#but I chose 7 bc it’s my favourite number
hanaasbananas · 9 months
saw a post earlier about how well behaved you were in school/how often you got in trouble and I can't find it again BUT it made me think of a couple of times I got completely REAMED by my teachers.
One time when I was in year 6 so..11? I think? it was 2008/9, I'd just discovered Fruits Basket and was practically in love with Kyo Sohma. That's fine, right? Perfectly normal experience
UNTIL we got set a homework task to write a short 1000 word essay on any subject and what did I choose?
Well. I chose to copy and paste the ENTIRE Wikipedia article about Fruits Basket. The whole thing. And then I painstakingly went through my entire document, removing every single hyperlink so that "Mrs M won't know that I didn't write this and will be so impressed by how much i wrote". ARE YOU SURE. ARE YOU SURE HANAA
she did notice. Almost immediately when I rocked up with a STACK of paper and everyone else had like, one page and I still had the GALL to show off "how much work I did" to everyone else on my table. where is this confidence NOW??? when I NEED IT.
anyway turns out my friend ALSO plagiarised her paper about tigers but she didn't take out the hyperlinks so we both got yelled at for 10 minutes during break, absolutely sobbed our little hearts out and then were told to wash our faces and calm down in the last 5 mins lmaoo
I think the funniest part of this story is that Mrs M ended up being one of my favourite primary school teachers, though I never plagiarised a Wikipedia article again.
The second instance I got absolutely WRECKED by a teacher was in year 8 dance. Yes, dance. I absolutely LOATHED dance. Despised it. Was absolutely HORRIFIED when I started secondary school in year 7 and found out it was MANDATORY for two years.
(Essentially all subjects are mandatory until u choose ur gcse options, at which point you only do the core subjects aka maths english science and then 4 other subjects of ur choice. most schools have u choose options in year 9 bc year 10 is when you sit your gcse exams but THANK GOD my school made u choose in year 8 so you could have a practise run with the subjects you chose in year 9 and change them if u wanted to)
I didn't mind doing drama, (though i HATEd having to take ur shoes and socks off in the classroom), didn't mind ICT or food tech or graphic design or DT or geography. I HATED dance.
And also, unfortunately when I started my secondary school the lessons were LONG. The day was from 8.45-2.45 (unless you were an older student and had later lessons. Having a maths lesson at 2.45 and watching everyone going home SUCKED.) and for the first 3 years while I was there each lesson was AN HOUR AND A HALF. NINETY MINUTES. So you only had 3 lessons a day if you finished at 2.45 but they were really painfully long.
(They did switch to 1 hour lessons eventually and and sometimes you'd have a double period of a subject but that was fine.)
ANYWAY back to the story- despised dance, had to do it anyway. I surilvived one year, but then I had a stricter teacher in year 8 and one time we had an end of year assessment where we'd been practising dance lifts all term and she gave us 45 mins to pair up and come up with a dance sequence that had lifts in it and then perform it to the whole class at the end.
and the thing is, I was (am) a little heavy. So I knew I'd be the one doing the lifting. No problem. Until it came to pairing up because I was shy and quiet I only hung out w two other girls.
do you see where this is going?
those two friends of mine (TRAITORS) paired up so I was left with another shy muslim girl who I vaguely knew as a friend of a friend. She was lovely, honestly but things Didnt Go Well.
and by that I mean she couldn't lift me and wouldn't let ME lift HER so we could come up with something, anything. and I was CHRONICALLY shy. so I wasn't about to go tell the teacher, then my partner would hate me!!
time comes to perform. all of us sit on the floor against the mirror as the teacher goes down the line and sees everyone's performance.
we were last
we had nothing
"what were you doing for the last 45 minutes then girls? everyone else managed to do it, why didn't you?"
i tried to explain as articulately as I could, which is v impossible when you are a 12 year old trying not to start crying as you are BEING YELLED AT IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE (SILENT) CLASS. my partner didn't cry but she also didn't tell the teacher why she didn't let me lift her.
naturally, we were given detention. and this was in the time when detention was the same amount of time as a lesson. AN HOUR AND A HALF DETENTION. I was distraught. What would my mum say when I had to stay late after school? I'd NEVER gotten a detention before I couldn't believe it!!
the ultra humiliating part was this was at the end of the day and we all got changed in the dance studio, they had like, open lockers at the back to put your stuff in so I couldn't even leg it out of class at the end I had to get changed next to my classmates all while they're sneaking glances at me and I'm just. Sobbing.
I think the teacher did feel bad about how much I was crying though because she told us that she'd email us to let us know when the detention would be and never did. I skipped class the week after just in case she remembered but I escaped unscathed.
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birdylion · 1 year
Fanfic tag game
Found a 2 year old tag game in my likes and I don't know if I ever replied! Thank you @hermitknut for tagging me all this time ago :D
AO3 name: birdylion on ao3, Wayfarer back on fanfiktion.de
Fandom(s): My first big fandom was HP. I wrote a little bit in German for Firefly and Discworld, and then in English for Green Rider, Rogue One, Good Omens, Mass Effect (trilogy + Andromeda), Rivers of London and The Memoirs of Lady Trent.
Number of fics: 23 on ao3. There are some, especially older HP stories on ff.de, that I haven't archived on ao3.
1. Fic you spent the most time on: I have a 70k unpublished (German) Minerva McGonagall/Pomona Sprout schoolgirl romance on my hard drive that would need a lot of reworking in order to be in a shape I would consider putting out there. I worked on that for a year on and off, and then for a summer intensely. From my published work: Probably my RoL one, Bintumani, because it's 12k and the words have to have come from somewhere. Also I spent a lot of time conversing with my beta reader and editing the fic.
2. Fic you spent the least time on: Sleepless Night, the 200 word Good Omens ficlet that I literally typed on my phone instead of sleeping.
3. Longest fic: Bintumani, my Rivers of London travel adventure with Elsie Winstanley and Mamusu Grant in the late 1970s in Sierra Leone which I wrote for yuletide last year.
4. Shortest fic: again Sleepless Night with 200 words :D
5. Most hits: For my English works: What we're made of, my trans Viktor Krum with Hermione at the yule ball HP fic that I wrote for the Trans Wizarding Tournament (a charity auction for trans organisations). But overall, if I count fanfiktion.de, it's Spürst du die Funken, my Dean Thomas/Seamus Finnigan getting together that I still want to translate into English. I have the half finished translation on my hard drive.
6. Most kudos: What we're made of.
7. Most comment: on ao3 Bintumani, on ff.de it's an old HP oneshot collection
8. Fave fic you wrote: hard to tell, and I'll just copy hermitknut's words: "normally whenever I’ve just finished something that one’s my favourite :)" but if I had to chose, I'd say my Lady Trent fic, Studying Dragons, if only because I love the books so much.
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: oh that's easy! I want to expand on To Serve the Sacred, my latest ME Andromeda fic. It's part of a big worldbuilding headcanon I have and I would love to put more of it into a story. Much of the worldbuilding (and the story I linked above) is about the game's Bad Guys, and a) I would need to make readers care about it and b) it would be more interesting to write it from the perspective of known characters. The worldbuilding reveals/twists that I want to do are very clear in my head, and I have a vague idea how to set it up in a story, but ... I need to work out the details, especially which characters I'd use as POV characters. Probably the other Ryder twin, but they'd need a team too, and the characters are only slowly starting to take shape. Also it's such a big project that I've put it on the backburner for now bc I don't have the time for writing plot / novel length fic in English.
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning: I'm only writing in German right now because that flows easier. My fandom of choice is that one German detective/crime show with the dysfunctional homoerotic dynamic between two of the leads that gets to no1 trending on tumblr once year when there's a new episode. This is now for a story about teenage queer self discovery: (Sorry I tried putting it through Google Translate to share an English version but the translation is terrible.)
Leo stellte sein Rad ab und setzte sich zu Adam auf den Felsen. Groß genug für zwei war der schließlich. Auch, wenn Leo sich damit halb an Adam lehnte. Das war okay. Machten sie ständig. Es war doch okay, oder?
Ein paar Tage nach Ferienbeginn hatte Caro ihm erzählt, dass sie auf dem Halberg Open Air gesehen hatte, wie sich zwei ihrer Klassenkameradinnen während Tokio Hotel geküsst hatten. ‚Cool, dass sie so dazu stehen‘, hatte sie gesagt. ‚Ganz schön mutig. Ich könnte das ja nicht.‘
Leo war nicht schwul, aber wenn er es wäre, dann wäre es Adam vielleicht nicht recht, wenn Leo ihm so nahe war. Wenn er es wäre, dann müsste Leo fairerweise aufhören, neben Adam zu sitzen.
I'm tagging @shakespearerants, @weatheredlaw, @the-moon-loves-the-sea and uh everyone else who follows me and writes fic. Seriously, tell me about it.
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wolken-himmel · 3 years
Thank you for the tag, @magicpumpkin3! ✨ Imma start a new thread since the old one kinda got too long—
30 questions tag game!
1. Name: Laurie
2. Gender: female
3. Star Sign: aries
4. Height: 157cm 😭
5. Time: 6pm
6. Birthday: 👀
7. Favourite band: Daði og Gagnamagnið (thank you, eurovision song contest for introducing me to them 😭❤)
8. Favourite solo artist: Illenium and Au/ra, I can't choose 😭
9. Song stuck in my head: Outsiders — Au/ra
10. Last movie: Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus 🤡
11. Last show: —
12. When I created this blog: January 2021
13. What I post: twst writing and cursed content 🗿
14. Last thing I googled: What is plasmolysis and deplasmolysis?
15. Other blogs: —
16. Do I get asks: Yes— 💀 my inbox is cluttered up bc I've been busy
17. Why I chose my URL: idk it sounds nice and cute
18. Following: ~ 100 people
19. Followers: ~ 2,400 people
20. Average hours of sleep: ✨ 8 hours ✨
21. Instruments: piano
22. Lucky number: 27
23. What am I wearing right now: pyjamas
24. Dream job: programmer or smth related to IT
25. Favourite food: stuff with tofu
27. Nationality: German
28. Favourite song: Fortress — Illenium
29. Last book I read: "Perfume" by Max Süskind
30. Top three fictional worlds I'd like to live in: —
Tagging @zackcrazyvalentine @fairestwriting @chibichibisha @leonakingscholarship @call-me-aesthetic @i-exist2spite-god @skzskrt @rainy-day-coffee @readdressmeasduchess and everyone who would like to join!
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jeongtokkie · 2 years
answer these twenty questions and tag twenty people you’d like to get to know better
Thank you fwend @embeddedinmybrain ~ ((also hi hello it’s still sarah -alwaysaneverland- I just changed my user 😳😳))
Nicknames - I don’t have any on here but family call my by my middle name sometimes
Height - 165 (5’5)
Time - 21.29
Star sign - ♊️
Birthday - may 30
Favourite bands - AJR, 방탄소년단, blackpink
Favourite solo artist - troye sivan, joji, IU, halsey
Favourite food - tiramisu, coffee chip ice cream
Favourite colour - pastel yellow
Last thing I googled - hobo’s vogue interview lol (what’s it for you ask,,, well 👀)
Last show I watched - I’m watching foundation like rn. And I just finished the last ep of Boba Fett
Last movie I watched - Moonrise Kingdom
Lucky number - 7
When I created his blog - like 2013 oml
Do I have other blogs? - yahhhh a blog for like film and tv series and one for haikyuu LOL
Do I get asks - hahaha that’s a funny question yo
Why I chose my url - I’m doing this bc I literally just changed my user. It’s the end of an era yall. I just can’t stop thinking about him and I liked the play on words with rabbit 🐰
Blogs who follow me - people and friends I do not deserve 🥺
Dream trip - Italy and Japan ((not in the same trip aksjsjdn just dream destinations))
Instruments - I played viola for one year haha
Average hours of sleep - 8 😎😎
How many blankets do I sleep with - in the winter three or four and in the summer one
Tagging @morshiberna @letisnotonfire @iambetterbymyself @harubirus @lovejar @pduwd @isakeijzer ((feel free to ignore))
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Overshare Tag
Tagged by @blizabrth 💜
1. Name/Nickname: Eli/Little Momma
2. Pronouns: they/them
3. Star Sign: Sagittarius
4. Height: 5'2"
5. Time: 3:02am
6. Birthday: December 7th
7. Fave Bands: Daughter, Rhodes, Marina & the Diamonds, Angus & Julia Stone, Of Monsters & Men, Florence & the Machine, Børns, Snakehips
8. Fave Solo Artists: Mø, Zella Day, Kari Kimmel, Gabrielle Aplin, Lauren Aquilina, Jessie Ware, Halsey, Troye Sivan
9. Song stuck in my head: Don't Leave Me by Snakehips & Mø
10. Last Show: True Blood (don't judge me please)
11. Last Movie: do comedy specials count? Iliza's Confirmed Kills
12. When Did I Create This Blog: *noncommittal noise*
13. What Do I Post: hahaha haha this is just a dumpster fire of me throwing random shit at the wall. I'm sorry for everyone witnessing it, but also you're welcome
14. Last Thing I Googled: organizing tips (my blog is not the only dumpster fire in my life. My closet is a safety hazzard)
15. Other Blogs: nope. This is my only hell hole
16. Why I Chose My URL: bc it me. I'm southern, I'm blonde (naturally) & I'm a bitch
17. Do I Get Asks: I do & I would love more! Seriously....please come talk to me.
18. Following: 959 😅
19. Followers: 1,696. Stfu no way
20. Average Hours Of Sleep: 3. I run mostly on caffeine & pure stubbornness
21. Lucky Number: 7 & 24
22. Instruments: nothing perfectly but a lil piano, a lil guitar & like a vague understanding of snare drums
23. What Am I Wearing: black The Who tee & red & black striped boxers
24: Dream Trip: Greece, Barcelona & Hawaii
25. Favourite Food: cheesy bread. Breakfast lunch & dinner
26. Nationality: American
27. Languages: English
28. Favourite Song: Smother by Daughter (I got a lyric from it tattooed)
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29. Last Book Read: these (10/10 would recommend)
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30. Top 3 Fictional Universes I’d Like To Live In: Buffy (so I could fuck Faith & Spike), True Blood (so I can fuck Eric), Van Helsing (so I can fuck all the girls) (Also if you noticed my thing for vamps please keep it to yourself)
Ugh, I hate tagging y'all. I'll tag @lan-jev @jade-marie @riosgoodgirll @mego42 & I dunno anyone else who wants to
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marshthat · 3 years
My Jedi master Eeth Koth headcanons!
Eeth Koth has been my comfort charcter for quite a long time, and still is now (and I hope still will be in the future also, bc I cant imagine me existing without my love for Eeth anymore).
So, I've decided to share my most prominent master Koth headcanons that I've accumulated at this point
As promised, I'm posting only general ones, without any specific implied pairings or other relationships!
note: (due not so much info about Eeth in Canon and Legends (unforgivably little actually), maaaaybe I'm projecting some of my own mental stuff on him, but eh, this is unevitable I guess :)
Have fun reading these!
1. Change of the profile
In his youth, Eeth was a Jedi Guardian, a.k.a "Jedi-on-the-front-line", and carried a blue lightsaber. But after the death of his master, followed by him joining the High Council, Eeth calmed down his inner rambo and changed his profile to a Jedi Consular. And so he chose a path of a diplomat, built a green lightsaber (with a hilt very similar to his dead master's one, as a remembrance) and eventually became famous in the Jedi Order exactly for his ability to resolve conflicts peacefully. (that's why no big missions on his part before the Clone Wars era apart from his participation in the Yinchorri incident)
2. The acceptance issue
Eeth pays a lot of attention to his appearance: carefully brushes his hair, makes sure his clothing is perfect, and so on.
Some consider this a simple whim, but in fact this will to have an ideal appearance is a consequence of some issues Koth now has because of his difficult childhood. Due to the fact that Eeth spent his first four years as a ragged orphan in the filthy slums of Nar Shaddaa, he sometimes feels as if he doesn't deserve to be in such a clean and nice place as the Coruscant Jedi Temple. (And the fact that his membership in the Order at first caused a lot of controversy among the Council masters only worsened this fear)
That is why Eeth tries his best to always look as perfect as possible - to be suitable for the beauty of the Temple and to not feel himself a stranger in its walls.
3. Long meditation hours and self-reflecting
He does meditate on his issues quite often, in order to get rid of every irrational fear he has, like the one described in the previous headcanon. Usually he does that in the evening, after all the tasks are completed - he gives himself time to reflect on what happened during the day, what he did and said and how the others reacted. This does help, but still some thorns can be very hard to get out of his hearts. His favourite meditation place is his own quarters in the Temple, where he can have a nice view on the evening/night Coruscant, which is somehow more relaxing to him than the gardens in the Room of Thousand Fountains.
4. A little peek into the apartment
Eeth’s master-quarters in the Temple are decorated with effort and thought. The most significant part are the long heavy thick and soft curtains, that, if closed, take all the light in the room away, leaving the nice pleasant semidarkness atmoshphere. Also Eeth has a lot of various cushions around the whole apartment, along with an enormous supply of aroma candles! 
5. The tragedy of the Padawan
Eeth's first and only Padawan learner was Sharad Hett.
Sharad's will to quit the Order deeply hurt Eeth, even if he didn't say that out loud, as he put a lot of effort and dedication in his promise to be the best master possible for Sharad. Also he lowkey agreed with the accusations of other masters telling him he was responsible for Sharad's departure because Koth failed as a teacher - so he does feel himself guilty of failing both Sharad and the Order.
After the Hett's incident, he actually vowed to himself not to take any more Padawan learners, so as not to let anyone's expectations down again. (And, like master Saesee Tiin, chose to put his efforts into other fields rather then teaching)
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(these panels still hurt me somehow qwq 
Sharad made Eeth cry, for kriffs sake!)
6. But he's still very friendly to kids
Despite the unpleasant exprienece with his own Padawan, he did let go of his initial frustration and now he is quite happy to give younglings and young padawans some general lessons! Also sometimes he takes other masters' students to group trainings or supervises them during the Trials of Knighthood. And young Jedi do love master Koth a lot - because he's soft and very patient, and does allow them some liberties :)
7. The social butterfly
Eeth is a "social butterfly" or a "caretaker" (ESFJ mbti-type)
He is used to being among a large number of people, but even though it seems that he gathers these people around him, in fact this is not true - his natural charm and outgoing personality allow him to easily make new acquaintances, interact with friends and encourage conversations, but he more follows his more assertive companions, adapts his behavior and words to them in order to create the most comfortable atmosphere possible, than directs them himself.
In other words, he offers the fun, but enjoys more the others' reactions to it, than the fun itself!
8. Sweet tooth!
Eeth LOVES sweet things! He generally likes all sorts of sweets, starting with various desserts and finishing with sugary tropic fruits. (Gaining weight? Naaah, the zabraks physiology allows him to consume a lot of food because of the higher metabolism due to the zabraks having two hearts. And also he does a lot of physical exercise in the training halls. So it's not a problem at all!)
9. And he is sweet himself too
This love for sugary things is not only for sweet treats actually, but also for the scents of cosmetics too! (And he does use a lot of that stuff). That is why Eeth usually smells of something nice, either caramel, or vanilla, or fruity etc.
This is often favorited by his colleagues on the Council, who definitely enjoy the pleasant aroma Eeth always brings with him to the Council meetings.
10. Energy drinks!
He got badly used to them during the Clone Wars era, because he really needed an additional energy resource when staying up all night brushing through various diplomatic documents and strategy plans. Caf wasn't much of a help because it just turned out to be not strong enough for the zabrak, so he eventually replaced it with cheap but more effective sweet energy drinks. It doesn't really matter to him which drinks to buy exactly, but the meiloorun-flavoured ones are among his favourites.
11. Form of lightsaber combat
Form III - Soresu!
I actually did a separate essay analyzing why Eeth’s form of combat is definitely Soresu, but if keeping brief: he uses Soresu mixed with some Ataru moves. Ataru was his initial style, advised by his master due to Eeth’s small complexion and natural agility & flexibility, but after changing his Jedi profile to a Consular he also adopted the main Consulars’ style - Soresu (usually called “the diplomat style”, “the most peaceful among the seven'' etc.). Koth’s Soresu moves can clearly be seen in the “Grievous Intrigue” episode in particular. Also Koth’s stance in the "Intrigue" is different from the famous Kenobi's "point-fingers" thingy simply because Eeth's pose is not an opening Soresu stance, but the brace-ready stance, which in Soresu is described as “having much in common with the "Ataru guard," with the hilt held at waist height on the dominant side in a two-handed grip for greater control, extended vertically upwards”
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12. The double-bladed saber
Eeth wields a double-bladed saber almost as well as a regular one.
And in fact, it was Darth Maul who has inspired Eeth to try this kind of a weapon - after the High Council sent him to lead the investigation on the question of a zabrak sith on Naboo in 32 bby, he got genuinely interested in the possible perks of two blades in his Soresu and eventually mastered the double-bladed saber on quite a level. But he still sees this only as an interesting training option, but nothing more. So the double-bladed saber stays in the Temple and is used only in the Training Halls, but never on the battlefield.
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13. An earring (yes, in the singular form)
Eeth has one of his ears pierced (right one), and he actually has several different earrings, mostly simple, like basic metal rings, which he usually picks every morning according to his mood. But to be honest, this earring thing is purely only for himself - because you can’t really see his ears under his usual three-ponytails hairstyle.
Though, he did abandon wearing earrings during the Clone Wars era - because since the war began and the potentially dangerous missions became more frequent, it wasn’t really a right place and time for such things, especially knowing that the Separatists can use some specific traps (like the ones they used to magnetize Jedi lightsabers on Lola-Sayu). The prospect of losing the whole ear due to such a trap is not the most pleasant one indeed.
14. HUGS (and other tactile activities)
Eeth very very VERY much loves hugs!
And for him, tactile contacts are more than just a way to feel comfortable - for him it's a vital part of the whole communication process. This issue dates back to his master, Kosul Ayada, who was a herglic (a race that is actually not very good at speaking Galactic Basic), and therefore helped himself with gestures and body language. And spending a lot of time around master Ayada, Eeth also got used to supporting his verbal dialogue by body language and tactile contact.
That is why while speaking Eeth actively gestures, grabs the other's hands, squeezes shoulders etc. And the hugs are his way to express sympathy and also to feel safe and appreciated!
15. Driving skills
Master Koth can drive, and actually quite well. And by driving I mean not spaceships, but smaller things that stay on land, like speeders.
And because he is a diplomat who often attends various meetings with senators and ambassadors, he also has a personal speeder, allocated to him by the Order for the ease of attending senator events and other diplomatic ocasions.
(But he does use it for other personal purposes too, because why not to, if there is an opportunity)))
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(A panel of Eeth casually driving a speeder like a damn pro is one of my fav Eeth comics crumbs,,,,,,)
16. Singing
Eeth enjoys singing! But he usually keeps this thing to himself, making the quiet manthra-like singing a part of his meditative prep - it helps him to settle down his tangly thoughts a bit and tune his mind and body for the actual meditation.
(the hc was inspired by Hassani Shapi’s singing in one of his films, because Shapi’s voice is really beautiful and I’m sad they didn’t give him even a single line in the Phantom Menace when filming Koth’s Council scene)
17. Space soap operas...? (not so serious, sometimes treated as crack, but sometimes not)
Koth (secretly) likes soap operas on the late-night HoloNet, and often stays up to watch a new episode of something before going to bed. His favourite series is called “Lekkus of love” (my imaginary in-universe show I usually use in my sw writings) and it's about a twi’lek girl’s life, filmed in the style of our “Magnificent Century”, with lots of romantic intrigues and twists.
18. LOTS of feelings
Referencing the previous one - Eeth is very emotional, actually! Yes, he’s a Jedi and he knows how to keep his mind clear, but he’s still sensitive enough to actually cry over sad episodes of "Lekkus…" because “Poor Ai’sha, she worked so hard to get her man’s attention, but he still chose that togruta girl? This is outrageous, this is unfair! :ccc”
Also this can be in fact explained biologically. He's a zabrak, and zabraks are supposed to have a hot, blazing, higly-emotional nature (to match their home planet, Iridonia, wich is also boiling with acid seas and all that - otherwise they won't survive)
19. Podracing as a favourite sport
Eeth enjoys podracing. He first got into it back on Nar Shaddaa, when he heard a lot about racing and stuff from smugglers and bounty hunters (and at that time he even dreamed of becoming a cool podracer - but that was of course before he was taken to the Temple).
Now he doesn't dream of podracing that much, but still can and actually does enjoy watching annual championships via HoloNet. He also tries to keep in touch with the latest news in the podracing world (that interest he shares with the young Anakin Skywalker, and they do sometimes occasionally discuss podracing when they both have free time)
20. Horns
Eeth doesn’t really trust droids with trimming his horns, so he usually does that by himself, in the freshener, and that always takes a while. Also unlike a lot of male iridonian zabraks, who prefer to keep the tips of their horns comparatively sharp as a sign of their brutality and masculinity, Eeth chooses to make the tips humbly rounded and smoothed.
21. A pet? (Also not so serious - but sometimes it IS the most serious hc!)
Eeth has a pet loth-cat! The loth-cat is a she-cat, and she's big, fluffy and always on her own mind. Agen Kolar sometimes points out that the loth-cat is very similar to her owner in a lot of little things, like the way the cat purrs when being hugged and how she is obsessed with being clean and ideal too.
The loth-cat is also a bit jealous of her owner’s attention, so she will every time make herself comfortable on his knees when Eeth is meditating or working with documents to show that this is HER man. (especially when smb comes over to Eeth’s apartment - that's the case when she just NEEDS to state who’s the real boss here).
22. Participation in the first battle of Geonosis
I headcanon that Eeth was not directly on the Petranaki Arena actually during the first battle of Geonosis in the AOTC. Since he's not on-screen in that symbolic circle of survivors but is still stated as a participant, I assume that instead of being a part of the main group, Eeth joined Yoda on his trip to Kamino. Maybe not directly on the planet but still somewhere there, helping to gather clone legions to guide them to Geonosis.
(p.s. I know that Eeth's on-screen absence is because of Shapi being replaced with another actor and the new character turning out not at all alike to TPM Koth, but this little hc actually kinda fixes the hole without ruining anything…?))
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sinrevi · 2 years
These answers are outdated by now XD most were answered like 8 months to ONE YEAR  ago.
---- tagged by @moonstarbeam
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better Go tag yourself
1) name/nickname: sinrevi
2) gender: Female
3) star sign: Sagittarius
4) height: about 160cm
5) time: idk not writing this in one sitting and I’m not even answering the questions in order.
6) birthday: 10 dec
7) favourite bands/groups: uh... D-Out?
8) favourite solo artists: Yasunori Shiono
9) song stuck in your head: Let me be your wings
10) last movie: Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers  The Magic Sword: Quest for Camelot and I didn’t like it (not answering all questions at once, and the one I wrote first is already outdated XD So that’s why some answers are striked through)
11) last show: Goof troop (finished watched everything) Shinzo (Mushrambo)
12) when did i create this blog: *checks archive* November 2012
13) what do i post: At the moment mainly reblogging my old posts from when I was still active here XD Also reblogging some art of my art blog since it barely has followers. (Sinrevi from 2022: A bit more active now to check/post Rune Factory fandom bc of RF5. Also happy my art blog has gained some followers since I wrote that answer like a year ago, even if it still not a lot XD)
14) last thing i googled: Researching a lot of Wacom and Huion drawing tablets (I bought a Huion Kamvas 13 in the end) Whether Sago from Shinzo is bald under his helmet (no he is not)
15) other blogs: @sinrevi-art my artblog. The url used to be revi-art for a few years, but I changed it last year because a blog with a extremely similar url (one letter difference) leads to a tumblr full of butts and boobs and other suggestive halfnaked photos and I don’t want people to mistake that for me, when they misremember the url and end up on the wrong blog or something XD
16) do i get asks: Rarely nowadays
17) why i chose my url: It’s a username I’ve used since 2003
18) following: 120 121 136 as of today 2022
19) followers: 141 140 someone unfollowed 🤷‍♂️ 102 after Tumblr cleaned out deactivated accounts sometime during 2021 and one person unfollowed after XD
20) average hours of sleep: 7-9 hours
21) lucky number: idk
22) instruments: I can’t play any. But I own a ocarina because of Zelda XD
23) what am i wearing: Pink Scorbunny T-shirt I bought in a Pokémon Center in Japan last year (2020), pink socks and green pants.
24) dream job: big bad foomy
25) dream trip: I honestly don’t know what can possibly tip my Japan trip from last year XD (2020)
26) favourite food: Pizza Tonno
27) nationality: Dutch
28) favourite song: 🤷‍♂️
29) last book read: No idea. Unless manuals count. 
30) top three fictional worlds you’d like to live in: Sinrevi from 2022: I give up answering the last few unanswered questions XD Even the striked through answers are outdated by now*hits post button*
tagging: you
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blappery · 3 years
Tagged by: @resident-of-remnant​ thanks for tagging me!
Rules: Answer 30 questions an tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Name: Alex, or rose but i think im gonna have that as my middle name
Gender: trans girl
Star Sign: scorpio
Height: 6′2″ish
Time: 22:09
Birthday: 3rd November 2002
Favorite bands: rn the longest johns, they do sea shanties, check out their cover of “the wellerman” (the tik tok shanty) but a more long stading favourite would be nothing but theives.
Favorite solo artists: im not sure that i know of many, or quite what they are. Prince maybe? p sure he made his first album alone.
Last movie: Die hard (on christmas eve)
Last show: Hilda, its a cute cartoon with a cool world, and id reccomend it.
When did I create this blog: uhh pretty sure i first made a tumblr in like 2016? when i first got a phone, but then i locked myself out at some point and made this one
What I post: whatever comes across my dash and i like, its an assortment.
Last thing I googled: what a solo artist is, sorry
Other blogs: nope
Do I get asks: not all that many, most of them from lucy which i appreacite but suck at answering, thanks for all of them!
Why I chose my url: my brother and i went through a phase where we would just say blap to each other, so to offer me a glass of orange juice hed say blap why holding out the carton, then id nod and say blap back, basically blappery became my usual username meaning something like a whole lotta nothing
Following: 690 dang i spend too much time on here
Followers: 100, getting nice round numbers today folks
Average hours of sleep: sleep schedule? never heard of her, last night i went to bed at 10pm, that morning i went to sleep at 7am, the day before that at 3am. when im normal i get like 7 1/2 hrs but that hasnt been the case for a while now.
Instruments: i used to play trumpet, which i enjoyed but am glad i stopped, now im learning bass! just got one a bit ago and im enjoying it a lot!
What I'm wearing: a soft maroon shirt, short leather shirt, tights, flats and my aroace rings
Dream job(s): hmm maybe baker. or software engineer maybe, lets hope so bc its likely going to be the one i do
Dream trip: im not much of a traveller but i would want to explore, hill climb and camp n stuff with a couple close friends. just walking through forests and glens all day chatting shit and singing poorly.
Favorite food: its all great but bean enchiladas all the way, its like 3 bean chilli in wraps with yogurts cheese hot sauce and jalepenos on and its glorious.
Nationality: Scottish/Engl*sh (i know its tragic)
Favorite song: uh rn its ever new by beverly glenn-copeland, but i have quite a few faves
Last book: a joe abercrombie series starting with the blade itself, it was alright but theres only one woman in it who isnt a love interest so i would not rate the writer. this is a 5 way narrative btw. ive enjoyed it though.
Top 3 fictional universes: hmm the elder scrolls bc ive played too much of it, RWBY love the way semblances work, its the only show ive made ocs for, and bloodborne bc its hot girl shit.
im tagging:  but dont worry about it too much
@violetdesolation @sstarbee @leacko @arainofravens @artist-that-sucks @thxsilvxrshrxud @happi-iris @myfatuglyslugtits
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atalho-s · 3 years
30 questions tag
Tagged by @petesrparker obrigada katuxa! 💕💕
1. Name/nickname: Arya/Don't have one 🤔
2. Star sign: pisces
3. Height: 1,61 (or 5’3)
4. Birthday: march 8th
5. Favourite Bands: The Beatles, Radiohead, McFLY, Green Day, Coldplay, Pink Floyd, Arctic Monkeys...
6. Time: it’s almost 1 pm?
7. Favourite Solo Artists: Taylor Swift, Alanis Morissette, Lorde, Avril Lavigne...
8. Song stuck in your head: believe me by Demi Lovato
9. Last movie you watched: I watched Love and Monsters for the first time the other day 😊
10. Fun Fact: I don't have a fun fact, i'm not fun lol but... Sometimes when I have really vivid nightmares with someone it's bc something is about to happen with that person or already happen 😬 all my dad side of the family have some kind of "spiritual thing".
11. Last Show I watched: Good Girls
12. When I created this blog: early this year 😊
13. What I post: most Tom and co, but a lot of stuff lol
14. Last thing I googled: lyrics to the song glass in the park, bc i will use on my fic 👀
15. Other blogs: I will not share the blog i had since i was 14/15, it's embarrassing 😂
16. Do I get asks: rarely... Most of them are Gio sending me funny stuff 😆
17. Why I chose my URL: i don't know, just thought of "th" (tom holland) and then squad ? lol
18. Following: 251
19. Followers: 138
20. Average hours of sleep: 6/7 or 8 If i'm lucky
21. Lucky number: 8 (bc it's my birthday 😌🌟)
22. Instruments: I don’t play any instruments (sadly)
23. What am I wearing: a lot of clothes,bc it's freaking cold here 😂 but my black sweatpants with my orange camp half-blood sweatshirt.
24. Dream job: writer or anything with books!
25. Favourite food: pizza, lasagna...
26. Tea or Coffee: coffee!!
27. Nationality: brazilian 🇧🇷
28. Favourite Song: I don't think i have only one 😭but i will say The Tourist by Radiohead.
29. Last book I read: the stand by Stephen King
30. Top 3 fictional universes I would like to live in: hogwarts, camp half-blood, (but maybe not bc it's too dangerous lol), twilight (bc i would be a really cool vampire and kill Edward 😌😆)
I tag: @ms-perfectlyfinee @veryholland @ifyouknewhowmiserylovedme @thegirlintheswivelchair If you guys want ✨
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puppypopcornpizza · 3 years
30 Questions Tag
I was tagged by the forever amazing @slothssassin
tagging @oxygenforthewicked @alyssalenko @uriellactaea @phoenixblack89 @starsandskies, @genial-jinjur, @nothisis-ridiculous with no obligation of course
1. Name/Nickname: lol so funny story. my dead name (I guess you'd call it? idk it sounds too official but yeah) is jade and my friend would always shorten to jay or jj. then when I did come out I took the name bc it was v gender neutral and it wouldn't be that hard for people to adjust to. He still randomly sends me messages like "I still can't believe I technically named you"
I'm also dubbed as "veggie" bc I got really intoxicated one night. don't do drugs kids
2. Star Sign: Cancer
3. Height: 5'5" (if you've been around long enough you'd be v proud that I actually went and found out what my height is)
4. Birthday: June 23rd
5. Favourite Bands: MCR, Nothing But Theives, Radiohead, Florence + The Machine, Cigarettes After Sex, Mother Mother, alt-J, Sir Chloe
I'm definitely missing a few but those are the ones that come to mind
6. Time: 3:33 a.m.
7. Favourite Solo Artists: Mitski, CORPSE, Joji, Ricky Montgomery, many others that I'm probably forgetting
8. Song stuck in your head: It's always either Creep or MrLoverman
9. Last Movie you watched: it's still Bohemian Rhapsody
10. Dream Trip: I'd love to see Scotland and Italy
11. Last Show: Rick and Morty
12. When I created this Blog: 2015/16? around there
13. What I Post: Art, a lot of my bs thoughts. Sometimes fics
14. Last Thing I Googled: sir chloe to check if they're a band or no
15. Other Blogs: Not atm no
16. Do I Get Asks: Occasionally
17. Why I Chose My URL: I think it's the first thing i thought of. I like dogs and pizza, I think i was going through a popcorn phase at the time.
18. Following: 703
19. Followers: 654 (??!!!)
20. Average Hours of Sleep: My sleep schedule is absolutely non-existent rn but probably around 7-10 i'm guessing
21. Lucky Number: 6 and 2
22. Instruments: I bought a ukulele in the end of 2019 and the only chord i know how to play is a C so
23. What Am I Wearing: a very well worn Caboodle the Noodle hoodie I got in a giveaway from @felan-daris :)
24. Dream Job: Still considering concept artist, lowkey agree with @slothssassin on streaming
25. Favourite Food: Pizza is the way to my heart
26. Tea or Coffee: Coffee is the second way to my heart
27. Nationality: South African
28. Favourite Song: I'm really vibing with On Melancholy Hill rn bc of Life is Strange 2 (no i'm still not over that)
29. Last Book I Read: I don't read
30. Top 3 Fictional Universes I Would Live In: Dragon Age , but like in the middle of nowhere. I wanna be that NPC asking for Elfroot or something
The Walking Dead bc I really wanna know how long I'd last
Rick and Morty, why not
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daydreamstew · 3 years
tagged by @riosnecktattoo 💜
1. Name/Nickname: Meg
2. Pronouns: she/her
3. Star Sign: libra
4. Height: 5'7”
5. Time: 3pm
6. Birthday: october
7. Fave Bands: Florence + the Machine, um idk Fleetwood Mac? i listen to more solo artists
8. Fave Solo Artists: Lorde, Maggie Rogers, Doja Cat, Harry Styles, Megan Thee Stallion, Taylor Swift (don’t judge me), Rihanna
9. Song stuck in my head: good 4 u by olivia rodrigo
10. Last Show: High School Musical: The Musical: The Series bc of olivia rodrigo - it’s cute
11. Last Movie: fuck idk i think i saw part of The Proposal
12. When Did I Create This Blog: um idk maybe 2018?
13. What Do I Post: mostly Good Girls
14. Last Thing I Googled: ben simmons
15. Other Blogs: a couple that i never use
16. Why I Chose My URL: i don’t even know and i feel very meh about it
17. Do I Get Asks: not unless i’ve asked for them or done something that warrants a big reaction (apparently starfish!rio did 🙄)
18. Following: 136
19. Followers: more than 69 now 😔
20. Average Hours Of Sleep: either 4 or like 10, no in between
21. Lucky Number: 4
22. Instruments: trombone (badly), voice (meh)
23. What Am I Wearing: sweatpants and a college t-shirt
24: Dream Trip: Italy with Stanley Tucci without his wife
25. Favourite Food: indian food or cold brew on an empty stomach
26. Nationality: american
27. Languages: english and a fading grasp of spanish
28. Favourite Song: ever? idk maybe i can’t make you love me by bonnie raitt
29. Last Book Read: like the first chapter and a half of the first harry potter book bc i never read them
30. Top 3 Fictional Universes I’d Like To Live In: the gbbo tent, omg BRIDGERTON i could cause chaos there, and new girl so i can fuck nick miller
i have no idea who has done this but i’m tagging @fondful @delicatelingon @hereliesbb @joeyjoeylee and @00gangfriend00
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akindofmagictoo · 3 years
thirty questions tag game
I was tagged by @moononherwings! thank you!
edit: hey @ambsthom here is my recent version of this :) (too recent to do a new one, I think)
1. name/nickname: Zoe — I went by Cat on here at first, but it’s not a nickname I use irl. 
2. gender: female
3. star sign: Aquarius 
4. height: 5′7″ (170cm)
5. time: ~9pm 
6. birthday: gonna keep that to myself
7. favourite bands: Pentatonix, Home Free and VoicePlay for covers. I also like Cimorelli … I listen to a lot of random stuff, though. currently I am into The Hound + The Fox, Casting Crowns, and rn I’m listening to 2CELLOS. 
8. favourite solo artists: Peter Hollens? I dunno really. like I said my music taste is quite sporadic. 
9. song stuck in my head: listening to My Heart Will Go On by 2CELLOS 
10. last movie: The Old Guard, I think. 
11. last show: Once Upon a Time... and I half paid attention to an episode of Star Trek: Voyager earlier today. 
12. when did I make this blog: 10th of August last year 
13. what I post: my own original writing (go check out my pinned post for my WIPs. there are pirates and there are baby dragons), writing memes, sometimes writing advice, and a few other random things. 
14. last thing I googled: I’ve been looking up phone cases and stickers. 
15. other blogs: my main is @sidebyside-withafriend and I’m not super active on it but if you like Lord of the Rings or The Old Guard ... there might well be some Shadow and Bone content upcoming... idk, it’s a bunch of random fandom stuff I like. (I did this tag on there in March so if you wanna see some slight variations on these answers, you can go read that lol. full disclosure I did copy-paste some of this across bc I wanted to copy the questions... and some of the answers haven’t changed much) 
16. do I get asks? periodically yes! I have many unanswered chain asks atm, but I do enjoy getting random asks and also ask games. 
17. why I chose my URL: it’s a quote by Cornelia Funke: “writing stories is a kind of magic, too”. I think it is apt. and I liked how the last part sounded just as a small thing. (the quote has been on my wattpad for a while, I think. I think that’s why I was thinking about it for blog names) 
18. following: 230 
19. followers: on this blog, 542 (holy COW also I need to do a thing for that sometime. I will get there). on my other blog, 172. can you tell I’m more active here? I can. 
20. average hours of sleep: 8-9 I think?
21. lucky number: my favourite number is 12
22. instruments: clarinet, bass clarinet, self-taught piano and I’m learning the guitar!
23. what I’m wearing rn: jumper and jeans. and fluffy socks. 
24. dream trip: Germany! 
25. favourite food: pasta! but it varies a bit. I like things with egg and bacon. also tomato-based dishes. 
26. nationality: keeping this one to myself too
27. favourite song: don’t ask me to answer that lol 
28. last book read: Aurora Burning by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (last time I filled this tag, I was reading book 1... now I’m reading book 2 lol.) 
29. top three fictional universes: (aside from my own?) Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Pirates of the Caribbean. 
30. favourite colour: BLUE. just look at my blog themes lol 
I shall tag @zmlorenz @isherwoodj and @sedonawritess! ❤️ 
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hip-pouch · 3 years
rules: answer 30 questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
i was tagged by: @hisknife ( copy pasted the entire format from them cuz too lazy) which is - wow someone actually acknowledges that i exist
Tw: emo and i'm bad at english
1. name/nickname: kris or just dude
2. gender: physically F but you won't catch me act like one
3. star sign: sagittarius
4. height: 5’11
5. time: 11:12 am
6. birthday: December 2
7. favorite bands: i don't have favourites but ig i'm listening to a lot of bullet for my valentine and old eminem songs rn
8. song stuck in my head: BOY FANTASY - I H3ART YOU
9. last movie: The Hole (2001) but i don't really watch tv
10. last show: i don't watch tv :/
11. when did i create this blog: 2017 and it was horrendous
12. what do i post: depends on what i'm into at the time, rn it's dbd shit, michael myers shit, funny shit but i haven't found one good meme in ages
13. last thing googled: hummus recipe ig
14. other blogs: no side hustles
15. do i get asks: i've never received an ask in my entire life ( no one thinks i exist + no friends)
16. why i chose my url: played the remake of re2 so yeah, but i kinda wanna change it now
17. following: 293 but since this acc is from 2017 more than half is irrelevant
18. followers: 153 (all bc of that one PH meme tf)
19. average hours of sleep: i have chronic insomnia so 3 hours max
20. lucky number: there's no such thing as luck in my life 😎🤟🏻
21. instruments: i had a digital piano when i was like 14 and i was kinda rocking that shit but then my mom decided i was having too much fun and threw it away. Never touched an instrument ever since
22. what am i wearing: oversized clothes from the men's section
23. dream job: anything that includes repairing, engineering or woodworking, but i got forced into the medical field
24. dream trip: abandoned beach + chilly weather + cloudy
25. favorite song: i don't have favourites
26. last book read: i'm illiterate i can't read
27. top three fictional universes: league of legends, dbd, and twitter
there's only 27 questions so i decided to add 3 more
28. current fictional character interests: jhin and michael myers, (evan macmillano on a sunny day)
29. is anyone going to read this: no lmfao except for the peep that tagged me
30. if masked murderer bad why sexy? : 🤷‍♂️
Peeps i tag: i don't have anyone on tumblr less goo 😐
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missnxthingg · 3 years
- 30 questions tag
tagged by: @soft-haz ty kit, i love doing these! 💖
1. Name/nickname: rafaela/ ray (for my tumblr frenz)
2. Star sign: libra bby
3. Height: 1,70m (which according to google is 5´7)
4. Birthday: october 21st
5. Favourite Bands: arctic monkeys, the pretty reckless and oasis (yes, judge me for the last one, i'll let you)
6. Time: what the hell is this question?? (five minutes to 1am)
7. Favourite Solo Artists: beyoncé, lady gaga and selena gomez
8. Song stuck in your head: thot shit by megan thee stallion (i blame tiktok)
9. Last movie you watched: cruella
10. Fun Fact: i draw on my walls, but i'm a shitty on drawing
11. Last Show I watched: loki and modern family (been watching them together for two months now)
12. When I created this blog: fuck knows
13. What I post: mostly fanfics for some of my favourite boys (haz osterfield, tom holland and peter parker), but i post a lot about everything
14. Last thing I googled: how to delete netflix history (DON'T ASK)
15. Other blogs: my main one where i reblog nice pics (@missevrythingg)
16. Do I get asks: sometimes i do, but i wish i got more like those hyped big tumblrs
17. Why I chose my URL: because of the pretty reckless' song "miss nothing"
18. Following: 127
19. Followers: 922 (1K until the end of the year pwease?)
20. Average hours of sleep: 5-7 (on good days bc I'M VERY SLEEP DEPRIVED)
21. Lucky number: idk
22. Instruments: like... if i play one? i used to play keyboard/piano when i was younger but i don't know if i can still play it. but i play repinique, which is a percussion instrument used on samba
23. What am I wearing: mickey mouse oversized jammies
24. Dream job: becoming a music journalist and getting paid to go on concerts
25. Favourite food: burgersssss
26. Tea or Coffee: coffee (and it's the brazilian cafézinho, just a little quantity on a small cup - and it needs to be an expresso)
27. Nationality: brazilian
29. Last book I read: i started reading daisy jones and the six last week, but haven't had time to finish it
30. Top 3 fictional universes I would like to live in: i really don't know, because most of fictional universes i like are those that can easily get me killed
tagging: @tinyyoungblood @lauras-collection @petesrparker or anyone who wants to do it (feel free to ignore it too)
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