#but I will say the best I've seen the fandom was when everyone rallied together and got a terf fired off the Er/n Hu/ter team in less
When I watch TV shows I'm mostly always involved in fandom and fandoms drive TV shows and ABC loves their couples and marketing them through the network for the tv show and fandom. Since the finale not a single damn person ships either of the new Buck or Eddie pairings and you don't think ABC has realized nobody cares about these two no chemistry pairings? They've taken notice just as much as they noticed the reaction to the finale especially the endings for buck and eddie was almost universally negative. I half think Oliver, Joauquin, and many others knew the finale would be received as negatively as it was although it probably shocked Oliver that it's now the lowest rated episode of the series(which he does take notice of those things) and he knows everyone hates his new pairing. I mean listen when Hallmark doesn't even cast you guys, that goes to show you have no chemistry. Hallmark casts anyone lol.
ABC loves there couples. Merder, Captain Swan, Chenford, Caskett, etc. Like they ride on these pairings. To put any of these two pairings even 100 yards away from these iconic ABC pairings is laughable at best.
I'm with you that I think Eddie and Marisol's break up will happen off screen probably post time skip but I think like with Eddie/Ana we will have to see Buck and Natalia's break up, which will probably connect to a Buck breakdown because he still has not faced his death on top of other things maybe him realizing him and Natalia want different things out of life.
I... I am not sure exactly what you're trying to say here, nonny. Are you... agreeing with me about how you think Buddie will go canon? Are you trying to dispute something else I said? I'm confused.
I agree with you in how ABC really promotes its pairings. I remember what they did for Caskett when Castle was airing, and I've seen how they promote Chenford, so I was instantly excited when I saw we're moving to that network. I think ABC is a network that knows a good thing when it sees one, and Buddie is a very good thing.
(Side note: Had to ask a friend what "Merder" is. Apparently it's from Grey's Anatomy.)
If you're trying to dispute what I said about chemistry, then I cannot begin to tell you how uninterested I am in this "debate." My tags were frustration that literally every time people ship A and B and then A has a romantic scene with C, people claim A and C "have no chemistry." It may or may not be true, but I've seen plenty of pairings that had great chemistry, or where I really liked the C character, but that didn't change the fact that they weren't meant to be together and that A and B were the ship that was endgame (Booth's season six girlfriend comes to mind as an example). So I find it a tired rallying cry and generally missing the point.
For example: as I've said in previous asks - hey did you guys know I have a tag called #mads answers things where you can see if I've already discussed the thing you want to put in my inbox? - 911 loves the "friends to lovers" trope. Two of their three couples had it, and it was the two we saw develop on-screen. If Buck and/or Eddie were going to get with a serious love interest besides each other, I think they would introduce that person as a friend first and spend time building the slow burn.
Anyway again not sure what you're trying to say here, but I agree that it's great we're moving to ABC. I'm very excited and hopeful for Buddie in regards to that move. I hope that others are as well, and if you're not, then you are more than welcome to that opinion, but you are not welcome in my inbox.
If you're trying to discuss with me things like production, networks, meta, speculation, etc, then I'm sorry but I'm genuinely not interested and I'm not sure how many times and ways I can say this. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, full stop. Can't really pass go when you don't have a car. And again, I ain't interested in building a car out of tin foil.
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ironxkid · 3 years
I think that there would probably be some discourse abt Carter’s sexuality (unfortunately)
what fandom discourse would there be surrounding my character if they were canon?
((oh, yeah, I can definitely see that tbh - that and her gender. I've certainly seen that show up a lot with canon characters rip
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im-immortal · 3 years
I don't have enough followers, but I'm assuming you do so I hope you can share this.
Bethyl fandom, be better. Don't pick and choose who you call a bright light in the fandom lift everyone up. Don't aggressively defend one person and leave another hanging. Stop blindly following the hearsay from one person and taking it a Bible truth. If someone is being targeted by hate, don't turn your fucking backs because you don't want to get your hands dirty. When did popularity become more important than common decency? I'm sick over what I've seen. We should be rallying around all of the people receiving hate instead of picking who we think we like the best. It's very clear that one person was very unfairly falsely accused of this. Why aren't we listening to everyone saying she wouldn't do this. One person with some flimsy assumptions doesn't get to dictate how we react. This feels like the news when the accusations are printed on the front page and the retraction on the back. Not that I think the people that were so quick to judge will ever retract what they said. Why would they? They received the praise, accolades, and attention they wanted. They aren't going to say "hey we were wrong" even though it would be the decent thing to do.
It made me sick to my stomach when I saw the message posted to @courtneyshortney82 this morning. Because no one came forward for her she's taking a break. While everyone silently judged from behind their screens she pleaded and tried to prove she wasn't doing this. The hate she received and the messages I read. She should have had the whole fandom giving their support. And a few people did, but where is everyone else?
The Bethyl fandom was slowly fading. When the former admins for ultimate bethyl fic list decided to stop I was worried that it would be the end. Then two people stepped in and revitalized things. We got knew writing events. The moonshine awards were expanded and more people got to feel the thrill of having their work nominated and recognized.
These three women dedicate their time to doing this for the fandom. They aren't paid for it. We will never know the time they put in to doing something for us. Time they could be putting to their real life. Maybe we could give them a few seconds of our time to show some support.
I plan to send @courtneyshortney82 a DM letting her know that I believe her and I'm glad she's taking a break from this hell. I encourage others to do the same. Let he know we do care and appreciate her time and the smiles and joy she brings to the fandom. Maybe a little support and a kind word will help.
Do better bethyl fandom. Do better.
All I can say is thank you, and I agree. We all need to come together and fill the fandom with love to drown out the hate. 💕
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