#but I’m really glad Jeonghoon is doing okay
feelingsobloom · 1 year
I saw Jeonghoon in a post today on tiktok and I hadn’t realized how much i missed him until just then
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fanxyblog · 4 years
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Request: Im sooo glad you write for coogie can i request where you guys are just friends but everyone around you two can clearly see theres some love which leads to long overdue confessions TYSM
A/N : It's finally here. I'm sorry you had to wait so long, but I have a lot to do for school ( like essays and exams) because in a month school year is going to end for me, so they want us to put more effort. I have three more request to finish, I think I'm going to be done with them by the end of next month, so I will probably open my request again then. Hope you all enjoy this one !
Warnings: None
Word Count: 850
You were sitting by the desk in your studio, checking all of the pictures you've taken an hour before. All of them were for Dazed and Jeonghoon was a main character in them. He looked beautiful in every single one, but you prefered a version of Jeonghoon you had behind you. He was laying on the couch that was standing in the corner of the room, his hair was a one big mess and he had a big hoodie on. He was playing with his phone not really focused on the things that were happning around him. That gave you a perfect opportunity to stare at him, his skin was glimering and his eyes were shimering, they were in the prettiest color of brown you've seen in your life. It wasn't a secret that you were in love with Jeonghoon, everybody knew about it,except him. It's not like you were trying to hide it, you just didn't want to tell him about it, cause you were terribly scared of it running your friendship with him. Not having Jeonghoon in your life would be the worst thing that could ever happend to you.
" Y/N ? Is everything okay? " you got out of your trance at the sudden sound of Jeonghoon's voice.
" Yes, yes. Of course, why wouldn't I be okay haha..." you laughed nervously, you were praying inside your head that he didn't realise you were staring at him.
" I don't know you just seem off... I mean you seem off quite a lot recently. Is there something wrong going on in your life ? We are friends Y/N, you can tell me everything" Jeonghoon changed his position and now vere sitting on the couch facing you.
You knew that Jeonghoon cared about you, but you couldn't stop the sadness that occured you after you heard the word "friends". You didn't want to be only a friend to Jeonghoon. You wanted the sleepovers you always had with each other not have only a friendly manner in them. You wanted to be able to hug and kiss Jeonghoon whenever you wanted. The fact that you were to scared to do so was really hard to you.
" You see Jeonghoon... I- I think I'm in love with somone" You putted your head down and looked at your hands that were laying on your thights, you weren't able to look at him.
On the other hand your statment made Jeonghoon feel sick, he could hear his heart breaking. You were in love with somone, who was that person ? How is it possible that he had lost his chance before he even made a move, but he didn't have an odds to say something.
" Actually, I don't think I'm in love with that somone, I know I am, it's just very complicated"
" Do I know him?" You were suprised by that question, your eyes met with Jeonghoon's beautiful brown orbs. What were you supposed to say now ?
" Yeah, you do know that person. I think you know him better than anyone else" you didn't know what you wanted to achive by saying that, but in the back of your head there was a bit of hope that he will realise that he is the one you're in love with.
"Are you in love with Minsik!?" Jeonghoon stood up from his place and didn't even realize that he had raised his voice. He felt a terrible pang in his chest. From all of the dudes you could've fall in love with you had chosen Minsik.
" What ? Of course not, I mean Minisk is handsome and he is a good guy, but he is not a guy for me "
Jeonghoon was confused, you could tell that and you really didn't know what have gotten over you. You didn't know why you were saying all of those things, but in a split of a you decided you ain't gonna hide your feelings anymore.
" You are the guy I'm in love with Jeonghoon. I've been in love with you for God's know how long, and I will understand if you don't feel the same"
"Y/N ..."
"Also I will understand If you don't want to be friends with me anymore I just couldn't hide it any...."
Your nervous blabering was stoped at the sudden feeling of something soft and warm on your lips.
Jeonghoon's kiss made you relax immediately. The kiss you two shared wasn't steamy, it was a kiss that makes your stomach turn from all the love you are feeling. It was the best kiss you had in your life, same goes for Jeonghoon.
You broke the kiss because of a lack of air. Jeong Hoon rested his forehead on yours, he was very happy, the girl he is in love with to kill also loves him and from now on it could get only better.
"I love you too Y/N, a lot "
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fmufmu · 5 years
Let’s fall in love.
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         a/n: sorry to everyone that’s missed me. here’s an old work renamed (because i cant remember the name) please enjoy! (i also cant remember the summaries right either sorry haha)
Jeonghoon isn’t your friend. And he isn’t your boyfriend . . . yet.
 You meet Jeonghoon through a friend of a friend, and the rest is history.
           You click like you haven’t clicked with other people, being a producer, you’re schedule is usually filled to the max but for Jeonghoon, you’ll always find time for him. You’re friends. Friends who one hundred percent have feelings for each other. Friends who take late night drives; who play mini golf; who kiss under the stars and everything in between. You were okay with this. You’re busy and so is Seunghoon. You never wanted to push it but as the weeks move into months and the months begin to pile up on each other like snow, you’re starting to wonder what this is.
           Are you friends? Is he seeing someone else?
           And now, you sit across from him in the restaurant; soft classical music plays in the background while the low lighting really sets the mood. Jeonghoon flicks through the menu while you stare at him, anxious more than anything.
           “I was thinking steak.” He says, looking up and smiles. “You okay, y/n?” Are you? No. You want to know where you stand. You want to scream from the top of your lungs that you have feelings for Jeonghoon, that you’ll always have feelings for him.
           “I’m okay, today was just long.” You says, opening up your menu. “New idol group and a mini-album that they want by Christmas.” Jeonghoon hums and you find yourself idly staring at the menu. You didn’t want to eat you just wanted answers.
           “You can relax now.” He says. “I’m here.” Your lips quirk up slightly. You don’t feel better hearing that. How long was Jeonghoon going to be here for? What was this? “Should we order starters as well? I think I could eat a lot.” Looking up, Jeonghoon smiles widely at you. You give a sheepish smile, rather awkward, just not feeling it.
           “If you want too.” The waiter comes along and takes your order. Jeonghoon speaks and your alone with your thoughts again. If someone told you, months and months ago, that Jeonghoon would be the person you want to be with – you would’ve laughed.
           He could do better than someone like you.
           “Wine? I got your favourite.” Jeonghoon pours a glass and you watch it being filled silently. Where was this heading? Was the ending so soon? “Y/n, are you sure everything is okay? You’re really quiet tonight.” Jeonghoon looks concerned; eyebrows furrowed together, lips pressing together. “If someone is giving you a hard time . . .”
           “It’s nothing.” You insist, taking your glass and taking a sip. “Honestly, Jeonghoon. It’s nothing, I’m just overreacting.” His hand finds yours over the table and you stop drinking to look at Jeonghoon.
           “Y/n, you can talk to me, you know?” He says. “Who do I have to beat up?” You laugh at that. It’s a small huff that makes your lips pull up. “Seriously, y/n, you are okay right?” You should enjoy this moment, you think. The more you make Jeonghoon worry, the more you ruin the night. You squeeze his hand, nodding. You need to get over this.
           Right now, being here with Jeonghoon, isn’t the time. Maybe later you can talk about it. you won’t ruin this night for you both with your anxious thoughts.
           “Being here with you makes me happy.” You reply, biting your lip. You’re not lying when you say that. The best moments these last few months are the ones where you’re with Jeonghoon, doing whatever you’re doing. “This place looks like they have good food.”
           “I hope so,” Jeonghoon says. “Minsik said this is a good place to come.” Your lips twitch a bit. This restaurant is nice. It’s not somewhere where you’d bring anyone. Only people special to you. Before you can comment, the food appears in front of you; steaks covered in a sauce with different American looking side-dishes.
Before you can take a bite, Jeonghoon is taking your plate and slicing the meat for you with a smile before handing it back to you and your stomach fills with butterflies.
“I know you have trouble cutting your steaks.” Has he always been this sweet? You look over at Jeonghoon and think that if, and that’s a big if, he ever became your boyfriend – you wouldn’t mind this.
“Thank you.” You say, feeling your heart smash against your ribcage. “You’re cute.” You pop a piece of steak in your mouth and it tastes amazing. “Minsik is right, this place is amazing.” You take a sip of wine and it pairs perfectly. Jeonghoon wasn’t even your boyfriend but you’re ready to get married already if he’s going to act like this.
“I was thinking after this, we could go back to my place.” Jeonghoon says around a piece of steak, he pours himself a bit more wine and fills up your glass as well. “We could watch that series you’ve been wanting to start together.”
“Sure. I should go back home and pick up my toothbrush.”
“I have one for you.” Jeonghoon doesn’t look up from his plate as the cuts into this steak, eyes never leaving. “I want you to stay over as my girlfriend than just a friend.” Your fork drops against your plate, making an awful clanging sound that makes Jeonghoon jump. Girlfriend? He – Jeonghoon wants you to be his –
“Girlfriend?” You say, staring at him. “You want to –,”
“ – be official.” Jeonghoon cuts off, grabbing his wine glass and downing almost all of it. He winces at the taste and looks at you dead on. “I was just – this isn’t enough for me. I like you a lot, y/n. I like being with you, I like hearing you sing in the morning, I like the way you cook breakfast for me, I like hearing how your day is.” Jeonghoon explains quietly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Is that okay?” You can hear the nerves in his voice. Like you’d say no. Like you’d ever say no to Jeonghoon.
“I’d like that.” You say back, trying to stop the smile from blooming on your face but you can’t stop it. Suddenly, it feels like all that weight has been lifted off your body. “I’d really like that, Jeonghoon.”
“Fuck, I’m really glad you said yes.” Jeonghoon lets out a breath. “I thought you were mad at me. I thought you’d tell me to leave or something, y/n.” You shake your head. All the weight is off your chest now. That pressure building up is gone.
“I could never be mad at you.” You coo. “You’re my boyfriend.”
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feelingsobloom · 5 years
B! I hope you're well! I just read Liquid Courage and I had to say 1) omg it made me smile. and I weirdly love the notion of Donghyuk being like 'u guys are nOT ALLOWED to meet my female bff' at the rest of enoi??? 2) my REACTION at that one moment... frankly Jeonghoon is lucky he didn't end up with a face full of beer spat out on him bc I think that's what I'd do irl lol. Thank you for continuing write for enoi!!
Helloooooo! I am well thank you!!! I hope you are doing well as well!
Oh and I’m so glad that you like Liquid Courage!!! I just can’t get it out of my head that Donghyuk would be really protective of you- dating or not- and you always being like “come on, this is ridiculous” and him drawing up extensive ways to keep you away from everyone else haha.
OKAY I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT THAT MOMENT LIKE I DON’T DRINK OR KISS PEOPLE SO I WAS LIKE how realistic is this really, (I would’ve probably spat it out too honestly oh my god beer is the worst) but thank you so much for reading the fic and sending me this message!! I’ll definitely be writing a lot for ENOi!!! They’re just too precious to not write for them!
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