#but!! i can do it for everyone else since theyre not the wol anyway so nothing would have to change lol
kuroimarzipan · 2 years
Roehgeim as a Recruitable NPC
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Roehgeim | Sandrine | Sonje | Amlodi | Mellow
Name: Storm Captain Roehgeim Swozalyrwyn Alternate Name or Alias?: Roehgeim of the Mythril Heart (epithet) Race & Job: Sea Wolf Roegadyn, Warrior Nickname: Roeh Default Tarot Card: Knight of Wands
Do they have the Echo? If so, how did they discover it?: Yes, discovered years ago when on a mission fighting sahagin - the rest of her unit was tempered aside from her. Roeh’s echo doesn’t provide insight into others’ pasts, but instead gives her a sense of people’s motives. basically, she’s a lie detector.
How/where does the WoL meet them?: If the WoL takes up warrior as a job, she is one of the npcs that teaches the discipline alongside Curious Gorge. Otherwise, she will be one of the Maelstrom soldiers working to fight Leviathan during 2.2 - specifically assigned for getting up close and personal due to her immunity to tempering.
How are they recruited into the Scions?: Roehgeim can only be brought along on select missions as a temporary member - her loyalty to Limsa Lominsa makes her a poor scion candidate, but she is often involved with their business regardless (either as a Maelstrom liaison, as an echo-bearer, or just to hang out)
Romanceable?: Yes, poly romance only (she will not enter a monogamous relationship and you will lose favour for suggesting it)
Where they are in the open world:
Maelstrom Headquarters, on the clock
Hidden Falls, training with Curious Gorge and Dorgono
Drinking at the Drowning Wench
In Outer La Noscea with the 789th Order
In Western La Noscea talking to the sahagin of Novv’s clutch
(Heavensward only) In Tailfeather
Can also be found between patches fishing in various places.
Default saying: (when you want to talk to them in open world, how do they respond?)
(At Maelstrom HQ) “’Ey! ‘d love ter chat right now, but they got me runnin’ flat out lately.”
(At Hidden Falls) “[WoL]! Come t’challenge Eorzea’s greatest warrior today? Heh, these two’re bout t’fight me on that one, ev’n though’m right.”
(At the Drowning Wench) “[WoL], come’n join me fer a drink! Thanny dogged me again, n’ it sucks arse t’drink alone!”
(When fishing) “What’s better’n this? Jus’ a quiet place wit’ nothin’ but th’ sound of th’ water ‘n yer ears.”
What do they typically do off-screen?: If she’s not doing work for the Maelstrom, she’s either fishing, or on holiday in Tailfeather or Kugane.
Things they Generally Approve of:
giving it a red hot go
fishing and talking to her about fishing
offering to spar
partying hard and having fun
mutual friendly teasing
Things they Generally Disapprove of:
trying to lie
academic jargon
referring to tribe races (kobold, sahagin, etc) in a derogatory manner
telling her to do her paperwork
being taken to cold climates (with the exception of Tailfeather)
anyone that says fishing sucks
admonishing her for her lifestyle
Are they in a Grand Company? Which one?: She is a Maelstrom Storm Captain.
Flaming Orchid (scion, wife)
Skaetswys (lover)
Curious Gorge (lover)
Dorgono (lover)
Marcechamp (lover)
Broken Mountain
Vath Deftarm
Gi Gu
Mellow Autumn
A host of other NPCs tbh this list would start getting too long
Small side mission(s):
 Roehgeim is a mainstay of the Warrior questline (as written here)
She also is present during the Kobold and Sahagin quests as a Maelstrom Liaison, and the Vath quests just because she was there
She’s a member of the fisher’s guild as well
She’ll offer small missions from Maelstrom Command “if yer bored”
There is an extensive fetch questline during Shadowbringers where Roehgeim is left bedridden after she runs out of painkilling elixirs normally produced by her wife, Flaming Orchid, who was transported to the first. As the only one that can go to the first and contact Flaming, it will fall to WoL to get the recipe (and gather the ingredients, inevitably)
Potential tarot card changes:
During Shadowbringers side questline: Ten of Wands
If romanced by the WoL: King of Wands
Template from here!!
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