#but I would’ve loved to see some internal thoughts on N’s side abt it
I’ve got so many thoughts ping ponging in my head about the N route that I wish sera had elaborated on-
#twc spoilers#I’m using the tags to scream fyi#like. the pacing felt weird but that could’ve been so so interesting if sera had dug into it a little#n’s intimate scenes (especially that first one) felt like…a deflection tactic of sorts#especially if you confess and N just doesn’t /say anything back/?#and it’s never even….brought up#like obviously if N didn’t feel that way/didn’t want to say it back that’s fair! but I would’ve liked to even see that convo to just.#not amounting to much?#but I would’ve loved to see some internal thoughts on N’s side abt it#(or have the detective realize afterwards that hey - N never actually…said anything….because N is good at diverting things)#it just felt like dropping the L word shouldve been like. acknowledged aldjdk#and#not getting to actually dig in and press abt being upset/angry after that fight with them sucked I’m ngl#N just completely glosses over upsetting the MC and it’s just brushed away?#I wouldve preferred N to 1) either acknowledge the MC is upset or 2) make an attempt to deflect/use their “’suaveness”’#and then have the MC able to call them on it#or give us a scene afterwards of N thinking abt whether or not they /are/ in love? and if they would know if they were or not#N deflects SO MUCH which is like. their right they don’t owe the MC anything#because why give us the option to fight if it’s just…brushed off?#N seems to feel a lot and think too much but doesn’t want to /say/ anything#and I wish we could’ve seen that internal struggle in their pov scenes more#anyways I’m yelling at the walls#I’m taking canon and bending it to my will so Abby and Nate are gonna Struggle ☺️#N sewell#twc
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koushou · 4 years
Could we get uuh,,, Todoroki x f!reader who is insecure abt their looks bc they look more "boyish" than most girls? 😳 As much as I love being an androgynous queen, I get insecure sometimes, esp when it comes to guys liking me
this is my first ask im 😳💕💕
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pairing : todoroki shoto x f!reader {fluff}
warnings : none really, like the teeniest suggestive ending, just todoroki being like the best bf ugh 😩
a/n : thank you so much for requesting anon!! i tried my best, im so sorry if it isn’t exactly what you wanted but shoutout to all the androgynous queens you’re amazing !! <3 (also can you tell im terrible at titles pls)
shopping mall dates with your friends were always something you looked forward to, shoto knew this well. so why had you come back to the dorms empty-handed?
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The familiar ringtone playing from your phone woke you up from your slumber, as bright sunlight shone through your windows where the curtains did poor job of providing you with any coverage. You opened your eyes and would’ve immediately shut them if not for the music still coming from your phone on your nightstand.
Swinging a hand blindly over, you felt the cool screen of your device and brought it close to your face, as an all too familiar contact name displayed on the top of the screen.
Grumbling slightly, you pressed the answer button and brought it up to your ear.
“Y/N!! Are you still sleeping??” You almost wanted to hang up right then and there from the cheery girl’s voice ringing into your ear. 
“Mina, it’s-” You glanced over at your alarm clock on the same nightstand, “-literally 9 in the morning, what do you want-”
“Come on! You remember we have another shopping day today, right??” 
You rubbed your eyes and rolled over in bed on your side, away from the blinding light illuminating through the glass windows.
Shopping dates with your girlfriends in Class 1-A took place almost every weekend, something you always looked forward to. Hero training was stressful, everyone was always striving to further improve and expand their quirks and skill, almost never having time for any sort of break. 
Truthfully, you had forgotten about your planned day with the girls today, since it had been a pretty tough week, with work piling up on top of one another, heck, you were barely keeping up your grades. 
“Oh...right.” You ran your fingers through your somewhat messy, medium-length hair, attempting to comb it slightly and getting rid of the small knots that had been formed in your sleep.
“Hey, don’t tell me you forgot - anyways, we’re meeting up downstairs at 10, so see you later!!” 
“Yeah, alright.” 
Quiet beeps signaling the end of your short call with Mina, you sighed and wondered how the alien girl managed to stay so hyper in the morning, not that you were surprised anymore. 
Sitting up in bed, you let out a yawn and stretched out your body, excited for the day to come. 
On some days, you just wanted to sleep in and have a day all to yourself in the comfort of your small dorm room, but these shopping sprees with the girls always took your mind off any troubles on your mind.
Throwing your blanket to the side lazily, you get up from your bed and groggily made your way to the bathroom, phone still in hand. Flicking on the light switch, you cringed at the sudden brightness.
A notification noise sounded from your phone, a smile spreading across your face as soon as you saw who the sender was - your one and only white and red haired boyfriend.
Unlocking your phone, you were met by a few text messages from your lover.
shouu <33 : good morning love, have you woken up yet?
shouu <33 : you’re going out today with the others right? i wish you could come and be with me, but i hope you have fun.💗
Your heart could not handle this level of cuteness in the morning.
Turning on the water to get ready for your morning shower, you typed out a reply to your boyfriend.
                                                             good morning shouto 🥺 i just woke upp
                      imy so much as well, i promise i’ll be with you when i get back!!💕
You stripped off your clothes and hopped into the shower, the water more on the warm side, exactly how you liked it.
After about 20 minutes, you stepped out with a towel wrapped around your torso, the cool air hitting your legs, making you shiver slightly. You made your way over to your closet in the corner of your room, picking out what clothes to wear.
It was scorching hot out, and you were feeling lazy, so a simple black t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts seemed like a good choice.
The time was about 9:40 when you had finished brushing your teeth and mindlessly slapping on some sunscreen, you didn’t want to become tan, after all.
Internally crying, you shoved your wallet with your credit card inside your small purse you usually brought when you went shopping, making a note to yourself to cut down a bit on your purchases. 
You knew that promise was going to go out the window as soon as you step foot in a store, but hey, you always felt better after coming back to the dorms with bags of clothing in your hands.
Deciding to head down to the common room earlier to grab a quick snack to eat, you received another message from your phone.
shouu <33 : i’ll be waiting for you, love.
shouu <33 : are you sure you don’t want to use my father’s credit card? i don’t think he would really care if it gets maxed out, you know.
You giggled at your boyfriend’s message even though you knew he was being 100% serious.
                                                                                   shou...bby, i cant do that-
shouu <33 : alright then, be safe and text me when you get there, okay?
                                                                                                            i will! ily <33
shouu <33 : i love you too :)
When you reached the common room, you were met by pink, black, green, and brown haired girls.
“Y/N!! Good morning!!”
“Good morning, Y/N.”
“Hey Y/N-chan, ribbit.”
“Oh hey Y/N!”
You smile at your energetic friends, Mina, Momo, Tsu and Uraraka, who were all lounging on the couches. 
“Good morning, guys.”
Mina lets out a whine, “Where is Jirou? That girl is almost always never on time-”
“What’s that, Mina?”
A voice from behind the girls spoke, causing everyone to jump and turn at the same time. 
“O-oh good morning Jirou-”
The purple haired girl stood behind the couches, and your eyes scanned over her outfit. A white, loose short sleeve hung around her shoulders, paired with some black shorts. A simple outfit, yet she made it look so much more appealing.
She charged towards Mina, who was now desperately hiding behind Uraraka. It was then that you finally took notice of the other girls’ outfits, and suddenly became all too aware of your own.
Mina, with a pink shirt tucked into her jeans, a black belt as a finishing touch. Her curves showing perfectly, all in the right places. You would expect her pink hair to be messy and puffy, but it was tamed, neatly brushed, and reminded you of soft cotton candy. 
A cropped maroon top, with black jeans, complementing Momo’s smooth, black hair which was put up in a lower pony tail than usual. Her gentle features sure to attract admirers wherever she went. The way her dark bangs framed her face, the way her smile was bright, genuine - an appearance of a true, proper lady. 
You glanced down at your own outfit, trying to smooth out wrinkles in your own shirt. No genius was required to see that you obviously stood out in your group of feminine friends, you being the only female with short hair and a different style.
It wasn’t that you hated the way you looked, but it made you think sometimes that you weren’t as attractive or liked as much, compared to your friends.
“Well then,” Uraraka clasped her hands together, interrupting your thoughts, and grinned. “Shall we get going?” 
You all cheered, getting up and ready to head to the shopping mall. 
Mina locked her arms in yours and dragged you out of the doors, grinning at you while the other girls trailed behind.
“Come on old ladies! We’re gonna max out our cards!!” She yelled at the sky once you were outside, the hot summer air hitting your skin immediately. 
“Hey, who’re you calling an old lady?!” You smacked Mina’s arm, making her stick her tongue out at you.
“Fine, whoever gets there last is an old lady!!” 
Your pink haired friend takes off toward the mall which was located about 20 minutes away from your school, with you laughing and running after her, followed by your other female friends.
The negative thoughts you had on your mind previously vanished as you all ran after one another, not giving a care in the world to the questioning looks passersby shot your ways. Spending time with your friends always somehow managed to brighten your mood, regardless of whether they knew how you were feeling or not. 
And your love for them could never be put into words.
6 girls arrived at the Misako Mall, panting, out of breath as they bought water from a vending machine.
“Oh-” You pant, fumbling with the buttons on the machine, inserting a few coins in and watching as the bottle falls to the bottom. 
“Ura-ha..ha...Uraraka, you’re an old...ha...lady!” Mina teased the gravity-quirked girl in between breaths.
“Yo-you’re so mean, ha, Mina,” Uraraka coughed, sputtering as she practically shoved the water bottle down her throat, drinking half of the bottle in a few seconds.
“Slow down - ribbit - Ochaco-chan,” Tsu patted the said girl’s back, making sure she didn’t choke.
“Well, guys, where do you want to go first?” Momo spoke up, after you guys rested a bit on the benches in the lobby. 
“I kind of wanted to check out the accessories in that shop we passed earlier,” Jirou scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, nodding towards a shop near the entrance of the mall.
You all turned to look at the store she was talking about, not surprised to see the exterior of the shop decorated in dark, emo-style accessories - exactly Jirou’s style.
“I want to go there too - ribbit,” Tsu nodded in agreement, this time shocking the group, since Tsu had always seemed to be into more cuter accessories. 
“I was actually interested in that one over there,” Momo tapped her chin thoughtfully, gesturing towards a high-class looking store on the second floor of the mall. 
“That looks nice! I really like that white dress they have in the front,” Uraraka stared dreamily at the level above you guys, and an idea popped into your head.
“Why don’t we split into pairs? That way, we can all check out the stores we want to and meet up back here when we’re all done!” Your suggestion earned approving nods from the rest, all of you agreeing to text in the groupchat you had when you were finished in your stores.  
Tsu and Jirou, Momo and Uraraka, and you and Mina walked off into different directions of the mall, chatting excitedly.
You and Mina decided to first go into a casual-styled store filled with jeans, tops, jackets, etc. 
Walking into the store, a friendly cashier at the counter greeted you guys, who you both smiled back at.
Thankful for the cool air conditioner providing a contrast to the burning weather outside, you scanned the racks for anything that caught your eye.
“Oh! Y/N look here!” You turned to where your pink friend had ran to, spotting her a few aisles down.
Making your way towards her, she holds up a light pink, off the shoulder top decorated with small flowers and a lace ribbon in her hands eagerly.
“Do you think this would look good on me? I really like the color!” She beams at you, holding the clothing item up to herself, admiring it in a tall mirror nearby. 
You study it for a second, before smiling back at her and nodding excitedly in agreement.
“It suits your skin color so well too! You should go try it on!”
“You think so??” She grins at you happily as you chuckle back in response. 
“You should pick out some clothes first, then we can go to the changing rooms together!”
“Okay, let me look around a bit more!” You walk off to the other side of the store, studying any clothes that may peak your interest. 
A striped red, orange, and white button-up shirt catches your eye, hanging on one of the racks. You take it and hold it up to your torso, satisfied with the way it looked. 
Keeping it around your arm to try on later, you decide to pick out a few more clothes to try on to avoid making multiple trips to the changing room. Just as you were about to turn around and continue your search for more clothes, you felt a figure approach behind you. 
“Hey, uh, sorry to bother you but I thought you were really pretty, and I was wondering if I could get your number?”
A voice made you turn around, and you were met by a man who looked a bit older than you. 
He was standing right in front of you now, his eyes staring at...the top of your head?
You cleared your throat awkwardly, not expecting the sudden question. 
“Oh! Thank you, but I have a boyfriend already, I’m sorry-”
The man’s eyes finally focus on your face, before laughing at you.
Wait, what?
You furrowed your eyebrows at the still laughing man, who looked down at you like you were a mere piece of dirt below him.
“I’m not talking to you, you’re not even pretty?” He scoffed when you gaped at him. 
“I’m talking to the hottie behind you,” He grinned and stared past you to whoever was standing there.
You slowly turned around, expecting to see some random stranger behind you, but you were met by a puff of familiar pink hair.
“O-oh, Mina...” You mumbled, not wanting to make eye contact with your friend, disheartened from the man’s words.
You were never one to get bothered by anyone’s words, especially not from a stranger, but this one hit you differently.
“What did you say to my friend?! You wanna repeat that, huh?!” Mina yelled at the man, steam almost emitting out of her pink ears. 
“Woah, calm down, pinkie, I just wanted to get your number - I didn’t know she was your friend.” He chuckled, and glanced at you again.
“Just saying, you could do so much better.” It was like bullets, the man’s words, aimed straight at your heart.
Storming up to the man, Mina slapped him directly on his face, leaving both of you in shock.
“Say that again, I dare you!!” You ushered Mina away from the furious man despite her protests of wanting to beat him up.
“Hmph, who does he think he is?!” You stopped walking when you guys were a good distance from the stranger.
You bit your lip, trying to suppress your emotions and not make a fool of yourself in a public space.
“It’s fine, I-I don’t really care,” Sighing, you gave Mina a small unconvincing smile, which she saw right through.
“Are you okay, Y/N? Don’t listen to him! He’s just blind,” She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. 
You chuckled softly, trying to change the subject, “I’m fine, come on, let’s go try on our clothes.” 
Mina sighed, eyeing the one top you had on your arm. “You only have one shirt? Don’t you want to try on more?” 
You scanned the racks around you guys, randomly picking a pair of black plaid pants, flashing your friend another smile. 
“It’s okay, there’s not much I like here,” You grabbed her arm and led her into the changing rooms, chuckling at her pile of clothes hanging over her arm. 
“You sure got a lot, Mina.”
“Their clothes are really nice!!” 
Mina and you went into rooms besides each other, and you could hear the girl squealing while trying on her clothing.
Instead of trying on your clothes immediately, you slumped against the white door, taking a deep breath, the man’s comments still on your mind.
You’re not even pretty.
You could do so much better.
Wrapping your arms around your torso, you looked in the mirror on the wall across you, taking in your appearance.
There were few things about you that would seem appealing to any man, and you should’ve gotten over the stares people give you wherever you go by now, but it was hard.
It really was.
Of course people would be attracted to Mina first, or anyone in your friend group, for that matter. She was outgoing, kind, bright, and feminine. 
Tears poking at the corners of your eyes, you quickly wiped them away with the back of your hand before they fell. 
Why couldn’t people just accept who you were?
Why couldn’t people accept the fact that you were happy in your own body, and that you loved yourself the way you were?
The common stereotype that all females had to be feminine, had to be proper, you were tired of it.
A loud knock from the other side of the door you were leaning against sounded, and you jumped a little, before hearing your friend’s cheery voice. 
“Y/N! Are you finished? I want to show you the top!”
“Oh- One second!”
Quickly tidying up your appearance to get rid of any hints of your silent breakdown, you unlocked the door and looked over Mina.
You were right.
The light pink color of the top really did complement her skin color well, her slender shoulders were exposed, and the lacey ribbon around the collarbone area of her shirt gave it a finishing touch.
Gasping, you admired how good it looked on her, while she giggled and jumped excitedly in place.
“It looks so beautiful on you Mina!!” You gave her a small hug, giggling along. “It’s like it was made for you!”
“Thanks!! What about your clothes?” She nodded towards your top and pants still sitting in the changing room, untouched.
You coughed, “Oh- uh give me a second, I still need to try on the top,” She nodded and pushed you back into the room eagerly.
“Show me when you’re done!”
You nodded and smiled back at her before walking back into the room and locking the door behind you.
You had already lost all interest in shopping today, but reluctantly changed into the striped button-up shirt, looking at yourself in the mirror. 
It was okay, nothing really special, and you certainly wouldn’t be spared any second glances from anyone. Not that you cared, you were already in a happy and healthy relationship with Shoto.
A thought suddenly popped into your mind. 
What did Shoto think about your appearance? Coming from a rich family, it was only natural that he would be into proper, feminine females. 
Why was he even dating you? Does he actually mean it every time he calls you beautiful?
Maybe you should change your hairstyle. Or the way you dressed. Maybe then, Shoto would love you.
Maybe then, he would think you’re beautiful.
Running your hand through your short strands of hair, you suddenly didn’t want to be here anymore.
You wished you were in the safety of your dorm, under the blankets where no one would have to look at you.
You were probably an eyesore, walking around everyday at school, getting judgmental looks from left to right.
Shaking your head, you tried to push those thoughts to the back of your mind, straightening yourself back up.
Unlocking the door again, wanting to get this day over with, you were met by a excited Mina as she looked over at you. You noticed that she had changed back to her own shirt.
“You look great Y/N!!” She hopped excitedly over to you as she admired your top.
You shrugged, glancing down at your top. “I mean, it’s okay, I guess.” 
She raised her eyebrows at your response, asking worriedly, “Do you not like it?” 
“Not really, it’s kind of plain.” Sighing, you picked at the sleeves and wrinkles of the shirt. 
“Oh,” Mina pursed her lips together, cocking her head to the side. “That’s alright, then. What about the pants?”
Truth was, you had forgotten to try on the pants while you were inside, and you didn’t want to risk purchasing something you weren’t sure would look good on you.
“Oh-uh, I didn’t like that one too much either,” You glanced back at the item still hanging in the changing room.
“Oh no,” Mina pouted. “Are you going to buy anything?”
Biting your lip, you shook your head. “Guess not.”
It wasn’t really that you didn’t want to buy anything, you just thought that at this point, it didn’t matter what you wore.
Because, you weren’t as feminine as other girls.
"Give me a second to change back, and we can go to another store.” She looked like she was about to say something, but decided to close her mouth and nodded instead.
The remaining time you spent with Mina was just her jumping around stores excitedly and you mindlessly staring at clothes you wouldn’t ever buy.
It was about 2 in the afternoon when you all decided to meet back up, ready to head back to school.
You realized that you hadn’t bought a single item in the past 4 hours spent in wandering around the mall. 
“Y/N! Did you not buy anything?” Momo asks worriedly as you and Mina approach the other two pairs in the lobby.
You shook your head at the tall girl, sighing, “Nothing really caught my eye today.”
“Oh, we can walk around a bit more together if you’d like!” Uraraka offers, holding a large bag in her own hands.
You smiled at her words, shaking your head again. “No, it’s alright! I’m sure we’re all tired, let’s head back.” 
“Gosh, this weird man came up to us earlier and had the audacity to call our little Y/N here unattractive??! And then proceeded to ask for my number??” Mina huffed, clenching her fists dramatically at the memory.
You chuckled awkwardly. “Mina, you didn’t have to slap the poor man.”
“Poor man? By the sounds of it, he hasn’t learned his lesson yet.” Jirou speaks up, cracking her knuckles, eyes darkening. “Where is he?”
You laughed. “Jirou-”
“Oh dear, that’s terrible.” Momo patted your shoulder. “You’re very beautiful, Y/N, you know that?” 
You smiled at the kind girl, letting out a deep breath. 
“I understand where he’s coming from, though...” You mumbled quietly.
“Did you say something, Y/N?” Uraraka asks from next to you.
Shaking your head quickly, you link your arms with the brown haired girl, grinning at everyone. “Let’s head back now!”
Pushing open the large glass doors, you were met once again by the humid air, the sun’s rays burning down on your exposed skin.
The girls chattered happily about their new purchases, peeking inside the others’ bags and taking a couple out to show.
Even though you walked in the middle of Uraraka and Momo, you couldn’t help but feel left out, not having any new clothing to wear.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nudged Momo, making her turn around and look at you.
“Hey Yaomomo, what’d you get?”
She smiled and opened her bag for you to peek inside, and you almost had to close your eyes from the amount of bling inside,
Bling, meaning dresses decorated in gems, with a few jewelry pieces and other accessories. Of course, there were a couple casual wear on the bottom of the bag.
“Oh, I’m not even surprised anymore,” You pretended to huff at Momo, turning the other way.
“You’re so classy and fancy, Yaomomo, are you trying to flex your class on me?” 
She laughed, slapping your back lightly. “Oh sorry, I just can’t help that I’m so rich and proper.” 
You tensed up at her words. Of course, you knew she was being sarcastic, but her use of words hit the same spot in you again as earlier. 
“Hey guys...” Mina starts, wiggling her eyebrows.
“What?” An ominous feeling settles in all of your stomachs. 
“Last one to the dorms is an old lady!” 
All of you groan, watching as the pink alien girl takes off once again, having no choice but to follow behind.
6 girls arrived back at the dorm building, panting once again. 
“Mina- ha, I swear to - god,” You breathe out, pants coming from all six of you.
Mina just giggles at you as you all arrive back in the common room. Your classmates are sprawled out in different places throughout the room, and their heads all perk up simultaneously at the new arrivals. 
Bakugou were surrounded by Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero, as always, trying his best to swat them away. 
Tokoyami and Aoyama were chatting in the kitchen, while Iida, Midoriya and Shoto hung around the TV, watching whatever movie was put on.
Ojiro, Koda, Shoji, and Sato were nowhere to be seen, you guessed they were up in their own rooms. 
“Oh, hey guys! Welcome back!” A certain red-head’s voice chirped from the middle of the room, flashing you all his big smile.
“Hey Kirishima!” Mina smiled back at the boy before making her way up to her own room to organize her newly bought items. 
Momo, Tsu, Jirou, and Uraraka followed after her, while you made your way over to where your boyfriend was on one of the other couches. 
“Hey, love.” Shoto smiles at you softly as he opens his arms for you to give him a hug. 
“Hey Sho,” You happily accept your place in his arms, tired from the long day you had. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you as well,” He plants a small kiss on the top of your head. He was about to say something else before a realization dawns on him.
“Love, did you not buy anything?” You gulp, afraid that your boyfriend would see through your feelings and ask you what was wrong.
“Oh- uh, I just didn’t feel like anything caught my eye today!” You shrug, hoping that he would accept your answer and move on.
Of course, Shoto could be dense at times, but he is everything but stupid.
He always knew how you adored these little shopping sprees with your girls, and never once had you arrived back empty handed. On top of that, your vibe just seemed a bit...off.
“Can we go to your room and cuddle? I’m a little tired,” You look up at him, to which he responded by giving you a small kiss and chuckling.
“Of course, let’s go, love.” 
After saying goodbye to Iida and Midoriya, you both made your way to Shoto’s dorm, immediately flopping down on the bed after stepping inside.
Shoto laughed softly at your eagerness, wasting no time and following in after, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing you flush against his chest.
The warmth and vanilla scent of your boyfriend was enough to calm you down and get rid of any past bad thoughts you were having earlier that day.
You felt him bury his face inside your hair, inhaling softly your shampoo from this morning. Normally, you would’ve swooned at the action, but it somehow made you feel uneasy. Insecure.
Shriveling away a little from his body, you were met by a very confused Shoto staring back at you.
You bit your lip, not sure how to explain why you seemed uncomfortable.
“I-,uh, Shoto?” Your eyes made contact with his as he hummed in response. You decided it was now or never.
“Do you...think I’m pretty?” Biting your lip anxiously as you awaited his answer.
Confusion flashed through your boyfriend’s face. What kind of a question was that?
That was what he wanted to ask, until he noticed the tears forming in your eyes, and worriedly sat up, bringing you with him.
“Of course I think you’re pretty. You’re beautiful, darling.” 
Not convinced, you sniffle before asking again, “Really?”
He furrows his eyebrows together, lifting you up and onto his lap so you were straddling him now, both of you in a sitting position.
“Did something happen, love? Why are you asking me these questions?” He reaches up to wipe a stray tear that had slipped its way through your eyes with his thumb. 
“No reason-” You started, but your boyfriend’s piercing gaze told you he wouldn’t take that as an answer.
Taking a deep breath, you avoided his eyes as you began to speak.
“Today, when we were at the mall, a man came up to me, called me pretty, and asked for my number-”
Shoto raises his eyebrows, to which you wave away quickly.
“-I thought he was talking to me, but turns out he was speaking to Mina, who had been standing behind me. He then called me-” You cleared your throat, a bit anxious for your boyfriend’s reaction. 
“He said that I wasn’t pretty, and that Mina could do so much better than being friends with someone like me...” Your voice trails off as you felt Shoto’s grip on your waist tighten.
“He...what?” You could’ve sworn you saw flames flicker behind Shoto’s eyes, his left and right hands heating and cooling on your sides without thinking, to which you yelped a little, surprised by the temperature change.
His eyes softened, looking down at your waist and rubbing it softly. “Oh- I’m sorry, love, I did not mean to hurt you.”
You shake your head, smiling at him. “You didn’t hurt me at all, Shoto.”
He exhales deeply, looking into your eyes. “Baby, you’re the most beautiful, kind, amazing girl I’ve ever met in my life. Don’t ever listen to what anyone else says, you’re absolutely perfect the way you are.”
Shoto plants a deep kiss on your lips, tears threatening to spill over at his touching words.
When you pull away, there’s still a lingering thought in the back of your mind. 
“Don’t you ever wish - that you had a more...you know...” You rubbed your eyes, sniffling as the first few tears made their ways down your cheeks.
Shoto tilts his head to the side as he pulls you closer to his body, rubbing soothing circles on your lower back. 
“A what, love?”
“You know, a more...feminine...girlfriend?”
You nervously glance at him, waiting for his response. 
There’s silence for a moment, and your heart drops. 
“Who ever said that girls have to be feminine?” 
You directly look into his eyes for the first time that evening, confusion plastered on your face.
Shoto has a soft and loving, but firm expression as he speaks. 
“I don’t care if you dress, or appear differently than other girls. There is no “correct” way to look if you are a certain gender. You’re absolutely beautiful no matter what you do, or wear.” He leans forward to peck your lips once again.
“But...when I look at someone like Yaomomo, she’s just - so much more attractive and proper than someone like me...”
Shoto sighs, tilting your chin down to look at him.
“Proper? What’s not proper about you, Y/N? Your hair? Your clothing choices? Baby, you could wear a trash bag, have long hair - or even shave your head bald, I’d still fall in love with you all over again.” 
You giggle a little, making him chuckle, seeing that he successfully cheered you up a bit.
“I mean it, Y/N. I love you, and I’ll continue loving you, forever. Please don’t ever feel like you have to compare yourself to other girls, because you’ll always be the prettiest girl in my heart.”
Your heart felt like it was on the verge of bursting as you leant forward, kissing your boyfriend deeply. It was like all your emotions were expressed through that kiss. It was almost as if Shoto’s loving words washed away every single insecurity that has ever passed your mind in your whole life.
“Thank you so much, Shoto. I love you, so, so much.” You both grin as you placed your foreheads together, noses brushing against each other. 
“I want you to say it, love. Tell me you love yourself, and that you’re beautiful.” 
Your face heated up from the request, placing your hands on Shoto’s shoulders and trying to push him away, only to have your wrists caught by his strong hands as he leaned closer. 
“Come on, Y/N, I’m waiting,” he smirks at your flustered expression. 
You pouted a bit, before taking a deep breath, embarrassed from Shoto’s intense stare.
“I-uh- I love myself the way I am, and...I’m beautiful.” You squealed and cover your face with your hands after finishing your sentence, not used to those words coming out of your mouth.
A laugh escapes Shoto as he pries your hands away from your face, placing a kiss on your nose. 
“That’s right, love. What do you say we go shopping tomorrow, just me and you?” 
Your eyes brightened at the idea, and Shoto could feel butterflies flooding his stomach. 
“Yes!! I’d love that, Shoto,” You threw your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, burying your face into his hair.
He chuckles in response, leaning back and studying your face for a moment, making you confused.
Then, he takes your arms and pushes you back until your back is pressed against the bed, pinning them above you. His body hovers over yours, as his knee sneakily moves up to place itself between your thighs.
“But right now, let me show you just how beautiful you are, darling.”
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angeltrapz · 3 years
hhmmmmvnfj asks abt Lawrence? umm in a selfship way: what’s ur favorite gift he’s gotten u? — in a character analysis way, bcuz I’ve posted a lil abt it n u mentioned it in DMs too: if William had survived, bc Lawrence was handling new disciples at that time (like Brad n Ryan), how do u think Lawrence n William would’ve interacted? (esp bc we know William was at least vaguely aware of who Lawrence was pre-trap bc of their connections to John)
dfhskj thank u!!! finally getting 2 this
okay fr the selfship part: mentioned it a little bit when replying 2 the other ask u sent, but it’s a worry stone made out of rhodonite (which looks a lil like this), bc he knows how interested I am in gems + rocks n stuff like that but also bc he wanted me to have smth to fidget with in case I forgot my lil lanyard of rolling beads when we went somewhere! it’s smth I just run my thumb along bc it’s smooth n soft n fits perfectly in the palm of my hand. a lot of times if I’m in an uncomfortable situation I can’t get out of, having that w me helps a lot bc it’s grounding n it reminds me of him 💞💞
fr the character analysis part: KJSKFS YEAH I love getting 2 talk abt that bc I actually think abt it quite a bit. as u said, William and Lawrence have always been vaguely aware of each other on account of being connected thru their interactions w John, the doctor who he felt wasn’t kind/sympathetic enough n the insurance agent who denied his (EXTREMELY experimental, mind u) foreign treatment request. I’m not sure that they ever interacted face-to-face PRIOR to John’s death, but after William survives his test it’s just kinda like... who else does he have 2 talk to that might be able to understand even the tiniest bit what he went thru? he loves Pamela to pieces, of course he does, she’s his only family - but she didn’t see what he’d had to do, doesn’t rly KNOW like Lawrence would.
but I still think he’d absolutely be Cautious, bc even w the desire to be understood n maybe even have someone he could confide in, William knows now that Lawrence has been helping John for quite some time - as we see in 3D and as u said, Lawrence is the one handling new disciples, something that only John ever did; Amanda didn’t have her own apprentices, n Hoffman sure as hell didn’t either. that, n William doesn’t know how much involvement, if any, Lawrence had w his own test - that’s smth that wld haunt him a lil, I think. it’s hard to be comfortable around a person who is not only directly involved w the person who felt it necessary to put u in a trap, but who Also may have been the one to put fucking explosive bracelets/anklets n tattoos on u + SEWN A KEY inside of u, which is INCREDIBLY violating of his bodily autonomy. that could warrant a whole discussion of its own tbh.
but. Lawrence is the closest John ever got 2 having a TRUE successor (which I have conflicting feelings on; my reading of Lawrence in SAW 2004 was not someone who wld have joined up w someone who caused him so much pain, but fr the sake of exploring this, I think tht after going thru something as horribly traumatizing and irreversibly changing as he did, he sought that life of control n routine that he felt he had prior to his game, and well, John could certainly provide that,,,) n William would likely know this. Amanda’s dead, Logan is off doing who knows what n living his life, Hoffman is only doing it out of a weird sense of obligation?, and Jill isn’t rly a disciple, just some1 who’s been dragged into it too. (I think William n Jill actually would’ve gotten along tbh,, it’s a different thing entirely whether William would WANT to interact w her.)
I think Lawrence wld want to be able to reassure William that he had no hand in what happened to him (I don’t even know if Lawrence is the one who fitted the bracelets/did the key?), but he like. wouldn’t even know where 2 begin bc how can he explain that in a way that William could ever rely on? how could he ever convince William that he truly wasn’t responsible when all the other man wld have 2 do is look at all of th ppl he assisted John in securing/operating on? Hoffman was the one who put William in his trap, but Lawrence doesn’t know he’ll ever b able 2 prove that in a way William can believe. n I don’t think he’d expect William to believe him, not at all, but I think Lawrence at that point truly doesn’t have anyone - he and Alison are divorced and she has Diana, Adam isn’t around obviously, John + Amanda are gone, Hoffman doesn’t know he exists, so who does he have? I think he longs fr that sort of connection, even if it Is forged thru smth as terrible as what they were both individually put thru by John - they have tht common ground of being involved in his diagnosis + the way he responded to them (petty fucking grievances... kramer I will literally knock yr teeth in u fucker) n being ppl he considered partially responsible fr his downfall in a way (Lawrence wasn’t “kind enough,” William said no to a highly expensive and experimental international treatment that they weren’t even sure wld WORK). and like, not necessarily 2 the same extent, but they were both physically altered by what they went thru. Lawrence is missing his foot. William has scars + tattoos that he could get covered up, sure, but the experience isn’t going away. the scar on his side where the key was hidden is never going away. Lawrence’s prosthetic is functioning but the fact that he cut his fucking foot off isn’t going away. n that’s not even TOUCHING the lasting mental effects.
so I think William wld be feeling rly lost. he just doesn’t know what to do. he doesn’t know if he can even go back to the life he led b4 (if he does, it’s not for a very long time) n he has a hard time looking Pamela in the eye bc he feels personally responsible fr her having been there too + bc of what he’d been made to do to so many ppl. he feels alone, much more than he ever has before, n that’s saying smth bc his personal life was already extremely solitary bc he felt it was safer for him + his career. no one could possibly understand what he went thru, bc nobody saw it. nobody saw the way he tried so hard to keep every1 alive, the way he tried to help the people he worked with + CARED FOR even if he had 2 put himself thru pain to do it (holding onto those pulleys until his shoulders were almost DISLOCATED fr Addy n Allen, burning himself w the steam so Debbie could get thru the maze, the entirety of the shotgun carousel). Tara + Brent didn’t see him sacrifice himself fr his coworkers, n neither did Pamela. nobody knows. William wants some1 to connect with, n that just doesn’t seem like a possibility given that what he went thru in there is knowledge that only he himself + Hoffman carry.
but Lawrence knows. he understands n he's the one 2 kinda make that offer, to just be like “u don’t have 2 trust me right now, or even ever, but I understand n if u want some1 2 talk to, I’m here.” bc what does he have to lose? Adam is gone. Alison n Diana are gone. he’s by himself. and so is William, though he has Pamela. they’re both men who went thru smth unspeakably terrible bc a dying man wanted 2 play god n they came out of it much worse off than they ever were b4 John “helped” them. n William is just like. how much worse could it get? after Jigsaw, what could possibly be worse than what he’s already gone thru? so he’s just kind of like, “okay, we can work this out, I can’t say I trust u right now but maybe I can in the future. we can do this together. we can help each other.” n that’s how they end up meeting for coffee or breakfast/lunch/dinner every so often (coffee meets are at least weekly), n it’s just kind of like. the reassurance that some1 has seen the very worst parts of u and are still around. the relief of knowing someone sees u and knows how hard yr fighting to rebuild a life that’s been shattered into a million tiny pieces. n they’re struggling against that current together, and maybe it starts in a place of “I have no one else so I might as well chill w u,” but eventually William and Lawrence kind of fall into this uneasy friendship. they’re there for each other. William calls Lawrence when he has a nightmare that keeps him up fr hours after, shaking n w his heart beating out of his chest bc he doesn’t want to remember. Lawrence spends th night at William’s place every now n then bc he can’t be alone w his thoughts n the phantom pain in his leg just won’t quiet. they meet for coffee. they have breakfast sometimes. Lawrence has clothes n a toothbrush at William’s and vice versa. they’re in this together.
n maybe that escalates into more (which I believe wld only happen after they get 2 a point where they’ve discussed, at length, John’s legacy n who exactly would be continuing it + if anyone WLD be, n after Hoffman is “disposed of” in a sense), but even if not, they both know they Have Someone who looks at them n doesn’t see them as a monster, not the horrible person John thought he needed to “fix.” they both carry scars, both physically n mentally, frm what they went thru. they’re both struggling to get their bearings + Lawrence is still coping w what he’ll need to do after John’s (and eventually, Jill’s) passing. it won’t be easy, but they’re not walking alone. they’re wading thru the mud together, hand in hand, and fr William n Lawrence, that is enough.
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poppymadness · 6 years
💖 HQ, Knb, All Out, Free, BNHAand DnA I think you watched at least a little bit of it, didn't u? And since I know who some of your favorites are already u can just rant about why u love them
@naturalpeaches said:💖 can i be an ass and say twdg even tho ik the answers p much OH the last kingdom. bring it to ur blog amber. talk about it. accept it.
💖 listen those 2 weren’t enough. give me the raven cycle. give me the foxhole court. give me six of crows. giVE ME CRIMINAL MINDS HAAAAA BITCH. why not throw the 100 in there too. also talk abt ur boo in the sun is also a star. give him some lovin
💖 N A R U T O
hope it’s cool just to throw ya both in here bc i’m lazy
haikyuu: (3) kuroo tetsurou - iiiiiiiiiiii fucking love kuroo sO much, a huge tall not so dumb dumbass god. i don’t know what to say dfkhka i fuckin Love him thanks dude. i nEVER FORGET THE FUCKIN LAUGH GOD FUCK FOR FUCKS SAKE skjfd. whenever i get in Kuroo Moods they last SO long i can’t get a break. and gamer au kuroo is killer it’s too good. listen he’S A BIG FOOL and i LOVE him want the best for him bc he’s great, good, good dude. i also rlly fuckin love terushima man ooooo my god, imagine him and kuroo bein buds hORRIBLE
kuroko no basket: (1) kiyoshi teppei - mY BOY KIYOSHI AAAAA. hE’S EVEN T A L L E R mmmm 6′4″ the fuck mann. we know my love for this dumbass i love him so so muuch fuck. thought it was kuroko at first, bitch no. I LITERALLY DIDN’T KNOW I LOVED HIM TILL AFTER I FINISHED THE WHOLE SHOW. like, just, the more i saw stuff involving him the more i was like ooo no no waiT i LoVE HiM i screamed when he showed up in the second opening when we rewatched it oooommggggg. he’S SO GOOD I HOPE HIS KNEE IS HEALED I HOPE HE GETS TO PLAY BASKETBALL AS A LIL SIDE HOBBY OR SOMETHIN HOPE HE’S FUCKIN HAPPY!!!!! whY DOES HE SELF-SACRIFICE SO MUCH BOY OOO MY GOD WHEN HE REALIZED THE TEAM GOT HIS BACK TOO BITCH HE SO CUTE. mmmmm  i love hiiiiim bois. also love akashi i keep finding it funny ur intimated by him cj
all out: (4) ebumi masaru - i can’t. i can’t explain why i love him oR WHY HE’S SO HIGH A FAVE GOD. this whole fandom is like Those Thighs and make ebumi all about fuckin sex like what a Tough Boy like yA HE BUYS (rents? whatever) PORN THAT’S FUCKIN SO FUNNY TO ME BUT MMMM he. more. i nevER STOP THINKIN BOUT THE EP WITH ISE THAT EMO SHIT DO U SEE HOW MUCH EBUMI CARES BOUT HIS FRIEND GOD Fuck. like yeah, just take the money. this is what was left for me but idc here take it u need it i stg season 2 better be in the works i want more of his backSTORY. oh hE FUCKIN BLEACHES HIS HAIR WHAT A PUUUUNK, HE TRAINS SO HARD HE CARES SO MUCH ABOUT RUGBY GETS P I S S E D WHEN PPL HALF-ASS IT LIKE?? FAIR ENOUGH. OH THETY ACTUALLY DREW HIS HAIR DOWN RIGHT ADJHF A OoO FUCK TAHT. i’m good it’s cool alright bye gion, raita & ise are my best friends thank
free: rin matsuoka - i. thought it was nagisa at first. i wanna cry fuckin nagisa jesus. good boy but hell no. rin?? is so sweet i’m sorry fuckin flew haru to australia & shit he’s so good i love him. i gotta do this i’m srry FUCK whoever thinks rin would be abusive with haru thx. i havE A RIN POSTER G O D
boku no hero academia: todoroki shouto - i literally didn’t have a fave in this show until one (1) specific episode in season 2 with him. thought i was gonna live forever not having a fave in this show. i had actually been growing to like him and was like No, i told myself to not like him bc he’s so popular hdkfa. and then that ep came and i was like,,,oof i Love him, love love love what a goOD BOY. he’s…so cute..comin to terms with his powers still can’t get over he interned with his dad he just…..wants to improve…is improving…..so good.
daiya no ace: ? - ok, i never developed a fave while watching it, at least not where i got to. i don’t even remember where i stopped oof that’s bad. but i had thought at that time that i rlly loved chris?? eijun is precious, i fuckin love him. miyuki is great i love him too. also really loved kuramochi?? so if i had continued i think it would’ve been one of em.
the walking dead game: kenny, luke, clem, gabe - pls don’t make me choose… kenny…tried his hardest to be good, worked his ass off till the last moment to improve himself and didn’t get the redemption he deserved. that man is good, he was just pushed to his max and couldn’t get back down. luke, luke is a sunshine boy who was too good for the world, a positive outlet could make anyone happy, did his best, didn’t deserve to die. cleM MY BADASS B A B Y HAS GROWN SO MUCH I LOOOOVE HER AND CAN’T WAIT FOR HER HAPPY ENDING TELLTALE YOU FUCKS I AM BEGGING YOU1!! gabe…annoyed me at first…stole my heart….just a boy thrown into the apocalypse tryin to be happy…he’s doing his best, he’s learning, truly not such a brat as assholes make him out to be. nick my boy i’m so sorry i would’ve included you ur so close
the last kingdom: uhtred & alfred - i love uhtred the godless and king alfred of wessex very much indeed. uhtred is just a wreck honestly, this danish bro got a lot goin on he just wants the land he deserves i just say he’s bein greedy, go be happy under alfred’s rule i still love u tho uhtred u dumbass. alfred! got the peace he wanted! i love alfred so much he wants to be a king without war unless he’s not given the choice, cares about his family so much, afraid he’ll be punished for the crown that’s not rightfully his own. alfred is so good, i love this man.
the raven cycle: (5) adam parrish - mmmmmmm what a good boy. an important boy, a very much loved boy. iiiii hate havin his pov sometimes, some relatable things in there, i love him so much. he’s not. his father. thanks. gotta say that a lot wanT HIM TO KNOOOOOOOW. he’s so good he’s improving himself he’s doin it!! go adam!! goD ASHLETY I KEEP THINKING OF THINGS YOU HAVEN’T GOTTEN TOOOOOOOO. mmmm it’s ok to still be stuck and to have bad days he doesn’t have to get over it right away!! it’s not somethin that’ll just be over!! dhfad smALL STEPS my boy i love u…. all bc, he…legally free (tryin not to spoil dfhjdaf).. don’t mean he has to be over it…take ur time adam. i’m thinkin of the emo thing in trk fuck wrong devil dkhfad. i just wanna cry he’s so good worth so much ronan & i will fight any and all fucks who wanna Go. i!! love him!! he deserVES TO FEEL LOVED AND TO FEEL HOW TO LOVE MMMM COOL i’m gonna stop i’ll just repeat myself - i just thOUGHT OF THE ‘FUCK YOU GANSEY’ WOW FIRST BOOK FUCK B YE
the foxhole court: …andrew minyard… - idk man?? it’s so lowkey?? it’s chill i literally don’t even have anything to say. nicky, neil & dan are my squad love em.
six of crows: jesper fahey - idk what fuckin bitch ass mood i had to be in when i read soc but if i wasn’t in it jesper would totally have been my fave. i wouldn’t take him away from wylan anyways (statement kiiinda counts for the two aforementioned also whoop). jesper?? deserves the world, but so does everyone else they all deserve the world even u bitch ass brekker who would not deal with my bullshit ever. 
criminal minds: aaron hotchner - god ashley screw off askin me for cm. love hotch, would die for him, too good of a guy.
the 100: bellamy blake - is a fuckin whore. iiiiiii love bellamy so much. bitch ass goes from a punk i hated to a good dude to a punk ass influenced by some huge ass prick dick and then struggles with himself for the next season and will now hopefully feel a bit better at least for gods sake. all bc you’ve done bad things doesn’t mean ur bad bell… i still never get over fucking pike taking advantage of him when he was vulnerable fuck off i just want him to feel better!! take responsibility but don’t let it push you down fucking get up!! you’ll get up!! mmm he’s so good he just wants to make everything right but clarke makes everyTHING FUCKIN GO WRONG. i just…not everything is excusable but he can make up for it he will and he’s worth it,,,, people gotta forgive him at some point he’s trying his hardest to make up for everything and he keeps beating himself on it mmmmdfahdf i love him
the sun is also a star: daniel jae ho bae - idk what to say about him ashley god fuck. he’s so cute though?? what a cheesy dude. ugh literally so cute i gotta reread it
naruto: kiba inuzuka - what a prideful ass i fuckIN LOVe him thx. i mean i was fuckin doomed from that start he has best boy akamaru & fuckin has a jutsu where he turns into a wolf?? and his fuckin mom and sister have wolves?? doomed before i even fuckin knew it. he’s soooo cute, never take his fuckin hoodie off idk what’s cuter him trying to look tough in that hoodie that everyone literally thought was hair or havin the hoodie off and showin his actual hair that somehow makes him cuter,,, what’S HORRIBLE IS THE LEATHER JACKET OR WHATEVER IT IS HE WEARS IN SHIPPUDEN fuckin idiot. imagine him as hokage i can’t believe he wants to be hokage it’s so funny i’m sorry kiba i’ll support u just give me a minute to catch my breath. guys he’s just so cute, trains so hard, he’s so good i love him enthusiastic boy
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jaeminlore · 7 years
Sure » Yoon Jeonghan
prompt: jeonghan loves you, and he has the petals to prove it. but you love joshua, and there is nothing he can do to change that. (requested) words: 1712 category: hanahaki!au + angst a/n: i didn’t plan on doing this one this month but i got some inspo and i wanted to write abt jeonghan so here i am. i’ll have a fluff for him eventually to make up for this. sorry :)
There are a lot of things on the earth that Jeonghan isn’t sure of. He isn’t sure why there are people still going hungry. He isn’t sure why people fall out of love with each other. He isn’t sure why there are dogs on the side of the street when they could be in the arms of a loving human. He isn’t sure why the grocery store stopped selling his favorite type of ice cream. He isn’t sure why Mingyu still cooks him food when he can make his own. He isn’t sure why it gets so lonely at night. He isn’t sure why Joshua singing in the shower makes him so happy. He certainly isn’t sure why the sight of you in his t-shirt makes him want to grab you around the waist and kiss you breathless. There are many things Jeonghan isn’t sure of.
Jeonghan loves you, this he is sure of.
Joshua, Jeonghan, and you are friends from college. Roommates in the beginning, now the three of you are inseparable. Jeonghan isn’t sure if it was love at first sight, or if it was gradual. All he knows is that you are now his first thought in the morning and his last thought at night. He loves you, and he wants you to love him back.
When he arrives home after his afternoon lecture, you are cuddled into the couch, watching a cooking show on low volume.
Jeonghan slips out of his shoes and lays across the couch, using your lap as his pillow. “What’re we watching?”
“I’m not sure,” you answer with a giggle.
Your laughter sets a small fire in Jeonghan’s stomach, and he’s suddenly laughing along. Until he isn’t, because something is crawling up his throat like a cough and Jeonghan can’t stop it. He chokes on what seems to be air before his passages are opened again, and he is coughing up one pink rose petal.
He stares at it in shock. Painful, heart-wrenching shock because he knows what this means. This means you don’t love him. This means you don’t hold any romantic feeling for him at all.
Jeonghan snatches the petal off of the floor before you can see it, and when you ask what’s wrong he simply replies, “I had a little tickle in my throat. Nothing to worry about.”
You question him again, refusing to believe that it was only a tickle. Jeonghan clutches the petal in his fist, “Don’t worry about me, Y/n. I’m okay.”
He thinks you would’ve questioned him more, had Joshua not walked into the apartment just then. You invite Joshua to come watch television with you, and Jeonghan retreats to his room to dispose of the evidence.
He stares at himself in the mirror. Bright eyes stare back. He doesn’t look sick. Hanahaki doesn’t effect your outside appearance, though. Jeonghan knows that soon the petals will multiply, until they clog up his respiratory system, killing him in the process. He knows that there is a very simple surgery he can get done that will extract the petals from his insides and with it, his love for you. He isn’t sure he likes that thought. There is another way, a much harder way to be cured. He’d have to get you to return his love. The more he thinks about it, the more he thinks he might just be able to pull it off.
Jeonghan awakes a few weeks later to what sounds like vomiting.
He runs to your room to see you on the floor, a trash can in your lap, and red petals surrounding you.
“You have hanahaki,” is the only thing Jeonghan can think to say, because it’s true. It even looks like you’ve had it as long as him, for there are piles of petals on the ground.
He isn’t sure who you love. You’ve never told him. He only knows that it isn’t him, so he is doomed as well.
Silently, he sits down beside you and helps you pick up all the petals that seem to have exploded around the room. After they are cleaned, Jeonghan is surprised to feel your arms around his neck.
“Jeonghan,” you sob, and he thinks it’s because you too know what has to be done. “I love Joshua, but he doesn’t love me.”
Your voice breaks then, and so does Jeonghan’s heart, because seeing you in the same pain as him makes him upset. For a moment, his anger is directed towards Joshua, because how can he not love somebody as wonderful as you? Then, it is at himself. If he had only been more appealing, more of a gentleman to you, you might have fallen for him instead. There would be no pain then.
Jeonghan gathers you in his arms, his slender fingers untangling the knots in your hair. “What are you going to do?”
You sniff and hiccup, causing another stray petal to come falling out of your mouth. “I have to go get them removed. I have to remove my feelings.”
Jeonghan can feel petals in his own throat, prompted by how many emotions he is feeling for you at the moment. He swallows them back down, ignoring the internal burn he feels. “What if you didn’t have to remove the feelings?”
You match his gaze, “What do you mean?”
“If he returns them, you’ll be cured,” Jeonghan explains, feeling a piece of him fall apart with each honest word he speaks.
There is no chance for his happiness, but there might be a chance for yours. That’s all Jeonghan wants anyway. He’s sure of it.
You and Joshua go on your first date, after Jeonghan persuades Joshua to ask you out.
He stays home alone, a bucket in his arms to catch the petals he constantly coughs up. It has been harder for him to breathe lately. He feels depressed and angry. He’s too upset to eat. The petals lying in his stomach make him feel full anyway.
He researches surgeries and prices, but he can never bring himself to call. It’s pathetic, he knows, but he doesn’t want to live without loving you. He isn’t sure he’s ready to die either.
You and Joshua come home that night, giggly with pink hues dancing across your cheeks. Jeonghan knows how this is going to play out. He knows Joshua will return your feelings, because he’s finally seeing you in the light that Jeonghan had always seen you in. Jeonghan is sure that you are going to be okay.
Months pass and Jeonghan won’t let you or Joshua into his room. He can’t let either of you see that he’s up to his ankles in petals, and that he can’t speak without creating another pile. So he doesn’t speak around you two.
It hurts him, to see both of you falling for each other so quickly. You haven’t coughed up a flower in weeks, for Joshua returned your feelings rather quickly, as Jeonghan predicted he would.
Days are shorter, and the air is colder. Jeonghan knows his time is coming to an end but he just can’t see the point in letting go of his feelings for you. He doesn’t want to. He never wants to forget the way you make him feel.
You and Joshua hurt more than the petals do. Now, you wear Joshua’s shirt around the apartment, and it’s him who places you on the counter and kisses you breathless. Jeonghan knows that you two have each other, and he knows you’ll be okay if he were to leave.
Jeonghan is sure that he loves you. He’s sure that you love him too, even if it’s in a different way than you love Joshua. He thinks this is a nice thought to hold onto, and so he does.
He holds onto it even when he can hardly breathe and there are tears springing from the corners of his eyes because he wants to breathe so badly but he just can't. All he can feel are petals. Petals are everywhere. They’re under his hands, on his bed, and in his throat.
Hanahaki is a nice disease, Jeonghan realizes quickly. For, in his fading away, it allows him a chance to see what it would’ve been like, had you loved him back. He can feel your soft skin under his touch and he can taste the sweetness of your lips. He thinks you sound prettiest saying his name, your hand in his as the two of you walk along some unknown road. This is the way it was supposed to be. This is what he wants it to be.
Unfortunately, none of these images are real. They are only what he wanted. Only what he craves.
In his last moments, Jeonghan lets out a choked cry, because he isn’t sure he want to die. He isn’t sure he wants to go. He thinks of you and Joshua getting married and having children. He thinks of finding someone else or something else to put his love in. He thinks of a happy ending. He wants to shout for Joshua to come and take him to the hospital but he can’t. There are too many petals in his throat.
Joshua wouldn’t hear it anyways. He is out on a date with you.
After the panic leaves him, Jeonghan finds peace in the way the bright light finds him. He likes the pale pink color that clouds his senses. He likes the smell of roses and the soft voice coaxing him to let go and come. He wants to believe that the voice is you.
There are a lot of things on this earth and beyond it that Jeonghan isn’t sure of. He isn’t sure why fate is so cruel. He isn’t sure why you chose Joshua over him. He isn’t sure why hanahaki exists and why he happened to fall victim to it. He isn’t sure why his bed is getting softer by the second. He isn’t sure what death is like. He isn’t sure if you will grieve for him when he is gone.
Jeonghan loves you, though, this he is sure of.
He falls asleep, never to wake up, surrounded by pink petals and the memory of you.
»the end«
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scum-belina · 6 years
Thoughts on TLJ? I know you enjoyed it but what do you thinks were it's best and worst parts? Do you think they could've played out reylo better? What about what all happened with Luke?
Honestly the reylo scenes in TLJ exceeded my expectations so much. I’m still in shock. I NEVER would’ve imagined they’d give them so many scenes together, let alone ones filled to the brim with sexual tension and constant symbolism that they’re fates are intertwined and they’re destined to be together and they complete each other and AASDFGHhgfJHG. I mean the scene in the cave where Rey is alone and asks to see her parents, but instead she sees a shadow–a VERY Kylo/Ben-shaped shadow, and a smaller more Rey-sized shadow approach her and both shadows MERGE as they do so??? AND THEN we realize what we thought was her internal monologue about what happened in the cave is actually her telling Kylo about it when they’re in the hut??? She told him about that most private experience right away??? And then wants him to join her and THEN THEY TOUCH HANDS AND SEE A VISION OF EACH OTHER TOGETHER IN THE FUTURE ON EACH OTHER’S SIDE??? AND THEN UNCLE LUKE WALKS IN THE HUT AND ACTS LIKE HE CAUGHT THEM FUCKIN N DESTROYS THE PLACE??? That one scene alone shook me, but it does even moreso when I remember Maz Kanata’s words to Rey in TFA, “The belonging you seek is not behind you, but ahead” Maz and Kylo both tell Rey to stop dwelling on her parents and looking for her purpose and future in them, and everything else keeps pointing her to Kylo hell even THE FORCE is putting them together and YEAH. 
ANYWAYS, the reylo I really can’t complain about at all. Yes, I cringed when he fucked up yet again with her and went into impulsive rage mode yet again when he realized he was alone again bc she rejected his proposal to RULE THE FUCKING GALAXY TOGETHER, but that final scene with them showed that he knows he fucked up, and he’s sorry about it there is no doubt. She’s disappointed in him, she doesn’t hate him. She still wants him to be saved she still believes in Ben Solo and TLJ pushed the “no one is ever too lost to be saved” and “we’ll win not by killing those we hate, but by saving those we love” messages down our throats the whole time, and if that ain’t them heavy-hinting at Kylo/Ben’s redemption than idk what it. People say the proposal scene mirrors Anakin and Padme’s, and they’re right, but the anidala scene happened in the final episode of the prequel trilogy, while reylo’s happened in the second to final episode of the new trilogy, giving way to a BIGGG implication that episode IX will be all about Kylo’s redemption and that reylo will be reverse anidala, which Is suuuper likely with the way J.J. Abrams and Rian Johnson talk about not wanting to repeat the same ending of the other trilogies and wanting to make things end in a whole new way. ANYWAYS AGAIN I’m more than happy with how reylo played out in TLJ. I could talk about their scenes for hours they were SO powerful. 
I’m ngl, I was surprised when I heard the spoiler that Luke dies, but after seeing the scene and what he does and says right before he dies was absolutely outstanding. Luke played his part and served his purpose fully and I got really emotional over it. Don’t even get me started on his scene in the Millenium Falcon or his scene with Leia and the dice and then Kylo holding the dice in the final scene with him and Rey oh my gosh I CRY. People complain about the fact we find out Luke was a dumbass and got so afraid of Ben’s power as a student that he almost tried to kill him, and that’s what sent Ben over the edge to become Kylo Ren. But despite that being a really dumb thing for Luke to do, I’m still not bothered by it because it keeps his character HUMAN. Everyone is capable of fucking up royally, even heroes especially out of fear, and that’s what Luke did. Gimme all the flawed characters and all their tragicness and angstyness it is good writing I say GOOD WRITING.
One of my main grievances was SOME of the resistance’s storyline. I really liked Finn and Rose’s roles in the movie and especially loved their first meeting lol, but some of the fussiness back at the resistance ship with Poe vs Holdo and stuff got old fast. I don’t dislike Poe, but I’m afraid he might be my least favorite character. I feel like he’s mainly just in the story bc the story needs a main pilot is all. His character doesn’t really grasp my emotions, unlike most of the other characters do. Admiral Holdo was who impressed me the most in the resistance this time. At first I thought I’d hate her, then she was alright, then I thought I hated her again, but then she was really cool and alright again lol.
Hux is another least fave of mine, but interesting none the less. His resentment towards Kylo is hilarious, plus his sarcasm is incredible (i.e. the final showdown scene where Luke show up and Kylo orders all his men to stop everything and point all their weapons at Luke and don’t stop shooting, and the scene goes on forever they shoot at luke SO MUCH and when it finally ends Kylo is literally shaking with rage against Luke still and hux is just like “do u think we hit him” all sarcastically lmao) it’ll be interesting to see how he will likely become the main antagonist in episode IX. I hope Poe prank calls him again too.
My biggest complaint about TLJ? NOT ENOUGH PORGS
My biggest praise abt TLJ? The Reylo fight scene against snoke and the praetorian guards. Hands down my favorite scene in star wars so far.
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