultry industry is significant, making it a critical focus for research, diagnostics, and vaccine development. This article explores the current trends, challenges, and future prospects in the Gumboro Disease market.
Current Market Scenario:
The Gumboro Disease market has witnessed substantial growth in recent years, driven by the increasing global demand for poultry products. As the poultry industry expands to meet the growing protein needs of a rising population, the threat of Gumboro Disease becomes more pronounced. The market has responded with innovations in diagnostics, vaccines, and treatment strategies to manage and control the spread of the virus.
Diagnostic Advancements:
Early and accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective Gumboro Disease management. The market has seen advancements in diagnostic tools, including molecular techniques like polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and serological tests. These technologies enable quick and precise identification of the virus, allowing for prompt intervention and control measures.
Vaccine Development:
Vaccination remains a cornerstone in Gumboro Disease control. The market has witnessed the development of more sophisticated and effective vaccines, including live attenuated and inactivated vaccines. Continuous research focuses on enhancing vaccine efficacy, duration of immunity, and minimizing potential side effects. Novel vaccine delivery systems and adjuvants are also being explored to improve the overall performance of Gumboro Disease vaccines.
Challenges in Gumboro Disease Management:
Despite advancements, the Gumboro Disease market faces several challenges. One significant challenge is the constant evolution of the virus, leading to the emergence of new strains. This necessitates ongoing research to adapt existing vaccines and develop new ones to address emerging threats. Additionally, biosecurity measures and effective farm management practices play a pivotal role in preventing and controlling Gumboro Disease outbreaks, posing a challenge in regions with varying levels of infrastructure and awareness.
Globalization and International Trade:
The interconnectedness of the global poultry industry poses challenges in controlling the spread of Gumboro Disease. International trade in poultry products increases the risk of disease transmission across borders. Strict biosecurity measures, harmonized regulations, and international cooperation are essential to mitigate these challenges and ensure the sustainable growth of the poultry industry.
Future Prospects:
The future of the Gumboro Disease market holds promise with ongoing research and technological advancements. Emerging technologies, such as gene editing and recombinant DNA techniques, offer new avenues for developing next-generation vaccines with improved efficacy and safety profiles. Collaborations between academia, research institutions, and industry players are essential to drive innovation and address the evolving challenges posed by Gumboro Disease.
The Gumboro Disease market is at the forefront of addressing critical issues in the poultry industry. While advancements in diagnostics and vaccines have improved disease management, challenges such as virus evolution and international trade complexities persist. The ongoing commitment to research, development, and international collaboration will be instrumental in shaping the future landscape of the Gumboro Disease market and ensuring the sustained health and growth of the global poultry industry.
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shradhacmi · 1 year
Global Poultry Vaccine Market is Estimated to Witness High Growth Owing to Increasing Poultry Diseases and Government Initiatives
The global poultry vaccine market is estimated to be valued at US$1,766.8 million in 2022 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.92% over the forecast period 2022-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Overview: Poultry vaccines are used to prevent and control various diseases in poultry. These vaccines stimulate the immune system of poultry, helping them develop immunity against specific diseases. Poultry vaccines are important for maintaining the health and productivity of poultry farms, as they prevent diseases that can cause high mortality rates and economic losses. These vaccines can be administered through different routes such as drinking water, injection, or spraying. Market Dynamics: Driver 1: Increasing Poultry Diseases The poultry industry is facing various diseases that can have significant economic impacts. Diseases like Newcastle disease, avian influenza, and infectious bursal disease (IBD) can cause high mortality rates, decreased egg production, and affect the overall growth and productivity of poultry farms. Vaccination plays a crucial role in preventing these diseases and maintaining the health and profitability of poultry farms. Driver 2: Government Initiatives Government initiatives promoting vaccination in the poultry industry are driving the growth of the poultry vaccine market. Governments across the world are implementing vaccination programs to control and prevent the spread of poultry diseases. For example, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides financial assistance to poultry farmers for the purchase of vaccines and vaccine administration. Such initiatives are encouraging poultry farmers to invest in vaccines, driving market growth. SWOT Analysis: Strength: 1. Effective Disease Prevention: Poultry Vaccine Market are highly effective in preventing and controlling various poultry diseases, ensuring the health and productivity of poultry farms. 2. Rising Demand: The increasing demand for poultry products worldwide is driving the demand for vaccines to maintain the health and productivity of poultry farms. Weakness: 1. High Storage and Handling Requirements: Poultry vaccines require specific storage and handling conditions, such as maintaining a cold chain, which can be challenging for some poultry farms. 2. Limited Accessibility in Remote Areas: Remote areas with limited infrastructure and accessibility may face challenges in accessing vaccines and implementing vaccination programs effectively. Opportunity: 1. Technological Advancements: Advancements in vaccine technology, such as new adjuvants and delivery systems, are creating opportunities for the development of more effective and efficient vaccines. 2. Emerging Markets: Increasing poultry production and rising awareness about disease prevention in emerging markets, such as India and China, present significant growth opportunities for the poultry vaccine market. Threats: 1. Stringent Regulatory Approval Process: The stringent regulatory approval process for vaccines can pose challenges for new market entrants. 2. Vaccine Safety Concerns: Safety concerns related to vaccine usage, such as adverse effects and potential vaccine failures, can impact market growth. Key Takeaways: The global poultry vaccine market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.92% over the forecast period, due to increasing poultry diseases and government initiatives promoting vaccination. North America is expected to dominate the market due to the presence of key players and a well-established poultry industry.
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Interventional Procedures
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In cases where more conservative options have not yielded results, we offer a variety of slightly more aggressive — but still safe — procedures.
Here is a list of some of the interventional procedures we offer:
Vertebroplasty / kyphoplasty
Gasserian / sphenopalatine ganglion blocks
Intrathecal Infusion Pump
Epidural steroid injection (cervical, thoracic, lumbar and caudal)
Medial branch nerve block
Facet joint injections
Sacroiliac joint injection
Intra-articular, bursal and trigger point injections
Botulinum toxin neuromuscular injections
Minimally invasive lumbar discectomy
Nucleoplasty / disc decompression
Gasserian / sphenopalatine ganglion blocks
Spinal Cord Stimulator
Sympathetic blocks / neurolytics
Selective nerve root block / transforaminal epidural steroid injections (TFESI)
Lumbar and cervical radiofrequency ablation
Disc decompression
Osteopathic manipulative medicine
If you are interested in an interventional procedure not listed above, feel free to fill out our online contact form to get in touch with us because we likely offer the procedure you are looking for.
more: https://www.foothillspainmanagementclinic.com/interventional-procedures
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medicastemcells · 1 year
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mysticalfungalaxy · 1 year
Poultry Diagnostic Testing Market is expected to reach a valuation of US$ 1.2 Billion by 2032 | FMI
The Poultry Diagnostic Testing Market is expected to grow from US$ 956.3 million in 2022 to US$ 1.2 billion by 2032, with a 2.4% CAGR from 2022 to 2032.
With the latest insights and statistics from the biggest pharmaceutical and healthcare device manufacturers across the globe, FMI presents an extensive analysis on Poultry Diagnostic Testing market. FMI offers insights into the market data on over 5000+ drugs for more than 100 countries, which further aids the research on current and upcoming market scenario for the Poultry Diagnostic Testing market. Our expert researchers and analysts for healthcare tracks the data of established players as well as new entrants in medical industry to provide an unbiased analysis for a sound and financial decision.
Gain complete access to the report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/poultry-diagnostic-testing-market
Over the past decade, healthcare sector has been expanding remarkably, following the advent of artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things integrated medical devices. Advancement in technology has created impressive scope within the medical sector for diagnostics and therapeutics.
The report offers extensive data sets validating key trends impacting growth in the Poultry Diagnostic Testing market. It offers insights into strategies adopted by the key players rise and address the concerns that will challenge the growth of Poultry Diagnostic Testing market. With our extensive research and information about the past, current and future market scenario, the Poultry Diagnostic Testing market report will help and identify the concerns, for a smooth-sail of the small & medium as well as large enterprises.
Poultry Pathogen Detection refers to a series of laboratory tests and procedures used to diagnose diseases or health issues in poultry. These tests are typically conducted on samples of blood, tissues, or feces obtained from poultry, and the results are used by veterinarians, farmers, and other professionals in the poultry industry to make informed decisions about the health and management of poultry flocks.
Competitive Analysis
By Prominent Market Players
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Zoetis, Inc.
GD Animal Health
AffiniTech, LTD.
AgroBioTek Internacional
BioNote, Inc.
Boehringer Ingelheim
MEGACOR Diagnostik GmbH
BioinGentech Biotechnologies, Inc.
Poultry Diagnostic Testing Market: Segmentation.
By Test:
PCR Test
Complement Fixation Test
Immuno-Flourescent Antibody Test (IFAT)
Indirect Hemagglutination Test (IHA)
Direct Agglutinition Test
Other Diagnostic Tests
By Disease:
  Avian Salmonellosis
  Visceral leishmaniasis or Kala-azar
  Avian Influenza
  Newcastle Disease
  Avian Mycoplasmosis
  Avian Pasteurellosis
  Infectious Bronchitis
  Infectious Bursal Disease
  Avian Encephalomyelitis
  Avian Reovirus
  Chicken Anemia
Why Future Market Insights?
Comprehensive analysis on evolving purchase pattern across different geographies
Detailed insights of market segments and sub-segments for historical as well as forecast period
A competitive analysis of  prominent players and emerging players in the Poultry Diagnostic Testing market
Detailed information about the product innovation, mergers and acquisitions lined up in upcoming years
Ground breaking research and market player-centric solutions for the upcoming decade according to the present market scenario
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jwps01 · 2 years
Poultry Infectious Bursal Disease
Unlike coccidiosis which is a disease caused by parasites (Apicomplexa phylum and the Eimeriidae family), infectious bursal disease (IBD) is a viral infection that affects young domestic chickens all over the world. Depression, watery diarrhea, ruffled feathers, and dehydration are all symptoms of the clinical condition. In young chicks, the disease can manifest as a clinical or subclinical disease, depending on the infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) strain and the existence of maternal immunity. All pathogenic IBDVs induce lesions in the bursa of fabricious in both clinical and asymptomatic phases of the illness. The cloacal bursa might expand and develop a yellowish transudate on its surface. Hemorrhages of the serosal and mucosal services have been reported on occasion.  Around 7-10 days after infection, the bursa atrophy, which involves the loss of B-lymphocytes, begins. Immunosuppression is linked to the loss of B-lymphocytes, but immunosuppression and secondary infections are more common in birds who recover from the condition. Immunosuppression severity is determined by the virulence of the infecting virus and the host’s age.
Rovedar publication
Journal of World’s Poultry Science (JWPS)
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Poultry Diagnostics Market Size, Share, Trends, Industry Analysis : Research Methodology By Forecast To 2023 to 2033
The Poultry Diagnostics Market is expected to grow by 10.5% CAGR globally. The market revenue is anticipated to be worth $590 million in 2023 and increase to US$ 1.6 billion by 2033.
Trends & Opportunities Worldwide Modernizing the Industry for Poultry Diagnostics
The focus of the major players is on scientific and technical services for the veterinary, agricultural, and food industries. They are experts in providing serologic diagnostic solutions for the poultry industry. By offering diagnostic services to companies that raise animals for human consumption, they extend their sphere of influence even further. The sectors for cattle, pork, shrimp, and tilapia are among those mentioned. Additionally, they offer training and services for microbiological testing to the food and agroindustries generally. They combine the best practises for sample preparation and identification.
Currently, poultry diagnostics account for 1.1% of the animal healthcare market. Increasing egg consumption and utilisation in a variety of industries, including food and personal care, is expected to have a significant impact on market growth.
With the latest insights and statistics from the biggest pharmaceutical and healthcare device manufacturers across the globe, FMI presents an extensive analysis on Poultry Diagnostics market.
FMI offers insights into the market data on over 5000+ drugs for more than 100 countries, which further aids the research on current and upcoming market scenario for the Poultry Diagnostics market. Our expert researchers and analysts for healthcare tracks the data of established players as well as new entrants in medical industry to provide an unbiased analysis for a sound and financial decision.
Sample of Research Report @https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-12773
Key Segments Profiled in the Poultry Diagnostics Market Survey
By Test Type:
PCR Test
By Disease:
Avian Salmonellosis
Avian Influenza
Newcastle Disease
Avian Mycoplasmosis
Avian Pasteurellosis
Infectious Bronchitis
Infectious Bursal Disease
Avian Encephalomyelitis
Avian Reovirus
Chicken Anemia
By Services:
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kashmirmonitor · 2 years
Kashmir scientist named member of US-based 'Morris Animal Foundation'
Srinagar: A 39-year-old scientist has earned a rare honor after he was nominated as a member of the US-based Morris Animal Foundation. Dr. Nadeem  Shabir, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry at SKAUST- Kashmir, has worked extensively on the development of safe vaccines against Infectious Bursal Disease virus and Avian Coronavirus that affect poultry by…
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