#but I'm also sure Gideon has rolled her sleeves up in front of Harrow before and has no idea what it does to her
mayasaura · 1 month
Re: your post about Harrow fantasizing about Gideon’s arms, she did see Gideon’s arms in full right at the end when Gideon rolled up her shirtsleeves before she… did the thing she did at the end. Anyway I’m sure that’s why Harrow fixated on that particular detail.
In full? If I'm rolling my sleeves up from the wrist, I can usually only go to about the elbow before it gets awkwardly bulky. And I don't have eleven out of ten biceps. I stand my ground that the exposed forearms Harrow's so enchanted by in the coffee shop are as much skin as Harrow's ever seen from Gideon.
But good news! Gideon rolls up her sleeves in that scene as a nervous habit, just for something to do with her hands. Odds are real good she does it a lot, and had done it in front of Harrow before. The hot barista of Harrow's dreams was drawing on long repeated exposure to Gideon's stupid sexy forearms that Harrow certainly didn't lie awake at night thinking about.
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