#my wife played there once and she said it’s also very weird from that end
slothrusts · 1 year
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sil3ntfr34k · 5 months
Postal dude 2 boyfriend headcanons
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• Mans is RANCID but you still love him <33
• Even with how sassy and sarcastic as he is, he still has a soft spot for you. Isn't very good as showing it, but he does little things here and there to show his love for you
• Y'all probably met during one of his errands his wife made him run, bumping into each other in line while he was getting milk. He was very surprised that someone is actually talking to him and not cussing him out. Y'all chatted it up before you had to pay for your items and leave, leaving him alone once again
• He would be lying if he said he didn't follow you home like some creep to find out where you live so he could 'check-in' on you periodically
• After a handful of conversations and hang outs, he can't seem to stop thinking about you. Even while still married to his current wife, he'd still fantasize about being married to you instead
• He eventually does divorce his bitch wife so he can have a life with you. This doesn't bother the bitch anyway since she was already cheating on him with Mike J,,,
• Once you two start dating you get to see a softer, more gentle side of Dude. Where he was once a crass and inconsiderate, he has become more understanding and loving. He's surprisingly clingy!
• Before you moved in with Dude (or he moves in with you, whatever you like best) he would always hang out at your place anyway. Hell, he'd even bring over Champ just so he could have both his favorite things with him at the same time.
• (Champ is literally his son he gave birth to, no one can tell him otherwise. Sure Dude can be a little mean to Champ, but what parent doesn't get annoyed of their kids now and then??)
• If Dude moved in with you, then Champ gets upgraded to a house dog and no longer has to rough it outside since his bitch ex-wife didn't like pets. Also Dude still has his trailer and all, but it's more of a 'back-up house' or storage.
• No matter if he moved in with you or you moved in with him. he lets you decorate however you'd like. he's pretty adaptable to most environments since he moved around to a lot of different places growing up. Of course he's still messy and smells, but he tries JUST A LIL harder for you
• "Sorry babe, but my crack comes first."
• Please be understanding of this. He's been through a lot and it helps with a lot of his problems. From his chronic pains throughout his body to his schizophrenic episodes, being unsober helps him relax
• Dude is really nervous about telling you about his schizophrenia. His ex-wife always made his episodes worse by yelling at him that he's crazy or something, so he dreads having to tell you. What if you don't understand? What if you get weirded-out and leave him?? What if you start to see him as a burden?? Oh god what is he supposed to do if you want him to leave?????
• Underneath his cocky and confident facade, he's actually incredibly insecure and scared. Even just the tiniest bit of rejection or negative action from you is like this roman empire. He had stopped caring about what his ex-wife thought of him long before the divorce so nothing she did or said really affected him. But you. Your too special to him. He hangs off your every word
• Dates with him are very,,, intimate? Not in the way you might think of, more of in a 'It's just us' way. He's not exactly a people person so he doesn't want to even see other people while on a date with you
• He probably lands on something like a dinner and a show at home or playing some video games while eating all the junk food in the world together. To be fair, there's not exactly a 'nice' area in Paradise, so most couples just stay inside for things like this anyway.
• No matter what y'all end up doing, you better believe you have his undivided attention. All you got do is say the magic word ("now") and he will give it to you on a silver platter
• Even with how good of a boyfriend he seems to be, Dude is NOT Mr. Perfect. Dude has his bad habits and red-flags too.
• During heated arguments Dude can and will throw something at you, might even threaten to kill you tbh. Watch ur step bc that gun is always loaded with the safety off. Doesn't help he's trigger happy too,,,
• Dude also needs his alone time. Yesyesyes he loves you dearly, but the man still needs his space. Isn't afraid to say something like "Hey I gotta go do something, be back babe" and proceed to just lay in bed for 3 hours (Postal Dude bedrotting)
• It's very hard to get Postal Dude to open up about ANYTHING. Like, after being together for 5 years AND being engaged, your barely learning about his strange and very illegal family tree. Come to think of it, you never even knew he had parents. Yea you know he has to have a mom and dad, but you don't know if they're any good or still in his life.
• During a manic/depressive/crack-endued/schizophrenic episode, he makes it very hard for you to be there for him. He doesn't mean to do this, but it's not like can help it. To you, he's just acting-out, but to him, everyone is trying to hurt him and he's not safe anywhere. Suddenly it's like he's a totally different person, constantly running away from you and hiding. Honestly it might be best for you to just wait it out, maybe offer him some comforting words but still stay away.
• Overall, Postal Dude is a bumbling idiot who just wants to feel accepted by someone
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lxkeeeee · 1 year
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synopsis: the fatui members never ever questions the harbingers—no matter how weird, how unusual, and how out of character for them or else they would be goners in a blink of an eye.
notes: fluff, slightly suggestive at the end. No smut.
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The sixth harbinger—harbingers rather, for a long time the seat has always been occupied by two people—Scaramouche and his wife, [y/n]. Though, Scaramouche is the one who leads their faction of soldiers most of the time as [y/n] usually plays the role as his assistant.
The fatui soldiers made a silent agreement to never question the harbinger ways, especially the couple's relationship—as they never saw the two being so openly affectionate with one another. Some rumors say they were married for political reasons, some rumors also say that they never genuinely loved each other. They don't even know the story of how they got married.
That's what they think.
The scene is very comical if you ask me, fatui soldiers eyeing each other in attempt of communicating to each other as if asking if they saw what they're seeing.
Scaramouche stood confidently Infront of their soldiers, strong and powerful—his presence is enough to make the entirety of the fatui soldiers shake in fear, they're afraid of him and his sadistic tendencies and he knows it and he loves it. Scaramouche stood Infront of his soldiers, barking out remarks to his men.
The comical thing is, a certain harbinger lies comfortably on his shoulder. [y/n] now on her fox form, curled up comfortably on top of her husband's shoulder, her tail used as a pillow as she purred softly near his ear. Scaramouche occasionally bringing his hand up to rub her fox ears making her purr before bringing his hand down again and rested it on his hips.
“You pathetic fools! You had one job! And you fucked it up!” He says, voice seething and bouncing around their office inside the Zapolyarny Palace. His voice making their soldiers shake in fear. “I ordered all of you to keep an eye and watch the traveler and now you're telling me you lost her?!” he seethes, [y/n] just snuggling closer to his neck, her fluffy tail swinging back and forth in amusement.
“But Sir, we did try to keep an eye out on her but she just dis-dis-disappeared! She was just standing near the Statue of the Seven in Mondstadt and she just vanished into thin air!” a soldier stammers in fear, Scaramouche's eye twitched at the tone of the soldier's voice and his pathetic excuse. The air cackle with electro from his delusion, his fingers twitching with the urge to kill the man. “Do you think I'm a fool? Do you hear how idiotic you sound right now?” He seethes and the soldiers began to shake even more from the fear they felt. This is it, this is their doom.
[y/n] sighs before changing her position, now sitting comfortably on his shoulder. She brought her paw to poke her husband's cheek—causing him to flinch in surprise, he was about to go off but then realized it's his wife. His eyes soften and his anger slowly disappearing. He exhaled a tired and annoyed sigh, they talked about this—how he shouldn't let his anger cloud his judgement and make rash decisions. She need not to use her voice to remind him, her paw is sufficient enough to remind him. “Yes. I know, I know.” Scaramouche mutters in annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose before glaring at his soldiers once more making them flinch in fear. “Whatever, all of you are dismissed. Leave before I changed my mind!” He barks angrily making the soldiers quickly left their office.
[y/n] chuckles as she jumps down from his shoulder, with a poof—she transformed back to her humanoid form. Scaramouche sighs and crossed his arms, “Happy now?” he asked and she giggles, “Very much, I'm so proud of you.” She said softly and Scaramouche closed the gap between them as he embraced her and bury his face at the crook of her neck—inhaling her familiar scent, cherry blossoms and lavender. His hands lazily tracing circles at her back. “Does the Balladeer want a reward for managing his anger?” she asked teasingly and he groans, “Shut up,” he mutters against her skin, “Affectionately.” he added, making her chuckle.
Scaramouche reluctantly left her embrace as he once again lean towards her and kisses her forehead, her fox ears folding against her head as he kissed her. His lips leaving her skin as he gazed at her with half-lidded eyes, placing a hand on her chin and pulled her towards him—pressing her lips against his.
A short and tender kiss is what they shared before parting away slowly, his hands cupping her face affectionately. “You know, I might as well accept your offer of rewarding my good behavior.” he says huskily, he could see her tail freezing in excitement before intertwining his hand with hers and pulled her towards their bedroom.
end notes:
I'll write more short fics of their moment with her in her fox form and also,
rabid anon I miss you 😔
sorry for being gone for a long time, I've been suffering with burnt out and with also with school
anyways, husband scaramouche is so Aaron Warner coded.
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anime-related · 6 months
AU where L and Light go to To-Oh together before the Death Note is dropped. (Whether Light is Kira is up to you, I think it'd be cool either way)
While L and the cops are investigating Kira, Light and L have began a relationship. Now, Soichiro (lights dad, if your memory is as bad as mine) is working with L, but has also literally seen him in the house.
Sufficed to say, he's shocked when he meets L and it's his son's college friend. Even more so when Light calls L nearing the end of a meeting and hears them talk more than platonically.
Here's some little excerpts my mind made up. I've watched the show only once, so I'm sorry if/that it's ooc
"Hello. I am here to see Light."
"Light! There's a weird guy at the door!" Sayu called. She glanced at him. "No offense."
"None taken," L dismissed.
Light ran down the stairs, smiling at the sight of L in the door.
"Hey! I picked up some cake, and we can go play that game I talked about."
"I figured as much, since that's why I'm here," L said. Light rolled his eyes fondly.
They walked into the kitchen, where his father was getting water.
"Oh, you must be Soichiro Yagami. Police chief, solved over 30 cases."
"Wow, Light. I had no idea you talked about me all that much."
"He doesn't."
Upon setting their sights on L, Soichiro's mind went blank. He would've never guessed. What were the chances. While everyone else was making their judgments on L and his appearance, Soichiro was trying to combine Ryuzaki with L in his mind.
He ignored it. It'd be safer for both of them if they didn't bring their personal lives into this. He took out his ID and introduced himself as if it were the first time.
"If I were Kira you would be dead Soichiro Yagami."
Combining these two people wouldn't be so difficult. He knew Ryuzaki reminded him of someone.
As they went on, he remembered small details. Light running downstairs because he and Ryuzaki had left their phones there. Ryuzaki also had an infatuation for sugar, and even when his wife made pretty universally loved tea, he'd still add stacks of sugar cubes.
Then there was...
"And from now on, I'll have to ask that you stop calling me 'L.' It's..." L glanced at Soichiro. "Ryuzaki now. Just to be safe."
How cautious was L to give a fake name to L before Kira was even a factor? And if Soichiro didn't know him, would he have used a different alias?
"Excuse me," L said, pulling his phone oddly from his pocket. "Your timing is perfect, I'm nearly done with my meeting. I'll be over shortly."
"I assume you have more puzzles to test me with?"
"Of course I do." Whoever was on the other side laughed softly. A small smile cracked L's face.
"I look forward to it, Ryu."
"So do I."
"See you soon."
L hesitated, but hung up without saying much more like usual.
"My apologies, I try not to keep him waiting."
"Was that Watari?" Matsuda asked.
"No, my boyfriend." He said it so casually, though it shocked everyone.
"You... what?" Aizawa asked.
"He's the only person I've ever met on my level. If it didn't put him in significant danger, I would've brought him in to help." He pushed his lip with his thumb. "Though that's not the only reason," he added in a mumble. He looked as ashamed as L could look.
"How long have you, uh..." Poor Matsuda was thrown extremely off guard.
"I've been queer my whole life if that's what you're asking. Though, I'm sure you're not. I've known him for a few months. He's very attractive." He pulled his hand away from his smile. "I'd tell you his name, but I don't feel comfortable doing so."
Soichiro feared he already knew who it was. Light didn't need to be put in more danger than he already was being his son. He didn't know how to feel about this.
"You'd place surveillance camera's on your own boyfriend?" Soichiro asked. He wouldn't mind placing them on Light, but L always had a certain level of respect for him.
"Of course. I've suspected he was L since before we started a romantic relationship."
This was a shock to everyone. Not only L dating Light, but L potentially dating Kira and knowing it.
"Light is my intellectual equal. Unfortunately that makes it more likely that he's Kira. And the fact that he made the first move only increases that likelihood, though he doesn't know I'm L. If he did, I'd be more sure."
"How sure are you?"
"About 5%. If he knew I was L before he kissed me, it'd be 7 or 8%. Getting close with the enemy is a good way of staying in their good graces and not getting caught, but I'm not going to excuse Light as a suspect just because he makes me happy. That would be ridiculous. And being his boyfriend makes it so I can monitor him outside the house without raising suspicion."
"I might be out of line, but that sounds messed up. Spying on your boyfriend?"
"Well, I don't have to. I can monitor elsewhere while they're at home. I will still be attending my outings with Light and I can't help but monitor him in those moments, though I can assure you we're usually focused on each other; I'm not sure he'd have a moment to kill with me there."
"And Light doesn't know you're L?" Aizawa asked. "Couldn't it be helpful for him to be brought on the case? He's helped on cases before."
"If Light isn't Kira, I don't want him in any danger. I'm sure Soichiro understands my dilemma." His voice was tense as were his hands.
"I do," Soichiro admitted. "I'm find putting cameras around the house. If there's any chance, we may as well check."
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madelynhimegami · 1 year
About twenty years ago (probably closer to nineteen), I finished my playthrough of Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life.
This morning, I finished my (first?) playthrough of the A Wonderful Life remake.
Well before I finished, I decided I wanted to make a post talking about it, giving my general thoughts on it. And I'll probably just end up rambling. Who knows if it's at all interesting to people but. Here goes.
Being able to save and load anywhere at any time is such a game changer. Holy moly. Even though I didn't really have to do a whole lot of reloading (except where fishing requests were concerned). But it still felt very good to have.
On a related note, the remake is so transparent about its mechanics, it's amazing. I know that AnWL already had some tranparency added to it (especially wrt your kid), but just. Having as much info as the remake gives you, at all times, is nuts. Makes things so much easier to finagle around.
Likewise, thank god for automatically recording cooking recipes. It was already practically impossible to remember how to make anything in the GCN games. The fact that the Harvest Sprites gave you a new recipe every day also helped. As did telling you when your cooking skill levelled up, because the GCN games didn't tell you anything.
Characters actually sound distinct now! The thing about mediocre localizations is that you don't know what you're missing out on until you get a good localization. And wow, the amount of personality shown by having characters speak differently adds a shocking amount.
Even with all of the QOL updates... the main thing that makes me never wanna touch the GCN games again is that they're a lot less bugged. I once again blame the old localization.
(you think there's weird stuff going on in the remake. you have no idea.)
That being said, aside from being able to select your pronouns at the start of the game, the cast (including yourself) don't really do much of anything to gender you. AnWL gave me so much gender euphoria before I even knew what it was. (Not to mention the FoMT remake set the bar for being gay in a way that AWL is set up couldn't really replicate). So... who knows. Maybe I'll end up replaying it someday anyway.
Granted, I say that, but as I was typing that sentence I thought about how the event for giving your toddler a bath was broken so that you could not give him one. Instead of a Yes/No prompt the game just said "Several days later..." and then continued like you had said no. Maddening.
Nuts to it, someone just give me an annotated textdump.
After so much hemming and hawing about who to marry in the remake, I ended up just marrying Nami again. One part autistic lesb solidarity, one part her kid being so goshdang powerful. Either way, I joked about how nothing about me had changed in twenty years.
Once I got to chapter two, I started screencapping like crazy. Got almost 400 of them on my switch now. I just wanted to note everything I could about what my darling baby girl was doing throughout her life. Also my wife.
In my original playthrough, even though I tried to influence my son into either art or academics, he ended up becoming a farmer. But then again, I also didn't understand how to influence him optimally. Which sounds awful out of context. Oh well, at least his life was mostly organic.
I managed to get my daughter into academics before chapter two ended. Probably the most interesting thing that happened was how her dialogue changed. She started reciting her ABC's to herself, and mumbled about books, and said that gemstones were like puzzle peices. It was darling.
Since I've only played the entire game with Nami's child, though, I do wanna replay the game just so that I can see what a different kid is like.
Problem is, it just brings back the marriage problem. And the child career problem, because even if I marry Muffy, like hell will I raise an athlete (but I don't want scholar again... but also if they're an artist they run away from home after the game ends, which is kinda messed up).
A lot of people in the village make comments about how air conditioning isn't good for people's health. They did that in the original game too, if memory serves, but it's still weird. Is this a thing in Japan, or was the person that wrote those parts of the dialogue have a vendetta of some kind?
This is another thing that I know got changed in AnWL, but I'm still so glad that chapters are only one in-game year long. There's a special kind of pain to get to the end of the year, only to learn there's more you need to play before you see your kid get older.
Despite that, I still got a whole lot done, to the point that I spent most of the last two years just idling because I had nothing else to do. Same way I got to the endgame of the original, come to think of it.
I never bought the teddybear. I wasn't gonna do it when my daughter was a teen by the time I had the money. I'm not that dumb. Doesn't do anything but be spoopy anyhow.
I seem to remember the seed maker being instant in the GCN game. If it was, it got seriously debuffed in the remake-- you can only put up to twelve crops in at a time, and it takes 20 in-game hours for the seeds to be produced. Obviously meant to balance how absurdly high tree seeds could be sold for, but the prices were already slashed to pieces, so it was just overkill and made it hard to keep up with what crops I did or didn't have seeds for.
I genuinely hope I never have to make nine of each rare crop again. I mean, technically I never had to anyway, but I did and it was so much pain.
Cows are absurdly expensive in the remake. I guess it's to balance the fact that there's no limit on how long cows can be milked, but
here's the dirty secret
If you have a cow and a bull, they'll mate on their own without you needing to order for it. My cows in the GCN games were constantly getting pregnant. Anyone who complains about cows going dry was doing it wrong.
Sheep are significantly more affordable, though. So I ended up getting mostly those instead.
That being said, a star/brown/marble cow giving S Milk (and the latter two getting their milk processed into butter and cheese respectively) does give you more profit than golden wool does... until you get the Blessed Clippers and you start getting two bundles of wool per sheep (which is insane). But wowie are they expensive...
My new personal hell is having a dozen sheep following me around to scream at me. Did they do that in the original(s)? I never bothered with them....
I'm still sad Flora's not a marriage candidate.
As I mentioned, I was basically without anything to do by the end of the game. Which makes the infinite postgame chapter's existence kinda funny? I don't know what else I'd want to do with that, since as far as I've been able to tell nobody has new dialogue.
No really. I can't even 100% the game anymore because Van stops selling goats, I have over 5 million G, I've grown each one of every plant, caught every fish, dug up all the digsite items, and have all in-game achievements. What would I wanna keep playing for?
Also, why isn't Nina in said postgame chapter? If it's the afterlife anyway, then she should be there too, dangit!
I still don't understand why the dog is trainable.
The player's child is so adorable. I love my daughter so much, she's such a sweetheart.
Wish her self-esteem wasn't so low from chapter 3 onwards, though... another reason to see the game married to somebody else.
I am so grateful there's no friendship decay for the villagers.
What a great game.
And now, some of me rambling about my history with the series:
I don't know what drew me to the original AWL game. All I knew is that there was coverage of it in an issue of Nintendo Power, and I just kept reading and re-reading it. I had a couple friends that swore by the HM games (in particular, 64 and StHL), but beyond that I guess something about it intrigued me to the point that it became a game I really wanted. Had a plan of how I would run the farm and who I'd marry. And counted the days before I finally got it (must've been a birthday or Christmas present).
And I played through it, beginning to end. Despite my brother scorning it. Despite one of the friends that swore by HM64 thinking it was such a watered down derivative it made him laugh several times even as he tried playing it himself.
I also got the girl version when it came out. Don't remember how I afforded it, but I remember that I was too embarrassed by wanting it to let anyone know I did get it but myself. Never managed to finish it, but boy howdy did it have a lot of gender euphoria. I got to be a mom.
...I tried other HM games since. I got Magical Melody (which I recall using Action Replay to turn my player character into a girl that make perfect sense to me now but I don't know what I had been thinking at the time), but dropped it shortly after my wife started expecting.
I got both versions of HMDS (mermaid wife yes please), but only stuck with them for about two or three in-game years each.
I got Isle of Happiness, but honestly the fact that every item had decay to it stressed me to the point I couldn't play without Action Replay codes to keep everything top quality and freshness forever-- and even then the crap you gotta juggle is crazy. Played long enough to marry the Witch though, so that ruled.
I got Hero of Leaf Valley, and that one I actually stuck through to the end (including forgetting how many zeros were in fifty thousand and ended up raising up half a million G before the second year's end), but got too paralyzed with indecision on who to marry (it was mainly between Gwen and Aurelia, since I read that Alice couldn't be raised to red heart after the credits. Game seemed to have thought I had my sights set on Lyla, though).
I tried Rune Factory 4... but something about it just didn't vibe with me so I bounced early.
Every now and then, I thought about going back to A(n)WL, or maybe trying a different one. Never did, though. And Stardew or other inspired's didn't ever really grab me.
And yet I inhaled the chance to play the AWL remake when the time came. And now I've finished it. Go figure. I'm still not sure what it is about that game specifically that calls to me.
I think the amount of interactability with your kid is a big factor, though.
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anotheroceanid · 5 months
Oh my gods thank you for answering me I'm about to sleep so I'll annoy you more tomorrow if you keep answering my asks, Kronos thoughts on Percy? Just because of the Rhea dress up series I'm now starting on your ask blog
Don’t worry, it’s nice talking ✌️
Hm… okay, but as I said, Titans can be creepy. (this can be considered a bit darker than the previous snippets, and it gets a bit of titan lore from WTHB, but nothing that counts as an spoiler)
You know these old guys who will look at you and tell you that you look just like their deceased wives? That was Kronos. But at a much younger age, Percy thought it was super normal being compared to a long-recluse titaness.
See, everything was happening so fast ever since he got to camp, that never once he reflected much on the “you look like your grandma” talks. He thought it meant in a “she sided with the Olympians too, now they’re not even on speaking terms with her anymore”, and coming from the guy who ate his kids, Percy wasn’t paying much attention.
Years later, it definitely snapped to him.
Probably talking to one of the other elder titans, he’d come to realise how much Kronos used to really compare him to his former wife. Even in the way he spoke to Percy. Weird. Weird. Weeeeird.
The thing is: after a millennia or two living on Tartarus (and worse, without a body), you don’t end up well. Kronos, all his siblings would confirme, was never in a good place… mentally speaking.
Their father detested him more than he detested anyone else, and in the meanwhile Ouranos worshiped the ground Rhea walked on. And Kronos had a huge, huuuuge crush on her ever since… ever. No need to say that Ouranos was 100% against it, that was his little girl, his favourite, the jewel of his world, one good thing about having kids is that one of these kids were Rhea.
But Rhea liked Kronos too, when he was just that silly guy that made her laugh, so she hoped eventually Ouranos would soften a bit to this potential relationship. Well, it never happened. The whole thing with the coup went on. Rhea could’ve told his father that her mother and brothers were conspiring against him, but turned out she liked Kronos more than she liked their father.
Kronos was very smug about it.
About the time the coup happened, some of the titans were already married. Tethys and Oceanus had a lot of kids already, Hyperion and Theia had Helios and Selene already, and it was just a matter of time before Koios and Phoebe started having kids too. Krios was trying to woo his violent sea lady and Iapetus was doing just alright as a bachelor (until Clymene was born, but that’s an entirely different story), and the other titanesses were still in their “Boys??? Ew!!!” era. So, Rhea and Kronos got together. Everyone knew it’d happen. Happy ending, right?
Nope. As stated before, Kronos never been in a nice mental state. But Rhea loved him very much, and thought Kronos’ turmoil was just a matter of time (yes, a pun) and that he’d be fine sooner than later and would like have kids just as much as Hyperion but a little less than Oceanos (she didn’t want to have that many kids).
Then, she got pregnant. And he ate the baby. Then again. Then again. Then again. Well, we all know the story about how it got to the rock.
But Kronos… not so much. Maybe something deep (as Tartarus) down, he felt bad about it. Maybe he did want to have kids. Maybe he even liked the kids that he had. He made a joke about his daughters’ future weddings on the day Helios got married to Oceanos’ eldest girl, Perseus, who was Kronos’ favourite niece. He spoke about them like they were sitting just beside him, not in the bottom of his stomach. That was terrible. Rhea cried a lot.
So everything to say: Kronos is not very aware of reality as it is. He’s a terrible person (titan, whatever), but he’s also a very confused one. So at the sight of Percy, he didn’t see Percy… At least, not all times. Usually, he’d see Rhea playing in a younger, boyish figure. Sometimes, he’d see his enemy. And sometimes, it’d mix. And if Rhea was a bit wilder, well, he wasn’t exactly the same either, so whatever.
And if if Rhea had loved him more than she loved her father once, maybe it could work again, right?
But Luke didn’t want to cooperate with this part of his plan. Thankfully.
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powerin · 2 months
I wonder how would you compare and contrast Miguel's love interests and his treatment of them? Somehow, I get the feeling the third movie in the Spider-verse trilogy will take him to task for his treatment of women over the years.
this better not be bait. kidding, but there’s some dude who likes to victim-blame and slut-shame dana in my tumblr DMs and it is Very Tiring to ignore him. hope you understand if this reply comes off as combative. 💖
dana’s obviously my favorite. “the virtuous and beautiful whore who sacrificed herself for the one woman she didn’t like.” she will always be my One True Love.
but i wish dana was smarter, less naive, and wasn’t preyed on by tyler stone. i wish dana and gabe stayed together and she didn’t cheat on him (miguel was not worth it). i wish miguel didn’t call her “stupid, deaf, worthless” and throw plates at her. clearly their relationship deteriorated after miguel became Spider-Man (a toxic entitled egomaniac becoming a superhero is a Bad thing? pinch me im getting megamind flashbacks). but dana saying that miguel should leave his toxic company and that she didn’t want miguel to feel any more pain… it hurts me deeply.
especially since dana was right: miguel should leave alchemax. and miguel is the one who causes dana so much pain.
moving on, i should like xina because i am ALSO a brainy tomboyish chinese woman. plus she’s miguel’s childhood sweetheart.
but more to the point, xina’s NotLikeAllGirls internalized misogyny irritates the shit out of me, and she forcibly changed lyla’s personality so lyla would talk badly about dana. lyla even says some misogynistic homewrecker bullshit like “ruin any relationships today dana?” and then says right after, “im sorry… i don’t know why i said that.”
plus when xina and miguel are alone… xina undresses in front of miguel to get him to sleep with her. but he just says (paraphrasing here), “not in the mood for romance plus you’re not that pretty.”
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miguel literally calls xina ugly to her face. and xina still thinks dana is the problem. she irritates me to no end. if xina isn’t interested in romance, why is she so upset about the cheating and the engagement? me thinks she’s a dishonest actor. tbh, if i’d be more accepting if the cheating was just a one time mistake and miguel can Move On with xina. but given these panels:
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dude did not cheat once. he did not cheat twice. he cheated over the span of 1-2 years (i’m glad you shaved like i asked, years ago). how much can miguel love xina if he’s always cheating on his childhood sweetheart?
keep in mind, when they meet, miguel rubs it in xina’s face that he’s engaged to dana. HE NEVER PROPOSED TO XINA AND HE DATED HER FOR OVER 10 YEARS. but suddenly dana comes along and he’s like “gotta wife that girl”?
you’ll never get me to be a miguel/xina cheerleader, but i don’t hate xina. i understand xina’s mad at dana for “taking miguel away from her” but miguel didn’t slip and fall on dana and whoops they’re together now.
for the majority of the 2099 fanbase to portray dana as some clingy, insane, desperate girlfriend in need of making miguel marry and have kids with her is taking a tragedy and twisting it into something that is frankly, deeply misogynistic and disgusting. they should be ashamed of themselves.
(not meant for you, by the way. i realize you’re here to have a discussion in good faith.)
lyla is lyla. she is cute, but she is also an AI. she cannot consent to a relationship nor sex. but idk. she’s okay when her programming isn’t being messed with by xina. she shouldn’t end up with miguel though. weird non-consensual things abound with robots and AI and cyberpunk that I Would Rather Not Talk About. but miguel treats lyla disrespectfully in the comics and the movie (played for laughs in the movie though? lyla does get him to say please.)
aaaaaaaand I haven’t read anything with tempest. i know she’s miguel’s canon baby mama and wife, and tyler stone fucks with tempest with some kind of mind-control parasite and forces miguel to kill her. i don’t know enough about tempest to have an opinion, but her design is… all right. i don’t dig the pink hair or the wings. maybe she’ll grow on me? does miguel cheat on her or throw plates at her or neg her? if not, she’s already doing leagues better than xina and dana.
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
I wanted to do something with "Faithful John" for the Four Loves @inklings-challenge event, but I didn't carve the time out to figure out what exactly I was doing. So I just keep...revolving the story in my head.
It's the ENDING I want to do something with. Because the ending is Weird in that fairy-tale way you instinctively want to smooth the edges off of, make Acceptable somehow, but also as soon as you do that you diminish what makes it compelling?? And I haven't reconciled all those factors in my head yet but I don't want to just erase the part I'm interested in.
You see:
Once there was a prince who fell in love with an ambiguously-cursed princess and brought her home. His faithful servant (charged by the king on his deathbed to look after the prince, all of which happened immediately before the prince found out this princess existed) ends up saving both prince and princess from the manifestations of the curse and making the wedding go forward. Due to complicated circumstances (not least the prince's failure to fully trust his servant), said servant ends up turned to solid stone. This is very sad. The prince (now king) keeps the statue in the palace. He and his now-not-cursed wife live their lives and have two little boys.
One day, while the wife is at church and the two boys are playing near the statue, the now-king sits in front of it and sighs "Oh Faithful John, I wish there was some way to bring you back!"
And then the statue answers. And it says good news, there is... but bad news, the way in question is for the king to kill his little boys and sprinkle their blood on the statue.
The king's response is "Oh no. OH NO." But he owes Faithful John his wife's life, and he's basically responsible for the statue thing through not listening to Faithful John last time, so he OWES him.
So, and this is the decision I keep thinking about trying to write, he DOES IT.
And in the way of fairy tales, of course, not only does Faithful John come back to life, but as soon as he's restored the two little princes also jump up, fine as ever. There is much rejoicing.
...But lest you try to push the filicide under the rug in your mind, then the queen comes home, and the king decides he wants an unbiased opinion from her on this, so he hides the kids and Faithful John and says "hey, you know Faithful John?"
And she says "of course, I was actually thinking about him the whole time I was praying at church, wishing there was something we could do to save him." (This is a FASCINATING hook to casually throw in, by the way. The story is LITERALLY implying this episode was a miracle spurred by her prayers. Kinda love that, honestly!)
The king says, "Well! I just learned we can bring him back, but we have to sacrifice our children's lives for his."
And, like the king, her response is "oh no. OH NO," because she also knows they owe their servant everything, and she concludes that they have an obligation to go through with this.
At which the king rejoices, because she came through, and he throws open the closet door and their sons and Faithful John come tumbling out, and all is revealed. And then they live happily ever after.
I still haven't decided what to do with this. Like, on the one hand, killing your children is BAD. Something that sounds like blood sacrifice is DOUBLE BAD. And no, this isn't exactly Abraham and Isaac, because Faithful John isn't God.
On the other hand, I love the gesture of total sacrifice. I love that this whole story revolves around the love of a servant, and I love the sense of honor and the idea of this overwhelming debt to be honored out of love (and trust, which there wasn't enough of the first time around)! I feel like this particular eucatastrophe needs some gesture of supreme sacrifice, bigger than the king giving his own life even, and the next generation being required to fix what went wrong with the first happy ending is very much my jam. I am also a sucker for characters giving "all that they are and all that they have" for someone or something else. And the implications of divine intervention to give them the chance to break this final curse...
There's a LOT of fodder for retelling in this one. I just... didn't quite get there.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Sunday Six 12.11.2022
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Giving a little peek at some upcoming holiday fics. I have some for Ethan x Kaycee, Tobias x Casey, and even for Eli x Zoe in WTD world. Plus, one OH / TRR crossover that I've had so much fun working on.
There are no sneak peeks for these, but these works are coming up in the weeks ahead.
I'm wrapping up Tobias & Casey's wedding this week - two parts are remaining, the night before and the day of their wedding.
Vegas 3 will also be out this week. I know, I've said it before, but I MEAN it this time. :)
I am really excited to embark on two angsty series by month's end, Reset for Ethan/Kaycee and Where it Goes From Here for Tobias/Casey. I miss angst something fierce. lol
I'm sooooo anxious to get to the core of my HC for Eli & Zoe in Wake the Dead, but time hasn't been a friend, and I don't want to rush it. But part three of A Mother's Journal is coming, and I'll admit, it's getting angsty as fuck. Mostly because we know what lies ahead.
I also think all the couples deserve some new year's smut... hmm.... anyway, I've blabbed enough. Here are some sneak peeks!
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A Very Mixed Up Christmas - OH - Ethan x Kaycee
Ethan and Kaycee were putting the finishing touches on dinner,  unsettled by the relative silence in their home when there were… well… so many relatives present.
“Ethan,” she whispered. “What do you think is going on?”
“Your Dad and Naveen were acting all weird before. Now my parents have disappeared too. Usually, they’d be helping us or in the living room chatting.”
His brow furrowed as the realization dawned on him. “You know what, you’re right…and look… they’re on the balcony!”
“The balcony! It’s 30 degrees today!”
Ethan dried his hands with a dishtowel and walked toward the sliding door.
“What are you doing?”
“Saving them from  hypothermia… and getting to the bottom of this.”
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Unnamed Christmas Fic - OH - Tobias x Casey
"Thanks for coming with me," Tobias whispered, his wife looking at him with questioning eyes.
"Where else do you think I would be?"
"I just know... well," he motioned around, "this just isn't your scene."
"Hmmm. And being married with a baby on the way wasn't your scene once either, was it?"
"No," he chuckled, "It most certainly was not."
"But you're happy now?"
"Do I really need to answer that?"
"Nope. I'm just saying, life changes for both of us... for the better."
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Unnamed Holiday Fic - TRR/OH Crossover - Ethan, Kaycee, Tobias and Drake, Liam, Olivia
"OK, you need to stop!" Kaycee ordered, closing Ethan's laptop in the hopes that would do the trick. But it sprung back open just as quickly as it had been closed. She turned to Tobias with desperation in her eyes.
"T, please! Get him to stop!"
"Stop? I just went out to get munitions, dear! This is war now."
"Face it, Kaycee, you're outnumbered. The only question that remains is, are you joining our ranks... or are you on the other side?"
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Unnamed Holiday Fic - WTD - Eli x Zoe
Zoe stood on the deck taking in the bucolic setting that surrounded them and made a mental note to thank Troy for what seemed like a ludicrous idea less than a year ago. Who knew that Red Meadows, would be their home; and who knew that the young woman who was cold when it was seventy degrees would come to find winter to be her favorite season.
It wasn't the billowing snow that covered every surface, blanketing a horrid world in a sort of peace she had never known. It wasn't the way it glowed like an enchanted forest in the moonlight. Most would believe it was because zombies were all but non-existent this time of year, and she would admit having that one huge worry lifted from her brought a relief she couldn't express. But it was more. Looking inside the lodge as the residents of the new colony conversed, imbibed, laughed, and played games... she had found something she had always longed for without knowing what it was. She had found a home.
She could feel the tears building in her eyes, this life would be unrecognizable just months before..., and she was so grateful, yet so still so wracked with guilt because the one person who enabled all of this to exist wasn't there to share it with her. Lowering her head with a deep breath, she was about to surrender to the torrent of tears building within when she felt a hand gently pulling her near.
"I knew I find you here," he whispered.
He always knew where to find her. And like magic, he knew when she needed him most.
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tayfabe75 · 9 months
I love your thoughtful opinions on things! It would be great to read some more of your thoughts. 
What do you think happened with the collab, do you think the reason was only because of the hate? And do you think they might release it anytime soon? I mean, it's no secret anymore that it exists, and now a lot of people really want to hear it, like there is the logic in just releasing it now.
And what do you think about Matty's verse? I read that people think his lyrics are terrible, but I really liked them, I think it matches the vibe of the song. And "then she called me a gentleman" will haunt me forever 😭
Sorry if this was too many questions 😅 these two just live rent free in my head 
Hi anon! Oh, trust me, these two live rent-free in my head, too. Or, perhaps I should say that the Fearless Love Gaze™ acted as an advance rent payment for some indefinite period. Probably a while. Also, never too many questions! I love answering questions.
When it comes to speculation, I live in a very weird nebulous state where I can see several different viable realities at once. Before I give my opinions I want to preface a little bit…
I don't base any of my opinions or speculation on gossip sites (including longtime assumptions regarding who this or that song is about - you'd be shocked easy many are to debunk, actually). I mostly speculate based on lyrics first and foremost, things that I can prove Taylor or Matty have said or done (with the understanding that they are also unreliable narrators when necessary, as 'Dear Reader' suggests). That said:
What I think happened with the collab:
My best "inside-the-box" guess about what happened with the collab was what I stated previously, but the "cliffs notes" version is that it seems most likely to me that Matty would have requested to pull the collaboration because of the hate campaign against him. As the lead singer of The 1975, he's something of a spearhead or mouthpiece for their band and tour, and dating Taylor put him at the center of our current cultural Panopticon. They might've broken up, gone on break, or distanced themselves from each other for optics.
However, I prefer my best "outside-the-box" guess: Taylor and Matty never broke up. They just want us to think that they did. In actuality, they are proud partners in crime currently writing their Kayfabian 'Love Story' (with the help of Brad Troemel and I would wager to guess, many others). They're pulling a Robbers-style heist on the media and celebrity culture as we know it, and they have us right where they want us: engaging in discourse about the collab.
What I think might happen with the collab:
If my first guess is accurate - Probably nothing will ever come of it. I personally hate this scenario, and not even because I don't get to hear the collab of my dreams, but because then it means the hate mob won. Taylor is about as close as Americans get to having royalty, and I guess that means she's what, beholden to medieval values of her many subjects (fans)? Look at how they rejoice in this strange cultural alliance with the NFL that came as a result of a 'betrothal' to the All-American football Prince. However, the video for Bejeweled mocks this idea. Alexa, play Lavender Haze!
The only kinda girl they see is a one night or a wife I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say. No deal, the 1950s shit they want from me
Meanwhile, Taylor has likened herself to Juliet since at least 2007/8. The entire point of writing 'Love Story' was to change the ending so Romeo and Juliet could be together.
In this scenario, we probably will get the collaboration! When? Whew, well…
Disclaimer: Wild speculation ahead!
As I've said, "Slut!" feels cyclical to me. In 2014, Taylor described herself as being a "lightning rod for slut-shaming" and she's been quoted as saying, "People often greatly underestimate how much I will inconvenience myself to prove a point." I get the sense that she could coax the world into slut-shaming her more overtly (just after they all streamed the hell out of "Slut!", how poetic that would be!), as right now the public is very interested in this whole "betrothal" storyline going on with a certain football star. The world, so it believes, took away her "bad bad boy shiny toy with a price" and if "Slut!" is any indication, she still wants it: "we'll pay the price, I guess"
That would be he perfect time to drop the rumored music video to accompany it (especially if say, they happen to have some kind of archival footage from 2014).
Again, this is all under the assumption that this is all an elaborate Kayfabian ruse. Let the fans choose her Kens and "play Barbies" until she burns down the dollhouse… While this sounds perhaps callous on its surface (especially for supporters of her current pairing) but… she already told us: This is why we can't have nice things.
But Mark my words: Taylor choosing Matty over a beloved "Chad" in such an overt way could be the catalyst for the cultural reset we desperately need. But that's a different tangent… back to "Slut!"
My thoughts on Matty's (alleged) verse:
I am going to take a wild guess and assume you saw people making fun of the lyrics on Twitter, aka the place where all benefit of the doubt goes to die. What people who simply read the lyrics and judge them to be "bad" are missing is… the melody! Matty's verse is longer than its replacement by one line, but you can kind of sing along with Taylor's second verse, let me try to help by putting them side-by-side with Taylor's lines:
Lights blink // Send the losing // code, he's my mind // waiting What // there we think // the sticks happens // and stones to rhyme // they throw I // Froze drink, drink // mid-air Fortune timing // Everyone's wants him Days shrink into long nights now // that was my crime (sing fast!) Plus 44 // the wrong place on an American phone // at the right time Cat eye // and I running down // break down her cheekbone // then he's But it's elegant // pullin' me in (sing fast!) I tell her, "You are not a slut, // in a world of boys You're just relevant" // he's a gentleman
It's also hard to judge the lyrics without hearing how Matty would sing them, right? Like go ahead and make fun of the 'relevant' line if you must, but I bet his inflection is what makes it.
So, are the lyrics "good"? Well, here's what I will say: it's much easier to criticize someone else's art than to share your own. Regardless of whether or not Matty did pen these lines, gotta admit, I like them (especially correctly paired with the melody). They seem specific to the point that they are likely inside jokes that only Tatty would fully understand, particularly the word most often criticized: "relevant", which I think Matty gave a clever nod to on Chicken Shop Date.
Apart from that, these 'new' lyrics feel Tatty-coded in that they might be self-referential. Considering most people still don't believe 'About You' is actually about Taylor (despite Matty heavily insinuating that it is on multiple occasions, for instance: 1, 2, 3), I won't even bother going into possible parallels…
Anyway, even before the alleged "leak", I felt quite confident that this song was about him (and that The 1975 were always meant to feature on 1989). The "leak" did nothing but validate my suspicions.
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hekates-corner · 9 months
Apothecary Diaries | WN Translation | Arc 9 - Chapter 20
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Hi and welcome!
For a number of reasons I ended up here. I go about translating to the best of my abilities, relaying all that happens in the chapters - pretty much playing wine-aunt.
So, be warned that all the spoilers are down below. Want some but not all? My dm's/asks are open!
New here or missed a part? Check out the Masterlist.
Enjoy & please take a look at the notes, if you're caught up!
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Chapter 20 | A Twisted Past
Maomao checks with Kurumu: So you know the wind reading clan?
The self-proclaimed “beautiful girl” crossed her arms and grunted “Hmm/Well”.
Kurumu: I know, or rather, that’s what my great-grandfather used to call it when he was still living in the grasslands. Well, I only know very little/not much about it either, I’ve only asked my grandmother a few times.
Maomao: Can you tell us as much as you know?
Kurumu: Eh, what should I do?
Narrator-Mao notes that as she made a bad move, Kurumu got carried away.
Kurumu: I can’t say it’s free but/though
Grinning, Kurumu asks for money.
Taomei: Hehe, do you want to get turned in by/to the officials?
Eyes reminiscent of a bird of prey flashed behind Kurumu. Taomei looks on with a smile. Narrator-Mao notes that.. for some reason, the unrelated Basen cowered and the owl was trembling, its wings ruffled.
Kurumu’s face twitched.
As expected, Taomei is a scary wife who puts Gaoshun in place.
Maomao deliberately clears her throat.
Maomao(?): …… I think we’re making a concession here. You answer the questions. I won’t expose you to the officials. Also, depending on what you do in the future—
Taomei: Right, we can also discuss what to do with this owl
Taomei continues Maomao’s answer.
Kurumu: Understood. (it’s short and rushed, fitting for being gaslit like this). What I heard from grandma was that a long time ago, a nomadic family was hunted by slaves. I heard that most of the people who were hunted were killed, the women were taken as wives and the children were sold as slaves.
Narrator-Mao’s like “that’s info even I know”.. however, there is one thing that’s bothering her.
Maomao: I heard that the wind reading clan uses birds. Does this mean that the method of incubating and raising bird eggs has never ceased?
Kurumu: That’s it. Ah, that was a bad thing to say. The wind reading clan was destroyed. The divided half
Maomao: Half?
Maomao and the others stare at Kurumu.
Kurumu: That’s right. They must’ve been going around the grasslands for some kind of festival or something. In that case, wouldn’t it be better to move in parts, rather than all at once. There was also a means of communication using birds.
Maomao nods, saying that’s certainly true.
Maomao: But what happened to the remaining half? It seems that the wind reading clan is thought to have disappeared. Was the festival not continued?
Kurumu: Yes/Hmm. I don’t really understand/get it. Apparently my great-grandfather was one of the surviving members of the family, but he died when grandma was about ten years old. Granny said that he had taught her a lot about birds, but he was no longer grazing and was living in the city. However, there was a regular customer who would buy the pigeons he raised, so he didn’t have to worry about food/eating them.
Maomao: A regular?
Kurumu: Well, I was told that he must be some kind of big name, but I haven’t heard any details about him. I mean, even grandma didn’t seem to know much about it.
Everyone falls silent at Kurumus testimony.
Kurumu: Huh? Did I say something weird?
Maomao?: No, thank you very much.
As narrator she goes on ask-stating if that’s what’s meant with a horse coming from a gourd, which is a literal translation from a saying about a joke/something very unexpected actually coming true. But then she argues that she’d assumed it could be somewhat related to the wind reading clan, it just got to the core of it all more than she expected.
Kurumu: Compromise. Can I take this one home? I found a place that looked like a good spot for releasing (owly).
Maomao(?) asks if she’s actually going to let owly go if they hand owly over and Kurumu explains that that’s what she’d intended to do and what she’d been taught by her grandmother.
Maomao makes eye contact with Taomei. Taomei nodded quietly, so Maomao handed the cage containing owly over to Kurumu. Kurumu smiled broadly.
Maomao: May I ask you one more question?
Kurumu: What is it?
Now that the bird had been returned, Kurumu seemed to be in a good mood, saying this with her teeth showing.
Maomao: You said that your father and Gyokuou-sama’s mother are related, but is it okay to assume that your mother is also part of the wind reading clan?
Kurumu: I can’t say for sure, but…… She seemed to like birds and was used to handling them.
Narrator-Mao notes that if Gyokuou’s mother is from the wind-reader clan, there would be various connections.
Going on to think: I got some useful information though
However, Narrator-Mao’s like.. if they believe Kurumu’s story, several contradictions will appear.
Maomao thinks: If the wind-reading clan had not perished, perhaps they could’ve continued the festival even after that.
Which would mean they’d have to question what the meaning of what Nenshin, who’d become a serf, was doing actually was.
And why did the wind-reader clan become extinct?
Narrator-Mao thinks that a strange/suspicious point just appeared.
In her mind, concluding that one possible possibility is…
Maybe they pretended the wind reading clan was destroyed and used their abilities for something else. (also got that they destroyed them to use their abilities)
“The faster information is transmitted, the stronger it is” - she points out in her head.
Once you surround them with the fact that they perished, there’s many ways to use them. This isn’t strange, considering that Kurumu’s grandmother was already living in the city. It also makes sense that Kurumu’s great-grandfather passed away so early.
Maomao goes on thinking, about great-grandpa’s premature death, that once the technique has been passed down - those who know the past are in the way. (because they know too much)
Kurumu: Hey. Nee-chan. Can I go home now?
Maomao startles as Kurumu pokes her. She seemed to be in deep thought.
Maomao: Sorry. Could you please give me/us your contact information? I might also be able to introduce a customer who also wants a small bird.
Kurumu: …… Eh, I’m kind of scared
Narrator-Mao notes that Kurumu doesn’t seem to be fooled by her fake smile. (Maybe) There was a look on Maomao’s face as if she was going to let a valuable source of information escape.
Taomei: Hehe. I(?) would never do anything terrible to a child. Hey/Listen, could you please introduce me to your father?
Taomei’s eyes light up.
Kurumu reacted timidly, nodding.
Mind-Mao’s like: She’s just too strong
Going on as narrator: Even though she’s a different type from Suiren and the Madam (granny from Verdigris)
Mind-Mao thinks that it’s quiet around her/that it’s no wonder everyone around her (Taomei) is so quiet.
Chue is not as bubbly/outspoken as usual and Basen has a selfless look on his face, one that resembles Gaoshun. Maomao wonders if this is how today’s Gaoshun was created.
Once Kurumu was sent home with a/her servant, Taomei looks at Maomao.
Taomei: From the look on your face it seems like you’ve come up with a few things.
Narrator-Mao notes that this seems to be a polite way of saying: If you know something, tell me.
Maomao: This is just my assumption and it may be (wild and?) absurd
Recently, Maomao has had some antipathy with her adoptive father, Luomen, but she is basically faithful to his teachings. She doesn’t intend to judge things based on speculation without evidence.
Taomei: But my-, our master isn’t looking for a definite conclusion every single time/for every single thing. He’s a master of taking everything into his own hands, but could you please speak with him once so that we can plan for possible future countermeasures?
Taomei looks at Maomao with the eyes of a bird of prey.
Maomao?: Well then—
Maomao opens her mouth to tell Taomei to tell Jinshi her story.
Taomei: No, please meet and talk with him directly.
Maomao: I don’t think there’s a problem with talking about it here
As narrator Maomao doesn’t think that Taomei would twist around the speculations she told her.
Taomei: No. Sometimes I need a distraction
Maomao: Huh?
Maomao could only narrow her eyes at Maomao, who gave her a slightly mischievous smile
This shit’s getting wild xD
– Please note that this was originally Arc 10. I wrongly assumed since it's going to be LN 10 it would line up, but it was brought to my attention that 2 of the arcs are split up due to how long they are. It doesn't change much per se, since it's still future LN V10, but I'm sticking to the promised honesty, if I get something wrong somewhere. I've gone ahead and renumbered all the posts by now.
– A bird of prey is a bird like an eagle/hawk that kills and eats other birds/animals
– The line about the horse and the gourd was an actual chain of kanji. You can google it and it'll come up: hyōtankarakoma xD
– Which, btw is unrelated, but Basen’s often coming up in translators as “Horse flash” which is always funny. Taomei is peach(es)
– The “selfless” expression mentioned from Basen towards the end is “muga no kyouchi”, a state of self actualization. It’s a state where a person has surpassed his/her limit and starts to copy and execute techniques that he/she has seen/experienced in a random pattern. And yes, this is part of Prince of Tennis xD
– One of the only things I don’t know this time is who’s servant Kurumu leaves with.
– I most often got that sometimes Taomei (aka “I” not “you”) needs a distraction, which.. She's a married wife, with grown kids, her husband in tow - I did get it a minimal amount that sometimes “you” need a distraction, but with Maomao’s reaction and Taomei’s mischievous smile.. 6 and 9 is a number once added up that equals yoga between the sheets.
– I also got it a couple of times that Taomei has a couple of potential clients that could want birds from Kurumu’s dad, but for now I settled on one (Jinshi, the obvious target)
I hope you enjoyed. Buckle up, this is going somewhere. I just love that Taomei is domming anyone and everyone like they’re all just clay in the palm of her hands. Stay safe and I’ll see you soon!
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erigold13261 · 2 years
How did Zimelu and Neon J realize they were trans? (I find it inspiring how those more “masculine” characters are Trans!)
Actually! All my 1010 are trans! I don't know if you knew that or JUST wanted Zimelu and Neon J, but I'm gonna talk about them all because I can! >:3c
Will put under a read more because it is pretty long. Also there is some transphobia mentioned, mainly vague with Neon but turns into a lot of internalized transphobia with Haym and Purl-hew.
Neon: I would say that Neon didn't realize he was trans until he was mid teens or early adulthood. He honestly thought he was a broken woman who liked both men and women. He did not know the term bisexual at the time (which he used for a while before identifying as pansexual), so he kinda said he as both gay and straight with his friends (he would never tell his parents he liked women when they saw him as a girl).
It wasn't until mid teens that he started experimenting with clothing and his appearance when out with friends that he started to realize he would rather be a guy. He always thought he was weird, but he thought it was just because of his sexuality and not his gender. Once he figured out he was trans (even if he didn't use that terminology at the time) his friends supported him and helped him look like a guy when they went out partying.
Unfortunately one of these partying led to a pretty bad accident that only Neon survived (one of the friends went into a coma but the other 2 died) and so, basically being an adult and having no other support system, Neon left home to go and find someone to help him transition to be a man and would soon join the navy and meet his future ex-wife.
He does not reveal he is trans for a very long time. His medical doctor in the navy was either a friend or a robot he got to swore not to tell anyone (which would later become Rin), so his trans identity was very well hidden except from his closest sailor buddies and at the time wife. Not even 1010 knew he was trans for a very long time after a few of them, or at least Zimelu, came out as trans (Rin has no knowledge of the war time and knowing Neon's transness).
Zimelu: It took a lot longer for Zimelu to figure out she was trans. As a doll/kid she never really questioned being a boy, and during the war she never even had a gender assigned to her. So once the MK1 model rolled around, all Zimelu ever knew and was treated as was being a boy.
Because of this she never questioned her gender identity. If anything, she questioned the "bad boy" role she was put into for 1010 because she never really liked breaking rules or being really mean, but she did it because she thought that is best for the group.
The only time she started questioning whether she was a boy or girl was after the Rock Revolution, and only when she started hanging out with Mayday. There were times before hand, with fashion shoots or helping Eve, that 1010 were put in experimental outfits, but never something very feminine so Zimelu never really got that moment of realization.
That is not until hanging out with Mayday and jokingly the two switched clothes for some reason, either a dare or just to do something stupid for fun. But it was wearing a very feminine outfit and seeing herself in the mirror with her hair down that made Zimelu stop laughing and joking around to just stare at herself in amazement. May and Haym were very worried at the sudden tone shift, but Zuke knew that look in Zimelu's eyes.
She ended up playing it off quickly and tried to go back to normal, but now there was a nagging thought in the back of her head that something was not right. Over time Zuke would try to casually bring the idea of being trans up, which made Zimelu uncomfortable because she thought if she was trans she would be decommissioned or rejected by her family, so she would always shut him down when in private or try to turn the conversation to something else when in public.
Purl notices how Zimelu is acting around Zuke and confronts him, Zimelu sees this, and the truth comes out between the three that Zimelu wants to be a girl and all her fears and insecurities come out with it. In the end, after some reassurance from Zuke and Purl, Zimelu comes out as trans to the family and is immediately accepted by Neon and the rest of the fam.
-And now for the other 1010 members. I'll try to be less detailed with the rest so not to make this super long, but we know I like to talk lol.
Rin: I would say Rin just never cared for its gender. Rin would just play the part of son/medical bot/leader/boy just because it was told that is what it is.
Honestly I think Rin has the most tame story of finding out its gender. It really was just some troll online trying to make Rin, or any 1010/robot, feel like shit by calling them an "it" which Rin just took and was like "Okay sure, I'll go by it" just to really stick it to an asshole online.
I kinda see this as like when people do something ironically and then it becomes a part of who they are. This is literally what happened with Rin lol. It really did just go by He/It for a while and after some time grew really attached to the It/Its label and made that its primary pronouns. Still sometimes going by he/him, but very much Rin's primary pronouns are It/Its.
Rin is probably still experimenting with labels. I had it as genderqueer, but it might also be agender. For the most part Rin is very casual about its gender and does not care all that much if people misgender it, but is also super happy when people use the correct pronoun for it.
Haym: Haym also had a really easy way of finding out his gender. Literally he transitioned without even knowing he was a guy. By that, I mean that when he was a doll/kid, he was a little girl, but then when made into an MK1 model, he was now seen and treated like a guy.
Like, as a little girl, Haym very much tried doing more stereotypical "boy" things like playing in the dirt or building stuff, instead of playing with dolls and putting on pretty dresses. "Tried" being a key word here. Martha, Neon J's ex-wife, really tried to enforce gendered roles onto young 1010, forcing Haym into more "girly" things (along with forcing Zimelu to do "boy" things even though Zimelu never truly tried to do too many "girly" things).
Haym was always upset and annoyed at this, but more so that he couldn't play the way he wanted to play and not as much as being denied his identity that he didn't even realize he had.
Once he became an MK1 though, and almost everybody was treating him like a guy, he was just super happy with who he was. He never even realized until Zimelu came out as trans, that he was technically trans himself. He still had in his code that he was a girl, but because he was treated like a guy and felt like a guy, he just ignored and forgot about that part of his code.
He embraced being trans, but also kinda realizes he does not have the same experience as his siblings who had to actually work to figure themselves out. He feels like he has some kind of privilege over them since he didn't have to suffer any real dysphoria or stigmatization over the years. It sometimes makes him feel guilty and not deserving of the trans label just because he was able to pass for so long as the gender he identified with.
I feel like he will never tell any of his family, friends, or lovers this though, and it will be a guilt he keeps to himself forever.
Eloni: Eloni is genderfluid. I actually do not have as much story for them as I do for everyone else. She would probably have been one of the later ones to come out as trans, probably second to last with Purl being the last to come out.
Because of this, I feel like Eloni was probably experimenting with labels in private with the fam. So one day Eloni would request to be called by just she/her pronouns, or would wear androgynous clothing. None of this would be done in public for fear and anxiety of having a label forced onto him by public perception.
In the end Eloni is just super confused on what they should have as a label because everything seems to fit well. Dress like a boy? Feels good! Dress like a girl? Awesome! Use neutral pronouns? Totally! Use either or both gendered pronouns? Yes please! Nothing seemed to bother Eloni to the point they wondered if they even were trans because to him, if everything felt the same does that mean I am all or nothing?
In the end though, I would say that either the Sayu Crew, or Purl and Rin showed Eloni the genderfluid label and that is the one Eloni chose to go by and later revealed to the public.
Purl-hew: Saved Purl for last because I feel they will be a lot lol.
Purl was like Rin for a while, just playing the role assigned to them. They were the good little girl for their parents. They were an emotionless machine built for war. A cool and mysterious boy for the public eye.
Purl followed all the rules, did everything that was asked of them, and yet they were never happy. No matter how they changed their personality, how they acted, how they presented, they were miserable and hated themself.
Purl spent years wonder what is wrong with them, why they couldn't just stop and be what they were made to be. But that was the problem. Purl was built to be a girl, then forced to be a boy. Living both sides of the coin like Haym, but instead of being happy with the change, it left them more and more empty.
They questioned if they were broken, or if life was always supposed to be so dull and full of self hatred. Even before the revolution Purl was wondering what was wrong with them, how could they feel like nothing all the time.
Purl honestly thought they were some kind of spoiled kid for not ever being happy. They knew what it was like to be a girl and a boy, knew what it was like to not have basic necessities and yet to have everything they ever wanted, knew what it was like to be in war and peace, knew what it meant to be extremely busy and extremely bored. And yet they have no idea what it meant to feel nothing about yourself.
Purl already had some problems expression emotions, so figuring out they were nonbinary was not going to happen for a very long time. And even when they did, they denied themself of that label.
Purl saw their whole family go from being cisgender and straight to very queer in the matter of a few months to maybe a year or two. Everything was changing and the public eye was on all of them. Once everyone came out except for Purl, there were jokes among fans that Purl was the only "normal one" or that it was a matter of time before Purl came out as some random identity.
They hated this. Purl absolutely hated having the public watching their every move, and because they were watched they thought they had to actually live up to that "normal" role. Purl was going to pretend to be fully cisgender and straight. They were going to ignore the fact they were created as a girl, or that they liked masculine presenting people, and pretend to be the cishet one of the group for the fans.
This really took a toll on Purl's mental health. They were so miserable that they would isolate themself for days when not doing work for 1010. Already they felt isolated from the family for not being able to express emotions, and now they believed had to hide their own identity so the public would not turn on 1010.
It felt like everything and everyone was against Purl. Even when one of their siblings would try to reach out, which was honestly not often since they thought this behaviour was normal for Purl, Purl would just push them away and act like everything was okay when it truly wasn't.
The only reason Purl ever came out as nonbinary was because of DK West and Ex-Jay. Spending time away from family, in situations that were not in the public eye, is what allowed Purl to express themself finally. It also helped that in Purl's mind, if West or any member of Ex-Jay tried to out them, they could lie and say that West/Ex-Jay are making it up, then Purl could cut them out of their life.
It was an easy out to Purl that finally let them have a safe space to embrace their queer aspects of themself. Even if Purl was ready at a drop of a hat to cut out that safe space if there was even a chance of being outed, it was something. Purl was not longer entirely alone in life, and soon would come out publicly as nonbinary and using only they/them pronouns.
Even as they came out, they would only dress in masculine or androgynous clothes. It wasn't until like a year or two later that they were able to reconnect with their feminine side, which was something they were trying to kill because of childhood trauma. But now Purl can confidently wear a dress or makeup or whatever while not feeling like they are a woman. Or a suit and not feel like a guy.
Honestly, I feel like if it was not for the Rock Revolution, none of 1010 would be happy. Maybe Haym would be the only one as he was lucky enough to get the gender he wanted when becoming MK-units, and MAYBE Rin would have figured out it was agender/genderqueer, but absolutely not would Eloni, Zimelu, or Purl been able to figure out who they were. Especially not Purl.
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brodydalle-archive · 1 year
Andy Granelli Interview
In 2001 you ended up joining The Distillers. Did you already know Brody Dalle at that point? And did you ever imagine that they would be the band you’d still be playing with this many years later?
In joining Hellcat, and with The Distillers on Hellcat, Brody and Tim… I met Brody at the Danville Grange in like 2000 and we hit it off immediately. Just like Tim Presley and I, we just became friends. Hearing she had a band, and with Eric’s friendship with Tim Armstrong, it was like “of course we want your wife’s band to play with us, let’s do this.”
Kim, Matt and Brody were rad. They were always great friends and good people to us. Kim Chi and I, and Tim—we all became good friends. And Brody and Rose! Rose lived with Brody at the time and it just became a fast friendship. Brody is a great artist and song writer, and creative and has a killer voice. She’s Brody, she’s always been Brody. I immediately fell in love with the band, I just loved the whole thing. Nerve Agents and Distillers played together quite a lot.
Yeah, I’ve seen quite a few fliers for sure. Then at some point you kind of get asked into the band I take it?
Well, in Distillers folklore... Brody got into some hot water with partying on tour, she wasn’t supposed to. She got taken off tour and she was like “fuck it, I can’t do this. I’m not doing the band. I’m breaking up The Distillers.” This was with Kim and Matt. But in December of 2000 Brody also had a tour with Rancid and AFI coming up which was going to be the biggest tour of the winter. Tour of the year in punk rock at the time.
Brody had just gone through this deal with her old band on a tour, kind of a bad time, with Kim and Matt who are older than her. Matt was about 15 years older than her and had a family, and Kim Chi was like 10 or 15 years older than Brody too so she always felt like this little kid. She wanted to not do [the band], but she also had this tour. We were talking one night, her and I, and Nerve Agents had just turned down a winter tour.
We were supposed to go do Warped Tour Canada or some shit like that. Eric, Tim, and Dante all had to work. Tim had school. We couldn’t do it and I was mad. I wanted to fucking tour, you know! So I was like “I’m gonna take a tour with Brody.” So we were talking this one night and I was like “well, I’ll do it. I know your songs.” And Brody said “let me think about it.” We ended up working it out, I did the tour and I asked Dante to do it with us.
That’s what I thought! I remember for a hot second he played with The Distillers as well. I think because he sort of has a similar vibe to Ryan I was a little hazy. With internet memories you get a little like “was that him in that photo? Or was that a different person?”
Dante definitely influenced a lot of people at the time. He just looks like the guy from The Cramps t-shirt [laughs].
But it was badass, he pulled it out. So yeah, then we did the tour, we came home and it got weird between me and [The Nerve Agents], Brody and I being friends. I have my own desires and the other guys were in work and school and I wasn’t. If there’s one thing that I do regret it’s that there was no reason we couldn’t have just done it all. There became these finalities like “you can’t do two bands at once!”
Looking back, it seems like a lot of bands could’ve co-existed if they had just said “alright, in a couple months we’ll just reconvene.” But at the time you feel like that’s not possible, the drive kind of dies out.
Yeah, and for me, I put such high value on work that I needed to work. I needed to work to live, to pay my rent and eat, but also to validate my life! So if I wasn’t working, if I was sitting around waiting for whatever, what am I doing? I’m not living, I’m dying. It’s like atrophy. With Brody and I, I saw no difference in friendship with me and Brody, me and Tim, me and Eric. It just became an equation of need.
She needed me, and I needed her. We needed each other very much, and did [the band]. Unfortunately, it kind of became a point of bad feelings between me and Eric for a little bit, but time heals all wounds and I think he understands. I hope he understands. It’s a different situation.
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Hazbin Hotel Theory: The Overlords Hold Lilith's Sins (It Allowed Her To Go Stay In Heaven) Part 1
[Note: Don't Reblog This Without My Permission.....if you are a fan of Hazbin Hotel, please make sure to have watched all the episodes of Season 1 before reading this, because of spoilers that will be mentioned..only read this fan theory if you want to...also I'm going to have this theory broken up into two parts, this one will be put as 'Mature' instead of just 'For Everyone', the part 2 of this will of course give a heads up of saying 'for Mature Audience Only' but will have it will be visible for everyone, but the mature audiences only will still be for those who are old enough to view it...also some parts of the theories in this, will be a bit dark...]
okay, we all know Lilith well as much as we can know about her so far...of course RL-Lilith ain't exactly my favorite Gran-Gran right now, I mean yeah there is that whole possibility that one of her surviving daughters had ended up surviving what those three angels were doing, and the said daughter may have met Cain and fell in love, and had children together...
and the said daughter of RL-Lilith, would also be biologically Adam's daughter, and their descendants would end up meeting Grandpa Seth's descendants and have children of their own, and then it would lead up to their curtain descendants that is me and everyone else...
and yeah, some darker and evil versions of Lilith of Hazbin Hotel, in some fanfics, will be based on what she did to Adam...
which the certain reasons being is why Gran-Gran Lilith, the first wife of the Adam from our universe, isn't exactly my favorite right now...
like I could like some alternate versions of her, that haven't done the Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Eggs move that she had did...
(I will get to the topic that will talk about my theory about reasons why Lilith was able to go to and stay in Heaven that has to do with her Sins being held by Overlords, there is just some stuff I need to say first...)
and well, even if the Lilith from Hazbin Hotel might of not did what Gran-Gran Lilith did in RL...but she could of still did some bad stuff to Adam in that series...
and it is pretty obvious that if Gran-Gran Lilith did give birth in a cave, when she had ran off after her and Grandpa Adam's fight...
she was obviously having human babies, and maybe if those three angels didn't threaten her the way they did and didn't cross lines that were NEVER meant to cross, she wouldn't of ended up trying to replace the ones that didn't survive, like if Gran-Gran Lilith had other children with Adam, before she had the ones in a cave...
then it could be possible they, the eldest of her and Adam's children, were left with Adam...and they ended up losing their lives...
it is disgusting, because maybe she wouldn't of got so bad and way worse and ended up hurting Adam, if those three angels were a bit more in touch to the Positive Feminine side, and didn't do those disgusting threats on her...
those three protecting children and babies, I can see as their repenting for the damage they were a part of...
Gran-Gran Lilith didn't become a Monster on her own, just like how Grandpa Cain didn't become a Monster on his own either...
Adam and Eve need to own up to their own parts that they played on what happen with Cain and Abel, if they saw the signs a bit more clearly that Cain was hurting and he was only gonna get worse and let it out in a very bad way, maybe they wouldn't of played favorites and possibly gave Abel too much of a ego trip...
because once again, both Cain and Abel are are at fault for what happen and they both were victims...
and yeah as weird as it might be, I would want to have both Grandpa Cain and Grunkle Abel go stand in the corner of shame, well they could sit in the corner of shame as well, if they get tired standing.
and yeah, one of the reasons Grunkle Abel goes to the corner of shame, has to do with the animal he would use as a offering...
if certain info is correct on how he does it, either it be a sheep or lamb...I would grab him by his ear, don't care if he is more taller than me, and I would have him go stand in the corner of shame...
there can be a right and wrong way of like spiritually sharing your food with like The Heavenly-Father/God and Earthly-Mother/Goddess...
like if you do still eat the food, but spiritually share it with the Heavenly-Father and Earthly-Mother, without BLOOD being spilled...then that's fine...
like even if you do have to get some meat, either by hunting for the animal in the woods but maybe if you have the license to hunt...
or you get the meat at some market, along with some fruits and vegetables...
but what Abel was doing, I can't help but view it as...not right.
both him and Cain were in the wrong, and both of them were victims on what happen...and maybe if things weren't so out of balance back then, maybe the Goddess could of stop Cain from crossing the line he had ended up crossing...I don't know.
animals are living creatures as well, and even though they still play a part in either being food or clothes, and some ended up being animal companions that become like your best friend and being there for you when you feel sad and act as emotional support...
there have been some humans in this world don't respect the balance, and yeah apparently some Vegans have crossed those lines as well, well not all of them, because there might still be some people who are Vegan who wouldn't disturb the balance...
because no matter if one is Vegan or not, there is some stuff you do NOT mess with, cause it might ended up hurting everyone, not just humans but also other animals...
there can be a right and wrong way to fight for animals, there needs to be perfect balance...and I'm going to hope someday a animal doesn't get hurt when no one adopts them right away, at least not all shelters do that disgusting thing, but there should be better ways to care for those animals, like dogs and cats and any other pet type animals, than to do that disgusting thing...
anyway, I might still view Abel as still having a good heart, but he might of still had a bit of a ego that blinded him to the full truth and he couldn't see that his brother Cain, was in both emotional and spiritual pain, and he might of been showing jealously to his brother, but it has to be more to it than that...
Adam and Eve, should of saw the signs that Cain was hurting, but if they did, they may have chosen to ignore it or saw it as something that wasn't a big thing to worry about.
well excuse me if it has to be Adam and Eve's Defective Earth Angel Granddaughter that has to reprimand them for being part of the reason why Grandpa Cain ended up the way he did...
I can still go by 'daughter' cause I am the Nonbinary type that still uses she/her pronouns of course, and there are different types of Nonbinary...
anyway, as for the whole theory as to why Lilith may have gotten into Heaven besides the possible deal she made with Adam....
she likely was able to stay, because she placed all her sins into the Overlords she owns the souls of.
some fans already theorized she owns Alastor's soul, but he might not be the only one...
I believe she also owns Vox and Valentino's souls, and she may have also owned Adam's soul as well, possibly...
she didn't just place her sins into them, so she could get into heaven...even though the essence of the sins could still be part of her, but could be hidden, who knows...
Vox could hold Lilith's Dark Obsessive Hate to Adam, which Vox ended up feeling a Dark Obsessive Hate to Alastor...
Valentino could possibly hold Lilith's Dark Obsessive Love to Adam, which Valentino ends up feeling to Angel.
so what I'm going at with the whole Lilith having a Dark Obsessive Love to Adam, is well certain actions that Valentino has done to Angel, could be the same as what Lilith may have done in the past before Adam and Eve were kicked out of Eden...
certain info on what Gran-Gran Lilith did to Grandpa Adam, is one of the reasons why I can't fully be on her side...
only the parts where I know she was wronged, and she was hurt by those three angels, who might not of understood at the time but learned later on, that threatening her and k*lling her children, wasn't the best call...and it only caused her to become a even worse version of herself...
we can only hope that the Lilith from the Hazbin Hotel series, doesn't take the darker path in the canon, I mean fans will still have it happen in the fanon...but who knows how Lilith will be in the canon.
the story that Charlie reads, is likely full of half-truths and half-lies.
it could be possible that Lilith didn't take kindly to being replaced by Eve, and it could of been before Lilith and Lucifer fell in love at the part of the story that Charlie read...
Lilith could of left out a lot of stuff in the story, that has to do with her past and how she had became so obsessive with twisted love and lust for Adam...even if she did leave him before after the fight and she refused to submit to his will...
but married couples can try to talk things out, plus Adam was likely not as bad before as Charlie's Mom made him out to be...
plus we can only hope that Charlie's Mom, didn't do what Gran-Gran Lilith had possibly did...
and it having to do with the info about Lilith having r*ped Adam when he was sleeping...
in most fanon timelines so far, Lilith is either fully good, neutral or full on evil...in some fan fic works of the Hazbin Hotel version of her.
we do not know if Charlie's Mom will have done what her counterpart Gran-Gran Lilith had possibly done to Adam...
which has to do with the s*xual abuse that Gran-Gran Lilith had possibly had physically done to the Adam from our universe...like the info saying she had s*x with him when he was sleeping, and other info saying she took the form of Eve to take advantage of him.
until there is some form of evidence that proves her innocence, like if it turns out it was the Fallen Angel Lilith but maybe it wasn't her...even if I believe both the two Lilith had their stories mixed together and being mistaken as being one and the same...
well there is Fallen Angel Lilith (which I had found out about from the video by Melinda The Mystic Witch), Lilith the First Wife Of Adam, then there is Lesser-Lilith who is the younger Lilith who apparently the mate/wife of Asmodeus...but I like the idea of calling Lesser-Lilith by the nickname Lilly...so not to confuse her for the Matron Lilith that may either the Fallen Angel one or the one that was Adam's first wife.
Small Lilith isn't as important and isn't well known but she is a Earth Angel and Human, but the Fallen Angel Lilith, Adam's First Wife Lilith and Lesser-Lilith/Lilly, ain't the Boss of Small Lilith...and Small Lilith doesn't fully trust some Eon-Boomers...
anyway, even though Vox and Valentino ended up in Hell for a reason...but they could of been not as bad before they got involved with Lilith...
also for all we know, the 'Lilith' that we see in the painting where Lilith's eyes and smile are gentle and open along with Lucifer and the younger child version of Charlie, might not be really her...
the Lilith that has her face hidden in the flashback during the song that Charlie and Lucifer sing together, is likely not Lilith...
for all we know, it could be Eve...or Eve's Older Sister.
I mean yeah, even if Eve is suppose to be Adam's second bride, but if some info is true, then it would mean Eve was the second attempt but would be the third bride, not the second bride...
some info I had read, has to do that Adam was awake during the whole creation of his Nameless Second Bride, who was also made from one of his ribs but he wanted nothing to do with her or even name her because he was disgusted and scared of her...
and apparently he had to be sleep during Eve's creation.
the hair style of the woman in the flashback when Charlie was small, she seems different from Lilith, which could mean that is either Eve or someone else, and the Lilith we know that made a deal to get into Heaven, is not Charlie's Mother...even if Lucifer was the one who possibly gave birth to Charlie.
there is a possibility a soul wouldn't of got into Heaven, if their sins are too corrupted, like the moment Lilith steps foot on Heaven, she would likely be kicked out, like a portal would open up and send her back to where she was before she left, that would be in Hell.
she could of found a loophole to keep Heaven from kicking her out, like she may have tried it before, but was always met with being forced out...she could of used a spell book to take her to Heaven, without Lucifer's knowledge, or even Charlie's knowledge.
like for centuries she may have been trying to leave her kingdom, her husband and later her own daughter, for a perfect and better life in Heaven...
she may have found out the reasons why she wasn't granted full passage and stay in Heaven, and it may have to do with her very sins she may have committed before she was forced to live in Hell.
truly terrible and corrupted things that she has done, that she left out of the story book that was left for Charlie...
things that would make Charlie herself view her differently, and not as the hero that she had grown up viewing as someone she looked up to...
Lucifer's Ex-Wife that is Charlie's Mom, Lilith...
maybe have found a way to transfer her strong worse parts of herself as well as her sins into the Overlords Alastor, Vox and Valentino...
part of the deal she made with Adam, was likely that if he helped her into Heaven and tells her how, she would stay as far away from him as possible and not go near him.
it would be nice if Adam came back as a Sinner, but the chances of that happening in the canon is very small and might not happen at all, which is fine and plus there is always the fanon when that happens.
Adam could of been threaten into helping Lilith, which could of happen when he was possibly 7 years ago when he last went down to Hell for Extermination day, and Lute could of been there to witness the deal take place...
Adam may have already knew a way for Heaven not to kick Lilith out, and it involved her finding vessels of souls she must own and that are very powerful, to be hosts to her most corrupted sins she had done in her life when she was still living in Eden.
Valentino may have been a bit different before he became a host for Lilith's most corrupted sin, and Angel may have been treated a bit better but Valentino could of still been strict with him but didn't get too violent, Angel may have notice the sudden change to Valentino around 7 years ago, which the change happen because of Lilith.
Alastor was likely very aware of being made to host Lilith's sins so she could get into Heaven, and stay there...
Alastor and Vox's broken friendship, may have involved Lilith who owned their souls through some kind of unknown deal.
Alastor could of went into hiding for reasons that are unknown, but for all we know, it could have to do with trying to plan on how to undo the power that Lilith has on himself as well on Vox and Valentino.
Lilith could of used them to transfer her sins into them, so she could stay in Heaven, and she may have learned this from Adam who could of been threaten into revealing it, and Adam could of learned it from a library in Heaven...which could of been in a very old library.
Lilith may have still had a dark obsessive love for Adam, and one of the reasons why Adam help her, was so she wont try to go after him...either from her hate or twisted love and lust to him...
the deal they possibly made, could of involved keeping Adam safe from Lilith's physical abuse as well as verbal abuse that Adam may have had to suffer through during his life in Eden...
Lucifer may of not known the darker and twisted side to Lilith, because he wasn't there during those moments when she possibly was physically and verbally abusive to Adam, and possibly only became even worse with physical abuse once Eve was made...
Charlie's Mom didn't take kindly to being replaced, and ended up becoming a lot more violent to Adam to the point she had to be forced to leave Eden, and at some point Lucifer found her, which shows in the story book that Charlie was reading...
but it doesn't say that Lilith was forced to leave the garden, I mean yes it does tell that Lilith did leave Adam because she didn't want to submit to his will, but a lot of other stuff may have happen after that, some info that Lilith left out so not to let Charlie know the full truth...
like Lilith did go back at some point, but Adam was given a new bride already who was named Eve...
Lilith may of hated the thought and feeling of being replaced by a new woman, so she ended up becoming abusive, so much so that when she was caught by one of the Angels (before Lucifer found her and fell in love with her, and not knowing the monster she had became during that time in the past in Eden...) may have forced her to leave and never to go near Adam in the garden, ever again...
Lilith likely found a loophole around that, and she likely used the fruit of knowledge and Lucifer, to take Adam's happiness away...
like the Angels who were guardians of Eden and the humans, plants and animals there, may have told Lilith to stay away from Adam in the garden, but they said nothing about Eve...
we don't know if Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, is way darker and really bad as we theorize, but we will have to wait and see.
but it could be possible she may have had to do something to keep herself from being kicked out of Heaven...
the reason why Sir Pentious was able to get into Heaven and possibly stay, is because he was both redeemed and his sins were purified from his soul, Lilith's own sins might not be able to be purified as easy as Sir Pentious's own past sins.
which is why she needed vessels of souls that she owned, to act as hosts for not just her sins but the worse parts of herself...
from her obsessive love for Adam, that Valentino is the host of as well as the sin that is linked to...and instead of being obsessive love for Adam, Valentino ends up being obsessive with Angel...
Lilith's obsessive hate for Adam, that Vox is the host of, but instead of hating Adam, it ends up focusing on Alastor.
Lilith's dark and twisted obsessive love and hate for Adam, as well as the sins she had done in the past when still in Eden, was possibly one of the reasons why she failed in her attempt in staying in Heaven...
the corruption in her soul and the really bad stuff she had possibly done, that had involved her love, lust and hate to Adam, could of played a part in Heaven kicking her out so many times.
I'm not sure if this theory will be proven true or not, or there was other reasons on how Lilith was able to get herself into Heaven...
and we can only hope that Charlie's Mom, didn't do the whole certain physical abuse to Adam, that some info about the other version of Lilith had possibly done...
we just need to be prepared for anything that has to do with Charlie's Mom, even finding out she may have been both physically and verbally abusive to Adam, and may have been triggered by Eve.
Adam wanting to k*ll Charlie, despite her being a Hellborn...
might come from his deep hate and resentment to Lilith, and the harm she had done to him in the past as well as her possibly threatening him into telling her how to stay in Heaven and keep Heaven from opening a portal and forcing her out...
Charlie is innocent, as she did nothing wrong and shouldn't be made a scapegoat for whatever her Mom had done to Adam in the past.
what may have went on in Adam and Lilith's past relationship, may have been domestic violence, which is why one of the tags 'domestic violent relationships' is being used for this...
Charlie's Mom might also be manipulative, and she likely was able to keep Charlie's Dad from finding out the full truth of what she had been doing before they met and fell in love.
Lilith likely didn't want Charlie to find out the full truth, and if Adam kept the same story book but with the full truth in it...
Emily could be the one to find it, and find out the terrible actions that Lilith had did when she found out she was being replaced by Eve.
she could end up showing it to Charlie, who might have a hard time believing her own mother would be capable of such actions and would keep that out of the book that she had read before.
finding out that your parent isn't as innocent as they seem, can't be easy for anyone...and if it turns out there is a darker and terrible side to Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, then it could end up hurting Charlie even more than when Vaggie's secret was revealed...
Lucifer likely found out much later on about his ex-wife's true colors, but he hides it from Charlie...
and in theory, Lilith becoming physically and verbally abusive may have been thanks to Roo's influence.
like Roo may have spoken with Lilith before she went back to find that Adam had a new bride, and Roo could of corrupted Lilith and it caused her to become violent to Adam...
Lilith may have had true innocence before when she and Adam first had a disagreement and she left the garden...
but Lucifer was not the first to find her alone in a disheartening state, it may have been Roo that found her first and used her darker feelings that were hidden away in Lilith's heart and soul, parts of herself that she would of never act on before until Roo used her powers to make them surface and manipulated Lilith into acting on them when Lilith found out she was being replaced by Eve.
and once she did find out about Eve, she ended up physically abusing Adam, possibly by punching, clawing and pulling his hair.
one of the Angels likely saw this, and made her leave and not to go near Adam in the garden ever again...
and at some point, Lucifer found Lilith and she didn't tell him the full truth on what happen or that she was the one that attacked Adam.
and Lilith became that way likely because of Roo's manipulation.
and over time, Lilith became more manipulative herself, as she may have manipulated Vox, Valentino and Alastor to hold on to the worse parts of herself as well as her sins...
those three Overlords, are possibly being used by her to act as hosts for the worse sides to herself as well as the sins that are linked to those worse sides to Lilith.
Alastor possible holds Lilith's resentment to Adam, which Alastor may have already held not a good view on Charlie's Dad, but it could end up being mixed with Lilith's resentment that would normally be for Adam...
Alastor had likely found out what Lilith was doing, so his resentment didn't fully go to another person, so he could end up feeling resentment to Adam as well, he still is himself, because he was aware of Lilith's plan to use him and the other souls she owns as hosts for her most corrupted sides as well as the sins she had.
Alastor could of found out her plans by accident, but it was too late for him to keep her from using him as a host.
Vox and Valentino weren't aware, so they were able to be fully changed with only having some of their personalities stay the same, but like become even worse versions of themselves thanks to Lilith.
this would mean that the worse sides to Lilith as well as her sins, have more influence on Valentino and Vox, because they are not fully aware that they are being used as hosts so Lilith can get into and stay in Heaven.
not everyone has to agree about this theory possibly being true, and it's okay it gets debunked.
but if it turns out to be true, then maybe it could mean that Lilith became corrupted by having met Roo first before she met Charlie's Dad.
and Lilith meeting Roo, could of been left out of that story book that Charlie was reading that tells the story about Angels, Heaven and even about Adam and Lilith.
Sera who is still going to remind me a bit of White Diamond from Steven Universe, and maybe a bit of Blue Diamond...
she could of known about Roo corrupting Lilith, as well as bringing out some dark parts of Lilith and causing Lilith to become violent to Adam after she learned she was being replaced by Eve.
Sera could of not known any way to truly help Lilith to return to how she was before Roo corrupted her, and over time Lilith became too far gone and corrupted with her dark obsessive twisted love and lust to Adam, as well as her hate for him.
it may have been by accident that Adam found the info that has to do with transferring the most corrupted sides of a person and their sins into a host either it be a living soul or object.
and once he did learn of this, it was bad luck for him that Lilith cornered him and possibly threaten him into telling her how she could get into Heaven and stay there without Heaven forcing her back into the Pride Ring.
part of the reason why Adam helped her, is that while she is able to finally live in Heaven, she is not to go near him.
Adam would only help Lilith get into Heaven, by telling her how to transfer the worse corrupted sides to herself as well as her sins, if she promised to never come near him ever again.
we don't fully know why Lilith is in Heaven or what deal she made to get herself to stay there and why she never told Charlie...
fans can only make theories as to why she never told Charlie and why she left her family.
a part of me hopes that Lilith didn't hurt Adam physically in the canon, and she only does that in the fanon...where it is non-canon.
one of my fan theories on how she was able to get into Heaven and stay there without being forced back into the Pride Ring...
might have to do with her placing the worse and corrupted sides to herself as well as her sins into host vessels of souls she had owned, and those being Alastor, Vox and Valentino.
Lilith likely doesn't own Velvette's soul, but she has the Female Overlord watch the other two and keep a eye on them.
Velvette may have known that Lilith placed the worse parts of herself as well as her sins into Vox and Valentino, but she was likely threaten by Lilith into never telling those two or else she will have her powers and rank of a Overlord taken away from her and she would have to start all over again, meaning she would have to earn her way back into the rank of Overlord and the power that comes with it.
even if Lilith is a possible villain of the series, but she could be a mini-boss compared to Roo, who could be the true villain and antagonist as well as the true boss fight in the future.
and in theory, if Charlie had to fight Lilith in the future, it could be possible the next villain she would have to fight might be Roo, the very woman that had started Lilith's corruption in the first place.
I will make part 2 of this in a little while, after talking about a Helluva Boss theory...the part 2 of this will talk a bit more about Roo and her involvement on how Lilith was able to get into and stay in Heaven.
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mossybunni · 1 year
Give us a rundown on your OCs for the OC asks- (Name, bio, visual reference if possible, the world around them, trivia)
Oh wow! Thank you for this question. I always love an opportunity to blab about my OCs, haha.
I'm going to start with Mina (she's my current dnd oc I play as).
Mina (Mina Sakuma) is eighteen and the adventures she has been going on would be this world's equivalent of a gap year, although she did spend some time at a university studying dead languages. She's about 5'0, petite build, and she has a love for Gothic lolita fashion even if it is a bit impractical for her current adventuring life, haha. Mina is the definition of that "Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll." meme.
Mina's true passion is magic; she's the group healer (she's a grave domain cleric of Hel) and she also dabbles in necromancy, but the only thing she's reanimated is a horse and some rats. Mina also practices taxidermy as a hobby. Mina has never been put off by death as her parents own/operate a funeral home. She's very close with her family, especially her older brother.
The continent, called Kriegsend, as a whole that Mina is from is very inspired by Old West/steampunk stuff. Mina in particular is from a mining town, but there are larger cities within the world at large. One thing very interesting about Kriegsend is that a famous inventor known throughout the land claims the magic of the land is being used up, which has become a core issue for Mina and her adventuring friends.
I don't really know is this counts as trivia, but Mina looks human but is acutally a kalashtar, an individual who was born with a spirit tethered to them.
Now on to Lethe. Lethe (Lethe Kelda) was my first dnd character, so I sort of have a weird attatchment to her for that reason.
Lethe should technically be thirty, but because of a five year timeloop she and her friends got stuck in, she's "25". She has blue skin, pin straight greenish blue hair, about 5'5 and an average build. She's also missing her left eye (it's more like, glowy green magic in its place now) and has a very deep scar that runs from one side of her neck to the other. She tends to perfer to wear more netural colors.
Lethe has hung up adventuring and now runs an inn with her wife, Chandra. They are the definition of the moon/sun trope, Lethe being the moon and Chandra being the sun. When it's all said and done though, Lethe's intentions are always in the right place and she has a pretty big heart. Lethe was the resident warlock of the group and went on to multiclass as a cleric later on in the campaign. She started out as a Great Old One warlock of...some entity, but after some major soul searching, renounced whatever it was she was serving and became an Archfey warlock/life domain cleric of Eldath, the water deity she worshipped as a child.
Lethe's world pretty much got turned on its head, as the campaign I played her in ended with a war ending in Arconis, the world Lethe calls home. So even though Lethe got her happy ending, as did all of her adventuring friends, they're all sorting through a post war/rebuilding of the world.
Something interesting about Lethe is that both she and her wife were two of four genasi (individuals who are half elemental) in Arconis. Lethe is a water genasi and Chandra is a fire genasi, and due to some eons long prophecy, were supposed to kill one another. Long story short, Lethe and Chandra were the only two who didn't want to do that and ended up married.
Gah, I could say so much more, but I don't want to make this too long, haha. Just know this is a very condensed version of my two dnd ocs. Thank you once again for the question!
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greensparty · 6 months
2024 Northeast Comic Con Spring Edition Wrap-Up
For several years now I’ve been lucky enough to cover the Northeast Comic Con (read my coverage here), a fun cool convention for lovers of comics, pop culture, and collectibles. Most recently I attended the Fall edition in November. This year there were a ton of fun panels, many of which were moderated by my friend comedian/podcaster Ken Reid (I was a guest on his podcast TV Guidance Counselor in 2015).
Here are some of the highlights of some of the guests I got to speak with at this season’s NECC:
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The big news for TV fans was the Growing Pains reunion at NECC! Actress/model/comedienne Julie McCullough played Mike Seaver's fiance Julie from 1989-90. I spoke with Julie at the 2015 NECC and she was cool!
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Actress Tracey Gold played Carol Seaver on Growing Pains. When looking back at Growing Pains now, it's incredible how many actors got their start on the show like Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt (hey, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is actually a Growing Pains reunion!?!). I asked Gold about Matthew Perry, who passed away last year, and he had a very memorable role as Carol's boyfriend Sandy on several episodes in 1989. Gold said "Matthew and I were friends before he even did the show. I liked Matthew, we had a great working friendship. We were friends outside of the show, and I hung out with Matthew. So when he played Sandy it was great. I knew him and got along with him. He was - I have trouble saying that - a great actor".
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Actor Jeremy Miller not only played Ben Seaver on Growing Pains, but he was also notable during the time of Growing Pains as the voice of Linus on several Peanuts TV specials in the 80s. I asked what it was like for him at that young age to be playing Linus and joining the pantheon of Charlie Brown. "It was incredible. I was already a huge fan and I booked the role at 8 years-old, so of course I'm already a gigantic Peanuts fan. Weird enough it's the only time I ever got hired on the spot. I went in for my audition and I read the lines and Lee Mendelson [head of Peanuts Television and Film], kicks in the door and comes running in. I'm like 'Oh God, what did I do wrong?' and he goes 'You sound the most like the original Linus I've ever heard, you're hired!'. Linus was my favorite character, so I melted down and was like 'Really? I'm Linus!?!' It was the coolest thing, such a huge honor" Miller said.
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The guest I was most excited about (no offense to anyone else) was Gina Schock, the drummer for The Go-Go's. I have always loved The Go-Go's! I saw them in 2000 when they toured with The B-52's and The Psychedelic Furs. "Playing with the B's was one of my all-time memories and that tour was sold out every show, it was fantastic!" she said. In 2020 after they got the documentary treatment (read my review here), the band was finally inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2021. Gina was just as cool as you'd imagine and she even signed by vinyl copy of Beauty and the Beat. The band had reportedly ended after their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction, but I asked if there could be another tour? "We haven't really ended, we just played about a month ago when we got inducted into the California Hall of Fame. We played three or four songs, we had a great time. So we're actually talking about doing something in the near future." While I was an intern at Ted Demme's production company Spanky Pictures in 1998, Ted and his wife Amanda were talking with The Go-Go's about doing a scripted film about The Go-Go's. The talks ended after Ted passed away in 2002, but I asked with all of the popular music bios in recent years if the project could come back? "I'm not sure. We're always open to hearing stuff, whether or not we're going to do it is another story, but we're always open."
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Ken Reid, Gina Schock and Greg Hawkes at NECC
During the panel with Gina Schock she was joined by surprise guest and friend Greg Hawkes, keyboardist for The Cars. I interviewed Mr. Hawkes for my documentary film Life on the V: The Story of V66 and briefly caught up with him at the convention. How cool was it to see a Go-Go and a Car onstage, both members of legendary bands in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, both music video pioneers and both groups I hold in very high regard, onstage talking music together!?!
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Actress Bai Ling has been in a ton of films and TV shows over several decades now. After starting in the Chinese film industry, she came to the U.S. in the early 90s and began acting in TV. My favorite performance of Bai Ling's was in The Crow (as Myca), which turns 30 this year. Since that film there's been a ton of sequels, TV shows and reboots (including one coming out this June). I asked what it was like for her to be a part of this much-loved film that's still being celebrated today, with fans at the convention dressed like Eric Draven? Bai said "I feel very touched and I also feel because that was my first English movie and it was very special to me. I worked closely with Brandon Lee. In my heart I want to protect this movie because nobody can top it. I think they should leave it alone because on it's own it's just pure art. If they remake it, personally I don't like the idea, because people can always watch the original. I cannot control it, but for my fans and the members of the original cast, we wish nobody would make it again."
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Actor Kevin Chapman has become quite a "That Guy" actor over the years, appearing in loads of films and TV shows, notably Boston-centric films. He is most known for the hit show Person of Interest (2011-2016), but I first worked with him in 1997. Allow me to explain: the first movie I ever worked on was Ted Demme's excellent crime movie Monument Ave, which I was a location intern on. Chapman was working at the MA Film Office at the time and was discovered by Ted, who cast him as Mickey Pat on that film. Since then, he's acted in loads of movies like Mystic River and Coda. He also appeared in Ted's film Blow, which sadly was Ted's last movie before his 2002 death. I asked Chapman if he stayed in touch with anyone from Spanky, he said "When I was in New York doing Person of Interest, I got together with producer (and Ted's partner at Spanky Pictures) Joel Stillerman for lunch. He was the executive at AMC at the time and did well for himself." Chapman has also done some producing and I asked if he has anything coming up but can't say until the time is right. Even though Chapman and I didn't work closely on Monument Ave, it was nice to see him after all these years and he was super cool!
For info on Northeast Comic Con and their other events: https://necomiccons.com/
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