#but I HAVE seen people talk about dropping ocs/ideas because of the comparisions
franeridart · 7 years
Hello I love your art and love the new kiribaku kids. I did research on mako sharks and it said "The shortfin mako is on record as the fastest-swimming shark, capable of bursts of speed up to 18.8 metres per second (42 mph)." Its jaw is powerful enough to eat swordfish and sea turtles. And "Like other lamnid sharks, the shortfin mako shark has a heat-exchange circulatory system that allows the shark to be 7-10 °F warmer than the surrounding water. ". So I think mako would be an excellent hero
Never said she won’t be! As I’ve already explained tho the concept is that she’s young and most of he quirk-related abilities just haven’t developed yet - if she’d been living with her biological parents (which means, other people with a shark quirk) they would have already known what to expect from the quirk/she would have knows watching them, but as things stand she’s being raised by two people who’ve never known anyone else with that quirk, so they’re going at it completely blind. As far as Bakugou and Kirishima know her quirk’s abilities could stop at what she has now, but that doesn’t change that they’ll do their best to help her become the best hero of her generation, if that’s what she wants
Anon said: I can't believe the KiriBaku kids are literally Sharkgirl and Lavaboy, it's very cute. I also wanna say that Mako looks very much like one of the student from Ketsubutsu Academy, Nakagame Tatami, who has a "turtle quirk". Could it be that Mako is Tatami's biological kid and that when Tatami died (presumably from battle) Mako got adopted? Their quirks are a little similar (water-animal based), and hero's kids usually have very strong quirks even from a young age. Just a theory, love the kids tho!
I know you didn’t mean anything bad by this and I love how into them you are (thank you for liking them!) but please never, ever tell an artist that their OCs are literally some other characters, that’s the worst thing any creator can ever be told. Like, while I don’t exactly mind it since I knew this would happen even before posting them (as I said, I do know they remind of them - even though Tai’s quirk isn’t only about heating things up - and I’m still of the opinion that Kiri and Baku are pretty damn similar to Sharkboy and Lavagirl themselves so kids inspired by them were bound to remind of them, when coming from me) you might in the future find someone who’ll take it bad enough that they’ll just trash the characters and never work with them ever again, which I’m sure you don’t want
Just, mind your words next time you send this sort of asks, okay?
Anon said:(Hi, I'm the one who liked sharks and thought about mako's quirk too much) honestly some things she might do: be able to move/unhinge her upper jaw, have weirdly made bones because cartilage, absolutely terrify her parents by growing in her baby teeth and then immediately LOSING THEM w a second row ready, literally never get sick, heal faster than average
Her bones are normal human bones but everything else works for me! Tho as far as her baby teeth go Baku and Kiri hadn’t adopted her yet, back then haha
Anon said: here's a question, can mako talk underwater? i think tsuyu can so it doesn't seem unreasonable (don't quote me on that tho)
She can’t! For two main reasons: the first, she uses gills to breathe underwater - at the sides of her ribcage - which means that there’s no air passing across her throat to make her vocal cords vibrate to produce sound. Technically she could probably find a way to switch between breathing systems just enough to make herself able to talk, but it requires a type of coordination she still doesn’t have. She tried, nearly drowned herself, Kirishima freaked the fuck out and forbid her to try again at least until she’s ten; the second reason is that as far as I get it sharks don’t actually make noises underwater, which is why she can’t naturally talk while submerged and needs to switch between breathing systems for it to work~
Anon said:I think u never answered anything ab that so... what are/were your feelings on fat calling Kiri "chickling" when he found him under his belly?
Still unsure whether he actually called him chickling or if FA was right and the correct translation is “what are you, a chickling”, but either way it was adorable and I died a lot I’m so glad Kiri has Fat in his life ;A;
Anon said:Okay so I recently like two days ago recent found some of your Kiribaku art work and thought it was really cute so then I delved deeper and got into the characters and stuff but I thought that Bakugou controlled fire or something like he could heat up his body and stuff and now I really love this idea but it's now actually cannon and I don't want to make an au or anything but I thought you'd like to hear about human heater Bakugou who gives really warm hugs and cuddles to Kirishima- :)
I hc Bakugou as having an average temperature higher than normal because of his quirk, so this still works for me! It’s so soft and good, thank you for sharing it!!! ;u;
Anon said:I ship Tsuyu with Mina but it always low key feels like I'm alone in this :/
It’s not my fav ship for either but I do ship it too!!! They’re so nice tbh and they’re two of my fav girls in bnha so that’s an A++++ concept for me - and I’m sure you’re not alone!!! I’m pretty sure I read more than a fic with that ship as a bg one, so there must be people who main it too~
Anon said:Your BakuKiriKami art has me obsessed with these boys and convinced me to read the manga instead of just watching the anime! I just got to the hero license exam and the first thing I thought of when I saw Kaminari was "omg his boyfriends must find his updated costume so hot" because now I have a one track mind for this OT3 😂
LMAO that’s good and that arc is such a great thing for the ship too~ it was definitely the moment I started seriously shipping it!
Anon said:have you ever thought about doing a web comic?
Yeh! I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I found out webcomics were a thing lmao
Anon said:Hmm... would BakuKiriKami ever have kids, I wonder?
Are you asking me what kid they’d have or generally if they would because if it’s the second then sure - I really can’t see Kaminari and Kirishima never wanting kids tbh, and if it were with people he loves I think Bakugou would want a family too, probs
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