#but I’m gonna try and ignore perfectionism for a bit and post them anyway *shaky thumbs up*
*peeks out from under blankets* Hi.
So *claps hands together* school has been crazy as heck, and has kept me pretty busy lately. I’m not too sure how active I’ll be in the near future, and I probably won’t be checking my dashboard as much. If there’s a post any of y’all want me to see, tagging me/sending me the link to it would be great, because there’s a chance I just… won’t see it otherwise XD
With whumptober just around the corner, I’m pleased to announce that I WILL ACTUALLY BE POSTING STORIES THROUGHOUT THE EVENT!!! Some stories, at least. I didn’t end up writing too many, much to my annoyance.
But yes, I’m back and ready to cause Chaos >:)
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