#but I'll do my best
luimagines · 1 year
Part 1 will include Wild, Wind and Four!
Content under the cut!
“And here I thought that you didn’t care about what you’re hair looked like.” You walked in on wild brushing his hair out. Admittedly it was with a brush meant for a horse but seeing his Hyrule, you doubted that he even knew where to get the tools he need to take care of his own mane.
And what a mane it was.
“You know, it’s not like I actually enjoy having it all tangled up in knots with twigs sticking out all over the place.” He bites back without much force.
You snort. “Should the leaves stay then?”
“I’d rather they not but it’s a lesser of two evils.” He mutters, trying to fight a particularly stubborn knot.
“You know, we could just get you a half decent brush.” You offer, putting your hands on your hips. “You don’t have to use the one for the horses.”
“What’s the difference?”
You try to keep yourself from reeling. “It’s a lot easier for starters.”
You snatch the brush from his hands and hold it over you head where he can’t currently reach it. “Do you want to borrow mine?”
Wild frowns and crosses his hairs- his half brushed hair keeping him from looking serious in any way, shape or form. “And you’d let me? Just like that.”
“Until we can get you a new one all for yourself.” You reply cheekily. “I don’t mind it. As long as you keep your hair clean that is. That is my one condition.”
Wild continues to pout, only trying to snag the brush back at the last second. “What’s wrong with that brush?” 
You deadpan and continue to keep the brush out of his reach. “It’s inefficient and you’ll only damage your hair in the end. It’s not meant for hair like yours.”
Wild sticks his tongue out childishly, looking away in the process but he’s listening. You can tell.
Rolling you eyes, you walk around and reach your bag, tossing the horse brush aside half hazardly, not caring where it lands. You return to Wild and sit behind him with your onw brush in your hand. “Here. Like this. You start at the ends.”
You brush his hair, it smoothens as a result and becomes softer the more you run your hands through it. It’s nice. It’s quiet. Wild relaxes under your touch whether he knows it or not.
Once you finish, you admire your handiwork. It did the trick in less than half of the time it would have taken him otherwise. You smile to yourself and lean forward. Holding the brush out, you drop it into his lap.
You stand and proceed to ruffle the life out of his hair, tangling it up into one jumbled mess once more. Wild squawks indignantly, immediately raising his arms to fight you off fruitlessly. 
You laugh. “Ok. Now do it yourself and see the difference.”
Annoyed and put off, Wild glares at you, brandishing the brush for a moment before he gets to work once more. 
You smirk and hop out of his reach just in case. “I’ll leave you to it. Just put it back in my bag when you’re done please.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“Am I missing something?”
Wind’s voice rang out quietly through the camp. There’s wasn’t many people nearby. It was just you, the sailor, the blacksmith and the champion. The others weren’t paying too much attention to the youngest.
The others were out and about checking the perimeter or checking out the settlement nearby. It wasn’t big enough to be called a town and there was no inn to stay at for the night. 
“What do you think you’re missing, buddy?” You answer him. “Context or item?”
“I don’t even know.” He frowns, dumping his back upside down. “I have all  my items... at least I think I do...and the situation seems fairly cut and dry so I don’t know what I don’t know.”
“That is a problem these days, huh?” You humor him and get up from your spot. Luckily his items didn’t go all over the place so you’re able to find a spot to sit relatively easily. “Anything I can help with?”
“Can you reach into my brain and figure it out for me?” He pouts and crosses his arms, looking his items through them for the umpteenth time.
You hum and tilt your head. “Maybe... It’ll cost ya~”
Wind pauses and his eyebrows furrow. He’s always been one to show his thoughts on his face. It was endearing. You hoped he neveer changed.
“Can you really do that?”
You snort. “Nope. I was just kidding, but maybe we can retrace your steps. There’s got to a reason you think you’re missing something.”
 Wind sits down next to you and crosses his arms. “Where would we even start? We did a lot these past few days and there’s no way we can remember it all.”
“Well, if you’re willing to try then it should be worth a shot.” You nudge him slightly, ruffling his hair for good measure. The notion gets Wind to break out of his serious face and a bright giggle erupts the otherwise annoyed atmosphere.
He throws your hand off of his with less force than you anticipated and your arm flops to your side. Wind shakes his head, messing up his hair further. “Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe I’m just being paranoid.”
“That’s an option.” Four speaks up finally. You don’t know how he heard. Both and and Wild seemed to be stuck in their own heads for longer than you would have guessed was normal. “Most of us are more paranoid that you’re typical citizen.”
Wild blinks, coming back into the present as well. “...Wind, do you have the match sticks we were talking about yesterday?”
A look of recognition passes over his face. Despair follows quickly. “That was it! I knew I was forgetting something!”
You snort. “Why didn’t you say something sooner? I have my own. you can use them.”
You stand, patting Wind’s head as you go. “Well at least it’s not anything serious. Hold on let me see if I can find mine.”
“Thank you!” Wild calls out, standing up and making his way to the fire pit you’ve created earlier. “We won’t do anything dangerous with them nd will use them for their intended purpose.”
You pause. “...Should I be concerned?”
“Not at all!” Wind grins bright again, fixing his hair half hazardly. “We won’t start any fires with them, promise!”
“Then why do you need them?”
“...Stuff and reasons.”
You raise an eyebrow and toss Wild the match box anyway. “Don’ let Time or Twilight know those are mine.”
“And then you have to cool it down like this.” Four reached around you, swinging the glowing iron in a large arc to avoid you before putting it into the water bucket on the floor.
The iron hiss and steam erupted from the bucket without any second to breathe.
Your mouth gapes slightly at the reaction and Four pulls the sword to be from the bucket with a proud smile on his face. “Rinse and repeat until you get your desired result.”
“You’re joking.” You sneeze. “You do this for a living?”
“I’m the best at it.” The short hero gives a lazy salute as he places the metal back onto the table. “I learned from my grandpa but he’s getting too old to continue the trade.”
“Isn’t you’re dad a knight at the castle or something?” Your eyebrows scrunch in confusion.
“Yes. And?”
“But blacksmithing?”
“Like I said my grandpa is one.” He tilts his head. “You should see half of the stuff he makes. I may be the best in the business currently, but he was the best of his time and maybe in Hyrule’s history.”
You open your mouth to reply, but the pride in Four’s voice keeps you from saying too striking. Maybe it was something that merely skips a generation in his family. You nod instead, willing to let the matter rest.
Then something else catching your eyes and your teasing nature rears its mischievous face once more. Biting your lip, you try to let the words come out as naturally as you can. “Did he show you everything you know?”
“Of course!”
“Including how to set your apron on fire?” You point down.
Four blinks and stands straighter, looking down to where your finger is direction him too. The corner of his apron is lit flame. It must have gotten caught in the back because something taps your brain, telling you that he swears it for the sake of having something fire proof. 
“Ah!” Four jumps and pats it down before it can grow any more than it had. 
A snort escape you before you can stop it.
Four turns back to you with something sharp on his tongue but he also stops himself. “Ok, ok... I’ll let you have that one.”
“I’m sure you’re very good at what you do.” You pat his head since he can’t return the favor as it stands. “But I don’t think I have the patience to be here for an entire day and actually get something done.”
“It’s not for everyone.” Four agrees patting his hair back down. 
You grin. “I bet it’ll look cool in the end though.”
Four huff and crosses his arms, tossing the sword further away as he deals with the coals underneath. “It’ll be the most impressive blade you’ve ever seen. I can guarantee it.”
“I’ll hold you to it.”
Part 2
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Just want everyone to know. I loved the booping. it was great to connect to everyone.
So I wanna keep pressing buttons. So today is ask day for me. I'll be going on an ask rampage. Be ready.
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pherryt · 21 days
By a strange coincidence of events, I actually have peace, quiet and privacy...
I am attempting to record podfics.
Any requests?
(I'm looking at under 10k. So far i haven't tried anything more than a couple thousand words)
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birdy-the-artist · 1 year
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Hey so uuuuuhhhhh
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woa-for-shades · 7 months
A Darker Shade of Magic, Part III - CH I - V. E. Schwab
Looking for trouble, he’d say. You’re gonna look till you find it.
Trouble is the looker, she’d answer. It keeps looking till it finds you. Might as well find it first.
Why do you want to die?
I don’t, she’d say. I just want to live.
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It took me forever but here's the last illustration from my Adsom rereading back in 2023. Not an actual scene, just another hypothetical scene from the narration just like the last one I made.
This part happened to inspire me in my Lila angst art and I thought why not illustrate it properly? Though I never digitalized it and it exists in nowhere but my sketchbook 😅
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sharkrocket · 9 months
Fellas, I got a case of the art block 😫
If you've got an art request, feel free to just throw it at me and I'll see what I can do
The shit post-ier and meme-ier the better
If you have spicy requests, throw that at me too, I'm so stuck and I feel like I need to put out low effort arts for a bit
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robo-dino-puppy · 2 years
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horizon zero dawn | nora lookout 1/?
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ask-tay-relic · 10 months
going to try and use my tablet today.
We'll see how that goes.
[[For non-horse things / personal work I'll be posting to my mod blog @augment-duke but might reblog some of that here as well]]
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l0stw00d · 7 months
Anyway. Love and support trans women. Consider joining other platforms to support them if they decide to leave. Listen to what they have to say about all of this. Be vocal not only in your hatred for transphobes but for your appreciation for trans women. Respect trans women you don't personally find attractive or even agreeable. Stop acting like sex and kink are fucking sins worthy of punishment.
Listen to them. Even, or in fact, Especially when you don't like what they're saying. Include trans women of colour in your media and in your life. Include gnc transfems in your media and in your life. Do what you can to make a place for them in a world that is trying so hard to squeeze them out of every conceivable space.
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aceteling · 4 months
The thing is: I still don't have anything I really WANT to do... Being an academic sounds okay taking everything into consideration... But I'd much rather draw my silly blorbos all the time lol
I think it's one of the things I like more on conceptual level rather than actually doing it. But. It's still the best option so I'll do my best
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sonicshipbattles · 1 year
Also, because I know how much you all love this part - the daily submission stats will be returning to show which are our most submitted ships so far, etc. This should start tomorrow
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coleisunderrated · 7 months
A Spyro!AU Drabble
Uh, this is my very first time writing a crossover. I wanted to play it safe while adding some lore so sorry if it's not that good.
"Ray and Maya. It is great to see you again." Nestor greeted the couple upon their arrival at the shore of the Artisans' homeworld.
Ray was a Peace Keeper and Maya was an Artisan. Their children, Kai and Nya, identified as Peace Keepers but their parents wanted them to also be in touch with their maternal bloodline so every summer, they would live with the Artisans. It was an agreement they've had ever since their children hatched. Speaking of...
"Hello, Nestor." The young dragons politely greeted the Artisan leader.
"It is also a pleasure to see you again." The green dragon also accepted their greeting.
Just one look and he can already tell Kai and Nya were becoming their own unique dragons. Kai was hot-blooded and protective while Nya was intuitive but still open to logic. He always knew they would grow up to become dragons their parents and the Peace Keepers will be proud of.
"Will we get to see the purple hatchling?"
"He is still too young. However, Lloyd has been looking forward to your visit."
Just hearing their friend's name perked up the young dragons and they went on ahead, allowing the dragon elders some time to themselves.
"It seems Lloyd has adjusted well since... you know..." Ray started.
"Indeed. It's been many years since Garmadon was banished. There are still some days when Lloyd feels lonely but his mother and uncle have done their best to fill in the void." Nestor remembered the day the sentence was carried out. Lloyd was such a little dragon at the time. It was still sad to see that the consequences of the actions his father made alone still affected him.
"Wu and Misako must've had their work cut out for them," Maya added, "I'm sure they will also be delighted if we meet up."
"Sounds like a plan." Her husband quickly set the suggestion in stone.
Looks like this year's summer with the Artisans has been planned out...
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I Might have to postpone the next group of polls another day, I'll see if I can get it all done and set up tonight
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blindecho6 · 11 months
This moment when you create a new species for the world you're making, but you build up your world so much in such a way that the species you created wouldn't make sense to exist in this world
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tamavonpineapple · 2 years
Please kill me... I don't know what I'm doing! This will give me headaches!
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ahhhh yikes... I can't paint...
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scriptdogtor · 2 years
Reminder that this blog admin is absolutely feral for The Little Mermaid, so I will not be normal about anything for the next few months. Ask me stuff! I’ll never stop talking!
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