#but I hope they do see the ful spectrum and more
gengwasted · 2 months
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Aventurine just got comfortable and the doctor decides to throw a bomb at him??? This is rude and unacceptable. He loves it he's just... Confused.
Merventurine from @havanillas’ AU I can’t get them out of my head aughxzfdzfxh-
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madchild-dennis · 1 year
I'm trying my hardest not to say I hate my life. Especially because of who I said I would not talk about again, yet doing so now. I'm trying my best to hold unto the hope that he'll die. So it is REALLY no more.
You see, I saw a video that say a people pleaser is a manipulator but not all manipulators are people pleasers. The reasoning didn't make sense when I first watched it. But then I thought about it:
A manipulators does everything in their power to selfishly get others to do what they want without obviously stating so. A people pleaser does everything in their power and capacity to get the other people to think positively or pleasingly towards them.
Both are trying to selfishly control/force the other to do or be something they selfishly want without obviously stating so. Just a manipulator tries to gain many different spectrum of things, feelings or goal. While a people pleaser's main thing, feeling or goal is to gain favour, positive feeling or be viewed pleasingly by the person.
Therefore people pleasers are a type of manipulators who specializes in that.
I knew I was manipulated from the year I met him (2019), I just do not highlight it nor mention it because I knew I already had feelings. I blamed it on that and my nativity. What I'm talking about? In 2019, I foolishly allowed certain physical actions from him that would sexually amplify my feelings for him during that time. Remember, before 2022 I only kissed a guy once and the only significant boyfriend was a long distance 5 year long foolishness where we never met until 2 years after. That means I had no physical knowledge, experience or intelligence on certain things. I literally was like a 14 year old in regard to certain experiences. I knew some things from dabbling in it with long distance guy. But the idea of something and it's affects and it actually being done to you is completely different things.
So while I was so focused on trying NOT to be a predator. I was being preyed on by a boy and his mother for YEARS.
(predators can come in any shape, age or form.)
Literally this dude was doing certain shit without my permission, tracing certain lines and attempting to invade certain spaces. To then reveal that he discovered these from reading certain book and learning certain things and was curiously testing them out on me like a fucking lab rat.
Then the year later (2020) I did not want to see it as what a friend was trying to show me, "his mom trying to secure a ticket/visa opportunity". So the person the asshole learned his mastery manipulation from was also manipulating me as well. Or his actions then an onwards. Whether withholding the truth so that he could people please and try to garner favour from me. Or making me the scapegoat when it all hit the fan. Gaslighting me about what went down. Doing all he can to garner favour from others as I look like a FUCKING fool.
I really do NOT like talking about it nor thinking about it. I didn't even care to share all that to garner support for my stance, decision and unwavering plan for his death.
I really do NOT want to have anything to do with him. So much so when I was so drowsy today. I shared it was from a bad decision (binge watch a show last night), which wasn't the true reason for my sleep deprived disposition. I still persisted that it is. Why? Because I do not want to discuss how God had me up the WHOLE NIGHT with NO SLEEP bringing back the soul-tied "marriage" shit the whole time. Something I I allowed to do in faith-ful obedience but I now regret nor want to admit.
I really am tired and OVER that shit with him, God and everything. I have not been this depressed about this in relation to that child in months. I can't wait for his death.
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Plus to his mother:
Just in case her appearance is not related to him but just missing our friendship. Especially, if she accept that he will do whatever he like and his consequence (death) is not hers and accepts that reality. Therefore poorly trying to rekindle a friendship. Once again and unwaveringly:
Because of 2 things:
Lack of an apology; has to be sincere and genuine
Lack of changed behaviour.
An apology without change behavior is a PERFORMANCE, also another form of MANIPULATION. Simply apologizing in hopes to garner favour and not actually stopping the harmful act. This means the intent was to selfishly gain what they, crave, want wish or miss. Not out of care for my feelings or the harm they caused. This means the harmful acts WILL return.
The appearance of changed behaviour without an apology is MANIPULATION. The behavioural changes are only in hopes it would garner favour and not because of sincerity of not wanting to hurt me. It is so they can selfishly get what they want, crave or missed. Not out of care. Care would be seen when a genuine apology is given. The apology would signify, that they care about my feelings and deeply do NOT intend to do so. This means the harmful acts MAY return.
If only one is given, I will see it, acknowledge it and stay FAR AWAY from the individual or demote them to acquaintance, if necessary.
ONLY when BOTH are given would the possibility of the relation status be restored.
(For her, that option only exist AFTER he's DEAD; which is soon)
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aspiestvmusings · 3 years
SPOILERS for WandaVision..up to ep 8
throughout WV & MCU: 
First look at Westview Wanda driving through WestView as she first arrives in reality - the town & the people seem in a non-happy state (people alone & depressed, town in ruins, she alone) in 1x08 flashback VS Wanda & Vision driving through WestView as they first arrive in the TV freality (everyone fake-happy & not alone, buildings & businesses flourishing  in 1x01
Wanda creating new "life" Wanda's birthing screams & energy spending: Wanda "giving birth" to Vision in ep 8 VS Wanda giving birth to the twins in ep 3. I feel like in a way her subconcious was reminding her of the "birthing pains"
Heart & abbreviating The heart drawn on the wall calendar on the date Friday, August 23rd was an abbreviation & was referring to Vision's boss & his wife coming to dinner in 1x01... when neither could remember the significance of the heart or date. Also... "Who needs to abbreviate?" (when theyre both superheroes) VS The heart Vision drew on the property deed of the land he bought for them. Next to the text "to grow old in" - V. (abbreviating his name) in the 1x08 flashback VS The heart on the calendar on the Date Wednesday the 10th in the opening credits for Wandas sitcom freality in 1x07 VS The heart on top of a building in the 1x02 episode sitcom intro
  Skeleton in the closet In 1x01 Vision tells his boss Mr. Hart that no, he does not have a skeleton, when he's asked if he has a skeleton in his closet VS In the 1x02 sitcom opening credits we see Vision go through walls & floor/ceiling. As he moves downstairs from the closet we see wht appears to be a spider & spiderweb there. And... bones.
Flourish! Vision as the magician Illusion using the phrase "fllourish!" for his magic tricks (that Agatha messes up & Wanda corrects) in the TV-freality in 1x02 VS Wanda after seing the state of the town & people (that to her seem like her own experience) making the place flourish (alive again)! 1x08 flashback
Stop it! Ms. Hart keeps saying "Stop it!" (with more & more concerned voice) as Mr. Hart chokes in 1x01 VS Wanda keeps saying "Stop it!" (with more & more concerned voice) when she sees Visions body being dismantled...like a machine in the 1x08 flashback.
  To grow old in... Vision's plan was for them to move from big city to a small town, build a house & start a family/life together. Grow old together (even if he as a synthezoid presumbly doesn't grow old like Wanda as human would. Though maybe his human form could & perhaps she as  Nexus being/witch can/will live for centuries..but they didn't know it back then?) as he had planned their life together in IW (making me suspicious if they got engaged or something...) as revealed in WV 1x08 flashback to the property deed that lead Wanda to WestView VS Wanda creating a sitcom world where decades change...she literally created an alternate reality where they live his plan for them..they grow old together..in a small town... as seen throughout the WV show...
  Watching sitcoms on TV: Wanda & Vision family watching TV  every night before going to bed in Wanda's TV freality on WV VS Wanda watching TV with her family in Sokovia - the last happy memory before trauma hit her (1x08 flashback scene) VS Wanda & Vision first bonding at the Avengers compound while watching TV together (1x08 flashback scene). He's learning "being human" with her help & she's learning about dealing with her trauma with his help.
  Traditional Sokovian greeting In 1x01 Vision saves the day by calling Wanda covering the bosses eyes with her hands " a traditional sokovian greeting" when she thinks she's welcoming her husband home VS in the 1x08  flashback to her childhood we see that her mother covers her eyes with her hands the same way. Yet another subconcious detail from her real life.
Made-up superhero names: Hayward asking JImmy in 105 is Wanda has an alias or nickname “No funny nickname?” VS in 1x08 Agatha giving her a “nickname/alias when she says "...and that makes you The Scarlett Witch" ... Only...in this context it seems more like  royal title than a superhero nickname.
Shakespeare Vision quoting Shakespeare in WV 1x02 VS Shakespeare mention related to Trevor Slattery in IM3
 Universe of Colour
The paint cans that Wanda & Vision use to paint the nursery in WV episode 1x03 are Simser brand (crew member), but they also feauture other text, like "universe of color"VS the colours of each charactes magic...will make up a whoe spectrum/rainbow...especially in finale battle...
All these colours combined...give you the colours of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)...so  do expect there to be a rainbow above WestView...at the end of WV, cause that would tie into the coours of the different magic + it never raining/always being sunny in sitcom reality as it does rain outside the reality...and the spectrum (Monica's powers) of colours of a rainbow appear to us when sunshine + rain are combined
Wanda's magic powers are red (like aether/reality stone...and she can warp reality, even though her powers were amplified by the yelllow mind stone).
Vision's magic powers are yellow (just like the Mind Stone that gave him life)
Monica's magic powers are blue ("thanks to her connection to Captain Marvel, who got her powers form the blue space stone?")
Agatha's powers are purple...with a bit of black mixed to it (like the power stone is...but she seems to absorb others powers that are other colour: the blue magic of the other witches in her coven & the red magic of Wanda's)
Billy's/Wiccan's powers are ???
Tommy's/Speed's powers are ???
Fietro's/Quicksilvers powers are ???
Dr.Strange's powers are orange (like the soul stone, even if his task is to protect the green time stone)
Dottie's colour is yellow...it seems...based on her flowers.
Mind-reading & Visions of the future/past Wanda reading Tony's mind in &  showing him a vision of the future trama...amplifying his deep fears about not being able to save the world & Ccommenting how she didnt need to do much, because he was so ful of self doubt, fear & all that.. in A2: AoU VS Agatha reading Wanda's mind & showing her visios of her past trauma...amplifying her deep sorrow & commenting how she is so full of self doubt & hope that it didnt take much to trick her with Fietro.... in WV 1x08
I just (can't) feel you
When the Mind Stone keeps "hurting" Vision, Wanda "reads the stones mind" says "I just feel you" to Vision in the beginning of A3:IF VS As Wanda is destroying the Mind Stone & Vision is dying, too, he tels her "You could never hurt me. I just feel you" at the end of A3:IW VS When Wanda is trying to connect to/with Vision on the table at SWORD, she cannot & she says "I can't feel you" in the 1x08 flashback scene.
Visions of the dead Wanda seeing Vision dressed as the WV character, but looking exactly like when he died in A3: IW w. the mindstone ripped out... in WV 1x0? VS Wanda seeing Fietro dressed as the WV character, but looking exactly like when he died in A2AoU w. the bulletholes in the shirt in WV 1x06 VS Peter seeing Tony as an Iron-Zombie rising from the grave in the illusion Mysterio created to play tricks on him in SM2: FFH
  Hammers Wanda giving Vision the meat tenderizer (it looks like a small hammer) & him holding it in WV ep 1x01 VS Vision lifting & giving Thor's hammer (Mjölnir) to Thor in A2: AoU
  Plants When Agnes introduces hersef to the new neighbours she brings a plants as a housewarming gift in WV episode 1x01 VS This is the first things that glitches in episode 1x07 as Wanda "loses control" of reality
The fallen pose Vision in A3: IW after Thanos killed him VS Vision in WV ep 1x06/1x07 after exiting the hex & faling apart VS Monica in WV ep 1x03 /1x04 after being thrown out from the hex VS Nat in A4:E after falling on Vormir...
Half of the universe When we see Wanda drive through Westview as she first arrives we see that she sees only half of the people - everyone she sees is alone... it's like half of the people are still missing (even if the blip happened & the missing are returned). Westview looks like the world during the 5 years she missed, half of everything gone, people missing their otehr half. This is excty how she is feeling & exactly what happened to her in A3: IW...Thanos first took half of her away by kiling Vision, and when she returned her world was still in the same state...she did not get the happy ending (that Tony talked about in his goodbye message & what the news report on screens...about happy family reunions)...her worls is still in ruins...figuratively & literally... as is WestView...at first glance...to her. The state of WV in the flashback represents the state of the universe during the five years she was gone.
  SNAP "Sugar Snaps" - the name of the breakfast cereal Wanda eats in 1x07 VS word SNAP is on a billboard for Lagos towels in WV 1x08 flashback VS  Thanos snapping his fingers in A3: IW & wiping half of he universe "out of existence" VS  Agnes snaps her fingers in 1x08 as the illusion fades..and she sits in audience VS Agens’ line “this menu can be done in a snap” in ep 1x01 
Life under a dome/hex (bubble): Wakanda is located inside a giant protective dome/bubble - an "invisible" energy field protects it & the barrier stops intruders VS Wanda creates a giant protective dome/bubble (hex-shaped) around WestView - an "invisible" energy field that stops people from entering or exiting...
STAGES OF GRIEF The show is abotu the past, and the future. About different realities. About grief, loss & moving on. About the stages of grief. If you pay attention  you can see references to eaach stage in Wanda’s behaviour throughout the episodes... 
10 = X The age when Wanda's powers manifested... probability hex...was age 10  VS When Billy & Tommys powers manifested... mind reading & speed they were 10 VS 10 = X (roman numerals) = X-gene (mutants)
Hero or Villain "Be good" - Vision to Wanda, WV 1x06 VS "I can be good" - Agatha & "No, you cannot" - Agatha's mom, WV 1x08 flashback
Wanda VS Tony "Don't let them make you the villain" - Monica & "Maybe I already am" - Wanda. WV 1x07 = The world sees Wanda as a villain (after Lagos, during the Hex), & she's struggled with this all her life. She is afraid of her own powers, just like regular people are. She doesn't fully understand them either. Vision was the only one who didn't see her as the villain. She is punishing herself for her mistakes. In many ways her backstory, and story arc, and mental state are very similar to Tony's. 
  Grief Monica & Wanda - their experiences are similar. Both blipped, lost loved one...twice. Both grieving... The way Monica describes the feeling she felt when under Wanda’s mind control = is the same as Wanda explained her feelings to Vision in the Flashback to Avengers compound “drowning...” 
Control vs Chaos Wanda can & does control everyone & everything within the hex, except: Vision (though she cerated him & he is essentially part of her, she can't control him), the Twins (she can't control them with her powers, and they have powers of their own, separate from hers and Visions), Fietro (who is under Agathas spell...in a way) & Agatha (who plays along), and later on Monica. Everything & everyone follows her script & directions...exctly, but not these superpowered individuals.
People think that order & chaos are opposites - Vision, A2: AoU
Wanda & Vision are connected in many ways. They've been connected even before they met. Both got powered up by the Mind Stone. Which awakened the magical powers in Wanda & gave life to Visions corporal form. They are also connected via Tony Stark: Wanda's trauma was caused by Tony's past mistakes & Vision's humanity was created by Tony’s attempts to build a better future. They are so much of the same MIND STONE. He's science & order and she's magic & chaos... two sides of the same thing... Vision started out as Jarvis & was supposed to be all about order (he started out as pure science...trech). Jarvis is in many ways Tony's best creation - he's all good. But Wanda is chaos..that she needs to learn to control (Agatha didn’t find a teacher, Wanda should...)
It’d be too long if I’d inlude also the commercials & the group chants “this is all for the children” (not expained yet, will be ...soon) So a lot is missing from this list... 
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Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool Review
Here I am once again listening to Radiohead’s discography. Following a beginner’s chart I found on Reddit, I saw A Moon Shaped Pool was the one to go with after Kid A if I wanted a “more orchestral”-sounding album, and pre-assuming from the many “Radiohead albums represented by *blank*” videos I saw, this one seemed to be about Thom’s divorce, and just really sad. I had high hopes, and am happy to say, came out of this fulfilled.
The most obvious characteristic to this album is how well composed it is. The band takes a deep dive into the orchestral elements in some of their most notable past tracks, with nearly every song in A Moon Shaped Pool boasting a gorgeous violin composition, backing pianos, and in a few welcome instances, chilling cellos. It sometimes feels as if the Jonny decided to make another film score, but this time the film is the band’s latest years, if that makes any sense.
The album is beautiful and extremely well layered, the songs seem to pull the listener’s arm and take them through beautiful landscapes of sound, and every one of them is unique; the vast white nothingness that comes to mind in Daydreaming, the sunny morning in a beach that forms around you as you listen to Desert Island Disk, or the gloomy, dystopian city Thom evokes in Glass Eyes, they never cease to amaze.
While the album does center around its orchestral instrumentation, it isn’t 100% a chamber pop album, as Radiohead’s more experimental, art-rock side comes to light in tracks such as the bossa nova inspired and personal favorite of mine, Present Tense, the heavy, droning but rhythmic Ful Stop, featuring some of the band’s most impressive instrumental works in the record, with its dynamic guitars and special focus on Phil’s masterful drumming to tie the song together. The more rock-oriented songs Identikit ­– transcending into this nice little passage of gentle synths over Thom’s distant falsetto vocals (“Broken hearts make it rain”) - and the later half of Decks Dark are as effective as ever, even if more toned down and spaced-out than the usual.
A Moon Shaped Pool is beautiful, atmospheric, at times tense, but above all, it is introspective, because describing a Radiohead album as “depressing” may sound redundant, and a handful of songs throughout are actually very hopeful and uplifting. But this record’s vibe swallows itself in its self-reflection. It isn’t flashy, it isn’t wild, it lays back into comfortable acoustic beauty and occasional electronic-ambient flavoring. At its most folk-inspired and cheerful, the band sings of climate change in The Numbers, with its pretty, albeit simplistic lyrics and composition; Buddhist values and perhaps mindfulness in Present Tense, coated by some of Thom’s greatest vocals in the record; and finding a light at the end of the tunnel in Desert Island Disk. On the other end of the spectrum, Daydreaming, Decks Dark and Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief are ambient-inspired hopeless anthems, with lyrics such as “Dreamers, they never learn, (...) beyond the point of no return. (...) Then it’s too late, the damage is done.”, followed by a verse which seems to describe Radiohead’s creative process from a white room with a window, in real barebones style. Then come the reversed vocals hinting at Thom’s separation (“Half of my life”); and I don’t think I would be able to mention the dread that surrounds Decks Dark and do it justice, with how in-your-face the sadness in this track is.
The previously mentioned Tinker Tailor song features odd, nature-inspired lyrics that I myself can’t quite understand the meaning of. “The one you light your fires to keep away” is not explicitly revealed in the song: could it be depression? A formless menace? Aging? I personally don’t know, and maybe it’s best I don’t. It leaves the song open for interpretation.
I can’t help but feel Burn the Witch feels a little out of place in the tracklist, even though it serves as a considerably good intro. It’s a weird feeling I have with it, as it feels a bit too upbeat and boisterous for the album, but at the same time, setting it apart from the other tracks also works in its favor. In any way, it isn’t amongst my favorites, but I can appreciate it, with its intense violins, unforgettable lyrics and terrifying ending.
It wouldn’t be right to talk about this album without mentioning True Love Waits, a legendary Radiohead song, unreleased for years until now; the song is older than me, and since I’m just becoming a fan, I unfortunately don’t have an emotional attachment to this song like countless others. However, it is very nice that the band decided to insert this song into this album and I can see how much that might mean to others, not only for its history and how much the band progressed, but also for the raw beauty of the song, being dubbed the “saddest Radiohead song” by the Sporify API, fitting perfectly within A Moon Shaped Pool, especially as the closer to such an emotionally charged album.
Overall, I feel the album has a good concept and an amazing execution, sacrificing experimentation and the bold, alien directions some Radiohead projects would take, for a mellow experience that sits comfortably within the band’s talents and lyrical themes. The listener leaves the album in a much more introspective state than when they entered, and none of the tracks seem to derail the scenic, brilliantly put-together trajectory. I’m not as passionate about this album as I am with Kid A, or Souvlaki, which I’ve covered here, but I find comfort in this album, and I’ll never forget it.
 FAVORITE TRACKS: Daydreaming, Desert Island Disk, Ful Stop, Glass Eyes, Present Tense, True Love Waits
LEAST FAVORITE TRACKS: Identikit, if you put a gun to my head and asked for one.
“As my world comes crashing down, I’ll be dancing, freaking out, deaf, dumb and blind.”
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halloweentv · 7 years
Netflix and chills!
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Celebrate Halloween on Netflix! Below is a list of Halloween themed shows and movies available on Netflix streaming that you can play for Halloween! Enjoy!
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Stranger Things
S1 After a game of D and D with his friends Will disappears. His friends try to find him but instead find a mysterious girl
Takes place during Halloween and the boys dress as the ghostbusters. 
Supernatural S4 It’s the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester” Investigating two mysterious deaths in a small town, Sam and Dean discover a witch is sacrificing people to summon a dangerous demon. 
S8 “The One with the Halloween Party” At Monica’s Halloween party, Phoebe becomes attracted to her two sister’s fiancé.
S5 “Halloween” Niles hosts a Halloween party for the Library Association where the guests dress as literary characters.
S9 “Room full of heroes” Frasier has a Halloween party and asks his guests to dress as their heroes. 
American Horror Story
S1 “Halloween Part 1 & 2″ the ghosts can leave the house on halloween night. Tate runs into some ghosts from his past. S3 “Fearful Pranks Ensue” the witches raise the dead on Halloween S4 “Edward Mordrake Part 1 & 2″ the freaks don’t want to perform on halloween in fear of a ghost coming to visit.
Freaks and Geeks “Tricks and Treats” - Lindsay spends Halloween making mischief with her new friends while Sam goes trick or treating even though he’s in High School now.
Parenthood S2 “Orange Alert” The Bravermen’s gear up to celebrate their favorite holiday, Halloween! Max wants to go trick or treating for the first time, so his parents do their best to prepare him for the night, since he is on the spectrum.
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Parks and Recreation S2 “Greg Pikitis” Leslie enlists the help of Dave and Andy in order to catch a local teen vandal. Meanwhile, Ann struggles to make her Halloween party fun and gets help from an unlikely source. S4 “Meet n Greet” Ben is mad when Andy and April decide to throw a Halloween party at their house without asking him. Tom emcees an event for Leslie’s campaign but manages to also promote his company. Meanwhile, Ron and Ann give Andy and April an unusual wedding present.
13 Reasons Why
“Tape 2 Side B” Its Halloween in the present and Clay strikes back at someone who wronged Hannah. In the past Hannah thinks someone is stalking her. 
S2 “Trick or Techrat” Jem and friends encounter spooky mishaps while preparing an old opera house for a Halloween concert
Fuller House
S2 “Curse of Tanner Manor” DJ attempts to throw the scariest Halloween party for Max. Stephanie works as a zombie at a haunted house.
Star Trek TOS
S2 “Catspaw” Kirk and the crew land on a planet with a spooky castle and witches.
Pac’s Scary Halloween
Sinister Dr. Pacenstein schemes to swap bodies with Pac during a Halloween party.
Pac Man and the Ghostly Adventures
S1 “A Berry Scary Night”  Count Pacula attempts to drain the last yellow orb in Pac World on Halloween night. 
S2 “The Shadow of the were-pac” Pac and his friends are confronted by spooky space ghost pirates. 
The Real Ghostbusters
S1 “When Halloween was forever” An ancient spirit shows up in New York to make Halloween last forever. And Frankenstein is groovin!
S2 “Halloween II ½” While everyone is trick or treating on Halloween Sam Hain escapes.
S4 “The Halloween Door” Crowley wants to end Halloween once and for all and does so even without the help of the ghost busters. 
Cult of Chucky
Chucky has some scores to settle with some old enemies.
Young Frankenstein
In this pitch perfect parody, the grandson of the infamous Dr. Frankenstein follows in his footsteps and creates a monster and puts on the ritz!
Tales of Halloween
Anthology series of shorts set on Halloween. Including trick or treating aliens and kidnappers in way over their heads.
Mr. Young
S3 “Mr. Candy” The gang are hungover from too much candy the previous night and struggle to put together the events from Halloween.
S3 “Fairy tales can come true” Cliff meets the woman of his dreams at the bar on Halloween night but is afraid of meeting her when he’s not in costume. 
S10 “Bar Wars V: The Final Judgement” Sam’s latest trick may have killed Gary, but is it really Gary who is playing the trick on Sam?
Charmed S3 “All Halliwell’s Eve” The sister’s go to the 1600’s to save a witch and her baby
Family Guy S9 “Halloween on Spooner Street” Stewie’s candy is stolen by bullies
F is for Family
S1 F is for Halloween” Frank secretly torpedoes Sue’s shot at a real job and a bully leaves Bill afraid to don his costume.
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How I met Your Mother S1 “Slutty Pumpkin” Ted holds out hope of seeing the Slutty Pumpkin, a girl he met at a Halloween before. S7 “The Slutty Pumpkin Returns” Ted finally meets the slutty pumpkin again.
Girl Meets World
S1 “Girl Meets World of Terror″ Augie hosts scary Halloween tales and meets a monster under his bed.
S2 “Girls Meets World of Terror 2″ Riley and Maya discover the ghost a flapper living in the bay window. 
S3 “Girl Meets World of Terror 3″ Augie does a scary time theater and shows what the world would be like if Riley and Maya never became friends. 
Power Rangers S1 “Trick or Treat” Kimberly goes on a Halloween game show…cuz those exist. S1 “Life’s a Masquerade” Isn’t set on Halloween but has a cool Frankenstein monster in it. and costumes. S2 “Zedd’s Monster Mash” Tommy faces some real Halloween monsters after he’s kidnapped by Goldar. 
Power Rangers Samurai “Party Monsters” and “Trickster Treat”
Power Rangers Megaforce “Raising Spirits” 
Power Rangers Dino Charge “The Ghostest with the Mostest” and in Dino Super Charge “Trick or Trial”
Dreamworks Spooky Stories “Scared Skrekless” Shrek and Co tell scary stories “Monsters vs Aliens Mutant pumpkins” Ginormica and co battle mutant pumpkins! Dreamworks Spooky Stories Vol. 2 “Monsters Vs Aliens: night of the Living Carrots” Picks up right after the previous special Also included another MVA short, Megamind, and Shrek.
From R.L. Stine: Monsterville A group of kids find out a haunted maze at the carnival is more realistic than they thought.
Mostly Ghostly 3
As Max tries to help his ghost pals Nicky and Tara find their parents, he stumbles on an enchanted crystal–and an evil new plot by Phears. 
Good show for the season but the Halloween episodes in particular are S5 “The Haunted Mask” Carly Beth’s scary mask begins to change her. S5 “The Haunted Mask 2” A boy’s creepy Halloween mask won’t come off and begins to harm him. S2 “Attack of the Jack O'Lanterns” Jack O‘Lantern aliens terrorize some trick or treaters. 
Goosebumps Movie
A teen moves to a new town and falls for the girl next door but soon finds out her dad is R.L. Stine and his book characters become all too real. 
The Haunting Hour series
Another good show for the season. The halloween episode is S2 “Pumpkinhead” - a group of siblings fear the legend of a farmer who takes kids heads and turns them into pumpkins.
————- Glee S2 the class attempts to out on a performance of Rocky Horror for Halloween. 
New Girl S2 “Halloween” Jess gets hired as a zombie at a haunted house. S3 “Keaton” Jess hosts a Halloween party and a Michael Keaton batman costume helps cheer up Schmidt. Spooky Buddies The buddies encounter the Halloween Hound and evade an evil sorceror on Halloween night. . Louie S3 “Halloween/Ellie” Louie takes his daughters trick or treating and encounter some punks.
Malcolm in the Middle S2 “Halloween Approximately” -Malcolm and his brothers build the ultimate stealth weapon. S7 “Halloween” - Reese and Dewey evade an old man they egged while Loos tries to get out of work so she can trick or treat. 
My Babysitter’s a Vampire S2  "Halloweird" In a total “not rip off” of Buffy, a mask makes people turn into real-life versions of their costumes.
The Vampire Diaries S1 “Haunted” Matt takes Vicky to a haunted hous ebut the night takes a terrifying turn
That 70’s Show S2 “Halloween” The gang visit their old burnt down school while Kitty remincies about their first Halloween in the house. S3 “Too Old to Trick or Treat, Too young to Die” A Halloween episode filled with parodies of Alfred Hitchcock movies: “Rear Window”, “Vertigo”, “The Birds”, “North By Northwest” and “Psycho”.
CSI Miami “By the Book” A body is found that appears to have had the blood drained by a Vampire
Bones “Mummy in the Maze” A mummy found in a Halloween maze leads to an investigation. Bones has a Wonder-ful costume!
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The Office S2 Halloween Downsizing leads corporate headquarters to order Michael to fire somebody by the end of October. Michael procrastinates until Halloween, when he still has not decided whom to fire. When he decides to fire Creed, Creed manages to convince Michael to fire Devon. S6 Koi Pond While on the way to a business meeting, Michael falls into a koi pond. The staff tease him so he holds an anti-bullying seminar. Pam and Andy go cold-calling to stir up some new business; they reluctantly use clients’ mistaking them as a couple to their advantage. S7 Costume Contest Michael freaks out when Darryl goes over his head by taking an idea to corporate. The employees partake in a Halloween costume contest in the office. Meanwhile, Pam tries to get the truth from Danny about their dating history. S8 Spooked Erin works to make a spooky, non-childish Halloween party, with help from Gabe. Dwight becomes friends with Robert’s son, and Pam and Jim debate the existence of ghosts. Meanwhile, Robert tries to figure out everyone’s deepest fears in order to culminate a ghost story.
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia S6 “Who got Dee Pregnant” The gang think back to their Halloween party to figure out who got Dee pregnant.
Pretty Little Liars S2 “The First Secret” in a flashback some backstory to the mystery of A is revelaed. S3 “This is a Dark Ride” The girls get aboard the Rosewood ghost train S4 “Grave New World” A clue suggests that Ali may still be alive so they crash a cemetery party to find her.
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globalsource-blog · 7 years
Global Source meets Mayday
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Following on from last week’s post, where Global Source caught up with the girls of B.L.O.O.M. ahead of their debut night at Soup Kitchen, this week we continue our series on Manchester nightlife with an interview with Tom from Mayday, a collaborative project between two well-established names on the Manchester scene: CULT and Ossia. This Saturday at Hidden they’re hosting what looks set to be a pretty outstanding showcase of cutting-edge electronic music, with a serious roster of talent from the celebrated R&S Records, and none other than Talaboman (John Talabot and Axel Boman) headlining. Read on to find out about what it takes to throw a rave in a skatepark, the challenges of making high-end bookings as an independent promoter, and what to expect from Mayday in the coming months.
Global Source: First things first, for those unaware of what you guys are up to, can you describe Mayday in your own words? What’s it all about, and what’s the link with Ossia and CULT?
Tom from Mayday: Mayday is a collaboration between Ossia and CULT. It’s simply the joined forces of the brands. It’s opened up new possibilities for us in terms of bookings, both financially as well as by combining our roster of residents. We’re taking Mayday in a different direction from the other two brands, which tend to focus on more intimate gigs in medium-sized venues, usually showcasing 1 or 2 artists. Mayday on the other hand is all about collaboration with organisations, labels and collectives, really trying to provide some of Manchester’s most top end nightlife. Our show with Dimensions last year was a lot of fun and an amazing opportunity to bring high-calibre artists the likes  of Daniel Avery to Manchester.  
GS: Cool – nice to see a full-on long-term collaboration between the two crews. Having more of you involved must make it a little easier on the wallet to make those higher-end bookings… Does it also make it harder to agree on a lineup? What’s the decision-making process like?
TfM: The costing is definitely eased by the number in the group, sure, but it doesn’t detract from the huge risk we put on ourselves for every show! The lineup process is always a tricky one but thankfully we’re all extremely passionate about the music and appreciate artists from across the spectrum of the dance scene. There’s rarely a suggestion that gets completely shut down because ultimately we’d love to have everyone play for us. Most of the time the main restriction is availability and the booking costs of the artists, we may agree on a 5 stage contingency of acts we want and get in touch with them all, only to find out that they’re all booked, taking the month off, or tied up in something else. Finding a solution is one of the fun bits though, trying to work out who would fit with who, whether they played too recently or too near, all these things come into play.
GS: So back in June you guys hosted an event at Manchester’s Projekts skatepark, where you had Mall Grab and Shanti Celeste play. How did that event come about? I saw some pretty funny video of people who’d had a few too many trying to negotiate a quarter pipe – did you have to do a risk assessment?
TfM: We scouted out the skatepark because we saw that UKF had done an event there a couple of years back. It looked like a wicked event so we got in touch and they were fortunately interested in having us in. They have to get a TEN [Temporary Event Notice] to have an event there but even with that we got the council coming over an hour before the licence expired telling us to pull the plug. Luckily we managed to pull a filibuster and sweet talked them for the hour so that we didn’t have to shut down before Mall Grab finished! The venue was covered with a risk assessment already but we had to take out insurance in case anyone did bail on the quarter pipe while trying to backside blunt and split their chin open. Luckily everyone partied *fairly* sensibly and we didn’t have any issues. There’s always an element of mutual trust when holding events like that, and with a crowd who are there for the music not because they’re at “UNAYYY” and love chanting about the most recent footballer caught up in a controversy we were alright.
GS: I’m sure you heard about the recent controversy caused by Jeremy Underground’s agent threatening to bite someone if they didn’t book a 5 star hotel with a gym and sauna for his client. If you don’t mind, I’d like to get your take on it – should top DJs feel entitled to a post-set spa session? Is there anyone you guys rate highly enough that you’d pay for their sauna to get them on the bill?
TfM: To be honest most tier 1 artists require 5* hotels with room service, wifi, leisure facilities, all expenses covered, upmarket dinner, excessive riders etc. It doesn’t come as any surprise to me that JU asked for those extra facilities because as he said, he had a very busy week of shows. That said we’re always careful to read the contract beforehand to know exactly what we’re getting ourselves into. Everything is negotiable, so as long as you don’t blindly sign bits of paper you should know what to expect. Changing agreements last minute on the other hand isn’t okay. It’s a bit of a confusing situation and it seems that the agent and the promoters were both slightly in the wrong - Jeremy offered to pay for it all himself so in my eyes he wasn’t being out of order. Personally I’d let Dixon have my house keys, all of my savings, any current girlfriends, my watch and my best pair of shoes because I think he is an absolute god. Whether I speak for the rest of the Mayday team is another question but he holds a special place in my heart!
GS: While we’re on the subject of big bookings, at this time of year as we all know it’s Warehouse Project season. Obviously they’ve elevated the standing of Manchester’s club scene on the world stage as a heavyweight contender, but some feel they’re unfairly monopolizing the market. As a smaller outfit, what do you feel are the pros and cons of the WHP brand?  
TfM: I remember a great piece of convo I had with Toby who was the original Ossia don, saying that he didn't mind WHP before this year because as much as they got most of the huge names they tended to leave a decent gap for more niche artists. This year they've just snapped up so many acts we wanted to book who we thought were a little more under the radar. So, kudos to them for improving the programming but also, rahhhhhhh. It's the exclusivity contracts that grind our gears – it takes away so many options for booking talent we truly love and who would provide a totally different show in a smaller venue that wouldn’t detract from Warehouse Project’s ticket sales. But there you go, they operate like a business whereas a lot of promoters do it for the love of the scene.  I can't help but thank them for making the Manchester nightlife so revered, no doubt they're a credit to the city and the scene as well as a pain in the arse. I remember my friends travelling from down south to attend WHP a few years back and it’s always drawn people to Manchester. I’d love to see them find a better venue because I’ve definitely fallen out of love with Store Street, but maybe I take that back because it might make our lives even harder!
GS: Yeah it’s definitely a tough one, hard to argue with the lineups they put together but seeing the corporatisation of the “underground” music scene does leave a sour taste in the mouth. Anyway, enough party politics for now. Let’s get to the matter at hand – this Saturday!  You guys are bringing the legendary R&S Records to Hidden. It’s a hell of a lineup, with Talaboman headlining, and you’ve even arranged an in-store pre-party with Space Dimension Controller at Eastern Bloc Records. How are you guys feeling about it? Looks set to be a night to remember…  
TfM: Safe to say we’ve all been absolutely buzzing for this show ever since we got the go ahead from R&S. They’re a household name in the dance music scene and have proved time and time again that venturing into the unknown and embracing diversity in your taste creates a successful following. Their roster of artists is so impressive and we’re blessed to have Paula Temple, SDC and Renaat. Paula especially has been on our watchlist for a while, and ever since Ossia had SDC do a DJ set a couple of year back we’ve been gagging to see him perform live! Talaboman as the special guest was a no brainer for us - since the two heavyweights joined forces we’ve all been drooling over the prospect of seeing them play together. The fact we’ve got them on a line up is a dream come true. Excitement in the Mayday camp is second to none and we just hope that everyone who plans on joining us brings immense energy and we have a proper party!
GS: I have no doubt that’s what it’ll be. Tom, thanks for your time, and all the best for Saturday night and the year to come – can’t wait to hear what’s next on the Mayday Agenda. Any clues as to what that might be?
TfM: I can't give too much away yet but we've got something special lined up for next may… think Bongos Bingo and Schloss!
There are still a few tickets available for Saturday night, go cop right here.
Check out the videos below for a hint of what you can expect music-wise on the night:
Talaboman - Loser’s Hymn
Space Dimension Controller @ Dekmantel 2017
Paula Temple - Ful (R&S)
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