#but I'm also like woah what if its literally me 😳
Anyone else also read PACs about their next lover~ or their future spouse and go "oh this is just me lol"
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ishikawayukis · 8 months
wenas otra vez JAJAJA que buena playlist tho, que vivan las canciones de los 90, 00 y 10’s porque ya no las hacen igual 😔🫶🏽 no es que toda la música sea mala ahora pero, pues tengo attachments supongo JAJAJAJ
omg yes please do share theories and memes (when it’s not a spoiler lol) I wanna know everything 🤲🏽 sorry I came late to the scene and have so much to catch up on LMAO hope you enjoy my reactions at least:’)
ITS SO GOOOOD once again it had me invested throughout the story “okay but are the ghosts related to this invisible man? Is the doctor the main bad guy? Is Brook even here or nearby?” the plot is pretty good and exciting!! and yes definitely more silly BUT THATS THEIR CHARM THIS IS WHY THEY GIVE ME LIFE<3 y no es paja, o sea entiendo que hay peleas wow y también me impresionan a veces pero gente vivamos el plot por favor🙏🏽
ALSO WOW THE WAY BROOK’S STORY CONNECTS WITH THEM AND THE BEGINNING OF THEIR JOURNEY???? Oda a veces hace que mis neuronas tengan que hacer gimnasia para acordarme de ciertos personajes JAJAJJAJA pero es bien genial como se conecta todo, I loved this arc<3 let’s see how we do with Sabaody Archipelago🫡✨
Zoro niñera, diciendo que no le reza a ningún dios y venciendo a un samurai de Wano es mi imperio romano JAJAJAJJAA PLUS oh god is so hard to avoid spoilers (so far so good I think?) but I have seen many fanarts based on a Wano arc(?)/saga(?) style and when they mentioned it I was like OH SHOOT FORESHADOWING!!!
f*ck Blackbeard too me vale si le hacen un redemption arc o no o si revive después de una batalla pero espero al menos una vez lo hagan tragar tierra y sufrir JAJAJAJA
estaba hablando con una amiga que es de China y me dijo que se hizo un piercing hélix con pistola y yo 😳 JAJAJAJA pero claramente le fue bien porque sigue teniendo la oreja JAJAJAJAJA justin wasn’t lying when he said never say never 😔✋🏽 pero si ojalá nos sanen sin problemas<3 cuéntame cuando te lo hayas hecho!!
nooooo Belleee😭 peor combinación posible, pero al menos ya estás mejor no?? :’) Thankfully I haven’t gotten sick yet but the weather where I am is trying to test me fr bc this winter is going wild😭😭
OH BTW JAJAJ SANJI RESCANTANDO A NAMI!!! el “skip skip skip” ES TAN ADORABLE JAJAJAJAJA literally every time I see him and he does something cool or silly or adorable I just think of you<3 JAJAJA hoy si mucho texto perdón 🫶🏽
WHAT DO YOU MEAAAAN LATE TO THE SCENE i've literally been here for maybe 4 months we're all in this together i just went a little insane about it LMAO let me know when you finish impel down so that i can share it because it honestly makes me go ?? you guys are kinda nuts
VIVAMOS EL PLOT EXACTOOOOOOO todos los dudebros q les encanta hacer powerscaling simplemente no entienden lo divertido q son estos arcos más misteriosos AJAJ thriller bark my beloved you were so goofy and had so many questions. AND BROOK' STORYYYYY i know that if you were to compare it to robin's is not as sad but man, it made me fucking Sob like i literally couldn't stop crying especially during the las song like woah oda you are a little fuck aren't you. and yeha him connection brook's story to laboon was just :')) he truly is thinking about everything LMAO
dude the wano art style is soooooo good as well, i don't think you can avoid spoilers when it comes to the names of the arcs but as long as you avoid like, actual plot spoilers you're doing a lot better than me LMFAO
naa blackbeard se puede ir a la real chucha perdón lo chilena AJJJAJA top 10 personajes q más odio en one piece literal compitiendo contra gecko moria y a ese weón yo lo quería matar JAJAJ
el hélix con pistola nooooo q valiente de su parte AJAJA y ya me lo hice lleva dos semanitas y está ahí bien bonito y sin problemas ejeje
yeah i'm better already but still haev a lingering cough that is honestly so annoying, but luckily it didn't affect my uuuuuuuuuh stamina? like i can exercise without wanting to die after the first round of things
SLGHDL i'm loving this people seeing sanji and thinking of me that's my stupid dumbass most beloved little guy
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biaswreckingfics · 3 years
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woah- ok ok so….
😤😤😤😤 first of all, i gotta say i love OC’s character so much!! i really LOVE that even tho she hates minjee, she knows boundaries and is able to respect sunwoo’s decisions, doesn’t let her emotions like…how do i say this?? she just has a high level of respect yk? like sticking close to middle ground. (ex: even tho minjee’s a shitty person, she doesn’t deserve to be ghosted like this) <— that’s the maturity i LOVE 😤😤
secondly, i took my goddamn time reading this chapter, painting it all in my brain and even had to reread some paragraphs to fuckin process 🥴
i really love this chapter my good soul, holy shit…woahh Britt…you literally took my breath away…i honestly don’t even know where to start im just speechless rn
i love the tickling shit even tho that shit sucks 🥹🥹 that was fucking amazing and wholesome- a very much needed scene in the whole series!! 😤👍 but i also love the talk they had,, we’re so close to unlocking his fucking soul! (personal fav quote: “crack his head open and take a peek inside” 😌) bruh not to mention the stupid pout 😳
dude i wish i could say more…because holy shit this was so fucking cute and i ESPECIALLY LOVE the talk. that is definitely essential to the building of their relationship and i’m so happy you wrote that in 🥹👍
so far i’ve literally loved every single fucking chapter LITERALLY EACH ONE OF THEM HAS THEIR OWN ESSENCE and FLAVOR chefs fuckin kiss 😤🤌🤌
holy shit britt i’m sorry for this word vomit but thank you for writing this muhfuckin series this shit is the best sunwoo series i’ve read in my whole fuckin life thank you thank you for taking your time to make this i truly cannot comprehend you 😤🤌💕
The stupid, giant ass smile I have on my face rn 😭😭❤❤ I love you
A mature OC?? We love 👏 to see 👏 it 👏. She really could've said f*** Minjee and called it a day, but she's letting Sunwoo figure out his own thoughts and feelings when it comes to the girl
I'm so happy you enjoyed this chapter, because I was having a hard time with it tbh. Just last night when I was attempting to edit it, I was struggling to make it seem good enough. Your words give me hope that I'm just being way too hard on myself!! Also, you saying that each chapter has its own essence and flavor 😭😭😭❤❤❤
The tickling scene, the pout, the near kiss *muah* 🤌🤌 but that talk?? Them opening up to each other?? So good 😭😭 I'm gonna take this new level of their relationship and run with it, so prepare yourself 🥴🥴
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sparklingpax · 3 years
Curious question, what was your reaction to watching the Transformers Prime series for the first time? I'm especially curious about how your reaction was to seeing Optimus for the first time in that series. (Those 2 posts about your valentines day art and the TFP series being my favorite was the same person, aka me! I was thinking i could say a word that lets you know it's me and not some other anon. How about: 'TFP FAN'? I'm not allowed to have a tumbler account so that's why.)
HIIII ✨✨✨ Yes, I do believe "tfp fan" is a good name for you, if you like it!! ^w^
Sorry for typos, I'm typing this out on my phone & I'm usually terrible at that
Also omg!! Fellow lurker!!!!! 🥺✨💕 funny story, I actually was also banned from the internet (so of course, social media as well) for like....my whole life until literally only a little more than a year ago was I allowed to go ahead and...have social media accounts....💀💀💀 I mean didn't stop me from sneaking stuff but then there was that time I got caught in 7th grade but wooo that's another story 🥲
And so anyways, it was painful I could never like posts or interact with ppl who had takes I agreed with or ideas I thought were interesting, but it always made me happy when at least my anon asks would be answered by cool blogs I wished I could follow but settled to just watch from the sidelines until I myself was finally allowed to join Tumblr!!! So long story short, I totally feel ya!!! You can drop in any time you want, as can anyone else! Just be prepared for me and the infamous long amounts of time it takes for me to actually, finally respond to ppl 😳😅✨
ANYWAY ok, so to answer your question, the first time I saw TFP was when I was just barely 6 years old, and lemme tell you I loved that series deeply 😳💗💜💕✨ I watched "Deus ex Machina" and instantly felt excited and invested, especially because up until then, I'd never really watched or found anything that excited me fr. I'd seen MLP because my friends did, I played with toys and went to the park, but for the first time, I saw that show and genuinely felt like "woah. That was cool....I want to see more." And bam, from there I became a TFP fan who excitedly chattered about the episode I watched for a whole week to everyone I knew until Friday when the new ep would air and I'd rush my homework to get to it & then the cycle would repeat.....I remember feeling attached to the characters, and feeling as if this was a show with depth and action and it always excited me. I loved the visuals, the music, the atmosphere of it all. A couple things went over my head that I never got until I saw it again in its entirety in 5th grade (fourish years later, when I bought the DVDs) because I was, again, a tiny first grader...but I'll never forget how much I enjoyed that show, how excited I got when the theme played and I watched a new episode....OH and OPTIMUS. I wouldn't have called him Hot™️ when I first saw him because I wouldn't have known to call him that, but I do remember thinking he was cool, noble, powerful, and that I loved just looking at him--which to be fair, I still have that with characters today. There's a long list of faves I have, and I might call them 'cute' or 'hot' but more in the sense that they're just really fun to look at for me, and that matching with their personalities makes me really love them, but not in a romantic sense..... however I make an exception for Optimus because imo, he is and always will be, Hot™️ (y'all I see you with your baseball bats and your 'go to horny jail' but I'm not afraid of you--)
So anyway, concluding my rambling, basically, I loved it a lot and I love it more or less as much today! In spite of the problems it has like any series does, it's still a meaningful show with depth and super cool fight scenes I'll always love especially because of how I loved it when I was a Tiny Child, and for how much of a role it played in my life, getting me through really tough things and being a safe haven I can return to that never fails to make me smile in some way <3 💗💕💜💜💕💙
-Kuni :D
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woah before sunrise? are you a morning person then😳 also ough that sounds so good.. the feeling of a damp rock would heal me rn. do u ever wanna take those adventurous walks again :o yeah yeah omg listening to music and just thinkin thoughts while walking is the best!! tho i gotta be mindful not getting too absorbed bc i won’t notice other people so i might bump into them or something 😭 hehe theyre not that eventful tho!! if outside i just like sketching whats around me since i don’t have any references to look up ^o^ or just random doodles… i think you like to draw too right? :o and hmm summer/spring walks are the best in my opinion!! winter is just.. so cold i keep getting runny nose.. brrrr.. fall is good too tho x) do u have a fav season?? abstract art is super broad yeah!! in my case i was just adding a bunch of lines and colors digitally until it looked nice hehe its a fun activity since u don’t have to worry about it being correct ^o^ oh hades!! fun!! i’ve only played it once but i love the game’s aesthetic :0 epic gamer time :) people watching together yes let’s do it!!! *stares at you* :) i think we should test my theory too🥰🥰 you’re so lovely!
yea i'm a morning person!! i like saying good morning to the sun 🥰 what about you? are you a vampire 👀👉👈 or are you more of a general afternoon person (is that a thing)??
sometimes i do want to but i just don't 😭😭 and omg you must the best daydreams if you almost bump into someone 😭 i totally get that tho 😭😭😭
and wow so no love for winter????? 😔</3 hehehe i enjoy spring/summer walks the best too! fav season hm....well i'd say i like spring the best out of all? but i don't dislike any of the other seasons! do you have a favorite season or do you just like any as long as it's not winter? >◡<
ooooooo that's literally so impressive tho?? like trees and grass and that stuff....now that i think about it what does nature drawing actually include? 🤔😅 do you see any animals on your walks that you end up drawing too? :O
oh you make abstract art sound relaxing actually!!!....when i picture abstract art my mind immediately jumps to a picture of a bunch of tiny blue triangles (😭?😭??) but i like your description :) and i like the idea of drawing more than actually drawing nowadays honestly haha..
and lmaoo i'm flattered! i mean i guess we can just...be the people we are watching *stares back at you* :) you're lovelier! 💖🌹😳
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