#but I freakin hate that venue lol
slothrusts · 1 year
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mizmahlia · 5 years
Get to know me uncomfortably well!
I was tagged by my sis @donaldpiercesbae . Thanks, my dear. I loved your answers!! 
1. What’s your middle name?
It rhymes with ‘bae’.
2. How old are you?
Older than a lot of folks around here, I reckon. (Mid-thirties.)
3. When is your birthday?
January the 26th
4. What’s your zodiac sign?
Aquarius. I’m stubborn, rebellious, and quirky.
5. What’s your favourite colour?
Clover green.
6. What’s your lucky number?
I don’t have one- I’ve never been superstitious in that capacity.
7. Do you have any pets?
I have a cat who’s a bit of an asshole named Oliver, who I love to pieces. And three days from now, I’ll be picking up a puppy. It’ll be almost six months to the day I suddenly lost my Milo.
8. Where are you from?
The United States of Dysfunction
9. How tall are you?
5’6” / 1.68 m
10. What shoe size are you?
I’m an 8.5 / 41-42
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Uh… it’s more than two dozen, but less than three dozen, I think.
12. What was your last dream about?
I don’t remember my dreams, unfortunately.
13. What talents do you have?
Procrastination, I can talk to pretty much anyone, I can play video games longer than is healthy, and I can sorta write.
14. Are you psychic in any way?
Not in the slightest and I am totally okay with that.
15. Favourite song?
None of Your Business by Salt N Pepa, Alone Together by Fall Out Boy, Broken by Lifehouse, Creep by Clint Mansell/Eliot Sumner
16. Favourite movie?
I can’t think of just one at the moment; but if it’s got Batman (or his friends/family) in it, it’s safe to say it’s on my list.
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone I’m comfortable sharing my nerdy hobbies with, who can communicate, and who isn’t content with life as-is. (That means he wants to explore, try new things, strives to be a better person than he was yesterday, etc) To be cheesy, I want a partner in crime.
18. Do you want children?
Yes, but being 35 and having been single for 5+ years, I’m scared I’m running out of time.
19. Do you want a church wedding?
As someone who’s been married (and sadly, is divorced), I’ll be the first to tell you the venue isn’t nearly as important as people like to make you think it is. If I do it again, I’ll probably not do so in a church.
20. Are you religious?
No, but I consider myself a Christian.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
I’ve been there as a visitor many times, but as a patient, thankfully I’ve only ever been to the emergency room.
22. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?
Nope! But I used to get rides home after cross country practices in the back of my friend’s mom’s police car.
23. Have you met any celebrities?
Yep! Karen Gillan, Richard Speight Jr, Sebastian Roche, Hugh Grant, Johan Santana (MLB pitcher), EJ Henderson (NFL player) 
24. Baths or showers?
I love me a hot bath, but it’s usually a shower.
25. What colour of socks are you wearing?
I’m barefoot whenever possible, like right now.
26. Have you ever been famous?
LOL nope
27. What type of music do you like?
Just about anything!
28. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Only in my bathtub
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
One. I have a neck problem, so I have a specific pillow I need to sleep with.
31. What position do you sleep in?
Curled up on my side.
32. How big is your house?
Three bedrooms, two floors, and an awesome living room.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Coffee and a granola or protein bar.
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
Several, and I honestly don’t see how/why it’s fun,.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
Yes, but I’m certainly no Roy Harper.
36. Favourite clean word?
37. Favourite swear word?
Fuck and all of its derivatives
38. What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleeping?
30 hours, I think? 0/10, do not recommend.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Nope, and I’m okay with that. I find it a little creepy.
41. Are you a good liar?
Better than I have a right to be, and it bothers me.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I think so, but then again, based on past experiences, I’m utterly terrible.
43. Can you do any other accents than your own?
I can do the stereotypical Minnesota one, though a lot of us don’t talk that way. But I’m terrible at trying to imitate accents, so no.
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I’ve been told by quite a few people I don’t sound like I’m from Minnesota. Make of that what you will. :)
45. What’s your favourite accent?
Irish, by far. I love that accent so much.
46. What is your personality type?
I don’t have a favorite type, but I generally prefer those who aren’t judgmental, arrogant assholes.
47. What’s your most expensive piece of clothing?
My wedding dress. It’s ludicrous how much they cost, and you wear it once.
48. Can you curl your tongue?
I certainly can!
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
A pierced innie.
50. Left of right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Is water wet?
52. Favourite food?
Peanut butter
53. Favourite foreign food?
Authentic Italian, not like the crap they call Italian here.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
I’m somewhere in between. I’m clean, but somewhat disorganized.
55. Most used phrase?
“What the hell?”
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take you to get ready?
Depends on the occasion- for more important things or when I want to go through all my steps, about an hour and fifteen minutes because I have long, thick hair. For class every day, about 15 minutes.
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I seriously hope not, but I’m not the best judge of that.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Neither because I don’t like lollipops.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
All the freakin’ time.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
In my car every day!
62. Are you a good singer?
Nope, but since I’m the only one who hears it, that’s okay!
63. Biggest fear?
Losing my parents or being alone for the rest of my life.
64. Are you a gossip?
I try not to be because gossip never helps anything or anyone.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
L.A. Confidential.
66. Do you like long or short hair?
I like short hair, but I love long hair.  
67. Can you name all 50 states in America?
I should hope so, since I live in the country.
68. Favourite school subject?
A tie between anatomy and microbiology.
69. Extrovert or introvert?
Introvert with some extroverted qualities.
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
Dentist appointments, waiting around at the starting line of a race I’ve never run before, flying.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
If it’s somewhere unfamiliar, sort of. Otherwise, no.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Depends on the mistake and the person.
74. Are you ticklish?
Everywhere and I absolutely hate it.
75. Have you ever started a rumour?
Not that I know of, no.
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Several times and every time, I’ve hated it. I’m more comfortable as a worker bee, not the queen of the hive.
77. Have you ever drank underage?
LOL yes. My hometown had little to do other than that.
78. Have you ever done drugs?
Nothing that wasn’t prescribed. I’ve never been curious enough to try any.
79. Who was your first real crush?
A boy named Davey (his name is David) when I was a kid. He’s a year younger than me and loved Batman, riding bikes, and wanted to be a Navy fighter pilot. He had these gorgeous blue eyes and almost black hair.
80. How many piercings do you have?
Three, but that will likely increase at some time.
81. Can you roll your R’s?
I should hope so; I studied Spanish for almost a decade.
82. How fast can you type?
According to a typing test I just took: 83 words/minute.
83. How fast can you run?
LOL not fast. Right now, I’d be lucky to break 9:30/mile.
84. What colour is your hair?
Medium brown with some grown-out balayage.
85. What colour are your eyes?
Like about 2% of the population, they’re green.
86. What are you allergic to?
I recently developed an allergy to something, but I’m still trying to figure out what. I blame a trip to the state of Kansas.
87. Do you keep a journal?
I don’t, but I should. It really helped me work things out when I didn’t want to talk to someone.
88. What do your parents do?
They both still work, though I wish they would/could retire.
89. Do you like your age?
For the most part, yeah. I hated myself in my 20’s, but my 30’s have been so much better.
90. What makes you angry?
Intolerance, rude behavior, the Green Bay Packers, and the New York Yankees.
91. Do you like your own name?
Of course! It’s not a super common name.
92. Have you already thought about baby names? And if so, what are they?
I admit I have, but I’m not gonna share them.
93. Do you want a boy or girl for a child?
I’d like a healthy kid, plain and simple. Gender doesn’t matter.
94. What are your strengths?
I’m stubborn, persistent, and empathetic.
95. What are your weaknesses?
I’m stubborn, persistent, and empathetic.
96. How did you get your name?
A family friend’s first name is Molly and I got my aunt’s middle name.
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Not that I know of or care.
98. Do you have any scars?
Physical or emotional?
99. Colour of your bedspread?
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100. Colour of your room?
Plain ‘ol white.
I tag @rolodexthoughts . :)
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katieamazeballs · 6 years
MVP Recap
Ok, guys.....sorry this is late but I 100% waited until today to do this because #1 It’s faster to type it on the computer than on the phone and #2 I’m now getting paid to do this.  (Who’s the real winner here).  Also....I can post this with a fancy page break so it doesn’t hog everyone’s feed.  But before the break....have a pic......
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(As per my now usual.....I will post about my experience more than the dances, because you can find those online or will be seeing them yourselves.)
To start off the day, I finally got to meet My Girl and it was AMAZING!  We met at her hotel then went to dinner.  As we predicted, the girls were instant besties and so were we.  (I love it when a plan comes together).  When we got to dinner the girls sat with My Girl and I sat with her hysterical mom, Nonna.  We had good food and good conversation and it was really nice to have a meal with “my people” and discuss DWTS the entire time.  The best part, however, was Nonna telling me no less than 7 times “I don’t like-ah that Maks.  He’s a jerk”.  (read that in a thick Italian accent).   
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(Abbie killed it with this selfie)
After dinner, we found our way to the theater.  I was no help, of course, because I don’t do downtown even though I’ve lived here for 34 of my 38 years.  As we were looking for parking we saw the buses straight ahead, lining both sides of the street.  We saw Ivan outside smoking (wtf dude) and JT.  Once we parked, moved the car to a different spot, and took selfies, we made our way to the theater.  As we were walking up we saw a guy with big girly hair standing by Val’s bus talking on the phone. We were all like “OMG....is that Val?!?!”.  The girls and I started booking it and got closer, that wasn’t Val but OMG HOLY CRAP he was right there in front of us!!  We attempted to approach him and the worlds grumpiest security guard stopped us in our tracks. 
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(Seriously.....look at her looking at me like I’m gonna rush him or something!  Trust me when I say she plays a theme throughout the night and imagine that face any time I mention “Bitchy Security Guard” or “BSG”.)
Well.....Val didn’t take too kindly to his fans being treated that way and told us to come take pics but that we had to do it quick because he needed to get inside to get ready.  I have to say....much like Brandon, pictures do not do this man justice.  He is really really really good looking in person.  I mean REALLY.  Gahdamn, Valentin. 
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(Notice the guy in the red flannel who is NOT Maks and will not be Maks at any point in the evening no matter how many times we thought he was)
Y’all be proud of Abbie.....she was given strict instructions of things she was banned from saying (I hate Jenna because she STOLE you from me.....and You used to be my favorite but now you’ve been replaced because Jenna STOLE YOU).  Girl handled herself like the sane fangirl we all knew she could be and didn’t even cry. 
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(Notice the death grip she has on him)
She showed him her purse and “may” have scared him a tad.  He went “Whoa!”
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(She keeps shirtless Val in the center.....because Mama ain’t raising no fool)
After we met Val.....and I failed to remember that I was lugging his book around in my damn purse and forgot to get it signed (I win at life, I swear), we were told exactly where we were allowed to stand and if we so much as took a deep breath, BSG reminded us that we weren’t allowed to move from that spot.  Then she would sigh and roll her eyes at us.  We tried to see other cast but it was getting chilly and windy (scroll back up and look at the chick’s pony in the pic of BSG) and it was getting closer to show time so they were all inside.  Before we left we did get to see Katie the Nanny taking Shai from the venue to the bus.  He is freakin adorable!  His little curls and his little wave to his adoring fans were on point!  I do not have a picture of this because #1 It happened super quick and #2 It’s not my baby and that’s kindof weird and intrusive and BSG was still side eying us and I’m pretty sure she would have taken my phone and deleted all the pics or something in retaliation.  She was seriously bitchy and hated her job. 
We got inside the venue and hit the merch stand.  We all got our shirts (to my surprise, Abs picked the white tour tee instead of the Team Val tee).  We found our way upstairs, got drinks, and found our seats.  They were pretty decent seats except for we had to sit forward to see the very front of the stage if they laid down (a few times) and couldn’t see them picking the people out of the audience.  The show was, of course, amazing.  In my opinion, it was better than the DWTS show.  Those Chmerkovskiy’s can dance!!!!  I’ve heard that Peta is amazing live, but that doesn’t do her justice.  She truly is the queen and literally commands the stage when she’s on it.  There were moments of great group numbers, moments of hilarity (the dad dance and the stripper section), and gut wrenching serious moments.  It really does tell a story through dance and we all loved it.  What you probably don’t see in the YouTube videos of the dad dance is Kiki has twins.  Abs is still laughing about those twins and when the baby sneezes and Maks yells “It got in my eye!”.  During the Chippen Val/Magic Maks section they pull up the lady out of the audience.  Let me tell you.....that lady was living her best life.  She was so funny!  Throughout the show we were annoyed by the group behind us.  There were about 8 or 10 of them and they talked the entire show.  I’m not talking quiet respectful whispers.....these bitches were straight up chit chatting.  I did giggle at one point because the oldest of them was totally Team Nonna.  They were doing their first talking section and this chick pipes up with “I’ve always hated Maks.....he’s such an arrogant jackass”.  During the super emotional break up section....it was so quiet in there you could hear a pin drop.  I had been annoyed the entire show, but at this point I started to get a little concerned that because it was so quiet in there (that section is riveting) that Maks and Peta would actually hear these bitches trying each others wine in an attempt to figure out which one had the tastiest.  Seriously y’all.....they were SO LOUD!  At this point, I turned around and said “PLEASE stop talking!”.  They shushed to heated whispers through the rest of the show but if one of us so much as looked at each other they’d say “NO TALKING!”.  At the end of the show they got up and left during the final bows (seriously the rudest group of drunk bitches ever).  I booked it out after the show to pee.  Abs didn’t have to so she went to stand outside of the bathroom to wait for the rest of our group.  I hear “That’s HER!” and look over and these bitches were WAITING for me to come out of the theater!  They start yelling “We are at a concert!!!  Talking is expected in this type of situation!  And you were rude too!!!”  (of note....no one ever said they were rude)  Abs is looking at me with huge eyes and I was like “Wait...how was I rude!  You know what...never mind....Abbie get over here!”.  I drug her into the bathroom still completely appalled at their behavior.  Be proud that I was an adult and didn’t engage.  Once all of our group was done, and these bitches are still standing there waiting, we just kind of grabbed the girls put our heads down and booked it out of there. 
We got outside and went to stand by the buses again.  BSG was still manning her post and was quite possibly in an even worse mood than before.  She seriously hates fans.  She should probably look into different employment.  Thankfully we had a different security guard posted to our standing area.  He was funny and nice and roughly the size of a mountain range.  He didn’t seem to be that huge of a guy but he had a chest and shoulders that somehow blocked the entire sidewalk.  He also must know us (is our picture up in these venues or something) because dude kept a super close eye on Abs.  She must have looked shifty to him.  He’s a smart man and I wish I would have taken a pic with him.  We stood there and stood there and stood there some more.  We had met Val, but wanted to talk to him again (because my damn book) and Makayla really wanted to meet Peta.  My goal was to meet Val (for Abs of course....ha) and meet either Maks or Peta to personally give them Shai’s hat.  Peta came out loaded down with bags and went to the bus.  She came back out and headed our way to go into a different door (probably to get food, they all went in there) and said she’d come back.  While we were waiting, we saw quite a few of the dancers coming out.  Ivan was standing there talking to a crew member and since no one else would pipe up I yelled his name.  He waved and I asked for a picture.  He was super nice and came over (Mt. Everest was amused by this).
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After meeting him, both girls (and the rest of the small crown of about 15-20) were oohing and aahing over how good he smelled and I realized that my damn sinuses are still acting up and I didn’t smell anything.  I thought back to meeting Val (when both girls had the same reaction) and I thought my lack of smelling him was just because we caught him before the show and he wasn’t freshly showered.....apparently my inconspicuous deep breaths when I was standing with him were just fail. I’m super salty about this.  Seriously.....I may not ever be ok with the fact that I didn’t smell Val.  Shortly after we met Ivan, we saw Emily standing there.  She also came over when I got her attention and asked for a picture.  Mt. Everest was again amused by me while the others were plotting how they could always manage to be by me at bus meets because I not only recognized everyone by name, but was brave enough to call them over. 
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I think it was at this point that My Girl’s girl was attempting to convince her mom that they should come to Jax to do all tours with me and Abs.......I don’t think she was successful.  Lol.   At some point in this process, we saw JT a few more times.  I really wanted to get a pic with him.  I yelled his name and he threw a half hearted wave, then looked over and said “Oh Hey” and waved harder.  He did not come over for a picture.  He must actually have recognized me....he was like “Yep...that’s a nope all day long, that bitch is cray”.  He has since been relieved of his best friend duties....but it’s ok because Nicole and Alyssa (Serge’s gf) have agreed that they are better choices anyways. 
Finally.....the queen emerged and came right over to our group.  She is strikingly beautiful in person and so so so tiny.  She could probably share clothes with Abs!  I gave her a hug and told her I had made a gift for Shai for his morning inspections.  She laughed and then peeked in the bag.  She awe’d and thought it was adorable!  (Totally winning at life here). 
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She chit chatted with our group for a bit and talked about how they had had to adjust and reblock that day because the stage was a tight squeeze (which explains all the rehearsal stories) and lamented the weird lights outside that went from normal to pink to red (which is why the pics are kindof weird).  Abs asked where Maks was and she laughed and said she had no idea and that she hadn’t seen him since bows.  As she left she thanked me again for the hat and said she’d post it on insta.  I’m really hoping he’ll wear it (toddlers are iffy on hats....and all things really) but I’m pretty sure she’ll post it some how if he won’t wear it. 
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(Of note....I could smell her.....she smells like a girl.....flowery lotion.  It makes me more salty)
We waited a bit longer and still no sign of Maks or Val.  It was getting late and even more chilly and windy and we decided to call it quits at 11.  The time came and after me having to snap at Abs (she is a determined fangirl), we made our exit with the agreement that one of the remaining group would watch us until we got to the corner and they’d yell Maks’ name real loud so we could come running back.  Mt. Everest thought this was hysterical and kept waving to us while we walked off looking back every 5 seconds.  We made our way back to the hotel, I was again no help because while I can confidently get myself home from downtown....the hotel was on the other side of the river and I had no idea how to get there.  The girls were passed out approx 37 seconds into the drive home.  When we got there Nonna popped out of the van and looked down and saw her shirt button was undone.  She goes “Oh look at me, all naked!”  I died.  She is the best and I might steal her.  We sadly said our goodbyes and Abs and I headed home.  After I got home (about 11:45) I went to check and saw @loveisstatic was the lone hold out and got to meet Maks.  I bet she really got the wrath of BSG for waiting so long.  (Girl...you gotta vouch for me on BSG....she was serious!)  All in all, we had the absolute best time and I can’t wait to do it again.....next year.....after my wallet stops crying.
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belleamebailey · 6 years
98 Questions
Copy and paste this post into your own, answer the questions, and tag it with #astrologyish so I can find your post! 😁💘 use n/a if you don’t have an answer, and have fun!
avoiding all responsibilites.. oops.
1. Full name: Meredith Raye .. then last name, but that’s not important :)
2. Nicknames: Mere, MereBear, Minni, MereMere, Gary.. you know A LOT
3. Birthday: March 24th!
4. Age: 21.
5. Zodiac star sign: Ariees
6. Moon sign: uhhh I DON’T KNOW WHAT THIS IS. I googled and it said Libra. sooo idk. lmao
7. Ascendant: Apparently this means what sign was rising on the eastern horizon when you were born? mine was Cancer
8. Venus: I am an Aries in this.
9. Gender: Female.
10. Pronouns: Female pronouns.
11. Sexuality: Straight.
12. Myer-Briggs type: what does this even mean?
13. Relationship status: taken..
14. Best friend: Emilea.
15. Religion: Well, i’m Christian but not very religious..
16. Favorite color: Maroon
17. Favorite music genre: uhh country i guesss
18. Favorite band/artist: oooh i don’t really have a favorite. but I guess i’d have to say George Strait.. cause hes the king.
19. Favorite song: don’t have one of these either. lmao. however, i have been listening to Bazzi’s new album and DAMN.
20. Favorite holiday: Thanksgiving.
21. Favorite tv show: Sons of Anarchy.
22. Favorite youtuber: is this a real question? lmao DOLANS. but i also love Manny MUA, cause he’s just funny. and Kian and Jc
23. Favorite perfume/cologne: OMF. i LOVE VS bombshell, but IT DOESN’T STAY ON. I have some Chanel though that is amazeballs too. 
24. Favorite season: Fall. 🍁
25. Favorite flower: Roseee.
26. Favorite gemstone: I love my birthstone, sooo Aquamarine
27. Favorite roller coaster: yeah, no thanks. lmao
28. Favorite fruit: i dont eat fruit. :)
29. Favorite vegetable: Or vegetables.. LOL. potatoes?
30. Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough!
31. Favorite candy: TWIX.
32. Favorite restaurant: Texas Roadhouse!
33. Favorite fast food restaurant: Chic-fil-a!!!!
34. Favorite starburst flavor: the pink ones, duh.
35. Favorite pizza topping: pepperoni, basic bitch.
36. Favorite chip flavor: sour cream and onion, even though it makes your breath smell awful. LOL
37. Favorite non-alcoholic beverage: DR. PEPPER 
38. Favorite alcoholic beverage: ehh, not really a drinker, but i like vodka, lmao.
39. Favorite video game: don’t play video games much, but i used to play Madden with my brother all the time. 
40. Favorite board game: Life
41. Favorite city: uhh... i dont really know, haven’t really traveled much.
42. Favorite dog breed: Greyhounnd
43. Favorite animal: Wolves!
44. Favorite number: 22.
45. Coffee or tea: SWEET tea. lmao. 
46. Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate.
47. Leather or denim: Denim
48. Short or long sleeves: Long.
49. Patterned or plain: Plain.
50. Floral or plaid: Plaid.
51. Black or white: Black.
52. Makeup or no makeup: depends..
53. Tumblr or Twitter: Tumblr.
54. Facebook or Snapchat or Instagram: Snapchat.
55. Phone or tablet or computer: Phone.
56. Liberal or conservative: uhh probably more conservative.
57. Sunrises or sunsets: Sunsets.
58. Are you vegetarian: LOL no, my diet is meat and potatoes.
59. Are you vegan: Nopee
60. Are you allergic to anything: horses... -___-  GRASS and i think strawberries.
61. Are you polyamorous: No.
62. Have you been out of state: Yess, i’ve been to Georgia, Florida, Colorado, and New Mexico.. and Oklahoma of course, it’s literally 5 minutes from where i live. lol
63. Have you been out of country: No.. 
64. Have you kissed a boy: yess.
65. Have you kissed a girl: No.
66. Have you kissed an enby: No.
67. Have you broken a bone: Noo, i’m a careful person
68. Have you been to the emergency room: nooo.
69. Have you ever been high: No.
70. Have you ever been drunk: haha a couple times
71. Have you ever been in a band or choir: LMAO YES. hated every minute of it too. 
72. Have you ever catfished someone: nahh
73. Do you have any siblings: Yes a brother.
74. Do you live with your parents: yes, sadly
75. Do you have more than 100 followers: Yes
76. Do you have more than 1,000 followers: No.
77. Do you have more than 10,000 followers: HA what.
78. Do you smoke weed: Nopeee
79. Do you drink: Not really.. i did have a mixed drink last weekend though. 
80. Do you have a job: NO. nursing school and jobs are just like a big no.
81. Do you own any musician/youtuber merch: NO :(
82. Do you have any internet friends: YESSS
83. Do you play any instruments: No, i freakin wish.
84. Where did you go/are you going to college: Midwestern State
85. College major: Nursing!
86. Names of all your group chats: Grayson’s Hoes. LMAO and one with my best friends. but we have no name. 
87. Tap the middle autofill button 10 times:
88. What time zone do you live in: Central
89. Your best friend’s sign: Scorpio
90. Your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th closest friends’ signs: uhhh... Virgo, Pisces. forreal don’t have a 3rd or 4th closest friend. lmao.
91. Your crush’s sign: Leo
92. Your mom’s sign: Aries
93. Your dad’s sign: Gemini
94. Your sibling(s)’ sign(s): Pisces
95. Your enemy’s sign: I don’t have any enemy..
96. Your ex(s)’ sign(s): Cancer
97. An ex best friend’s sign: Virgo
98. Tag 5 people to participate: @justanotherdolanblog @goldendxlan @doltishdolans @notanotherdolantwinsblog @kara-dolan
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CHARACTER SHEET: Roger Jonathan Radcliffe
As I hide behind these books I read  / while scribbling my poetry / like art could save a wretch like me / with some ideal ideology / that no one can hope to achieve. / And I am never real; it is just a sketch of me. -- Waste of Paint, Bright Eyes
It takes strength to be gentle and kind. --I Know It’s Over, The Smiths
Birthday: 11 October 1991
Hogwarts House (Primary): Ravenclaw (modelling a blend of Hufflepuff and Slytherin)
Hogwarts House (Secondary): Ravenclaw
Myers-Briggs: ISFP
Enneagram: Type 5
Height:  5’11
Mother: Harriet Martha Hunter Radcliffe
Father: William Jonathan Radcliffe (deceased)
Mother’s Occupation: manager at a fabric store
Father’s Occupation: musician
Family Finances: lower class
Birth Order: only child
Other Close Family: Gran on his dad’s side; he has two male cousins on that side who are pretty Patts-esque lol; didn’t really talk to his mum’s side all that much till about a couple of years ago
Best Friend: Paul Patts
Other Friends: from home: Lucy, Finn, Ed; from here: Anita, Perdita, Berlioz, Stan, Brad, Belle?
Enemies: none, really—Lou?
Pets: 32 Dalmatians lol (he had a Dalmatian named George when he was growing up)
Home Life During Childhood: eh so it was happy till he was about ten, then his father started drinking more than usual and doing bad drugs and there were a lot of fights and broken furniture and all that and Roger blames himself
Town or City Name(s): London, England—East End, near Shoreditch
What Did Her Bedroom Look Like: sloping wall with green-striped wallpaper, lots of books jammed into a little shelf, a little wobbly desk with a single desk lamp, kept a bunch of knick-knacks on his desk, lots of sheet music
Any Sports or Clubs: probably in school band or orchestra, also did theatre
Favorite Toy or Game: He had a stuffed dog that he went to bed with every night till he was like 13 or something and it wasn’t “cool” anymore and one of the bigger kids teased him about it so he stuffed it in the bin, but his mum rescued it and it’s on the shelf above his childhood bed
Schooling: finished secondary
Favorite Subject: Music, of course, and English
Popular or Loner: had his own group of friends, was never really a true loner, also helped that his best mate was like the most popular bloke in school
Important Experiences or Events: Dad died when he was 15, he found the body in the bathroom
Health Problems: prone to addiction, undiagnosed depression probably, also near-sighted if that counts lol (he wears contacts most of the time)
Culture: English
Religion and beliefs: his mum’s family goes to church pretty regularly and he’s, like, the type of guy who wishes he could believe in God but isn’t sure—even so, does Christmas, Easter, that whole thing, and when he’s feeling particularly vulnerable, he will pray
Bad Habits: nervous talker, easily addicted to substances, smokes, drinks too much when he’s in a depressive spell
Good Habits: loyal, dedicated to his craft when he is in a steady spell, very good with kids and animals
Best Characteristic: dedicated—to the people close to him, to his craft, to his passions, he won’t quit on you
Worst Characteristic: low self-worth—he doesn’t think much of himself at all and it’s a big hindrance to, like, his life
Worst Memory: finding his dad’s dead body ha ha ha
Best Memory: when Powell approached him and introduced himself and said he had talent
Proud of: his musical ability
Embarrassed by: uh his like,,,everything—his looks, his background, his finances, his grades
Driving Style: he’s very average, speeds a little but remembers his turn signals
Strong Points: kind, artistic, passionate, intelligent, goofy
Temperament: melancholic
Attitude: can be broody
Weakness: tbh he’s like really sensitive if you doubt the one thing he is proud of (musical ability); also fuck with Paul/Anita/his mom (and Perdita by extension), he will get upset
Fears: not living up to his artistic potential, turning into his father
Phobias: turning into his father highkey
Secrets: sometimes he’s happy? His dad died bc it really put his mum out of a lot of misery…
Regrets: getting good at music, because that’s what ultimately drove his dad down the drain
Feels Vulnerable When: talking about himself in general lol, he likes talking to other people and does genuinely want to know more about them but he hates it when it’s about him
Pet Peeves: snobby rich people—he can deal with regular rich people who aren’t snobs and think that his social class is his own fault, kale (really does not like kale)
Conflicts: desire to follow his artistic dreams vs how freakin’ hard it is to do, as well as not wanting to like totally leave his mum in the dust
Motivation: to be a true, genuine artist and hoping success will follow
Short Term Goals and Hopes: get some sort of record deal—either as a musician or a composer
Long Term Goals and Hopes: gosh—make a decent living as a composer, trying not to be a sell-out, but also still getting his time in the limelight
Sexuality: bisexual, if we’re talking Kinsey-scale it’s like a 2.5 (prefers women, but still likes men)
Exercise Routine: gets most of his exercise from working tbh
Day or Night Person — Night.
Introvert or Extrovert — Introvert.
Optimist or Pessimist — Pessimist  
Music: jazz, of course! He grew up listening to the greats and has a fondness for Charlie Parker. Errol Garner is another favorite. Other than that he listens to a lot of classic rock—London’s a great city for classic rock, eh? Got the Stones and the Beatles and the Who—real great place, music’s everywhere, didya know that lots of the classic rock bands were influenced by jazz? Roger can show you where they played. Also really into the Smiths. And indie stuff. Fan of the occasional really good musical. Just doesn’t really like pop is all (ok except for some songs....)
Books: classics, he’s partial to the 1920s era—Hemingway (yes, I know), Fitzgerald, Stein, and all that good stuff. Also a fan of Virginia Woolf. Also a huge Jane Austen fan, he won’t admit that right away but it’s easy to pry out of him.
Magazines: tbh not many,,,he keeps up with music stuff online
Foods: good pub food—he likes a good steak pie with loads of green peas and mashed potatoes on the side. Also a good English breakfast (his favorite part’s the sausage).
Drinks: tea—black, the English Breakfast blend. Likes a good beer as well, or a shot of whiskey.
Animals: Dogs. No, but seriously, he’s always been fond of them and will take care to point them out on the street to whoever he is with.
Sports: He plays football but sucks at it haha, but he follows Paul’s team!
Social Issues: LGBTQ+ rights, he’s like really against gentrification, having lived it firsthand
Favorite Saying: “Life is like jazz; it’s a lot better when you improvise.”
Color: Grey. He likes how varied it is. It reminds him of home and of silver and the sky and the Thames and a lot of things he likes.
Clothing: he’s like very particular about how he dresses, tries not to wear shorts and t-shirts, he likes to keep it dressy casual, like hipster style (wow, roger)
Jewelry: he has a nice watch his dad passed down to him and a ring his granddad gave him when he graduated
Games: played pokemon when he was younger, will take a turn on those first-person shooters when he’s with friends, likes the Legend of Zelda
Websites: Instagram, tumblr, has his own like wordpress or something with music reviews, posts some piano covers on youtube (not terribly many)
TV Shows: Fools and Horses, other british sitcoms which i am too lazy to research r now but he’s a sitcom sorta bloke when he does watch tv
Movies: he likes weird horror movies, big zombie fan; secretly really adores Love, Actually, but says his favourite movie is Ray (which is a great movie, he just likes Love, Actually more....); prefers the BBC Pride and Prejudice over the Kiera Knightley one and is passionate about that
Greatest Want: to be a true artist™
Greatest Need: to overcome his bad self-esteem and love himself
Home: lives in the Dalmatian Plantation farmhouse, on the top floor in an attic bedroom
Household furnishings: lots of sheet music, he keeps his closet pretty neat, but the rest is quite messy. Always has a stack of books on his bedside drawer. There’s usually an empty mug of tea because he’s too lazy to bring it downstairs lol. Bed is usually not made.
Favorite Possession: probably a book from either Paul or Anita (or both)
Most Cherished Possession:  the piano in his house in London, which belonged to his dad and his dad’s dad; also the watch his dad left him
Married Before: Nope.
Significant Other Before: Finn, Sarah (those are the only significant ones)
Children: n/a
Relationship with Family: very close with his mum, they stuck together when it got really bad on his homelife end; she’s always been supportive of him; his mum’s family used to not speak to them much, but recently have been reaching out; dad’s family talks to them more
Car: n/a
Career: dog care-taker, record shop clerk, musician/composer
Dream Career: composer/jazz musician [music teacher, but he doesn’t know that yet]
Dream Life: ok so honestly—Roger’s destined to become a teacher. He’s great with kids and in the end, he will (hopefully) realize that his passion for music is meant to be passed down to others. Sure, he’s gonna still write the occasional almost-famous tune and play in ensembles and venues, but he’s gonna be truly happy as a teacher.
Love Life: uh—kinda dating Anita? What is? Going? On?
Hobbies : playing music, reading, walking the dogs lol, likes playing football sometimes (sucks at it), acting
Guilty Pleasure : will, on occasion, like a pop song; rom-coms
Sports or Clubs: n/a
Talents or Skills : great musician—plays piano excellently, trumpet pretty well, and can manage a bit on saxophone and guitar; has a good singing voice too (baritone)! Decent driver (can drive manual wow that’s impressive to me tbh); good with kids and animals (also impressive to me lmao)
Intelligence Level : artistically inclined—he was bad at science/math classes, but good at music, literature, and history. He’s not dumb by any means, but his strengths aren’t really in a technical area. He’s knowledgeable and interested in learning about things, but don’t ask him to solve some intricate mathematical proof
Finances: manages alright on his own (he basically doesn’t have to pay rent, so he’s doing p good; sends money back home too)
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salty-dracon · 6 years
are my characters cat people or dog people?
me: i’m better with dogs than with cats unless the dog is bigger than me, which considering i’m very small, happens quite often
lily: cat person. she loves petting cats. she wishes one would just sit in her lap someday. it has not happened yet
michy: cat person. cats always sit in her lap. lily is really jealous
laurie: she claims she’s a cat person but calls every cat she meets satan and is terrified of dogs
august: dog person. it’s her dream to die in a pile of puppies.
damian: dog person. especially the big ones, to scare laurie. 
ivy: dog person
palea: cat person. it’s the one thing they don’t have in common besides their color schemes and nationalities
narcissa: everyone thinks she’s a cat person but she’s actually both. her ideal pet would shift between both forms every so often. 
luke: dog person. specifically giant direwolf person.
giselle: if you think she’d like a pet you’re crazy
flynn: neither, i mean he’s an evil freakin ghost
verona: not sure. i’d say rabbit person
allie: cat person. she has a cat actually, a tabby. 
brid: bird person
jake: dog person. he has a dog named jenny
val: he claims he likes snakes but he’s actually a huge cat person
kat: contrary to her name, she’s a dog person
angel: he’s a dog person, but if you gave him a pile of kittens he’d be the white male equivalent of the “i can’t protect them” gif
tiff: cat person. cats keep your secrets. dogs are assholes
h. kronus: dog person. probably greyhound. he wouldn’t take care of it though
n. kronus: probably the guy who takes care of his dad’s greyhound, so he’s probably a dog person
lumi: she adores both cats and dogs and she’d hate you if you made her choose. 
may: dog person. really fluffy pom person. 
sam: dog person. he wants to own a bloodhound someday. 
adrian: dog person. specifically he wants a big pack of wolves to do his bidding and stuff. 
mai: dog person. she gets antagonistic when she sees cats
narin: cat person. until they claw her naked leg and then she prefers dogs until they pee on her bedroom floor
larke: bird person
tawny: dog person. he actually gets along really well with dogs. no one understands why
rush: horse person. in a literal sense too. 
ares: bird person
venus: for some reason *cough*heturnsintoadog*cough* i can’t fathom this guy being a cat person
grey: animals are terrified of him, but he’d rather have a cat than a dog in the first place
amelia: cat person. like, super fluffy black cat with sparkly diamond collar person. pretty sure she turned into one at some point.
livia: cat person, if she’s not keeping some poor slave as a pet
arthur: he’s got a golden retriever named nemo and he loves him with all of his heart but he’s also really sweet towards cats
julien: somehow i feel like julie would want a cat but would not get along with one irl. they’re not a dog person either lol
brooke: definitely a cat person. although if you asked her she’d say something along the lines of “owl”
typhon: if you gave him either he wouldn’t really say anything but he’d probably cuddle them both. 
thaumas: also both, probably. that or he keeps fish
larkspur: cat person. 
viviel: dog person.
thana: i don’t think he gets along well with any animal really
aditi: snake person
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