#but 'whether Juniper has ever dated before' could easily be a thing that comes up in conversation
blujayonthewing · 2 years
now that I’m not being secretive about crossover shipping Elyss and June anymore I was kind of thinking of redoing and reposting that one doodle comic about them being such a slowburn partly because neither of them knew about bisexuality, because I think the concept is funny but the art’s Pretty Rough, but then I remembered that I still can’t share it with the rest of the party because it gives away a lil bit of Juniper’s canon backstory
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juniperwindsong · 5 years
Necessary Monsters (2/16)
There's a slight flush suffusing her cheeks, turning them a rosy pink that Felix finds intensely appealing, and it's almost impossible to keep a triumphant grin from overwhelming his face. He leans forward to brush a small strand of hair out of her face with his free hand, tucking it behind her ear and he can hear her breath catch.
 This is not at all how the evening is supposed to go.
   In his fantasies of their reunion, Felix has envisioned himself at Juniper's side, regaling her with tales of tracking Peruvian Vipertooths in the wild, roughing it in tents for months on end, wrestling with the dragon that left the long, thin scratch down the side of his neck. He's pictured exactly how her eyes will look, wide and riveted to him, as he casually relates his near-death experiences. To be the center of her undivided attention, that's the feeling he's craved for almost a year now. And he's gone to all the trouble of finishing up in Peru in time to endure a ridiculously stressful Quidditch game, not to mention the loud and over-crowded after-party, all to bring his fantasy to life.
   Instead, Felix is left sulking on the sofa nearest the fire place watching as Juniper chats with a crowd of Quidditch enthusiasts, her eyes on Orion Amari as he waxes philosophical. She leans comfortably against the wall beside the common room's stately grandfather clock. Her lips quirk in the slightest of entertained grins as she lifts her bottle of Butterbeer to her mouth and takes a sip. She's positively glowing, the happiness coming off her in waves that bolster the spirits of her surrounding admirers.
   Felix is in despair.
 It's not as though he hasn't considered worst-case scenarios: that Juniper might prefer to think of him as a sort of surrogate brother, or feel dating him to be a betrayal of Barnaby, her ex and his friend, or, the most horrid of notions, that she might even have feelings for someone else. All these possibilities he’s come to terms with, prepared counter arguments for. It's simply never occurred to Felix he might have any sort of competition.
   What began as an embarrassing flight of fancy three years ago has, through their consistent correspondence, evolved into something more, and Felix has finally accepted that the girl he's come to know so well through letters is not only worthy of his affection but might be the only one capable of inspiring it. Now, he realizes he has still been picturing the awkward young teenager he spent so much time with his last year at Hogwarts, with baggy jumpers and unkempt hair and nothing to recommend her to anyone. This young woman, laughing and chatting easily with the people around her, is poised and confident. She has accomplished things, proven her worth, grown into herself. And he isn't the only one who's noticed.
   Felix catches Barnaby staring at her, adoration practically oozing from his eyes and lips. Murphy McNully hasn't been more than his chair's width away from her at any given moment the entire evening, following her everywhere she goes, talking a hundred words a minute. And no matter how hard he tries, Felix cannot shake from his mind that awful image of Juniper grabbing Charlie Weasley around the neck.
   He scowls into his drink. He isn't prepared for this, and one thing he's learned from years of dealing with dragons is you're always more likely to lose a fight with one when you're on the back foot. It's better to leave it and try again when you have the advantage.
   Felix stands reluctantly, debating whether to say goodbye or simply disappear. He casts a last look toward the grandfather clock where Juniper and her friends have congregated, only to discover she isn’t there anymore. A few students in green face paint remain re-enacting their favorite moments from the match, but Orion Amari and Murphy McNully have disappeared as well. Felix’s stomach gives a violent lurch as he considers what this might mean.
   A hand on his shoulder causes Felix to jump. He turns to find Juniper, perched on the back of the sofa, smiling face startling close to his own. Her touch is light, but Felix is as incapable of movement as if her grip were iron.
   "Have you been over here this whole time? I've been looking for you," Juniper says brightly, eyes peering directly into his. Her eyelashes are darker than he remembers, and he wonders if she's wearing makeup or if that's just something that happens to girls as they get older.
   Felix takes a shaky breath, trying to arrange his face into a cool, unconcerned expression.
   "Well, you've had quite the crowd of fans, it's no wonder you couldn't see." He tears his eyes from hers to survey the room. "Where is McNully, by the way, I thought he'd glued you to his chair with a permanent sticking charm."
   "It's getting late. I had to kick all the non-Slytherins out* before the other prefects cotton on and come looking."
   "Yes, an inter-house after-party. I was shocked," Felix comments mildly. He re-seats himself with his back to the fireplace so he can face Juniper, who throws her legs over the side of the sofa and slides down next to him.
   "I'm quite proud actually," she says, and she sounds it. "Anyone can celebrate a win, but to get your competition to celebrate your win?" She grins and lifts her Butterbeer in a toast to herself. "That’s talent."
   Felix smiles in spite of himself and tilts his own bottle at her in salute.
   "Yes, you are clearly talented."
   They drink in silence for a moment, and Felix casts his eyes around, trying to distract himself from the acute awareness of her knees so close to his they're nearly touching. Students are still scattered throughout the common room, but it's now mostly smaller groups engaged in private discussions. He notices it's far less noisy than it was an hour ago.
   "So," says Juniper, propping her arm up on the back of the sofa and resting her head against her hand. "What are you really doing here?"
   Felix's attention is dragged back to the girl across from him, and his heartbeat quickens.
   "What do you mean?"
   "I mean, you hate Quidditch. You can't expect me to believe you came all this way just to see the match."
   Felix gulps, and hopes she doesn't notice.
   “You thought I would miss your moment of triumph?" he asks archly.
   "Felix," says Juniper, and he shivers. No one else says his name just like that and Felix has missed hearing it. "You said your interview was in a fortnight and I know how your boss is. You could barely get away to see that girlfriend of yours - what's-her-name- all last year! You expect me to believe he let you off to watch a school Quidditch game?"
   The way she's looking at him now - suspicious and concerned, a little amused and something else he can't put his finger on - ignites a fiery excitement in Felix's chest.
   "Why do you think I'm here, then?" he asks carefully.
   "I don't know." Juniper looks down at the Butterbeer bottle resting in her lap. "I guess it's just one of my greatest fears that one day I'll get a letter from you saying you've decided to give up dragons and go back home and marry some pure-blooded dimwit who doesn't know an Opaleye from an Ironbelly and wander around your giant manor house bored out your mind at some meaningless ministry job.” She says all this a little too quickly for it to be off the top of her head.
   Felix stares, momentarily distracted from the sensations she's inspiring in him. 
   "That is your greatest fear?"
   "One of. I said one of."
   She breaks into a self-deprecating chuckle that Felix can't help but join. And this is exactly the moment he's pictured for this evening. Juniper's full attention on him, laughing and smiling, conversation flowing between them as easily in person as in their letters. Confidence appropriately boosted, Felix relaxes against the arm of the sofa.
   "Well, rest assured, I've done nothing of the kind. They moved the interview to next week. Apparently, the vacancy at the Reserve needs to be filled as quickly as possible and really it's all just a technicality anyway. And I arrived in the country with enough time to make it to the match, so I came.”  
   Juniper scrutinises him for a moment, trying to determine if he's telling the truth.
   "Honestly?" continues Felix, casually laying his arm across the back of the sofa until his hand is just inches away from hers. "I really don't think I could go back now. Working with dragons, it's..." He closes his eyes for a moment, trying to think of a word that captures everything he feels about his new life. It isn't the first time he's searched for this or the first time he's come up short. "Just...incredible. Better than I ever imagined."
   "I can tell. It's a good look on you," Juniper declares with a lop-sided grin.
   Felix can feel heat creep up the sides of his face, and wishes frantically that he knew a spell to keep from blushing. But he's almost giddy at her praise.
   "Oh, yeah.” Juniper makes a point of looking him up and down in a way that causes the blood to rush out of his face and settle elsewhere. "I mean, you still look like you, just - you know - a bit wilder, bit less refined."  
   She leans forward, gesturing toward the long, thin scar running down his neck and her hand is only a hair's breadth away from his skin. Felix’s fingers spring up to touch the wound reflexively.
   "More scarred, you mean."
   Juniper watches him trace the raised line. "I think it makes you look dashing," she says with a wink.
   Felix forces his fingers back down and lifts his bottle to his mouth in an attempt to keep her from seeing the foolish grin plastered to his face.
   "You look happier than I've ever seen you either. It's nice." Juniper's voice is strangely thoughtful, and something about it causes Felix to lower his bottle and inspect her more closely.
   There's a twitch behind her casual smile that he doesn't remember, as though it's harder to wear than it used to be. And there's a hard quality to her eyes he doesn't recognise either. That, more than anything, makes her look much older, and a different feeling stirs in Felix's stomach. It's the same sort of primal concern he felt when Flint shoved her during the match; a base urge to make whatever it is that's hurting her go away.
   "You look... tired," Felix concludes, and Juniper laughs, although now he thinks he can hear the effort it requires.
   "You are really bad at compliments," she remarks, and takes another swig of her drink.
   "Juniper?" Felix clears his throat, unsure how to proceed. This was not part of the conversation he had hoped to have this evening, but it feels suddenly necessary. "How are you... really? With - you know - everything?" he finishes lamely, unable to put his worries into words.
   "You're referring to this year's cursed vault debacle, and everyone who’s trying to kill me and my friends, and the whole fiasco with my brother?"
   "Yes. That."
   Felix raises both eyebrows.
   "Really. As fine as you could expect,” Juniper assures him, and if he didn't know her so well he would probably be convinced. "If I look tired it might be because I've had Quidditch trainings every night for the last month as well as exams to study for. I seem to remember you spent much of your sixth year tired as well."
   She raises her Butterbeer to her lips again. Felix notices the bottle is empty.
   "That's all it is?" he asks skeptically, though he isn't sure what he wants her to say. The idea that Juniper might suddenly collapse into his arms, full of tears and in need of comfort is strangely enticing, but he can't imagine her actually doing so. Three years in the wild among trained Dragonologists, and Felix has still never met anyone stronger than Juniper Windsong. Sure enough, she pulls herself up until her back is ramrod straight and looks him directly in the eye.
   "Yes, Felix, that's all it is. I'm done with curse-breaking and vaults and mysteries. You were right all along. I need to focus on my future. That's what I'm doing now."
   Juniper sets her empty bottle of Butterbeer down on the table with a note of finality and inspects the common room around her. It's the piercing gaze of a prefect searching nooks and crannies for rule-breaking students, and Felix almost laughs out loud to see it on her face.
   She really has grown up, he muses, and suddenly remembers all the things he's intended to say and do this evening. It hasn't gone exactly the way he wanted. He's had no opportunity to impress her; no chance to use any of the stories or carefully-crafted lines he's rehearsed in his few free moments. But he wonders if he can't salvage something of his original plan.
   "Speaking of the future," Felix says as casually as he can, setting down his own Butterbeer so his hands are free. "How are you and Barnaby?"
   Juniper grimaces. "That's not the future, that's the past. You know we broke up almost a year ago."
   "Yes, he's been heartsick all year," confirms Felix.
   "He has not!"
   "I've a whole host of letters that say otherwise." 
    Felix means it to sound teasing, but Juniper looks so unhappy he instantly regrets it.
   "Don't tell me that," she moans, running a hand through her hair. "What was I supposed to do? At what point should I have told him, 'I don't feel the same way about you'? After another year? After school? After he proposed?"
   It's as close to distress as Felix has ever seen from Juniper, and a rush of confidence and courage propels his hand across the back of the sofa to brush against her fingers, currently digging holes into the leather. The brief contact sends sparks dancing over his skin.
   "I didn't say you did the wrong thing," Felix says consolingly.
   To his utter astonishment and delight, Juniper leans her head down to rest her cheek upon his outstretched fingers, her eyes squeezed shut. And if Felix thought his skin tingled before, it's nothing compared to this. A sensation like lightning surges up his arm and to his head, leaving his brain fuzzy and unfocused.
   "I hate that I hurt him," Juniper sighs, eyes still closed.
   "He's alright." Felix is careful to keep his voice even. "He's resilient. And he's enjoying his time as a renaissance wizard." His lips quirk briefly at the words.
   Juniper jerks her head up to shoot a warning look at Felix. "Don't laugh. He's learned loads. More wizards should spend time in such pursuits."
   "You're absolutely right," Felix concedes. Juniper doesn't seem about to lay her head back down, he notices wistfully, but she hasn't moved her hand from where it rests just under the tips of his fingers. He pauses before venturing as casually as possible, "And what about McNully?”
   "What about him?"
   "Well," Felix draws out the word, stroking the pad of his thumb across her knuckle lightly, impressed at his own daring. "He stayed awfully close to you all night long, and I noticed his commentary seemed a bit biased on your behalf."
   "What do you mean?" she asks, her eyes flicking toward his fingers teasing hers. Felix smirks.
   "He called you the beautiful, brilliant beater at least three times."
   Juniper snorts, shaking her head dismissively. "We're just friends."
   "The same way you're just friends with the Weasley boy?" Felix’s heart races as he finally addresses the issue he fears most.
   At this, Juniper breaks into a fit of strange giggles. Which isn't quite the emphatic denial of feeling Felix was hoping for. He says nothing, pointedly, waiting for her mirth to cool. When it does, she lowers her gaze to her lap again and chews at her lip in thought.
   "I think... maybe, I'm not really any good at...all that." She gestures vaguely with the hand not trapped under his. "I mean, life-and-death stuff I can do, that's easy, but dating?" Her fingers tap nervously against her leg. "Honestly, I think relationships are more stressful than curse breaking or Quidditch or exams. I just don't know if I'm really cut out for...that sort of thing."
   "You are," Felix contradicts her, entirely without thinking.
   Juniper tries to raise her eyebrows at him, but they remain firmly glued in place and all she manages to do is crinkle her forehead into lines. It's such a familiar expression after all their precarious talk, and Felix is transported back to his seventh year, learning the ropes of dragons with the fourteen year old version of the girl across from him. The girl who nagged him, and frustrated him, and caused him no end of trouble, and eventually, helped him see his life in an entirely new light. Re-inspired by these memories, he slides his fingers between hers delicately, his heart beating double-time.
   "It's like a dance," says Felix softly, adjusting himself on the sofa a little so their knees meet. "You just need the right partner."
   It's a line Felix has saved for precisely this occasion. It's always sounded good in his head, but something in his delivery feels off. He cringes inwardly, saved from debilitating embarrassment only by Juniper's expression of wide-eyed astonishment. There's a slight flush suffusing her cheeks, turning them a rosy pink that Felix finds intensely appealing, and it’s almost impossible to keep a triumphant grin from overwhelming his face. He leans forward to brush a small strand of hair out of her eyes with his free hand, tucking it behind her ear. He hears Juniper’s breath catch.
   The clearing of a throat, slight yet somehow sinister, startles Felix so badly he nearly falls to the floor. He turns hastily to the entrance wall where Professor Snape is hovering, arms folded across his chest, eyes narrowed almost to slits. Felix's face is so hot he's afraid it might catch fire.
   "Do excuse me for interrupting," Snape intones in a voice entirely free of apology, "But it is high time Mr Rosier took his leave, as he is no longer a student at this school."
    Juniper leans across the back of the sofa to face her head of house, and Felix marvels at how unaffected she seems to be by Snape's sudden arrival, or the intimate moment he's caught them in.
   "Professor, do you think if I were to achieve some remarkable Quidditch Cup win that also ensures Slytherin the House Championship, you might let my guest stay a bit longer?" Juniper asks, her face even but her eyes alight with sarcastic humour.
   Snape's supercilious expression does not change.
   "Miss Windsong, that is the only reason your 'guest'," his lips curl unpleasantly at the word, "is still here at all. And the only thing saving you from detentions every evening now until the end of term."
   Juniper throws a quick glance at the grandfather clock and does a double take.
   "Merlin's beard, is it really after one?" She jumps up from the sofa and spins around quickly, taking in the disheveled state of the common room.
   It's miraculously free of students, Felix realises with relief, and he can only hope it's been empty long enough no one has witnessed the end of their conversation. He gets to his feet awkwardly, smoothing back his hair.
   "I apologise, Professor. I lost track of the time," Felix says to the entrance wall behind Snape's head, unable to look the intimidating teacher in the face. He walks quickly around the sofa to the stairs, resigning himself to the fact that he won't be able to say the sort of goodbye he'd like, when he notices Juniper just behind him.
   "I'll walk you out,” she announces, with a small wink.
   Snape quirks an eyebrow. "It has not been that long since Mr Rosier was last here. I'm sure he's quite capable of finding the way on his own."
   His voice is as icily unbroachable as Felix remembers, and yet Juniper meets his gaze evenly.
   "Of course, sir, but the halls are dangerous. You never know when some new curse will just suddenly appear. It's really best if he has some protection." And she strides purposefully toward the entrance wall without a backward glance at either wizard.
   Not daring to speak, Felix follows her as fast as dignity will permit, passing Snape with a very slight nod. He expects the Potions Master to stop them at any moment, but it isn't until Felix steps through the parting bricks and into the dungeons beyond that Snape speaks again.
   "Miss Windsong," he warns, his voice a deadly, carrying whisper. "On no account are you to leave this school, or there will be severe consequences. Slytherin Quidditch champion or not."
   The bricks close back up between them as Juniper nods her concession.  
   Felix is momentarily stunned. He's never known anyone to take such a careless tone with the Slytherin Head of House and live to tell the tale.
   "Shall we?" Juniper gestures up the hall with a wave of her arm. Felix shakes himself internally and follows her through the dungeons.
   "So, is Snape going soft or are the two of you best mates now?" he asks as they walk. Juniper smiles.
   "He's the same as ever, but I think we've reached an understanding. You know, he really cares about his students deep down. "
   Felix makes a small noise of disbelief at this.
   "Deep, deep, deep down," Juniper amends.
   Felix is far from conceding that any level of Snape, no matter how deep, could be described as "caring”, but he's more concerned at the moment with how to recapture the intimate mood he had achieved before they were interrupted. He casts his mind about for an appropriate segue, but Juniper, as always, plunges in first.
   "So, whatever happened to what's-her-name anyway, your French girlfriend?"
   Felix finds its hard to believe Juniper really can't remember his now ex-girlfriend's name as many times as he's written it.
   "Aurelie. And it didn't work out."
   "Oh," says Juniper with only the faintest trace of sympathy as they mount the stairs to the Entrance Hall. "Sorry."
   Felix snorts unbecomingly. "Really? You only spent a year telling me how I could do better.” He's surprised to see Juniper's cheeks turn pink in the candle light.  
   "Well yes, I just mean...you know...break-ups are always hard, so I'm just...sorry you had to go through...that."
   Her struggle for words, the blush she wears so prettily, and the way she's looking anywhere but at him all seem like encouraging signs to Felix that perhaps, in spite of his inability to make this evening conform to the perfect scene he’s envisioned, it may not be entirely unsuccessful.
   "Don't be," he tells her. "No one was heart broken about it, except perhaps my parents."
   "Ah, yes. Pure-blood expectations and all that." Juniper grins as they cross the Entrance Hall. "So, they send you any new prospects yet, then? Applications to look through?"
   Her question wears the costume of a jest, but Felix thinks he can hear something else behind it and his stomach wriggles in pleasure.
   "I've told them I'll be far too busy for the next year adjusting to this new position."
   "I'm sure they took that quite well."
   "Oh yes, with equanimity." 
   They reach the enormous double doors and Juniper, slightly ahead of Felix, pushes them open and steps through first, waiting for him to follow. But Felix stops firmly on the other side of the doors.
   "Juniper, Snape said you were not to leave Hogwarts. And no matter how chummy you might think the two of you are, there's no way he doesn't get you for that kind of rule-breaking. You'll ruin your chances for Head Girl, not to mention the house points you'll lose. Get inside, now."
   There’s something of the prefect back in his tone and expression, but, as always, it fails to intimidate Juniper into obedience.
   "Don't worry," she replies, amusement colouring her words. "I'm not bothered about being Head Girl. Rowan's better for it anyway."
   Felix crosses his arms and doesn't budge.
   "Besides, Snape said I wasn't to leave the school, he didn’t specify the castle itself. The grounds are perfectly safe."
   "You've been attacked on the grounds more than once. And not just by students."
   Juniper sighs exasperatedly and rolls her eyes.
   "I’m sure Barnaby’s accounts are highly exaggerated. And if it will make you feel better, I won't go the whole way, just down to the road, alright?"
   Felix hesitates. He isn't ignorant of how dangerous Hogwarts has become in the last two years. There are more than just Cursed Vaults Juniper has to contend with now, and the part of him that feels responsible for her well-being has a definite bad feeling about her walking back to the castle on her own so late.
  "C'mon, Felix. I don't really want to say goodbye here in the hall, do you?'
   That argument strikes a powerful chord with him. And against his better judgement, Felix allows himself to be persuaded.
   "So, do you know how long you'll be in the country?" Juniper asks in a would-be-casual voice as they descend the grassy slope leading from the castle to the road into Hogsmeade. "The term will be over soon, we should get together sometime before you leave."
   It takes a sincere amount of effort for Felix to reign in his simultaneous excitement and regret as he admits, "I'm afraid I won't be here past next week. As soon as the paperwork is complete, I'll be heading for Romania. I didn't want to stick around too long and give my parents more time to nag at me."
   "Oh yeah, of course," agrees Juniper easily, but there's a very slight note of disappointment in her voice, Felix thinks. The time has come to take a risk.
   "But, once I'm settled...you know, it's not like Peru where I was in the wild all the time in tents never knowing where we were going to be. The Reserve is safe. Well, relatively safe. There's lots of people." 
   He's babbling, which is ridiculous because he's practiced this so many times. It's incredible how much harder it is to focus around her than around man-eating dragons. 
   "You could always come for a visit, if you wanted."
   "Really?" Juniper asks with genuine excitement. "That sounds fantastic!"
   Relief prevents Felix from fully concealing his smile. "I know you'll be swamped with your NEWTs, but I thought you might stay for the Christmas holiday. If you're not too busy, of course."
   There's a brief moment of hesitation on her part, and Felix forgets how to breathe as the worry he's misread everything that's passed between them this evening constricts his chest like a python. But when Juniper turns her head toward him it's with a grin so wide she hides it behind her hand.
   "I would love to, Felix. If you're serious."
   Felix stops. He makes a point of looking Juniper in the eye as he assures her, "I'm very serious," and the colour spreading across her cheeks, just discernible by the light of his wand, convinces him she grasps his deeper meaning.
   The cool night wind tosses her hair gently, and Felix has a brief vision of his hand reaching forward to caress the side of her face, her eyes widening as he leans in to her, and their lips meeting softly in the perfect kiss he's dreamed of for longer than he cares to admit. 
   It's the opportunity he's been waiting for, and Felix takes a slow, steadying breath. But as tries to recall the words he's prepared for this moment, he discovers his mind is entirely blank. He freezes, mouth slightly open. He's reminded forcefully of a night years ago when he stood at the edge of a valley overlooking his first ever dragon, desperate to climb in but unable take a step.
     After a laden moment, Juniper looks away, blush deepening, and trudges off down the hill. 
    “Then, I’ll see you in a few months, I guess," she says over her shoulder, her voice pitched higher than usual. "Always assuming next year's drama doesn’t do me in.”
   It’s a joke, a throwaway comment meant to ease the tension, Felix is sure, but it prods a secret, highly-sensitive nerve, causing him to wince almost visibly. It frees his captive limbs, and Felix quickly catches Juniper up. He grabs her hand to force her to stop and face him, no longer in a mood to appreciate the way her pupils dilate.
   “Juniper,” he says, his voice as earnest as he knows how to make it. “Promise me you're done. Really done. With curse-breaking and-and all the creatures and...you know, life-threatening situations in general."
   "Felix," Juniper replies, with a nervous giggle, glancing between them to where his hand clutches hers. "You know I can't promise that. This is Hogwarts! We're always in danger. If it's not Cursed Vaults and assassins, then it's werewolves or yetis or free-range chimaeras." The concern in Felix's face does not fade, and she sighs. "But I promise I'm finished looking for danger.”
   "And your brother? You're finished looking for him, as well?"
   Juniper stiffens. "That's different."
   "Only because it's worse," he insists, but it's the wrong thing to say. Juniper tugs her hand from his and places it on her hip defiantly.
   "It isn't a choice. I have to help him."
   "Juniper!" Felix's voice is almost pleading, and he would be mortified if this wasn't so important.
   She meets his gaze with her patented look of grim, un-swayable determination. It's an expression Felix hated when he first met her, and he feels an echo of that again. It's a defense he's never been able to crack.
   "Felix, Jacob needs my help. Even if he doesn't want to admit it. He can't do this all on his own. And I can't just abandon him." Juniper tries to force a reassuring smile. "But I will be careful. I promise."
   Uncomfortable silence stretches between them, neither sure what to say next. The sound of rustling grass from somewhere close by causes them both to start.
   "I should get back. Before Snape comes looking for me," says Juniper awkwardly, stuffing her free hand into her pocket. "But...I'll see you at Christmas? If you still want me?"
   Felix watches Juniper’s face searching his for confirmation, and he sighs. 
   "Of course," he says, his voice resigned.
  Felix watches Juniper climb the hill in the dark with a pang of longing. He briefly considers running after her, grabbing her arms and pulling her against him, making her understand exactly why her safety is so essential to him. But he knows it would be pointless. Schoolboys vying for her affection, Felix might compete with. But he knows there's no argument in his arsenal that will ever convince her to choose him over her brother.
A/N: *Canon divergent: I've always thought it a bit ridiculous for all the Quidditch characters to be in MC's own house, so my own personal head canon is that Murphy McNully is in Ravenclaw, the house I think suits him best. 
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quoththesaven · 7 years
I met Cady by the fountain in the mall at eleven in the morning, across from the store with kitchen supplies and the jeweler.  She arrived seventeen minutes late, and was carrying a shopping bag from the candy shop in her left hand.  She wore a pair of overalls and sneakers, and wore a vibrant geometric patterned shirt under the denim.   Her hair was crimped and she had a blue eye shadow on that matched the rectangles on her tee.  She was always one to keep with the style and never the time.
We decided to look through the shops and eat the fresh licorice she just purchased before grabbing a meal in the food court and going to catch a matinee horror flick.  We checked through a store where she bought a pair of bright green high-waisted shorts, and she bought a necklace that was made of recycled bottle caps off a guy with a table outside of a boutique.  I never really bought anything when we went shopping together.  She never noticed that, either.  Not until today, at least.
“Mar, look at yourself,” I have my hair straight today, a light blue headband and a button-up of the same color, and a plaid skirt, and knee high socks, and my old and beat-up Mary Janes.  “You look like a… a typical Catholic schoolgirl.”
“I am a typical Catholic schoolgirl,” I add before being interrupted again.
“No, Mar, you’re missing the point.  It’s the summer of 1996: you are sixteen years old now, which practically makes you a woman.  And you don’t even have class except for on Tuesdays.”  I looked at her, as if asking if she had a point.  Being my best friend (well at least of all girls), she knew what I meant, and went on her rant.  “My point is, today is Wednesday, and you’re still in uniform.”  She did have a point about that one, I suppose.
“After the movie, you’re coming back to my house, and I’m going to give you a makeover.” We passed the shop with all of the fancy and expensive clothes, and prom and homecoming dresses.  They have a display outside their store—the only store to have a display—and we always stop and have to pick one.  She chose a bright orange puffy-shoulder dress with yellow stripes on the skirt, and I chose a long dark blue ball gown with nothing at all sparkly or not fitting.
I didn’t know why she asked for later, until I saw a girl walk up to her and hug her.  I forgot about this being a double-date with Chris.  I suddenly dreaded the day even more than I did pre-makeover-mention, and regretted looking like I haven’t yet finished adolescence.   He found me outside five minutes prior to our entry.  He liked Cady, but didn’t care at all for Jennifer.  I really didn’t either.  She was like that dress Cady chose.  There was a reason it was on sale.  But it didn’t really matter about that.  She isn’t the type to stick to one thing, or, person, for the matter of “Jenny Jenkins, Junior in tdTmJournalism”, or the type to want to go to school events like prom.
The movie was okay, but I really couldn’t pay all that much attention to it, as much as I may have tried.  For much of it, Chris tried the same old classic and lame moves like yawning and putting his arm around me to try to get me to stop watching the movie entirely.  Sometim   nes he really seems like the stereotypical teenage boy trying to get some at every chance he can.  But other times he doesn’t seem like that at all.  Like when we were leaving the movie and it was raining, he spun around the light post, singing, and it was just so much fun to play in the puddles.  He often says a lot of sweet things, too, but my mother raised no ignorant female.  
It was a special day at the pediatric ward this afternoon, as Justice and Isaac were going around to all of the kids and their visitors (more than one, today) and inviting them to cafeteria at three thirty to play games and make friends.  Justice came up with the idea herself. I think that’s a great way for these poor children to be happy for even a little while.  Cady wanted to go today, and when she brought it up to me after we dropped off her date, Chris invited himself along.  Michael did say he wanted to meet the ever elusive Christopher Hale.  I just don’t know how well this will go down.
We reach the hospital in Mallory’s tiny, grey, and aged car with little time to spare.  Michael was happy to see Cady, but soon realized why he normally isn’t when she hugged him extra tight, squeezing his now un-casted yet still healing arm.  He was very professional with Chris, as he had to be, for he was the one pushing the wheelchair as I dragged along the things connected to his IV for his pain medication.  Not to mention, he’s the understudy who wants to be the lead so bad he’d hit Chris with a car.  Not literally, of course.  That was probably way too soon.
Nurse June, whom Isaac calls Juniper, says a few words that I don’t pay attention to and brings out with Daisy a pile of boxes of board games like checkers and chess and Battleship and Monopoly.  Justice picked out a game I never heard of before.  Isaac read from the box that a group of kids staying here played this game every Monday night.  There were cards inside, of all kinds, as well as game pieces of different colors, dice, an old game board, and instructions.
HOW TO PLAY: Set up the board and choose a piece for each player.  Roll the die to see who goes first.  Go around the board in clockwise order.  Choose the appropriate card for the space landed on.  
For a truth or lie card, write down the honest answer on a piece of paper, and hide it from the others.  Have the other player(s) bet on whether the player has told the group the correct or incorrect answer.  If the player stumps the group, the player moves ahead as many spaces as there are other players (not including themselves).  If they have not, each player moves ahead or behind one space accordingly, depending respectively on whether they guessed it right or wrong.
For a dare card, complete the dare within fifteen minutes, or whenever the dare permits.  If the player does complete the dare, they may move ahead one space.  If they do not, they move back one space.
For a category card, list the items the card specifies in counter-clockwise order.  Whoever messes up in thirty seconds per each turn, they move back one space.
  HOW TO WIN: Reach the end and answer trivia questions about the other player(s).  Once the player in question to win has answered three correctly, they win the game.
It sounded easy enough; just truths, dares, and lists.  I liked making lists when I was little.  I still do.  It helps me think clearly.  We went around, youngest to oldest, just because it was easier that way.  Justice went first, and she moved her piece the appropriate four spaces.  It was a dare card.  “Confront the last person who was angry with you behind your back.”  Justice is the kind of little girl that everybody loves.  She kept it for the next person who chose a dare.
Isaac got categories and it was presidents; of course, Justice did not know many, so he helped her out as much as he could.  Chris lost.  I was next.  I chose dare.  That meant I got her card, and she got mine.  “Tell the group what you think a cool job would be but would never be able to/could/would actually do.”  She announced that she had a fascination for boats and the water.  She loved to swim and go to the beach.  She had not been to the beach in years.  She said she wanted to be a pirate.  I know that the purpose of this question was not to say pirate, but it was cute, so we went on.
The person who was last angry with me was his father, and he knew that.  It was silent for a while.  Michael attempted to take his turn, but Cady urged me to call them, “right now”.  I didn’t do it, and somehow managed to pull an excuse out of thin air.  “I cannot perform this dare currently, but...” the game instructs me to read in the event of my failure to do so, “...but that is simply because said person is at work at this time.”  Michael then quickly rolled the die to reveal his space to be a truth card.
“What was the name of my first pet?”  Michael wrote his answer, and I wrote mine, knowing it so easily.  I was the only person to get it, as expected for it being such an out-there question, and it was then Cady’s turn.  She had a list, and it was planets.  A shorter one, it ended as fast as it began.  The cycle continued, in a fairly boring fashion.  No big secrets, no big dares.  Isaac did have to ask Nurse June on a date, though, which as expected, was hopeless.  Lastly, was Chris, for the win against the crippled boy.  It was a truth or lie card.
“Who was the last person you thought about?”  I guessed his mother, for some unknown reason.  Cady and Isaac guessed his dad, and Justice guessed a sister he doesn’t even have.  It was all looking to be stumped, allowing Chris to keep his secret, until, the final guess was made accurately.  Michael became the winner of the game, and Chris absolutely would not share the truth with anyone.  Michael said he would keep his secret.
As we cleaned up the game, Cady and I returned them, and she whispered, “I think I know what he wrote..” I didn’t say anything to respond, but she acted as if I did.  “I think it was a girl he might find, hot, or something..” I pretended like I didn’t care, but I was all-ears.  “Perhaps, a blonde with short hair, who he’s been eyeing up all afternoon..” Oh.  Of course.  How could I be so naive?  To think an actual college boy--or any boy, for that matter--with a face like his and a personality to match would pay any real attention to me.
Rejoining the group, I grab my jacket, and the Johnson kids went back to Justice’s room before I knew it. Cady offered to take Chris home, hoping to make a move.  I let her go.  Wheeling Michael back to the room, I look out the window to find Cady driving off.  Michael laughed after the door was closed.  He told me he wasn't laughing at me, but at Cady.  “She wasn’t the name?  And he doesn’t--?  And now she’s--” he nodded, and laughed much harder, until it hurt.  He finally settled down, and told me the truth card’s answer for the victory: none other than the on-stage Juliet.
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