#but I couldn’t decide on a gif
oddishblossom · 1 year
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It isn’t easy being a cultivator girl…
SCUMBAG SYSTEM ✧・゚: *✧・゚Kotex PAWket Pad AD Break ✧・゚: *✧・゚
translation by @yuangler (x)
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thecindercrow · 10 months
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"Haruto-kun drew this. That's you in the middle, isn't it?”
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lilybug-02 · 9 months
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You’re making a lot of promises there Chara…
Part 24 || First || Previous || Next
—Full Series—
I enjoyed doing this little Flashback scene. We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled freakout session soon. Having monochrome color is very nice.
Here is a gif of Chara spilling their water because YES. And I spent way too long on it :)
Wow technology is so cool.
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rwrbmovie · 1 year
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Nick is not at all like Henry — in any way. He didn’t need to be. What I needed to find in Henry was an actor who would take this fragile character and hold him in his hand, and protect him. I didn’t need to find an actor to play Henry. I needed to find a caretaker for Henry. Once I found Nick, I knew I had that. With Taylor, it was much more difficult because the Alexs of the world exist in so many different ways. There are so many different kinds of Alex Claremont-Diaz in the world, and threading the needle on the specificity of what Casey wrote that I wanted to honor — which is that wicked language-forward intelligence; that easy charm — that took a lot of time to find. Then, Taylor showed up. He isn’t at all like Alex, either. I watched Taylor in his auditions turn into this human cannonball. Nick holds the character, and Taylor had to turn himself into the character.
~ Matthew López
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vampyr3wife · 3 months
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concreteemo · 10 months
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Just Noah being cute. (In GIF form)
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calciferstims · 3 months
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day 3 of @deadboystims’s 300 followers event
a board based on your favorite stim creator/use their original gifs!
I have many beloved stim creators but I chose @talos-stims for this one bc its gifs SLAP
sources: 🍁🥮🍁 | 🥩🌱🥩 | 🍁🥮🍁
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stari-hun · 2 months
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Template by @titaniumions
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frillu · 10 months
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♫ ⌣ KOKOA % !
reblog if using — req by @surrenity.
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Sterek Dead Boy Detectives AU: Derek and Stiles are detectives, taking on the cases with supernatural connections that the living aren’t capable of handling. They extinguish supernatural threats and helping lost souls find peace and move on to the afterlife… oh, and they’re dead.
Both boys never found peace, never moved on. Now they are on the run from Death, trying to help others find their peace.
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A client contacts them to help her friend, Lydia, a clairvoyant who’s possessed by a demon.
They are able to exorcise the demon, but Lydia is left with no memories and no idea who she is except for her name. While Stiles and Derek argue about whether or not they let her stay with them (because the dead shouldn’t interact with the living), Lydia picks up a missing child poster and has a vision. The child is alive.
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Lydia teams up with the boys to help them find the child, but things take a turn when Stiles uses magic on a cat, a misdemeanour that the Cat King demands he answer for. His punishment? He is trapped in Beacon Hills until he counts all the cats. That wouldn’t be too bad if they hadn’t also pissed off a witch. And, on top of that, they’re still hiding from Death.
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oddishblossom · 7 months
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Manga/Anime Comparison (S1 EP7 & CH 23)
CHERRY MAGIC (2024) (x)
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morororinnnn · 2 months
someone take inshot away from me my hyperfixations are getting too silly 👹😭 /goober
this is NOT how it went down. but it is funny to like.. think of it ig lol UHM ANYWAY UM MPIKMINNNNMMMM MPIKMINNNMM MKIPIMN POKBSYSEAYFJBJCAFTUH
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Do you understand that I would actually die for you. The minute I saw your face I screamed, and then was overcome with emotion and started crying (I actually did this like I’m not even exaggerating here. I actually broke out into ugly sobbing. I am dead serious.).
You are my everything sweet little baba grill. Please sign the adoption papers. I want you in real life.
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Edit: Unfortunately I have to sacrifice one of the images because for some reason it won’t let me turn off top posts, and since this is getting a lot of traction, it’s stuck there…… I needed something to spoiler it on my top posts cause many of my peers haven’t yet been able to play/watch The Teal Mask for whatever reason!
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coveredinbites · 3 months
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larapaulussen · 9 months
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stevesjockstrap · 10 months
Cold Beginnings
@steddiemas day 12: Hallmark movie tropes
Rated: M to be safe | cw: alcohol | tags: modern au
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Swinging his guitar case onto his shoulder, he grabbed the last of his belongings from the car and prepared himself to walk up the steep hill to the cabin again. This part hadn’t been on the fucking website. But it was beautiful, he had to begrudgingly admit. This writing retreat was desperately needed. The record agency wouldn’t wait any longer for a new album.
Hours later as the sun was starting to set, he looked up from his notebook when he heard the distinctive beep beep of a car locking. Eddie frowned. One of the selling points of this cabin was that there were no other houses around for miles. No way should there be anyone close enough to hear.
He went to the front window but he couldn't even see where his car was parked, let alone anyone else’s. It had been snowing steadily since before he arrived and now there was a thick coat on everything in the woods around him. All of his earlier footprints had been covered over quickly.
After a few more moments of looking outside, he shrugged and went back to working. Maybe he was imagining things. His brain was probably playing tricks on him since he’d never been somewhere so eerily quiet before.
A couple strings of lines jotted down later, he went to the kitchen to throw something together for dinner. He screamed as the back door opened and a blast of snowy wind circled him. Then an echoing scream made him scream again. Big brown eyes stared at him. He took in the red cheeks dotted with freckles and the long eyelashes with snowflakes sticking to them.
“What the fuck?”
“Who are you?”
Eddie stormed over to the stranger, who put his hands up in front of him placatingly, but Eddie scoffed and instead pushed the door shut behind him.
“What, were you born in a barn? And you’re dripping all over the floor,” he admonished.
The stranger blinked at him. “I’m… sorry?” He shook his head quickly before frowning at him. “Why are you here?”
“I’m staying here. Why are you here?” Eddie leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms, sizing up this intruder. He knew he looked intimidating with the tattoos and long hair and dark clothes. This guy didn’t seem very rugged. He was wearing a puffer coat for Christ’s sake.
He pulled in a long breath before excitedly saying, “I’m renting this place this week! Get away from the big city, right?”
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up. That had been one of the bullet points on the website. “Uh huh,” he deadpanned. “Well you must have your weeks confused, buddy. Because I’m renting this place this week.”
“No, I don’t think I do. I’ve had this scheduled for months. Maybe you have your dates wrong.”
Eddie smirked at him, sizing him up again. Maybe he did have some fight in him after all. “I talked to the owner yesterday, man. So maybe you’re at the wrong place or something.”
He grumbled as the man set down his duffle bag and pulled his cell phone from his back pocket. “There’s no service here, dickbag. Or WiFi. So that’s not going to help. Why don’t you just-“
“I took a screenshot, dickbag. And yeah, I know that. It was why I picked it, actually. No contact. Here,” he held the phone up for him to see. “Confirmed. One week, December third through the ninth. See the little picture of the cabin?”
Eddie almost took the phone from him in shock, but growled instead and threw his hands up. “Well that’s just great. Let me find all my shit and I’ll get out of here.”
“You can’t!” The man nearly shrieked.
“Now you’re telling me what I can and can’t do?” He said through clenched teeth. This idiot was already grating on his frayed nerves.
“Um. No. But, look, okay?” He pointed out the big window over the sink. Outside it was now basically blizzarding and the sun had fully set. “I barely made it here. Thankfully the girl at the car rental place convinced me I needed four wheel drive. The road up here hasn’t been touched and it’s- it’s like, really really bad. That’s why I’m so late. It took me hours to get here from the city. Now that it’s dark it’d be even worse. We’ll just have to-“
“I’m not staying here with you,” he hissed.
The man took a step back but looked at him determinedly. “It’ll be fine. I’ll take the couch. I’ll stay out of your hair. Maybe the weather will get better and tomorrow we can take my truck somewhere we can get service,” he shrugged when Eddie just continued glaring at him.
“That’s very noble of you…?” He raised an eyebrow at him.
“Steve.” He straightened up and actually pulled the glove off his right hand to stick it out for a handshake.
Eddie chuckled and shook it, squeezing hard enough that he watched with satisfaction as Steve’s jaw clenched. “Eddie.” He dropped his hand and sighed, the bag on the floor catching his attention. “This is all you brought?”
Steve looked down at the duffle and nodded. He only had that and a book bag on his back. “Yeah, didn’t figure I needed much.”
“Alright.” He scrubbed his hands over his face with another sigh. This was actually happening. Fuck his life. “What’s your stance on frozen pizza?”
Steve had stayed out of his way and had slept on the couch. But Eddie was still distracted by him. He had a pile of papers at the dining room table that he was reading over and would make little concerned noises or huff a laugh or sigh.
Rereading the words in the notebook in front of him, he was surprised that they were about big brown eyes and full lips (a helpful ‘dat ass’ scribbled in the margin). He closed it with his own sigh, throwing it on the coffee table and walking over to look out the front window.
Outside, it was still snowing. They’d found a radio in the kitchen last night and the weather report for the next few days wasn’t hopeful. It made the hair stand up on the back of his neck, staying here intentionally alone to get work done was a different vibe than being trapped here with a stranger, even an annoyingly attractive stranger. He wanted to get in his car and take off. Grumbling to himself, he yanked his hair off his neck and up into a bun. All this anxious oppressive energy was making him even grumpier than usual.
Grabbing his notebook and guitar, he stomped up the stairs. Ignoring the head tilt Steve sent him from the table.
Hours later, he had some pieces of a melody and a chorus. Only a million more pieces to go. But he had neglected eating and drinking and he was feeling rough.
He couldn’t hear Steve but he obviously knew he was still around. A part of him wanted to hide out upstairs for the next five days. But his stomach squeezed again and he sighed. He was not the type who could survive a hunger strike.
“Hey, I like your hair like that. And the guitar sounded good.”
Eddie bristled. He looked at the clock on the wall, wondering if it was an acceptable time to drink yet. Fuck it.
“You want a beer?” He grunted as he ducked into the fridge.
“So there’s you, Gareth and Jeff? What’s the other guy’s name again?”
“No one knows,” he said mysteriously. He found himself trying not to smile, actually enjoying messing with Steve after a handful of beers and some swigs of the bottle of Jack he’d miraculously found in a cupboard.
Steve blinked. “You’ve been in a band with this guy since high school and you don’t know his name?”
He shrugged, chuckling darkly and took another swig from the bottle. Steve shook his head. “You’re insufferable.”
“That, Steve, everyone does know,” he said in a conspiratorial whisper, before throwing his head back and laughing. He settled himself further into the couch.
“Somehow it works for you, though,” he shot a sideways grin at him while taking a sip from his beer. He’d only had two, and waved Eddie away when he’d offered the bottle. But it appeared that he was a lightweight. His cheeks had turned red instantly and his eyes seemed glazed. Eddie had insisted he eat more of the pasta and garlic bread he’d thrown together.
“Oh? Because I’ve been so very pleasant to you during this hostage situation, huh?”
“Could be worse,” he shrugged. “It’s been kind of fun. And you’re not as grouchy as you try to be, you know? I like you better when you’re being the real you.”
Eddie choked on the alcohol he had been about to swallow. As he tried not to throw up everywhere, a hand on his chest was pushing him back, straightening him up and he found he could breathe better.
“Fuck. Thanks,” he gasped as he leaned back and took some deep breaths.
Steve watched him intently like he was making sure he was going to keep breathing. He found himself liking this different attention, not having to put on the show or theatrics he always felt like he had to pull around everyone else.
He also realized Steve had moved closer and stayed, his hand hovering even closer between them in case he needed help again. It almost made him want to start choking again. They just sat there for some time, looking at each other until Eddie’s breaths evened out and then it seemed awkward for him to say anything. He memorized the moles and freckles dotted across his face and neck.
When he traced the shape of Steve’s lips with his eyes, he watched them part in a gasp. When he looked up into his eyes again, the full bottom lip was pulled in and bit into and a small noise escaped Eddie. Steve’s eyes dropped down to his lips and something snapped in him.
“Get over here,” Eddie growled, unable to wait another second.
They met in a heated collision of lips and teeth. He cupped his jaw with both hands and held on, keeping him where he wanted as he deepened the kiss. Steve pushed against it a bit, which Eddie found he liked. He allowed him to angle their heads and he gasped as teeth found his bottom lip. He was surprised when a warm tongue caressed over the bitten lip, taking away the sting. Sassy then sweet. Heat pooled in his belly and he wrapped an arm around Steve’s lower back, pulling him closer.
He groaned as suddenly his lap was full of Steve. He brought his hands to his hips to slide him even closer then gave into his desperate desire to grab handfuls of his ass.
Steve pulled away to breathe and he slid his lips across the pair of infuriatingly attractive moles on his neck. Scraping his teeth across his skin and reveling in the little needy noses Steve was making, his own embarrassing noise punched out of him when he was pushed back, not very gently.
“Ed- Eddie,” Steve panted from above him. His eyes were even more glazed over and his lips were red and wet and Eddie started leaning in again. He hadn’t even gotten to bite them. Steve pushed on his chest again, pulling him out of his stupor.
“Yeah? You okay?” He moved his hands off his backside and cupped his face again.
“Yeah,” he huffed a laugh. “Definitely okay. But I’m realizing I’m more drunk than I thought. Uh, more drunk than I’d like to be, to continue this.”
Eddie nodded quickly. “Sure. Of course. Got a little carried away, I think.”
“I definitely did,” Steve laughed. Looking down, maybe just realizing he was still in his lap, he blushed and Eddie helped him maneuver to sit next to him. “But I don’t want you to run away. I dunno, can we just keep talking?”
He pulled him close again, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. “Not going anywhere. Even if I could.” They stared into each other's eyes for a moment. “Hey, you wanna hear the song I’m writing about you?”
“Oh,” Steve covered his shocked face quickly with a shy smile. “Y-yeah. That’d be amazing.”
Eddie grinned at him, running to go grab his stuff.
He decided on the stairs that this week was going to be a good one.
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