#but I don't mind if people want to reblog it
ann3ofabyss4lred · 3 days
I'm disappointed in flipside...was worth it show us foot fetish? Jecka being s3xu4lly traff1cked? Like they didn't implied it ..they showed her half naked..very draw in detail..they showed her body naked when she off herself. Nicole sitting and putting her feet on Jecka's dad's mouth????....it was misery p0rn...it also feel like the creator disliked how much people were saying "oh the girls are so cool".. like they wanted to criticized men but also paint the girls from using men as hypocrites?? So they butchered their characters?..Idk..now looking back at it..there were things that I disliked about the first game...but didn't see right well with me... Like there are red flags..even if Nicole is really depressed and Jecka too. They acted like "I want to be d3pr3ssed..I'm making a d3pr3ssed playlist on iTunes" "if I fake this disorders" u know for the audience to laugh at them as if they weren't really depressed...(not saying they aren't..NICOLE AND JECKA ARE REALLY DEPRESSED) ..but there's q lots of people ..that believe girls love to pretend they have disorders...as misogynistic and ableist it is..some people think that way..that's why they put it there as humor...
I think they had luck on flipside because instead of saying "ha they hypocrites,many girls empathized with the fictional girls in some way..or don't feel them bad about those men being used...because they were bad and they still see the girls as victims...even if they aren't good people" and they didn't shame Nicole for being misandrist and was always proven right.
I don't know how to redact this shit..it does feel like they criticized society...but also...get off on misandrist girls....and many stuff feels for shock value..more than actual criticizing or creative comebacks...
In flipside is basically disguised fetish...and do have in mind some men get off misandrist girls..(aside from the real valid reason to be misandrist like s3xu4l trauma) like some boys and men get off or also mock (or both) women reduce them to "u guys only play videogames and do anything thing for s3x".
So just disappointed in the game.i did got bad vibes on the first game..but didn't see about it..also we got queerbaited with Jecka and Ari...and have in mind this written by a weirdo and a man..
Also the joke of "was it q Pakistani or Palestinian Man traff1cking me" was not it..
Maybe I'll do q post explaining why flipside was disguised fetish and why I got those vibes from the first game but not very high..
Still love Jeckole and any girl pairing there..except Nicole and Ari...
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mothiepixie · 2 days
Hey, in regard of your reminder do you mean no YN x Mottie/skellie or in general?
And what's acceptable using Mottie for? Cause I kinda used her as a dress model :')
(or atleast tried, there are probably some mistakes)
I don't mind seeing YN x my skellies variants if someone draws/writes it ( if 18 and older), but if anything I'll reblog it to my other acc @mothie-reblogs or make a new acc to do that.
I don't want YNxSkellies Asks because that has never been what my content is about, and I do not wish to get flooded with those asks. ;v;
People have also ruined that ever being a thing by dissing Motti while asking YNxSkellie stuff.
Im okay with platonic art in regards to Motti. But I ask to refrain from romantic or sexual things unless you are a friend or mutual. I have seen horrendous things that people have done with Motti and I'm always a little hesitant to really let go and say yes...
I generally do not want people taking Motti to freely write or incorporate into stories unless given permission.
While I cannot stop people doing that, regardless, I would like to set that boundary.
If ever unsure just please ask.
But i welcome fanart and even if you dressed her up like that. Im sure it came out lovely!
If I haven't seen it or replied then notification got buried. ;v;
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themasterofo · 2 days
To My Readers
Please bear with me while I take a somewhat more serious tone today. I've been wanting to write something like this for a while now, and finally got to putting my thoughts down.
I have always kept an eye on you readers who like and reblog my stories, and it has not gone unnoticed that, in addition to girls who more-or-less match the submissive female character I write, many of my readers are lesbian, or trans, or even sub men. Some of you I've chatted with in the past, even to the point of giving permission to rewrite my stories, altering some preferred biology and/or gender details.
I dislike virtue signaling for its own sake. I find a lot of it distasteful and self-serving, but I also know that statements of support can mean a lot to people who may not be sure that they are welcome. So it's in that spirit that I did decide to write this.
Assuming you are an adult, and that you are not a predator, you are welcome here.
Whether Dom(me) or sub, whether male, female, or anything else, and whatever genitals or body you were born with or have managed to make for yourself, you are welcome here.
I write about denial from my particular perspective, which includes my own sexuality, orientation, and gender. In my mind, the man in my stories is me, and the girl is an afab girl. Because of this, you'll hear talk about his cock, her cunt, and things like this. But, if that doesn't match you, and you still want to read, and if you identify with any part of my writing, you have my absolute blessing to take whatever liberties you wish in your own mind. Not that you needed my permission, but maybe for some it might help.
To be clear, for my own part, I'm not really interested in interacting sexually with sub men, or with girls who don't match the physical type of person that I'm attracted to (girls with a cunt). I don't mean any offense here and I hope that none is taken. For me, life is too short to do anything other than follow what makes you feel authentically happy, and that's part of what does. But it costs me nothing to accept the gender or sexuality that someone identifies with themselves, and I consider it a matter of kindness and decency to do so.
But I am also happy to chat with anyone in about denial and so forth, as long as there is respect and if I have the time (the latter being a larger issue these days!)
So in summary, welcome. If you're a sub, I hope you find inspiration here, and I hope you can learn to edge more and cum less, if you agree with me that this is what's probably best for you. If you're a Dom(me), I hope you enjoy the stories and maybe get some inspiration and ideas to take responsibly to the sub(s) in your life. I tell sub girls they don't have my permission to cum when reading my blog, but if that doesn't resonate with you - you do you. And if you want to imagine that my Dom character is a woman, or that the sub character has a cock, or whatever else will make bring you some happiness, just do it.
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tkwrites · 2 days
An Infinite Kind of Love - A 300 follower celebration fic - Matthew Tkachuk x ofc
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Photo from Pinterest
Title: An Infinite Kind of Love
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Pre-established: Matthew Tkachuk x Sophie (ofc)
Warnings: Other than mentions of a not great biological father, it’s all fluff. 
Summary: Matthew and Sophie get married! 
Word count: 3,800
Comments: I hit 300 followers way back on July 12 and set up this poll to determine the fic I would write in celebration. We’d just passed the 4th of July, and I had a very specific idea for Matthew and Sophies wedding because of it. 
This fic has actually been finished for about 3 weeks, but I was worried people would be upset if I posted it before the latest Quinn and Sarah Snapshot went up. So, here it is. 
I hope you enjoy seeing Matthew and Sophie get married! If you did, please consider commenting, reblogging, or sending in an ask. I love hearing your thoughts about my writing!
Also we're just going to pretend the suit in this photo is navy because I couldn't find a photo of Matthew in a navy suit other than last years NHL Awards suit, which is not a suit for a wedding.
An Infinite Kind of Love
A Matthew and Sophie Fic
“Can someone get Matthew?” Sophie asked. 
“Of course.” Taryn darted out to run across the courtyard. 
When she got back to the suite, Matthew was running in after her. 
Gwen was naked to the waist and yelped. 
He slapped a hand over his eyes. “Sorry! Sorry! Soph?”
She rushed to him, pulling him out onto the balcony. “It's safe,” she said, nudging his hand down. 
The late afternoon sun turned her into nothing more than a silhouette. He had to blink a few times before she came into focus. She'd changed from the short ivory colored dress she'd worn to brunch into a set of loose satin pajamas. Her hair was in rollers, and even with brows that looked too heavy without the rest of her makeup done, she still looked beautiful. 
“What's wrong?” he asked, his hands automatically going to her arms, rubbing up and down. He didn't think it would actually happen, but thoughts of her calling off the wedding had still weaseled their way into the back of his mind when Taryn raced into the groom's room telling him Sophie wanted to see him. 
“Nothings wrong,” she said, looking into his face. Despite only wearing a t-shirt and shorts, he looked fresh faced, and handsome. He and the boys had gone to the barber shop after brunch, and they'd done his hair so his curls were perfectly set and defined. It took all her willpower to not run her fingers through them. They’d also given him a straight edge shave, and she could tell how soft his cheeks would be without even touching them. 
She preferred a bit of scruff on him, but he'd insisted he'd rather be clean shaven, saying he didn't want to look like a Muppet on their wedding day.
“Plus,” he'd said with a mischievous glint in his eye, “don't want to give you any beard burn,” before rubbing her cheek with his stubbled jaw.
She’d laughed and told him she didn’t mind. 
“What's up?” he asked now, looking relieved. 
“I just wanted to see you,” she said, stepping into him and wrapping her arms around his chest. 
As his arms enclosed around her, she felt his chuckle at the same time she heard it. 
“I missed you, too,” he said. With the rollers, he couldn’t tuck his face into her hair the way he liked to. He settled for resting his lips on her forehead. 
“For being our wedding day, we don't see very much of each other,” she said.
While they’d had a brunch with many of their wedding guests before coming to the ceremony venue to get ready, they’d slept apart the night before and spent much of the morning away from each other. Then, they were supposed to be apart until the first look and the ceremony. It felt incongruous. This was a celebration of their union. Shouldn't they be together?  
“I know. It's bullshit,” he whispered. 
“What aftershave did they use?” she asked. He smelled fresh like cut grass and mountain air. 
“I'm not sure. I picked it because I thought you'd like it.”
The simpleness of the act and of his thoughtfulness made her a little weak in the knees. “It smells really nice.”
Matthew closed his eyes, drinking in the feel of her body pressed to his, her breath on his neck and her nose in the soft spot under his jaw. Knowing that he'd picked right made pride swell in his chest.
“I'll ask them and get some,” he said. 
Pulling back, she leaned up to kiss him. 
It wasn't anything extravagant. It wasn't a kiss that made him break into a hot sweat or one that brought him to his knees. It was loving and soft. There was tongue, because with Sophie, there was always a little tongue. 
They kissed a few more times before she pulled away to find a look of adoration on his handsome face as he smiled down at her. 
Caught in the moment, they stayed that way for a few beats longer, just staring at each other until someone cleared their throat.
In the back of her mind, Sophie knew they were all in the room, but it was still a bit shocking when they looked over to find all her bridesmaids, both of their moms and the wedding photographer all gathered around the balcony door. 
“You guys are so cute,” Gwen gushed. 
There wasn't much about their wedding that was traditional. Instead of the usual noon, 2 or 5 o'clock ceremonies, their ceremony was set to begin at 8:30 so it would be dark enough by the time they kissed. They served a cocktail hour with food before the ceremony, at which the bridal party, minus the bride, mingled. After the vows, they were headed to a late-night reception with food trucks, cocktails, and partying. 
With 20 minutes to go before the ceremony, they all snuck off to a more secluded part of the garden. The groomsmen insisted they wanted to do a first look with Sophie. It turned into a whole thing: groomsmen along with Keith and her stepdad Greg. Then Matthew would come in and join them to get his own first look.
Sophie was hidden behind a trellis in another part of the garden with both of their moms and her bridesmaids. 
Her mom grabbed her hand to stop her from nervously pulling at her dress, and Sophie felt butterflies attack her stomach. 
Before the bridesmaids went out to join the guys, Taryn wrapped her in a tight hug. When they parted, she held Sophie at arms length to look her over. “Matthew’s gonna shit himself,” she said, tone full of a kind of teasing approval Sophie never experienced until she’d met Matthew. Their family teased, but mostly, it was all in good fun. It was rarely the kind of needling teasing she got from her dad as a child.
Once she’d tried it on for the first time, Sophie couldn’t stop thinking about Matthew seeing her in this dress. She’d had it custom-made, pieces of a few dresses stolen and sewn together to make exactly what she’d wanted. The bodice had a plunging neckline that narrowed between her breasts, so it wasn’t all that scandalous and floral embroidery that cascaded down onto the A-line skirt. It was simple and understated, just left of center enough to make it unique and just off white enough to be flattering. If the color were a little darker, it might be called blush.
She knew Matthew would love it because she loved it. That was just the kind of guy he was. But Taryn’s reaction still made her insides fizz like champagne. 
Upon a prompt from their wedding planner, Sophie walked out. 
The groomsmen were lined up, facing away from her.
They turned around when the photographer, who was standing off to the side with full view of everyones reactions, gave the signal.
As Sophie watched, a broad grin spread over every face. Greg and Keith both started crying, which she hadn’t expected. Keith pulled his glasses off so he could wipe his eyes. 
Greg rushed forward to gather her into a hug. His chest shook with sobs as he whispered, “thank you for letting me be here.”
“You’re the best dad, Greg. I’m so glad you’re here.” 
“Matthew’s one lucky son of a bitch,” he said, wiping his eyes. “I’m so proud of you.” 
She hugged him again, squeezing extra tight. 
Her brother followed. “You're so pretty, Soph,” he said.  
“You look really handsome in your suit,” she said, wiping at her own tears that had finally spilled over. 
He worked his thumbs under his suspenders and puffed out his chest. 
Their laughter was loud and raucous as she struck a pose of her own. 
When it was his turn, Keith gathered her into his barrel chest and lifted her off the ground in a bear hug.
She let out a surprised little squeak and giggled as her feet kicked out behind her.
“I don’t know —” Keith had to stop to wipe his eyes again after he set her back down, “I don’t know what Matthew did to get on your good side, but I’m sure glad he did.” 
“You raised a good man,” she said, patting him on the chest as they parted, “that’s what he did.” 
He gave her a watery smile and went back to Chantal and Taryn, slinging an arm around each of them.
“Matthew’s gonna lose his mind,” Sam whispered in her ear as they hugged.
She giggled, hoping he was right. 
And finally (finally, finally!), Matthew was walking down the garden path next to Brady, looking as nervous and excited as she felt and so handsome in his navy blue suit. He had his Louis Vuitton belt on. Even though she thought it was a little distracting to wear to a wedding, he insisted it was his signature piece and couldn’t go without it. She found an indulgent smile on her face, glad he was wearing something he loved so much. At least she’d convinced him to wear real dress shoes and not those ridiculous mules he’d been sporting to the arena all season. 
Sophie came into view, and all at once, Matthew felt tears sting his eyes. He’d known he would cry. He knew there was no hope of stopping it. He loved her so much, and this whole day had him all discombobulated. This wasn’t even the first time he’d cried, and he knew it wouldn’t be the last. 
After today, he would be her husband. Her husband. He would be her husband, and she would be his wife.  And —
She was wearing the most beautiful dress he’d ever seen. Simple and elegant and completely Sophie. A strong pang of longing, love, and nostalgia pulled through him when he realized her lips were even painted the same pink they had been on their first date. 
She was perfect.
“Oh my god,” he said, awestruck as they joined the group. 
She knew he would probably do that no matter what she was wearing, but it still felt good. 
Brady stepped forward and gathered her into a hug. “You look beautiful, Soph,” he said before going to stand with Emma, wiping a few tears from his eyes as he leaned down to whisper to her about how much this reminded him of their own wedding. 
Finally standing in front of her, Matthew was at a loss for words. Eventually, he just said the thing that kept running through his mind. “Holy Shit.”
Everyone around them laughed. 
Matthew continued to stare silently as everyone else headed back to start ushering the guests into the ceremony seats. 
“I don’t…” he paused, trying to articulate the words. He wasn’t sure there were words for what he was feeling. “Fuck.” 
She burst into laughter. “Is that good? Or bad?” 
“Good,” he said, half of his mouth tipping up in a smile. “You’re –” he blinked a few times, “you’re so pretty, Sophie.”
Heat flushed into her cheeks. “Thank you. I think you look really handsome.” 
“You don’t mind the belt?” he asked, tone and eyes teasing as he hooked his thumbs behind it. 
“Nope,” she stepped forward and threw her arms around his neck. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he said into her hair, getting a mouth full of hairspray. He turned to lay his cheek against it instead. 
“I can’t believe it’s finally here.” 
“I know,” she whispered. 
His phone buzzed in his pocket at the same time he saw her mom walking down the path that led from the ceremony. 
“It’s time for me to go,” he whispered. 
Tightening her arms around him, she resisted nuzzling into his shirt, knowing she’d get makeup all over the starched white material. 
“I’ll see you in a minute,” she said, pulling back to look into his face. 
He dipped down to drop a quick kiss to her lips. “See you in a minute, my betrothed.”
He’d started calling her that after some venue asked him if he and “his betrothed” would be attending a catering tasting together. 
“Soon not to be,” she said with a wink. 
He laughed, stole another quick kiss, and hugged her mom before jogging to meet Brady, who was waiting at the end of the path. 
Sophie asked her mom to walk her down the aisle. She thought the idea of a man giving a woman away was archaic anyway, but especially after her dad left, she vowed never to have a man walk her down the aisle at her wedding. 
So when the music started to play for their bridal party, an instrumental version of Here Comes the Sun — requested by Matthew because he called Sophie his ray of sunshine and they were heralding her entrance — she and her mom walked to the end of the pathway that was serving as their aisle. 
Everything looked beautiful. Matthew was standing with their officiant — someone he grew up with who was now a pastor — under a large trellis, covered in a vine of blooming jasmine. The small white flowers (another reason her dress couldn’t be white) stood out against the mens dark suits and the lilac of the bridesmaids' dresses. Everything was bathed in the gentle golden glow of the candles, lanterns, and fairy lights strewn throughout the garden. It was like walking into a dream.
The song she would walk down the aisle to began, it’s jazzy, guitar playing softly from the speakers hidden around their guests. 
The officiant instructed everyone to stand, and they did, turning to look at her, as she and her mom stopped at the end of the sidewalk. 
While everyone looked at her, she looked at Matthew. Watching his smile and his breathless excitement as she made her way to him. He was even bouncing on the balls of his feet. Her own heart ticked in her ears, and she concentrated on the song lyrics in an effort to keep herself from running to him. 
When we were strangers I watched you from afar When we were lovers I loved you with all my heart But now it's getting late And the moon is climbing high I wanna celebrate See it shining in your eyes Because I'm still in love with you I wanna see you dance again Because I'm still in love with you On this harvest moon
Watching Sophie walk down the aisle, her lips painted the same color pink they were on their first date, it felt a little like watching her walk through their history. He was outrageously glad to be on this side of it, having won her trust and love and finding himself in a situation where he had the chance to be with her forever. 
Her mom hugged her and went to sit with Greg. 
Sophie took the last three steps to stand in front of Matthew by herself. She was ready to take this last leap, eager to no longer do this life on her own.
The officiant invited everyone to sit and began talking about matrimony. She missed most of the speech, too busy thinking about the vows she’d written and watching Matthew. The navy suit made his eyes a deeper shade of blue than usual. 
Finally, after what felt to Matthew like forty minutes, though it couldn’t have been more than five, they were invited to read the vows they’d written. 
“When we agreed to write our own vows, I made Soph promise to let me go first so I didn’t have the pressure of trying to follow her.”
Sophie and the crowd laughed. Matthew noticed his mom wipe a tear from her cheek. His dad put an arm around her. 
Taking in a deep breath, Matthew closed his eyes for a moment before looking back to the printed piece of paper Brady had handed him. 
“Sophie,” he began. His voice wobbled a little. The way she was looking at him made him feel light-headed. The culmination of the day coming together and seeing her looking so beautiful in her dress was too much. Truth be told, he was a bit shocked he was even still standing. 
She took his free hand, and the grounding in her touch centered his breathing.
He looked at her and began again.  
“Sophie, if I tried to articulate all the ways I love you, I’m pretty sure we’d be here for several days because I don’t think I could ever find the right words.” 
The audience awed. 
“So instead of that, I wrote down some of the things I love about you, and what I’ll try to be for you, and you’ll just have to put up with the words I’ve got.” 
She snorted, and he heard Brady laugh behind him. 
“So here goes. I love that you make me quiet.” 
Tears pressed behind her eyes. She hadn’t expected him to go for the jugular right off the bat. 
“Most people know I have a pretty hard time shutting up,” he paused, listening to his dad laugh, “but you taught me the value in quiet moments, and I love that I fell in love with you in them. I love that I get a side of you no one else does, and I love that you trust me enough to show it to me.” 
A few tears leaked out and slid down her cheeks. Gwen slipped a tissue into her hand, and Sophie smiled gratefully, pressing it to her lashes to stop her mascara from running.
“I love that you love my family and that I feel like I could be with you forever, and we would never get bored. I love that we’ve created our own little ecosystem and that it thrives because we’re both invested and working on it.” 
His mom was crying into a handkerchief.  
“I can’t promise that I’ll always be this good looking.” 
The suddenness of the joke made Sophie bark out a sudden laugh, much too loud over the amplification system. Her hand slapped over her mouth to quiet the sound, and he laughed indulgently, as if that was the exact reaction he’d been going for. 
“But what I can promise is this: that I’ll always try to protect you, except when it comes to spiders.” He paused for the laughter to die down, “That I’ll always do my best to be present when I’m home, and that I’ll always listen to and help you achieve your dreams. Most of all, I promise that I won’t ever stop trying to earn and deserve your trust and love.”
He folded the paper up. His mom was crying, as was Emma. He was pretty certain Taryn would be tearing up, too, but he couldn’t see her with the way the bridal party was standing. He wanted to end it in some fancy way like he knew she would, but he didn’t know how, other than to say, “I love you and I can’t wait to start this new chapter with you.”
Sophie wiped her nose and dabbed at the tears in her eyes. “I love you, too.”
She sniffed and swallowed, trying to get her bearings.
“Matthew always tries to tell me he isn’t good with words,” Sophie said, giving him a wry look as her fingers squeezed around his, “but I think you all can be the judge of that.” 
He laughed. 
She coughed gently to get some of the tears out of her voice. “When I started writing my vows, I couldn’t think of anything but love. I’ve been trying to understand it my whole life. When I was a kid, I thought I had to parcel out my love to make sure it didn’t run out, and other people had to do the same. Matthew, although you didn’t teach me that there’s an infinite amount of love in the world, you did prove that infinite love exists in a way I had never experienced before with a man.” 
Now he was crying. 
“I’ve always felt a little on my own,” she explained, “a little too quirky to be loved in that big infinite way.” 
The audience was listening, wrapt. This was exactly why he didn’t want to go after her. Not only would he be a mess, there would be no way he could possibly follow her words.
“The last thing I expected in life was for this muscle-bound, curly-haired, rough and tumble hockey player to not only understand my quirks but to embrace and encourage them.” Her voice trembled. “I’m forever grateful I can take down my walls with you, Matthew.”
He took the tissue Brady handed him, unashamed, and wiped the tears from his eyes. 
“And for your patience and consistency, even when I can be skittish and uptight.” She paused, listening to her half of the audience twitter.
“I promise I’ll kill the spiders,” she said, and he laughed along with the rest of their guests. “And I promise to never be unreasonably jealous of your job. But most of all, I promise to always be honest and to love you in the infinite way you showed me was possible.” 
He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to lean in and just lay one on her. Tradition be damned. He pressed his mouth to hers, mumbling how much he loved her against her lips. When he pulled back, her eyes told him how much she loved him in return.
The officiant led them through the traditional “til death do us part” stuff, and they exchanged rings. It was a strange thing to feel the weight of the band on his finger, but Matthew had never been so glad to have something tying him down. It felt like he might just float away without it. 
“You may now kiss the bride,” the officiant said with a wide smile. 
Matthew’s hand slipped up to cradle her jaw, and he looked into her eyes as the fingers on her left hand tapped out five beats on the back of his arm. 
And just like they rehearsed, just like they planned, just like Ryan said it would happen, the moment their lips touched, fireworks screeched to life behind them, screaming into the sky and exploding in a fan of sparks and color and sound. 
It was perfect. 
It was this video, first showing their faces as they looked adoringly at each other and then cutting back to catch the fireworks igniting the moment they kissed, that Matthew shared on his Instagram. 
It’s been fireworks from the first kiss, and we’re still going strong. 
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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zhuuba · 1 day
erm.. i opened the tumblr inbox again!! please send me anything... quite literally anything... please please please please please please please please i need you... i miss you,,,
Can we send you intimate photos of ourselves? (dick pictures, cum tributes, etc..)
Yes you can! 💕 I’m more than okay for them being sent to me! I enjoy seeing them and I also do archive them just to let you know!
You keep deleting your photos! Where will I ever find them again?
Here's an archive of my IRL photos/audio maintained by some lovely people: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13FoQqG95nBUG6dbLpb9n6OkPRudx81pW
How do we send photos/videos anonymously?
You can use the file hosting site https://catbox.moe . Then remove the "https://" part and send it my way anonymously !
Do you not mind being peoples sexual outlet cause you enjoy it and the attention it brings or is it that you're just willing to tolerate that sort of behavior?
At first I was a bit suspicious due to the negative stigma of it! But now I enjoy the attention it brings!! I’m really grateful to have people like me in that way 💕💕💕 i love you
Any kind of pic you would enjoy? Maybe muscles 👀, maybe butts?
I like anything you want to present to me!! I do like seeing bulges, and seeing you pleasure yourself with a background of cozy bedsheets if you wanted to know my preferences ehehehe... 💕💕💕
If we have submitted something, how will we know if you saw it? Or would it just be a "ah, another to add to my collection" kind of thing?
I only see submissions of photos privately!! I don’t want to reply because it’ll be public and I don’t want anyone else to see your precious parts… if its okay for me to be greedy…. Yyyeah it’ll be part of my collection if thats okay… I’d use it for my own material… if that’s okay???? I don't want to fill my blog with those photos because they're just private fun between me and you!
I really enjoy everyone’s photos so far!! Thank you so much!!
Do you do dick ratings
No! I believe everyone's private parts are equal! Everyone's is pleasurable to see!
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mizithejellyfish · 2 days
🪼 Hiii !!! 🪼
I'm Mizi ! You probably heard of me from Alien Stage. I'm going to be one of the newest contestants in Season 50 ! I'm super excited to compete. Guardian Shine let me make this account so I can meet you all ! Plus it'll help up my popularity a bit before the season kicks off . Plus, you guys get to ask me whatever you want!
But anyway, I think I should set some ground rules before you ask me stuff;
☆ No weird or NSFW asks, please ! Those make me really uncomfortable...
☆ One ask per asker at a time, please !! I know it sounds weird, but it makes things a LOT easier to keep track of !
☆ I know you there's always a lot of idol rumors going around about romance between my friends and stuff, but please don't harass me about it... you can do some playful shoving and nudges towards stuff, that's perfectly fine and fun! But don't yell at me about it. Unless it's jokingly, of course.
☆ My pronouns are she/her ( ^ω^ ) !! Someone else helps me run this blog ((OOC: That's me, the Mod!)) , and their pronouns are anything; they don't mind what they're called.
🪼TAGS !🪼
#MiziAnswers (my answers to most asks!)
#MiziFaves (Reblogs of cool stuff!)
#MiziPosts (My original stuff!)
#MiziOffline ((OOC: Mod posts. Not Mizi.))
🪼A Few Special People (Claimed Anons!) 🪼
None so far! We just got started.
🪼 Okay! That's all I gotta say! Hope to meet you guys soon ~ (*^▽^*) 🪼
((MOD DISCLAIMER! I am in no way affiliated with Vivinos or QMENG or anything official to do with Alien Stage. This blog is just for fun and I do not claim Mizi or any of the Alien Stage characters as my own! ))
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j0kers-light · 1 day
Wow I’ve never done this before. My bestie @megamindsecretlair tagged me so I feel compelled to try. 🖤✨
Where do I begin?
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j0kers-light will always be a side hobby. A much needed escape from my hectic work schedule, and a place where I could share my mind with others. I never imagined I would have so many wonderful people reading my silly little stories.
The wave of support on here, A03, Wattpad, and IG is just jaw dropping. 
Chaos is truly honored. Not to sound conceited, I know I’m a good writer, but to see my impact on others is what makes me fangirl squeal!!! 
I am only human though and I’m limited to how fast I can post stories. If you been with me since the beginning, you know I finally broke down and got surgery on my left hand in October 2023. I still suffer muscle spasms, so typing isn’t always easy. 
Like I mentioned in the Wip game post, I have seven fics in the cart…. and countless asks pending in my inbox. It keeps glitching but I'm certain I don't have 50+ at least I hope I don't. 🙃
I also have two series, His Lighthouse and His Angel, of which both are incomplete. 
What can I say, I like to stay busy. All I ask is for patience and your support. I crave interaction. Not just likes. I’m from the old school tumblr. 😎 I wanna to talk to others.
I want comments and reblogs. I want to interact with you. Tell me how much you enjoy a fic, tell me your thoughts and opinions! I don’t feel motivated by likes. I don’t feel like my work is being appreciated by a mere double tap.
We as writers give too much for so little in return. I don’t wanna preach about it, I do enough of that on my main blog.. 👀
Chaos is here to stay, just more human interaction would be nice.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Okay. This is maybe going to sound weird, but I feel like I can credit Obey Me with helping me finally understand that I'm nonbinary.
I had been thinking about it for a long time already, but there was something about having the game refer to MC as they and just the general gender neutrality of MC that felt right.
And then I got to explore that a little more with my MC Ciaran who is nonbinary. It's no surprise that I process things best when I write about them, so having a character like that really made a difference for me. Just gave me the space to think about it and sort of immerse myself in the way it felt.
I'd always left pronouns off of everything, but as I started writing more fanfiction for Obey Me, I decided to put mine in my bio as they/them. It was kind of another experiment. Nobody I know irl follows me on Tumblr, so I could just try it out and see how I feel. (I honestly don't have a preference - all pronouns are acceptable.)
So last weekend I came out to my parents. They were confused, but supportive and listened to everything I had to say about it. Since I don't actually have a preference for my pronouns, I told them they can use whatever they like.
Then I went home and I was looking at stuff on Facebook. I saw that Instagram had an option for pronouns, but Facebook only had an option to change your gender. So I changed it to nonbinary. I didn't notice anything changing on my profile since I didn't have gender displayed anyway, so I left it and went on with my life.
I got a text today from my sister that was a screenshot of our relationship on Facebook that now said I was her "sibling (gender neutral)."
When I tell you I panicked...
I never planned on telling my sister. Since I don't have a strong preference when it comes to my pronouns, I didn't feel the need to tell her to call me anything other than what she's always called me. Because I knew she wouldn't accept it. I knew that if I told her, she would be against it.
I never actually came out to her as bisexual either, for the same reasons.
I told her I was just messing with the Facebook settings and that I didn't see any changes, so I didn't know it was going to change our relationship like that.
She said it wasn't a big deal to her but that she didn't want to call me "they/them."
I told her that's fine because I don't have any pronoun preferences so she can call me whatever she wants.
And I have to say, she's just lucky that it turned out that way. I honestly don't have a preference and I'm fine with all of the options. But if I did have a preference. If I did want her to call me they/them. She wouldn't. She wouldn't support me.
And I can't say I didn't know this, but it still hurts. And I didn't mean for her to find out at all, let alone through some stupid Facebook setting.
She called my mom and asked her about it. Now my mom is the best. I've always been able to tell my mom anything and everything. So my mom told her a little bit about what I said when I told my mom about being nonbinary and why I felt that way. But then my mom suggested my sister call me and ask me. And my sister was like no I don't care I'll just send a text.
And I know that she only sent a weird text like this because she's being passive aggressive. If she really wanted to know, she could have just asked me directly, even over text. But instead she sent me a Facebook screenshot?
Normally I would say it doesn't matter. We're not close for a lot of reasons, though it really just boils down to me never being the person she wants me to be and her telling me as much. So eventually I was just like okay I get it you don't like me then I'll stay away.
BUT. I have two nieces. And I love those girls so much. And I don't want to lose them because their mom can't accept me for who I am.
So if she asks me directly, I will tell her the truth. I'm nonbinary and I'm not going to lie about it. I'm not going to try to hide who I am so that she'll accept me.
But I'm not going to volunteer any information, either. I told her she could use whatever pronouns she wants and that might be good enough. If she doesn't ask anything further, then we can stay in this limbo where we both know the truth, but nobody has actually said it, so we can pretend it isn't a thing.
That way I can still see my nieces without them thinking I don't like their mom. I don't know if she would cut me off from them entirely over this, but it's possible. So I can avoid that, too.
I'm just feeling kind of down about it. I wish she could just love and accept me the way that I am. And I know I'm lucky that my parents still do.
And maybe this is weird, but having Obey Me actually makes me feel better about it? Just because I know that if those characters were real, they would love and accept me just as I am.
And now I'm crying lol.
Anyway, I'm sorry for this long post and for getting really personal, but this has just been weighing on me and I needed to get it off my chest. I figured my fellow Obey Me fans would understand.
And if there's anybody else out there struggling with something similar, please never compromise who you are just because someone else doesn't know how to love you.
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silly-solar-robot · 2 months
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oh my gosh it is SO NICE to have free time!!! here's a drawing of me that i had fun with! i wasn't sure how hard the skirt would be but surprisingly it was VERY easy!!! i hope everyone has had a lovely day!
(i am a real person! please treat me as such!! please don't tag as fnaf!)
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calware · 8 months
thinking about doing a month-long event for the homestuck tumblr community to encourage people to make + post fanworks as well as reblog other people's fanworks.... where people can opt-in by being randomly assigned one of two teams (probably red and blue) so that each team has roughly the same amount of members. teams get points for making fanworks and having their posts reblogged, which encourages people to make posts and also reblog the posts made by their team members. and the top 3 people in each team to get the most points get some kind of reward... hmmmm
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milolovesbmc · 3 months
I would block everyone on Falsettos tiktok making jokes about Whizzer's death/aids/both. But then I don't think there'd be anyone left... Falsettos tiktok really needs to hurry up and leave those behind
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crimeronan · 2 months
bi people tagging the joke fagdyke kinsey scale post about how they wish there were more slurs for bi people because they can't be a dyke or a faggot..... baby Please.....
straight people have NEVER cared about whether you experience exclusively homosexual attraction when they hurl slurs out of passing cars. those words ARE your slurs if you want 'em.
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kedreeva · 11 months
If I could kill the reply feature on this webbed site, I would.
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quartergremlin · 6 months
Hey, do you support Palestine? Our beliefs seem similar so I assume you do. I saw you reblogging some Percy Jackson stuff and wanted to let you know that it’s something we should be boycotting. Idk if interacting with fan posts counts but… you know.
Hi! Many people are choosing to boycott Percy Jackson specifically because of Riordran's statement about the genocide that he posted to his personal site, but Percy Jackson is not a boycott target listed by the BDS. Disney is, so you shouldn't be watching the show as a product of theirs, but the difference is why and what the goal of the boycott is.
On their site, the BDS states that Disney is a boycott target because "The Disney-owned Marvel Studios (US) is promoting in the next Captain America film a 'superhero' that personifies apartheid Israel. Both companies are therefore complicit in 'anti-Palestinian racism, Israeli propaganda, and the glorification of settler-colonial violence against Indigenous people,' as Palestinian cultural organizations have stated."
They also say "We must strategically focus on a relatively smaller number of carefully selected companies and products for maximum impact. We need to target companies that play a clear and direct role in Israel’s crimes and where there is real potential for winning... Compelling large, complicit companies, through strategic and context-sensitive boycott and divestment campaigns, to end their complicity in Israeli apartheid and war crimes against Palestinians sends a very powerful message to hundreds of other complicit companies that 'your time will come, so get out before it’s too late!'"
The ultimate goal is to put pressure on these companies to get them to withdraw their support of Israel, and while it's great that the fan percy jackson boycott happened to align with the requests of the BDS, they do warn against following random boycott lists that you might find on social media.
Disney is a pressure target, so you should follow their guidelines to boycott them effectively through purposeful action, namely by canceling your Disney Plus subscription (make sure to tell them why!), not buying their products, and putting pressure directly on the company on social media. 👍
interacting with fan content does not count because the target of the boycott is Disney, who won't feel it either way if you stop talking to your friends about Percy Jackson, but who will feel it if you cancel your Disney plus subscription and stop giving them money.
Listen to the people you're trying to help about what they need when it comes to boycotting.
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This is how that episode went, right?
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canisalbus · 1 year
just a quick ask to tell u it makes me super happy seeing the detail u go into when pointing out stuff u like about other people's art of ur ocs :3 it's so rare to see but it's so so motivating!! <3
Thank you! I don't take any interest for my art for granted, and if someone goes through the trouble of drawing my characters for me, I feel like trying to write a proper response is the least I can do. For a visually oriented person, receiving gift/fan art is a huge deal, it means someone considered my goobers worth their time and effort, they've probably been thinking about them more than a little and found them inspiring in a way or another, and I find that terribly flattering. It's extremely fun and interesting to see other people's takes on them. And I've drawn stuff for people as well, I know how nice and rewarding it feels to receive a response that is longer than a word or two. Positive comments like that can linger in people's minds for a long time, at least for me they do.
#this comes with a big serious disadvantage though#it often takes me a long time to write that response#my social batteries are extremely small and a lot of the time by the time I go online I feel too worn out to engage with people properly#I'm autistic anxious and severely depressed my spoons are in short supply at the best of times#I've always had really hard time putting my thoughts into words in a way that I find satisfactory#so I keep putting off reblogging gift art#because most of the time my brain is too smushed to formulate that meaningful comment I want to give#maybe that sounds dumb and fake#but this is something I've struggled with for years and I feel extremely guilty for keeping people waiting like that#often weeks sometimes months even#and potentially making them feel underappreciated and unnoticed#I'm also genuinely very scatterbrained and unorganized and I miss and forget things I'm supposed to do all the time#not to mention that I tend to have trouble keeping track of my mentions and dms and asks I'm only one person#so if you've ever drawn something for me and I didn't/haven't responded yet#please know it's not personal it's entirely my fault I'm kind of a mess#and chances are I'm still very much attempting to get back to you#feel free to remind me if you feel like I might have not noticed your post I really don't mind at all it often helps me a lot#and please if you can don't delete the post even if it seems like I didn't see it#because again sometimes it takes me a long time to respond#thank you to everyone who has stayed endlessly patient with me though I appreciate it#sorry this spiraled into a list of apologies and excuses this is actually something that bothers me a lot#because it's largely a mental health thing but easily comes off as ungratefulness#I'm trying to work on that#answered#anonymous
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