#but I put a lot of energy in the maintenance of this laptop and I'm losing patience
thunderboltfire · 3 months
I've tried to run BG2 again (I need to finish my modded playthrough) and my laptop is in such a bad state it prectically lags BG2. BG2, which could be run on a determined microwave, on a laptop that has 8GB of RAM! It is heavily used and it has a lot of apps, but I've uninstalled everything I didn't use and cleaned the registry awhile ago. I suspected the antivirus, but the system manager shows it actually doesn't consume a lot of resources. It's not the disk space, since it's got plenty. It turns out it uses 100% of its disk all the time, and the main culprits seems to be.... *drum roll* system and Windows telemetry service! I now have to spend the evening elbows deep in frankly confusing system settings to find a way to turn the telemetry service off, and it may or may not improve the situation.
Once I finish this playthough, I'm definitely switching the laptop to Unix.
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Imagine being the Avengers weapon expert and Kate crushing on you
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"Come on Yelena just let me borrow them just this once" Kate pleaded with the blonde.
"No way Kate Bishop you have your arrows, and I have my cool gadgets. Besides I just got my widow bites fixed, and y/n will kill me if I let you break them. On your little kiddie mission" Yelena replied lining up her shot with the dummy a couple of feet away.
Kate was about to plead her case even more but Yelena fired off a small stream of red energy out of her widow bite. The energy strike flew across the training room creating a low whistle sound, and tore right through the dummy's chest. Leaving behind a small gaping hole with little flames.
"Woah I don't remember those things being that deadly" Kate exclaimed.
"It's new y/n did some major upgrades to all of my gadgets. She's going to work on my suit next" Yelena told her with a satisfied smirk.
"No way do you think she could do mine, wait who's y/n?"
Yelena turned to the archer with her eyebrows raised. "Kate Bishop please tell me you're joking."
Kate shook her head making a get on with it motion with her hands, and frowned when the blonde burst into laughter instead.
"Yelena come on don't keep her to yourself. I need cool tech especially trick arrows I lost three on my last mission. I'm down to my last four and Clint says he can't make more."
"If anybody going to want to keep her to themselves. It's you I can't believe you don't know the name of the girl. You've been pining after since we got here" Yelena chuckled.
Kate's eyes widened as she realized just exactly who Yelena was talking about. Four months ago Natasha brought her and Yelena to the new Avengers headquarters to give them a tour. Yelena convinced her it would be a good idea to go off and explore on their own. Maria wasn't going to show them the cool rooms was the blonde's main selling point. And it worked eventually they were able to sneak off while her older sister was busy with a fellow agent.
They were wandering around the halls going into rooms that weren't locked, and picking the ones that could be picked. So far they hadn't found anything interesting just a maintenance room, a few offices, training rooms, and some bedrooms. Kate was ready to call it quits when they finally came upon a lab. Where the doors automatically opened for them revealing a workspace filled with not only chemical experiments. But robotic parts and a wall filled with weapons of all kind.
Yelena's eyes lit up with joy as she made a beeline for the wall. Kate stumbled upon a workstation covered in papers and an open laptop. The schematics were designs for weapons and gadgets in development, and she couldn't help but be intrigued by some of them.
"Hey Kate Bishop check this out" Yelena called out to her.
Kate turned around to see Yelena holding up a black slim and long gun built like a speargun. Her finger was resting on the trigger and it was aimed right at the doors. "Yelena no put that down we have no idea what it does."
"I know that's why I want to take it outside and test it out. Don't worry I'm way too talented with guns to set it off."
The only problem was that was no ordinary gun. It was prototype for some new motion activated weapons you were working on at the time, and it had a lot of kinks that needed to be worked out. Her finger moving away from the trigger was enough to set it off. The side of gun lit up blue and before either of them could do anything. The gun went off releasing a huge blast of blue energy that collided with the doors. Blowing up the entrance and sent both of them flying back. Kate's body was thrown over into a table before she rolled over onto the floor. Yelena slammed into the wall behind her and slumped down.
It's safe to say the blast alerted everyone in the building. Alarms went off but lucky for them you were the first one to reach your lab. Terrified an agent in training had then gone and killed themelves playing around with your work. You pulled your jacket up and over your face to keep the smoke away. The wreckage wasn't too bad considering the surroundings walls were built to withstand a lot of damage. It was the glass doors that were blown to pieces you stepped around it carefully.
"Hey anyone in here if yes please be okay and alive" You shouted. Eyes scanning the lab for any sign of life. Kate let out a groan as she finally started to come to, and you rushed over to her side.
"Hey you don't look familiar you must be new." You threw one of arms around your shoulder and helped her get to her feet. Her body was hurting everywhere but the worst of her injuries was the bleeding cut on her forehead.
"Yel where is Yelena? Is she okay" was the only words to leave her mouth. She was still a bit out of it probably from hitting her head hopefully it was just a concussion. You led her over to a chair and she sat down. Her head leaning back against the cushion "I'm sorry this was an accident. She thought it looked cool" she murmured.
"It's okay mistake happen I've blown up my fair share of labs" You replied with a small smile. Her eyes opened for a few seconds but that was enough for Kate to see your face, and her heart warmed at your smile. "I gotta go help your friend and don't worry about any of this. I'll tell Nat one of my new grenades went off unexpectedly."
Natasha did show up at the lab not too long after you got Yelena up. Somehow you managed to get them out of sight, and told her your story about the grenade. She believed the story considering it was common thing that happened in your lab. Which is why your lab was made out of such strong material, but when she questioned you about. Two young women a blonde, and a dark haired one you shook your head denying seeing either of them.
Afterwards once they finally recovered enough to sneak away Kate and Yelena decided to thank you before leaving. You were hunched over a table with the same gun. Yelena had set it off just a few hours earlier.
Kate hovered behind Yelena nervously eyes filled with awe watching you work. It was the blonde who spoke up first "hey science girl thank you for hiding us, and saving our asses. We owe you one."
You looked up at them with a smirk. "Hey it's no problem and for future references if you ever want to test something out. All you gotta do is ask most people around here are too scared to even touch anything I'm working on before it's finished."
"Sounds like a plan we'll see you in-
At that moment Natasha rounded the corner with her hands on her hips and a stern look on her face. "Well well look who finally turned up."
Yelena let out a nervous chuckle before taking off leaving Kate behind staring at you. Natasha chased after her little sister cursing at you for lying to her.
"There's a secret door in the left corner over there" You told Kate nudging your head in the direction. "I suggest you get out of here before she comes back."
"What about Yelena?" Kate asked speaking to you for the first time.
"I'm pretty sure she'll find her own way out if Nat doesn't catch her first. I gotta make some major modifications to this so I'll see you around Kate."
That was her first and only meeting with you because Kate was way too nervous to go return to that lab. For any reason but Yelena visited you multiple times on a daily basis to help you with your weapons, and even brainstorm new ideas. Sometimes the blonde would just keep you company while you worked especially when you pulled all-nighters.
"Her name is y/n y/l/n and she asks me about you sometimes. You should go see her especially if you need cooler arrows" Yelena encouraged her.
"Wait what does she ask about me?" Kate demanded grabbing both of Yelena's shoulders and shaking her.
"I'm not telling you're going to have to ask her for yourself" Yelena said.
"Come on that's not fair tell me."
"No it's time for you to woman up and go talk to her."
"I don't want to woman up."
"Well then I guess you'll have cool weapons or suit. Now leave me alone I got more practicing to do." Yelena told her pulling away from Kate's grip so she could focus on her new widow bites again.
Kate let out a whine knowing that she was truly on her own with you now. It wouldn't be too bad because she really did need new arrows, and you were her only hope on that end. So in all truth Kate didn't have a choice but to muster up some confidence and go ask for that at least.
The lights in your lab was off when she stopped later that night, and Kate let out a frustrated groan. You had probably retired to your room for the night meaning she would have to come back tomorrow. But then just as she turned away to leave her ears picked heard a pen tapping. Kate walked closer to the doors to get a better look, and there you were sitting at a workstation with a notebook and laptop in front of you. Your hair was pulled up into a messy bun and your face was scrunched up in slight irritation. You were adorable and perfect.
Before she could chicken out again the doors slid open, and she stumbled forward with a yelp. Kate threw her hands out desperately trying to find something to stop her from falling. Lucky for her there was chair within reach but now you not only knew she was there, but she had nearly face planted in front of you.
Kate fixed herself and looked up to see you gazing at her in with an amused smile. "Um hi I'm Kate."
You shook your head chuckling "hey Kate do you want to sit and talk? Yelena told me you would me be stopping by."
Taglist: @wandanatvoid @yelenabelovasgf @romanoffomixam @xxromanoffxx @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @mellowladyangel @shayzulia @musicinourlips @cyberbonesworld @natashasilverfox @jokertgkk @be-missed
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neooji-blog · 5 years
Another point of view in sexy killers documentaries
Who has watched #sexykillers documentaries on youtube? I bet, all of you are in an anger emotion. Yes, I'm also emotional. But, let me show you a little bit different perspective. This thought made me ridiculed by capitalists, but we need to understand the reality, before we can think about and propose solutions. In a super-super simplified manner, the conclusion of #sexykillers documentaries are: 1. Industry and coal business could damage a nature. 2. Both of candididate from election, although promising "Indonesia is better" have a stake in this business. 3. Whose victim? yes, we the little people again. 4. All "political elites" seem to not concern this problem. Most, talk about it but not full with urgency. Why? Because “the cuan” can be threatened. 5. 6. 7. 8. etc. please add, but the point is to make some people even want to be abstentions. Come see the other side First side: ENERGY Yes, what else do you do? From the start of the film, it's been mentioned about the electricity that we use: what is the wattage of this tools, what is the wattage of that and so on. There are not many renewable energy sources in Indonesia. As far as I know, new renewable energy exists in wind power plants and some solar panels in scale are not very big. The rest? PLTA, PLTU. What PLTU uses? Coal!!!! Other power plants as if they have not been seen in Indonesia. Geothermal, waves, nuclear, etc. Whatever the reason, the energy source has not been able to develop in Indonesia. The reason? technical, safety, and finally profitability. Which ultimately leads to the next point of view. Second side: IT'S A BUSINESS !!! Supply and demand are the keywords here. 1. Why are many power plants built? yes because the demand is high. The village needs to be illuminated, the factory needs to produce, your cellphone needs to be charged, your laptop too. There are 250 million + souls who need electricity. 2. Why should coal be used? isn't there a lot of energy? Now, this is what makes you feel good. Vicious circle. Want to implement energy sources (solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal, etc.) NOT EASY. Even if it works, it's not easy! Starting from research, the feasibility study, engineering, construction, until the distribution is not an easy thing. I have had discussions with friends who are majoring in geophysics. He said, to make a 1 estimate geothermal power plant really needed 1 trillion rupiah. With a success ratio of approximately 50%, the output is not necessarily as good as other power plants, and the maintenance is EXPENSIVE Meanwhile, we are middle class, which is arguably the most energy-consuming, when the price of electricity goes up complaining and protesting Yes, if you want cheap prices, you can't make other energy sources for thrive We put aside our emotions first. I know that we are all hurt that we see the fishermen who were evicted in Batang. But now, our emotions get rid of first. Imagine you are a business owner. For example, if one of the political elites has a coal business, they want to build a power plant Freeing the land, permits, tendering, and so on has come out in tens or even hundreds of billions, and then the locals know about your project, threatening its sustainability. While you have signed a contract here and there, there are also many parties who have signed and have already invested their money in you The picture is if the project has such a large scale, just a one-week delay can make a billion-scale loss. Not yet local thugs, unscrupulous officers etc. As a businessman, what would you do? Cancel the out of conscience project? Follow conscience? Nope, you will find a way to minimize losses. One of the easiest and cheapest ways (I know, it's sickening) is to pay the apparatus or pay thugs to evict the area. Evil? Yes, but this business is the right thing to do, because: 1. You save money, you can save tens of billions 2. You saved your company from a bad reputation 3. You might save your employees from unemployment Without making emotions and sentiments, 3 was enough to be an excuse against "several hundred local residents" who don't benefit your business on a business basis Still connecting to the point that this is a business, there is another point of view: THIS IS A WORK FIELD! If I admit, which engineering graduate doesn't have a dream of working in the mining and energy sector? Big salary, okay facilities. Well, this is the dark side of the job that you dreamed of. Welcome to the real world And back to supply and demand, there is a lot of labor supply in this sector. Demand in terms of energy needs is a lot. It's the match. If we just want to stop coal activities (oil palm, oil and other activities that destroy nature), imagine how many hundred thousand people lose their jobs? Okay the last side I want to discuss is an old issue. Corrupt systems and politicians. Ideally, businesses that exploit nature should have been designed and equipped with natural recovery efforts. For example, cutting down the forest will be reforested. After mining, the hole is closed Take for example Sweden. One of the biggest natural products is timber (wood), but Sweden's forests from the past until now are relatively maintained and sustainable. Why? yes because the recovery effort is good. Now back to Indonesia ... Which businessman wants to get a fee, let's say 20 billion to cover mine quarries? Or which entrepreneurs "want to be patient" don't profit for 15 years until the forest begins to recover? While the price can't be defeated by competitors and bills here and there must be paid? Up a little, the people protested. Until here, how come the problem is complex? Bear with me, this rant is about to end Okay. Let's skip to the solution. What is the solution if you like this? Yes, there is no single solution. We need to look at the nature of humans and business. 1. Humans are willing to change if he believes the "change" he has to do can bring him more profit. 2. Businesses want to change if there are regulations that force (and enforce) and / or if the changes make them more profitable (decrease the cost or increase revenue) We must find a solution that can accommodate: 1. The risk of entrepreneurs losing / not profitable with "not damaging" and "not displacing" 2. Even if there is, usually not for a moment -> How can people be displaced and the damaged nature can be accommodated until the change is realized Sadly, overseas graduates with fancy majors are "Renewable energy", "Sustainability", and many of them even work in corporations that have nothing to do with their majors, even in companies that in quotes destroy nature. I won't judge. I know looking for a job is not easy. But I hope their enthusiasm during college is still there. Maybe they (and we too!) Must start thinking and groping how to in the near future, we can fulfill our energy demand, without over-damaging nature and without sacrificing the small people How to do? Yes, our heavy duty Gen X, Millennial, Gen Z. Aside from working and raising money, let's learn about renewable energy, how to exploit natural resources that are not too damaging to nature, and most importantly how can this be profitable without having to sacrifice people We already know the system is screwed up. Instead of "Ah, I'm a golput", I strongly suggest that we really learn so that in the future there won't be any other sexy killers documentary about Indonesia. Do your thing. This will not be profitable, it can even be dangerous. But if we are moved by conscience, let's start looking for ways to fight. We must learn renewable energy and its implementation. Study business. Learn and jump into the political arena and other learning. I know the work is tired. The lecture was tired, taking care of the family was hectic. But still, we need to do this. 1 Elon Musk who works 100 hours per week for 20 years can establish SpaceX, Tesla, and others. Imagine that in the next 20 years we work 60 hours a week (20 hours outside working hours) to learn to make Indonesia better, then multiplied by the number of us who care (how many? 1000? 2000? Million?) Imagine the changes we can bring Keep up the spirit, guys! In the meantime, instead of golput, we can review and review our choices. Look for candidates who are likely to choose if we can facilitate our research and learning towards the ideal future that I said Our future is in our hand. Keep Fight!!
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