#but I wanted to mess with a pink/yellow pallette
naoiseart · 2 years
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D’aaaaw! He got a little house in Boom!
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He lost the deposit after the fight and had to move back in with Eggman tho =( It’s tough being an independent villainous robot!
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deathianartworks · 1 year
Do you have any coloring tips? I'm trying to get better at coloring but it's hard :/ everything looks so out of place and I lose motivation fast
Of course!
By no means am I an expert on this (I still forget to choose a light source 90% of the time) but here's a few things that I do when I'm colouring something digitally. Remember these are all individual to the way I make art so they may not all be applicable to yours and are simply me explaining how I do colours, not a tutorial for all colouring styles.
Buckle up folks, this one's a long one (sorry in advance!!)
Here goes nothing.
Losing motivation is totally normal and okay, take a break if you need it, maybe send it to some friends for some hyping up (art servers full of other artists are great for this!). Colours ain't gonna look perfect first time you try to do them, I never put down a colour that I like first time, it takes some messing around and asking friends for me to get them down.
So don't feel pressured to get them perfect in the beginning, that rarely happens!
Here's a mini explanation of how I do my colours, hope it will help a little :)
It doesn't matter if they're not exactly what you're going for rn, go with roughly the colour you want and start there! Personally, I do big blotches of colour just to get something down on the page as this helps me want to actually finish it. Then you clean up those edges so they're all in their correct spaces.
I've found that working on a neutral mid-tine grey background helps you see the colours best at the start so all of my 'paper' starts off grey when working digitally.
Here's the example I'm going to be using (this is from the ghost files fanart I'm working on)
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So, now you've got those colours down, you can adjust them to be roughly how you want them to look. If you're unsure on what colours look best together, you can either take some time out, find some YouTube channels and learn a little about colour theory... OR you could grab some colour pallettes from online and have a play around with gradient maps or simply placing the colours in yourself. There's no shame in using resources like those, that's literally what they're there for.
I didn't need to do this on this drawing as I was happy with the colour selection. This is because I chose the background colour and simply adjusted the hue and saturation slightly until I got the colours I wanted. This is my general technique for choosing colours as my work tends to be fairly similarly coloured (browns, oranges, reds, yellows with hints of purple)
Right, well done! You've got your base colours in.
...but oh god, what now?? They look so flat and lifeless, what shall you do?!
This, my friend, is where shading comes in. It's both a way of telling the viewers where the light and shadows are, can change the mood of the drawing, can change what we feel about a character or it can just look real pretty but shading and lighting does all sorts of fun things to a drawing.
If your style is more simple and doesn't require shading/has minimal shading: apply this tip to any shading you do have and don't forget the importance of rim lighting in simpler styles.
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For shading both skin and clothes, I use the original colour, shift it down into a darker shade and on the colour wheel I shift it down too (eg. shading green with blue, red with purple) sometimes you can shift that even further to create similar shading to the one above, where I shaded orange/brown with pinks/purple's.
The principle is the same with highlights but like,,, opposite. Shift everything up, shade browns with yellows, blues with greens, etc.
Okay so, these next two paragraphs are based entirely from what I've learnt during studies and aren't rules, just simply how I do it.
For lighter skin tones, I tend to start from one of the lightest colours and shade darker, like you would if you were working with something like watercolours. This allows you to build up shadows in areas of darkness. Once you've done the shadows, you can then go in and add highlights and lighter sections where necessary.
For darker skin tones, I tend to start at one of the darkest values, as dark skin tends to reflect light differently to light skin. Then I add lighter shades in sections that the light would reflect. You can add shadows too, I tend to add them if the drawing still feels flat after doing the highlights.
These things are literally lifesavers for me, I love an overlay layer.
I can't really explain what they actually do so I'm not even gonna try, just play around with them. But using a purple/blue multiply layer and erasing where the light hits, that makes the illusion of full shading without the same effort of painting in the shades.
Overlay layers are 100% a 'fuck around and find out' resource, I tend to use red and pink overlay layers as my colours tend to be more desaturated and this helps with brightening them up. However they can also be used to change the genre/mood of the drawing, like this:
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These two drawings are the exact same. There's no difference between them other than an overlay gradient map layer in green or sepia. (These gradient maps are built into clip studio paint, I'm not sure about other programs)
But the whole vibe is completely different. So yeah, fuck around with different colour schemes and overlay layers (the bi flag colours are a great choice for experimenting with overlays as the colours are naturally very harmonious so maybe start there.)
You can also try a noise later for a bit of texture, it's my go-to fix it for any drawing ngl
Uhhhhh, yeah. That was lengthier than I expected, hope it helps even in the slightest. As I said at the top, I am by no means an expert and am still figuring things out myself, so just fuck around and find out.
Bye now!
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iamvegorott · 3 years
Alright then, here's the pallette au request :3 The pallette swap is a magic mishap and Anti is losing it that he now look like he belong in a hello kitty mood board. Have fun with this prompt
“Are you painting or just playing?” Anti asked, tilting his head to look at the ‘creation’ of Wilford’s from a different angle. He wasn’t intentionally being rude with that question, Wilford was known for just messing with colorful things to just play with it.
“Yes?” Wilford hummed, dunking his hand into a bucket of bright green paint. “Wanted to make art but not at the same time.” He added with a shrug before slapping the same hand to the large white sheet taped to the wall.
“Does Dark know you’re doing this in the living room?”
“Good. Hope it pisses him off.” Anti giggled while Wilford was now trying to get the green paint off of his face but just ended up adding more to it.
“That’s not nice to say about your boyfriend.” Wilford teased, seeing Anti scrunch his nose from that.
“He’s not my-” Anti stopped when Wilford suddenly sneezed. The sneeze was off, it sent a strange wave of...something across the room, hitting himself and Anti. “Lovely.” Anti groaned and shook his body, a bubble-like feeling made him glitch.
“Oh...my…” Wilford’s voice got Anti to look at him.
“Why is your hair green? Your skin’s green too and your clothes are black and your eyes...mother fucker!” Anti’s thoughts patched together what Wilford looked like now and he rushed over to the closest reflective surface. Thankfully there was a mirror in the nearby hallway. “No!” Anti shouted when he saw himself. Pink hair, yellow shirt, and his usual soft green hue to himself was a bright, bubblegum pink.
“You look adorable.” Wilford chuckled.
“Adorable!?” Anti rubbed at his face, hoping the pink would just go away. “I look like a fucking Hello Kitty mood board! Like I should be yelling ‘friendship is magic’ or some bullshit like that.”
“That’s My Little Pony.” Wilford corrected.
“You’re not helping!”
“Anti?” Dark’s voice got Anti to slunk down and hide behind Wilford.
“Hi, Dark.” Wilford greeted with a large smile.
“What happened?”
“Death is about to happen,” Anti grumbled.
“Isn’t he just so precious like this?” Wilford stepped aside, showing the fully pouting Anti. “Right, Dark?”
“I-uh-” Dark cleared his throat into his hand. “Can you put your, um, colors back?”
“Don’t know.” Wilford casually walked away.
“You don’t-Wilford Warfstache!” Anti shouted and went after Wilford, shouting fairly...creative curses at him.
“He does look a little...cute,” Dark said to himself when he was alone.
“I’m going to snap your dick off!” Anti’s shout got Dark to shake his head and sigh.
“If only his mouth matched it.”
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How about Leah, now regarded as an art master, teaching farmer (plus other spouses and possible other villagers, if possible) and see them go around with their creativity?
“O.K., everyone!” Leah clapped her hands together as she looked at the small gathering assembled before her. There was the farmer, Emily, Marnie, Jas, and Elliott. They had all congregated in the Community Center and each sat in front of their own easel.
“Thank you all for coming, today,” she said as she smiled at each of them. “Today I’m going to teach you how to mix you paints to create all the colors you’ll need. Then you guys can try it out on your own to create whatever you want!”
There was some pleased humming from her audience and she could feel her heart swell even as it pounded in her chest. She was nervous about teaching an art class, but the farmer had assured her that she’d be great at it. Well, they had been right about her art show, so she decided to go for it. Picking up her art pallette she showed it to the others.
“This is a pallette, it’s where you’ll be doing all your mixing. Don’t worry, you don’t need anything special. Anything can be a pallette as long as it has space for the paint. I even used a napkin one time!”
The others mimicked her and picked up their own pallettes.
“Now, the basis for all color mixing are the primary colors. Red, Blue, and Yellow. Red and blue make purple, red and yellow make orange, blue and yellow make green. If you want you can mess around with those right now. I know you already have orange, green, and purple paints, but you can get a whole spectrum of those colors by mixing them yourself! Get more of a golden color by only adding a little red to your yellow, get a teal by adding more blue to your green.”
As she talked Leah picked up tubes of paint and squeezed them out on her pallette. She demonstrated mixing each of the colors as she held the pallette up for everyone to see.
“Don’t forget to clean off your brush when you switch to a different color, or else you might contaminate the lovely purple you’re trying to make by adding green to it.” she explained. “Just swirl it around in your water cup and then wipe it off on a napkin.”
As the others began to experiment with their own paints Leah put down her pallette and began walking around everyone. Checking up on how they were doing.
“Oh you don’t need to use quite so much paint!” she said as she looked over the farmer’s shoulder.
“Oh. Whoops, haha.” the farmer said as they looked down at the small mountain of blue they had.
“No worries, just be a little more controlled with the other paints.” Leah said, placing a friendly hand on their shoulder. As she walked around the others she spoke up again, “One thing you should know about mixing paint is don’t just add black to make things darker. Black paint will actually just muddy up your colors.”
Stepping back up to her own easel she picked up her pallette again.
“If you don’t mind your colors going gray you can still use black, but if you want to keep them vibrant use blue or green to darken them up. Here, I’ll show you.”
She then added a new dollop of red to her pallette and also a dollop of green from one of her tubes. Gently poking her brush into the green she then brought it over to the red and began mixing.
“Now you’ll want to be careful because if you add too much it will turn brown,” she said as she repeated the process, “but see how my red is already darkening up?”
Jas raised her hand.
“Yes, Jas?”
“If we shouldn’t use black paint should we not use the white paint either? If we want a lighter color?”
“That’s a very good question, Jas! Though don’t think you can’t use black. Art is all about experimentation and creativity! Now, as for your question, what you’ll want to do to lighten your colors is add a little yellow. Let’s take this red I’m working on.”
Leah quickly added more yellow to her pallette as well as a dollop of white.
“By mixing white into your colors it will lighten them, but they’ll come out chalky. See how my red is turning into pink? Now if we add just a little bit of yellow instead you’ll see it’s still red, but a little lighter. Careful not to push it into orange, though.”
Leah continued to walk around and see how everyone was doing, commenting on the colors they had made. Encouraging them to experiment and have fun. When everyone had gotten more comfortable with their mixing she encouraged them to paint whatever they wanted. Between checking up one everyone she began working on her own easel, and abstract piece with lots of swirling designs.
When everyone they all stood back to gaze at their pieces. There was definitely a sliding scale of technique and style. Leah was equally proud of all of them.
“Good job, guys! I think you really got the hang of mixing your own colors! It might take a while to really perfect, but I think you guys did awesome!” she said as she beamed.
“I think I was a little too ambitious.” Elliott said as he grimaced at his own piece.
“I think yours is wonderful!” Emily said.
“Next time I can teach you guys about shape and form. Today was just about having fun with colors.” Leah said.
“This was fun.” Marnie chuckled to herself.
“I look forward to the next lesson!” Emily said.
All the nerves Leah had felt at the start of this all had vanished. Everyone had really enjoyed themselves and even listened to what she tried to teach them. 
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