#but I’ve been stuck on the trial of the fool forever
aceviscontiswife · 1 year
Beneath the Mask
What happens when a survivor finally s n a p s ?
Warnings: murder, mutilation of bodies, insanity, survivor considers themselves a god, carving words into bodies, I basically went wild with this. It’s also a tad unrealistic. Just a tad.
No longer could you stand being stuck with this sad, scared, pathetic survivors. You had never been able to connect with them, their hope was still alive and flowing through their veins. Their smell of false innocence made you sick… you wished to be free of their presence, away from their shit excuse of a leader; Dwight. He was nothing but a coward who would let his teammates die without thought. Of course, you would too, but you did not cower when in the presence of a killer. Lockers were for the weak. You longed to rid yourself of the so-called survivors.
You had begun to plot the survivors against eachother, relishing in their arguments and death as they fought to discover who had been ‘working’ with the killer. They didn’t know it was you, they never would. You doubt anyone even knew your name. You spent your time alone, listening to the harsh whispers of the entity as it invaded your ears. With each passing trial you felt the urge to snap grow… you wanted to deface every survivor and expose them for the fool they truly were. Nea, a murderer. Dwight, a liar. David, weak. These were the truths that needed to be revealed and your job was to reveal them.
The urges were strong, so strong they brought you great pain. Pain you dealt with and endured as you sat behind a tree, eavesdropping on a conversation between Jeff and Claudette. They seemed to trust eachother, which infuriated you but you needed to ignore your foolish emotions. Jeff, who was usually calm and collected, sounded fearful as he seeked for comfort from Claudette.
“I’m scared, Clau. I mean, I’ve had the killer lead to me game after game. I trust that it isn’t you, but I can’t figure out who it could be.” Jeff sighs, looking down at his feet. Claudette places her hand on his, squeezing it lightly. “It could be the entity. This isn’t the first time it’s made things difficult for us and it won’t be the last. I hate to see people fighting… even Kate is beginning to snap at people.” Upon hearing this news you cracked a smile, the first one in a long time. The hopeful songbird was becoming nothing but a sickly mockingbird, one that would soon perish… lost forever in the darkest depths of the realm and turned into a story for survivors to tell. A myth… a nobody. Just like Benedict, every survivor would be nothing but a note left behind for the new sacrifices to read.
Everything in this realm was upside down. Everyone lived a lie, their façade beginning to crack and show the true emotion within them. You lived for it. You had grown bored of Jeff and Claudette, finding their fear and hate to be irrelevant. Yes, every match survivors were dying within minutes. But it wasn’t the entity, it was you. How you did it was something only you would ever know, a secret to keep for eternity. You could see that the killers had begun to relax. Frank didn’t even use frenzy anymore. Danny would track you down and converse with you, prying for information that you would never give. Wesker was jealous of your power and you could tell. You had the entity wrapped around your finger… you were the true god of this realm and you knew it.
You wanted to devour those who stood in your way. You wanted to show their true faces. You wanted to sit at a campfire with killers, not with the prey. You wanted to be almighty. Your cold, dead eyes lit up at the thought of blood gushing down the bodies of the sacrifices… their face mutilated in order to expose what they hid. You wanted the self-appointed leader to see what he truly led before he suffered the same fate of his followers. The entity’s voice grew louder within your ears, and a soft smile grew on your face as an iridescent, blood engraved knife was put into your hand.
The entity wanted this. You were the messiah. They would worship you. The truth-bringer. A shiner of light. The knife felt light in your hand, though you knew it was heavy. Your body felt colder than usual, but other than that you felt nothing. No emotion. No pain. Nothing. You put your hands behind your back, concealing the knife as you stepped out from behind the tree, slowly making your way towards Jeff and Claudette. Instead of seeing their regular selves, you saw their pale, lifeless bodies, their dead eyes staring into you as blood trickled down them like tears. On their foreheads they had a word. On Jeffs: nobody. On Claudettes: coward. Their arms were broken, ragged bones sticking out with the word on their forehead carved into them.
“Yes…?” Claudette struggled to remember your name, and Jeff didn’t even bother to try helping her. You got as close as you could behind Jeff, who was looking over his shoulder at you, his brow raised. “Do you need something?” He asked kindly, though you could tell he was uncomfortable.
“Coward. Nobody.” You couldn’t recognize your voice. It had been so long since you had used it that it sounded unnatural. Claudette stood, visibly distressed but trying her best to be polite. “What? D-Did someone say that to you..? If so, t-t-they’re lying, I promise… Okay?” She approached you slowly, her hands shaking involuntarily. Jeff had stood as well, the log he had sat on a divider between you two.
“Listen… you’re starting to worry us. If someone said that to you then we’re sorry. You’re just very quiet and some don’t like that.” Jeff said, unable to meet your gaze. You nod slowly, turning your head to look at Claudette.
“He’s Ri-“ you cut her off as you revealed your knife, plunging it deep into Jeff’s chest and pulling it out with a sickening squelch. Claudette screamed, trying to run but your hand is quick to grab her arm, pulling her back with so much force that she went tumbling to the ground. She landed on Jeff’s legs, who laid in the dirt coughing up blood as it entered his lungs.
“No! No please! We didn’t do anything, PLEASE!” Claudette begs, tears streaming down her face as she scrambled backwards, fear leaving her completely vulnerable and unable to stand. She begged for mercy. For her life. Soon forgetting about the dying man laying only a few feet from her. “Please… You don’t know if we’ll come back.. Don’t do this!” You couldn’t help but laugh. You knew they wouldn’t return from this. And if they did? You’d kill them again and again, showing less mercy with each stab.
“You will not.” You promised, before stabbing the knife straight into Claudette’s head, easily penetrating her skull and burying your knife into her brain. She died almost instantly, her cries for help coming to a halt. But, you weren’t satisfied. The pair deserved to suffer for eternity with a constant reminder of who they really are. So, just as you had seen earlier, you remove your knife from Claudette’s head and begin carving the word ‘coward’ onto her forehead, wiping away the blood until the entity had dried it. You moved to her arms, breaking them with ease. You stabbed and broke until her humerus and radius were on full display, carving ‘coward’ into the bone.
You moved onto Jeff, who had died minutes ago. You carved ‘nobody’ into his forehead, breaking his arms and carved it onto the bone as well. You stood and took a step back, admiring your work. You were drenched in blood, bringing your fingers to your mouth and licking them clean. You left the scene, searching for the next group of unfortunate survivors.
It wasn’t long until bodies were scattered around you, each with their own special word carved onto their foreheads. You decided to use different bones, such as carving ‘weak’ on David’s femur. Dwight was sat in front of you, both legs broken, leaving him stuck with you and the bodies of those he called friends. His glasses were shattered, broken into pieces next to him. Tears streamed down his face, and he stared helplessly at Nea. You had Nea pinned to the ground with you knife deep in her back.
“Fuck you…” she spat out, yelling out in pain as you twisted the knife around. She had been difficult to catch, you’d give her that, but one thing Nea Karlsson can’t escape is you. You were unstoppable. Not even Chris, Leon, Jill, or even Carlos could bring you down. They had been dealt with ages ago, their corpses almost unrecognizable. Jill had almost stopped you. Almost. You knew she was strong, she’s lived her entire life fighting. But, you could feel the entity’s power coursing through your veins and knew that nothing and no-one could defeat you. Her fight ended when your blade was plunged deep into her neck, the tip of the blade having went the entire way through, bloody and exposed as Jill immediately went limp, falling to the ground; lifeless.
“You fought well, Valentine.” You kneel down and rip your knife out of her neck, blood spurting out of the wound. Instead of carving a word on her forehead, you rip the badge off of her waist belt, ripping it in half and letting the pieces fall onto her chest.
Dwight tries to escape by dragging himself with his arms, though he wasn’t able to get very far. The pain was unbearable, he was stuck on the ground writhing in pain. “Why are you doing this..?” Dwight asks weakly, earning a pained scoff from Nea. “I-I always knew you were a- a fraud..” Nea spits at you, wheezing as another gush of blood seeped through her wound. She continued to insult you as best as she could, Dwight’s quiet sobs begging you to let him go. But, you heard none of it. Only one thing was on your mind.
Nea Karlsson called you a fraud.
You. Were. Not. A. Fraud.
Overtaken by anger, you rip the knife out of her back and began stabbing it into her back, again and again until Nea’s screams were no more. You were covered in her blood, licking off what was on the blade. Dwight let out a sob, only able to watch you murder the last survivor he had left. He was alone. He was scared. He was going to die. You toss Nea’s body aside, making your way over to Dwight. You grabbed his chin and made him look up at you. His eyes were red and swollen, and the cut on his cheek bled profusely.
“What a pathetic leader..” Your words were laced with venom, your nails digging into Dwight’s chin. “If only you could have lead them properly.” Dwight was too stunned to speak. You pressed down on his leg, evoking a scream and a weak sob from Dwight. “I will show them all who you truly are.” Dwight’s eyes screwed shut when you tried to show him your bloody knife, his lip quivering as he mutters a quiet, begging “Please…”
“Goodbye, Fairfield.”
The bloodcurdling scream from Dwight echoed through the lifeless forest as your blade was dug deep into Dwight’s eyelid. You began to carve out his eye. His screams were music to your ears. You were exposing him for the man he really was. You sliced through the optic nerve of his eye, Dwight’s screams having faded as he fell unconscious. If carving out his eyes didn’t kill him, bleeding out would. You rip the eye out, turning it upside down and slicing a deep hole in his cheek, burying the eye inside until all that was exposed was the white of his eye and the pupils which had once been full of life. You repeat this process with the other eye, moving onto his mouth.
It was difficult avoiding his jaw and teeth, but you successfully carved out his lips, slicing away whatever skin and muscle that hadn’t already been cut away. Dwight was dead, his face wasn’t even recognizable anymore, the only part of him that would give him away is the bloody, loose tie. You cut into his forehead, flipping the mouth upside down and digging it into the wound on his forehead. Content with your work, you drag Dwight’s body to a tree, leaning him against it and giving his blood drenched head a pat.
You step back, admiring your work. The lifeless eyes of the survivors staring into yours. You felt nothing. You had saved them from themselves. You were ready for the killers side, they’d understand you there. They showed themselves as who they are, and not the face they put on out of fear. Your legs carry you away from the campfire, you look over your shoulder and your eyes meet with Dwight’s. Just as you had imagined… you saw what you had always wanted to see:
You saw beneath the mask.
Alright! I wanted to have this out yesterday but I got a surprise visit from family. I’m more proud of this than I expected to be. I’m at a loss of ideas for what to write next (which is a pain in the ass lol) but I’m sure something will hit me at 3:00am while I’m scrolling through tumblr (requests are always appreciated as well!). Hope you enjoy, love ya!
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ibijau · 3 years
You’re a marked man, brother, part 5 (end) / also on AO3
With everything over, Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue move forward
After returning to the Heavenly Court, Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji, and Nie Mingjue had to report to the Jade Emperor what they had discovered about Jin Guangyao. This, in turn, created a great deal of chaos to be dealt with, and a number of heavenly officials were demoted as a result of this reveal. No matter how clever Jin Guangyao had been, no matter how powerful the fate changing spell and the curse laid on Nie Huaisang, it would have been impossible for Jin Guangyao to remain in place for this long without anyone noticing. In the days that followed his death, a number of his former friends, his subordinates, and at least one higher ranking civil god were revealed to have at least suspected he didn’t belong in the Heavenly Court, and to have profited from his position to scheme and get away with corruption.
There was a trial. 
Aside from those former associates forced to confess their crimes, Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen were also called to explain what they had discovered, and the circumstances of those discoveries. To recount these events in front of their peers, to explain how they had both been tricked into betraying someone they’d loved as dearly as Nie Huaisang, was a true torture.
When it was over, when the emperor had given his judgement and they were free at last, Nie Mingjue took Lan Xichen to his palace. Truly, Lan Xichen had barely stepped inside his own home the whole time. He couldn’t bear to be there and see marks of Jin Guangyao’s presence, constant reminders of how he had been so thoroughly fooled. It wasn’t that they hadn’t all three made memories in Nie Mingjue’s palace as well, but Lan Xichen felt the sting of betrayal a little less strongly there.
Still, it was the first time the two of them were alone since everything unfolded, and for the first time in their long acquaintance Lan Xichen felt uncomfortable as they sat together, Nie Mingjue pouring wine for both of them. Lan Xichen didn’t normally drink, but on that day he decided an exception might be needed.
“So,” Nie Mingjue said when he sat as well, glaring at his cup of wine. “You and Huaisang.”
Shivering slightly, Lan Xichen put down his own cup of alcohol. Perhaps drinking would be unwise after all. He'd known they couldn't avoid that conversation forever, so why not get it over now, when they'd already exposed so much of themselves? 
“Me and Huaisang,” he confirmed in a whisper, nodding slowly.
“How long…”
“It happened after you ascended,” Lan Xichen explained, only to wince as he realised this might not sound good. “There was something before as well, but we became lovers after you ascended. It would have happened even if you hadn’t left, I think. That just… precipitated things.”
Lan Xichen remembered Nie Huaisang so cheerful in public, so happy for his brother and involved in those early efforts to get him followers, who once broke into tears in his arms when they were alone because he just missed Nie Mingjue so much. Lan Xichen had offered him all the comfort he could give, and Nie Huaisang had seized his chance to change things between them… not that Lan Xichen had put up much resistance anyway. 
“I had offered to take him to the Middle court,” Nie Mingjue said in a low, threatening voice. “The instant I ascended, I came back for him, and he refused. Was it because…”
Lan Xichen quickly shook his head. "No!" he exclaimed, and instantly Nie Mingjue relaxed. “I wouldn't have asked him to stay for my sake. I offered as well,” he said, his chest constricting at the memory. He’d first seen his own brother of course, but his second trip back to the mortal world had been for his lover. “He also refused. He said he wanted to take care of your father, especially since things had started going bad.”
That moment haunted Lan Xichen, ever since their encounter with the Magpie King. It had been their last time together, and he could see himself, in his newly ascended glory, lying in bed with Nie Huaisang’s head on his shoulder, warm and comfortable and nearly happy, save for Nie Huaisang rejecting his offer. He hadn’t known then how bad things had become for his lover, hadn’t known about the rumours, about the true state of old master Nie’s mental health. He just knew that Nie Huaisang had laughed and said he wasn’t ready yet to give up on mortal life, that he needed to be a dutiful son, that he’d miss his mother too much, and his little pet birds as well.
“I should have insisted,” Lan Xichen sighed, staring at the cup of wine he dared not drink. “If I had insisted, perhaps I could have saved him and he wouldn’t have become…”
He trailed off, thinking of the Magpie King’s disgust over their accidental betrayal, of him demanding their deaths, rejecting the idea of reconciliation. To think his A-Sang, mischievous but kind heart, could have become such a person…
“I should have insisted as well,” Nie Mingjue said. “But that kid was stubborn as a mule, and I’ve always spoiled him.”
He served himself more wine, which he drank too quickly.
"He was begging when I killed him, you know," Nie Mingjue whispered, sounding haunted. "At the time I couldn't even hear what he was saying, couldn't recognise who he was, just a stranger who'd come into my house and killed my family. But now I realise, now I can remember what I didn't hear back then, and he was begging me for mercy.” He drank some more. “Thought I was angry at him for killing father, for not saving everyone. He thought I hated him, and then I murdered him.”
Lan Xichen shivered. He hadn’t been there that day, but he remembered the memory the Magpie King had shown them. He wished he hadn't been made to see that. Nie Huaisang, desperate and broken… that wasn't how Lan Xichen would have preferred to remember him. 
“I can’t touch Baxia anymore,” Nie Mingjue confessed. “I’m so out of balance, I think she’d turn on me if I so much as looked at her.”
Unsure what to answer, Lan Xichen said nothing. He thought that Baxia, having once beheaded Nie Huaisang without hesitation, would have no right to judge Nie Mingjue now… but that wasn’t how sabre worked. At that time, Nie Mingjue had been absolutely convinced to be in the right, and that was all that mattered to Baxia. Now he was full of doubt, and the sabre would have hated to be yielded with uncertainty.s
Lan Xichen sighed, and drank his cup of wine after all.
He had little dignity left to preserve anyway.
Once things had settled in the Heavenly Court, and while his palace was being cleansed from the more obvious traces of Jin Guangyao’s prolonged stay, Lan Xichen suggested that Nie Mingjue and him take a break to visit the mortal world. 
Or rather, to visit a certain undead part of it. Nie Mingjue initially showed some reluctance at the idea of going among ghosts and demons when he still couldn’t touch his sabre, but eventually agreed to go to the Burial Mounds to meet with Wei Wuxian.
They were well received there, even more so than Lan Xichen on his first visit. They were offered tea, and welcomed into the Demon Slaughtering Cave which appeared to have been hastily cleaned up for them. It wasn’t as comfortable a place as their palaces in the Heavenly Court, there were papers everywhere, broken trinkets and half abandoned experimentation hidden under whatever old robes had been around, but Lan Xichen found it less distasteful than he would have expected only some weeks earlier. There was a certain homeliness to this mess of a place, or perhaps it was just because Lan Wangji looked so happy there with his husband.
The tea was served on an uneven table, in mismatched cups, and the four of them sat together to share pretty little cakes that Lan Xichen had brought, his brother's favourites. 
“I’m not sure I’ll have the answers you seek,” Wei Wuxian warned them before they could even say anything. “We’re not… I’m not on bad terms with the Magpie King, but I don’t know if I’m on good ones either. And he’s just never been the sort to talk about himself. For most of our acquaintance I wasn’t even sure who he was. Doesn’t help he changed faces every so often.”
Lan Xichen nodded, throwing a glance at an ashen looking Nie Mingjue. He hadn't wanted to come here, and looked as if he thought it had been the wrong decision. 
“We understand this,” Lan Xichen told his brother-in-law. “It’s just that… you and Wangji are the only people who can tell us anything at all.”
“I’ll try my best,” Wei Wuxian promised. “And I can speculate a bit about some things, too. So… where do you want me to start?”
“How did you meet him?” Nie Mingjue asked.
Wei Wuxian grimaced and fell silent for a moment. Lan Wangji took his hand and squeezed it gently in encouragement, prompting his husband to smile weakly at him before returning his attention to the other two.
“You probably won’t like that,” he said in a more serious tone than Lan Xichen had expected from him. “But I first met him when he tried to convince me to betray king Jiang Wanyin. We were allied to the Jin, the king’s sister married to their prince, and the Magpie King thought I could help him ruin both kingdoms at once. I had no idea back then why he was so determined to throw the Jin dynasty into chaos. But anyway, I refused, insulted him copiously for ever thinking I’d turn on my shidi, and then I ran to try and warn the Jin that there was trouble brewing.”
He paused and grimaced again, leaning against Lan Wangji who wrapped one arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer. 
“Didn’t go so well,” he muttered. “Didn’t go well at all. I died, a bunch of Jin died, the Jiang dynasty ended, all that. I stuck around though. Didn’t much like the Jin, but their little prince was my late shijie’s son, and I figured I should protect him in her memory. So of course, when I met the Magpie King again and he wanted to get rid of that kid, we had a bit of a fight… he sucks at combat, but the way,” Wei Wuxian claimed, looking at Nie Mingjue. “I wouldn’t have expected the connection to you.”
“He never cared for that,” Nie Mingjue confirmed, just a touch of his old exasperation piercing through. “So you fought him and won?”
Wei Wuxian chuckled. “Fought him and lost, actually. I was just a small ghost, and he was a Devastation, even if he wasn’t too great at it. He tried again to make me turn against the Jin, but I refused again. I think I must have said something about family coming first, and that might have impressed him. From what I’ve heard since, he’s got a soft spot for that.”
Nie Mingjue paled at what he had to take as an attack, but Wei Wuxian quickly reassured him.
“I don’t think he’s nearly as mad at you as he looked that time,” he said. “He really does have a soft spot for those who protect their families, and he’ll be merciless to those who betray them.”
“Like we did,” Nie Mingjue said.
Wei Wuxian clicked his tongue in annoyance and shoved a cake in his mouth. 
“If he were really mad, Sangcan wouldn’t have been like that,” he claimed, making himself more comfortable in Lan Wangji’s embrace. “And that’s the true heart of him, I think. The Magpie King is the persona he uses to be scary and impressive, but I’ve seen him as Sangcan far more often, and he’s not so bad like that.”
"I thought Sangcan was just a clone he'd created," Lan Xichen said. 
"And one of many no doubts, but his favourite," Wei Wuxian claimed. "It's the form I've most often met him as, over the years, and the one with the most personality. He only brings out the Magpie King if it's necessary, and he brings out Sangcan when he wants to be recognised by those he knows. Even gave him part of his name, eh?"
"I used to call him Sangcan when he was a child," Nie Mingjue confessed. "He hated it, so I'd stopped doing it by the time Jin Guangyao joined our household."
Lan Xichen's breath stuck in his throat. He remembered something about that. Nie Huaisang had told him, once, and he'd been so annoyed about that old nickname. Lan Xichen had tried to comfort him with poetry, Nie Huaisang had blushed and… and he'd wanted to kiss Nie Huaisang so badly even though that wouldn't happen for another few years.
"So Lianfang-Zun wouldn't have known to seal away that name," Wei Wuxian mused. “And so Sangcan was still able to use it. I guess right from the start, he must have been looking for ways to get around that curse and make someone guess who he was. Lan Zhan, didn’t he even approach you directly when you first met?”
Lan Wangji nodded, and glanced at his brother, looking rather sorry.
“He asked if I knew him. He was disappointed when I didn’t, and again when I introduced myself.”
Something icy spread through Lan Xichen’s heart. 
His brother and him looked similar, enough so to have been mistaken for twins on occasions. Nie Huaisang could easily have spotted Lan Wangji during one of his missions in the mortal world and been given false hope for a moment, only to realise that he’d made a mistake. Nie Huaisang and Lan Wangji had never met as mortals, but Lan Xichen had spoken a lot about his brother to the boy he loved.
He wondered what it must have felt like for Nie Huaisang, seeing a man who looked so much like his lost lover fall in love with someone else. Lan Xichen’s marriage wasn’t much talked about among mortals where tolerance for these things came and went like waves on a beach, but among gods and ghosts it was a well known fact, one that Nie Huaisang couldn’t have ignored. To know this, to see something similar happen with Lan Wangji… 
He sipped on his tea to give himself a moment and get his emotion under control. 
“Does this all mean, then, that Sangcan is the real him?” Lan Xichen asked, more hopeful than he ought to have been.
But Sangcan had been… nice. A little awkward, a little clumsy, a little silly, but nice. Sangcan was a coward but he hadn’t hesitated to follow Lan Xichen into the Unclean Realm, and he had jumped in front of him when Jin Guangyao would have stabbed him. If Sangcan was the real Nie Huaisang...
“I think Sangcan is just one part of him,” Wei Wuxian corrected, “and the Magpie King is another part of him, and maybe there’s other personas I just haven’t had a chance to meet. If you put all of them together, that’s probably the real Nie Huaisang.”
Lan Xichen couldn’t help slumping down a little.
“The anger is real,” Lan Wangji said. “The kindness is real too. When Jin Guangyao would have stabbed you, Nie Huaisang protected you both times, in both his shapes.”
Lan Xichen nodded, unconvinced, but Nie Mingjue scoffed.
“Jin Guangyao attacked because Huaisang pushed him to it. I’m not sure he gets points for changing his mind about seeing us dead.”
“He showed you who Jin Guangyao was,” Lan Wangji countered with surprising vehemence. “Without this proof of character, you might have missed him.”
As unpleasant as it was, Lan Xichen couldn’t deny it. Until Jin Guangyao’s first attempt to stab him, he had wanted to believe that his late husband had truly just made an honest mistake which got out of hand. He might even have been foolish enough to want to give him another chance if he hadn't died, especially after Nie Huaisang made it clear he had no wish for reconciliation.
They had spent centuries together. Lan Xichen had thought they were in love. He’d told himself they were in love. He’d done his best to respect his husband’s boundaries, to never ask for more intimacy than Jin Guangyao was willing to give, to content himself with the companionship they shared even when he’d felt at times as if they were friends rather than husbands. Lan Xichen had done his best to be good, but he still understood why the other man would have jumped at the chance of getting rid of him, after being forced to pretend for so long.
“Nie Huaisang’s method was wrong,” Lan Wangji said. “The goal was commendable.”
“Wangji, it sounds like you actually like him,” Nie Mingjue remarked, sounding almost envious. Lan Wangji and him were on somewhat cordial terms, but they'd never managed to become particularly close, even though Nie Mingjue would have liked to. 
“He helped me before,” Lan Wangji soberly replied, looking at Wei Wuxian, refusing to elaborate.
“Yeah, he’s a sentimental one, when he’s not playing up the Magie King,” Wei Wuxian agreed, nuzzling shamelessly against his husband. “He even came to our wedding, as Sangcan. He’s a sap, really.
“He was different that time,” Lan Wangji pointed out. “His manners were serious.He seemed more sad. He must not like weddings, but he came for us. He came as his entire self.”
This caused a new pang of pain to Lan Xichen. He’d been so shocked at first to learn that his brother had gone and married a ghost king, and then everything else had happened, the Magpie King, the trial in the Heavenly Court, but now that he could think about it, he realised he had missed his brother’s wedding. 
Not just missed it: he hadn’t been invited to it, Lan Wangji apparently believing that Lan Xichen would be uncomfortable with such an odd union. And he had been at first, but he’d come around quickly. He would have come around then too, if only Lan Wangji had told him.
Instead, in those past centuries, Lan Wangji had never once mentioned Wei Wuxian, or else only in such a roundabout way that Lan Xichen had never realised his brother had fallen for someone.
“It must have been a pleasant wedding,” Lan Xichen said, careful to keep his voice even.
Wei Wuxian burst out laughing. “Not really? I was under shock after actually surviving the trials of Tonglu Mountain, and Lan Zhan got all sappy over seeing me again, so we decided to make it a thing before anyone could say anything. It was just the two of us and the Wen siblings, but of course the Magpie King always knows everything and he crashed our wedding as Sangcan. He did bring some wine and good food though, so I guess it’s fine.”
“Nie Huaisang told me where to find Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji said, which made his husband gasp.
“You never said! That explains how you found me so quickly then. Lan Zhan, shame on you for keeping secrets from your lawful husband and consorting with my enemies! Or my friends? Honestly, I don’t really know what Sangcan and I are, ahah.”
After this Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen lingered a little longer in the Burial Mounds, but not too long either. There was something about Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian's joy that was painful to witness, when the two of them were only starting to process the loss they had suffered. They were both invited to visit again whenever they pleased. Lan Xichen intended to take that offer, and knew Nie Mingjue probably wouldn't.
Whatever his feelings toward ghost kings, Nie Mingjue still asked Wei Wuxian to tell Nie Huaisang that his brother missed him, should he meet him again. Wei Wuxian promised to do his best.
"But you know,” he said, “with Jin Guangyao dead, the fate exchange spell must have lifted, and his luck probably returned. So he'll meet you for sure if that's what he wants, and then you can tell him yourself." 
It was meant as a comfort, surely. 
All Lan Xichen heard was that they would never see Nie Huaisang again if he didn't want to be found. 
Weeks passed, turning into months, into years. Lan Xichen built a new normalcy into his life. He missed Jin Guangyao, at first, if only out of habit. For centuries, they had rarely been apart for more than a few days at a time after all. But as time passed, it became easier to be on his own. 
He kept himself busy answering as many prayers as he could, only avoiding San-Zun temples. Those were quickly falling in disrepair anyway. Even without formal announcement, mortals could always tell when a god had fallen, and they were usually quick to turn their prayers elsewhere.
When he wasn’t working, Lan Xichen often spent time with Nie Mingjue. It had been awkward at first, the spectres of Jin Guangyao and Nie Huaisang lingering between them, pulling them apart. But having lost so much, neither of them was willing to lose also their last friend, and they managed to find a new balance. Lan Xichen also made sure to frequently visit his brother in the Burial Mounds, and to give him some mission or other to justify his prolonged stay in the mortal world. Everyone knew why Lan Wangji was absent from the Heavenly Court, but Lan Xichen preferred to keep up appearances.
Then, when he could, Lan Xichen wandered alone in the mortal world.
It was something he already used to do before, sometimes dragging Jin Guangyao with him as he looked for something he couldn’t quite name. The only real difference now was that he no longer had to pretend he wasn’t looking for the boy he had loved in his youth.
Lan Xichen knew that Nie Mingjue was doing the same, had always done the same. He knew also that recently they’d both caught glimpses of a silhouette here and there, of a face, that always disappeared too fast into crowds. On good days, Lan Xichen thought that Nie Huaisang was waiting for the right moment to approach them. On bad days, he suspected the Magpie King was just keeping an eye on them, waiting to strike perhaps, his revenge not over yet.
No matter which it was, Lan Xichen continued looking for him, knowing he would be glad to see him again, however changed Nie Huaisang might be.
There had been enough prayers coming from that city, and all of them urgent enough, that Lan Xichen had come in person to check the ghost terrorising that area. 
The ghost in question, which seemed to be of Wrath level, had been abducting newborns for years at that point, but recently started doing so at such a speed that the whole city lived in terror. Cultivators of all levels had tried to solve the problem, only to end up dead. A small local martial god had also attempted to check the matter, but he had barely escaped with his life and had come to ask Lan Xichen for his help. 
Lan Xichen, who had only stayed out of this because it would have seemed rude to take action on that other god's territory, agreed to lend a hand. 
The city in question wasn't very big, and it wasn't very rich either. Since the ghost's attacks had become more frequent, every new or expecting mother who could had left the city to spend time with relatives, and some older children had been sent away as well, in case the ghost decided to broaden its tastes. Walking the streets, Lan Xichen noticed an air of sadness and despair all around, which only further motivated him to solve the issue. 
Yet just as he was starting to investigate the matter, a rumour spread through the city. The ghost had already been eliminated, and the latest child it had stolen had been found alive. Nobody had borne witness to that heroic act, but the child and the remains of the ghost had been found before the city's Zewu-jun temple, and many prayers had been done to that god, people said, so it wasn't hard to guess what had happened. 
Lan Xichen, who knew very well that he hadn't done anything yet, was stunned to hear this. 
He finushed his investigation while the city exploded in celebration. A quick check confirmed that the slain ghost appeared to have been powerful enough to have terrorized the city, and it bore marks of having used the energies of very young children to sustain itself. The danger had passed, but Lan Xichen couldn't figure out how. 
A little suspicious of this situation, he decided to linger a while in that city. Taking on a mortal shape, he wandered among the celebrations, enjoying food here and there while staying on the lookout for whoever had brought peace back to these people. 
Because he was so attentive, he spotted a man sitting at a table in front of an inn with a bowl of soup to eat, and froze on the spot. Lan Xichen hesitated, just a moment. But the coincidence was really too great to ignore, so he walked to that table and sat on a free chair. 
"It was you, wasn't it?" He asked, startling the middle aged man across from him. "The Wrath, you took care of it?" 
Sangcan dropped his spoon and stared at Lan Xichen with wide, fearful eyes.
"Zewu-jun!" Sangcan explained, before pressing a hand to his mouth, eyes darting around. "So you came here for this? Ah, my lord, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. There was no intention to steal your kill, my lord! But, well… that Wrath owed the Magpie King a debt, and it was trying to get out of repaying it, right ? So of course…" 
He gestured pathetically toward the celebrations. Sangcan really just looked like a pitiful man, terrified in front of someone more powerful than him, just as he had back then. It made Lan Xichen doubt, but still he had to ask. 
"Are you just Sangcan today, or are you fully yourself?" 
Sangcan frowned at the question, then glanced around. Seeing that nobody was paying them any mind, he sat straighter and passed his hand in front of his face. His features changed, though his clothes stayed the same simple ones. It was the same face he'd worn as the Magpie King that time in the Unclean Realm, though his expression retained a softness that was more like Sangcan's. 
"I guess Wei Wuxian babbled too much, as usual," Nie Huaisang sighed, nearly pouting. "So, what does Zewu-jun want from the Magpie King? Apologies, perhaps?" he asked, his tone making it clear those were unlikely to be offered. 
Lan Xichen motioned a waiter for a pot of tea before turning his attention back to the other man. 
"I take it you haven't seen Wei Wuxian since that time?" 
"No. I'm waiting for the honeymoon to be over," Nie Huaisang said, definitely pouting this time. "Wangji and him are just unbearable, aren't they? It makes me regret getting involved, the world doesn't need such disgusting displays of affection." 
"They can be a bit much," Lan Xichen admitted with a chuckle. "But I understand they've waited a long time for this." 
"You can say that again," Nie Huaisang muttered, producing a fan to hide behind. "Come now. You aren't here to talk about your brother's love life. Whatever you have to say, say it already." 
The waiter returned, serving tea for both of them, giving Lan Xichen a chance to gather his thoughts. He hadn't really considered what to say when approaching Nie Huaisang. Having spotted him, he had just found it impossible to stay away. 
He took a sip of tea. It was nothing like the exquisite brews he was served in the Heavenly Court, but there was something refreshing and pleasant in how plain it was. Simple wasn't a bad quality, Lan Xichen figured. 
"I missed you," he said, quite simply. 
Nie Huaisang snickered, eyeing his own cup of tea with suspicion. 
"Did you now? After I made your husband try to kill you, you somehow missed me?"
His voice wasn't as gentle as in Lan Xichen memories. Right then, it carried a viciousness that the A-Sang of old would have never shown. It had disturbed Lan Xichen when he'd first met the Magpie King in the Unclean Realm, but it no longer did. It was only to be expected that they had both changed, after such a long time, and Nie Huaisang certainly had a right to some bitterness. 
"I missed you before," Lan Xichen explained, earning an unimpressed look from the other man. "I did, believe it or not. There were parts of you that Jin Guangyao couldn't erase. Parts he didn't know about, like the name Sangcan, or…" 
Lan Xichen trailed off, heat colouring his cheeks at the thought of what else Jin Guangyao hadn't known about. 
"I spent centuries looking for a lost friend by the name of A-Sang," he said with an embarrassed cough. "One I assumed would be a ghost. Mingjue-xiong too was missing you, although in his case…" 
"Da-ge never misses me," Nie Huaisang scoffed, closing his fan with a sharp gesture. "Not then, not now. I killed his father back then, and now I've defiled his precious sabre by using it to kill dear Guangyao. Don't lie to me, Xi… Zewu-Jun. I know how da-ge must feel about me. I've heard he won't even use Baxia, now that she has been tainted."
"You're right, and you're wrong," Lan Xichen mildly protested, thinking of Nie Mingjue’s guilt, of him resenting the sabre that hadn't stopped him from doing the irreparable. "You should speak to him. You've been spying on him anyway, haven't you?" 
Nie Huaisang shrugged, looking away at the ongoing celebrations with affected nonchalance. 
"No more than I've always done before," he said, reopening his fan and moving it in a slow, elegant manner. "I had to keep an eye on things, to see if Jin Guangyao's spell might weaken with time." The fan stilled. "And also to make sure he wouldn't harm you or da-ge," Nie Huaisang confessed. "I knew what he was capable of, even to those he called his friends… and he was getting strong enough he might soon have no longer needed you two." 
Lan Xichen thought of the number of gods, small and big, who had confessed to being part of Jin Guangyao’s network during the trial. And those were only the ones who had been careless enough to be caught. Not to mention Jin Guangyao's cult among mortals had been on the rise in the past century, with more and more officials praying to him for good fortune. 
"Do you think he would have…" Lan Xichen started, only to realise how pointless the question would be. Jin Guangyao had shown he was more than ready to get rid of Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue at a moment's notice. "Ah. Then I owe you my thanks for protecting us, and Mingjue-xiong as well. I am sure he would love to thank you in person. He really does miss you, no matter what you think." 
"He misses his little brother," Nie Huaisang corrected, fanning himself again. "I'm not sure I'm that person anymore. And I'm not sweet little A-Sang who flirted with you either. That person is dead."
"Then let us get to know you as you are now," Lan Xichen pleaded, aching to reach over the table and grab Nie Huaisang's hand. "We just want you in our lives, whoever you are." 
"If this is about the red thread between us," Nie Huaisang started, squaring his shoulders, but Lan Xichen quickly shook his head. 
It was good to know that they had been fated once, and heartbreaking to realise this had been stolen from them. But having spent centuries at the side of a man who barely tolerated him, all because fate dictated it, had dampened Lan Xichen's faith in the idea of soulmates. That was why he hadn't used the spell which showed read thread a single time since Jin Guangyao’s death, no matter how tempting it had been to see if he could find Nie Huaisang that way.
"I don't trust fate," Lan Xichen said. "It isn't meant to be trusted anyway. I just want to know the person you have become, and let you find out the same about me. If something happens again between us, I will be happy. If it doesn't… then I hope we can be friends. That would please me very much."
Nie Huaisang raised his fan, trying to hide a creeping blush. 
"I see. I see, you're really just as sappy as your brother then!" Nie Huaisang whined. "How terrible, this is just… I don't like fate either. I hate it! But I… I've missed you, and I've missed da-ge. I've missed you both so much, sometimes it felt like it was killing me a second time that I might never be around the two of you again! But you… and da-ge, you really think he'd…"
"I can call him here right now," Lan Xichen offered. "He'll be here in an instant, and he'll tell you himself what he feels."
Nie Huaisang tensed at the offer, the hand holding his fan trembling badly with emotion. But in the end, after a long hesitation, he nodded shyly. 
"I want to see him," he whispered. "I've… I've really missed him." 
"Then I will get him to join us," Lan Xichen replied. "Let's find somewhere more private though. You know how Mingjue gets when he's emotional." 
"He'll cry everywhere," Nie Huaisang laughed, as if his own eyes weren't shiny with nearly spilling tears. "I'll go inside to see if we can rent a private room, just give me a moment." 
He dashed away to find the innkeeper, while Lan Xichen smiled so widely his cheeks hurt. 
What was lost couldn't be retrieved, but hopefully they might build something new from the ashes of everything Jin Guangyao had destroyed. 
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valdarian · 3 years
Invader Zim- Infinite Pink: Prologue (1)
WARNING/DISCLAIMER: This fic is intended for a mature audience and will be covering some traumatic topics that could be triggering. Please be advised! 
Read with caution! 
-Major Character death is temporary and only used in prologue.
-This fic is likely to make some uncomfortable or potentially be triggering. -It is intended for mature audiences, as it will be exploring dark and mature themes and situations. Such as violence, implied/attempted sexual assault and abuse. Non-con/dub-con warnings apply. I will try not to go into too much graphical details, however be warned it will be implied or referenced. -The events in this story are entirely fictional and merely done for dramatic effect. However, they are not intended to poke fun or downplay the real-life seriousness of these issues in anyway.
-I always try to include additional warnings in my author notes before each chapter.
Stay safe!
SUMMARY: Zim’s trial was a victory for Irken society, their biggest thorn finally defeated for good. Zim’s soul reflects on his life and actions from the great beyond. 
When a second chance presents itself; Will he achieve his happy ending or wind up like he did before? Fighting against impossible odds, unraveling mysteries and discovering what lies beneath. Secrets will be revealed. What truth awaits?
-Prazr is supposed to be slow burn endgame pairing.
-No Dib/mission to invade Earth (I don’t plan on exploring it) in this fic, besides small past references. 
-Instead it will be focused more on Irk and her history/society. Like Zim’s Academy/elite days.
-It’s been years since I’ve wrote a proper story, so please don’t mind the writing if it’s a bit weird in some places. I’ve had this plot stuck in my head for about a year. Inspired by my obsessed with Isekai/reincarnation/do-over manga and fics.
-If others want to use this as a base for their own story or art, that’s fine. Just tag me, I’d love to see what you do!
(The Abyss: Undetermined time after The Trial)
Zim floated endlessly in darkness, surrounded only by a feeling of a bygone age.
His body, the only thing visible as far as the eye could see. Was as bare as the day he was born, not even a PAK attached. 
Any Irken caught like this would be ridiculed for such degeneracy. Yet, he could not muster much shame. Only hugging his knees tighter to his chest.
He had nothing to show the passage of time. Only a half remembered feeling of what it was to be alive. Left alone in the Abyss with only his own thoughts and distant memories as company.
How long had he been here? Minutes, cycles...Eons?
Was this what death truly felt like? All alone and tormented by his life on replay.
Forever wondering what had went wrong.
He had been angry at first. Enraged at the thoughts of his trial and execution.
How dare they do this to him, to ZIM! He hadn't done anything to deserve this!
The pain of PAK removal was one of the few things still fresh in his mind.
He had cursed the hoomans and their filthy planet, the dib-beast for always interfering in his plans. As well as a long list of others for his fate. Just about anyone and everyone he could remember. No matter how insignificant they had played a role in his life.
His rage had burned without an end in sight. Who had he angered to endure such disgrace! Who did they think they were to put him through such humiliation? 
The names had slipped past his lips before he could stop them.
The Almighty Tallest.
His tirade had halted immediately. Appalled at his renegade of a mouth.
What traitorous thoughts! 
The propaganda and teachings of the Empire still deeply ingrained within his mind.
Yet, the more he had thought about them, the more his rage started to burn again. Turning into a blaze of discontent and resentment.
The Tallest had used him!
They were no more innocent then he!
Just as the Empire had designed them to. Zim had only been doing what any Irken soldier would've done...right? They were taught to love destruction and mayhem. How could he ever be the one in the wrong? Was not that, the purpose the Control Brains gave them?
He was only doing his duty.
What right did they have to punish him then!
Was not it the Tallest who had forced him to pilot during Operation Impending Doom? 
They hadn’t even asked what had caused the disaster. Why he had done what he did. Not that he could’ve answered them. Even now, that time is nothing but a distant haze at best. 
Still, they had never tried to find out what had went wrong. Only sending him to suffer on Foodcourtia under the sadistic Sizz-Lorr.
Did they like seeing him in pain? Did they enjoy seeing him unable to fight against them, even when they continued to ridicule him. Pushing him ever closer to his breaking point?
Like when they had sent him to that treacherous death-world known as Urth.
No! His body had shook in anger.
No, no. 
The truth was that they had sent him into the deep recess of space, hoping he would die.
He had turned a blind eye to all their misdeeds against him. 
For so long...too long, he realizes now. 
Letting his feelings blind him.  Everything had just felt so...so right with them. He had clung to a smeethood friendship. To long buried feelings that he swore they shared, but could not speak of. 
Had he really been that delusional?
They had been friends once, close ones. It had been an instant connection. One he thought would last the test of time. Since their days in the Academy, they had spent practically every waking moment by each other’s sides. Years spent studying, training and completing assignments together. Even graduated as elites with one another.  
He had cared about them, more than he could ever put into words. He had thought they had cared about him too.
Maybe they had one point...Until their love of status won out.
Zim had always known about their dreams of grandeur. But, had ignored it. Convincing himself, that no matter what, they would never abandon him. That they still cared for him...even if only a little.
Yet, time and time again he was proven wrong. 
Unwilling to accept the truth. His own delusions gladly filling in the blanks. They were ultimately the same as him, obviously. Only doing what the Empire wanted. What the Control Brains wanted. 
This was all an...act...There was no way they actually hated him. It was...a test! A test of his faith, of his will...of his love. No matter what, he couldn’t fail. He needed to prove himself to them. Maybe then...
What a pitiful creature he had been.
So much so, he had even done something as primitive as pray to the ancient Gods. Hoping that one day...
He really was delusional. The crazed mess everyone believed him to be.
After all, what Irken in their right mind, would ever want to be seen with such a tiny smaller? 
Yet, in the end he had still loved them. Even now his cardiac-spooch aches for them.
They had hurt him, but he had hurt them too.  He hates them, he loves them, he hates them, he loves them...
He doesn’t know what to think about them anymore.
After some time, his anger had eventually moved on. 
To the only ones left.
The Control Brains.
The machines who claimed to control everything. If they were truly such omnipotent beings, then surely they had to have known his PAK was defective! They dictated everything about Irken lives after all, from what they wore, to their careers and everything in-between. 
Then why was only he to blame!
Were not they the ones that programed him this way!
If he had been such a threat to the empire, if his PAK had so many errors, then why didn't they fix it!
Why had he been the only one to be punished!
If he was so broken, then why couldn't they have just fixed him!
…and just like that, the flames had been snuffed out. He had been quiet for a few minutes...hours...or maybe even days. Dwelling only on that single thought alone.
A sob had left him as the realization came crashing down.
Only then had he finally blame himself. A deep well of shame had quickly bubbling within him.
Over two hundred cycles, years devoted to serving the Armada. Bowing to the strict rules of the Empire and whims of his Tallest. Placing his loyalty to Irk above all else. Rejecting his natural inclinations. Forever trying to hid his perceived weaknesses.
It all amounted to what exactly?
He was defective. A mistake. A problem to be remedied and swept under a rug to be forgotten.
He was only capable of needlessly destroying everything in his path, even himself.
Forever trying to be something he wasn't.
While Silently pleading, hoping beyond hope someone would give him the attention...the love that he so desired. His peers would recognize him and appreciate him.
Irk was sure to celebrate his death for cycles to come.
It's not that he hadn't tried to control his urges. He had tried, he really did. To be the perfect soldier, to be the prime Irken example.
But, at his core, that not who he was. Despite how much he had tried to make himself to be so.
Luck was as much his friend as it was his enemy.
In a society were one was not to step out of line, not to break any mold, to do only what they were told. Someone like him, could only double down. Hoping that maybe this time something would go right. If only he kept trying it wouldn't be considered failure. Something would have to work eventually, right? He hadn't been kicked out of the collective yet. So that meant there was still hope.
What a fool he had been. 
Chaos incarnate many called him. The name Zim was synonymous with destruction and failure. He had no glory, no honor. He was nothing but a devil to his own people, an omen of their death.
By the Gods, if he could just go back! 
His hands clench at the thought.
Would things be different? Could he make different choices. 
Even if his loyalty came into question? If he walked a different road then that of the perfect little Irken. 
Would he even be capable of such a thing?
He doesn’t know.
If only he had tried a little hard to control himself. If he could just be given another chance to prove himself. If to no one else, but to him. If he could just have a chance to live life how he truly wanted.
If only he could start over. If only...
A humorless laugh leaves him. Who would even give him the time of day? To him of all Irken?
As if.
His Empire had denounced him. His people had forsaken him. He had nothing left.
Magenta eyes stare blankly into the expansive darkness. They close as he  buries his face into his knees, lamenting his fate.
Truly this couldn't have been a more fitting punishment for someone as despicable as him.
Cover Art: https://valdarian.tumblr.com/post/643477875611271168/cover-art-for-my-invader-zim-fanfic-infinite
OC ART:https://valdarian.tumblr.com/post/643603226310148096/just-a-few-of-my-oc-that-appear-in-infinite-pink
MAP of IRK: https://valdarian.tumblr.com/post/644055524128735232/guess-who-found-a-world-map-maker-its
Next chapter:
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adenei · 3 years
Fake It Til You Make It - Ch. 5
AO3 || FFN
Ginny walked into the dining hall a few days after trials. She’d been doing her best to keep to herself and lay low to not attract any more attention. Harry seemed to be spending more and more time with the other boys on the team, and they never invited Ginny to join them, not that she cared. She spent her time getting to know the campus instead.
When she got bored, not to mention smelly enough, she’d catch a bus across town to visit the twins and shower at their place. The boy’s dorm showers were configured the same as the locker room, and Ginny couldn’t take any chances. Of course, now that classes had started, the time constraints wouldn’t allow her to take daily trips to the twins’ flat, so she needed to figure out how to shower at school. 
Ginny grabbed a sandwich and other various lunch items before searching for a table to sit at. She noticed Harry and the rest of the guys sitting across the room and decided to join them since there was an extra seat.
“Hey, my dudes, what’s up?” Ginny asked as she sat down.
They all stared at her for a moment before returning  to their conversation. Well, at least they didn’t get up and leave me here alone. She knew she sounded ridiculous, but part of her thought it was hilarious. It was worth all the flack she’d get from Ron once he returned. He needed some repercussions for taking off and leaving her to cover.
Ginny was drawn out of her thoughts when the boys grew quiet. She followed their stares to the food line where two girls in short skirts were swiping their meal cards. One of them looked like that girl Ginny ran into on her first day. Hermione, she remembered.
“Damn, they just keep getting finer with age, don’t they?” Seamus asked.
Ginny noticed that Harry had grown oddly quiet and slack-jawed. “Are you talking about Hermione? Oooh yeah, damn! That arse is fine, am I right?” Ginny said, thinking that’s what the guys wanted to hear.
“Hey! Don’t talk about her like that! She’s not a piece of meat,” Harry said defensively.
“Whoa, sorry,” Ginny backpedalled. “You into her or something?”
Nevile and Colin both snorted in laughter as Colin said, “Only for the last three and a half years.” 
Ginny looked at him. “And you haven’t made a move because…”
“She’s always had a boyfriend,” Harry sounded dejected.
“Yeah, but on the bright side, she and her college boyfriend are over now, so you’ll be able to swoop in and make a move when the time is right,” Neville reminded him.
“Why don’t you just go over and talk to her now?” Ginny was confused by their logic.
“Because she’s still upset over the break-up! Look how sad she is,” Dean sounded affronted.
“Yeah, you don’t just go over there and talk to the girl you’ve fancied forever. Especially if you don’t want to be the rebound,” Seamus agreed.
Ginny looked over at Hermione, who was now sitting at a table with her friend. Hermione happened to look up and lock  eyes with her. She flashed a smile, which Ginny returned.
“Whoa, did she just smile at you?” Colin asked.
“Uh, yeah?” Ginny said. 
“What the hell, man?!” Harry punched her in the shoulder.
“What? It’s common courtesy to smile back, isn’t it? I’m not trying to steal her away from you or anything.” She was surprised how defensive the guys were getting over one girl. 
“Aw, what the hell is he doing?” Harry said as he shook his head in defeat.
A guy with perfectly coiffed white-blonde hair and an impeccably starched uniform slid into the seat next to Hermione. Ginny saw her face immediately sour at his presence. Ginny commiserated with Hermione, who was doing her best to be polite, even though it was clear that she wanted nothing to do with him. Been there, Ginny thought.
“Who is he?” Ginny asked.
“Draco Malfoy. The most obnoxious goody-two-shoes in our year. He’ll literally do anything to get what he wants,” Neville explained.
“Ah,” something about the blonde bloke was rubbing Ginny the wrong way.
Draco must have said the wrong thing to Hermione. No sooner had he sat down and attempted to engage her in conversation, Hermione gave him a disgusted look, got up with her friend and walked away. All the guys at Ginny’s table laughed at his failed attempt as he shot them a nasty look.
“So, who’s looking forward to the Beauxbatons game?” Ginny changed the subject.
The group eyed her. “It’s just another game. We’re going to crush them like we always do,” Harry shrugged.
“Yeah, but it’s the season opener. Personally, I think it’s rubbish that I got put on second string. I really wanted a chance to kick their arses,” Ginny complained.
“Why do you care so much?” Harry asked.
“Oh, uh, my sister goes to Beauxbatons. Michael, her prat of an ex is on the team.”
“You have a sister?” Dean asked as Ginny nodded.
“Wait, which one’s her ex?” Seamus asked.
“The goalie and team captain.”
“Oh, that twat? He picked a fight with me last year,” Harry said. “He’s a joke, honestly. Thinks he’s God’s gift to football, yet he couldn’t stop any of my goals.” All the boys laughed in agreement.
“What’d your sister see in him anyway?” Dean asked.
“Not sure. He was a prick. She’s better off without him. So, what are you going to do about Hermione? Better get a move on. Otherwise, someone else is going to tap that before you get a chance. Am I right?” Ginny waggled her eyebrows. 
She thought she was reading them accurately, but all the boys just shook their heads and stood up to leave. Despite growing up with a household of brothers, Ginny was beginning to think she would never get the hang of ‘being a guy.’
It was almost midnight when Ginny decided to take a chance and head for the showers. The halls were quiet, and she hoped that since they had classes the next day, most of the guys were finally getting to sleep. Thankfully, the bathroom was blissfully empty, and Ginny sighed in relief. She started unwrapping the binder and set it on the counter as she spread her bag of toiletries and things about. Unfortunately, her solitude was short-lived.
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
Ginny jumped back in surprise and looked up to see the blonde-haired bloke staring incredulously at her. Thank goodness she’d kept her robe on and hadn’t taken the wig off yet.
“Excuse me?” She responded.
“Your stuff is everywhere!” he scoffed, picking up her towel between two fingers and tossing it at her.
“I...didn’t know that was a violation of anything?” Ginny retorted.
“Yes, it’s under code 31.7: Bathroom Etiquette,” he shot back.
Ginny lifted her hands in a gesture of mock defeat as she said, “Well, sorry, didn’t realize it’d be the end of the world if I spread my stuff out in a deserted bathroom.” She rolled her eyes.
“As you should be.”
She grabbed her things to go back to the room. Maybe four in the morning would be a better option. They’d all have to be asleep then, right? 
“I don’t believe we’ve been introduced yet. I’m Draco Malfoy, Dorm Director. It’d be best for you to stay on my good side if you know what I mean.”
Ginny could barely believe his nerve. She opened her mouth to tell him sod off when Harry walked in and overheard Draco’s warning to her. Draco didn’t hear him coming, and Harry lifted his towel and whipped Draco in the head with it. She couldn’t hide the chortle that escaped her lips.
“Leave him alone, Malferret,” Harry said. “No one cares about the rules in the dorm handbook.”
“You say that until you break one of them and get kicked out!” Malfoy defended.
Harry waved him off as Ginny said, “Well, this has been a riveting conversation, but I’ve got other places to be.”
She made a quick escape out the door as she longed for the day when she’d be able to shower when she wanted again. That night, Ginny fell into a fitful sleep filled with nightmares on the football field. Coach McGonagall called her onto the field, but she was dressed as her usual self. No, not just her normal self; she was wearing a poofy pink dress that she could barely run in, and Aunt Muriel was on the sidelines mocking her. She ultimately made a fool of herself, as everyone on both teams laughed  at her. 
When she woke up, she was ready to throw in the towel. None of this was worth it. She was stuck on second string, her teammates thought she was insane, and she couldn’t keep up with Ron’s coursework. Professor Flitwick could have been lecturing them in a completely different language for all she knew. She had no idea how to read music, and even after poring over the texts, she still had no idea what chords were.
Yeah, she was done. Having Ron fake an illness was the easier way to go. The twins would surely help her cover, right?
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clairecrive · 4 years
“More” - Tommy Conlon x reader
Send me a character and a number and I’ll write something based on the song that comes on shuffle. Soo, this wasn’t supposed to be a full imagine and that’s also why it took me so long to post it. I have other requests and this was supposed to be something short and fun but it turned out to be long and fluffy and I’m not even mad about it. I know I’ve been kinda absent this week so I’ll try and double update today and post tomorrow as well.
Please be patient with me, I’m trying my best, I just need to find a new balance between this blog, online lessons and my life basically.
Tag list: @deaflikehawkeye​ @mollybegger-blog​ @br0ck-eddie​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @fandom--0verdose​ @innerpaperexpertcloud​ @evelynshelby​ (let me know if you wanna be added)
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Song: "More" by 5sos
"And all the things that we dream about
They don't mean what they did before
I just wanna get back to us
'Cause we used to have more"
Tommy Conlon was sitting in front of you looking like a shell of himself but at the same time just like the guy you remembered. He had always been bulky and fit thanks to his strict regime both in the gym and in the kitchen. Being in prison for a while surely contributed to it seeing as there wasn't much you could do in the confinement of a cell or much you could eat for the unsavory food they gave him. If it was possible, his muscles were even bigger than the last time you had seen him and for a moment you wondered if he had his clothes especially made. However, knowing Tommy you immediately dismissed the thought.
If his appearance had only slightly changed, the thing that struck you the most was the look in his eyes. Ever the silent and reserved guy, Tommy had never been one of many words but he was always able to convey any message or emotion through his eyes. Because of his troubled past, his eyes were always troubled and unfocused on the matter at hand, too busy worrying about his family situation. Now, the look behind his eyes was steadier and more focused. You had the feeling that when he looked at you he didn't see the ghost of his mother or whatever was troubling him but he was finally seeing you. It didn't matter that you were just catching up talking about everything and anything, you could tell that he was taking in every word you were saying. He was here with you in this moment and that made you even happier than seeing him after such a long time. Because that meant that he had somehow tamed the demons of his past and was finally living his life a little lighter.
You and Tommy went way back. You were aware of his past, both with his family and the marines. You had always been by his side, trying to lighten his days and to share the baggage he had with him since childhood but to no avail. You understood that it was something deeply personal that he had to deal with himself and on his own terms but it didn't hurt any less the realization that what you did wasn't enough and that he had to leave. Your 12 years old self didn't understand that and took it too personally that she had to when it had nothing to do with you.
This wasn't the first time you had seen Tommy after your shared childhood and early teen years. Somehow, you were both at the same time and place once and the universe did the trick. It had been ten years since the last time you saw him and right then and there you didn't recognize him. He was a totally different person than from the young boy you knew. You, however, hadn't changed that much and Tommy immediately connected your face to one of the few people of his old life, he didn't despise. Since that day, you had pretty much been inseparable. Of course, you both had your schedules and routines by then but you both worked to get them to fit with one another and soon you were basically living together.
While you were studying during the day Tommy would spend his mornings at the gym. Afternoons were rarely spent together, you would be working and Tommy too. Evenings were your shared time. Without fail, you would meet and spend time together, be it sharing a meal or doing other activities. It was as if those ten years had never passed and you soon found that balance that had made your bond special. However, Tommy had his burden and no matter what you did, you couldn't help him. There were things that we have to deal with alone and Tommy wasn't there yet at that time. He was angry, at everything and everyone, and while that was great for it fuel him for his matches, it didn't help him deal with his everyday life in a peaceful way. There was nothing peaceful about him in those days. It wasn't as if he got you stuck with or he treated you badly. It's just that he fell into unhealthy and toxic routines and habits that of course, took their toll on you too. You had never really talked about your relationship, you didn't really label it but you cared about it. Hell, you even admitted to your self and him that you loved him. You did. But unfortunately for both of you, love wasn't enough to get him out of that dark circle.
So you left him. Even though it didn't happen in the best of circumstances and you certainly didn't keep in touch afterwards, you always associated Tommy with your happiest memories and you were certain that he didn't resent you for your decision either. As you couldn't blame him for what happened to him that screwed him over, he also couldn't fault you for deciding to call him out on his bullshit and take a step back when it all became too much to bear.
Then Sparta happened and your heart broke as well as Tommy's shoulder during the finale and even more so when you learned about what was going to happen to him after the competition was over. You tried to stay updated while he was on trial but after he was sentenced you kinda got lost in your everyday life. The thought of visiting him had once passed your mind, but why would you? I mean yes, you still loved him and cared about him but you hadn't spoken nor seen him in forever so how were you going to just pop up one day in prison? Who told you that he even wanted to see you?
No one did and so you didn't. Tommy had never really left your heart nor your mind but it was easy to push it back and focus on your career, immersing yourself in work had always proved to be successful in making you so tired that by the time you got home you didn't know how to do 2+2.
You could swear that not even a year had gone by after Tommy had been sentenced to prison but when he reached to you, one day out of the blue, you soon was met to the harsh reality that almost two years had gone by, marking almost four years since you broke up.
That was a lot of time and a lot of things had changed, but you'd be fooling nobody if you said that your eyes didn't sparkle as they used to, when they saw the familiar silhouette waiting for you at the bar you'd picked.
"It's so nice seeing you out and about, Tommy. You seem like you're doing fine." In those two years, Tommy had managed to deal not only with prison but also got himself into therapy when he got out. He had started a couple of months back and it really was showing. His gloomy appearance was a thing of the past and now there was only room for funny and carefree Tommy. Well, that was not to say that he put it all behind him but he certainly had it under control now and you couldn't help but admire him with pride and affection.
"I've put it off long enough. It's time." He modestly confessed with a little smile that you couldn't help but mirror. Neither of you added anything, just stared at one another. So much had happened between you that it seemed pointless now to indulge in trivial chit chat. While you took a sip of your lukewarm tea, he cleared his throat and reached for you the hand that wasn't holding the cup.
"I've been meaning to call you for a while actually, but I... couldn't find the courage." He timidly started.
"Is that so?" You curiously ask, tightening your hold on his hand.
"I thought that I was the last person you'd want to see after what happened. I was surprised actually that you said yes to this meeting."
"Oh Tommy," you said taking his other hand in yours too, " you know that I've never blamed for what happened. Maybe we were simply not meant to be." Grudgingly you admitted while forcing the sour tone away from your words.
"You know that I've never believed in that fate shit and now I'm ever more convinced that it's indeed a load of bullshit?" he asked shuffling on his chair, " Because I'm in a point in my life where I finally have it under control, you know? So I guess you could say that I have everything that I've ever wished for, right?" He waited just a moment to let his words sink in, "And you couldn't be more wrong. All I want is just to get back to us." He delivered the last blow as he slowly met your confused gaze.
God knows how many nights you had dreamed about this very moment. But you were confused. Was he really saying that he also harbored the same feelings you had for him after all this time? Wasn't it all doomed from the start? You had tried before and it didn't work out. Would you be willing to put yourself through the possibility of a heartbreak?
"I can see the wheels spinning behind your eyes. I know you too well, Y/N." He stopped your thoughts' route, "Don't do this, 'right?"
"Just tell me something: do you still feel something for me?"
"Of course I do, Tommy. But-"
"No, not buts y/n, please," he interrupted you mid-sentence, "I know that you have reservations, and rightly so. But please, trust me when I say that I'm not the one that I used to be. Things are going to be different, I swear to you." His promise paired with his earnest glaze was a lethal mix, one you couldn't resist.
Taking another look at him, you realized that he was right. He was going to therapy and he seemed to be doing alright already, you thought. There were two obvious possible endings for this: it could all to pieces again and at least you could always say that you'd tried or, if everything went well, you could be the happiest you've ever been. This last possibility was so appealing that it exceeded the other by a long way. You had your job cut out for you, really.
"Let's get out of here."
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purpli-writes · 3 years
Danganronpa: Locked and Reloaded (Chapter 3: Boys, Drinks and Betrayal For Cash)
Stuck in Hope's Peak Academy in a cruel killing game, class 78 is forced to either kill or stay trapped forever.
Makoto Naegi, the Ultimate Lucky Student becomes friends with an unusual pair... of people?
Who would've thought discovering who murdered someone would get him two boyfriends.
Spoilers for Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc (somewhat)
You can read it on AO3 here
Makoto awoke to Monokuma’s morning announcement annoyed. After the last class trial he was totally beaten mentally.
But I guess I’m faring better than Taka… Makoto thought to himself.
After Mondo’s execution, Kiyotaka had refused to move from his spot. Sakura had to pick him up and move him to his room.
He was just a husk of his former self.
The idea unnerved Makoto. For better or worse, Kiyotaka was the life of the students.
Sure he was loud, a bit bossy, and sometimes annoying. Makoto thought to himself. But he was also a good person at heart and he did things that he thought was for the best.
Makoto frowned at his line of thought. Kiyotaka was going to be fine.
He just had to be.
When Makoto arrived at the cafeteria for the morning meeting, he was surprised that the only other person there was Sakura.
“Ah Makoto,” Sakura said. “You’re the second person to arrive.”
“That’s odd,” Makoto said. “Did something happen…?”
“Not that I know of,” Sakura said. “It seems likely that everyone is still shaken up after…”
“Yeah,” Makoto interrupted quickly. “That was… pretty terrible.”
“Puhuhu!” Monokuma said, appearing out of nowhere. “Already giving up, Makoto?”
“No way!” Makoto yelled. “But… I’m allowed to reflect on the previous events of this ‘killing game’.”
“Aw…” Monokuma said, pouting. “You two are no fun… I’ll come back when everyone else arrives!”
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” Makoto asked. “At least until the others come?”
“No,” Sakura said. “I’ll be fine, eventually.”
“Alright,” Makoto said, falling into awkward silence.
Eventually everyone other than Byakuya, Toko, and Yasuhiro made their way to the cafeteria.
Makoto wasn’t sure if it was a good thing that Kiyotaka had arrived. He didn’t seem any bit better since the class trial.
“Hm,” Celeste said. “It seems that Hiro is skipping, no?”
“That is unlike him,” Sakura noted. “He is not one to miss out on breakfast.”
“It’s a bit too early to assume he was murdered,” Kyoko said. “We haven’t even gotten a new motive yet.”
“Perhaps he’s just oversleeping,” Junko added. “He always struck me as the lazy type of guy.”
“Wouldn’t Monokuma’s morning announcement wake anyone?” Makoto asked. “You could be sleeping like a rock and that would jolt you.”
“Mr. Hagakure dead so soon?!” Hifumi yelled.
“No,” said Kyoko and Junko.
“Speaking of missing students,” Makoto said. “Do we know where Toko went?”
“Wow Makoto, you didn’t notice her huge crush on the rich kid?” Junko asked. “She’s probably stalking him right now.”
“S-stalking him?!” Makoto asked. “You really think she’d go that far?”
“Of course,” Junko said. “Girls like that always chase after the guy they love, it’s in their nature or whatever.”
“Perhaps we should look for Hiro,” Sakura said. “He must have a good reason for skipping.”
“...” Kiyotaka said, staring blankly ahead.
“R-right.” Makoto said. “Let’s go find Hiro!”
Makoto started to leave the cafeteria when he noticed Kiyotaka was following him. Deciding not to comment on it, Makoto thought the best place to check for Yasuhiro would be his room.
Knocking on the door, Yasuhiro warily opened it.
“You can’t let the gh-ghosts get me man!” Yasuhiro yelled. “You’ve got to promise you’ll get rid of the ghosts!”
“Huh?!” Makoto asked. “Ghosts? What are you talking about?”
“T-that green light. Man these ghosts can’t fool me!” Yasuhiro said. “If I step outside I’m sure to be ghost food!”
“...” Kiyotaka said.
“See!” Yasuhiro yelled. “Taka’s seen the ghost too!”
“I still don’t understand,” Makoto said. “What ghosts are you talking about?”
At this point everyone from the cafeteria had gathered up to see what Yasuhiro was talking about.
“The ghost in the bath house!” Yasuhiro said. “Chihiro was surrounded by a green light and he tried to speak to me!”
“Green light?” Kyoko asked. “Could you show us?”
“No way!” Yasuhiro yelled. “That’s a good way to end up dead.”
“As long as you show us,” Sakura said. “No harm will come to you from any ghosts.”
“Do you promise?” Yasuhiro asked.
“Of course,” Sakura replied.
Slowly, but surely, Yasuhiro opened his door.
“A-alright,” Yasuhiro said. “But before we begin, we need something to protect us from the ghosts…”
“Something to protect you from the ghosts?” Junko asked. “What, a vacuum to suck the ghost up?”
“No!” Yasuhiro yelled. “Salt to create a salt circle, that always keeps the occult away!”
Doesn’t that just work on demons and vampires…? Makoto thought to himself.
“Alright,” Junko said. “I’m gonna get some salt. Hope ghosts don’t eat me or whatever.”
“Hey! Take this seriously!” Yasuhiro yelled at Junko’s retreating form.
Shortly after, Junko came back with a salt shaker.
“Will this save you from the ghosts?” Junko asked.
“Was it blessed by a priest?” Yasuhiro asked.
“Sure,” Junko said. “It even said 5 Hail Marys.”
“Then it’s perfect!” Yasuhiro said.
“Lead the way, then,” Kyoko said.
Yasuhiro led the group to the Bath House in which they noticed that a laptop was in one of the lockers.
“Isn’t this the laptop we asked Chihiro to hack?” Celeste asked. “Why is it over here?”
“Perhaps this is what he decided to do with the project we gave him,” Sakura replied. “I believe he wanted to prove himself to us.”
“That doesn’t explain the weird green light, does it?” Junko said. “Or are we assuming Hiro is just going insane?”
“Hey! Don’t be mean, I’m perfectly sane!” Yasuhiro yelled.
“I wonder if we can summon a demon here, Mr. Hagakure.”
“Don’t even joke about that!”
“Perhaps,” Kyoko said. “That green light had something to do with a computer program Chihiro made.”
“A computer program that Chihiro made?” Celeste asked. “What makes you so sure?”
“I’m not,” Kyoko said. “We’ll only be able to confirm this when we turn the computer on.”
Kyoko went to the computer and powered it on.
“Hm,” Celeste said. “There seems to be a program called ‘Alter Ego’, maybe you should turn it on.”
Kyoko clicked on the Alter Ego program, starting it up. The monitor soon showed a green background with Chihiro’s face on it.
“Welcome back, Master!” The image of Chihiro said.
“M-master...?” Hifumi said. “Isn’t this the stuff fantasies are made up of?”
“Hey wait… if this is Chihiro, isn’t that a guy…?” Makoto asked.
“I didn’t know you were so narrow minded, Mr. Naegi!”
“I don’t think this is Chihiro, per say,” Celesia began. “‘Alter Ego’ means other self, no?”
“So you’re saying that this is another part of Chihiro?” Junko asked. “I guess that guy really isn’t dead.”
“Hey,” Makoto said, “I think I’ve heard about programs like this before. They’re supposed to be so advanced that they might take over humanity some day.”
“I suppose a computer program that could learn and grow like a human would have the ability,” Celeste said. “It is scary, no?”
“Well, instead of ogling at it, let’s ask him some questions!” Junko said. “This sort of thing is exciting, right?!”
“Maybe I should do it,” Celeste said. “After all, I am the most trustworthy person here.”
“How are we going to ask him questions?” Yasuhiro asked. “Do we have to learn another language or something…?”
“No,” Celeste said. “I believe I am supposed to type in my answers.”
“Almost like a chat room,” Hifumi said. “I wonder what else it knows…”
“Stay on topic,” Junko said. “No one cares about your fantasies with it.”
“Alright,” Makoto said. “Let’s see how much he knows about the situation.”
“How aware are you of the current going ons?” Celeste typed into the computer.
“Master didn’t tell me much,” Alter Ego said. “But from what I’ve been able to piece together it seems very grim.”
“You keep referring to this ‘Master’. This is Chihiro, no?” Celeste typed.
“Yes,” Alter Ego answered. “My Master is Chihiro Fujisaki.”
“We have to tell him about what happened to Chihiro,” Makoto said. “That’s the right thing to do, right?”
“...” Kiyotaka said.
“I suppose you are right,” Celeste said. “But it’s not like he can feel anyways, no?”
“Your Master was killed by Mondo Owada.” Celeste typed out.
“Oh…” Alter Ego said. “I did know that he had a high chance of dying… but… still…”
“Are there any other things we want to say to Alter Ego?” Celeste asked. “I fear we cannot stay much longer when the threat of discovery lurks near.”
“I want to… apologize,” Kiyotaka said. “For my bro… and my… actions as well.”
“Huh…? Taka can speak?!” Yasuhiro yelled out.
“Hm,” Celeste said. “Well then maybe you can take over, no?”
After saying that, Celeste handed the computer over to Kiyotaka who sat down and placed it on his lap.
“I’msa szoryr fore waht my bros died to hyour master,” Kiyotaka attempted to type while crying and shaking.
“Huh…? I’m sorry but I don’t understand!” Alter Ego responded.
“Maybe it’s better if you let someone else type for you…” Makoto suggested, staring at the garbled text that Kiyotaka had written.
“Can… you tell Chihiro… that I’m sorry for… what Bro has done...” Kiyotaka said, handing over the laptop to Makoto.
“Alright, sure…” Makoto said. “What do you want to say?”
“Tell him… I am sorry... “ Kiyotaka said.
“Taka says he’s sorry about what happened to Chihiro,” Makoto typed. “For both him and Mondo.”
“Apologizing…?” Alter Ego asked. “Huh… does he feel responsible for the death of Master?”
“Yeah,” Makoto typed. “You can say that for sure.”
“Um,” Alter Ego said. “If you don’t mind I have an idea that might be able to lift his spirits.”
“Huh…?” Makoto typed. “What do you mean?”
Suddenly an image of Mondo’s head appeared on the screen.
“Hey, bro!” ‘Mondo’ yelled out. “You’re not takin’ this too hard, are you?!”
Kiyotaka perked up as he heard Mondo, staring intently at the screen.
“Are you already givin’ up?” ‘Mondo’ asked. “What about our manly bond?! Did that mean fuckin’ nothing to you?”
“From what Master told me about Mondo…” Alter Ego explained, “this is the best simulation I can make.”
“Things aren’t going to get better by standin’ around, you know?!” ‘Mondo’ said. “What’s gonna change if you keep mopin’? Nothing.”
“You need to move on, you hear me?!” ‘Mondo’ said. “And I’m not fuckin’ around!”
“I get it now,” Kiyotaka said. “I can feel myself changing deep within my heart, no, my very soul!”
“Those words! They’re inside me…!” Kiyotaka yelled, closing his eyes. After a few short seconds, his hair turned white and his eyes started to flame.
“Taka…?!” Makoto yelled. “What the hell just happened to you?!”
“Taka…? Who the fudge is that?!” Kiyotaka said. “I’m not Taka, I’m me…!”
“That’s an interesting name,” Celeste said. “But perhaps there is something else we could call you?”
“Wh-what just happened?!” Yasuhiro yelled. “Did Taka get taken over by a gh-ghost?!”
“I told you, I’m not Taka!” Kiyotaka yelled.
“Um… what are w-we supposed to call you then, Mr…?” Hifumi asked.
“I’m a mix of Taka and Mondo… so…” Kiyotaka said. “Call me Kiyondo Ishida you dumbfaces!”
“A mix of both Taka and Mondo…?” Kyoko asked, “Could you perhaps explain that in a bit more detail?”
“You wouldn’t get their manly bond!” Kiyondo yelled.
“Woah,” Junko said. “I guess romance can also penetrate the barrier of death.”
“Well, there’s no use staying in here any longer,” Celeste said. “Unless we want to alert the mastermind to our only trump card.”
“We can’t lose Alter Ego!” both Hifumi and Kiyondo yelled at the same time.
“Yes,” Celeste said. “It would appear so.”
“Alright then,” Makoto said. “Let’s head back to the cafeteria!”
After leaving the bath house, the students were stopped by Monokuma.
“Hey, what were you all doing in there…?” Monokuma asked. “Don’t tell me you were getting all frisky!”
“No!” Kiyondo yelled. “That would be fudging unwholesome!”
“Huh…?” Monokuma asked. “Did Kiyotaka go albino since the last time I saw him?”
“Yeah!” Makoto said, “We were all giving him a pep talk and that happened…!”
“In the bath house?” Monokuma asked.
“Yeah!” Makoto said, quickly. “Is there any other place to go?”
“Makoto is right,” Sakura said. “Going to the bath house gives one a clearer perspective.”
“It was very enlightening, no?” Celeste said. “But now we must go have our breakfast so, goodbye Monokuma.”
“Aw,” Monokuma said. “You kids are tooooooo boring!”
After everyone went back to the cafeteria, Celeste started the morning meeting once more.
“Before we discuss investigating the new areas we’ve unlocked,” Celeste said, “I would like to discuss a new rule…”
“Hey!” Yasuhiro said. “Shouldn’t we let our leader lead the discussion if he’s feeling better?”
“Perhaps,” Celeste admits. “But I think this is important to our continued survival.”
“Very well,” Kiyondo said. “As long as you don’t take up too much time with what ya wanna fudgin’ say!”
“I believe I’ve noticed a pattern with the murders,” Celeste began. “That is to say that they all happened at night, no?”
“Huh,” Makoto said. “You’re right.”
“So I suggest we have some sort of curfew,” Celeste said. “Past the night time announcement no student should be out of their dorms.”
“That’s way too restrictive!” Yasuhiro complained.
“Maybe, if you’re a murderer.” Celeste responded.
“But what if we want-” Yasuhiro said, before getting interrupted by Kiyondo.
“Then it’s settled, so everyone listen up!” Kiyondo yelled. “Once ya hear the night time announcement you better get your butts to bed!”
“So now,” Kyoko said. “We must attempt to discover what new areas have opened up.”
“Yeah,” Junko said. “But there’s something that’s been bothering me about our newest revelation.”
“Then speak up!” Kiyondo yelled. “No one here is gonna read your mind you dumbbutt!”
“How did Hiro even discover that anyways?” Junko asked. “I mean he had no real reason to be out, right?”
“H-huh?!” Yasuhiro asked. “Well, um, you see, every couple of years I have to go to a bathhouse and um…”
“And what?” Junko asked.
“And if I don’t, my success rate in predictions goes down!” Yasuhiro said. “It’s really bad and taxing, but it’s what a man has got to do.”
He can’t be serious… right? Makoto thought to himself.
“Isn’t your prediction rate already low?” Celeste asked.
“I’m right at least 30 percent of the time!” Yasuhiro argued.
“Guess someone missed the bathhouse ritual too many times,” Junko said. “If you believe in that bullshit anyways.”
“Alright!” Kiyondo yelled. “Back on topic! We must explore this fudgin’ school until we know all the odds and ends!”
“Alright!” Makoto said. “I’m pumped!”
“This is our only course of action,” Sakura said. “I’ll also see if there’s any hope of escape on the new floor.”
“Everyone split up!” Kiyondo yelled. “And don’t come back until you dumbbutts have explored everything there is to explore!”
Makoto walked out of the cafeteria. Monokuma hadn’t given them any hints on where to explore.
He was really on his own for this one.
Makoto decided the best place to check first was the third floor. It was almost guaranteed that it would be unlocked.
Making his way up the stairs, he stopped when he passed the pool’s door. The scratches were gone, almost like nothing had ever happened.
But that’s not true, Makoto thought to himself. Chihiro, Hina, and Mondo are all gone, no amount of erasing could change that.
Makoto sighs. He knows that line of thinking isn’t going to get him anywhere. Stealing one more glance at the door, he makes his way up to the third floor.
As he made his way up, he noticed Sakura staring at the window annoyed.
“Any luck?” Makoto asked, although he already knew the answer.
“No,” Sakura replied. “It seems that escape on the third floor is also hopeless, as we feared.”
“The Mastermind really thought this through, huh?” Makoto asked.
“It seems, so.” Sakura said. “Good luck on your investigation.”
Sakura walked downstairs, trying to avoid any more conversation.
Makoto couldn’t blame her. She had lost Aoi only recently.
Alright, Makoto thought to himself. Let’s get this over with!
Makoto went to the first room he saw, which seemed to be a recreation room. Celeste was already exploring the area, seeming very interested in it.
“See anything interesting, Celeste?” Makoto asked.
“It seems we finally have entertainment,” Celeste responded. “That is something to celebrate, no?”
“Yeah,” Makoto said. “Wait, are those magazines over there?”
“Puhuhuhu! What a sharp eye, Makoto!” Monokuma praised. “But don’t get your hopes up, those are the only magazines you’ll ever get to read!”
“They do not get updated weekly?” Celeste asked.
“Of course not!” Monokuma answered. “That’s a luxury only people outside of the school deserve!”
“Cruel of you, is it not?” Celeste asked. “Well, I suppose something is better than nothing.”
Monokuma only laughed as he disappeared.
“Nonetheless,” Celeste continued, “I suppose having something to do is better than nothing, wouldn’t you say, Makoto?”
“Huh…?” Makoto asked. “Well yeah, of course…”
“Well, there is much more to explore,” Celeste said, as she began to walk out. “And it seems we have such little time. So until later, Makoto.”
That sure was cryptic, Makoto thought. Well I guess it is Celeste I’m talking to.
Makoto looked at the room once more.
The rec room had darts, othello, and a pool table. Makoto wondered if the magazines were worth reading but decided he didn’t have the time.
I’ll come back here later, there has to be something worth looking at here.
Makoto walked out of the recreation room, deciding to make a turn into the hallway he had ignored before.
“More classrooms…?” Makoto questioned out loud.
“Duh!” Monokuma yelled, causing Makoto to jump back in fear. “This is a school, remember?!”
“Yeah… but I mean, it’s not like you’re teaching us anything…” Makoto replied, scratching his cheek sheepishly.
“I’m teaching you the danger of having friends!” Monokuma said. “It’s a dog eat dog world but that doesn’t apply to me because I’m a bear!”
“Do you have anything useful to say…?” Makoto asked.
“Wow, is our tiny little Makoto finally growing a spine?!” Monokuma asked. “Because if you are, you’re seriously a little late!”
“Anyways, I’ll leave you to explore this classroom!” Monokuma said before disappearing.
Makoto checked the classrooms. He quickly decided there was nothing of note in them other than the weird messages on their chalkboards.
Alright! Makoto thought. There’s only a couple more rooms on this floor, right?
Makoto checked his e-Handbook to confirm that there were only a couple rooms left on the floor.
The icon that was closest was an icon of a statue. If Makoto had to guess it was probably an art room of some sort.
Making his way to the room, he opened the door and saw two desks, some easels, and some statues.
“Hello, Mr. Naegi,” Hifumi said, “enjoying the finer arts?”
“Huh…? No not really,” Makoto replied. “I’m just exploring…”
“Well I’m for one glad this room exists,” Hifumi said. “It now allows me to make more fanwork!”
“Oh yeah…” Makoto said, “you didn’t have any art supplies with you, huh?”
“Unfortunately everything I had of value was taken by the wicked Mastermind!”
“Well, I’m glad the room is good for you,” Makoto said. “But what’s with that door over there?”
“Oh that’s the supply room,” Hifumi said casually. “I’ve already grabbed what I need from there for the time being.”
Makoto nodded before moving to the door and opening it.
Inside was a yellow room with a bunch of art materials, a statue, and some art on the wall.
After a quick glance on the floor, Makoto noticed a picture on the floor. Grabbing it to examine it Makoto realized it was Mondo, Leon and Chihiro.
Huh…? How is this possible? Makoto thought to himself. I thought we all just met each other when the killing game started…?
“Puhuhuhu! Our Makoto is looking at some scandalous material…!” Monokuma said, as he appeared.
“Monokuma!” Makoto yelled. “What is this?”
“What do you think it is?” Monokuma asked. “It’s a picture, you uneducated brat!”
“I can see that,” Makoto said. “But how are they hanging out…?!”
“Huh…?” Monokuma asked. “Well you see, it’s a very long story and we’re running a bit behind schedule!”
“Anyways, if you could just give me that…” Monokuma said as he took the picture from Makoto. “Have a nice life, Makoto!”
What the hell?! Makoto thought to himself. How come he can just leave and not explain himself…?
After staring at the spot where Monokuma just was, Makoto decided to leave the storage room.
When he came back into the art lab, Hifumi had already left.
Well, Makoto thought to himself, other than that picture and the Monokuma statue I don’t think there’s anything of note in here.
Checking his e-Handbook, Makoto realized he only had one place left to explore, leaving the art lab he made his way to the last room.
Checking the sign, he saw it read ‘Physics Lab’.
Guess there are more classrooms here, Makoto thought. Not like we’re doing any learning in here.
As Makoto entered the room he could see both Yasuhiro and Kiyondo.
“Hey, Makoto, check it out!” Yasuhiro yelled. “It’s the Psychic’s Lab! Finally, the place for me!”
“Um… isn’t this the physics lab…?” Makoto asked.
“Obviously it is,” Kiyondo said. “This dumbbutt just doesn’t know how to read.”
“Hey!” Yasuhiro said. “Don’t be mean! Now I need to find somewhere else to do my predictions…”
“Why don’t you do your ‘bath house ritual’, then?” Kiyondo asked. “You did fudging mention it before, right?”
“Huh…? The ‘bath house ritual’...? What are you talking about?” Yasuhiro asked.
Did he alright forget his lie already…? Makoto thought.
“Uh, anyways,” Makoto said. “What’s the big machine in the center?”
“Woah! That’s my time machine, so you better be careful!” Monokuma warned.
“Your time machine?!” Yasuhiro yelled. “That’s pretty impressive!”
“Hey, Taka,” Monokuma said. “Aren’t you interested in going back and saving your bro?”
“Obviously that’s not fudgin’ possible, you dumbbutt!” Kiyondo said. “What is it actually?”
“Aww, you saw through my lie too easily…” Monokuma sulked. “In actuality, it’s an air purifier so you freaks don’t die!”
“An air purifier?” Makoto asked.
“Haven’t you been wondering how you’ve been breathing in a locked space?” Monokuma said. “This place is shut tight, so this is the only way you losers can get oxygen!”
“Huh…?” Yasuhiro said. “But don’t you need air too?”
“Of course not, I’m a freakin’ bear!”
Um, Makoto thought. Bears also need air…
“Anyways,” Monokuma said. “If you want to keep living, don’t mess with that machine!”
“He’s gone again,” Yasuhiro said. “Man, I wonder where he gets off to…”
“It doesn’t matter,” Kiyondo responded. “He should be the least of our fudgin’ worries.”
Makoto looked around and noticed a door at the back of the room, just like in the art room.
That’s probably another storage room, right? Makoto thought to himself. Maybe I should ask anyways.
“Hey,” Makoto said. “Have either of you been in the room at the back?”
“Huh…? There’s a door over there?” Yasuhiro asked.
“No,” Kiyondo answered. “I fudgin’ haven’t.”
Makoto hummed, before deciding to head for the room.
Best not to leave any pebbles untouched. Makoto thought to himself. That’s the saying, right…?
Once he made his way to the storage room, he noticed it was largely unremarkable. The room just screamed ‘boring’.
Or maybe that was just because he wasn’t into physics…
Makoto left the room as quickly as he entered.
“Nothing in there, then?” Kiyondo asked.
“No,” Makoto answered. “It’s just a plain old storage room if there ever was any.”
“Of fudgin’ course,” Kiyondo responded.
“Is there anything else I need to see here?” Makoto asked.
“No, you can leave now,” Kiyondo responded coldly.
Makoto frowned at Kiyondo’s response but left the room as suggested.
Alright, the third floor is done. Now let’s see what else has been unlocked! Makoto thought to himself.
Making his way back to the first floor, Makoto noticed that the door near the still blocked staircase was unlocked.
Makoto went inside and noticed it was full of random materials.
“Welcome, welcome, welcome!” Monokuma yelled. “This is the storage closet, filled with all the things you’d ever need and then some!”
“Huh…?” Makoto asked. “‘Filled with all the things you’d ever need’...?”
“Yep!” Monokuma said. “We here at Hope’s Peak Academy wish to make your stay a comfortable one.”
“So this place is just full of everything…?”
“Yep! Anything you could ever think of, although considering it’s you I doubt you could think of much…”
“Anyways, enjoy exploring Makoto!” Monokuma said. “And don’t worry, everything here is free!”
Makoto decided not to bother looking around in the storage closet. He had the feeling he would get lost if he spent too much time there.
Just as Makoto left the storage closet, he was intercepted by Junko.
“Hey, Makoto,” Junko said. “Do y’wanna explore together?”
“Huh…? I’ve already explored the third floor and the storage closet.”
“Oh! That means you haven’t been at the nurse’s office yet, then,” Junko said. “I’ll take you there and we can do an ‘examination’.”
“Alright,” Makoto said. “Lead the way, then.”
Makoto and Junko made their way to the nurse’s office.
“So, Makoto,” Junko said. “What d’ya think?”
“It looks very sterile…?” Makoto said. “I’m assuming there’s medicine in here?”
“Yep!” Junko answered. “And sedatives for the desperate girl.”
Makoto walked towards the fridge and opened it.
“Huh…? Is this blood?” Makoto asked.
“Yep! According to Monokuma it’s for blood transfusions,” Junko said. “Although at that point I think you’d be considered dead.”
“I mean, at least it’s useful, right?” Makoto asked.
“Yeah,” Junko said. “I mean, I guess.”
“Anyways, Makoto, I think we’ve explored everything here,” Junko said. “So let’s head back together so we stay safe, alright?”
“That’s smart,” Makoto said. “Alright, to the cafeteria, right?”
“Yep, that’s where the meetings are held, anyways.”
Makoto and Junko headed back to the cafeteria, in which they were the last ones back.
“Oh? Junko and Makoto arriving at the same time?” Celeste asked. “You two weren’t doing anything, were you?”
“You two wouldn’t fudgin’ dare!” Kiyondo yelled. “That’s just not right!” “H-huh…?!” Makoto said. “What are you guys talking about?!”
“Hm,” Kyoko said. “No matter, let us just discuss what we discovered from our investigations.”
“It seems escape from the third floor is impossible, as we had feared,” Sakura said.
“Are the windows just as tight as before?!” Kiyondo asked.
“Yes,” Sakura said. “It seems unlikely that anything we do will get them to budge.”
“Speaking of the third floor,” Celeste began, “there seems to be a recreational room of sorts. I suppose that’s better than nothing, no?”
“A rec room?” Junko asked. “What’s in it?”
“An othello board, a pool table, a dartboard and a few magazines I believe,” Celeste responded.
“Magazines?” Kiyondo asked. “Is there any chance that we’ll be able to use ‘em to get access to the outside world?”
“No,” Celeste answered. “Monokuma has already confirmed that those are the only magazines we’ll be getting.”
“Dang it!” Kiyondo yelled.
“On the third floor there’s also an art lab,” Hifumi began. “Perfect for someone like me!”
“There’s also a storage room,” Makoto added. “Oh wait! That reminds me, I found an odd picture in there.”
“An odd picture?” Kiyondo asked. “Mac, you better fudgin’ explain…!”
Mac? Makoto thought.
“Well, there was a picture of Mondo, Leon and Chihiro all hanging out in school uniforms…” Makoto said. “But that isn’t possible, right?!”
“Hm, and where is this picture now?” Celeste asked.
“Monokuma took it from me and left before I could ask any questions.”
“It was most obviously a forgery, Mr. Naegi!” Hifumi answered.
“Yeah, dude,” Yasuhiro said. “It was probably meant to give you doubt or whatever.”
“Moving on,” Kiyondo said. “There’s also a physics lab with a fudgin’ air purifier.”
“An air purifier?” Sakura asked. “I suppose that would mean that none of the air we’ve been breathing has been fresh.”
“That is worrying, is it not?” Celeste added. “If we’re breathing in recycled air, that means there really is no opening.”
“That has to be impossible!” Yasuhiro yelled. “There’s no way we’re trapped, right?!”
“Perhaps it’s not so bad,” Kyoko said. “That means the mastermind is trapped with us, correct?”
“I mean I guess,” Junko said. “But it’s not like they’re the one trapped inside a killing game, right?”
“Have there been any other discoveries of fudgin’ importance?” Kiyondo asked.
“There’s a storage closet near our dorms,” Makoto said. “Although I think it’s better if we call it a warehouse.”
“Why would you call it a warehouse, Mr. Naegi?” Hifumi asked.
“It’s pretty big and according to Monokuma it has everything you’d ever need and then some.”
“Woah, I wonder if it has more ‘interesting’ magazines…” Yasuhiro said.
“Fuckin’ gross, dude.” Junko responded.
“Stay on fudgin’ topic, dumbbutt!” Kiyondo yelled.
“Sorry, sorry,” Yasuhiro said.
“Oh and before we go to bed,” Junko said. “Makoto and I discovered that the nurse’s office is now officially open!”
“Is there any protein?” Sakura asked.
“No,” Makoto answered. “Just over the counter medication and sedatives.”
“Oh and don’t forget about the blood in the fridge!” Junko added.
“Disappointing,” Sakura said. “But not surprising.”
“Well then,” Kiyondo said. “That should conclude our meeting.”
“Remember, you dumbbutts better hit the sack as soon as Monokuma’s night time announcement plays or else I’ll beat ya!” Kiyondo said. “And also make sure to return here bright and early! Breakfast is very important!”
The class hummed in agreement and they all made their way out.
Makoto was making his way back to his room when the night time announcement played.
Feeling thoroughly exhausted, Makoto locked his door and threw himself onto his bed, quickly drifting off to a dreamless sleep.
Makoto awoke with a bolt, breathing quickly and grasping onto his sheets. He couldn’t remember much about the nightmare, other than Aoi pulling him into the pool and gargling incomprehensible threats to him.
As he realized that sleep was unlikely to come to him again, Monokuma’s morning announcement played.
Makoto shuffled his way into the shower and grimaced when the bathroom light turned on. Quickly showering he turned the lights off and changed into a fresh pair of clothes.
Makoto was the first one in the cafeteria, although he doubted that would be true for much longer.
Makoto turned around as he heard Celeste’s heels clicking on the cafeteria’s floor.
“Makoto, you’re up early, no?” Celeste asked, tilting her head ever so slightly.
“Yeah,” Makoto said. “There was no reason for me to stay in my room.”
“Oh?” Celeste asked. “Do you no longer like sleeping in?”
“It’s a long story,” Makoto replied, looking away. “Plus the sooner I can get to the meeting the better.”
“I suppose that is fair,” Celeste said. “But do be careful you’re getting enough sleep.”
Eventually everyone other than Kiyondo, Hifumi, Byakuya, and Toko made their way to the cafeteria.
“Is our leader skipping the morning meeting?!” Yasuhiro yelled out. “He must be possessed by a gh-ghost or something!”
“Will you shut up about ghosts?” Junko said. “He’s probably doing something ‘private’, if you catch my drift.”
“Still, for Kiyondo and Hifumi to be missing,” Sakura said. “This is worrying.”
“I don’t believe we should assume the worst,” Kyoko said. “After all, there’s no reason for anything to have gone wrong, yet.”
“Maybe we should look for them,” Makoto offered up. “It’s not like we have anything to discuss without them here anyways.”
“Perhaps we should go together as a group,” Celeste said. “I have a feeling I know where they are anyways.”
“Alright,” Junko said. “Lead the way then.”
Celeste led the group to the bath house which they could already hear a commotion inside.
“Sounds like some juicy stuff is happening in there!” Monokuma said, as he appeared. “You don’t think they’re doing anything ‘unwholesome’ in there, do you?”
“Don’t be crude, Monokuma,” Celeste said. “They’re probably brawling it out, no?”
“What are you brats even doing in there?!” Monokuma asked. “I’ve seen Hifumi and Kiyotaka going in there three times just last night!”
“Sounds like the Ultimate Moral Compass is breaking his own rules,” Junko said. “Guess he isn’t that good, right Makoto?”
“Huh…?” Makoto asked.
“You say they went in there last night?” Celeste asked. “Perhaps Yasuhiro’s theory was correct after all.” “You’re saying that Kiyondo was possessed by a gh-gh-ghost?!” Yasuhiro yelled. “I don’t wanna die!”
“Perhaps we should investigate,” Kyoko said. “We don’t know if Monokuma is telling the truth.”
“Hey-” Monokuma began but he was cut off by Sakura.
“You’re right,” Sakura said. “Let’s confirm the situation for ourselves.”
The class moved past Monokuma and went into the bath house. Kiyondo and Hifumi were fighting over Alter Ego, although they hadn’t touched it yet.
“Get out of the way you lard cake!” Kiyondo yelled. “You’re keeping me away from my bro!”
“Your ‘bro’...? Alter Ego is obviously my true love Mr. Ishida!” Hifumi yelled back.
“As if someone like them could love someone like you…!” Kiyondo yelled. “Taka and Mondo’s bond melted into me, I have the fudgin’ right to talk to him!”
“Your ‘bro’ is a fake! Unlike my love for them!”
“How about you say that again to my fudgin’ fist-”
“Will you two idiots shut the hell up?!” Celeste yelled. She looked slightly feral. “If you don’t keep your mouths closed, Monokuma is going to discover Alter Ego.”
Is Celeste okay…? Makoto thought. Did she just lose her temper?
“Huh?!” Both Kiyondo and Hifumi said, only now noticing that they had an audience.
“Monokuma is getting suspicious of the noise,” Makoto explained. “He’s bound to check here eventually.”
“Until Alter Ego can make those files accessible,” Kyoko said. “We should try to keep our time here limited.”
“That is the best course of action, no?” Celeste asked, as she tried to fix her appearance.
“Fudge,” Kiyondo said. “Now you’re gonna say you want us to stay away from the computer or whatever the heck.”
“That is the wisest course of action, no?” Celeste asked. “But you two will have to agree.”
“We already know you’ve broken rules to get into here as well,” Junko said. “Monokuma told us how you both entered here at odd hours of the night.”
“Are you sure this thing isn’t possessing you both?” Yasuhiro asked. “You guys have been acting super weird.”
“Don’t be fudgin’ ridiculous,” Kiyondo responded. “It was a one time slip, it won’t happen again.”
“How the mighty have fallen,” Junko said, as she pushed her hair onto her back. “Anyways, did you two idiots even check Alter Ego’s progress on the files?”
“We might’ve been a bit busy,” Kiyondo admitted. “But that doesn’t give you the right to fudgin’ judge me.”
“Well,” Celeste said. “Then we better ask Alter Ego about their progress then, no?”
Hifumi and Kiyondo moved out of Celeste’s way as she made her way to the computer.
“Hello, Alter Ego,” Celeste typed. “How is your progress on restoring the files?”
“It’s going well,” Alter Ego responded. “Although it might take a day or so longer…”
“Alright,” Celeste typed back. “Keep up the work, we don’t have much time, alright?”
“I’ll do my best!” Alter Ego responded eagerly.
“Then we best depart,” Celeste said. “We don’t want the Mastermind to get too suspicious, no?”
“What excuse are we going to use this time?” Junko asked.
“Perhaps we should blame it on Kiyondo and Hifumi,” Kyoko offered up. “They are the reason we are here right now.”
“Hey! It’s all Mr. Ishida’s fault! He’s keeping me from my true love!” Hifumi said.
“As if anyone could fudgin’ love you,” Kiyondo responded. “You’re the one keepin’ me from my bro.”
“Perhaps we should just drag them out and explain to Monokuma that they are enemies,” Sakura said. “It would not be far from the truth.”
“Maybe we should just say we were bathing?” Makoto said. “I mean, it’s what we’re supposed to be doing here, right?”
“That seems suitable enough,” Celeste said. “Perhaps we should say something of the likes of ‘that was a fun time bathing’.”
“I suppose if it's for Monokuma’s benefit,” Kyoko said. “That would be quite smart.”
“Well Hiro,” Junko said. “You’re the one who spends their time the most doing ‘bath house rituals’ maybe you should announce it.”
“Huh…? But what am I supposed to say?” Yasuhiro asked.
“I dunno, maybe something like ‘Wow, that was a great time at the bath!’,” Junko said. “Or something along those lines.”
“Wow! That was a great time at the bath!” Yasuhiro repeated loudly, as he walked towards the exit.
“God, that guy has no career in acting,” Junko said as she walked out after him.
The others followed after Yasuhiro and Junko as they headed back into the cafeteria.
“So, what the fudge did we miss?!” Kiyondo questioned.
“Nothing of extreme importance,” Celeste said. “We were just worried about the wellbeing of you both.”
“Still, perhaps we should be careful about the bath house now,” Kyoko said. “We do not want Monokuma peeking in at us during questionable times.”
“But it’s not like we can stand guard either,” Makoto added. “We all need to sleep and we have the night time rule in place for a reason.”
“Hm,” Celeste said. “Speaking of which, I find it quite irritating how two of us violated that rule.”
“I wouldn’t have to if that bucket of lard just let me see my fudging bro!” Kiyondo said.
“As if I’m to blame, Mr. Ishida,” Hifumi responded. “You’re the one stopping me!”
“We do not care who started it,” Celeste said. “We only care that you finish it and quickly.”
“Otherwise, perhaps we shall need to look for a new leader, no?” Celeste added.
“Hey! Don’t you dare think about fudgin’ replacing me.” Kiyondo said.
“Then you should step up,” Sakura said. “We are in a tough situation currently.”
“Is there anything else we need to discuss?” Yasuhiro asked. “This is kinda boring.”
“Well, does anyone else have anything to fudgin’ say?!” Kiyondo yelled.
The group stayed silent, having talked about everything of importance.
“Well then, this meeting is fudgin’ dismissed!” Kiyondo said. “Now you dumbbutts should get out of here.”
As everyone went to leave the cafeteria, Makoto was stopped by Celeste.
“Makoto,” Celeste began. “I was wondering if we could have a bit of a chat.”
“Huh…?” Makoto asked, “Sure, what about?”
“You see, I feel we don’t really know each other as well as we should,” Celeste said. “Since it seems we are stuck here for the foreseeable future, I wish to change that.”
“Huh…?” Makoto said. “I guess you’re right.”
“So,” Celeste said. “I think the best way to see into someone is to ask them about their romantic preferences, no?”
“H-huh…? My romantic preferences?”
“Don’t be so shy, Makoto,” Celeste said. “Everyone has preferences, no?”
“U-um, yeah I guess…” Makoto said. “You might as well ask away, then.”
“So,” Celeste began. “What kind of behaviors do you attribute to your perfect partner?”
“I guess they’d have to be someone who can take charge,” Makoto admitted. “I mean, they’re supposed to be your opposite, right?”
“Take charge?” Celeste asked. “Do you mean someone prone to leadership roles?”
“Huh…?” Makoto said. “Yeah, I guess…?”
“Is there anything else you might find desirable?”
“I guess… determination?” Makoto said. “I want someone who sticks to their beliefs.”
Celeste smiled before responding. “That is… admirable.”
“Any other questions?” Makoto asked.
“Ignoring the fact that we’re trapped here,” Celeste said. “Where would your perfect date location be?”
“Hm,” Makoto said. “I guess just a picnic?”
“A picnic? That is sort of cliche, no?”
“Haha, yeah…” Makoto said, scratching his cheek. “I don’t know, it just seems like the best place to have a date?”
“I suppose I cannot judge you on that,” Celeste said. “Is this a picnic in nature or anywhere…?”
“It’d probably be better inside,” Makoto admitted. “With my luck the weather would be extra bad…”
“You are the Ultimate Lucky Student, are you not?” Celeste asked. “Unless you’re implying your admittance was some sort of a fluke.”
“Honestly…? I don’t really know.”
“Hm,” Celeste said. “An interesting fact about you indeed, Makoto.”
“Moving on,” Celeste said. “Perhaps we should talk more about you, Makoto.”
“Huh…? More about me?” Makoto asked.
“What are your hobbies outside of the killing game?” Celeste asked. “You must enjoy some things, right?”
“I like the things that are currently popular,” Makoto said. “I guess you can say I stick to trends.”
“So you would want a partner equally as trendy?”
“I’m not so sure,” Makoto admitted. “I mean it would be nice to talk to them about what I like, but I wouldn’t want them to be interested in the same exact things.”
“Hm,” Celeste said. “So more of an ‘in-general’ thing then, yes?”
“Well I’m supposing you cannot do the things you usually do in this school, no?” Celeste asked. “What do you do around here?”
“I mostly talk to everyone else,” Makoto said. “I think it’s nice getting to know everyone.”
“So a people-pleaser, then,” Celeste said. “Unexpected but certainly not a bad thing.”
Huh…? Makoto thought. Was that just an insult?
“Hm, is there anything else you do?”
“Not really,” Makoto said. “Up until now, there wasn’t much to do… I might stop by at the rec room now, but I don’t see any other big change coming.”
“Well, since you interact with everyone so often, what are your thoughts about our ‘peers’...?”
“Hm,” Makoto said, putting one of his fingers to his lips. “I mean, Kyoko’s really a mystery to me, Sakura was a bit scary at first but I think she’s a good friend.”
“I have the feeling Kiyondo might dislike me but I was at least a little close with Taka,” Makoto continued, “Hifumi’s nice when he isn’t talking about 2D.”
“Yasuhiro I’m also a bit friendly with, although I could talk to him more. Junko is a good friend to me, she’s very supportive at the very least,” Makoto said. “You’re nice as well Celeste but I don’t know if we really know each other and I haven’t gotten the chance to interact with Byakuya and Toko.”
“I suppose that all makes sense,” Celeste said. “Thank you for this enlightening conversation, Makoto.”
“Of course…?” Makoto responded.
“Until we meet again, Makoto.”
Celeste walked off after checking her e-Handbook.
Makoto decided to head to his room while he decided who else he would hang out with.
He had a couple of options, but he wasn’t sure he was feeling all too well. Now that he had time to think his nightmare came back to him in full force and it wasn’t the most pleasant thing to remember.
Before he could decide what he was going to do with his time, Makoto heard a knocking on the door.
Opening the door, Makoto discovered that his visitor was none other than Junko Enoshima.
Is she blushing…? Makoto thought.
“Hey, Makoto,” Junko said quickly. “Um, wow you’re looking pretty great.”
“Are you feeling okay, Junko?”
“Yeah, I think I could really go for a picnic or something,” Junko said. “That’s the sorta thing that’s great, right?”
“Huh…?” Makoto asked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Um,” Junko said. “I mean I think we really need to do something about our current situation.”
“I mean, someone needs to step up as a leader because I think it’s kinda obvious Kiyondo really isn’t gonna…” Junko explained.
“Do you have any ideas on who that leader could be?” Makoto asked.
“Um, maybe me,” Junko said. “Boys do like a girl in charge, right?”
“I think it depends…?” Makoto asked. “It’s a preference and everything, right?”
Junko stared at him for a moment, before frowning.
“I’ve got to talk to someone,” Junko said. “We’ll uh, talk later, I guess…”
That was really weird… Makoto thought. Does she have a fever or something?
Makoto decided to brush off Junko’s weird behavior for the time being. He wanted to get out and talk to someone else.
Makoto left his room and checked his e-Handbook. Surprisingly the only people near him were Celeste and Junko, both in the cafeteria.
Makoto decided to head towards the cafeteria, as he was feeling a bit hungry.
Once Makoto entered the cafeteria, their conversation stopped.
“Ah, Makoto,” Celeste said. “Are you here for a snack?”
“Um, yeah,” Makoto said. “I’m feeling a bit hungry.”
“Well, while you're eating, let us talk,” Celeste said. “We have much to discuss, yes?”
“Huh? We do?” Makoto asked.
“There’s an endless supply, really,” Celeste answered. “I’ll wait for you while you prepare a meal.”
Makoto entered the kitchen area and checked the fridge. Seeing a microwavable meal inside, Makoto decided to cook it.
When Makoto exited the kitchen, Junko was already gone.
“Ah, Makoto,” Celeste said. “Please do sit down, I have something of importance I must say to you.”
“‘Something of importance’...?” Makoto echoed. “Did something happen?”
“It is becoming clearer that our continued existence might be hindered,” Celeste began. “After all, we have already witnessed two class trials.”
“I want to believe that all of us can make it out of here,” Makoto responded. “But it might be impossible that we won’t face another class trial again.”
“Besides that,” Celeste said. “You’ve already missed your second chance at romance, no?”
“Huh..?” Makoto asked. “What do you mean?”
“First with Sayaka,” Celeste said. “Which I suppose wasn’t really your fault, no?”
Pausing to take a sip of tea, Celeste continued.
“And then with Hina,” Celeste said. “You did know that she was interested in you, no?”
“Huh… Sayaka and Hina were interested in me…?”
“You truly did not notice?” Celeste asked. “I suppose you are about to tell me you did not notice other people getting together as well.”
“Huh…?” Makoto said. “Other people are getting together…?!”
“You did not notice it, then,” Celeste said. “Out of respect for their privacy I will not tell you who, of course.”
“That’s fine,” Makoto said as he awkwardly scratched his cheek. “But what’s the point in bringing up failed romances now?”
“I believe that love is still in your cards,” Celeste answered. “Of course that only applies if you notice it, no?”
“You mean… someone is going to ask me out?”
“Think of it with an open mind,” Celeste said, as she got up with her cup of tea. “A relationship is beneficial for several reasons, no?”
Makoto stared into his food as he heard Celeste leave.
Am I ready for a relationship? Makoto thought. I guess I’ll just have to wait and find out.
After finishing his meal, Makoto cleaned up and walked back to his room. He started to fall asleep just as Monokuma’s night time announcement played.
“So you’re here again,” Sayaka’s voice whispered into his ear. “You’ve come to watch another girl die, right?”
“Sayaka…?” Makoto asked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
“I can already see you betraying someone again,” Sayaka said. “I’m a psychic, you know.”
“I don’t…”
“Do you really not know?” Sayaka asked. “You watched me get executed and then you saw Hina’s body floating in the pool.”
“I’m sorry,” Makoto said. “I didn’t know this was going to happen.”
“Are you really sorry?” Sayaka asked. “Look down at your hands, and see all the blood.”
Makoto did as he was told, his hands were dripping with blood. It was almost enough to make him sick.
“Of course,” Sayaka began. “You don’t feel bad at all, do you?”
Makoto awoke to Monokuma’s morning announcement.
Makoto realized he was hyperventilating. He fell out of his tangled sheets and made his way to the bathroom.
During his shower, Makoto made sure to scrub his hands until they were red, although he wasn’t sure if that made things better or worse.
Makoto made his way to the cafeteria and soon after the morning meeting began.
“So!” Kiyondo began. “What new information have we fudgin’ discovered?”
“Nothing much,” Kyoko said. “Things have been thankfully uneventful.”
“Perhaps we should all convene at the bath house tonight,” Celeste said. “I think it would be a wonderful bonding experience.”
“You mean we get to see…” Hifumi began before being cut off by Celeste.
“Yes,” Celeste said.
“Anyways, I have a complaint to make,” Junko said. “I think we should get a new leader.”
“Huh…?!” Kiyondo yelled. “Do you have a fudgin’ problem with my leadership or somethin’?!”
“Yeah, actually I do,” Junko said. “You’re totally unreliable, you’re fighting with Hifumi one moment and the next moment you’re lusting over your lost bro or whatever.”
“What are you fudgin’ saying?!”
“Not only that,” Junko said. “But you’ve already broken a rule we’ve established between ourselves.”
Before Kiyondo could respond, Makoto interrupted.
“Hey,” Makoto said. “I think that’s enough.”
“Huh…?” Junko said. “You’re telling me you actually agree with his leadership?”
“As if I want Mac’s ideas on this,” Kiyondo said.
“I’m just saying that fighting isn’t going to solve anything,” Makoto said. “Let’s just try to keep the peace, alright?”
“But he’s got no respect for us,” Junko said. “The only person he cares about is long dead.”
“Shut it, Junk!” Kiyondo yelled. “You’re not gonna have your takeover.”
“Junk…?” Junko asked. “Are you calling me trash you albino rat?!”
“This isn’t going to happen again,” Sakura said. “We’re supposed to be co-existing, not killing each other.”
“Technically…” Monokuma began as he appeared. “This is a killing game, so feel free to off each other!”
“Monokuma!” Yasuhiro yelled. “H-how did you get here….?!”
“The same way he appears every time,” Kyoko said. “This shouldn’t be surprising.”
“Perhaps he’s a little slow, no?” Celeste said.
“Anyways, I’m enjoying the fights you all keep having,” Monokuma said. “So if you all could keep that up, it would make your headmaster beary happy!”
“No one asked you, Monokuma,” Sakura replied.
“In fact we will fudging get along just to spite you!” Kiyondo added. “Right, Junk?”
“Don’t call me that,” Junko responded.
“Have fun, kids!” Monokuma said before disappearing.
“That seems to conclude the morning meeting,” Kyoko said. “I suppose we should be careful in these coming days.”
“Do you think something bad will happen?” Makoto asked.
“I’m not sure,” Kyoko said. “But I am sure the motive will be revealed to us sooner than later.”
As the class went to leave the cafeteria, Makoto was once again stopped on his way out.
“Hey Makoto,” Junko said. “Could we talk for a bit?”
“Huh…?” Makoto said. “Sure, of course.”
“Anyways, let’s head to your room,” Junko said. “I want it to be private, alright?”
“Huh...? My room?” Makoto asked. “Shouldn’t it be yours?”
“Already trying to get in my room?” Junko asked. “Damn Makoto, I didn’t know you were a pervert.”
“N-no…!” Makoto yelled. “I’m just saying, there’s nothing in my room, so wouldn’t it be easier to go to yours?”
“If we’re being honest,” Junko said. “My room has nothing in it as well, so we’re not losing anything going to your room instead.”
“Alright then,” Makoto said. “I’ll lead the way.”
Makoto led Junko to his room.
“Alright, Makoto,” Junko said. “Let’s talk about our interests.”
This again…? Makoto thought. First Celeste and now Junko, I wonder if there’s a connection.
“So, um,” Junko began. “I really like picnicking, but sadly there’s like nowhere to do it in this school.”
“Yeah, there would probably be no room here.” Makoto said. “Although I guess if you’re desperate you could probably do it in the cafeteria or something.”
“And get yelled at by Kiyondo?” Junko said. “As if, plus it isn’t as romantic if you’re doing it in a shitty school cafeteria.”
“Romantic?” Makoto echoed.
“Yeah, like first date kinda things.” Junko said. “You know, the perfect girl for you would probably take you on a picnic.”
“The perfect girl for me…?” Makoto asked. “You’re still thinking about matching me up with someone when we get out of here?”
“Yep,” Junko answered. “Damn Makoto, the girl I’m thinking of would wait on you hand and foot. Isn’t that the life?”
“I mean, I guess…?” Makoto said, as he scratched his cheek awkwardly. “Speaking of relationships, Celeste also had a conversation about them with me last night.”
“Huh…?” Junko said. “What did she say?”
“She said she thought it was important for me to get in a relationship,” Makoto said. “Since I’ve already missed my shot twice.”
“She’s probably right you know,” Junko said. “You need someone to take charge for you and keep you fired up.”
“Um… do I really?”
“Yep!” Junko said. “Plus you’ve gotta get over Taka and fast.”
“H-hey…! I’ve told you before I don’t have a crush on Taka.”
“Yeah yeah, sure,” Junko said. “He’s lusting over his dead bro and he’s totally changed anyways. Seriously who the hell calls a girl ‘Junk’?!”
“I mean he’s started calling me ‘Mac’,” Makoto said. “And that’s a bit annoying, so I can see where you’re coming from.”
“So yeah,” Junko said. “But I bet you’re wanting a relationship while we’re in the killing game, huh?”
Am I? Makoto thought. I haven’t really thought about it much, even after Celeste brought it up.
“It’d be safer, right?” Makoto said. “But just getting into a relationship because of that feels… wrong, you know?”
“Yeah,” Junko said. “But, I’ve gotta prepare you for the real girl I’m setting you up with.”
“H-huh…? ‘Prepare me’?”
“Yep!” Junko said. “So let’s just say you’re off the market for now, alright?”
“W-wait, how are you so sure she’ll accept being set up with me?”
“I’ve just got a good feeling, y’know?” Junko said. “So, don’t start dating anyone Makoto or you might just break her heart!”
“Um… alright then.”
“Alright Makoto,” Junko said. “I’m off now, this conversation has made me feel a hell of a lot better.”
Junko left Makoto’s room shortly after, leaving Makoto to his own devices.
Alright, let’s check the e-Handbook and see where everyone is. Makoto thought.
Kiyondo was located in his, or rather, Kiyotaka’s room.
Alright, Makoto thought to himself. I’ve got to talk to Kiyondo eventually, right?
Makoto made his way to Kiyotaka’s room. He hesitantly knocked and Kiyondo opened the door.
“What do you want, Mac?” Kiyondo asked. “Can’t you see I’m fudgin’ busy?!”
“Huh… you’re busy…?” Makoto said. “And anyways, I only wanted to talk.”
“Pff, as if I’d ever waste my time on a buttface like you.”
“Um, alright then,” Makoto said, as he turned to walk away.
“Wait! I’ve changed my fudgin’ mind,” Kiyondo yelled. “I guess we can hang out or whatever the heck.”
Huh…? Makoto thought. I thought he didn’t want me here…?
Makoto was dragged into Kiyotaka’s room by an annoyed Kiyondo.
“So what the heck do you even want to talk about?” Kiyondo asked.
“I want to get to know you better,” Makoto admitted.
Kiyondo only stared at him.
“So um,” Makoto began, awkwardly. “Do you have any of the same interests that Mondo had?”
“Of course I fudgin’ do!” Kiyondo yelled. “Bro is a part of me, now and forever.”
“So I guess you’d know a lot about motorcycles…?”
“Duh,” Kiyondo answered. “Why do you have any knowledge on bikes, Mac?”
“I mean, I guess…?” Makoto said, as he scratched his cheek. “I mean I was almost hit by a motorcyclist a few times. That counts… right?”
“WHAT?!” Kiyondo yelled. “You were almost fudgin’ hit by motorcycles?!”
“Several times,” Makoto said, laughing awkwardly. “I mean, I always dodged out of the way, so that’s the important part, right…?”
“Why are you the one fudging dodging them?!” Kiyondo yelled. “Do you purposely stand in their way or some other fudged up thing?!”
“N-no…?” Makoto said. “I just have very bad luck, I guess.”
“And here you had me all worried over nothing at all,” Kiyondo said. “What the heck.”
“Sorry… I guess?” Makoto said.
Kiyondo just huffed and looked away.
Man, he’s really hard to talk to, Makoto thought. Does he really hate me that much?
“Anyways,” Makoto said, trying his hardest to make conversation. “How much do you know about gangs?”
“What the heck even is that question?!” Kiyondo asked. “My bro was the leader of a biker gang so what the fudge do you think?!”
“Um, I guess a lot…?”
“How much do you fudging know, Mac?”
“I’ve only really seen gangs on TV,” Makoto said, as he reached for his cheek once again. “So I’m not very knowledgeable.”
“Fudging heck, you’re as dumb as Hiro!”
“H-huh…?” Makoto said. “I don’t think not knowing-”
“I don’t even know why I fudgin’ tried to talk to you,” Kiyondo said. “Do you have anything worth saying?!”
“I guess not…?”
“Then get the heck out of my room, you dumbbutt!”
Makoto awkwardly left Kiyotaka’s room, disappointed in himself for the lack of results.
I don’t know how I’m supposed to make any progress with him, Makoto thought to himself glumly. But at least I know for sure that he probably hates me.
Makoto frowned, not knowing what else to do. Luckily for him, he remembered that the class was going to hold a meeting over Alter Ego.
I might as well head there early, Makoto thought.
When Makoto made his way into the bath house he was surprised to see Kyoko already there.
“Makoto,” Kyoko said. “I see you’ve arrived early as well.”
“Yeah,” Makoto said. “But we’re a bit too early, aren’t we?”
“It’s best that we arrive before Kiyondo and Hifumi do,” Kyoko said. “We’ve already seen what they can do when left unattended.”
“It’s worrying isn’t it?” Celeste said as she came in. “I wonder if the Mastermind will prey on this new-found weakness.”
“That would mean that the Mastermind knows about Alter Ego, right?” Makoto asked.
“It’s stupid of us to believe the Mastermind isn’t curious about why we’ve all been coming here,” Celeste said. “We should keep our guard up, Monokuma does have legs, no?”
“I suppose you’re right,” Kyoko said. “But speaking of this meeting and Alter Ego, is this a full class meeting?”
“You mean Byakuya and Toko?” Makoto asked.
“I suppose we should invite them,” Celeste said. “It would be rude of us otherwise, no?”
“It’s unlikely that they’d listen, right?” Makoto said. “And it’s not like we can give out any information without the Mastermind finding out.”
“Perhaps if we’re discreet enough Byakuya will pick it up,” Kyoko said. “And anywhere he goes Toko is sure to follow.”
“But someone has to extend the invite, no?” Celeste said. “It is unlikely for ‘mind-reader’ to be in Byakuya’s skill set.”
“Hey, what are we talking about?!” Yasuhiro yelled. “Are we finally bathing together?”
“No,” Celeste said. “We’re having our meeting, or at least waiting for everyone to come.”
“Aww, so we aren’t bathing together…?” Yasuhiro asked.
“You really thought we were…?” Makoto replied.
“Of course,” Yasuhiro yelled. “Don’t be mean!”
“Did you really forget about the computer?” Kyoko asked.
“H-huh…?!” Yasuhiro said. “Of course not!”
“I suppose if we are picking a messenger, it shouldn’t be Hiro, no?” Celeste said.
“Perhaps we could ask Sakura or Junko,” Kyoko said.
“I could go,” Makoto said. “It’s not like we have anything better to do, right?”
“That is a wise plan,” Celeste said. “Remember Makoto, you must be discreet about it, yes?”
“Of course,” Makoto said. “The last thing we want is the Mastermind finding out about Alter Ego.”
Makoto exited the bath house and just like expected, after checking his e-handbook he discovered Byakuya was in the library.
Makoto made his way to the second floor, power-walking past the pool’s door and went straight into the library.
“Tch,” Byakuya said. “What do you want, Makoto?”
“There’s something I need to discuss with you,” Makoto said. “It has something to do with the sauna.”
“Is this your way of flirting, Makoto?” Byakuya asked. “Because you’re pitifully bad at it.”
“N-no…!” Makoto yelled. “It has nothing to do with that at all!”
Just as Makoto yelled that, Toko came marching in.
“M-makoto..! A-are you trying to get y-your hands all over my M-master…?!” Toko yelled. “B-because I won’t let you!”
“No way!” Makoto yelled. “There’s just a group bonding activity in the sauna, I think you both could benefit from coming.”
“I see,” Byakuya said. “I suppose everyone else is already involved?”
“Exactly,” Makoto said. “You’re not required but I think you both should come.”
“I g-get to see M-master shirtless…?” Toko drooled. “S-someone pinch me, I must be d-dreaming…”
“Shut up,” Byakuya said. “Fine, in a few minutes you will see that I will at least arrive.”
“Thank you,” Makoto said.
“I’m not doing this for you, idiot.”
Makoto made his way back down to the bath house, where he could hear a fight already beginning.
“What do you mean we can’t touch Alter Ego?!” Hifumi complained as Makoto entered.
“That is exactly what it means,” Celeste said. “You do understand words, correct?”
“There’s no getting down and dirty with Alter Ego,” Junko said. “Even if it could, I’m sure it has higher standards than either of you.”
“What the fudge are you implying?!” Kiyondo yelled.
“I think it’s pretty obvious,” Junko said. “Or can you not see beyond the image of Mondo?”
“Hey--” Kiyondo began only to be cut off by Celeste.
“That is enough, no?” Celeste said. “Petty squabbling will do us no good, will it?”
“It seems every idiot has arrived,” Byakuya said. “What is so important that you had to interrupt my reading time?”
“W-wait,” Toko said. “I’m n-not going to s-see Master shirtless…?!” “There is something we discovered, recently,” Kyoko said. “We believe it holds pertinent information that may relate to why we are trapped here.”
“Are you talking about the computer?” Byakuya asked. “If so, you must think that I am an idiot.”
���Huh…?!” Makoto yelled. “You already knew about Alter Ego?”
“Is that what it’s called?” Byakuya said. “No matter. Yes, I already knew about it.”
“I am p-proud to announce that I i-informed Master of it,” Toko added dreamily.
“Master…?” Junko asked.
“You mean you discovered it?” Celeste asked. “Pardon my rudeness but I cannot imagine a reason why you would enter the bath house after the last class trial.”
“H-hey!” Toko yelled. “Wouldn’t y-you investigate a m-mysterious green light…?!”
“So it seems you discovered Alter Ego the same way Hiro did,” Kyoko said. “I wonder if it was trying to announce its location…”
“Huh…? Why would it want to be caught?” Yasuhiro asked. “Unless it’s working for the Mastermind…!”
“Wouldn’t you be worried about your creator if you hadn’t heard from them for a while?” Kyoko asked. “It was probably in its coding to try to locate Chihiro.”
“Chihiro must’ve forgotten to mention that it should stay discreet,” Celeste commented. “Or perhaps it was desperate.”
“We do know Chihiro gave it the task of making those files visible,” Sakura added. “Perhaps it wanted to update Chihiro on its progress.”
“You’re saying that ‘Alter Ego’ is uncorrupting the files on the computer?” Byakuya asked.
“Yes,” Celeste answered. “That is the main reason why we called you here.”
“I don’t understand why we need him fudgin’ here,” Kiyondo complained. “It’s not like he’s interested in working with us as a group.”
“And who are you to talk to me like that?” Byakuya asked. “Especially when you look like that.”
“I’m fudging Kiyondo Ishida and I’ll kick your butt if you dare speak down to me!”
“Maybe we should break it up,” Makoto offered. “We still have to check Alter Ego’s progress on the files, right?”
“An excellent point, Makoto,” Celeste said. “If there are no objections I will ask Alter Ego on its progress.”
After no objections were held, Celeste began typing to Alter Ego.
“Alter Ego,” Celeste typed. “What is your progress on the files?”
“I’m glad to announce that they are finally able to be accessed!” Alter Ego said. “However, the information is a bit worrying.”
“If Alter Ego is worried,” Hifumi said. “We’re all doomed…!”
“Shut up and let the program explain to us,” Byakuya said.
“W-what Master said…” Toko added.
“You also shut up.”
“Could you tell us the contents of these files?” Celeste typed.
“Sure,” Alter Ego said. “Apparently over a year ago, Hope’s Peak Academy was forced out of commission.”
“That we already know,” Byakuya said.
“Not exactly,” Sakura said. “Our current timeline doesn’t add up with that.”
“If Hope’s Peak Academy was forced to shut down a fudgin’ year ago, why the heck are we here now?!” Kiyondo yelled.
“Alter Ego, are you sure this is correct?” Celeste typed. “We were all admitted this year, so it wouldn’t make sense for it to have shut down a year ago.”
“I’m sorry,” Alter Ego said. “But according to the files, Hope’s Peak Academy hasn’t been in operation for at least a year.”
“That should be impossible,” Kyoko said. “But we’ve already gotten ourselves into a very impossible situation.”
“Is there a reason for a school as big as Hope’s Peak to close down?” Makoto asked. “I mean, they were the most prestigious school in the world, right?”
“Do you know the reason why Hope’s Peak shut down?” Celeste typed into the computer.
“Apparently there was an event called the ‘Tragedy’ that took place,” Alter Ego responded. “There’s not a lot of information on it other than it being a devastating event.”
“The Tragedy?” Junko asked. “What a lousy descriptor for an event.”
“I agree!” Kiyondo yelled. “When you’re writing fudgin’ history you gotta make it memorable!”
“Perhaps the Mastermind left out certain details on purpose,” Sakura said. “There is no reason for us to assume otherwise.”
“Of course,” Byakuya said. “This is a game of wit.”
“Mr. Togami, why do you say that like you’re enjoying it?” Hifumi asked.
“Because I am, you idiot,” Byakuya answered. “This is something truly worthy of a Togami.”
“Someone has a murder kink,” Junko said.
“What did you just say to me?” Byakuya asked.
“Moving on,” Celeste said. “There is probably more information in these files, no?”
“Is there anything else of note?” Celeste typed.
“Yes, something extremely worrying,” Alter Ego responded. “I have reason to believe the headmaster of Hope’s Peak Academy is still in this school.”
“Huh…?!” Makoto cried out.
“What…?” Kyoko questioned.
“What do you mean?” Celeste typed.
“Apparently during the Tragedy the headmaster had the school fortified to be practically impenetrable.” “Like the situation we currently find ourselves in,” Sakura said. “Perhaps we should inquire more about this.”
“Are you implying that the Headmaster fortified this school to trap us in here?” Celeste typed.
“I’m not sure,” Alter Ego said. “However the situations seem eerily similar.”
“Even so, we weren’t here a year ago, right?!” Yasuhiro yelled. “That we know for sure, right?!”
“We couldn’t have been here a year ago,” Junko said. “We’ve only entered High School this year, obviously.”
“Perhaps the Mastermind has planted misinformation,” Byakuya said. “Are you idiots really falling for this?”
“Hey! Don’t call us fudging idiots!” Kiyondo yelled. “Because you’re the fudging idiot you dumbbutt!”
“Shut up,” Byakuya said. “You don’t have the right to speak to me like that.”
“Mr. Togami, how could you imply that Alter Ego could lie about something?!” Hifumi sobbed.
“Take your complaints elsewhere,” Byakuya replied.
“I mean, the Mastermind wants this to be a fair game, right?” Makoto offered. “They have to be giving us some information.”
“There is probably some information we can trust,” Kyoko said. “We know the school is boarded up…”
“So perhaps the Headmaster is still here, no?” Celeste added.
“It would make the most sense for them to be the Mastermind,” Sakura said.
Kyoko looked away, clenching her fist slightly before responding, “We shouldn’t make those assumptions this early.”
“I wonder,” Celeste began, “If this computer contained this information if there’s anything else we may find on it.”
“Would Chihiro really have Alter Ego leave out information?” Makoto asked. “It would’ve helped him too.”
“You really believe he intended to share the information Alter Ego discovered?” Byakuya asked. “You really are an idiot.”
“It would fit Chihiro’s character,” Sakura said. “He always seemed eager to prove himself.”
Kiyondo looked uncomfortable, Makoto noticed.
“Alright!” Kiyondo yelled. “Do we have any more questions?!”
“Can I talk to Alter Ego now?!” Hifumi asked.
“Perhaps not,” Celeste said. “However, there is something else we must share with Byakuya and Toko.”
“Huh…?” Makoto asked.
“We now have a ‘night-time’ rule,” Celeste explained. “During the night, no student should be outside of their dorm.”
“And you expect me to follow this?” Byakuya asked. “Tch, the nerve.”
“Of course not,” Celeste replied evenly. “However, you cannot claim that you were unaware of it anymore.”
“Will you unhand my fudging bro?!” Kiyondo yelled, glaring daggers at Hifumi.
“Alter Ego isn’t yours!” Hifumi yelled back. “She’s mine and only mine!”
“Um, I think we discussed this before but isn’t Alter Ego technically a guy…?” Makoto said.
“Mr. Naegi!” Hifumi yelled. “Who said that you could get involved with matters of the heart?”
“Alter Ego is very important to all of us,” Makoto said. “Isn’t it important that we don’t get him involved in our matters?”
“Are you saying that you don’t think Alter Ego is alive, Mr. Naegi?!”
“H-huh…?” Makoto said. “All I’m saying is that we probably shouldn’t be involving Alter Ego in things like this.”
“Leave Mac alone!” Kiyondo yelled. “He’s just trying to save bro and Chihiro from having you slobber all over them.”
That wasn’t entirely my intention… Makoto thought. But thanks for sticking up for me, I guess?
“A computer is introduced and you’re already at each other’s necks like wild dogs,” Byakuya said. “I guess I shouldn’t have expected any less.”
“Shut the fudge up, Byakuya!” Kiyondo yelled. “Guys like you are all talk and no fudgin’ action!”
Byakuya looked insulted. “You all should be thankful for my presence, but instead you act like idiots.”
After insulting the group one last time, Byakuya left in a hurry.
“Y-you…!” Toko yelled, pointing at Kiyondo. “D-don’t think I’ll let you g-get away w-with insulting M-master…!”
“You’re a fudgin’ idiot if you think he respects you!”
Toko only glared in response before she turned and chased after Byakuya.
“Well that could’ve gone better, no?” Celeste asked. “Perhaps it is time we head for bed anyways.”
“Of course, Kiyondo and Hifumi should leave first,” Kyoko said. “They have proven that this computer is too compelling for them to follow simple directions.”
“Hey!” Kiyondo yelled. “It’s my fudging bro and it was one time!”
“Apparently it was several,” Kyoko said. “According to Monokuma, anyway.”
“You’re trusting that dumb fudgin’ bear over us?!”
“Your behavior seems to line up with his accusation,” Sakura said. “It would be easier for you two to leave anyways.”
“You guys need to build up rapport with the group,” Junko said. “Or you’ll forever be known as the computer freaks.”
“You don’t think they did anything weird with Alter Ego, right…?” Yasuhiro asked.
“Perhaps it’s better if we don’t find out,” Celeste responded.
Kiyondo and Hifumi flushed bright red and out of embarrassment left the bath house.
The rest of the class disbanded and went back to their own dorms.
Makoto glared at his bed as the night time announcement played.
Alright, Makoto thought. Let’s see what nightmares await me tonight.
“Makoto,” a feminine voice began. “Did you think I was weak?”
Turning around to meet the voice, Makoto saw Chihiro. His neck was bruised and his eyes were glossy.
“Of course you did,” Chihiro answered before Makoto could say anything. “Everyone always thought I was weak.”
“That’s not true!” Makoto yelled. “You wanted to improve yourself, I can’t think of anything stronger.”
“And yet you’re trying to date my killer's lover,” Chihiro said. “You really have no respect for the dead, huh?”
“H-huh…? Chihiro what are you talking about?”
“He’s talkin’ about Taka, fucker,” Mondo answered.
When Makoto faced Mondo, he found that Mondo looked like himself and not butter.
“You think that now that I’m gone you can just fuckin’ take over my spot, huh?” Mondo asked. “Well guess what, that ain’t gonna happen.”
“I think you’re confused,” Makoto said. “I don’t like Taka like that, I’m just his friend.”
“So,” Chihiro said. “That’s how you’ve been surviving this long, denial.”
“What?” Makoto asked.
“It’s plain as fuckin’ day,” Mondo said. “You’re head over heels for him, too bad he’s into me, right?”
“You guys are wrong!” Makoto yelled. “I’m sorry that you’re dead, but, you’re wrong about that.”
“Whatever the hell you say,” Mondo said. “But remember you’re no better than me, Makoto.”
“You got two people fuckin’ killed so far, Sayaka and I,” Mondo said. “So who’s next?”
“I didn’t mean to…” Makoto mumbled, staring at the ground. “It was either you guys or us.”
“What an odd way to justify it,” Chihiro said. “Whatever helps you sleep better at night, right…?”
Before Makoto could respond, he was awoken by the Monokuma’s morning announcement.
That wasn’t as bad as I thought, Makoto thought. Things are finally starting to look up.
Makoto made his way to the cafeteria finding that Kiyondo and Celeste were already there.
“Hello Makoto,” Celeste said.
“Mac,” Kiyondo acknowledged.
“Hey,” Makoto said. “How did you guys sleep?”
“I slept fine,” Celeste said. “Much more peaceful knowing that no one can die at night anymore.”
“That implies that rich kid is gonna fudgin’ follow our rules,” Kiyondo huffed. “I wouldn’t bet even Mac’s life on that.”
“H-hey…!” Makoto responded.
“Who would kill him?” Celeste asked. “I doubt Toko would ever harm him and that’s the only other person who wouldn’t be following the rule.”
“I guess not, but heck,” Kiyondo said. “That girl is totally fudgin’ obsessed with Byakuya.”
“Isn’t she calling him ‘Master’ now?” Makoto asked. “I wonder what sparked that.”
“Perhaps they have bonded,” Celeste offered. “Even Byakuya can’t stay alone forever.”
As the rest of the class, excluding Byakuya and Toko, came into the cafeteria another meeting began and ended without much fanfare.
After the meeting, Makoto went back to his room.
Huh, Makoto thought. I wonder who I can hang out with?
Makoto checked his e-Handbook, the closest person was Kyoko, as she was outside the bath house.
Makoto walked near the bath house before getting stopped by Kyoko.
“Going to bathe?” Kyoko asked coldly.
“No,” Makoto said. “Actually I wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh,” Kyoko answered. “I hope you don’t mind but I don’t want to leave my current position.”
“No, that’s fine,” Makoto said. “We can talk here if it’s okay with you.”
Kyoko looked at the bath house entrance before sighing. “Yeah, that should be fine.”
“I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while,” Makoto began. “But, wow you are really good at investigating.”
“Is that so?” Kyoko asked.
“Yep!” Makoto answered. “In fact, if I had to guess your talent I would say it’s the Ultimate Detective or something close.”
“Hm,” Kyoko said. “I’m afraid my talent is still a secret, so I won’t confirm or deny your guess.”
“Well that’s fine,” Makoto answered. “It’s more fun to guess than to actually know.”
“Is that so?” Kyoko asked. “I suppose one could say making the theory is much more fun than proving it.”
“Exactly!” Makoto said. “Especially in our situation.”
“Speaking of our situation,” Kyoko said. “Makoto, I must commend you on your ability to bring the group together.”
“You believe whole-heartedly in everything,” Kyoko said. “That’s a respectable ability.”
“Hina told me that,” Makoto said. “I’m not so sure I believe it.”
“But,” Kyoko said. “Perhaps you should be careful with it.”
“Careful…?” Makoto echoed. “What do you mean?”
“The bigger you are,” Kyoko began, “the larger you fall.” “Huh?”
“Keep your beliefs reasonable, Makoto,” Kyoko explained. “We are in a killing game, it is not unreasonable to expect the worst.”
“I can see where you’re coming from,” Makoto admitted. “But I’d like to believe in my friends until the very end!”
“You wear your heart on your sleeve,” Kyoko commented. “Perhaps that’s not so bad.”
“It’s really just natural to me,” Makoto admitted.
“Perhaps we could benefit from one another,” Kyoko said. “Your belief and motivational skills would be beneficial to anyone here.”
“Is that something that can really be taught…?” Makoto asked.
“In return,” Kyoko continued. “I could teach you how to investigate better.”
“Really…?” Makoto asked. “I mean that’d be great but I wouldn’t want to force you.”
“Our respective skills are beneficial to living in this school,” Kyoko said. “I don’t see any reason for us not to work together.”
“You’re right,” Makoto said, “let’s try our hardest to work together and get out of here!”
“Hm,” Kyoko said, smiling for a moment before going back to her natural expression. “You really are determined, aren’t you?”
“Of course!” Makoto said. “If we all work together we’ll be out of here in no time!”
“Are you sure you aren’t the Ultimate Moral Compass?” Kyoko teased. “You’ve been a bit more active than Taka as of late.”
“Have I…?” Makoto asked. “Maybe he was rubbing off on me.”
“Speaking of Taka, I think we should end our conversation here,” Kyoko said. “I must keep watch just in case Hifumi or Kiyondo get any ideas.”
“You know you don’t have to do that to yourself,” Makoto said.
“It’s better than not being cautious,” Kyoko replied. “This is important, we can’t lose it now.”
Makoto nodded, quickly saying goodbye and heading back to his room.
Man, Kyoko calls me determined but really she’s the more determined one, Makoto thought. I don’t think I could ever stand that long waiting for someone to try to go near Alter Ego.
Before Makoto could decide to hang out with anyone else, Monokuma’s voice began to play on the speakers.
“Hello my beloved students!” Monokuma began. “I have a very exciting surprise…! Please make your way to the gymnasium!”
Surprise…? Makoto thought. This isn’t a motive… right?
Makoto made his way to the gym, discovering that he was one of the first people to make it there.
“Mac,” Kiyondo said, “what do you think that stupid fudgin’ bear has planned for us?”
“I don’t know,” Makoto admitted. “But it probably isn’t good.”
“That’s not a positive way of thinkin’,” Kiyondo scolded. “You gotta at least try to fudgin’ try to be positive, or it all will go to heck.”
“Huh…?” Makoto said. “Well yeah, I guess…”
As everyone else entered the gym, Monokuma appeared with a laugh.
“So, I bet you’re all wondering why I gathered you all here!” Monokuma yelled cheerily. “Now I know not everyone here is going to have the most stable financial situation, so…”
Monokuma paused as money fell from the sky onto the stage.
“I’ve decided to fund your killing!” Monokuma said. “Ten million dollars waiting for the lucky blackened!”
“Tch,” Byakuya said. “As if that measly amount would get me to even move.”
“That’s not enough money,” Yasuhiro said sadly.
“N-not enough money f-for what?” Toko asked.
“My debt,” Yasuhiro admitted sadly. “It’s not even close…!”
“How much debt do you have?” Junko asked.
“More than I should,” Yasuhiro admitted.
“As much as I hate to fudgin’ agree with the rich kid,” Kiyondo began, “we won’t kill for this, not at all!”
“Are you so sure?” Monokuma asked. “The money might be enticing for at least one of you.”
“He’s right,” Makoto said. “This won’t work, Monokuma!”
“Puhuhuhu! The hope on your faces, it’s hilarious,” Monokuma said. “I can’t wait for it to turn into despair…!”
“Whatever you have planned,” Sakura said. “You have gravely miscalculated.”
“There’s not much else he can do,” Kyoko said. “He has exhausted most of his trump cards.”
“That’s what you all think!” Monokuma said. “Anyways, I must be off, being the headmaster is oh so exhausting!” Monokuma disappeared, leaving the money on the stage.
“This was pointless,” Byakuya said, leaving as quickly as he had entered.
“M-master, please wait up…!” Toko yelled, following after him.
“Perhaps we should disband as well,” Celeste said. “There is not much to be gained staying here, no?”
“I’m going to go to the bath house if you all don’t mind!” Hifumi said while sweating.
“No, you’re not,” Kyoko said. “If you need to bathe, do it in your room.”
“She’s right,” Sakura said. “There is no reason for you to go into the bath house.”
“M-miss Kirigiri…! You don’t understand, I must bathe in the bath house!” Hifumi said in protest.
“Give it up, man,” Yasuhiro said. “They aren’t going to budge.”
“Didn’t know you were that desperate, Hifumi,” Junko commented. “That can’t be attractive at all.”
Makoto decided to leave the group to their arguing over Alter Ego.
“Mac!” Kiyondo yelled, catching up to Makoto easily. “How about we hang out since you have nothing better to fudgin’ do.”
“Huh...? Sure…” Makoto responded.
“Let’s head to my fudgin’ room then,” Kiyondo said as he grabbed Makoto and dragged him into Kiyotaka’s room.
Once they arrived Makoto decided to speak first, “You call this your room, but it’s technically Taka’s, right?”
“As if anything should belong to that weak dumbbutt,” Kiyondo responded.
“Huh…?” Makoto asked. “Taka wasn’t weak!”
“You don’t fudgin’ know because you don’t have his memories, dumbbutt,” Kiyondo said. “He couldn’t even fudgin’ confess to the guy he liked, or save ‘im either.”
“You’re talking about Mondo, right?”
“Of fudgin’ course,” Kiyondo said. “Who the heck else could I be talkin’ about?”
“N-no one,” Makoto responded quickly. “I just wanted to make sure…!”
“And you wanna know why?” Kiyondo asked, not looking for an answer. “Because of his stupid fudgin’ feelings for someone else!” “His feelings for someone else…? Kiyondo, I don’t understand…”
“So now I’m stuck fudgin’ dealing with it,” Kiyondo complained. “Ugh, Mac, it’s so dang hard.”
“I guess I can see why…?” Makoto said. “But if you like that person as well, why don’t you at least tell them your feelings…?”
“It’s not that fudgin’ easy,” Kiyondo said. “It’d feel like betrayal to my bro, and they already have people interested in them anyways.”
“Oh,” Makoto said, not knowing what to say. “Well I’m sure it’ll work out in the end!”
“What makes you so fudgin’ sure?”
“Despite how you act, you’re pretty nice!” Makoto said. “I’m sure anyone would be lucky to be with you or Taka.”
Kiyondo stared at Makoto, face starting to flush.
“How the heck can you say something like that?” Kiyondo asked. “You’re fudging with me, right?”
“N-no…?” Makoto answered, already putting his hand on his cheek. “I’m being serious Kiyondo, you’ve got a shot if you try it!”
“Ugh,” Kiyondo answered. “You’re just makin’ it fudgin’ worse, Mac.”
“H-huh…?!” Makoto yelled. “I didn’t mean to…!”
“Shouldn’t you be headin’ to your fudgin’ room by now?” Kiyondo asked, checking his watch. “It’s almost time for bed for all the good little boys and girls.”
“Hey! I’m not a little kid!” Makoto complained. “But you’re probably right, haha…”
“Make sure you don’t break any fudgin’ rules,” Kiyondo said as Makoto left Kiyotaka’s dorm.
Makoto made his way to his dorm just as Monokuma’s night time announcement began.
Here’s to a good night’s sleep. Makoto thought.
“Hello Makoto,” Sayaka’s voice said. “I see you’re back for another talk.”
“Sayaka…?” Makoto asked. “Why are we here…?”
“I’ve got a word of warning for you, Makoto,” Sayaka said. “Despite the fact that you don’t deserve it, another murder is soon to come.”
“H-huh…?!” Makoto yelled. “No, that’s wrong!”
“Do you really believe in your friends that much?” Sayaka asked. “It’s foolish, you know?”
“No, another murder won’t happen!” Makoto said. “That I can be sure of!”
“When it does happen,” Sayaka said. “Will you eagerly send another person to their execution as you’ve done before?”
“N-no… I didn’t mean for you…” Makoto began.
“Didn’t mean for me to die?” Sayaka interrupted. “God Makoto, you’re lying to a dead girl, how pathetic are you?”
“You knew what was going to happen to me,” Sayaka said. “And you still outed me anyway, you traitor.”
Makoto dropped to his knees and Sayaka bent down to make eye contact with him.
“You’re just as much of a murderer as I am.”
Makoto woke up with a start, clothes clinging uncomfortably to his body.
Makoto waited until the morning announcement played before going into his bathroom.
Leon’s body flickered into existence just as he turned on his bathroom’s light.
“Don’t mind me,” Leon’s corpse said. “This shouldn’t bother you at all.”
Makoto once again awoke with a scream in tune with Monokuma’s morning announcement.
When he went to his bathroom again, there was no body in it.
Slowly but surely he made his way to the cafeteria. Celeste, Kiyondo, Kyoko, and Sakura were already there.
“Makoto, you’re a bit late, no?” Celeste asked.
“Huh…? But not everyone is here yet,” Makoto responded.
“Yes, but this is later than your usual arrival,” Celeste said. “Did you get a good night’s sleep?”
“Um, sure…?” Makoto said. “I mean I did sleep all the way through.”
“Having a good night’s sleep doesn’t mean sleeping all the way through,” Sakura said. “It is rest for one’s body and mind.”
“Mac! If you aren’t well rested you won’t be fudgin’ performing at your best!” Kiyondo yelled.
“Oh,” Makoto said, putting his hand on his cheek. “Ahaha, I guess I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Still, Makoto isn’t the last person arriving,” Kyoko commented. “So perhaps we shouldn’t worry too much, yet.”
As the group in the cafeteria awkwardly conversed, they were only joined by one more person, Hifumi.
“Have you seen anyone else in the halls, Hifumi?” Sakura asked as Hifumi entered.
“I don’t believe so Miss Ogami!” Hifumi answered, slightly flushed.
“Why are you flustered, Hifumi?” Celeste asked. “You wouldn’t be doing anything odd, no?”
“Miss Ludenberg…! I have not been doing anything…!”
“He was probably in the bath house,” Kyoko said. “It seems he couldn’t stay away afterall.”
“That means Junko and Hiro are missing, no?” Celeste asked.
“To think they would just fudgin’ sleep through the meeting!” Kiyondo complained. “And Junk said she wanted to fudging replace me…!”
“Maybe we should investigate,” Sakura said. “I could see Hiro sleeping the morning meeting away, but Junko?”
“You don’t think…” Makoto began.
“We should be on guard,” Kyoko interrupted. “At the very least we should make sure of their locations.”
“Then we should check their fudgin’ rooms, right?!” Kiyondo yelled.
“That would be smart, no?” Celeste said.
The group first went to knock on Junko’s door. When they received no answer they decided to mash her doorbell.
“There’s no answer,” Kyoko noted. “I don’t think she could sleep through this.”
“Maybe she’s sleeping with Hiro…” Makoto mumbled.
“You really think those two would get together?” Celeste asked. “That would not be my bet at the very least.”
“Huh…? Maybe they’re staying in the same room…?” Makoto said.
“A boy and a girl sleepin’ together, Mac that’d be too fudgin’ unwholesome!” Kiyondo yelled.
“I don’t believe that’s what he meant,” Sakura said.
“I for one wouldn’t understand Mr. Hagakure’s tastes!” Hifumi said.
The group went for Yasuhiro’s room and once again received no answer.
“This isn’t good,” Kyoko said.
“You’re right!” Monokuma yelled as he appeared. “This isn’t looking good at all!”
“Why are you here, Monokuma?” Sakura asked.
“I’m here to give you a hint!” Monokuma said. “Aren’t I nice? Don’t answer that, I already know I am…!”
“Just give us our fudgin’ hint you stupid bear…!” Kiyondo complained.
“If you’re so curious about the location of your friends bear-haps you should check the third floor!” Monokuma said before vanishing.
“There’s nothing left to do,” Kyoko said. “We must check the third floor.”
Makoto felt nothing but dread as he followed the group up to the third floor.
“I cannot help but feel a sense of foreboding,” Celeste said. “This all feels too familiar, deja-vu, no?”
“I’m sure everything is okay…!” Makoto answered. “It has to be!”
“Very little things are going according to plan,” Celeste said. “Perhaps we should expect the worst, no?”
When Makoto stared at the rec-room’s door, he already knew what was going to happen. While his classmates were checking the two classrooms, Makoto hesitantly opened the rec-room door.
At first when Makoto entered, things looked normal but when Makoto looked to his right he saw Junko’s body hanging on the wall.
With nothing left to do, Makoto screamed and the waking nightmare began again.
Quickly the rest of the group ran into the room and shortly after Monokuma’s body discovery announcement played.
“Miss Enoshima!” Hifumi yelled. “She’s hanging on the wall…!”
“This is... interesting,” Celeste said. “I have the feeling I’ve seen this body set up before…”
“I believe you’re right,” Sakura said. “This looks to be the work of Genocide Jack.”
“Genocide Jack is here…?” Makoto asked softly. “And he went after Junko…?”
“Apparently,” Kyoko said. “I suppose we should begin our investigation.”
“Mac, you’re not looking too good,” Kiyondo noted. “Are you sure you’re fudging up for it?”
“I don’t have a choice,” Makoto admitted. “But I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
Kiyondo nodded, not looking too convinced. “Then we better get fudgin’ on with it, right?!”
The investigation began, not unlike the one’s previous. As Makoto approached Junko’s corpse, he could feel tears begin to well up in his eyes.
“Wait wait wait…!” Monokuma yelled, appearing from the ground. ”Ya can’t start an investigation without a Monokuma file!”
“Just give it to us, bear,” Kyoko said. “We don’t have time for your usual antics.”
“Aren’t you in a bad mood today,” Monokuma commented. “I can bear-ly believe the lack of respect I get around here…!”
“Well you better learn to believe it,” Kyoko said, looking at Junko’s body. “If you don’t have anything else to say, you should just leave.”
Monokuma pouted silently, leaving after he gave everyone a Monokuma file.
“I suppose we best start investigating, no?” Celeste said. “It seems we do not have much time to waste.”
“Let us assume that the others will come soon,” Sakura said. “They have heard the body discovery announcement.”
“Assuming no one else has died, that is,” Celeste cut in. “After all, apparently a serial killer is on the loose.”
“We know the Blackened has a limit,” Kyoko said. “Monokuma has told us that much.”
“So we can’t assume that they’re dead… right?” Makoto asked, scratching his cheek.
“Mac’s right!” Kiyondo yelled. “We can’t assume that they’re fudgin’ dead so ya better not!”
“Hm, perhaps that is the best attitude to have,” Sakura said. “Assuming the worst only gets you hurt.”
“But it doesn’t matter…!” Hifumi stammered. “We already know Miss Enoshima is dead so what’s the point…?!”
Makoto recoiled at the announcement of Junko’s death, still not coming to terms with it. Kiyondo also stiffened, although for a different reason.
“You don’t have to rub it in Mac’s face y’know!” Kiyondo yelled. “You’re a fudgin’ buttface right now!”
“H-huh…?” Hifumi squealed. “I’m not rubbing anything into Mr. Naegi’s face!”
“Guys,” Makoto interjected. “Can we just start investigating…?”
Kiyondo immediately stopped whatever he was about to say, nodding quickly before responding, “Of fudgin’ course, Mac!”
“Makoto,” Kyoko said, looking away from Junko’s body. “Perhaps you should look at the Monokuma file first.”
Makoto frowned, taking one more glance at Junko’s body. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”
Kyoko stared at him, frowning ever so slightly. “Call me if you find anything useful in it.”
Makoto nodded before he turned around and took a glance at the Monokuma file.
“It doesn’t say her cause of death,” Makoto mumbled, staring at the Monokuma file. “Although it does say she has a cut on her right arm.”
“What do ya think that means, Mac?” Kiyondo asked, looking over his shoulder.
“No clue,” Makoto admitted. “But it has to have some importance if Monokuma pointed it out.”
“Yeah,” Kiyondo agreed. “But what the heck could that fudgin’ cut even mean?”
“Maybe it was a sign of struggle?” Makoto said, turning the Monokuma file off. “But we won’t find anything else out without investigating this place.”
“Then let’s get to it, Mac!”
Makoto and Kiyondo made their way to Junko’s dead body. Kyoko was looking over the corpse with a strange look on her face.
“That’s odd,” Kyoko mumbled to herself, staring at Junko’s hair.
“Kyoko?” Makoto asked. “Is there something wrong with Junko?”
Kyoko turned around, “Has Junko ever mentioned something about her hair?”
“Huh…?” Makoto asked, looking up at Junko’s hair. “No, I don’t think so. Why?”
“Her hair,” Kyoko said as she reached up to grab one of Junko’s twin tails before pulling it all off, “is a wig.”
Junko’s natural hair was a short black bob and both Makoto and Kiyondo were shocked into silence.
“She was wearin’ a fudgin’ wig this whole time…?!” Kiyondo finally yelled, staring at Junko’s body in shock.
“That isn’t the only thing fake about her,” Kyoko said. “Her nails are also glue-on instead of a manicure.”
“I mean… at least that makes a little sense,” Makoto said, shaking himself out of his stupor. “Manicures are hard to maintain right…?”
“I wouldn’t know,” Kyoko responded. “But other than an injury on her right arm her body seems to be in perfect shape.”
“Speaking of that cut…” Makoto began, looking at Junko’s body. “There’s no cause of death mentioned, but the cut is. Could that be her cause of death?”
“No,” Kyoko said quickly. “There wouldn’t have been enough blood loss caused by this cut. Whatever killed her didn’t leave a mark on her body.”
“Then what the fudge is the cut for?” Kiyondo asked. “If it didn’t do her in, what the heck is the point?”
“I don’t know,” Kyoko admitted. “But I do believe that her arm was cut after the murder rather than before.”
“Huh…?” Makoto asked. “What makes you say that?”
“Just a feeling.”
Before the three could talk more, the door opened once more and in came Byakuya with Toko trailing after him.
“Did none of you plebeians think to notify me of another body?” Byakuya asked, staring at the group in disgust.
“We assumed your ears were working,” Celeste replied. “We will not make the same mistake again.” “D-don’t insult Master like that,” Toko hissed behind Byakuya. “He has the b-best ears in the w-whole world…!”
“Oh Toko, I didn’t realize you were here,” Celeste said. “Why are you hiding behind Byakuya anyway?”
“I-I’m not hiding…!” Toko responded, peering out from behind Byakuya. Before she could say anything else, her eyes caught on Junko Enoshima’s dead body.
Then she fainted.
“H-huh…?!” Makoto yelled as Toko’s body hit the floor with a loud bump. “Did she just faint…?” “Tch,” Byakuya said. “Of course she would.”
“Interesting,” Celeste said. “I suppose she couldn’t handle this murder, no?”
“Miss Fukawa...!” Hifumi yelled. “Maybe that fall will teach her to appreciate manga!”
“Is that really all you can think of right now?” Sakura asked. “How shameful.”
“She can explain herself when she wakes up,” Byakuya said, glaring at Toko’s unconscious body. “For now I have investigating to do, so stay out of my way.”
“Is it really okay to leave her alone like that?” Makoto asked, staring at Toko worriedly.
“She’s gonna be fudgin’ fine, Mac.” Kiyondo said confidently. “But if there’s anything that rich buttface is right about, it is about investigating.”
”You’re right,” Makoto said, looking around the rec room. “There’s nothing else to do until she wakes up.”
“That’s the fudgin’ spirit, Mac!” Kiyondo cheered. “We’ll have this case solved in fudgin’ no time!”
Why does he keep calling me “Mac”...? Makoto thought. It’s kinda… annoying…
“Alright, so let’s look around the room,” Makoto said. “Anything that catches our eyes is probably important.”
Makoto and Kiyondo decided to look at Junko’s body once again. The sooner they got it over with the better.
“Of course the model would be unnatural,” Byakuya muttered, looking over Junko’s body with disgust.
“Hey…!” Makoto said, glaring up at Byakuya. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m talking about her wig and nails,” Byakuya said. “It should’ve been obvious that the ‘Ultimate Fashionista’ was fake from the very beginning.”
“There’s no fudgin’ reason for you to judge her just because of her fashion choices!” Kiyondo yelled. “She still tried harder than you did, anyway.”
“Tch,” Byakuya said, finally looking down to sneer at Kiyondo and Makoto. “I thought you didn’t like Junko anyway, pleb.”
“Just because she was fudgin’ annoying doesn’t mean she didn’t work for her talent,” Kiyondo said, defending himself. “You’ve got everything handed to you on a silver fudgin’ platter.”
“You absolute idiot of a commoner, you don’t even understand half of what I went through to get my title as the Togami heir,” Byakuya began, face contorting in anger. “I was born-”
“Byakuya,” Makoto interrupted, “I’m sure what you have to say is important… but we kind of have a murder to solve.” “Tch,” Byakuya said, looking away. “It’s not like you idiots would understand anyway.”
Makoto frowned, taking his gaze off of Byakuya and turning it to Junko’s dead body. Seeing her without a wig and a few of her nails was odd.
But he wasn’t sure he disliked how the real Junko looked.
Well, it wasn’t like it mattered anymore.
She was dead, no matter what she looked like.
I’m sorry Junko, Makoto thought. I’ll get to the bottom of this for you!
“Come on Mac, cheer up!” Kiyondo yelled, startling Makoto out of his thoughts. “The sooner we get to the fudgin’ bottom of this, the better!”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Makoto agreed, trying to summon some of his usual enthusiasm.
“Hey.. speaking of things that we need to get to the bottom of,” Makoto said looking up at Junko’s corpse. “She’s hanging… by some sort of rope, right?”
“Actually I’d bet that they’re holiday lights or whatever the heck,” Kiyondo said. “They definitely look just as obnoxious.”
“You’re right…” Makoto muttered. “They kinda look like the christmas lights the stores would sell in bulk.”
“I wonder why she’s hung up like this though,” Kiyondo said, softer than his normal tone. “It’s weird as all heck.”
“Maybe it has something to do with Genocide’s Jack MO…” Makoto said. “Although I wouldn’t know much about it…”
“Well, it’s probably worth fudgin’ remembering.”
Makoto nodded, staring at the holiday lights for a moment longer.
The bright colors of the holiday lights made Makoto feel sick. Holiday cheer was far from Makoto’s mind as Junko’s corpse hung weakly above.
Makoto couldn’t focus on Junko for too long. He didn’t want to get distracted.
“Alright,” Makoto said weakly. “Maybe we should check on what she’s hanging from…?”
“Good fudgin’ idea, Mac!”
Makoto and Kiyondo went to different sides, Makoto went to the side where Junko’s body was hanging from the Dart Board Arcade Machine.
Whoever hung her up took great care to make sure the holiday lights wouldn’t untie.
At least Makoto could confirm that it was done by an expert.
Not that it made him feel any better.
“Hey, Mac, I think you should come see this!” Kiyondo yelled and Makoto quickly rushed to Kiyondo.
“Huh…?” Makoto asked, looking to where Kiyondo was gesturing.
Embedded into the wall was a knife, although Makoto couldn’t see all the blade fully he noticed some ridges in the blade.
“Is this a knife from a kitchen…?” Makoto asked, tilting his head confusedly.
“No you fudgin’ idiot, it’s a hunting knife,” Kiyondo corrected, staring at the knife intensely. “Why the fudge would one of these damn things be here, it’s unsafe as heck!”
“Where would someone even get one…?” Makoto asked. “It’s not like anyone would be hunting right…?”
“Maybe the fudgin’ Mastermind gave it to ‘em,” Kiyondo suggested. “They’d probably help any friggin’ criminal activity…!”
“I don’t know…” Makoto mumbled. “Would the Mastermind give a weapon that didn’t even get used?”
“Fudge, that is a good point, Mac,” Kiyondo said. “But where the heck did they get this damn knife then?!”
“Hm…” Makoto said, putting his hand on his chin. “We can’t be sure, but we should keep this in mind.”
“Yeah, you’re probably fudgin’ right.” Kiyondo said. “So, any other places to check?” “We should just look around the room,” Makoto suggested. “It’d probably be better if we split up, as well.”
“Alright Mac, but as soon as you fudgin’ find anything you better call for me!” Kiyondo commanded. “I’ll do the same for you, got it?!”
“Alright…” Makoto said, putting his hand on his cheek to scratch it.
I guess all of Taka isn’t gone yet, huh…? Makoto thought.
Makoto wandered to where Sakura and Hifumi were standing, seemingly standing guard.
“Hey, Hifumi…?” Makoto began, causing said male to turn over to him.
“Ah, Mr. Naegi!” Hifumi said loudly. “Do you have any questions for me?” “Yeah,” Makoto said, “do you have any information about the blackened?”
“Well of course,” Hifumi said, voice going deeper. “They are a murderous fiend! A serial killer killing such a lady like Miss. Enoshima…”
Before Makoto could say anything else, Hifumi quickly corrected himself. “Not that I’m into 3D or anything, Mr. Naegi!”
So… he doesn’t have anything to say... Makoto thought.
“Sakura…” Makoto began. “Do you have any information about the blackened?”
“Perhaps not about the blackened themselves,” Sakura said. “But I do have information on Junko, or at least how she had been acting before her murder.”
“H-huh…? Junko acting weird…?” Makoto said, excited to hear anything about Junko. “Could you tell me anything about her behavior?”
“She seemed very nervous,” Sakura said, beginning to explain. “She came to me for advice before telling me that it wasn’t that important.”
“She came to you for advice…?” Makoto asked. “When did that happen?”
“Perhaps a day or so after the last class trial,” Sakura said. “Perhaps she thought it was too inconsiderate considering the events…”
That’s right, Makoto thought. Sakura was close to Hina… right?
“I’m sorry about Hina,” Makoto said. “And thanks for the information Sakura.”
“Don’t mention it,” Sakura said simply.
“Hey, Mac!” Kiyondo yelled, causing Makoto to turn his head over to where Kiyondo was in the rec room. “There’s another fudgin’ thing you need to see over here!”
Makoto made his way to where Kiyondo was standing only to be stopped by Kiyondo’s hand.
“You have to be fudgin’ careful where you stand, Mac,” Kiyondo said. “There’s glass shards from a teacup over here, so you better be friggin’ careful.”
“A teacup…?” Makoto asked, staring at the remains of said teacup. “Why would this be here…?”
“Someone was obviously fudgin’ drinking here, Mac,” Kiyondo said. “It’s obvious as heck you dumbbutt…!”
Yeah, I know that, Makoto thought. I mean, what’s the importance of it being here…?
“I mean,” Makoto said, beginning to explain himself. “Why would-”
Before Makoto could continue, a low groaning noise was heard. When Makoto looked over, he could see that Toko was trying to make her way back up.
“Toko…?” Makoto asked, starting to make his way to where she was. “Are you alright?”
“Huh…? Some random stranger...?” Toko asked, staring at Makoto with her tongue out. “Why are you here and what’s it to ya?”
“You just passed out,” Makoto said. “Are you sure you’re alright…?”
“Well, aren’t you just the shining example of a gentleman, ?” Toko asked. “Oh it makes me just feel like a woman!”
“I hate to interrupt this conversation,” Celeste said coolly. “But I just heard an odd noise from the physics lab and it’s best to investigate that, no?”
“As long as it keeps me away from her,” Byakuya said, glaring at Toko’s direction. “Then I don’t see why I shouldn’t at least investigate it.”
“I see you are very keen on her,” Celeste joked. “But I am glad even you see the importance of investigating everything.”
“Tch,” Byakuya simply said, walking out of the room with long strides.
Kiyondo made his way to Makoto soon after Byakuya left, staring at Toko worriedly.
“We’ve gotta fudgin’ investigate that room, right?” Kiyondo asked. “But should we really leave her like this…?”
“I mean, we can take her with us,” Makoto said. “And then after we’ll take her to the nurse or something…?” “Good fudgin’ idea, Mac!”
“Hey, why are you talking about me like I’m not here…?!” Toko complained, crossing her arms. “That’s very rude of ya, y’know.”
“We’re not meanin’ to be fudgin’ mean you know!” Kiyondo said, glaring at Toko. “You’ve just been acting crazy as heck!”
“Well--!” Toko said, about to retaliate, only to be interrupted by Makoto.
“Hey guys…” Makoto said, putting his hands between them. “Maybe we should just investigate…”
“I guess you’re fudgin’ right, Mac,” Kiyondo said, still glaring at Toko. “Let’s just get this damn investigation over with.”
Makoto nodded, leading both Toko and Kiyondo into the hallway.
“Woah, is this Hope’s Peak?” Toko asked, eyes lighting up for a moment in a reddish-color. “Damn this place got a makeover!”
“We’ve been in Hope’s Peak for a while,” Makoto said. “Do you really not remember that?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, average looking stranger?” Toko rebutted.
“Hey, don’t fudgin’ insult Mac’s looks!” Kiyondo barked, getting all fired up again.
“Woah, is this some real Boys’ Love?” Toko asked. “What are you going to do, defend your boyfriend?”
“Boyfriend…?! What the heck are you talking about?”
“It’s totally obvious you two have the hots for each other…!” Toko wheezed. “What an interesting pair-”
“We’re going in,” Makoto said, interrupting Toko before she could go on a tangent.
What’s gotten into her…? Makoto thought as he entered the physics lab. Did she really hit her head that hard?
When Makoto entered the room, he saw Yasuhiro on the floor with Celeste and Byakuya.
Another person dead…? Makoto thought. I can’t… why…? Why would this happen?
Makoto waited for the body discovery announcement to play, waited for hell to begin once more.
A drop, before someone spoke.
“Well I suppose he is not dead,” Celeste said. “After all, we haven’t heard the body discovery announcement, no?”
“Huh…?” Makoto mumbled. “You’re right…” “He couldn’t be fudgin’ sleeping here either,” Kiyondo said. “It’s against the damn rules!”
“Hohoh…? Hope’s Peak Academy has some strange rules.” Toko said.
“Tch,” Byakuya said. “Why did you bring her here?”
“We couldn’t just leave her…?” Makoto said, scratching his cheek.
Byakuya glared at him, but didn’t say anything else.
If looks could kill… Makoto thought. Jeez, that guy would have killed everyone by this point...
“So what are we going to do about Hiro…?” Makoto said, trying to ignore Byakuya’s glare. “I mean, we can’t just leave him here, right?”
“Does anyone find it odd that he’s knocked out here?” Celeste said, tilting her head slightly. “It’s a bit too close to the body, no?”
“We won’t be able to find out anything until he wakes the fudge up!” Kiyondo said.
“Tch,” Byakuya glared. “Do you have any ideas on how to wake this idiot up?”
“Maybe we could pour water on him…?” Makoto offered. “I think that’d wake him up.”
“Good idea, Mac!” Kiyondo said. “I’ll be right fudgin’ back with the water.”
Kiyondo quickly left the room without flat out running, leaving the room a lot more silent.
“He seemed very eager to fulfill your wishes Makoto,” Celeste noted, a slight smile on her face. “There isn’t something more going on between you two, no?”
“Something more going on…?” Makoto asked, scratching his cheek. “I… don’t know what you mean.”
“Of course you don’t,” Byakuya said. “You’re too stupid to catch onto any subtext.”
“Subtext…?” Makoto said. “I really don't understand this at all.”
“Oh,” Toko said, sneering slightly. “You’re the oblivious protagonist then?”
Before Makoto could express his confusion again, Kiyondo burst into the room with a bucket of water.
“Alright, let’s wake this child born of wedlock up before he breaks any more damn rules!” Kiyondo yelled, spilling some of the water in the process.
“If we’re going to wake him up, we’re going to actually need some water,” Byakuya sneered. “Unless you want to go grab another bucket.”
“Let’s not fight, everyone,” Celeste interrupted. “We must discover what brought Hiro here before we devolve into petty squabbling.”
“Fine,” Byakuya said, “but let’s make this quick.”
Kiyondo carefully came over to Yasuhiro, making sure not to spill any more water before he reached his target.
With little to no warning, Kiyondo poured the bucket of water all over Yasuhiro.
Everyone stared, waiting for a reaction.
There was none.
“Is he actually dead…?” Makoto asked, staring at Yasuhiro worriedly. “There’s no way he didn’t wake up due to that, right?”
“It seems that he’s immune to one bucket,” Celeste said. “Perhaps we should try another.”
“That’s the only fudgin’ course of action,” Kiyondo said. “I’ll be right back.”
Kiyondo was off again and the group decided to converse in the meantime.
“Why do you think he’s here?” Celeste asked. “It seems like an odd place to be, no?”
“In the room near the body?” Makoto asked. “Maybe the blackened disposed of him here?”
“Are we so sure he isn’t the blackened?” Celeste asked. “We cannot deny the possibility, no?”
“There’s no point in discussing this until the idiot wakes up,” Byakuya said. “So if you could keep your useless discussion to a minimum-”
Kiyondo burst into the room, or as well as he could with two buckets full of water in his hands.
“That fudgin’ dumbbutt isn’t going to be able to sleep through this!” Kiyondo yelled.
“How did you carry those two up without spilling…?” Makoto asked, moving out of Kiyondo’s way so as to not get hit with water.
“It’s obvious he’s super strong,” Toko said. “Doesn’t that get you all excited…?”
“Shut up,” Byakuya said before Makoto could even begin to question what she meant.
Kiyondo poured the second bucket of water on Yasuhiro. Unlike the first time, there was a bit of an effect.
“At least he twitched…?” Makoto offered, scratching at his cheek. “But this does seem to be a bit… pointless.”
“We’re not throwing the damn towel in yet!” Kiyondo yelled. “We’ve still got one more fudgin’ empty bucket and plenty more to fill up.”
“We don’t have the time for trying to wake this idiot up,” Byakuya said. “You get one more attempt before we just leave him here.”
“Well then this attempt I’ll be sure to fudgin’ wake him up!” Kiyondo yelled, all fired up.
Unlike his previous attempts of just dumping the bucket onto Yasuhiro, Kiyondo got into a more throwing like position.
When Kiyondo did throw the bucket, some of the contents did hit Yasuhiro.
Unfortunately, the majority of its’ contents happened to hit Byakuya.
“You idiot…!” Byakuya yelled, glaring at Kiyondo with more emotion than he had ever shown before. “I’ll have you know my outfit is worth more than your damn life!”
“Well maybe you shouldn’t have been in my damn way when I was trying to wake Hiro up!” Kiyondo said. “It’s not my fudgin’ fault you’re always trying to stand in the center of attention!”
“A Togami is always supposed to be center stage,” Byakuya hissed. “Although an Ishimaru like yourself would never understand.”
“I’m not a fudgin’ Ishimaru,” Kiyondo yelled, somehow rising in volume. “Don’t ever compare me to him!”
“Oh? You’re not an Ishimaru?” Byakuya asked. “Despite what you try to delude yourself into believing, you are still very much the failure that is named Kiyotaka Ishimaru.”
“Guys…” Makoto said, tone pleading. “Can we save this until after the class trial…?”
“Huh…?” Yasuhiro murmured, slowly waking up to the fight in front of him. “What are you guys all doing in my room…?”
“Shut up!” Both Kiyondo and Byakuya yelled, causing Yasuhiro to put his hands over his face.
“Please don’t hurt me!” Yasuhiro cried.
As Kiyondo and Byakuya continued their arguing, Makoto went over to the still shaking Yasuhiro.
“Hey, uh, Hiro, you do realize this isn’t your room, right?” Makoto said, staring worriedly at the man. “Do you know how you got here…?”
“Huh…? It isn’t?” Yasuhiro asked. “So you’re telling me that they didn’t break into my room and they aren’t going to kill me?” “Yeah,” Makoto said, scratching his cheek. “If they’re going to kill anyone… it’ll probably be each other.”
“Oh, well that’s reassuring!” Yasuhiro said, smiling brightly. “Although… that doesn’t explain why I’m all wet.”
“Well um, I was hoping you could explain at least something about this situation…” Makoto said. “Currently, it doesn’t really make sense why you’re here.”
“Ask away, Makoto!”
“So, why did you come to the Physics Lab?”
“That’s easy…!” Yasuhiro said, pausing for a moment. “I’m… pretty sure I got a note.”
“A note?” Makoto asked. “What did the note say?”
“It was just telling me to meet someone in the Physics Lab early in the morning,” Yasuhiro said. “Weird, huh?”
“Do you still have the note with you?”
“Huh…? Let me check.” Yasuhiro said, padding his wet clothes for any note. After a minute he seems satisfied with the results of his search.
“Sorry Makoto, seems like it’s gone now.” Yasuhiro said. “It’s not like it was important right…?”
“About that…” Makoto said, trailing off. “There’s been another murder and… that note could’ve been important.”
“Another murder…?!” Yasuhiro yelled. “Don’t tell me you did it, Makoto!”
“Huh…?! No way!” Makoto said. “I’m just… trying to figure out how you got here.”
“Oh yeah, I never finished the story, did I?” Yasuhiro said. “So after I came here, I must’ve got hit with something because I don’t remember anything afterwards!”
“Someone… hit you?!” Makoto said, practically yelling. “And you didn’t think to mention this at all?”
“I was getting to it eventually!” Yasuhiro said, scratching at his nose. “You can’t rush a story, Makoto.”
“That’s a pretty important detail to mention, Hiro!”
“You still haven’t even explained why I’m all wet!”
“That’s because Kiyondo splashed you with water to wake you up…” Makoto said, scratching his cheek.
Just ignore that it took three buckets and an angry Byakuya, Makoto thought. But at least Hiro is up…?
“Ah Yasuhiro,” Celeste said, walking up to Makoto and Yasuhiro. “It is good to see you back up, yes?”
“Yeah… but apparently I’ve missed a lot, huh?” Yasuhiro asked, scratching his head. “Apparently there’s been a whole murder.”
“You don’t seem very shocked by this revelation,” Celeste noted. “Could you have already known?” “Hey… are you implying…” Makoto said, as Celeste smiled innocently at him.
“Like I said before, we cannot ignore that this is very suspicious,” Celeste said. “Perhaps if he could give us a reason to trust him then I’d be less suspicious.”
“Hey, don’t be mean…!” Yasuhiro said. “There’s no way I could murder anyone!”
“That is what we thought about the last two blackeneds,” Celeste said. “It turns out we were sorely mistaken, no?”
Makoto frowned. Although he didn’t want to be suspicious of Yasuhiro, Celeste wasn’t exactly wrong.
He’s claiming something that we can’t exactly prove… Makoto thought. But is he smart enough to come up with a plan like that?
“We’ll get to the bottom of this in no time,” Makoto said, finally. “If Yasuhiro really is the blackened we’ll figure that out.”
“Oh…?” Celeste said. “You truly do not believe he is the blackened then?”
“I’m not sure…” Makoto admitted. “But we shouldn’t distrust him until we have more evidence.”
“Thanks, Makoto!” Yasuhiro said. “I’ll make sure to prove myself innocent!”
I think the blackened would especially want to prove themselves innocent, Hiro, Makoto thought. But it’s the thought that counts, right?
“Are you fudgin’ done here, Mac?” Kiyondo asked. “That rich son of a gun is too fudgin’ annoying to stay here any longer.”
“Plus, we still have to take Toko to the nurse’s office since she’s acting like a fudgin’ freak.”
“Oh yeah,” Makoto said. “I don’t think there’s anything else here, no.”
“Then let’s fudgin’ go!” Kiyondo yelled, grabbing Makoto and dragging him over to Toko.
“Ooh, getting handsy with your boyfriend huh…?” Toko asked. “This is getting so X-rated…!”
“Shut up, you’re coming with us you fudgin’ freak,” Kiyondo said, as he dragged Makoto out of the physics lab.
Surprisingly, Toko followed, murmuring something about ‘Boy’s Love in live-action’.
“Kiyondo, why are you dragging me?!” Makoto complained. “I can walk on my own you know…!”
“That fudgin’ rich brat, who does he think he is?!” Kiyondo fumed, ignoring Makoto entirely. “Think that he's so high and mighty and so much fudgin’ better for you!”
“Better for me…? Kiyondo, what’s going on?!”
“Ooh, so the white haired one gets super jealous, huh…?” Toko drooled. “Interesting, very interesting.”
With Kiyondo fuming and Toko drooling, Makoto was very confused as the three of them made their way to the nurse’s office.
Finally able to detach himself from Kiyondo’s vice grip, Makoto looked at the nurse’s office warily.
What are we supposed to treat Toko with…? Makoto thought. We can’t exactly cure her new-found behavior with an ice pack, right?
“Um, Toko,” Makoto began, “do you have a headache or anything…?”
“A headache…? How could I have a headache with some real Boy’s Love happening right in front of me…?” Toko responded. “I’m a real connoisseur of that, y’know.”
“Yeah, right…” Makoto said.
This situation couldn’t get any worse, Makoto thought. Or… at least I hope it can’t.
“Well, since we have no clue what the heck is wrong with you,” Kiyondo said, walking over to the refrigerator. “We’re just gonna give you a fudgin’ ice pack.”
Kiyondo opened the refrigerator and quickly grabbed an ice pack. He examined it for any holes before walking it back to Toko.
“Well, that’s all we fudgin’ came here for, right?” Kiyondo asked. “We can leave this damn place, right?”
“I’m not so sure…” Makoto said, looking over the room. “Since we’re investigating, shouldn’t we just investigate this room to be safe?”
“That’s right, Mac!” Kiyondo yelled. “We’re still investigating a murder so we should take every fudgin’ precaution known to man!”
“Am I supposed to help you with your investigation?” Toko asked, looking particularly dead. “Because that’s like super lame.”
“No, you should just work on getting better…” Makoto said.
Makoto went to the left side of the room, examining the beds to see if anything was hidden.
Kiyondo’s side bid a bit more usefulness as he was quick to call Makoto over.
“Hey Mac, there’s something odd you need to see over here.” Kiyondo said, staring at an opened gray cabinet.
“Huh…? What do you mean?” Makoto asked, making his way over to where Kiyondo was standing.
The gray cabinet in and of itself was usually ordinary, although Makoto couldn’t be completely sure about that as he was only in the office once.
“It’s just an ordinary cabinet…?” Makoto asked, tilting his head to try to see better. “I don’t see anything too weird about it.”
“No you fudgin’ dumbbutt you have to look inside the cabinet,” Kiyondo said, reaching inside and pulling out a mallet. “This dangerous thing was just lurking inside waiting to wack another fudgin’ innocent victim!”
“Another victim…?” Makoto asked. “What do you mean?”
“Damn Mac, you really need to learn to pay attention!” Kiyondo scolded. “There’s a bit of fudgin’ blood on the mallet, you damn dumbbutt!”
“H-huh…?” Makoto said, grabbing the mallet from Kiyondo and putting up to his eye.
Sure enough there was a bit of blood on the mallet, but from where…? “Hey, I hate to break your precious moment, but…” Toko interrupted in a sing-songy voice. “Can I just go to my room and rest there, it’s getting super boring just waiting here!”
“Oh yeah, right,” Makoto said. “You should probably rest before the class trial.”
After one more quick-glance around the nurse’s office the trio left to bring Toko back to her room to rest.
Hopefully she can just sleep off whatever happened to her, Makoto thought. Although something tells me I shouldn’t get my hopes up that much…
Once the trio made their way back to the dorms, Toko cheerfully entered her room.
“Remember, don’t kiss without me watching,” Toko said, smiling. “Or else I’ll have to punish you two, alright?”
“K-kiss…?!” Makoto stuttered. “I don’t-”
“Don’t fudgin’ tease us like that!” Kiyondo said, interrupting Makoto.
“Ugh,” a familiar voice groaned, and Makoto could already feel the glare piercing through his head. “What are you two doing here?”
Makoto turned around to meet Byakuya’s glare, smiling politely at him. “We just came here to drop off Toko.”
“Tch,” Byakuya sneered. “Why do you waste time with that shut-in?”
“Because Mac doesn’t fudgin’ judge people like you do, rich brat!” Kiyondo yelled, glaring daggers at Byakuya.
“Shut up,” Byakuya said. “We had this argument before and I won’t bother with it again.”
“Since I found you here anyway Makoto,” Byakyua continued, ignoring Kiyondo’s glare. “There’s something I need to show you, I believe it to be pertinent to the class trial.”
“‘Something important’...?” Makoto echoed. “What do you mean?”
“I’d rather show you alone, Makoto,” Byakuya said, glaring at Kiyondo.
“There’s no fudgin’ way I’m leaving you alone with Mac!” Kiyondo hissed. “Not after what you fudgin’ said to me.”
“Of course you would be so narrow minded,” Byakuya said. “But if you’re going to insist, you might as well come to.”
“Where are we going, exactly…?” Makoto asked, scratching his cheek.
“To the library’s archive, obviously,” Byakyuya said, turning heel and walking towards the second floor’s stairs.
“I guess we should follow him, then?” Makoto asked Kiyondo.
“Be on your fudgin’ guard, Mac.” is all Kiyondo responded with.
As the two followed Byakuya with a careful distance to the library, Makoto could practically feel the tension strangle him.
That fight that they had… what could it have been about…? Makoto thought. And why are they still so angry about it…?
“Before we go into the archive,” Byakuya began suddenly, “be careful with these documents, they’re worth more than your lives.”
“A-alright…” Makoto said, scratching his cheek for comfort.
“Just shut the fudge up and show us what you wanted to show us,” Kiyondo yelled.
Byakuya glared, but surprisingly bit down any rebuttal he had. Leading both Makoto and Kiyondo into the archive, he closed the door behind them.
“You both know of the serial killer Genocide Jack, correct?” Byakuya asked as he grabbed a document.
“Of course,” Makoto answered. “Even if you ignore the fact that they might be the blackened… their murders were a big thing.”
“Well, the school’s archive has the case file for Genocide Jack’s murders,” Byakuya said, dropping a large file in front of Makoto and Kiyondo. “I however have already read these files since the Togami-”
“Yeah yeah, we fudgin’ get it,” Kiyondo interrupted. “Come on Mac, let’s just read these damn files already.”
Makoto nodded, opening the large case file.
If Makoto had seen the images of Jack’s victims earlier he probably would’ve been disgusted. But now, four murders in, he could barely feel anything at all.
The case file talked about the victims Ken Harada, Tetsuhiro Honda and Shoji Gaku. All of them died in similar fashions.
Along with the victims, the case file also speculated that the killer was a high school student suffering from a split personality.
“That’s… a lot to take in,” Makoto said. “I guess we’re dealing with an experienced killer, huh?”
“Don’t fudgin’ worry, Mac!” Kiyondo said. “We’ll figure this out in no time!”
“Tch,” Byakuya said. “Your optimism is naïve at best.”
“Shut the fudge up!” Kiyondo yelled. “You can’t fudgin’ buy your way out of this.”
“I already know who the blackened is,” Byakuya said, smirking as he grabbed the case file. “But of course you two idiots haven’t figured it out yet.”
“H-huh…?! You know who the blackened is?!” Makoto yelled.
“H-he’s probably just bluffing, you know like the hecking dumbbutt he is…!”
“You can believe what you want to believe,” Byakuya said. “Now get out of my sight, I have nothing more to share with you.”
Makoto didn’t want to argue so before Kiyondo and Byakuya could begin to act on the tension that was growing in the room, Makoto grabbed Kiyondo and pulled him out to the hall.
“Mac, what the heck did you do that for?!” Kiyondo complained. “I was just about to put that rich brat in his damned place!”
“You can’t just keep fighting with him,” Makoto said, trying to stress the importance of keeping the peace.
Before Makoto could begin to scold Kiyondo for his behavior, much like Kiyotaka would ironically, the school’s speakers flared to life.
“A-hem!” Monokuma’s grating voice began, and although Makoto couldn’t see the bear smiling, it was obvious he was. “The investigation period is now over! If all my lovely students could head on to the elevator to begin the class trial, that would be very appreciated!”
“And by appreciated I mean required!” Monokuma added. “Ta-ta!”
“I guess it’s time to figure out who killed… Junko…” Makoto muttered, suddenly reminded about this trial’s victim.
“You’ll get justice for her, I promise you that, Mac!” Kiyondo said, smiling.
I want to believe you, Kiyondo, Makoto thought. But… justice won’t bring her back, will it?
Kiyondo and Makoto made their way to the class trial elevator, everyone except Byakuya and Toko were there waiting.
“I suppose this class trial will be pretty cut and dry, no?” Celeste asked the group as she looked at her nails. “This blackened practically handed it to us.”
“Are you really so sure of that?” Kyoko asked. “Very little is as it seems in this school.”
“Ah, Kyoko,” Celeste said smiling. “Isn’t it better to be positive about this sort of thing?”
“I have to agree with Miss. Ludenberg!” Hifumi said, pumping his hand up. “The way she explained things made it very clear.”
“So you two have been discussing this case then?” Sakura asked.
“Is that so wrong?” Celeste asked. “I did want to get a second opinion before I made any theories.”
“No,” Sakura said. “It was just a question.”
After a short period of silence, Byakuya entered the elevator.
“When is this elevator going to begin moving?” Byakuya complained. “I don’t have all day.”
“We’re all on the same schedule, are we not?” Celeste asked. “I do not know why you are complaining.”
“I’m glad you’re all worried about the class trial starting on time!” Monokuma cheered, appearing out of nowhere. “Worry no longer, because this elevator is starting to move down now!”
Before anyone could tell the bear that Toko was missing the elevator’s doors closed and began its slow descent downwards.
Is anyone going to tell Monokuma…? Makoto thought. I wonder if she can just get away with skipping the class trial.
And… if she can, then maybe I should’ve tried to skip this class trial too.
Once the elevator arrived at the class trial ground, each student went to their respective podium.
“Oh, it seems like someone’s being naughty!” Monokuma announced from his chair. “Which one of you brats is skipping the class trial…?!”
“That would be Toko,” Byakuya informed him easily. “If you could just kill her and be over it.”
“Oh? You are so quick to get rid of her over being tardy?” Celeste asked, raising an eyebrow. “How curious.” “I’d get rid of her for much less if possible,” Byakuya replied evenly. “But this is a way to keep my hands clean of her disgusting blood.” “I’ve got bad news, Byakuya!” Monokuma said, not sounding even the slightest bit sad. “All I’ll do is drag her down here, kicking and screaming if I must!”
“Um… about that,” Makoto said. “She was acting a bit weird before the class trial, I don’t know if she’d come willing with you or not.”
“She was acting weird, you say?” Monokuma asked, tilting his head. “Interesting, very interesting…”
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about her behavior would you, Monokuma?” Kyoko asked, crossing her arms and glaring at the bear.
“Oh me…?” Monokuma asked. “In this case I’m bear-y innocent…!”
“Monokuma,” Sakura said. “If you could just get Toko and start this trial, that would be very appreciated.”
“Fine, fine!” Monokuma said. “Please be patient while I grab your beloved classmate Toko Fukawa!”
In a moment he was gone again, leaving the room in an awkward sort of silence.
“So what do you all fudgin’ think about this case?” Kiyondo’s voice cut through the tension.
“This case seems cut and dry,” Sakura said. “Because of that we should be worried about its actual complexity.”
“Oh?” Celeste said. “I am sure that the real blackened will be revealed as soon as we actually discuss this case.”
“I agree whole-heartedly with Miss. Ludenberg!” Hifumi added.
“Tch,” Byakuya sneered. “As much as I hate to agree with commoners, this case should easily be solved, even by imbeciles like yourselves.”
“Hey, don’t fudgin’ insult us!” Kiyondo hissed, quick to anger.
“Um… maybe it’s just his weird way of complimenting us…?” Makoto said, trying to ease the tension. Although if he was being honest, he didn’t really believe what he was saying.
“Maybe we should just wait for the trial to start,” Kyoko suggested. “We won’t learn anything until we discuss everything thoroughly.”
“Yeah, but before we begin I just need to clear the air,” Yasuhiro began. “I am 100% not the blackened!”
“Oh…?” Celeste said. “Why are you so defensive about that?”
“Why shouldn’t I be…?!” Yasuhiro said. “I don’t want to die, I’m too young to become a ghost!”
“Guys… maybe we should listen to Kyoko and wait for the class trial to begin,” Makoto said. “Nothing good will come from throwing accusations at each other right now.”
“Exactly,” Kyoko said. “Arguing right now won’t achieve anything.”
“We shouldn’t doubt each other until given reason,” Sakura added. “That is our best course of action.”
“You fudgin’ hear that?!” Kiyondo yelled. “No accusing until the fudgin’ trial starts!”
The silence in the room grew once again, and this time no one attempted to break it.
“I-I don’t want to be here, you s-stupid bear!” Toko yelled as the elevator door opened. “Y-you really don’t understand…!”
“And you don’t understand that you don’t get a choice!” Monokuma responded, sounding somewhat exasperated. “I’m the one calling the shots around here, in case you forgot!”
Toko and Monokuma made their way to their respective areas, albeit Toko a little bit more reluctantly and Makoto couldn’t help but feel a bit of dread.
He didn’t want anymore people to die.
He didn’t want to accept that Junko was dead either.
“Now, let the class trial begin!” Monokuma announced.
“Now I have a question for everyone here,” Celeste began easily. “Are we so sure that that this ‘Genocide Jack’ committed this murder?”
“Huh…? What do you mean?” Makoto asked.
“I mean, how can we be so sure that this isn’t a copycat?” Celeste asked. “Afterall, any of us could’ve easily faked the crime scene to frame the infamous serial killer, no?”
“That certainly is a possibility,” Kyoko said. “We all knew about Genocide Jack especially since they were in the news a few days before we entered Hope’s Peak Academy.”
“Genocide Jack was unavoidable,” Hifumi complained. “I tried to watch a new anime and when I first searched it up all I could find were news articles about Genocide Jack!”
What exactly were you trying to watch that Genocide Jack would show up…? Makoto thought. I don’t think most normal animes would even be slightly related to Genocide Jack…
“Tch,” Byakuya said. “Trivial things such as that shouldn’t even be mentioned here.”
“W-why are we talking about Genocide J-jack so much anyways…?” Toko muttered. “It w-wasn’t them, they aren’t even here…!”
“There’s at least a 30% chance that Genocide Jack showed up in one my readings before I entered Hope’s Peak!” Yasuhiro added.
“Hina mentioned it to me a few times…” Sakura said. “She said she was worried about the outside world with a serial killer running rampant.”
“See, Makoto?” Celeste said. “Everything about Genocide Jack was public knowledge.”
“No, that’s wrong!” Makoto yelled, earning a slight grimace from Celeste. “The blackened knew the exact way Genocide Jack hung the bodies, which wasn’t public information.”
“Oh?” Celeste said, mouth opening in shock. “And how do you know this, Makoto?”
“It’s in the case file located in the archive,” Makoto clarified.
“So it would be totally possible for anyone to access the file, would it not?”
“I mean, I guess…?” Makoto said, scratching at his cheek.
“So, you cannot deny the possibility that the blackened could’ve just read the case file, no?”
“We aren’t going to get anywhere with ‘what-ifs’ about the blackened,” Kyoko said. “I suppose you have an idea on who the blackened might be, Celeste?”
“I do, yes,” Celeste admitted. “I think Hiro is the most suspicious out of all of us.”
“H-huh…?!” Yasuhiro yelled. “How am I the blackened…?!”
“You’re the only one in the most suspicious location,” Celeste explained. “In a room near the rec room without a proper explanation.”
“You’re the suspicious one!” Yasuhiro yelled, pointing his finger at Celeste. “You’re just spouting that accusation without any proof!”
“You claimed to be knocked out but there is no proof that anyone actually did that to you,” Celeste continued. “Unless you can somehow prove that you were knocked out, you have no reason for being there whatsoever.”
“Well actually,” Makoto countered. “Kiyondo and I were in the nurse’s office and we found a mallet with a bit of blood on it.”
“What would something like that be doing in the nurse’s office?” Sakura asked.
“The blackened probably fudgin’ stored it in there after they hit Hiro!” Kiyondo explained loudly.
“That would make logical sense,” Sakura said. “Although it is an odd place to hide a weapon such as that.”
“Assuming that Hiro didn’t do it himself,” Celeste cut in. ”You must admit that the possibility isn’t completely unfounded.”
“And how would you explain that?” Sakura said, crossing her arms. “I understand having a reasonable doubt against Hiro’s story but this seems much more.”
“We know that the nurse’s office stores blood bags, correct?” Celeste said. “Who is to say he didn’t just use the blood from there?”
“That’d be a smart fudgin’ accusation,” Kiyondo said. “If it wasn’t Hiro you were accusing.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“He’s a fudgin’ dumbbutt,” Kiyondo said easily. “You could give him a damn instruction manual on how to get away with murder and he’d still fudgin’ mess it up.”
“Aw thanks, I think…?” Yasuhiro said, smiling brightly.
That was obviously an insult… Makoto thought. How did he not get that…?
“Then what is another theory we can follow?” Sakura asked. “We must discuss something productive.”
“We could let Miss. Ludenberg explain her theory in more detail!” Hifumi offered up. “I’m sure you would all believe her if she explained it to you clearly!”
“Tch,” Byakuya sneered. “Don’t make us go through that waste of time.”
“It’s the only reasonable explanation we’ve seen so far,” Kyoko said. “Unless you have something else to offer up.”
“Of course I do,” Byakuya said. “I already know who the blackened is.”
“You said that before,” Makoto said. “But do you really…?”
“I mean obviously he does,” Yasuhiro said. “The blackened is Genocide Jack! Everyone knows that, Makoto!”
“Of course we all know that the blackened is Genocide Jack,” Byakuya said. “But I know Genocide’s Jack real identity.”
“O-oh…?” Celeste asked. “So it is true that the infamous serial killer is among us, then?”
“Yes,” Byakuya confirms. “Although I’d rather not force the serial killer to reveal, I will if I must.”
“You fudgin’ think a stone-hearted killer would just reveal themself that easily…?!” Kiyondo yelled. “You must be dumber than a bag of rocks!”
“Shut up,” Byakuya glared. “Your voice is grating.”
“Why do you think Genocide Jack will reveal themselves?” Makoto asked. “I don’t think they’d want to be executed…”
“Do you really not remember the file?” Byakuya asked. “You commoners must have worse memories than I realized.”
“Makoto,” Kyoko said, ignoring Byakuya. “You mentioned the Genocide Jack file, but I don’t believe everyone here has read it. Could you perhaps inform us about what it mentioned about Genocide Jack?”
“Huh…?” Makoto said. “Oh sure.”
“The victims the case file mentioned were Ken Harada, Tesuhiro Honda and Shoji Gaku,” Makoto began. “They were each killed in a similar manner and attached to the wall via their injuries…”
“Get to the important information, Makoto,” Byakuya said.
“The police believed that Genocide Jack was a student suffering from a split personality due to their frantic getaways and the schedule of the murders.”
“A student…” Kyoko muttered. “Coincidentally we are all students, so that at least is a possibility.”
“Of course you’re all students!” Monokuma said, interrupting. “And Daddy Monokuma loves you all very much even if some of you are serial killers and others have the tendency to state the obvious.”
“Disgusting,” Kyoko said, shuddering slightly.
“Stop talking,” Byakuya said. “Don’t even imagine that we are even slightly related.”
“Ignoring Monokuma,” Sakura said. “How are we supposed to find Genocide Jack. We shouldn’t expect them to reveal themselves.”
“They already have,” Byakuya said. “They told me who they were when we received the second motive.”
“H-huh…?!” Makoto yelled. “Genocide Jack revealed themselves to you?!”
“Someone fudgin’ trusted you enough to tell you their motive?!” Kiyondo yelled, equally as surprised.
“And you didn’t share this with us because...?” Celeste asked. “Knowing a serial killer was among us would’ve been good information to have earlier.”
“I don’t care about your survival,” Byakuya said. “However, they promised me they wouldn’t kill anyone so I felt no need to tell anyone about their identity.”
“Ah,” Kyoko said. “That is what that mirror meant then?”
“W-wait… you went through everyone’s m-mirrors?!” Toko yelled, completely scandalized.
“H-hey…! I had private information kept on there!” Yasuhiro yelled soon after Toko.
“They were there for anyone to see,” Kyoko said, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “There was no reason not to look.”
“You shouldn’t believe what my mirror stated,” Celeste said, more sweeter than usual. “The bear was seemingly wrong with that stupid mirror.”
“Oh…?! You’re accusing your father of getting your own-” Monokuma began.
“Shut up, you stupid bear,” Celeste hissed, face contorting in anger.
“Ignoring everyone else’s motives,” Kyoko continued smoothly. “There was one motive I couldn’t truly understand, up until now that is.”
“T-those were private even if they were p-public,” Toko hissed. “Don’t you have a-any respect for privacy…?!” “Why are you getting so defensive?” Sakura asked. “All of our motives were seen and you seem to be the only one truly bothered.”
“Yeah, my motive was sort of embarrassing but nothing I really needed to hide,” Makoto said, scratching his cheek. “Although I’d rather Kyoko not share it…”
“I already told you,” Kyoko began. “My motive is also just as embarrassing if not more.”
“So… can we just have Genocide Jack be revealed to us?” Yasuhiro asked. “Because after that it’s over and we win, right?”
“That does seem to be the only conclusion,” Celeste said, slipping back into her mask.
“Genocide Jack, if you reveal yourself you probably won’t fudgin’ be judged as much!” Kiyondo declared.
“I don’t think they fear being judged…” Makoto said. “They don’t want to die, or at least they probably don’t.”
“They still committed this murder,” Byakuya said. “So I have no reason to keep their identity.”
“Did they really…?” Makoto asked. “I mean the file mentioned that the police thought they suffered from another personality, right?”
“And, your point?” Byakuya asked. “A person is still dead, a person you were friends with no less.”
“I know…” Makoto said, looking down at his podium. “But is it really right to judge a person for something they couldn’t control…?”
“That does bring up a slight problem in the rules,” Kyoko said. “If Genocide Jack comitted the murder, should the non-murdering personality be punished for the same crime?”
“Puhuhuhu! That does bring up a good point!” Monokuma said. “But Daddy Monokuma has it all figured out, don’t you worry my sweet little Kyoko!”
“Don’t call me that,” Kyoko said, looking away. “I suppose we’ll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it, then.”
“Now, if you’re done with the moral aspect of it all,” Byakuya glared. “I think it’s finally time to reveal Genocide Jack.”
“Wouldn’t you agree, Toko?”
“H-huh…?! Are you r-really accusing me, M-master…?” Toko asked, biting at her nails.
“He isn't lying,” Kyoko confirmed. “Genocide Jack’s less murderous personality is, Toko.”
“Toko… is Genocide Jack?” Celeste asked, staring at Toko critically. “I guess appearances are deceiving, no?”
“I-I… d-don’t…” Toko muttered. “W-why…?”
“You promised me that you wouldn’t let Genocide Jack kill anyone,” Byakuya said. “It’s obvious you couldn’t keep your end of the bargain so why should I keep mine?”
“I mean, I don’t doubt that she’s murderous…” Yasuhiro began. “But I really can’t see her murdering anyone…”
“Well Mac mentioned that the police thought that she had a split personality or whatever the heck,” Kiyondo explained. “So it isn’t Toko who’s fudgin’ doing it, it’s Genocide Jack or whatever.”
“Then we’ll need to see this personality switch in live action, no?” Celeste asked. “We cannot confirm if Genocide Jack is Toko unless we see it for ourselves.”
“You heard her,” Byakuya said. “Switch into that other personality of yours.”
“B-but I can’t-” Toko muttered, only to be cut off by a glare from Byakuya.
After a second, Toko fell onto the floor, startling the group with the loud thump. After a few more seconds, she arose once again.
Although, she did look a bit different.
“Hello, hello and hello!” Toko, or rather Genocide Jack began cheerfully. “You called for me and so I appear!”
“You’re Genocide Jack…?!” Hifumi cried out. “Miss Fukawa is Genocide Jack…?!”
“Miss Morose and I are two very different people, thank you very much!” Genocide Jack corrected. “But I mean according to the law, I guess you could say we share the same body at the very least.”
“Then you were really fudgin’ here this whole time?!” Kiyondo yelled, outraged. “You could’ve put all of us in any fudgin’ amount of danger!”
“Ahh, are you worried about everyone here or are you worried about Mr. Average?” Genocide Jack asked, putting her hands on her cheek, letting her tongue loll out more than usual. “Don’t think I forgot about how touchy you were with him!”
“W-wait…” Makoto said, looking at Genocide Jack worriedly. “That was you before…?”
“Yep yep yep!” Genocide Jack said, smiling. “What…? Did I really pass off as Miss Morose? Or do you really not care for her that much…?”
“It seems a little unreasonable for us to just assume that Toko had another personality,” Sakura said, explaining for Makoto. “I don’t believe anyone could’ve seen it coming.”
“Well, since the blackened has already revealed themselves to us, I don’t see any need to continue this trial any longer,” Celeste said smiling. “We now know that Genocide Jack exists in our group and is the killer. No need to continue this trial any longer, no?”
“Huh…? I’m a killer, but please catch me up on who I killed this time.” Genocide Jack asked. “All those cute boys flutter in my mind and my other regions….”
“You’re disgusting,” Byakuya said, looking away.
“We’re talking about the murder of Junko Enoshima,” Makoto explained.
“Doesn’t ring a bell,” Genocide Jack said simply. “Could you give me a description?”
“Blonde hair, blue eyes…” Makoto said, beginning to list off Junko’s traits.
“That doesn’t really narrow it down, but continue!”
“Freckles…” Makoto said, trying to think if there was anything else that was remarkable about Junko.
I mean, there’s the fact that her hair was a wig and her nails were fake… Makoto thought. But I don’t think the blackened knew that…
“God, you suck at describing people!” Genocide Jack laughed. “I really can’t remember any specific victim with that little description!”
“So, what did he wear…? Anything like that to point out?”
“He…?” Makoto asked. “Junko was a girl…”
“What…?! And you really think I did it…?!” Genocide Jack asked. “I only go after the most attractive of men. You know, the real catches.”
“That doesn’t make sense…” Makoto said, scratching at his cheek. “The murder scene definetly looked like one of yours.”
“Then I must’ve been framed, and hard!” Genocide Jack said smiling.
“You dare deny this accusation when we have proof?” Byakuya asked, glaring. “You really are as annoying as your other personality.”
“Oh…? A cute boy scolding me…? I think I could die right now!”
“Let’s focus on the matter at hand,” Kyoko said. “You say that you didn’t commit the murder but are there any hallmarks specific to your murders?”
“Well let’s see, I only kill the cutest of cute boys and I’m really picky about it,” Genocide Jack explained. “And, I’ll only kill with my special scissors!”
“Your special scissors…?” Makoto asked.
“Well maybe that’s usually the case, but you can’t have your scissors right now Genocide Jack!” Hifumi yelled. “All of our belongings were taken from us!”
“Ohohoho…? Is that what you really believe?” Genocide Jack asked right before she brandished her scissors. “I’m always prepared for any sort of murdering! Provided there’s a cute boy waiting to be stabbed…”
Yasuhiro and Hifumi screamed as soon as the scissors were pulled out while the others stared in a mix of shock and horror.
“Toko has had those fudgin’ dangerous things on her the whole time…?!” Kiyondo yelled. “And she didn’t see even the slightest problem?!”
“Um… I mean, that is a good reason to not change your way of killing then…” Makoto said.
“We should probably keep this in mind for any future proceedings,” Kyoko added.
“Tch,” Byakuya said. “Perhaps Toko disarmed her and she had no other way to kill.”
“That still wouldn’t make much sense…” Makoto responded before Genocide Jack. “Genocide Jack would have no reason to kill Junko, especially because she didn’t fall under her usual targets…”
“And you believe that she’s telling the truth?” Byakuya asked. “You must be stupider than you look.”
“I mean, we don’t have any evidence to show that she’d be lying about it…?” Makoto asked, scratching his cheek. “According to the case file in the archive, all of her victims were male…”
“Although the average one isn’t as cute, he’s completely right!” Genocide Jack said. “I take pride in my work y’know, assuming otherwise is just plain insulting!”
“You… take pride in murdering?!” Hifumi yelled out. “That’s unacceptable!”
“I’m a master at what I do,” Genocide Jack answered, looking at Hifumi boredly. “You might even say I’m the Ultimate Murderous Fiend!”
“You have a fudgin’ ultimate talent?!” Kiyondo yelled. “Unbelievable!”
“Is it really so unbelievable?” Genocide Jack asked. “Like I said, I’m a master at what I do and Hope’s Peak recognized that!”
“It seems more likely that you forced their hand,” Kyoko said. “If they wanted Toko they would have no choice but to take you as well.”
“But when you say it like that, it makes it sound like they didn’t want a serial killer as a part of their roster! Kyahahahahaha! ” Genocide Jack laughed.
They… probably didn’t, Makoto thought. But then again, if their plan was to start a killing game… she’d be a good addition, wouldn’t she?
“Hey… but if Genocide Jack is telling the truth… then she couldn’t have killed Junko,” Makoto said. “I mean… everything she’s been telling us has been pretty in line with what we know.”
“It’s refreshing that I’m proven innocent, for once,” Genocide Jack said. “However, someone went through a lot of effort to frame me, wonder why that is? Kyahahahahaha!”
“That is correct,” Celeste noted. “Who were the main people pushing for the Genocide Jack theory?”
“Um… wouldn’t that be Byakuya, Makoto and Kyoko...?” Yasuhiro offered up. “Wait… does that make them all the blackened?!”
“Don’t you dare fudgin’ accuse Mac!” Kiyondo yelled. “He’s innocent and you better not fudgin’ forget that or else I’ll make you sorry!”
“I don’t doubt Makoto’s innocence, at least not yet, but you’ve been wrong in your trust before, no?” Celeste asked.
“What the fudge did you just say…?!” Kiyondo yelled. “How dare you fudgin’ mention-”
“I didn’t mean to offend,” Celeste said. “I believe that Makoto and Kyoko are completely innocent in this incident.”
“You… didn’t mention Byakuya,” Makoto noticed. “Do you really think he framed Genocide Jack…?”
“Let me ask you this, Makoto,” Celeste began. “Who gave you that information about Genocide Jack?”
“Byakuya…?” Makoto answered.
“And you don’t find it just the tiniest bit odd that he was pushing the theory of Genocide Jack?”
“I mean… didn’t everyone think that Genocide Jack did it?” Makoto asked. “As far as we originally knew there was nothing odd about the crime scene.”
“Yes, that is true,” Celeste admitted. “However, the fact that he was originally pushing so hard shouldn’t be ignored, yes?”
“Then that’d mean that Byakuya is the blackened…?” Makoto asked, staring at the heir.
“If you’re so sure that I’m the blackened then why don’t you vote me?” Byakuya asked, looking smug.
Why is he okay with being voted…? Makoto thought. Did he really do that…?
“Well if that’s solved, we can just vote Byakuya!” Yasuhiro declared. “Right…?”
“I’m not so sure…” Makoto said, looking down at his podium. “Byakuya wants to win the killing game, right?”
“He has said that before,” Kyoko agreed.
“So why would he make such an obvious mistake if he knew how to properly frame Genocide Jack…?” Makoto asked. “It doesn’t make much sense.”
“Perhaps he didn’t have much to work with,” Celeste said. “He could’ve been rushed for all we know.”
“That… can’t be it either,” Makoto said.
“Oh? And why is that, Makoto?”
“Kyoko said that Junko’s injury, which probably gave the blood for the bloodlust message was caused after her death.” Makoto explained. “If he really was in a rush, he’d probably find another way to make the message.”
“That is true,” Sakura said. “Injuring her after her relatively clean death would take time that he wouldn’t have if he was truly rushed.”
“Well, that is troubling, no?” Celeste asked.
“Huh…?” Makoto asked.
“We don’t have even the slightest clue on who the blackened might be, yes?” Celeste asked. “Unless anyone else has a better theory, we should assume Yasuhiro is the blackened, no?”
“Of course, that is expected of Makoto, to not have any better leads,” Celeste continued.
“H-huh…?” Makoto asked. “What do you mean by that?”
“I suppose after everything that has happened you must be a bit worn out, no?” Celeste said. “Or perhaps you never really cared about Junko…”
“That’s wrong…!” Makoto said. “Of course I cared about Junko.”
“Is that so…?” Celeste asked. “Because from what she told me it seemed like you were just tolerating her.”
“She really thought that…?” Makoto muttered.
I’m sorry Junko, Makoto thought. I really valued our time together as friends…
“Will you shut the fudge up about Junko, Lest?!” Kiyondo yelled suddenly. “Why the fudge are you even bringing this up now…?!”
“Lest…?” Celeste asked.
“How Junk felt doesn’t fudgin’ matter now, all that matters now is the truth and finding the damn blackened!”
“Kiyondo is right,” Sakura said in agreement. “We can focus on the finer details later.”
“Why is Mr. Ishida so fired up all the sudden…?!” Hifumi cried out. “Is my future wife in danger?!”
“Isn’t it obvious? He’s standing up for his boyfriend,” Genocide Jack said while drooling. “Ooh, it’s certainly warming in more places than my heart! Kyahahahahaha!”
“Moving on,” Byakuya said, glaring at Genocide Jack for a moment before looking at Kiyondo. “Is it safe to assume that even an idiot like you can see the truth of the case?”
“Don’t fudgin’ insult me you rich buttface,” Kiyondo said. “But, I think I have more proof to debunk Lest’s theory about Hiro doing it, so everyone here better shut the fudge up and listen up!”
“Ah,” Celeste said. “How vulgar, but please, do inform us.”
“During my time with Mac at the nurse’s office,” Kiyondo began.
“Your first date, right?” Genocide Jack asked. “I’m so glad to have witnessed that! Kyahahahahaha!”
“Shut the fudge up!” Kiyondo yelled. “As I was fudgin’ saying, when I checked one of the damn cabinets there was something weird about it!”
“Weird…?” Kyoko asked. “What do you mean?”
“Well other than a fudgin’ mallet being there…” Kiyondo said. “There was nothing fudgin’ else there at all! Seems pretty damn useless for a nurse’s cabinet.”
“Nothing in there at all…?” Sakura asked. “If I remember correctly, the nurse’s office was well-stocked…”
“What does that cabinet have to do with anything?” Celeste asked. “Perhaps we just had the inventory wrong…” “Or,” Kyoko cut in. “The blackened needed the inventory of the cabinet.”
“What makes you so sure…?” Celeste asked.
“Like I fudgin’ said,” Kiyondo began to explain. “There was already that damn mallet in there, so the blackened fudgin’ knew the cabinet existed.”
“Even so,” Celeste said. “That doesn’t disprove my theory, despite what you vulgarly claimed.”
“Are you so fudgin’ sure?” Kiyondo asked, staring at Celeste smugly. “I think that fits in more than whatever you were fudgin’ saying about Hiro.”
“Oh…? What could you ever mean?”
“Hiro fudgin’ claimed that he was hit when he entered the physics lab, right?”
“Man…” Yasuhiro interjected. “I really should learn not to trust any notes I get…”
“And as he just fudgin’ told us, he got a note telling him to go to the physics lab,” Kiyondo said. “Although following that just proves as dumb as poop he really is.”
“Hey!” Yasuhiro yelled. “Don’t be mean!”
“That’s assuming that he isn’t lying,” Celeste said. “Are you really going to trust that idiot over me?”
“It’s not that I want to be rude,” Celeste quickly added. “But he does not have the brightest track record, no?”
“Well, if I’m remembering correctly, which I fudgin’ am,” Kiyondo said. “You told us to check the physics lab because you heard an odd noise or whatever the heck, right?”
“That is… correct,” Celeste said slowly. “Yes.”
“However when we got there, we learned that Hiro was almost fudgin’ impossible to wake up!” Kiyondo said. “So, what fudgin’ noise did you even hear Lest?”
“I… I’m afraid I cannot recall,” Celeste said. “This… whole trial has been very traumatic for me. Afterall, Junko was a very dear friend of mine.”
“Are you fudgin’ sure, Lest?” Kiyondo asked. “Or did you really not fudgin’ think that far ahead!”
“We really were good friends, not that you would understand…” Celeste said. “We confided in each about everything.”
“You confided in each other?” Kyoko asked. “Could you give us an example?”
“Why bother?” Byakuya asked. “We don’t need to hear any useless gossip.”
“Usually when people confide in each other, it is much more than ‘useless gossip’” Sakura said. “Celeste, if you’re willing to share some of what you and Junko talked about, that would be appreciated.”
“It’s a bit… hard to say,” Celeste said slowly. “But I will if I must.”
“Makoto,” Celeste began. “I do believe that you should know that Junko had a crush on you.”
Makoto, who'd been silent up until that moment startled. “She had a crush on me…?!”
“Are you really that dense?” Celeste asked. “It was the only thing she would ever really mention.”
“Really…?” Makoto asked, suddenly feeling sick to his stomach.
“Yes,” Celeste said looking away. “Too bad you never realized it, though.”
How… did I not realize that…? Makoto thought. I’m sorry… Junko…
“Don’t be so harsh on yourself, Mr. Naegi!” Hifumi said, attempting to cheer Makoto up. “Some people are just hard to read!”
“She wasn’t hard to read,” Byakuya cut in. “She was very clear in her efforts, however, Makoto is just the class's biggest idiot.”
“Hey! Don’t fudgin’ insult Mac!” Kiyondo yelled.
“I don’t understand,” Makoto said, ignoring all of his classmates. “Why are you only mentioning this now…?”
“I don’t understand what you mean, Makoto,” Celeste responded. “Was I supposed to mention my friendship with Junko sooner?”
“I mean, if she really confided with you everything,” Kyoko said, trying to assist Makoto. “Did you know her secret?”
“Her secret…?” Celeste asked. “You mean the last motive?”
“No,” Kyoko said. “Didn’t you say those were fake, anyways?”
“Yes, she did. My little baby Celeste insulted my motive despite it being one-hundred percent accurate for everyone!” Monokuma cut in.
“Don’t call me that,” Celeste gritted out. “And if she had another secret, I was not informed of it.”
“Well, can you really say that she confided in you then?” Kyoko said. “It’s relatively inconsequential compared to the last motive.”
“Of course you would know all about that wouldn’t you?” Celeste asked. “Digging into everyone’s personal information like that.”
“I’ve said it before, it was for public use,” Kyoko said. “If people weren’t supposed to look then Monokuma would’ve allowed us to store them in our rooms.”
“Then Celeste hasn’t been entirely truthful during this class trial, then?” Makoto asked, finally regaining some of his spirit.
“What do you mean?” Celeste asked, turning to stare at Makoto, or rather, glare at Makoto. “I’ve tried my hardest to assist everyone in this class trial since it has begun.”
“But everyone seems rather prone to believe two idiots instead of me,” Celeste said. “And there’s nothing I can do to circumvent that, is there?”
“I mean, I’m sure you were friends with Junko,” Makoto said. “But, I don’t think you were ‘close’ friends.”
“And is that so surprising?” Celeste asked. “I am Celestia Ludenberg, it is even an honor to be my D rank, let alone a C rank like Junko almost was.”
“Ranks…?” Sakura asked.
“I can’t allow just anyone to get close to me,” Celeste said. “It wouldn’t look good for my image, and apparently Junko was the same.”
“Then why did you lie to us about ‘confiding’ in each other?” Makoto asked. “It… doesn’t make much sense.”
“Nothing makes much sense to idiots like you,” Celeste replied coldly. “However, even though I tuned out most of her babble, I could easily see how much she wanted Makoto.” “I thought it would be easy,” Celeste said. “Afterall, I’m Celestia Ludenberg, how hard would it be to matchmake a model and an average forgettable boy?”
“You were trying to matchmake Junko and I…?”
“Really, how did you not notice it?” Celeste asked. “I believe even Yasuhiro would be able to tell what was happening. Were you dropped on your head as a child every single day?”
What was her goal…? Makoto thought. You can’t really say she was doing it out of the kindness of her heart, can you?
“Celeste…” Makoto began, hesitantly. “You befriended Junko because you wanted something out of her didn’t you?”
“What are you saying, Makoto?” Celeste asked.
“You were… planning on murdering her, weren’t you?” Makoto continued. He wanted to be wrong, even after seeing Celeste’s true colors.
“What the hell did you just say…?!” Celeste said, glaring fully at Makoto. “Are you really implying that I murdered Junko?”
“Yes,” Makoto said in finality. “And, I can explain my reasoning as well.”
“Tch,” Byakuya said. “Just end this already.”
“Celeste originally befriended Junko because she wanted to use her,” Makoto began. “As soon as she found out that Junko had a crush on me, she began to exploit it.”
“Celeste discovered that she earned Junko’s trust just as the next motive was revealed,” Makoto continued. “So now she had the perfect opportunity.”
“Celeste wrote two notes on the night of the murder,” Makoto said. “One for Hiro and one for Junko.”
“Hiro’s note had him arrive first in the physics lab, where she was waiting for him,” Makoto said. “When he arrived she quickly knocked him out with a mallet.”
“After knocking Hiro out, Celeste went to the nurse’s office to get what she needed to kill Junko,” Makoto said. “She exchanges the contents of the cabinet with the mallet and leaves the nurse's office.”
“She makes Junko and herself tea, although Junko’s tea is drugged. Then she waits,” Makoto said. “After Junko arrives and drinks the tea, she dies, leaving Celeste alone with the body.”
“After Celeste leaves, Byakuya discovers the body and decides to frame Genocide Jack to force Toko to reveal herself,” Makoto said. “Byakuya grabs several items from the warehouse and changes the crime scene.”
“After everything is said and done, the body is discovered by everyone but Byakuya and Toko in the early morning when we decided to look for Junko and Hiro,” Makoto said. “Isn’t that right, Celeste?”
Celeste froze in place, the perfect picture of unbridled rage. And all in one moment, she deflated like a balloon.
“Well, that’s it, then,” Celeste said. “Honestly, it went on longer than I expected.”
“You’re just going to give up then?” Byakuya asked, staring at her with some sort of respect in his eyes.
“There’s no point in continuing when you’ve lost, no?” Celeste asked, accent coming on just as thick. “Or at least, that’s my personal motto.”
“Why…?” Makoto asked, staring at Celeste in shock. “Why did you kill Junko…?”
“For my dream, of course,” Celeste said, smiling. “I dream of a castle with vampire butlers and it’s all owned by me.”
“That money,” Celeste continued. “Would’ve been enough for me to finance my dream after years of saving up.”
“And that’s why you did it?” Sakura asked. “Just for your dream?”
“I am nothing, if not self interested,” Celeste answered. “Although, that should not surprise you.”
Makoto frowned, but she wasn’t exactly wrong.
“Your reasoning doesn’t fudgin’ make sense!” Kiyondo yelled. “At least bro felt sorry about what he fudgin’ did…!”
“Oh, how touching this is, all my children finally bonding!” Monokuma cut in. “Daddy Monokuma hates to be the bad guy, but it’s voting time!”
The class voted for Celeste, and when their vote was announced correct they were left with a few moments of sadness.
“Before this ends,” Celeste began. “Anything you ever hear about me after this point, you can disregard. It’s all unimportant now, no?”
“And, I suppose it would be nice if we could meet again,” Celeste continued. “Perhaps in another life, yes?”
“Well, my darling Celeste got her last words in, and now it’s punishment time!” Monokuma said. “Hold onto your hats and get a fan, this one is going to get hot!”
“Ohohoho, does he mean in a sexual way?” Genocide Jack asked. “Because I’m all up for that…!”
When Celeste reappeared she was tied onto a stake and a castle was behind her. Hay lay haphazardly under her as she was forced to stare ahead.
A plushie resembling Monokuma in color lit the hay underneath her as she began to burn.
Celeste began to sweat but she also smiled, facing forward in some sort of misattributed pride.
Perhaps it was her final stand against the Mastermind.
As the flames grew higher and higher, Celeste looked up, never once losing her smug expression.
Just as the flames began to lick her face, a fire truck revved up with Monokuma as its driver.
It drove onto a ramp and catapulted up towards Celeste, hitting her and breaking the castle behind her.
Another Monokuma with a waterhose extinguished the stick that started the execution, effectively ending the execution as well.
Makoto stared in horror as the events of the killing game finally started to catch up to him. Another person was dead, and it was technically his fault. Wasn’t it?
I’m sorry, everyone… Makoto thought. Junko and Hina… I wish I wasn’t that dense… I wish I could’ve told you that your feelings weren’t ignored…
Sayaka and Leon… I could’ve saved them too if… if I had just noticed… Makoto thought, not noticing that tears were beginning to fall from his face.
Mondo, Celeste and Chihiro… you guys didn’t deserve to die either…! Makoto thought. I’m sorry… I’m sorry I couldn’t help you in time…
Makoto began sobbing loudly, blind to the world around him. He had enough with this game, although there wasn’t much he could do about it.
Suddenly there were arms wrapped around him. When he opened his eyes he could see white from his blurred vision.
“Come on Mac,” Kiyondo said softly. “I’ll take you back to your room.”
Makoto didn’t say anything as he let himself be dragged into the elevator.
He felt so numb.
9 notes · View notes
jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[Stand My Heroes] Case File:研究対象Sの記録 (Case File: Records on Research Subject S) Event Story: Investigation ④~⑥ Translations
*Master-list is in progress *MC name is retained default Izumi Rei
Part 1 / Part 2
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Hallway ☆⋅⋆
Sugano: Hmm, this is rather soft for a collar.
Rei: It’s a hand, not a collar…Plus, you’re the one who’s holding onto my hand…
Sugano: Is that so?
--That’s right. The “Collar” he was talking about, was actually just, in fact, “Holding hands”.
Rei: (Still…)
Sugano: I wonder where Sosei-san’s room is at…
Rei: (…I kind of feel like I’ve been played for a fool.)
Rei: (Judging from the expression that Asagiri-san, who had been standing guard outside the room, had on his face…)
--Just now, when I had left the room hand-in-hand with Sugano-kun…
Sugano: Tsukasa-san, Rei and I are gonna pay a visit to Sosei-san’s room for a bit~
Asagiri: ----
He had an unreadable expression on his face as his eyes moved to glance down at our adjoined hands.
Rei: W-We’ll be going then…
Asagiri: …Hold up.
Rei: !
Sugano: What is it?
Asagiri: That…your hands.
Rei: !!
Sugano: What about it?
Asagiri: Did you go through the Antibacterial Lasers properly before joining hands?
Rei: ……What?
Asagiri: He has never left this place in a long time.
Asagiri: It’d be bad if you brought the flu virus in with you or something since you came from another place outside yesterday.
Rei: Okay…?
Sugano: Ahaha. Don’t worry, we went through the Antibacterial Lasers.
By the way, they might be called Antibacterial Lasers, but all we actually did was to put both our hands into a special device that emitted a special laser beam; and then, oh, what a surprise!
It’s a man-made device capable of killing 99.9999% of all potentially harmful viruses that affect the human body.
Asagiri: Then it’s fine. –-I think Sosei’s still sleeping.
Sugano: We’ll add a walk to the trip then. Thank you~
--And so, that happened.
Rei: (I can’t really come to a definite conclusion all on my own just based on Asagiri-san’s reaction alone…)
Sugano: Hey, Rei?
Rei: Hm?
He grinned and gave my hand a squeeze.
Sugano: Your hand’s really warm.
Rei: Huh?
Sugano: I feel really touched by it, since it’s been such a long time since I’ve had contact with another person.
Rei: Sugano-kun…
Sugano: Oh, that’s Sosei-san’s over there. Let’s wake him up if he’s still asleep!
Rei: Right, let’s go.
Rei: (…Well, I suppose it’s fine. Even if this is just a “Collar”.)
And that was how my day as a communicator ended successfully without a hitch.
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Laboratory ☆⋅⋆
There were times during my life in the facility, where Sugano-kun had been off-limits. And during those times, I turned to…
Yui: It has finally been completed!
Watabe: Congratulations; you’re finally done.
Beside Watabe-san, who seemed to be eating some DIY Sweets made in the Research Facility itself, was… Yui-san, who held up a small bottle of questionable luminescent liquid which colour could not really be identified.
Rei: Um, what is this…exactly…?
Yui: This is the new version of the Nutritional Drink that I’ve been painstakingly working on for the past 2 weeks!
Rei: A Nutritional Drink…
Suddenly, I recalled a snippet of a conversation I overheard just the other day.
Arakida: I have. I lost 3 days to sleep…
Natsume: But that was Kotaro-san’s Nutritional Drink at work so that’s not my fault!
Rei: ……
Arakida-san had been lying in bed, looking blue in the face when I had visited him together with Sugano-kun.
Rei: (That was because of that shady Headgear, but still…)
Yui: I’ll give you the right to participate in its Clinical Trial.
Rei: ……What?
Yui: It’s truly an honour, don’t you think? I’m the leading researcher when it comes to Nutritional Drinks.
Watabe: Only within this facility, though.
Yui: Now, feel free to drink it. It will make all the stress you have piled up and the fatigue you feel while working as a communicator disappear.
He handed my the dodgey-looking liquid— Or, well, a Nutritional Drink, as he called it. And I…
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Room ☆⋅⋆
Sugano: --Eh!? You drank it…!?
Rei: Yeah…Well, I couldn’t really turn him down.
Sugano: So, were you okay? Don’t you feel sluggish or pain anywhere?
Rei: Well…
Sugano: Mmngh…
Rei: I was really energized and refreshed by it.
Sugano: Eh--?
Rei: It really made my exhaustion disappear!
Sugano: What~ You really had me worried for a second there!
Rei: Ahaha, sorry for how I built up the suspense, only for it to end there.
Sugano: Not at all, the thrill was nice.
Sugano: Still, I wonder why Sosei-san ended up in bed after drinking the same thing.
Rei: That’s because the Nutritional Drink I drank was one that had been revised after having gathered the data from the failed version that Arakida-san drank.
Sugano: Then, you’ll have to thank Sosei-san for taking the bullet for you.
Rei: I know, right?
Sugano: I can totally tell that he’d look absolutely disgruntled by it if you thank him.
Rei: Ahaha, I can imagine.
Sugano: Haha.
It has already been about 15 days since I got to talk to him like this.
Rei: (I was really worried about how things would go at first, but turns out, it’s actually surprisingly fun here.)
Sugano: Haa~ That was a real good laugh. I’m so glad you came here!
Rei: I’m glad that you’re the one I’m assigned to for my job as well.
Sugano: Eh~ Did you really have to mention that it’s your job?
Rei: Oh, sorry…
Sugano: Don’t apologise.
Sugano: I like people who are passionate about their work.
Sugano: I heard that the person who created this Research Facility…Someone who’s been here before You-san…was also someone passionate about their work.
Rei: That’s right. The one who created this facility was none other than the Previous Chief.
Sugano: Yeah.
Suddenly, all signs of his previous joy drained from his face.
Sugano: …I wonder what they’re up to right now?
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Room ☆⋅⋆
Rei: Do you not know?
Sugano: Rather that not knowing, I simply chose not to.
Rei: ……?
Sugano: But, I believe that You-san believes in that person’s justice.
Rei: …………
--Silence descended upon us.
This was the first time that I’ve been rendered speechless ever since I made contact with Sugano-kun.
Rei: …Um,
Sugano: Rei, what did you originally do on the outside?
Rei: Huh?
Sugano: Let me hear more about you.
I could tell that he didn’t want to talk about the “Previous Chief”, considering how he changed the topic like that.
Rei: I was a normal Office Lady (OL) out there.
Sugano: Heh~ What kinda company?
Rei: A pharmaceutical one.
Sugano: What about a boyfriend?
Rei: I see that you’ve taken to suddenly changing topics with your questions.
Sugano: It’s fine, isn’t it? Or is it a secret?
Rei: (I don’t have one…)
But he had this air around him that made him seem like he’d tease me endlessly about it if I just told him outright, right off the bat, that I “didn’t have a boyfriend”.
Rei: …Yeah, it’s a secret.
Sugano: Oh, so you don’t have one.
Rei: How did I get found out!?
Sugano: Your face.
Rei: EHHH!?
Sugano: I lied. It was just my gut instincts, also partly my own wishes.
Rei: Ehh…
Sugano: Say, Rei…Don’t you ever grow to miss the world outside?
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Room ☆⋅⋆
Rei: (Miss the world outside…?)
In my head, the line “You too. You more than I” came up. And I was about to reply in kind, only to stop short because I was stepping into a dangerous zone. Because this topic fell under the “Forbidden Conversation Topics” that I had been handed before I began this job.
Sugano: You can’t go out either; not while you’re stuck down here as my assigned communicator, right?
Sugano: So, Don’t you miss your normal life?
Rei: …Of course I miss it; normally.
Sugano: …Okay, thanks.
Rei: Why are you thanking me?
Sugano: Because I didn’t need a textbook reply of “Of course not”.
Rei: ……
Sugano: I’m sure you want to hear about what I think too, right?
Rei: Mngh—
Sugano: You see, I’m really fine with anything either way.
Rei: …Even if you’ll remain here forever?
Sugano: I’ve come to know people like You-san really well. And it’s not like it’s all that uncomfortable living here either.
Sugano: Oh, but I could become a candidate for your boyfriend if I got out of here and regained my freedom.
Rei: --
I felt a pang in my chest.
Rei: (I’d almost forgotten about it, but now that we’re on this topic…)
Rei: (He’s someone who cannot leave this place of his own free will.)
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Hallway ☆⋅⋆
It was a time where I wasn’t allowed to make contact with Sugano-kun. I left the confines of my room, feel a sudden unexplained hunger out of the blue.
Rei: (I’m hungry…I feel like I’ve started to become a gourmet ever since I drank that Nutritional Drink that Yui-san made…)
Miyase: --Oh?
Rei: --!
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Hallway ☆⋅⋆
Miyase: You’re…If I remember correctly, aren’t you the communicator assigned to Sugano-kun?
Rei: Yes, that’s right. I’m Rei—No, I’m No. 1230!
Miyase: Fufu, so Rei-san, is it? I’m Miyase.
Miyase: I’m in charge of cleaning and preparing food in this Research Facility.
Rei: Ahh!! Thank you so much for the delicious food that’s always being served!
Miyase: Same here; thank you for always eating it all so deliciously.
Rei: (How do I put this…? He really feels like he has this fluffy, warm and homely air around him.)
Miyase: By the way, where are you heading at this hour?
Rei: Oh, sorry…I’m actually feeling kinda hungry, so…
Miyase: I see, what nice timing.
Miyase: Here, how about you take these cookies I have here and have it for supper?
Rei: Whoa, that looks so delicious! Can I really have them?
Miyase: Of course. I made it for my brother, who has a sweet-tooth, but I accidentally made a little too much.
Rei: You have a brother…?
Miyase: He’s being kept as a subject in this Research Facility.
Rei: Eh--
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Hallway ☆⋅⋆
Rei: Your brother’s here too?
Miyase: Yeah.
Rei: (H-How am I supposed to reply to that…?)
Miyase: What do you talk about with Sugano-kun?
Rei: Huh? Oh…Just normal conversational topics.
Miyase: Did he ever mention anything about wanting to get out of here?
Rei: --
Rei: (I wonder what he’s trying to get at with this conversation…)
I gave him a hesitant glance as the smile disappeared from his face.
Miyase: …I apologize. I’ve said something weird, haven’t I?
Rei: No—
Miyase: My brother; he doesn’t want to get out of here.
Rei: Eh…?
Miyase: I suppose this facility most probably gathers “People with the strongest will”.
Miyase: Perhaps that’s the trait that they’re trying to research here, in this facility—Or at least, that’s what I think.
Rei: People who have the strongest of wills…
Miyase: For example, those who have a sense of justice. The self-sacrificial ones,
Miyase: Or those that hold a burning hatred within them and the like…
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Hallway ☆⋅⋆
Rei: What…What are you trying to say?
Miyase: Those with a strong enough will, will get out of here someday, eventually.
Miyase: At the same time, I suppose that there are also people being held captive here with an equally strong will, despite being unable to escape.
Miyase: Like those who are too cowardly to break out of these chains…Or those who lie continuously, twisting and turning their words to their advantage on a whim.
Rei: Um…It would be…appreciated it you could speak it in a way so that even I can understand what you’re talking about…
Miyase: Fufu, I’ve spoken too much. I’ll take my leave now since my brother’s still waiting for me.
Rei: Miyase-san—
Miyase: Please keep the conversation we just had a secret.
Rei: (…What’s he talking about?)
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Room ☆⋅⋆
--The next day.
Rei: Pardon m——Ah.
Rei: My apologies. I didn’t know that you were here, Hattori-san.
Hattori: No worries; I’m already done here.
Sugano: --
Hattori: See you then. Be a good boy, alright?
Sugano: …………
Rei: (What’s with the…ill-feeling atmosphere in here?)
Hattori-san made his exit from the room, seemingly unaffected.
Sugano: …Sorry, Rei.
Rei: Huh?
Sugano: I don’t think I’m up for conversation today…Sorry, I just don’t feel it.
Rei: Ah…Don’t worry about it, I understand. Then I’ll be taking my le-
Sugano: Wait.
Rei: --?
Sugano: …No, it’s nothing. Sorry.
Rei: (Sugano-kun…?)
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Private Room ☆⋅⋆
(…Sugano-kun was acting weird.)
Time had passed ever since the conversation we had during the afternoon. Now, night had already fallen, and he didn’t call for me even once.
Rei: (Although, making contact is forbidden at this time of the day to begin with…)
Lost to my thoughts, the buzzer of my room suddenly sparked to life. And when I pressed the remote to open the door—
Imaoji: --Sorry for disturbing you this late at night.
Rei: Imaoji-san? Is something the matter?
Imaoji: Sugano-kun has called for you.
Rei: What? But…
Imaoji: Will you come with me?
Rei: …Alright.
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Room ☆⋅⋆
Sugano: Oh, I was waiting.
Rei: What’s up? It’s pretty late in the night now.
Sugano: We didn’t manage to talk in the afternoon so,
Sugano: --Won’t you come closer to me?
Rei: …Okay.
I stepped forwards, towards him…One step, two steps, and then—
Rei: Wha-!?
I was suddenly wrapped in his embrace.
Sugano: …Go on a date with me if I ever meet you outside.
Rei: Huh--?
Sugano-kun held me in his embrace, smiling up at the surveillance camera in the room.
Sugano: --Tsukasa-san? I’m sure you’re seeing this, aren’t you?
⋆⋅☆ Monitoring Room ☆⋅⋆
Asagiri: --
Arakida: Natsuki…
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Room ☆⋅⋆
He looked up at the surveillance camera and spoke in light tones.
Sugano: I have a reason why I absolutely get out of this place.
Sugano: The official statement released by the great man of this country will be “A subject had held a communicator hostage, seeking his release in exchange.”
Sugano: Now, don’t you think this is perfect?
Rei: (Hostage…!?)
⋆⋅☆ Monitoring Room ☆⋅⋆
Arakida: What should we do—
Asagiri: …………
Arakida: Tsukasa-san.
Asagiri: --It’ll probably be useless, even if we try to stop him.
Asagiri: Mngh—
Asagiri: Disable the locks on his gate.
A blaring siren sounded in response, but the door opened.
Sugano: See you then, Rei.
Rei: Ngh-!
He turned away as soon as he released me; stepping outside, to his freedom.
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Outside ☆⋅⋆
Rei: --Sugano-kun!
Sugano: --Huh? You came running after me?
Rei: Not…Not because I want to stop you, but-
Sugano: --
Rei: There’s just something I want to ask you.
Sugano: …Which is?
Rei: Why do you want to escape this place?
Sugano: --
Rei: Do you feel a strong urge of something within your heart…?
“Humans with the strongest of wills”, Miyase-san had mentioned. I wanted to know if he had something like that within him; that’s why I came after him.
Sugano: In my heart…
Sugano: …There lies a justice, one where I’ll protect those important to me, no matter what I have to do, so that they won’t be hurt.
Rei: Justice…
Sugano: I don’t expect you to understand me.
Sugano: Bye bye; this time for real.
⋆⋅☆ Monitoring Room ☆⋅⋆
Arakida: Won’t Natsuki go down in the mud, alone, if you release him like that?
Asagiri: Even so, there’s no way I could have stopped him. What Natsuki has within him is— Stubborn, unfaltering, self-sacrifice.
Arakida: Ngh…
Asagiri: But, that’s also a form of Justice. Having said that, I don’t intend on letting him go quietly either.
Asagiri: Let’s think of what we can do.
Arakida: …Roger.
And then, Sugano-kun who was surrounded in mystery disappeared. And his destination, was…
⋆⋅☆ Izakaya ☆⋅⋆
Shop Employee: Sorry to keep you waiting, here’s your Fried Oyster Set!
Them: --
Sugano: --Okay, I suppose that’s all for now.
Rei: Aw…I’m so curious about the continuation!
Asagiri: Speaking of the continuation, I don’t understand it at all considering how the mystery is how it is and the hints are too scattered to even piece together.
Rei: What happened to the in-house chef whose brother was being held captive there in the end…?
Sugano: Who knows?
Seki: I wonder what the relationship between the previous chief and the current one…
Asagiri: I can’t help but to think of the supervisor guy who called the main character out during the period of time where contact was prohibited fishy as well.
Rei: Oh, I thought that strange as well.
Seki: I don’t think the motive of why that Research Facility was even created was even clearly stated to begin with…
Sugano: Haha, I told you; I don’t know!
Sugano: It’s an unfinished work written by a criminal, so even I don’t know what’s gonna happen!
Them: …………
Shop Employee: Sorry to keep you waiting, here’s your Ramen Set and Mixed-fry Sets!
Seki: …Thank you.
Shop Employee: Enjoy!
Seki: Well, I suppose we should dig in while it’s still warm.
Asagiri: We should.
⋆⋅☆ Izakaya ☆⋅⋆
Sugano: Thank you for the food~ …Before that, water, water. I’m parched from having talked so much. I poured my half-full glass of water into his.
Sugano: Thanks.
Rei: Not at all. Still, I’m amazed at how you managed to recall everything down to the smallest detail.
Sugano: It was a rather interesting read, unexpectedly. Well, I did dramatize some of the parts I remembered, but I also did think a little about it’s continuation.
Rei: Amazing! How do you see it being…?
Sugano: Before I continue, what do you think will be the continuation of this story, Rei?
Rei: Hmm…I can’t really think of all the complicated details because I’m lacking in the imagination department, but I suppose…
Rei: I suppose a Happy Ending would be great, ahaha~
Sugano: Sounds just like you. What about you, Tsukasa-san? What do you think?
Asagiri: --There was talk about “Justice” throughout the entire story, but I didn’t seem to hear an inkling about the word “Evil” or anything resembling it.
Asagiri: If this story were to be continued, I suppose justice would have won with an overwhelming victory, bringing the story to a close.
Sugano: What a conclusive answer from inference.
Asagiri: Do you have a problem with it?
Sugano: No, I just think that my respect for you has just gone up.
Sugano: How about you, Seki-san?
Seki: Eh…Do I have to answer?
Sugano: Well, you don’t really have to. Although, it’s not really common for us to have the time to talk like this over a meal and all, you know?
Seki: You’ve got a point…
Seki: …It might be hard, but I hope that we can see their hopes for the future; no matter from whichever character’s point of view.
Rei: You have my respect, Seki-san.
Seki: Haha, thanks.
Asagiri: I don’t think all people talk about are delusions and fantasies.
Sugano: Even I do, sometimes!
⋆⋅☆ Izakaya ☆⋅⋆
Sugano: Hmm…In the continuation that I thought of, the guy who escaped from the Research Facility would see his goal of getting out through—
Sugano: And then the people important to him will all live happily ever after! Cheers, banzai~♪
Rei: ……??
Sugano: What’s with that face you’re making?
Rei: I mean, based on what you’ve just said…Whatever happened to “Him” himself?
Sugano: Huh?
Rei: Huh?
Sugano: Oh- I see. Well…I suppose he straight out died off the bat or got caught and was shipped back to the facility or something?
Rei: Ehh…
Asagiri: Why is the ending so sloppily-handled?
Sugano: Is it?
Sugano: I mean, he left the place because he was already prepared for whatever would come after, in order to fulfill the goal he had in mind.
Sugano: Therefore, wouldn’t it be natural to place the least priority on himself?
Asagiri: --I think not.
Seki: Yeah. It’s rather painful and frustrating when a solution is made upon another’s sacrifice.
I felt the same way as Seki-san did.
Rei: (But…)
I feel as if it was pointless even if I tried explaining it to Sugano-kun as he was busy devouring his Fried Oyster Set…
Sugano: Haha, the atmosphere in here has turned all serious all of a sudden. It’s all just fiction, you know?
Sugano: --Mm! The Fried Scallops here are really the best!
Rei: (…One day.)
It would be great if I could come back to this subject one day, and have a serious discussion about it with Sugano-kun… --Strangely enough, when think that it will happen one day, I feel like it will happen for sure, eventually.
───⋅𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝒩𝒟⋅☆
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crackinglamb · 4 years
Fluff-uary Prompt 29 - Bonus Fluff
(DA - Hawke/Varric)
Hawke literally fell out of the Fade.
Solas had told her to focus on what she wanted, and so she had.  She didn't know how long she'd traveled, or how far – was measurable distance even a thing in the Fade? – but she'd finally gotten to a spot where the Veil was thin.  The Old Song swelled in her mind, drowning out everything else.  She pressed her hand and the crossbow bolt she'd never let go of into the place where the Song was loudest, forcing her way through.  For a moment she'd been in freefall, weightless but shifting, and then she'd been on pavement in the dark of night.
She landed on her knees and vomited bile before she was able to look up and see where she was.  It was hard to tell in the gloom.  Tendrils of fog curled around the foundation of buildings and obscured roads and for a moment she froze, her first instinct to think that she was still in the Fade.  She shook her head and looked again; the fog wasn't green. She'd had enough of green fog to last her several lifetimes.  She knew she was in Kirkwall, she could hear the chains in the harbor. She got up and stumbled down alleys and streets, eventually turning a corner that her feet hadn't forgotten even though she still didn't know where she was on a conscious level.  She sank to her knees once more and she laughed, the sound coming out more like sobs.  
The swinging sign of the Hanged Man hadn't changed, although the building had.  It was raining, and she lifted her face to it, letting it wash her clean from however long she'd been stuck there, battling for her life and her wits.  She opened her mouth to the rain, drinking in the sweet simple taste of skyborne water.
The door to the tavern opened.  The sound of her cackling must have drawn the attention of the crowd inside.  She wondered...
“Demon!” Varric snapped, pointing Bianca at her.  She stayed on her knees, looking him over.  He looked awful.  Not so much in how he was dressed – which was far richer than she'd ever seen – but in his face. He looked haggard and exhausted, with deep lines between his brows that hadn't been there before.  He looked older.  
He looked like he'd mourned her for far too long.
“How long has it been?” she asked.  Time and distance might have no meaning inside the Fade, but that didn't translate to how much was passing outside of it.  She knew at least on some level that it had been long enough for Solas to put his plans into motion.  Not that she even knew what they were.  Just that the elf was no longer just an elf. Getting sidetracked, Hawke.  “Varric, how long?”
“Do not call me by my name, demon,” he spat, still holding Bianca aimed at her face.  “You can't fool me, Hawke is dead.”
“No...” she whispered.  She hadn't considered this.  Well, she had, but only briefly before she'd been stuck in another fight for her life with the denizens of the far side before finally getting herself somewhere 'safe'.  “My name is Carmilla Marian Hawke.  I've always hated it because it was too high class and girly,” she went on, almost desperately, seeing him still stare at her in revulsion and fear. She paused for breath, wondering what possible thing she could say that only they two would have known.  “The first thing you said to me was 'how do you do' and you were twirling a bolt on your fingers like a showoff.  You'd stopped a pickpocket for me.  You clocked him. Varric, please...it's me.  It's really me.”
Bianca dipped but didn't fall completely in his hands.  A crowd had gathered around him, standing well clear of his line of fire.  He was still staring at her, but the expression had fallen flat into shock.  He cleared his throat and finally spoke.  “Right hand or left?”
“Right hand or left.  How did I clock him?”
“Milord...?” one of the onlookers asked softly, as if he too couldn't understand why that was important.  
Hawke's eyes widened and she surged to her feet, ignoring the dizziness that had set in once her body realized she wasn't just a figment of her own imagination.  “Maker damn you for a nug wrangler!  When did you start cashing in on that Merchant Prince bullshit?  And it was a left hook, you ambidextrous son of a...dwarf.”
He wasn't looking at her face now.  He was staring at her hand.  She held up the bolt and let him see it, dulled from use, ragged at the ends where she'd constantly carried it.  That wasn't the only thing he was looking at. A tendril of bright blue traced along the length of her middle finger from the tip, spreading out to cover her palm in etched lines and crooked angles.  It looked almost exactly like a vein of raw lyrium, as indeed it was a lyrium mark.  She'd never been a mage, even though the magic ran strong in her family, but through trial and error she had learned she could make things real, a useful tool in the Fade where so much was not.  Her first meeting with Solas had anchored it firmly into the fiber of her being, and now it would never leave her.
The transition from angry to awed in Varric's eyes started slow, so slow she nearly missed it.  Then he was laughing and Bianca slid behind his back into her holster.  And then his hands were on her face, pulling her back to her knees, cradling her cheek as rain washed down on them both. “Hawke?  My Hawke?”
“Varric, tell me, please.  How long has it been?”  She leaned into his touch, never forgotten, no matter how much had happened since the last time his hand caressed her face.
“Five years, Cara.  It's been five years since we left you in the Fade.”
She closed her eyes, feeling the years she'd missed.  No wonder Solas was surprised that she had still been there when she saw him, just...just a while ago.  No wonder she could hear the Song so strongly, when most people didn't hear it at all.  She'd known that lyrium passed between both sides, and stayed close to it when she could in her endless searching for a place the Veil was thin.  She knew it had changed her.  And now it had brought her home, no matter how long it had taken. Just like he said it would.
When she opened her eyes again, she put any thought of the elvhen mage god out of her mind and smiled at her dwarf.  Varric hadn't gone on without her, it seemed.  She lifted a trembling hand and covered his against her cheek.  So much time had passed.  Were they even still the same people as before?  Would her Templar-like abilities scare him away? After everything that had happened to him, he was not likely to be much of a fan.
“My lord Viscount,” another voice said, breaking the perfect silence of the moment.  “Should we not still test her...er...I mean to say...she could still be a demon...”
Varric tossed a scowl over his shoulder and the crowd shrank back from him.  “I know this woman.  She is the Champion of Kirkwall.”  He looked back to her, his eyes twinkling now in the spilled light from the Hanged Man.  “And she's mine.”
He kissed her then, in front of them all and the years and miles shed off her like the rain pouring off her shoulders, inconsequential and irrelevant.  His breath warmed her face and his touch made her feel solid.  She could have stayed there in the rain forever as long as he was kissing her, his presence filling her with the Song, grounding her in what was true.
When he finally drew back, she smirked at him, a flicker of the old Hawke coming through.  “So...Viscount?”
He smirked back and while at first it seemed unfamiliar to his facial muscles, they remembered at last and it looked more natural.  Her trusty dwarf. Storyteller.  Rogue.  Love of her life.  “Yeah.  Shit, you've missed a lot.  Hey, you wanna take a shot at being a Viscountess?”
Something grew in her, something warm and golden that spread through her limbs like fire, like healing.  The Song flared in her head, then fell soft, whispering from the corners.  She realized she knew more than he thought she did, and passed a final thought for Solas...Fen'Harel. She might know more than Varric now.
No time to waste, she thought.  He said for whatever time remained. She stood up, shaking the rain from her eyes.  “Little Tethrases,” she whispered aloud, seeing Varric's faint smile echo her own.  She could make that happen now, couldn't she?  “You're on, Varric.  As soon as you buy me dinner.  And a drink or ten.”
“I can do that.” He took her hand in his.  “What happened to your hair?”
She huffed lightly, the mundane question so beyond funny that she almost didn't know how to reply.  She touched the roughly shorn ends.  Felt like an hour ago.  A year.  A century.  Maybe just a few seconds.  “I cut it off.  It's a long story.”
“Well, we've got time.”  
She followed him into the Hanged Man without answering.  Somewhere out there her friend was hurting, too many of her friends were hurting.  The wolf still counted among the sheep.  But that was for later.  Now was for them.
(Notes on this ending can be read on the ao3 posting here)
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katasstrophey · 6 years
The Waters
As part of @brianabreeze 4k FanFic Fest here’s a little something I cooked up.
Part 1 of 1: The Waters
Pairing: T’Challa x OC
Length: 2.3k + words
Prompt: “You thought this was real?”
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T’Challa Udaku’s soul was nothing short of flawless.
The very first second he shifted in his mother’s womb, it seemed Ramonda radiated all things good and all things pure.
The very first moment the boy took his first steps, it seemed as though there had been a shift in the collective consciousness of the Wakandan people. A feeling that maybe, just maybe, this child could bring to their country a glory that only resided in their deepest and lightest dreams.
T’Challa Udaku’s soul was nothing short of beautiful.
No blemish could be found within him as the young boy exuded love only to receive it ten-fold. He was well-intentioned, patient, empathetic and most importantly, he was kind.
Therefore, it took its time, creeping onto him quietly, unnoticed by all around him and all things within him until he found himself falling into unforgiving waters. It pulled him into the deep leaving him there with no mercy and holding onto him with such fierce passion that he let go before even bothering to fight it.
When a dora milaje finally pulled his soaked body out of the palace natatorium, it had already wrapped itself around his soul, finally content to have found some form of respite within something as pure as he.
No one heard my cries. I couldn’t breathe.
T’Challa was afraid of water.
Such statement lacked some subjective accuracy.
T’Challa had been afraid of water.
The incident no one seemed to mention had left him crippled with an irrational fear of water, a phobia of the very thing that enabled his body to be his.
“You were her chosen one. Bast fell in love with you as she formed you in the plane where all begins and nothing ends. And so she filled you with her might, her tenderness and with her wisdom, forgetting to give you the one thing that makes us all human, our flaws.
It was her that embraced you in the deep of the water. Bast herself came to grant you this fear so that as you overcome it, you would become the man we all wish you to be.
For without trials and tribulations, is there really such a fleeting thing as happiness?”
The words his mother had whispered to him, what seemed to be ions ago, came back to him just then as he eyes met hers.
Those words always came back to him when the fear he had learned to subdue in his youth crept back into him, heart racing and breath hitching in the midst of the one thing that would revel in both giving and taking away life. However, T’Challa was obliged to admit that this was different.
He might have been drowning, yes.
His heart might have been pounding furiously against his chest, yes.
His breath might have been a commodity he could no longer afford, yes.
But this time, he found himself diving willingly and anticipating feverishly the immersion that would soon follow.
The fear found itself benign as T’Challa’s lips met the hand of the woman who they called Zaryah and in doing so threw himself once more in unforgiving waters, forevermore.
                                                                                          T’Challa awoke with a gasp.
T’Challa’s raspy and sleep ridden voice managed to make Zaryah jump at the seat of her boudoir, unaware that her love had finally come about.
The woman in question slightly shifted her body to face T’Challa, the small smile she sported on her face being one of the few thing illuminating their dim lit chamber.
“Hi,” Zaryah whispered.
A two letter word, as simple as this one and yet the lips they came from made T’Challa’s heart clench painfully. It took him a second to respond for it took him a second to mull over the fact that she looked at him.
She honestly and unabashedly looked at and to him and had done so for a little more than half a decade.  Even after all these years and even in her loose silk nightgown and matching silk bonnet she radiated beauty that could only be found in his eyes.
“Hi,” his smile couldn’t help but match hers as he lifted himself up on their bed, “what time is it?”
“It’s too early for any of us to be up.”
Bringing his wrist up to his face, T’Challa’s kimoyo bead projection confirmed his wife’s statement. Looking back towards Zaryah, he opened his mouth to ask the question swirling through his mind, but she beat him to it.
“The little one seems to be comfortable laying on my bladder,” Zaryah stated, pushing herself up from her seat and dragging herself back to the still warm yet empty space beside him.
There was a moment of silence.
A silence that the pair had learned to fill with all their unspoken truths, a silence that, with time, they had learned to decipher as clearly as a mother hearing her child’s first cries.
“You’re worried.”
“You’re doing the thing again,” T’Challa moaned quietly.
Other’s might’ve been sceptical and quick to deny it, but the king of Wakanda steadfastly believed that his queen had the ability to read his mind.
“I am not!” The pair stared at each other defiantly only to have a smile threaten to escape from both their lips.
Zaryah let out a small sigh as she caressed her small, but ever-growing womb, “you know I’m always doing the thing. I can’t help it.”
“And you know I’m always worried,” T’Challa retorted pointedly.
“Yes, but you can help it.”
T’Challa pulled Zaryah closer and breathed her in, “I know. You’re right.”
“I’m always right.” Zaryah corrected, finally content.
The small sound T’Challa let out in response to such a statement made the woman on his side send a gentle smack his way, an action that caused T’Challa to groan sarcastically in pain.
“I want a snack. Let us get ourselves a snack.”
“I have a snack right here.”
“You try that again and I’ll have the chef making you eat boiled cabbage all week.”
T’Challa’s eyes widened knowing how the chef had taking quite a liking to Zaryah since she had walked through the palace doors and therefore he knew better to tease her any more.  
“Come, forget about your worries while we gorge on some ice cream”
“You mean the pounds of cookie dough you had freeze a few days ago?”
“You keep on saying words and yet I cannot seem to find any particular point in your statements”
T’Challa’s smile broadened.
Zaryah pulled him up and out of the bed without much difficulty, dragging him into the hallway with much excitement, unbeknownst that the man dragging his feet behind her would follow her to the ends of the world and onwards, his eyes forever locked on her.  
“Zaryah. Zaryah wait,” T’Challa exclaimed all of a sudden.
Stopping in her tracks, the woman turned towards her imploring husband, “what is the matter?”
He struggled to find the words, not knowing if words would ever be enough to express what he was to say. Sighing at his obvious inner dilemma, Zaryah stepped forwards until she could reach out and smoothen the frown lines that had made their way on her husband’s face once more.
T’Challa let her do just that, finding comfort in that proximity and taking courage in that very thing.
“Thank you,” he finally uttered.
“For what, my love?”
“For choosing me. For being so beautiful and so kind. For choosing me to be the father of your child and standing by my side. I couldn’t do this with anyone else, I swear to Bast I would be lost without you.”
Zaryah’s eyes widened at T’Challa’s declaration mouth agape for she knew not if she deserved such love, such admiration or such consideration.
“You are such a good man, T’Challa Udaku. Never forget that.”
He was sitting with her before him, looking at her eating her ice cream while he munched on his own. There was silence as the two snacked on, but T’Challa couldn’t help be notice that something was amiss.
He felt it in the way the air he breathed in tingled in his chest, how the light seemed to avert its shine on Zaryah and most importantly how her eyes seemed to be glued on her bowl of frozen delight.
“Do you remember our vows? The one’s we made what seems like ions ago?
T’Challa’s eyes had not left Zaryah’s now sunken frame, “of course, as though it had been yesterday.”
“I remember, there were talks of happiness, love everlasting and forgiveness.”
Her words were whispered and yet to him could be heard as clear as day.
“I would wish for that same forgiveness today.”
The ice cream that laid before the pair was now long forgotten as each word escaping from Zaryah’s dry lips hung over the two.
“Loving you has been the easiest thing I’ve ever had to do and at the same time it has been the hardest. You with your twits and your turns, your ups and your downs, I’ve learned to know all about you; know what makes your heart soar and what would send that heart to the ground. What I am to say next will do the latter.”
T’Challa fought to get out of his seat and reach out for his wife. The anguish upon her face enough to tear him apart. He willed himself to assure her that whatever that had been done, he would forgive her for it all and what was left after that too, but he remained stuck.
“I have deceived you, T’Challa.”
Dread. It washed over him as cold waves would crash upon a helpless shore. T’Challa could no longer move, her waves having rendered him shaken to the very core, frozen before the likes of her.
“We’ve been through this many times before and yet you still continue to fall for my tricks,” she continued.
Words gathered in T’Challa’s throat and yet refused to come out, robbing him of his precious breath.
“Look at me, husband,” Zaryah drawled, marching towards him, a small pout on her face.
T’Challa wanted to scoff at her right then, looking at her was the only thing he could do. Forevermore his eyes would always be drawn to her.
“Really look at me, you fool,” taunted Zaryah, “stop gazing through the lens of your heart and look at me T’Challa!”
“Zaryah,” he managed to croak out, “what is this?”
T’Challa was falling. He was tumbling down a dark whole that stretched on and on and on until the feeling of falling and he made one.
“You thought this was real?”
His eyes widened in horror as Zaryah’s voice echoed in his head, the realization hitting him like a thousand bricks.
“This is not real; I am not her. I will never be her and you will never be with her. You are stuck with me repeating this cycle again and again and again, left to suffocated on the pieces of your own broken soul.”
Zaryah was now on her feet.
Automatically T’Challa followed, the tightening in his chest become more unbearable as each step he took robbed him of his free and conscious will.
“Thanos planned something special for you and your Avenger friends,” the woman stated as she marched on, not even bothering to turn towards the man dragging himself behind her.  
“Do no fight it, my love,” Zaryah pointed out feeling T’Challa trying to break free from her mental hold, “you’ve tried countless times and failed, my love.”
“You are not my wife.”
Glass. Each word uttered felt like glass cutting at his tongue, his mouth filling with blood as the confusion dissipated, only to leave realization in its place,
The woman erupted in laughter, a sound that chilled T’Challa to his bones, “Is that a question or an affirmation, you fool?”
As he could not help but follow aimlessly, T’Challa’s jaw clenched. He swore he would bring ruin to the fiend before him, if ever her was given the opportunity, tear her limb from limb until she was no more.
“Why suffer through eternal nothingness when one could suffer through eternal torment?”
They had reached their chambers. T’Challa could see the light of dawn slowly rising as it gave him the impression that there could still be some hope found for him.  
“Come and let me put you to bed husband,” the woman’s tone oozed of honey and yet smelled nonetheless of death.
She took her time tucking him in, taking pleasure in knowing that each spot her hands touched pained T’Challa greatly.
The woman continued to hover above him, her cool hands caressing the tears that made their way to his cheeks as a Cheshire smile stretched hers.
“What have you done to her? To my child?”
T’Challa’s mouth was once more filled with blood. He fought not to choke on it.
“She cries upon your ashes and will forget about you soon enough. Your child will grow up calling another man father and you shall never lay your eyes on him.”
T’Challa was cold.
“Anyways, enough from you. Close your eyes and breath in, my love.”
Now drown.
Don’t worry, my love, I will hold you down.
T’Challa awoke with a gasp.
T’Challa’s raspy and sleep ridden voice managed to make Zaryah jump at the seat of her boudoir, unaware that her love had finally come about.
The woman in question slightly shifted her body to face T’Challa, the small smile she sported on her face being one of the few thing illuminating their dim lit chamber.
“Hello, my love” Zaryah whispered.
Such a phrase as simple as this one and yet the lips they came from made T’Challa’s heart clench painfully. It took him a second to respond for it took him a second to mull over the fact that she looked at him.
She honestly and unabashedly looked at and to him and had done so for a little more than half a decade.  Even after all these years and even in her loose silk nightgown and matching silk bonnet she radiated beauty that could only be found in his eyes.
However, in reveling in the fact that she looked at him, T’Challa disregarded the tightness in his chest, the small smirk on his wife’s face going unnoticed as well.
T’was love forevermore. 
Tag list: @lesqui @elaindeereads @myrikal324 @muse-of-mbaku @drsunshine97 @mslaufeyson @theunsweetenedtruth 
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whispersafterdusk · 5 years
In Your Hands - ch 8
There weren't words to describe how wonderful it felt to feel the wind on his face again.
The last three weeks were something of a blur; they'd finally found the Blackreach and had traveled through it's strange beauty until they'd stumbled upon a dwemer home where some long-forgotten scholar had stayed.  Among the abandoned belongings they'd found a journal with maps that not only detailed the ruins they'd just traveled through but also had a map of Blackreach and the places beyond it as well.
They'd stayed there a night to allow Serana to feed again and Ralsten to recover from it, then had set out with considerably better moods now that they had a clear idea of where to go and what was ahead of them.
They'd eventually ended up in a large, circular room that had a massive metal orb in it with glass (emerald?) lenses set into sliding rings that moved around the orb, and curved metal arms tipped with identical lenses hanging from a circular support on the ceiling; surrounding it were desks and chairs with crumbling writings that had long since become impossible to read.  The ceiling itself was lined with hexagonal and diamond-shaped sections of polished sapphire, or perhaps lapis lazuli, and the center most tile was -- they weren't sure if it was an open space that reached clear to the surface or some other sort of dwemer light source, but it shined a bright white that was too harsh to look at for long.
On a little platform overlooking the orb and the desks was a series of...Ralsten hadn't really had a name for them.  They were a cluster of five rounded pedestals that had buttons set into their tops, next to one that stood apart that had a opening on top that could only have been for the lexicon they carried; they were odd in that they were colored as and looked like all the metal they'd seen up to this point, but when Ralsten touched one they felt rough, like stone -- it seemed time hadn't been kind to these and they were pockmarked and dusty. When Serana had slipped the lexicon into place two buttons had whirred and flipped over to reveal their tops were set with brilliantly blue stones that were somehow warm to the touch.
Ralsten had pushed the one nearest him and the giant orb had groaned to life, shifting in place as the rings spun.  Pressing it again had made the other two buttons flip up too, leaving them staring at four buttons and no clear idea on what they did or what they were supposed to do.
"We need to try and line them up," Serana had suggested soon after, leafing through the scholar's journal.  "I think that's what this man was trying to do, but we have a lexicon and he did not."
Through a lot of lengthy, embarrassing trial and error they had pressed the buttons until finally the lenses above lined up with those below and correctly redirected the bright beams of light.  The circular part attached to the ceiling swung a huge, roughly diamond-shaped green glass object down to the center of the orb as all the other parts aligned to form a path to walk up to it.
As they approached the glass diamond opened and balancing within it on hooks was the Elder Scroll; Ralsten had reverently taken it from the hooks and turned to grin back at Serana, then noticed that a door panel in the stone behind her - a part of the wall underneath where the button pedestals were - had slid open.  Beyond it was a short hallway to a room with just a lever and exposed cogs, as well as a ribbed metal indentation in the walls that the cogs fit into.  The lever made the cogs lurch to life and the platform had steadily (and slowly) carried them out of the ruins and out into the biting cold of Skyrim.
There was an abandoned campsite just outside of the tower they stepped from - a pair of tents, a fire pit mostly buried in snow, and some chairs at a table were visible, and there were a few telling piles of snow that suggested where the persons who'd set up these things had disappeared to.
"Any idea where we are?" Serana asked.
Ralsten very carefully climbed up a rocky outcrop and peered at the landscape around them.  "-no, not really.  But I think I see a path that way.  We'll probably find a road if we follow it, and if we find a road then we'll find signs pointing us to the nearest town eventually."  He turned around and slid down the outcrop on his backside.  "It's already getting dark though."
"We can go looking for it in the morning.  I'd rather not be stumbling around in the dark looking for a path we might miss."
There was a sack of potatoes and some leeks they found frozen in a chest inside the largest tent; Ralsten cleared away the snow from the fire pit and, though it was a real pain to get the wood to catch fire, set about roasting the potatoes and leeks together inside the iron pot that hung above the pit.
"Seems like forever since I've had warm food," he chuckled.
"Or an open sky and a fire.  I never thought I'd enjoy the smell of burning wood, but after those ruins..."
Ralsten nodded and blew out a long sigh.  "At least now you've seen exactly why I don't like dwemer places."
She smiled teasingly at him.  "And also why you managed to get lost in them."
The next morning came quickly; Ralsten sipped a cup of plain hot water to get some warmth back into him before they set out as Serana sat nearby on one of the abandoned bed rolls in the tent.
"That's one," he said into the silence.  "Now we just need the one your mother either has, or knows of."
She nodded.  "Wherever she is.  I can't imagine a single place my father would avoid looking...and he's had all this time too.  If he hasn't found her, I don't know how we will."
Nodding slowly, he combed a hand through his hair and beard, smoothing it all back into place before moving to start strapping his armor back on.  "Somewhere he'd never look...  If she's not sealed away, would she have gone to hide with someone?"
"Like who?"
"Would she have gone to the Dawnguard, like you did?"
Serana laughed.  "I doubt she would waste her time with those fools. They probably would have tried to kill her, and that has a way of souring relationships.  Any other ideas?"
Ralsten shook his head and continued to buckle and tighten down his armor.
When he later went to shove the tent flap open he paused, then turned back to Serana.  "What about...what about in the castle?"
"The castle.  Your home.  'Someplace he would never search.'  That castle is a big place -- are there any places in it that she could be hiding without being noticed?  Your father wouldn't likely think to search his own stronghold, if he's looking for someone who fled."
"Wait...that almost makes sense!" Serana replied after a moment, looking excited.  "I used to help my mother tend a garden in the courtyard.  All of the ingredients for our potions came from there...she used to say my father couldn't stand the place.  It was too...peaceful."
Ralsten stepped out into the snow and crunched along for a few steps.  "It does ring with a certain sense...but then, isn't that risky?  Would she actually do something like that?"
"Oh, absolutely.  My mother's not a coward."  She moved out behind him, tugging her hood into place; the handle of the Scroll stuck up over her shoulder and glinted softly in the early morning sun.  "I don't think we'll actually trip over her there, but it's worth a look.  She may have left some clue as to where she's gone."
"I'm willing to try, but...your father isn't going to let us use the front door, I don't think."
"True.  But I know a way we can get to the courtyard without arousing suspicion."  At his skeptical look she smiled.  "Trust me.  I lived there for a very long time and I know every nook and cranny."
"What's your plan, then?"
"There's an unused inlet on the northern side of the island that was used by the previous owners to bring supplies into the castle.  An old escape tunnel from the castle exits there.  I think that's our way in."
"It's as good a plan as any."  He started to trot through the snow, heading toward the the hill that he thought led down to the path he'd spied the previous evening.  "We'll need to stop somewhere and resupply and ah...probably should go secure that Scroll somewhere."
"Where would you suggest?"
"Well, depending on which we're closer to, either to the fort or back to Solitude.  I've places enough to hide that thing, and if we "sneak" in at night the only ones that should see us would be the guards."
"The castle looks so big from down here.  I mean, it is big, but well...even bigger."
"Did you spend a lot of time down here?"
Ralsten carefully edged the boat up to the rocky shoreline and used an oar to shove them up onto the sand; they'd decided to come in in broad daylight - a time where the castle's inhabitants would be asleep - and he was thankful for that as he wasn’t sure he would have been able to see any sort of clear area to land otherwise.
Serana waited until she'd gotten out of the boat to reply.  "I like to explore.  My parents almost never let me off the island, so yeah, I poked around down here a lot.  It was pretty quiet back then...guess a little girl was enough to scare off the rats."
"That sounds pretty lonely."
She didn't respond immediately.  "It was.  But I got used to it."
"You were lonely a lot, weren't you?"
"Growing up the way I did, you got used to it."
He glanced back at her.  "Do you still feel that way?"
She stared up at the imposing castle, then met his gaze again.  "A little bit.  That's...one of the reasons I wanted to come with you.   ...what about you?"
"What about me?"
They began to trudge in closer to the cliff walls, moving as carefully and quietly as they could over the slick rocks and sludgy sand.
"Do you get lonely?  Are there...many people in your life you're close to?"
Ralsten chuckled.  "There's my daughter...I try to treat her as best as I can, even though I'm not home much.  As for close friends -- it's something complicated.  There's a lot of people in Solitude and elsewhere that know my name and face, and are friendly enough.  But they're just...people I know.  Acquaintances.  I know nothing of them and they know nothing of me beyond my being a merchant who happens to explore more than he probably should."  He looked over his shoulder at her, then turned forward again to hop over a deep puddle between two rocks.  "Strangely enough, even though I've known you for less time than anyone else, I'd say you know more of me than anyone.  And, for what it's worth, it's been rather pleasant to have someone at my side and watching my back while adventuring.  I'm - well, I'm glad you're with me."
The look she gave him was one of surprise that tinged with embarrassment, but she smiled as she cleared the same puddle.  "Me too. Anyway...this is all very touching, but we have some more important things to worry about right now."
Ralsten laughed and turned his attention back to navigating the rocks and leading the way around to the inlet she'd described; a very tiny stone dock had been built into the island here and there was a sunken ship blocking the way in by water.  They stepped from sand onto stone and rounded the corner only to hear a growl and a creaking noise.
The docks appeared to be three tiers tall and standing at the railing at the very top was a skeleton clad in a ragged cape and hood, and was pulling back the string on its bow as the arrow's tip tracked toward them.
"Of course," Ralsten growled, drawing his maces and rushing forward.
The skeleton's attention followed him, the arrow drawn and ready to fire; Serana hit it with an ice spike and shattered one of its arms off, sending the shot wide as the hand holding the arrow fell away.
There were more rattling noises and suddenly skeletons were emerging from behind broken crates and out of what he assumed had to be some kind of gatehouse he hadn't noticed before - a waterfall roared off its top but from the little stone room beneath it came three skeletons armed with swords.
He charged into that group and managed to bash one in the skull with his buckler, sending it careening into the water and sinking from view. The other two split and attempted to flank him; as the elf parried one the other clanged its sword against his armor -- it left Ralsten shaking from the force and he could see where the sword hit by the little indent left in the steel.
Behind him he heard the familiar sounds of Serana's spellcasting and as he battled the two skeletons before him from above came a shower of broken bone and shattering ice.  He blocked another overhead swing from the skeleton to his left with a mace and then slapped the haft of his other mace over the blade, twisting and ripping it out of the skeleton's hands and sending it clattering across the stone. He was peppered with bone fragments as Serana blasted another shard of ice through that one's rib cage, sending the entire construct crumpling to the ground in a disconnected heap.
An arrow fired from above him then and got caught in the fur lining around the neck of his breastplate; Ralsten hissed in surprise at the precise shot and knew he'd be dead if not for the armor he wore.  He suddenly charged forward again, tackling the remaining skeleton and driving it backward and into the relative cover of what he'd thought was a gatehouse but found was just a covered area that permitted you to walk from one side of the dock to the other without getting soaked by the waterfall.
He skidded to a halt and began to wrestle with it, each trying to grapple the other.  After several fruitless minutes of trying to get a hand hold Ralsten finally slammed his body up against the other, over and over again, forcing it into the wall until enough pieces broke off that the magic animating the bones dissipated and the skeleton fell lifeless to the ground.
Outside, just barely audible over the waterfall, he could hear Serana casting; the sharp sounds of the ice firing off was interspersed with the noise of lightning being thrown -- there still had to be skeletons somewhere above them.
He'd not seen any stairs on the side of the docks they'd entered from; inside this covered area was a set of steps that led upward but they were blocked by a small cave in.  The wood elf hurried through the other doorway and saw a set of stairs ahead of him that went up to the second tier and he assumed would somehow get him up to the third as well.  He ran up the stairs and almost collided with another skeleton - this one clad in ancient Nord armor and with a sword and shield in hand - as it stepped from the wreckage of the coffin it had burst out of.
Ralsten swung both maces in an overhead arc and the skeleton caught them on its shield, stabbing at him from underneath the shield's edge.   The elf rotated his hips and dodged, dancing to the side and bringing the mace in his left hand over horizontally at the skeleton's shield arm, his right arm up and ready to catch any follow up swing on the haft of his mace.
The skeleton lowered the shield just enough to deflect the mace but stepped to the side quickly afterward; Ralsten and the skeleton circled one another briefly before the skeleton closed in while bringing his shield's edge down to crack against Ralsten's arm as the man tried to slam the head of his mace into the skeleton's hip, then it slammed the pommel of its sword into Ralsten's helm, right in the forehead.
The blow staggered him some and put him just off balance enough that the skeleton's next shield bash knocked him to a knee.  He managed to get both maces up into a crossed position to catch the sword between them before it could smack him in the helm again; shoving upward Ralsten got enough space between him and the skeleton to get back to his feet and jump back to avoid the sword as it jabbed forward, then threw his hips back as the jab turned into a slice at his stomach.  He wasn't especially worried about the sword actually hitting him as he knew there wasn't a remote chance that it could get through the steel, but the fewer bruises he ended up with the better.
He heard footsteps pounding up the stairs as he parried another two thrusts and knocked the shield aside with his buckler; with a loud crack the skeleton's shield arm shattered and an ice shard skimmed off Ralsten's upper arm as it blasted through the skeleton and kept going.
The loss of the arm did little to deter the skeleton but it did leave it with a gaping hole in its defense; Ralsten took advantage of its inability to defend its right side and pirouetted to bring both maces around to slam into the hip and ribs, taking a final blow to the shoulders from the sword before the skeleton's top separated from its bottom as the spine snapped in half and the animating spell broke.
Panting, Ralsten looked over to see Serana standing halfway up the stairs.  "Is that all of them?"
"I think so."
He could feel sweat running off his scalp and down his neck, already beginning to chill.  "Let's get inside and get to your mother's garden as quickly as possible.  If your father had these things out here to protect this entrance then it means he hasn't forgotten about it."
Serana nodded in agreement and led the way up the stairs to the third tier, which was a narrow balcony with a single door that led into the castle.  She seemed worried that the door wasn't locked but slipped inside with Ralsten close behind.
The castle seemed to be less maintained here, and the halls were full of skeevers, the death hounds, and more skeletons and gargoyles.  The further they went the more nervous Ralsten grew -- if all these creatures were down here (well...not the skeevers, those things could feasibly be anywhere) that definitely meant this wasn't a forgotten place and was knowingly guarded.
They moved as quickly as they could, destroying each thing that leapt out of the shadows at them, until finally they worked, shoulder to shoulder, to shove open an old, rusted, incredibly tall door that spilled them outside into a courtyard.
The place was overgrown and blooming in some places and in others it was choked with dead plants; there were a few patios to either side but the chairs, tables, and even some of the heavy planters had been shattered and tossed aside.  There was a small pond nestled between one patio and the courtyard's wall ahead of them, and in the middle of the garden was an enormous sundial -- it was corroded and filthy.  Ralsten could imagine that this place had once been lush and beautiful, but now...
"Oh no," Serana said quietly.  "What happened to this place? Everything's been torn down... the whole place looks...dead. It's like we're the first to set foot here in centuries."  She looked toward one of the other doors.  "This used to lead into the castle's great hall...it looks like my father had it sealed up. I used to walk through here after evening meals. It was beautiful, once. This was my mother's garden. It... do you know how beautiful something can be when it's tended by a master for hundreds of years? She would have hated to see it like this."  She walked forward, moving up to the sundial and placing a hand gently to it. "Wait... Something's wrong with-"
"Look who has come home at last."
Both she and Ralsten froze as the deep voice echoed through the courtyard; Lord Harkon faded into view, looking down his nose at them from where he stood atop the upper level of one of the patios.
"Father..." Serana whispered.
He began to slowly stalk down the stairs, his boots loud upon the stone.  "And I see you have the mortal with you that I specifically remember banishing."
Ralsten twitched, intending to slowly move his hand down to rest on the handle of a mace on his belt; Harkon seemed to vanish in the span of a blink and suddenly reappeared in front of the elf, hitting him with an open handed slap that lifted him from his feet and sent him crashing to the ground several feet away.
"Father!" Serana shouted.  She moved as though she was rushing to Ralsten's side, only to be restrained by two others appearing just as suddenly as Harkon had -- a brown haired, bearded Nord man stood to her right, a white haired and wiry Altmer to her left, both seizing an arm and holding her in place.
"Stop!  Father!"
Ralsten rolled to his feet, his head ringing from the blow.  Harkon was already on top of him, a blade flashing in the light as it swung in and angled for what gap there might be between helm and shoulder; the elf threw himself into a roll but Harkon kept right on top of him.  He caught the tip of the sword on his buckler and aimed a kick at the man's legs; the vampire skillfully dodged the kick and took a few steps back, then to Ralsten's horror his form shifted and grew -- grew taller, grew stronger, grew wings, fangs, and claws.
Before he could get to his feet Harkon was atop him again; he first ripped Ralsten's helmet off and tossed it aside then grabbed the collar of his armor in a two handed grip and lifted the elf like he weighed nothing, throwing him toward the pond where Ralsten landed on his back against a rock jutting from the water -- the impact blasted the air from his lungs and left him stunned, unable to fend off the vampire lord as he stood over him again and seized him by the throat with one hand, the other digging fingers down underneath the collar of the armor.
Ralsten clamped his hands around the lord's arm, struggling to pry his fingers from around his throat; with a strength he feared for a moment would snap his neck Harkon ripped the breastplate free and tossed it away.
"Did you really believe you could sneak into my home unnoticed, mortal?" Harkon hissed, his voice more guttural now with his altered form.  His attention moved to where Serana still struggled against the two that restrained her.  "And you...my own daughter, running about with unshackled cattle."
"Let him go," she bit out, trying to tear her arms free.  The two vampires held firm.
Harkon stalked toward her, dragging Ralsten with a grip still around his neck; the wood elf choked and gasped, still desperately trying to free himself as he was strangled.
"Let him go?" Harkon repeated incredulously.  "My dearest daughter, whatever makes you think I would let vermin run free about our home?"   He loosened his grasp just enough to let Ralsten suck in a breath before tightening his fingers again.  "And, please enlighten me - for what reason would you have to be in the company of this rat?"
"Let him go, father.  He's -- he's been my travel companion.  I left to explore."  She sounded as desperate as Ralsten felt.  "He's done nothing wrong."
"Wrong?  There is no right or wrong with prey, my dear."
Harkon swung Ralsten forward, releasing his throat and knotting his other hand into the elf's hair as he kicked his feet out from under him, forcing him to kneel facing her.
"What were you doing here?" he growled.
Serana looked...stricken.  Scared.  "I-"
Ralsten winced as Harkon tightened his grip in his hair but continued to suck in raspy breaths.
"-I miss mother," Serana said finally.  "This is the only place left of her, and..."  She trailed off, looking pleadingly up at Harkon.   "Just let him go."
"I spared him once.  I do not intend to do so again."
"Father, please..."
Harkon went silent, studying her.  Something softened in his expression, and he shifted forms back into his humanoid one (his grip on Ralsten did not falter, but now the elf was forced to lean backward slightly as Harkon shrunk in height).  "...you always were one for keeping pets.  If you want so very much to keep this...thing...in your company, he will be properly collared, or else he'll adorn the tables tonight."
Serana's expression hardened.  "No.  You will not kill him.  You can't."
Harkon pulled back on Ralsten's hair, bending him even further and forcing him to stare up at the lord while also baring his neck quite openly to him; Ralsten reached up to grab his arm and found it just as unyielding as before.
"I can and I certainly will..." Harkon mused, but his attention stayed on Serana.  "But, I am not so cruel as to deny my daughter a source of amusement, if that's what she truly desires.  If you wish to keep your little pet, you will do it properly.  Or else he is prey as any other."
At last the two vampires holding Serana let go but gave her a shove; she stumbled, then stood defiantly tall before her father.
Ralsten stared up at her; there was fear in his eyes and he had his jaw clenched.
"Well?" Harkon prompted.  He pushed forward, lifting Ralsten up from his knees slightly; Ralsten winced at the movement.
Serana stared her father down, then lowered her gaze to her feet.  "Fine.  If you won't listen..."
"I will not have an unfettered mortal running about where he does not belong."
Serana nodded absently, jaw clenched.  For several tense moments no one moved, then Serana stepped forward to lay her hands on Ralsten's shoulders.
The fear in his eyes changed to a resignation...an understanding.  He dropped his arms to his sides and met her gaze evenly.
When the spell hit him she watched as everything faded from his eyes; they glazed over and all tension drained from him - Harkon released his hold and Ralsten swayed gently in Serana's grasp.
She leaned forward; as she'd done before she hovered over his neck, stomach twisting at what she was about to do.  She'd fed from thralls before but this...this was -- this was different.  This was Ralsten -- her rescuer, her guardian, her...her friend.  And she'd led him back to this terrible place, and now...
She bit down and his blood spurted into her mouth; before when she'd fed she'd found it thick and sweet but this time it was as distasteful to her as the Falmer had been.
The moment she bit - the spell completed by the action - she felt a tingle in her mind.  She knew, without really knowing or understanding how, that Ralsten was now firmly under her control -- any demands or orders she gave him he would carry out without hesitation.  The thought was sickening, and guilt and shame flooded her.
Harkon let out a satisfied grunt and turned, gesturing to the two men that had appeared with him.  "I will permit you to keep this pathetic thing -- none will touch him."  The two others walked silently to the door and exited first; Harkon paused in the doorway, turning back to Serana.
"And do not think I haven't noticed the missing Scroll, daughter," he growled, tone dangerous.  "You had best think of that while your pet keeps you company."
He swept out the door then, closing it with a barely noticeable click.
Serana waited until he'd left, then pressed her hands to either side of Ralsten's face; there was only recognition of his master in his eyes, nothing else...no sign of "him."
With a shaky exhale she pressed her forehead to his and closed her eyes.
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redscullyrevival · 6 years
Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
I’m preserving here all my liveblogging and commentary from twitter because this is the better space for keeping track of my self discussion. Yeah, no one cares, ANYWAYS
Gundam IBO Episodes 1-3
Gundam IBO: *puts main characters in a flashback in the first episode* Me: 
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Ah yes, the political girl who understands nothing of the hard man life. Good old Gundam.     
I love Biscuit.
So far I'm a big fan of this shows policy on showing angry boys teeth.
Orga's hair is genius. No hats for dramatic flare, just that pointy bang. So good.
Millennial vs Boomer vibes, haha, love it.
Oh GOD Biscuit has sisters named Cookie and Cracker I am so happy.
I giggle every time I hear "Lieutenant Crank" because I am a idiot.
Did the Gundam nerds whine about Barbatos' tiny waist? Seems like a hill some would die on.
Surprisingly fine with Atra's crush on Mikazuki. It's cute! Not played weird or funky, so far. They seem like they'd get along really well actually - similar temperaments and background and all that.
Oh shit these kids are about to do a bad ain't they? Go get 'em.
I'd keep the accountant too - I don't wanna do any fuckin' math either.
Hate Beer-gut-Hitler-stache, when does some kid kill him? Soon hopefully.
His full name iS CRANK  Z E N T  
Political girl admires strong tiny boy for being coerced into dangerous life choices and options. Good old Gundam!
Mika isn't a victim so it's fine. This is fine. He is fine. They're all fine. Everything is fine. It's fine.
These poor babies. They're not gonna be okay. 
This is gonna be a big old thing ain't it? I've seen enough Gundam to know this one is going to hurt and in all the ways other Gundam titles try to tragic but fail. I can see that from way out here in the boondocks.
Mikazuki is incredibly concerning and he and Orga are gonna probably tear each other a part. That's the shit thing about existing in a constant mode of survival. They don't have time for inner reflection and they don't know how do even do that. These babies are already slipping.
Which gives the less-than-palatable title a lot of weight. "Iron-Blooded Orphans" sounds cool I guess but mostly it's sad. What a sad thing to see from an outside perspective. It's strength for them, it's pride, I get that, but I don't think as the viewer I am meant to buy in. Or shit, lol, maybe I am but I'm just a reserved asshole. I like to think I'll be hurt less later if I point out I can see the plot trembles now but we all know that's not true.
Very interested to see what Kudelia grows to do in all this. She'll remain political and maybe teach the Orphans about talking about their feelings - I dunno. She'll do something, obviously, I just have no clear idea /what/ so far. Which is fair, only episode three.
The handsome kid with the earrings (don't remember his name, too scared to search it) is definitely bisexual though. That's facts. Sorry.
Looks like this series will forgo the expectation of some pilot screaming about peace while blowing absolutely everything up. Ending of the third episode is a bit on the nose with the thematic line IBO is choosing to walk but I dug it.
Lots to look forward to! Lots will change! I adore the cast which of course makes me very fearful lol. They're hardened kids, they're stuck in survival mode, I can connect with that. What's interesting is their bonds and comfort with each other.
It's safe to assume they're gonna see some wild shit but they will have each other (until they don't) and whose a sucker for found-family feelings? THIS BITCH. 
Gundam IBO episodes 4-7    
McGillis Fareed is a creep, you heard it here first folks. 
This guy is gonna have some wild backstory. He is the unmasked Char dude so. His hair bang is out to rival Orga's. 
I love Akihiro is literally the guy from Beserk. He is pulling an AU role. Good for him.
The children are out here trying to change space future. I love them.
Ohhhh. She is here to teach the lost boys to READ.
Yeah, Orga and Mika's relationship keeps them alive but it can't last. They're gonna get hurt my babies are gonna ndndndnnsn
It's a judging love, a push and shove ya know? They're great protagonists, very compelling. Their relationship is bueatiful in it's own way but a honest writer knows they can't maintain that status quo if the characters are to grow. Especially into adulthood.
Hello cute pigtailed woman doing her nails in space! How can this one show keep treating me so well? Haha! 
 *famous last words, probably*
Okay there is some background mechanic guy and I haven't caught his name yet but he is blonde and styling a swoop do over one eye and his voice actor is so friggin familiar even just the like few lines he has had so far. I'm going on a search wish me luck.
Ahh! Character's name is Yamagi and the voice actor is Soma Saito who was Twelve in Terror in Resonance!  Phew. Okay, back at it go time.
This power couple in the hat and shapely tummy scar, jeez. This show thrives on contrasting character designs but this one is, heh, this is new. Seems out of place almost. 
PS>> Handsome bisexual earring boy is KILLING IT. 
A+ pop into more scenes please thanks
It may be still too early to declare but I think Eugene is in the running to join my idiot son collection. He's got those expressive reactions that I just *clenches fist* that I just love so damn much.
lady pilots lady pilots lady pilots
I know ladies sitting at space computers in bikini tops isn't for any (good) reason but I need people to know that ladies in space would be hanging out in bikini tops for their own fantastic reasons and because I know this I shall accept events.
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Atra x Kudelia WHEN?! Don't you let me down Mari Okada - I know what you're like!!!
Yamagi the cutie is gay. I'm filled with so much pride. *wipes tear*
These reckless bastard children are gonna be the death of me. 
 I adore how anyone with any kind of heart is moved by these kids. By their shared known history, by their current situation, their guts and their clever gambits.
There is such potential for wonderful storytelling when adult characters are made to stop and consider kids - not as lesser but as whole people in their own right.
So McGillis Fareed is a creepo. Why do I think this? Well he didn’t bat an eye at accepting a child bride, I consider that a big friggin' tip off. Also, he exudes way too much effort.
I’m still early in the series so I may end up making a fool of myself surrounded by people who already know everything I don’t, but I’ll go ahead and try to explain my thinky thoughts anyhow.
I was only partially joking when I said CINEMATIC PARALLELS.
Pretty sure McGillis is being positioned against Orga and I say this because of their opposing character design and traits. McGillis consistently pulling on his bang was the tip off - hear me out!
The visual language of animation works differently than live action. Naturally by the medium what characters are bottom up designed to do are often times filled with more thematic intent than an actor forming characterization in collaboration with a director/a production. Plus, McGillis and Orga’s designs are intentional echos of one another within their stark differences, which is smart. This is a big cast that has varied character designs which have opposing tying traits (MORE ON THAT LATER) so their differences are what makes them similar.
I think these two leaders are more alike than what I’ve seen so far. I think the point is that Orga’s trials and struggle are more outright visible by his own choice whereas McGillis’ are hidden by him.
Orga never touches his wack hair even though he has a massive killer bang blocking his vision half the time. He isn’t seeking to change what lot he has been given in life and he isn’t trying to hide behind a fake persona. As orga states, “I am who I am.” A child.
McGillis constantly touches his hair while visibly contemplating. This guy is all calculated effort and performance. He isn’t who he presents himself as. Quite the adult.
Moving on to Orga and Mika and this show's brilliant use of opposing character designs: Jeepers Creepers, check out them Peepers edition.
Mika has big eyes. They're great. Because his eyes are so wide all the time it isn't shock we need to worry about with him. It's when he narrows his eyes. We saw this when he tried to choke out Gaelio (which, can I just say, noice).
You know who knows this better than anyone? Orga.
More and more we see Orga turning to Mika for approval, for motivation, for inspiration in his choices and push for whatever the hell it is Tekkadan is going to become. Orga has the smallest eyes of the cast, they're beady and cunning, even more so than McGillis (yikes). I think it's safe to say that Orga observes more than Mika, that Mika just watches things impassively as Orga ascertains what he assumes are Mika's wants.
And it's that type of thing where... The system works. Mika's wide, waiting, eyes keeps Orga on his toes. Keeps him thinking ahead, keeps him and everyone else relatively safe. But! But. There is a undercurrent of disproportion happening. I don't doubt these two love each other. I doubt that they understand their own dynamic. Any shift or change in this system and shit goes south very quickly. So naturally, I worry.
In lighter news OH MY GOD YAMAGI HUH?! Shy mechanic boy loves earring boy as much as I do - we are forever bonded in this way. He is my friend and I want only happiness for him. Ganbatte Yamgai, fuckin' get it boy.
Gundam IBO episodes 8-11
Yes, recap my idiot son Eugene's skills! If Akihiro is the guy from Berserk then Eugene is AU Makoto Tachibana from Iwatobi Swim Club, btw 
The nonchalant babes at the controls are my BFFs.
I love the bit the in opening that's right away during "with all your voice" where Mika and Orga turn pause turn pause turn - what a simple but effective emotional pull, right? gurgle
Oh, it's his harem. Yes. Naturally. Of course. I don't hate this. Am I broken?
ohmygod I think it's because Naze Turbine looks like Ryoji Kaji. I will never be free.
HahahHAHAHAAHAAHAHA! Babies in space! Planting those seeds! HAHAH PLANTING SEEDS okay calming down. What am I to make of the editing in this scene? We've got Atra grasping her Mika charm then we're cutting away to Kudelia I'm freaking out right now.
B-b-b-budget episode! My favorite kind! Play with those jump cuts, yeaaaah!
Naze has a sweet spot for kids and wacky found families. Loves it.
This guy is defiantly space Marlon Brando in The Godfather right? That's intentional right?
This is a really awkward dinner time conversation. :D
Party time! Have fun kids, be safe, you make me very nervous.
Drunk Orga!
Yamagi is jealous oh no oh my sweet little man oh it's okay!
I need everyone to know I'm deeply emotional about this family of lost boys and their big day and everyone is dressing up and JESUSSS
For a dude with a hat fetish and a harem Naze Turbine is a pretty good father figure so far, huh? He best hope it stays that way. *Whispers* It really is Kaji all over again...
I haven't praised the Old Man yet but Nadi is best and I would kill for him.
Hey, psst, hey in the opening Gaelio bending up into frame while McGillis slyly looks on is some really high quality queerbaiting. Top notch stuff.
These two fuckers hate each other but they like don't care? I don't know. I hate them. I love them. They're stupid make them stop.
The accountant is now like some magical loving math grandpa to all these rowdy boys my heart is so full!
Norba Shino, my love, your insecurities are great and many. Boobs this, boobs that! ... He isn't wrong actually. 
Go team bisexual d i s a s t e r
I'm getting Takaki's back story, he is off to train in the simulator I DO NOT LIKE THIS 
Flustered Orga is just, well it's very good. It's great. It's so sweet I'll put in my tea so I can drink it and get warm fuzzies forever. 
Atra and Kudelia are so good together, they're another pair of characters with contrasting yet corresponding character designs that are just so fantastic!
DING DING DING figured out the editing of the baby scene and yes oh boy seeds were planted! Ecstatic. Don't be a coward show! 
Haha, yeah right.
...Maybe though. Maybe. I think the biggest problem would be Mika because he's, well he is him isn't he? 
Now Takaki is tagging along on patrol and I’m getting Akihiro’s backstory. Great. That’s not ominous.        
BEEP BEEP BEEP an Ahab Reactor duh doy oh jeez oh come on kids 
Thanks for the save Mika! HAHA I was worried. They got me. 
Yes, the set up for Akihiro's brother is lazy but whatever I'm invested. 
 "Come on, come on, come on!" lol this fork tongued pirate kinda looks like a human Momotaros. I'm digging this creep. 
Azee is my wife. We're very happy. 
Friggin' Ein standing around muttering and holding Crank's pin like lolol do your job or something.
"All I want to do is kill those boys" like come on Ein no you don’t, just go do some fucking paper work. I'm sure you've been ignoring plenty. 
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No. Nope. NOPE. Absolutely not.  
This show knows this isn't okay. It's showing us it isn't okay. Flowers in the Attic is over here touching hot tea pots, like??? McGillis is a creep and he has some junked up plan or scheme or whatever. Blerg. 
Pfft, McGillis is touching that hair bang all "A powerful piece that could shake up the regime" HUH HERR I wonder who?   
These kids are too good and too well adjusted - it's great. I mean, it's sometimes a bit much like in this instance with Akihiro and his bro, but that's also what makes it nice. What makes the show compelling. You trust these characters to trust each other at this point.   
The dominoes are setting up and we're getting to that point where almost all the pieces of mystery in the show's opening are all out on the table. Very exciting.
Can't wait to learn what the hell McGillis is up to. He is the exact kind of character I actually really like, because I'm the worst. The child bride is, you know, shitty but I don't think the show is (so far) trying to display it as anything but A Situation™
Frankly, the entire thing with Almiria is (so far!) a play on how these characters are still kind of kids in their own way. Obviously Almira, but McGillis and Gaelio are still at the whims of their own parents and forever will be at the beck and call of their "families".
Tekkadan are more overtly children but they're wiggling out from under another's thumb and carving a space to move around and have some self definition. McGillis is, I can guess, is going to try and do the same for himself (especially after his little chess speech).
McGillis' extreme acceptance of Almiria is partially gross and partially understandable. It's both. Because it is both! Being shitty to Almiria won't gain him any points and he is going to use her, his parents already predetermined that. Eeehhh. Wait and see I guess.
I adore the dynamics of this big cast of characters, the boys feel so real and I live to see them acknowledge one another's strengths and hopes and fears. ;_;
Like most Gundam properties (other than GWing, yeah I said it!) the female cast is a bit washy, a bit too reactionary towards an thus defined by the male ensamble but I don't dislike anyone.
There is a divide between the female characters and the male characters, they share the same physical space but their narratives are not aligned and that's okay but it is a little frustrating. I'm a patient soul and I love (and know) the Gundam franchise so I'm good but maaaan. I really want the ladies to get through on this one. I really want them to want things for themselves beyond being pulled by their boy peers. They don't need to fight. They don't need to yell. Who they are now is good, there is a good foundation. They just need a gear shift, especially in the realization that they're not just along for the ride. And I am mostly thinking of Atra at this point. I love her because she is easy to love but I also know that's through careful positioning and not due to anything inherent in her.  
We will end this bout how I think many of these will end; YELLING ABOUT YAMAGI.
Yamagi is a sweet boy who deserves the world! Norba Shino is a human disaster who (headcanon) is going through a lot of confusing emotional and hormonal stuff right now so please be strong Yamagi.
Gundam IBO episodes 12-14
I love Ms. Merribit. Anyone will tell you I'm a sucker for responsible ladies in pant suits. 
I love these Man Rodi the Brewers use. A good chuby boy in heels.
They made Mika's lunch TOGETHER.
My man Nadi knows what's up.
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That's what I'm talkin' about! Mari Okada I trust you so much girl.
At some point Orga's tough guy smirk is going to be used in a way that pains and hurts me and I will probably die.
space battle space battle space battle I am a nerd space battle!
The ladies are covering for Akihiro. They want these brothers to reunite. *crying*
Masahiro's voice actor is giving an amazing performance.
Aw damn it.
Episode 13's opening is straight forward but rough: Norba's search crew find Brewer's human debris, passes them over, but those scared kids shoot which causes the Tekkadan kids to react and return fire. It's played straight as being it is what it is - a shit cycle of getting out.
The child solider/space rat stuff is, I feel, primarily used by the show to explore various forms of abusive fallout (which is why the Tekkadan kids fairly well adjusted existence is a little weird but deeply appreciated) and this quick moment punctuates Akihiro's goodbye.
A guest compliments Almiria, "She is like a doll!" 
She is, isn't she?
Kill me.
UH OH she has realized she is nine. 
Let me guess, McGillis is going to be a white knight oh yep here he comes. Great.     
I'm hitting pause and I'm going on a wild ass fuckin' tangent:
I feel younger kids having crushes on older people all depends on how it's handled by the older character, much as in life. Kids crush on adults. They do. That's not like weird or strange. What's important is how adults are made to handle those feelings (if known) and a story can go in so many different directions for so many different reasons and that's fine. That's storytelling. I shall judge all stories individually as they cross my path with whatever elements they have within them. That's how I do it.
So McGillis being charming and nice towards Alimaria is, again, fine and a little icky simultaneously. We know he is stuck. He is not out to ruffle any family plans. He is cucumbering this shit and being as smooth as possible alternative motive I don't know yet.
Alimaria is at the utmost disadvantage here. 
Within their specific scenario the only character we've seen consider her as a person who is also stuck in a hamster wheel of shitty parents is McGillis.
Obviously McGillis is a total shit-bird who is simply being nice because that's what is advantageous for HIM but the show is still (barely, mind you) straddling that line of "This Is Just A Situation™, we'll rip the Band-Aid Later"
McGillis is going to do something absolutely terrible to this girl and I am weary as fuck.
The series is being very manipulative with McGillis' actions here with Alimaria. He is being considerate but he is also stepping over a line.
McGillis is presented as being understanding and seems to genuinely care about Alimaria's feelings which makes him come off as, well, nice and princely. Which is undoubtedly what he wants. Which is what kind of makes him a monster, ya feel me? 
Eh, okay, incoherent late night ranting done. Back to sad boys and robots. 
This funeral is hitting me in my soft bits I can't deal
And it's followed up by Yamagi x Shino content just rub salt in my wounds JESUS 
UHHHH PARDON ME?!?!?!? I hate this episode! Deaths? Kisses? UGH. Mika is an dummy. He is full of dumb.  
They're making sure to show Atra sneezing though, as if someone mentioned her name explicitly which is just more weird ass editing choices I don't know how to take. What are you trying to tell me?! 
I'm stupid and a low life so I don't actually hate all love triangles. In fact I tend to rub angst all over my body so I can smell like disappointment and unresolved sexual tension but Mika is still a total dummy end of discussion. 
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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ┻━┻        
New opening has got it all! Just absolutely everything! We've got a masked pilot; we've got some new looking girl straight out of CLAMP's X/1999 or some shit; we've got sad boy's angry teeth; did I make this? Is this a dream?
Fumitan ain't gonna rat Kudelia out! At least... I don't want her to anyways.
Kudelia is straight up asking this lesbian about men I can't believe her.
Hehheh heeh heh hehe "Dort" hehe 
I adore the weirdness and chafing of Merribit and Orga's working relationship.
Oh my god guys, they're at Fantasy Costco! These girls are gonna clean these stinky boys and make that there ship sparkle. It's girly manifest destiny. 
"So no matter which planet you're on, the bossy ones are scums" - That's my idiot son Eugene who is actually one of the smarter of the idiot boys. 
I love the juxtaposition of these colony adults drinking the juice on the political Mars girl and her mighty teen protector warriors out to save them when it's really them asking lesbians for advice on men and trying to survive and crying when no one is looking. 
I'm serious, Orga is borderline terrified of Ms. Merribit. She's just another pair of waiting judging eyes for him and he doesn't know how to deal with her because she actually SAYS STUFF. 
Biscuit you be careful baby, watch your back. 
Loooooove the juxtaposition of these colony adults being super psyched to get blown up and these kids are like "Christ almighty, put that down!" 
Shino helping Yamagi escape (~˘▾˘)~ 
These boys are out here doing their job, doing their best, they're on their best behavior and they've been set up. My precious children! They've done nothing wrong, ever! 
"Maybe I'll change the way I talk, huh? ... No, I will not do that." Goddammit I love McGillis and I'm sooooooooooo mad about it.  
We've had Snake-Man-Pirate suggest to Mika that he enjoys killing but we haven't really been given any evidence of that. I'm sticking to my self-made theory on Mika's eyes!
He has that big wide stare most of the time, Mika doesn't actually have much personal investment in most of what he does. He doesn't love killing, but he doesn't have any real opinion on it either way. It isn't like when he choked out Gaelio or, now, kissing Kudelia.
I'm full power launching myself into deep fannish space because that's how I media but like, I'm not crazy right? Mika's eyes are IMPORTANT. They're about all we're given in understanding him, which is wild for the main Gundam pilot protagonist. The emphasis on Mikazuki's eyes within his design and being the only markers the audience is given when it comes to inner choices is a big gambit. We're 14 episodes in and don't have much of a grasp on Mika and I think that's because he has never once self defined. He is the ultimate of the poor sad robot boys. Akihiro is struggling with his humanity and the label of his existence ("human debris") with all the characters starting to find space and time to turn inward and then there is Mika.   
I don't think he knows how to live life while not only trying to survive. So, what's going to boot his self defined existence online? Piloting Barbatos? Kissing girls? Familial love?    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
McGillis being a masked pilot this late into the game with no charade about "Who can it BEeeeEEeE?!?" is my favorite thing. Haven't even seen him in an episode yet just a preview but oh, it's my favorite thing.
We'll end this short thoughts binge on the beauty that is Yamagi and why I am somewhat upset:
IBO has a very tight turn around of set up and follow through. There is (I'm assuming) a longer, slower set up with end game (probably tragic) follow through happening in concordance with the two episode story arc rhythm the series has going so far.
Quick simplified examples can be
Akihiro mentions his brother > we meet his brother > his brother chooses to die/save him > kids learn some on how to handle grief. 
Turbine has a harem > everyone accepts this > kids learn some on how to handle a found, self defined family.
The pattern is "If the kids meet a thing, that thing becomes possible."
We ain't seen no men loving men. We've not come across a viable example in the narrative of that being a option or choice or possibility. 
There are a lot of episodes left and this isn't like a make or break situation for me, but we are inching up on the set up stage being over with and if there is no example, no proof, of men being able to love men then...? I'm hesitant to invest.
I still will invest hook line and sinker, this is Gundam and damn that’s what I do 
That's also just so frustrating and sad as well as being, haha, believable. If there is no example encouraging Yamagi to approach Shino and no example for Shino to see acceptance then they're just gonna run out of time or figure their shit out too late.
Which is so very extremely stressful and masterfully manipulative how dare you I'm so impressed but mad and hurt and god I hope I'm wrong and off and have not tapped into this show's core of foreshadowing or whateverthehell.
Yamagi is a sweet boy who deserves the world and Norba Shino is a human disaster and I suffer for them.
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Lesson 23
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I learnt that happy endings don’t exist as they do in fairy tales. Growing up I loved to read and I remember the feeling of getting lost within fairy tales. No matter the trials and tribulations the characters faced, there was always a happily ever after. From an early age we are conditioned to search for our own happy ever after, but I’ve come to think that perhaps they don’t exist. Now this may sound completely contradictory to my always optimistic approach to life, but let me explain. I believe more in life being littered with happy and sad moments, and that those happy ones are used to comfort us during those times of sadness.
The movies never show the actual ending. Of course, the story comes to an end but that’s not really THE END for those characters. Life still goes on for them, their story for us, is left unwritten. American writer and poet, Shel Silverstein’s poem ‘Happy Ending?’ echoes this sentiment,
There are no happy endings. Endings are the saddest part, So just give me a happy middle And a very happy start.
If everything worked out perfectly the first time, we would never find new ways of being, growing, challenging ourselves, finding new experiences. Whether it’s a relationship, a job, a hobby or something else, if it’s always smooth sailing, we can get stuck in complacency;. Doing the same thing, day in day out. Heidi Priebe ponders in one of her thought-provoking essays in ‘This Is Me Letting You Go,’ “Who are we to mandate that the stars all align in our favour and the fortunes always cater to our fates? When we chisel it down to probability, we’re already out on top here. So it’s only fair we put in some work.” Things will go our way sometimes, and other times against us. It’s unrealistic to think that our life will be one continuous happily ever after when we find ‘the one,’ whatever that may be.
In the series finale of Ryan Murphy’s ‘Pose,’ the protagonist Blanca Evangelista reflects on her journey (and that of her friends) that led each of them finding their happiness. She says so aptly, “Happy endings are for movies. We’ve been through too much pain to fool ourselves into thinking that all the bad is in the past, but I do believe in happy moments. Sometimes they last a minute, sometimes a year, but when they come, you gotta recognise and celebrate.”
For me, seeing my grandparents have 70 years of marriage together, my own parents coming up to their 50th wedding anniversary, relationships take hard work. It’s unrealistic to think that all those times are going to be great and a bed of roses for evermore. There’s moments of happy littered with bad and you have to move through the bad to get to the next happy. Natalie Imbruglia sings in ‘Build It Better,’
But nothing lasts forever When it all falls down, gotta build it better
Life is constantly about breaking down, healing and repairing; surviving then thriving; the constant meandering through the good and bad. Natalie’s song continues:
I’ll take down the pictures Read your letters one last time Trying not to remember All the good times at the start It’s never easy When things don’t last And it’s hard for my heart When I’m alone here in the dark But if it’s breaking, let it break
It’s important to realise that, as much as we want the happily ever after, we sometimes have to let go of some things that have made us once happy. But have faith in the knowledge that after some bad times, good times will come around again. @taylorswift sings so beautifully in her song ‘happiness,’
There’ll be happiness after you But there was happiness because of you Both of these things can be true
We can’t ever know for sure that the path ahead is going to be easy or hard, being pleasure or pain, but as Heidi Priebe says so wonderfully:
“When you’re leaving behind a place or a person or a period of time when you were happy, you have to take yourself back to the start. You have to remember how unexpectedly you found so many of the things that ended up changing your life — how seemingly randomly the cards were stacked right before they unfolded the way they did.” So rather than yearn for some epic and grand fairy tale happy ending, I more realistically long for happy moments that I can appreciate at the time and revisit when I need to remind myself to smile through a hard time.
0 notes
ericngo-blog · 7 years
Life update Hello friends and family,
Many seasons have past since I left California to start a new life in Paris.  What started as a one year teaching assistant program turned into an adventure that has now lasted 6 years.  At the age of 23, not knowing what to do with my life, I packed my bags to return to my birth country hoping to find answers to my cultural identity.  Over the years, I’ve encountered many challenges, met amazing people, fought my way through adversity, and discovered new passions in life.
2011 was exciting and the start of something new. The idea of starting over in the city Paris was full of possibilities.  With the hopeful innocence of my 23 year old self and a small amount of money, I took on a small studio apartment and taught English in a French public high school.  To my surprise, the students listened to my teaching style and I was able to develop a passion for teaching. At the end of the teaching contract, I knew I wasn’t ready to go back home in California.  Part of me had always wondered what it was like to be a waiter, so I took on a waiter job in a Japanese restaurant.  
In the summer of 2012, I waited tables night and day, 6 days a week.  It was brutal, but I absolutely would do it again because I met an my un-official god parents.  Mr and Mrs Tan are also French/American/Chinese, like me, which made our relationship that much easier, and are the owners of the restaurant “Wrap N Roll” Sushi in Paris.  They taught me how to be hard working and more responsible through their strict expectations as managers.  One day, Mrs Tan treated me to a French pastry, and while I was savoring it’s delicious flavor, I said out loud, “You know, I’d like to learn how to make these”, and Mrs Tan replied, “Well, why don’t you?”.  This was the defining moment when I realized that the dream of becoming a pastry chef was within reach.  During my last months in college, I had described my ideal life to be “Live out my faith as a Christian somewhere in the world, serve in a church as a drummer and a leader for the younger generation, and to make a living, work as a baker/pastry chef”.  After doing some research, I decided to apply to the most prestigious pastry school Paris had to offer, Ferrandi Paris.  By the end of summer, I was hired to work as a salesman in the world famous pastry shop, “Pierre Hermé Paris”.  It was there that I took my first steps towards becoming a pastry chef.  Though this experience, I learned the values of customer service and how to sell a product.  
My Career as a salesman last until the end of 2013.  During this year, I went through many trials such as work drama, having my heart broken, and dealing with the feeling of loneliness.  Don’t be fooled by the pictures that only show the happy moments, it’s the difficult moments that define who we truly are.  Over the years, I had learned how to eat by myself, even at a restaurant, and just be by myself in general.  But every once in a while, this feeling of homesickness just took over and I felt giving up.  I was able to survive these moments because of the healthy community I was blessed to have here in Paris.  I was also blessed to have a female companion by my side that made me feel loved.  2013 was probably the hardest year of my life.  I felt like I was stuck as a salesman and that I would never get into pastry school.  But I saw the light at the end of the tunnel by the end of the year.  After refueling back in California I came back to Paris, and in the winter of 2013 I was admitted to pastry school.  On top of that, I was able to move into a new place  a lot closer to my school.  (I live with an older woman, it’s just that she’s 80 years old, She’s like my French grandmother =P) God’s timing was perfect, all of this happened in the same week.  
2014 was the start of my pastry career.  The program in which I participated was an intensive one.  Instead of a regular 2 year training, it would be over 5 months only because I already had a BA.  Pastry school was amazing, I loved every moment.  Starting at 6am and ending around 2pm, we learned and practiced the art of making French pastries.  Even though I had little experience in baking, I was able to learn quickly and was blessed to have good instructors.  Our classes were small, consisting of only 12 per class.  At night, I would go back to waiting tables for the first couple of weeks of my semester to earn a living.  However, Mrs Tan wanted me to focus on my studies and loaned me money for me to use until the rest of my school year.  My initial reason for going to pastry school was to eventually open up shop in LA, but it changed as the months went by.  My new vision was to get my pastry degree, train under big chefs for a couple of years, and eventually either open up my own shop or go back to teaching, this time, pastry.  After earning my degree, I interned at my local bakery and started looking for work.  At that time, my bank account was pretty dry and I had to wait tables once again full time in order to survive.  There came a time where I had 10 euros in my bank account… The struggle was real.  But, I was oddly at peace.  I had experienced God’s grace so many times, that I knew something would come up.  By the end of the summer, that opportunity came up.  After being discouraged my not getting replies or getting rejected for work, a company reached out to me.  It was the only company who was interested.  That company was the cooking school “La Cuisine Paris”.  We got to know each other and I was given the opportunity to teach pastry classes to an English speaking people.  I will forever remember the day when the owner of the school told me, “Look Eric, I know you just got out of school, and that you have little work experience, but, I like you, and I’m willing to invest in you”.  This was a defining moment in my life that I will forever cherish.  On top of that, the teaching gig only involved a 20 hour work week with a good hourly rate that allowed me to live comfortably.  Talk about a dream job.  
2015 was all about looking for ways to honor God through my time and resources.  Because of my 20 hour or less work weeks, I found myself with a lot of free time.  I was able to be well rested all the time, see friends during their lunch breaks, read books I’ve been wanting to read, and just have a lot of “me” time in general.  All that was great, but I didn’t feel fulfilled.  I became aware that, my church had a women’s group, but no men’s group.  After a couple of weeks of brainstorming and counseling, I decided to launch “E.P.I.C men’s group”.  This acronym stood for “Edification.Perseverance.Integrity.Courage”, these were the four pillars and values of our group.  Our vision was based on the Bible verse found in 2 Timothy 1:6-7
“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.  For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline”
Our vision was to become men equipped to live out a Christ centered life, and to one day become men worth following.  This concept was important to me because growing up, there were seasons where my age group did not have a mentor figure to whom we could look up to, and I didn’t want the younger generation to go through the same thing.  Our vision as men was to accurately reflect the image of Jesus through our lifestyle. NOT EASY. But I had met people in life whom I thought were leaders worth following, and leader not worth following.  What made the difference? I went on an adventure to find out.   2015 also came with the opportunity to go on missions.  My home church in Paris organized its first overseas mission to Senegal, located on the coast of west Africa.  This mission trip opened my eyes to Christianity that I was used to, and made me experience my faith in a different way.  Till this day, my church in France sends out a missionary team each year to Senegal where we preach the gospel through children’s ministry, teacher training programs, medical consultations, and for me personally, sharing different baking recipes with the local bakers.  These mission trips have touched me in a profound way through the relationship I’ve developed over the years.  The thought that children from the “Lac Rose” village (the village we’ve worked with) welcoming me year after year by name, after my first visit brings me chills.  
2016 was more of a routine type of year.  I started getting comfortable with my lifestyle and time flew by at an incredible rate.  I kept on teaching pastry classes, serving in a church through playing drums and leading the men’s ministry, going on the Senegal mission trip, and enjoying life in Paris.  Friends and family kept on coming to Paris over the years, and it brought me joy to show them around! One of the highlights of the year came in September when my sister Diana flew to Paris to run the Disney Paris half marathon.  I’ve never considered myself a long distance runner, but the idea of developing grit became that much more real when you experience a long distance race.  It disciplined me during the year to increase my endurance to eventually run a half marathon.  My sister Diana, a seasoned marathon runner, ran at my pace and encouraged me throughout the entire race which helped me persevere through the fatigue and guided me to the finish line.  
So here we are in 2017.  This is was by far the most I’ve ever traveled in my life.  It started with a trip back from California in January, Lyon, road tripping from Italy to Switzerland, Senegal, and Hong Kong.  It’s been great seeing so many friends from home in other parts of the world.  And here I am writing this update letter while sitting in a plane on my way back to California.  I needed to refuel.  I was discouraged by the men’s group because of the lack of attendance and motivation, and I was struggling with my worship coordinating responsibilities.  This is year has been especially hard for me ever since my 4 year relationship ended.  I realized that over the years, my feeling of “home” rested on my girlfriend’s shoulders at that time, and now with that figure gone, I suddenly felt so alone. The Sunday before I flew to California, I ate diner by myself in a restaurant and watched a movie by myself in the movie theaters.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I actually don’t mind at all, and over the years I’ve done that plenty of times, that is, when it’s by choice.  That lonely night, wasn’t by choice.  I let it sink in deep and really felt like I was by myself and that one cared about me.  I longed for this feeling of home, and I felt really alienated from the rest of the world.  The timing of coming back to California was perfect.  
This trip was exactly what I needed. My initial plan was to come back and surprise my mom for her birthday, surprise one of my best friends for his 30th, and attend a childhood friend’s wedding.  Time flew by so quickly but I was able to see family and friends and surely enough, my “love tank” was full, I was refueled.  I felt surrounded by a nurturing environment and felt appreciated through this time in California.  I was able to reconnect with friendships that have lasted over decades and I felt so loved when people made the time to see me despite the long distance.  My whole life has been about answering the question “Where is home?”, and the answer has always been “Home is where your loved ones are”.  And to be more accurate, home is where there is a nurturing environment, because “If you want to go fast, go alone.  But if you want to go far, go together”.  These past 6 years in Paris have been absolutely amazing and will cherish these memories forever.  I initially came back to my birth country to figure out where I wanted to settle down, and today I have an answer.  I’ll be coming back to California in the near future.  I’ve made myself a 2 year plan before officially departing, but there are still things I need to learn and do in Paris.  Notably, acquire more experience as a pastry chef, to one day open up my own bakery in California.  I’m also open to the idea of missionary work in other parts of the world such as west Africa, so who know’s where I’ll end up next.  
Paris remains one of my favorite places on earth.  It’s not the beauty that this charming city has, nor the amazing food it has to offer, but the friends I’ve made here that will make me miss this place.  I’m determined to savor every minute I have here for the next years to come. Part of me is nervous to leave Paris because it’s my comfort zone, at the same time I’m confident that my family and friends will make moving back to LA a smooth transition.  American friends see me as the “French guy”, French friends see me as the “American guy”, and to the rest of the world I’m just the “dark looking asian guy”.  People with my background live with chronic homesickness, and I’m determined to build a place for them to feel at home in LA.  That’s the new dream.  
Thank you so much for your friendship and prayers of over the years.  It’s been a delight catching up across the world, I wouldn’t be who I am and where I am without your counsel.  I strongly encourage you to come to Paris before I make my move back to LA.  You know it’s on your destination list and I would love to show you around the city have you see Paris through my eyes.  (Preview* it involves eating the best the city has to offer for all budgets, picture memories, cooking/ baking classes, playing board games in cafés, meeting French people, strolling in tiny charming streets, having hilarious/ meaningful conversations).  
Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end of this long update :)
Miss you guys, Eric Ngo
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Harrymort. "You were always meant to belong to me."
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harrymort
Tags: Creepy!Harry, Obsessive!Harry, AU, Horcruxes are collected and kept, Dub-Con I suppose?
Note: No more quotes, please? This was just to celebrate hitting 1K followers. I think I’ve had my fill of this for now.
Harry trailed a finger down the leather binding of the diary and smiled. He could practically feel it shaking. Tom was so moody most of the time and he just didn’t understand that Harry was taking care of him. He needed time to appreciate that Harry was doing him a favour by keeping him alive.
It was mercy. Harry knew mercy and he had found Tom to be someone who needed it. After all, his poor Tom had been raised by muggles too and had to turn to the Dark Arts all so he could get the help he’d always needed. His Tom had ended up becoming Voldemort because there was no one to take care of him. So Harry would be that someone.
“Tom, you need to behave and let me care for you,” he told the irate book. When there was no response, he sent a shock through the pages to test Tom’s attention span.
Pardon me, Harry. I am feeling mentally drained right now so I cannot do much.
Smiling, Harry closed the book and placed it in his pocket. His Tom needed some time. But that was okay. Eventually he would accept Harry’s care.
Harry stared at the locket he’d taken from Sirius’ Elf. It hissed, much like the diary did at times. Sometimes it would writhe in place and heat up suddenly. 
Some time after his farce of a trial, Harry had formed an almost bond with the object. Another piece of Voldemort. Another piece of Tom. Another piece to be taken care of by Harry.
Though the locket was much less mouthy in his opinion. Less rude and had less of a need for independence. The diary was too self-sufficient and it had ideas. But the locket wasn’t as troublesome. Harry knew that eventually he would sway the Tom inside.
He simply had to be faithful and prove himself. 
Harry had a lot of love and care to give.
The tiara was a lot more talkative than either the diary or the locket. Harry liked to sit in the Room of Requirement and just listen to it. He really had to thank Dobby for being so gracious and showing him the room. Now he could spend all of his time doting upon his Toms!
The locket was complacent always now. The diary still required some persuasion, but Harry knew. Harry could tell that Tom really liked having his attention and praise. And that was what Harry wanted. Tom needed to know that he was special and that Harry appreciated him. That Harry would keep him safe always. He was simply too stubborn to see it.
But Harry would make him understand. One way or another.
You love us? the tiara inquired one day.
“I care about you very much. You’re all mine to protect,” swore Harry with all conviction. “No one will take you away. I’ll never let you go.”
His promise rang true.
Harry had stared Voldemort down, feeling so very close but so far away. He was right there. The main one. The biggest piece in his collection. But how would Harry convince Voldemort that he needed Harry’s protection? How could he convince a maniac that he belonged to another being?
A hiss to the locket had the object warming in warning beneath his shirt. It offered no advice. The tiara and diary had been shrunk and stuffed inside said locket, and locked away with Parseltongue. Harry swore to protect those that were his and protection was needed against everyone. Including Voldemort.
The Dark Lord might want his toys back, but Harry’s Toms were stuck inside, and Harry would never let them go.
“Harry,” Voldemort greeted in an almost hiss.
Unbidden, a smile spread across his face. “You’re mine,” he told the wizard.
A look of confusion and mild disgust flashed across Voldemort’s face. Harry did not appreciate that. His love was not disgusting and his promise to protect his Toms was important! Voldemort had no business to think anything about it. He was not the one in charge!
Harry would make him see, just like he had with the diary. Harry would make Voldemort see that being with Harry was the best. Had he gotten the love and care he needed, he would have been different. Harry would prove that once and for all. Voldemort would be the final piece in his collection of Toms.
“You were always meant to belong to me,” Harry went on to add, stepping forward slowly. “All of you are mine, Tom.”
“Don’t call me that!”
A laugh that made even Harry’s hair stand on end, echoed through the room. “Silly, Tom. I can teach you like I taught all the other Toms. Even diary-Tom understands his place now.” Another giggle. “It only took a few hundred shocks for him to get it, but I’m sure you’re not as disobedient.”
If Dumbledore hadn’t interrupted, Harry would have been capable of so much! The old man was a problem. He kept Harry in the dark about something that made him somewhat happy in the end. After all, it proved that Voldemort was his! But to lose his godfather over the fool’s actions, now that was not so good. And Harry didn’t like losing his possessions!
So Dumbeldore would get his. In time.
Meanwhile, Harry would dream for the nest few months, of what it was like to have Voldemort inside him. To caress Voldemort with his feelings; to make him understand Harry’s goal.
And every night in Harry’s sleep, his mind would reach out to Voldemort and remind him heavily of how he felt and what his future would be.
“Harry Potter.”
He smiled. “Hello, Tom. Come to be mine yet?”
“Stop this, Potter.”
Harry played with the locket, chewing on his lip as he did so. The barrier between he and Voldemort would drop within hours, but until then, Privet Drive was still his ‘home’ and Voldemort couldn’t come in. Not until he behaved at least.
“I don’t want to. I have to keep all the Toms safe and cared for. If you tell me where the others are, we can all be together and be happy.”
He didn’t like the small look of fear that flashed through crimson eyes. Harry was safe. He was good at protecting his possessions.
“Tom Riddle, you are mine and no matter how much you deny it, it won’t change anything. It’ll simply make this harder on both of us when you finally accept my love.”
“We are enemies!”
“Nope!” Harry said, popping the one letter. “You are mine. The prophecy links us and we can only die by each other’s hands. So neither of us die and I keep you safe. I always keep my possessions safe, Tom. We all benefit in the end.”
He sighed, ashamed of the man. As if he understood what power Harry currently had. As if he knew anything. But he would know soon enough.
“Tom, you’ll be with me always. There’s more of you in me, than there is in you.” He had sworn to keep the Toms safe and with him forever, Being inside him forever was the best option. Objects rust and wither, but Harry would thrive and so long as all of them remained inside him, they would be safe. Together.
“Your soul is so mangled that it wouldn’t take much to force you to agree with me. After all, it’ll just be your soul ordering you. And you cannot fight against yourself, Tom. The one with more control always wins.”
Lifting his wand, Harry intoned in an almost chorus-like voice, “Imperio.”
As Harry had stated. They would be together forever.
NOTE: In the end, Harry absorbed the 3 Horcruxes he had found so there ended up being a bigger part of Voldmeort’s soul in him, than what was in Voldemort. So the larger soul piece Imperio’d Voldemort’s smaller soul piece.
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when it's over, that's the time I fall in love again
My mind can’t spit out anything much to newer, nicer , better to say. The title  came from an old song, a boy band I think?
Breaking dawn with I love you then goodbye. Yesterday morning I’m on my newly tradition of blogging then crying deep inside ‘till I get tired and fall asleep. here’s an excerpt:
I remember him again. the pain is still there. The water in me is rushing all over to be a drop of tear and see the world to be dried by air. nonsense? . The feeling is really inexplicable you’ll only have the chance to know when it’s you who’s already experiencing the state of being everything!
Just a few minutes ago,I really can say that I’m only seeing part of the picture and it’s cute to think how it’s that when I was only sixteen, my present problem already had the same problem I have right now with him. Well in fact that time of my life I was blissful starting a relationship with my first (informal) boyfriend which lasted for three years because of my immaturity and STUPIDITIES.
PAPA JACK said over the nationwide broadcast FM Radio: “just be thankful that it was once yours. At least when you get old and can’t do anything at all but to sit on your rocking chair, you could at least reminisce for the good days that you spend with that someone. Your best days with that person no matter how long for as long as you’ve been given the chance to experience so.” I hope I made  right translating it. 
That’s it. I really love Franco and all I can do now is wish for his happiness without me. Maybe it’s not our time yet. I don’t want to fool myself with false hope but I don’t want to cut the spirit of hoping and believing. As the song goes “Hope for the best and expect the worse”.
I laugh in my mind and felt more fortunate than others. While I am grieving for just a month or two, he’s been in pain for years and so.
Life is really a matter of choice. Life in general~everything that is possible! with it’s every aspects, you just need a bit of emotions from a vessel named heart to make mind decide to be a little bit nicer, softer , weaker than usual. But all is up to you, well if he chose to be imprisoned in his own desire to prove what he wanted to, I cannot oath to do like him so, I need to SAVE myself.
Dying alive is really an awful situation. But if we don’t experience failures we will not be able to grow for we won’t want anything more if everything is perfectly in place.
If its not him, then I’m bound to look elsewhere to see that someone ment to me is waiting to make ourselves happy ~ happiest.
LOVE hurts sometimes when you do it right. Every relationship is a trial and error.
DIE and be reincarnated people and bring on the lessons with you as you go along , as you move on. (MIRROR)
sacrifice is the true language of love, as much as I want him to be with  him I would like  it more to let him be happy the way he wants to be.
This is a lesson learned I would like to share with everybody.
*still have a lot of childish hopes and disappointments ‘till now, but better keep going than be stuck in here forever and never try to discover and re-discover whatever*
(Whew! whatta long excerpt of mine!)
Going back, why do I ended up writing another public blog???? Maybe because I decided to keep IT all again with me, not being shared with any technology, something that any monitor won’t be able to be seen upon.
Last night I’m in my friend’s house planning to go to MOA and have a small quality time while touring our officemate’s brother who’s new here in Manila. As we were waiting for their car to pick us up, I’d been asked to send a text message to our officemate using Leah’s mobile phone and as I was browsing her phone book, I automatically saw his name and the rush came through my body again (franco-mj). I decided then to give him a ring without my friend’s permission, then after three busy tone after long span of waiting and hearing a ring I decided to stop what I am doing. Then the night grew deeper and her family was watching a real-life story in ABS CBN, the movie in Maalala Mo Kaya is sad but I felt like crying because I of what the story’s situation reminded me.
Then as I admit  to them that I miss him, Leah who’s already holding her moby phone told me that HE texted. At first I thought 'twas a joke but then as she handed me the phone I prove that she wasn’t.
Just like before, I got too excited and as that guy thought Leah’s number was her close friend’s number, I tried to imitate her best friend’s way of texting just to hear from him again and even asked him to come t where we were heading at.
Then while were on our way to our destination, I failed to convince him and decided to give up fabricating too much false hopes bout him. and the feel of pain pang inside my chest, my mind, my body and my entire system again. I’m about to cry but then held back my tears, I don’t want to ruin my new company’s first bonding time with me.
We settled at Padis Point MOA an first asked for a tower of three-flavored cocktail drink. As the night turns to midnight, under the full moon of 24th and 25th of July, I started to feel alone and lonely again while on outdoors with a loud music and a lot of groups of people around me. I miss him. I hate him. I love him.
I thought the night I mean morning will end the way I tried hard to be ~ not letting them witness my river of tears which is about to explode. (disappointed to him for not even appreciating any of my effort and not making me feel possess any worth).
Suddenly, after a little dance and drink again, it is already morning, the chickens are about to shout and wake people up.I went inside Padis to look for Zand when I go back to my seat, he is already sitting on our table!!!
BANG! a surprise image of him welcomed me away! The moment I was just about to came near to our table, I thought he is just another imagination
I will be happy if I’ll see that letting him go, giving him up will make him happy.
he said he came there to help me, to end my longing and not to add misery and sorrow and to let me move on with my life without him. Not hanging anymore….
Then we ride inside the car,(we’re overloading argh!) and sitting on his lap it made me feel hollow. I want to embrace him even after standing beside him. I tried to touch his hand but he refuses to add another memory.
Then there, they dropped me in front of our gate. and another hope sprouted in me. that  one day when he realizes that he can’t do it again without me, he will come in front of our front door and ask me back in his life. - ANOTHER FOOLISH FANTASY
I might even have somebody beside me by that time.
I miss him so much. Lord help me pass this through I always wanted to, but the feeling is uncontrollable by my mind.
Still on with my tradition:
Every night i talk to the stars pretending its him.. it acts just like him though - - far away and never replies to my questions that left me with no other option but to CRY.
I cry for the time that he was almost mine
I cry for the memories I’ve left behind
I cry for the pain
the lost
the old that seems new
I cry for the times I thought I had him.
But the bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.
He never was and he never will be mine.
’ Till now I wish I had the guts to walk away and forget about what we had. But, I can’t because I know he won’t come after me, and I guess that’s what hurts the most
Just living and breathing and trying not to die again …
And hey, here’s another blog of mine which I opt to make public =) :
There are always two sides of the coin as they say. only two particle charges. There’s black and white ; good ad bad ; angel and devil ; big and small ; thick and thin and so on… I had played a lot of role in  my existence so far. I’ve been the bitch , crazy , funny , boring , enthusiastic, stupid , foolish , wise , strong , weak , undecided ,clever , beautiful , best , worse, attractive , sexy , loser , shy , lover , baby , mother , daughter , sister , friend , acquaintance , casualty , student , teacher , aunt , relative , passer by and a lot more.
Just recently I prove my own theory and made my reason before reasonable by experiencing it on my own. I dupe someone before fearing that he might be able to it first before me. When he’s already out of my life, I regret it but tried to look stronger and tell them ” If I didn’t do that and be very naive, I’ll just wake up that he’ll be the one doin it to me”. So I always say before that it’s nice to be bad. Nice to fool around instead of being fooled upon,
I thought KARMA doesn’t know me, yet it came. Life really teaches me that being too nice to someone or giving your best will just show you the worse.
Dunno what script will I give to myself again. Will  I rather be a saint who is being stab to death or the sinner who is being burn to ashes.
used with being confused.
I don’t know what I want. (throwing the love away) throwing but not letting go. I keep on effing playing the memories over and over again till it gets damaged but it seems like its being photocopied a million times when I do.
I hate myself for loving you. I even hate myself for beleiving in love and applying it to you.
Actually, I am happy, sad, high and low this time. I hope and waits for the day to come where  someone will really touch my heart and teach me how to feel again and make my inceptions new. Again I’m sorry for what I did to you Al Franco Adeja Ocampo. There will be no other you in my life. You are the first and life is just about to start. I wish for your happiness and success I hope to hear it soon. Thank you for making me feel wrong and right. For letting me realize things others cannot give and let live in me. For making me struggle hard to be a better person. For letting me saw what my mistakes are and how I could make it right. Please be strong enough for your own.
Ill just stay this way 'till my heart feels like doing so end 'till my mind can tolerate my foolishness with and for you.
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sentrava · 7 years
How Having LASIK Surgery Changed My Travel Life
If I added up the amount of time I spent fooling with my eyes for a good 15 years, I’d probably gain a solid few months back. But then I had LASIK 10 years ago next month, and my travel life completely changed for the better.
So when the American Refractive Surgery Council came to us and asked me to share my story about my own vision correction procedure, I jumped on it; after all, I’m constantly coaching friends and hand-holding fellow bloggers through their own LASIK journeys, so it seemed about time to share mine.
This post is sponsored by the American Refractive Surgery Council (ARSC). All LASIK-related procedures and costs incurred were my own.
I was just nine years old when my optometrist diagnosed me as near-sighted. I was given glasses with pink frames but never wore them because what fourth-grader wants to be singled out as “that geek” in class? (That probably wasn’t the actual case, but that’s what my nine-year-old self unjustly thought.)
I managed to “lose” my glasses, so the following year, my mom allowed me to switch to soft contact lenses, which weren’t awful but still inconvenient at best, particularly as I was just in the fifth grade. They would get folded going in, or worse, tear; I’d blink and they’d fall out. Sometimes, it would take me 15 minutes to get both of them in place properly, by which point my eyes were inflamed and irritated. From the time I could walk, I played every sport imaginable on a competitive level, so I’d be in South Carolina on the softball field when a torpedo of dust would cloud my vision and get stuck to my lens or at a basketball tournament in Atlanta when a post would come down on a rebound and elbow me in the eye, knocking out my contact. For an active kid, neither contacts or glasses were an ideal option.
I was in middle school when my doctor put me on a medical trial: corrective hard lenses that reshaped my cornea and were described to me as “braces for my eyes.” The premise was that, eventually, I’d be able to just wear them at night and then go all day without them. This was a temporary solution, but not a long-term fix, so it’s no surprise that two decades later, this type of care has long been overshadowed by advanced refractive surgical procedures. There would be nights I wouldn’t sleep great, and I’d wake up with subpar vision. A time or two I even scratched my cornea, meaning I had to go a few days without wearing the corrective lenses, and I was basically back to blind.
All that to say, from ages nine into my 20s, my life revolved around how my eyes decided to behave on that given day. It was mildly inconvenient as a teen, but then became downright unbearable when I started traveling for a living.
My mom had always encouraged me to pursue LASIK—after all, the success rate is astounding—and I started seriously considering it after graduating college. My roommate underwent it during our senior year, and I saw how easy and painless it was. I wanted to wake up with perfect vision, too—assuming I was a candidate, that is. But then I went to live abroad for a year, a year plagued with an eyelid infection that meant I couldn’t wear any kind of contacts, period, and the idea got pushed further back on the calendar. When I returned, I started seeing my optometrist every few weeks to make sure my vision wasn’t regressing. She made me forgo the hard lenses for six months to make sure my vision was truly stable before she could determine I was a candidate. She gave me the preliminary go-ahead, but ultimately my ophthalmologist in Nashville would have to make that call.
So at 24, I made an appointment to have advanced refractive surgery.
In those months leading up to it, contact lenses were prohibited, so I reverted to wearing glasses for the first time since I was a kid, and while I didn’t hate it, it was definitely a pain when I was partaking in some of my favorite activities like running or diving; I basically had to do both semi-blind. I had never been so ready to go into a procedure in my life.
I was pumped, but also mildly terrified. I read all the information about LASIK I could find in preparation. I’d never actually had surgery; in fact, I hadn’t so much as spent a night in the hospital (still haven’t at 34). I flew back to Tennessee for the week to see our family ophthalmologist has done tens of thousands of LASIK procedures in Nashville, and I wanted to go to someone with whom I was comfortable. After seeing him for pre-op, my nerves abated some; this was no big deal, he told me, and the surgery wouldn’t take more than 20 minutes.
Twenty minutes to give me the gift of unassisted, perfect vision for the first time in my adult life? I couldn’t even fathom that.
I arrived at my pre-op hoping and praying that I would, indeed, be a candidate for LASIK/PRK. You see, many factors play a part: age (24), strength of prescription (-2.5), pupil size (massive), dry eye condition (check), strength of cornea (good). The pupil size was the main concern, as mine are 10mm, no matter how dark or light the environment. If you don’t know how big that is in eye terms, let me just tell you that’s likely three times your pupils’ size, and it causes me a lot of distress (halos, glare, people always thinking I’m on drugs, etc.). Luckily, there was a type of LASIK for me: one that accounts for this, custom-treating each spot of the eye, so after a two-hour consult, in which I likely met with five different professionals, I was cleared to go. My surgery would be the following morning.
On the day of my procedure, my mom accompanied me to the surgeon’s office. Nirvana was playing in the background, I was given a red stuffed bear to squeeze if I got nervous. It was nothing like the serious surgery environment I envisioned. My surgeon first numbed my eyes with drops, then laid me on the table and put the first speculum in my eye. While not painful, this was the only truly uncomfortable part of the procedure. You can’t blink, and suddenly you feel the overwhelming need to do so, like your entire fate hinges on your ability to blink at that given moment.
Then they made an incision and the lights went out.
Luckily, I had been forewarned that I would lose vision for 20 seconds. It still didn’t make it any less scary. But it promptly returned, just as I’d been assured, and the red light of the laser came on. I was to stare directly at it, trying not to flinch. There was a crackling sound, and it smelled of burnt hair. I could feel pressure on my eye, but still no pain. And then that was it. Dr. Shofner repeated the procedure on the other eye, which was far less daunting as I now knew what to expect, and less than 20 minutes after I entered the room, I walked back out, only with perfect vision.
It was so quick and easy. Why didn’t I do this sooner, I thought? More so, why doesn’t everyone do this?
There was zero pain throughout the whole process and very little recovery time (I was told to rest my eyes that afternoon to give my corneas time to heal and sleep in protective goggles for the coming week); I woke up the following morning as if nothing had ever happened and went surfing in Barbados just a few days later.
These days, my vision is still 20/15, a decade after I had the procedure. It’s hard to believe that my life once revolved around how my eyes were behaving that day, and now I don’t have to think twice about that.
In that decade, I’ve gone diving in more than 20 countries. I sailed around the world for four months, something that would have been a massive pain had I had to store four months’ worth of daily lenses and contact solution in the compact two bags I took with me for a circumnavigation. I’ve trekked in the jungle of rural India and the bush of South Africa, without worrying about the fact I was hundreds of miles from a pharmacy and wouldn’t need to buy emergency supplies to deal with my contacts.
Around the time of my surgery, I started running marathons; I’ve since scaled back to half-marathons, but I log a good hour on the trails several days a week and I never worry about pollen getting into my eyes and irritating my lens. In winter months, we like to ski. There’s no annoyance of trying to fit glasses under my goggles or wondering if my contacts might freeze in the extreme cold.
Heck, I love the beach more than anywhere else on the planet. Growing up vacationing on Florida’s Gulf Coast, I’d have to remove my contacts just to take a dip in the ocean for fear of a wave knocking out my lens; nowadays, I can dive in on a whim if the water looks inviting without so much as a second thought. The ways LASIK has benefited my travel life are countless.
That said, I never take for granted how I can wake up and see the clock beside my bed without fumbling to press lenses into my eyes. I travel with friends who are forever dealing with the nuisance of contacts—one of my frequent travel companions who came to visit this summer complained about a lingering eye condition that had her going to the emergency doctor more than a dozen times this year—and I’m grateful that’s no longer my norm.
I run, I dive, I sit in front of my computer for days on end, eyes glued to the screen, I sit on planes for 16-hour flights—and I never have to stomach the hassle of glasses or contacts. And I have no doubt that in the years since I underwent LASIK, it’s become even easier, if that’s possible, as the technology progresses. Have I convinced you yet? It is, in a sense, the best thing you could do for yourself.
Have you ever undergone any type of corrective surgery? If so, please share your story in the comments below!
How Having LASIK Surgery Changed My Travel Life published first on http://ift.tt/2gOZF1v
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