#but I'm sensing them being envious over someone powerful which then leads them to do evil
grimgummies · 10 months
Sooo since the baddies being based off the seven deadly sins was confirmed, and you've already given your thoughts to who is supposed to be who of the current villains, do you have any theories for who's supposed to be Envy, Pride, and Sloth?
Ooohhh hehehe actually I do have some ideas,,
Well Evermore is lookin like he'll be pride but until he's confirmed to be an actual antag/villain it's a very big maybe,, But I'm still holding onto that thought because I mean look at him,,, His first name is literally Narciso (aka narcissist) and he has an insane ego (Despite all this I absolutely think he will play a big role and be a future antag :3)
As for sloth and envy I can't connect them to a character (yet) so they'll most likely be presented in characters saved for future episodes :)
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mkhyemi · 10 months
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hello hello hello! i'm kalo (21, she/her, est) and this is hyemi! she does NOT want to be here, but surely her time at lumera will shape her into a perfectly suitable magickai... right??? until then, she just has to be the disney channel movie character who somehow missed the chance to say "no mom... this isn't my dream, it's yours..." and follow her real passion. tbh, that hasn't even crossed her mind at all! so she's simply accommodating herself to what's expected of her and will continue to do so until she either learns to like it or she dissipates into the ocean or something... three cheers for repression! a more detailed delve-into hyemi can be found below the cut! it's been give or take 2 and a half years since i last did this whole rp thing, so please bear with me while i shake the rust off! (and while i finish up with my semester... lol) i'm very excited to write and have a fun time with you all! feel free to give this post a like and i'll pop into your ims as quick as possible for some plotting!
profile | bio | plots (empty links will be filled when finished ;;;)
hyemi is the youngest daughter of her family, her mother is an untrained magi (her companion died fairly early after her powers awoke), her father is a human, and her older sister is also a human.
her mother is essentially living vicariously through hyemi's becoming a magickai, to the point where she moved with hyemi from ulsan to seoul so she could enroll in the memoria of seoul. very pageant-mom vibes. hyemi loves her mom though and is very much reliant on her approval, which is what led her to her compliance re: enrolling at lumera and pursuing life as a magickai.
in reality, hyemi isn't too thrilled with the premise of being a magical soldier, no matter what fancy kind of name it's given. she's very envious of the more normal kind of life her older sister is living back home
her companion is a hedgehog named needles, who is a big pain in her ass and only adds to the pressure to get serious about her training. hearing feedback from someone who knows that all of her studying and training is essentially a front hurts a little more than she'd like to admit, especially considering it's coming from an animal that can fit in the palm of her hand. suffice to say, they don't get along very well.
regarding her powers, her control over them is very finicky, and is very easily swayed by her emotions. please anticipate finding her half-submurged into the ground or various walls. to counteract this somewhat, she tends to wear wetsuits or other swim-shirt adjacent items to help keep her in one piece, to middling results. at least it stops her clothes from getting wet? #styleicon. her minor power lets her turn whatever part of her that's water into ice, but she mainly just uses this to punch things a bit harder. she's admittedly no strategist.
her fighting style is very upfront. her powers aren't conducive towards offense on an especially grand scale, and fit more towards the role of a facetank, as her water form absorbs most forms of pain.
on that note, has been taking boxing and self-defense lessons since the awakening of her powers (she uses it as stress relief, but it has synergized with her up-close fighting style and the fact that her weapon is a pair of gauntlets)
maintains a very packed schedule both to distract herself from her general sense of dissatisfaction but also to exert some form of control over what she's doing at lumera (ie: her classes, her extracurricular lessons, hiking club, working at soap and suds, etc.) she's very particular about her schedule and about punctuality in general!
on a social level, hyemi is very much a people-pleaser, and thus takes great pains to not show off her frustrations with her current lifestyle. however, this leads her to be evasive and pretty resistant to forming substantial connections with people... whoops! she tends to shape her behavior to fit with other people and is definitely more of a follower-type than a leader-type. however, her temper is a bit of a ticking time bomb at this point (though, the fuse is pretty long!) so it probably will all blow up in her face eventually. hopefully it won't all land on the wrong target?
some quickfire connection/plot ideas!:
anyone who also attended the memoria of seoul! study buddies/academic rivals/etc.
you think her power (or rather, her lack of control over her power) is hilarious, and try to devise increasingly outlandish pranks/ways of catching her by surprise to watch her collapse into a puddle. (whether this is friendly or antagonistic is up to interpretation!)
someone to help her work through her newly-developed fear of large bodies of water
bad(?) influence: or otherwise someone who wants to break her from her rigid routine-based way of living
she's a caffeine fiend, so if your muse either works at or also habitually visits the coffee shop, they could hang out there?
sparring partners / work out buddies
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rafent · 1 year
salvia :   is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them ?how do they express that possessiveness ,   or lack thereof ?
SALVIA: Is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them? How do they express that possessiveness, or lack thereof?
In a roundabout way, yes. The greatest part about analyzing Rafal is sieving through the mud of his persona as 'Nil' to extract more honest emotions buried underneath. Though the guise he wears is mostly faithful to his dead brother, a lot of it has an underlying flavor whispering 'Rafal' that doesn't quite escape the notice upon closer inspection. And Rafal even when acting under Nil's whimsy to deceive others can never truly hide how he feels, either. Especially not his propensities for envy and jealousy, the precursors to possessiveness, the pangs of which he expresses in symptomatic word choices.
It's unknown how Rafal felt about either Alear, both his own and another world's , beyond the relationship between hand and chesspiece- a vehicle for his greatest ambitions- but I'm lead to believe that his ugliest statements are the most transparent. The most truthful and cathartic in the sense of revealing his innermost feelings, especially after spending centuries obscuring his identity and never saying a single unsuitable word. Being so ugly, being himself- prideful, envious, power hungry- must be like liberating a silent itch you had to pretend was never there.
Alear: "You know her so well."
Nil (Rafal): "I suppose I do. I am her twin brother, after all. I know all her favorite things, her habits and preoccupations. I know how delicate she can be. . .But there is one thing I do not know and am ever so curious about. How will she handle losing the one she cares about a second time?"
Him pointing out the great bounty of knowledge possessed about Nel as her twin brother is meant to endear at a glance, but when considered that he has no semblance of a positive opinion about the Divine One at this juncture- in fact he's just about ready to make them his hostage- it's vitriolic, jealous, and tone-deaf coming hot on the heels of Nel's love confession. Only the sadistic ending assertion feels like a falsity imposed by Sombron's hex; the omnipotent, domineering law that asserts "Nil must be against Nel" no matter what. The flavor text leading up to these executions I have always assumed to be Rafal, not 'Nil'.
Nil (Rafal) to Nel: "I am off to sink my teeth into your darling Divine Dragon."
By subtle indication, Rafal is possessive over others (Nel; on another hand, Nil) but he doesn't want to possess them inherently, he wants to possess the lordly superiority of knowing them better, or stir their reactions, because the effects that come of his causes are most indicative of the intangible power he can wield. Rafal was never someone with a lot of anything. By that inherent nature there's a longing to own what he doesn't have, power, and to keep what he does have close at hand which is in this case, his twin.
Even more transparently, he's made at least somewhat troubled by external influences, outsiders, that jeopardize his closest connections; Alear toward his relationship with Nel, then Nel toward his relationship with Nil, like a running cycle of inherited attachment. A fact suggested through the microaggression of his quotes above, or expressed with wistful longing as denoted below.
Rafal: "We were inseparable, for a time. And I was all too happy to have something like a real brother. That was how I felt, at least. But for him, there could be no replacement for Nel. When I found him on the battlefield, breathing his last, his only thoughts were of her."
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sodamnbored · 3 years
Jason and Juno
I just want to talk about them. I have so many feelings and I can’t find anyone else that cares about them. But, like, why not?
Because Rick ignored Jason in HoO and I still haven’t got my Roman prequels, that’s why.
I freaking love Jason anyway and I always have. And I admit, reading original PJO, I wasn’t the biggest fan of Hera, but we weren’t really supposed to be I don’t think. But Juno? Nah man, Juno is cool.
Everybody seems to write her off because she’s Hera and we all know Hera sucks, and obviously Percy and Annabeth don’t like Hera so makes sense that we kinda subconsciously take their lead. But Juno is cool - and I will absolutely fight that corner forever. It’s like, Ares was kinda a dick in many regards, but Mars was a good dad to Frank, Mars was cool too.
Juno was one of the only gods interested in actively helping demigods, particularly her favoured ones, sure, but she still tried to help. And she obviously cared about them too. Not just Jason, it was very evident she liked Leo a lot too (and I love that too). And we know - at least from ToA - that she had a soft spot for Frank too (and honestly who can blame her).
But yeah, so I actually dig Juno in HoO. She helped out, she was awesome, she was actively nice at least to Jason.
So that’s the first thing to get over. Hate Hera if you want to - but let me convince you that Juno is better. Re-read the books and look for her being nice and cool. Because it’s there.
On top of that though, the relationship between Juno and Jason just makes me so happy and warm. I love it so much, even though I haven’t seen anyone else that seems to care.
Jupiter was at least as much of a dick as Zeus was - that’s something everyone agrees on I think. And I think a lot of us if not everyone can agree that he was a worse dad to Jason than he was to Thalia. And maybe that’s because he washed his hands of responsibility for him after he gifted Jason to Juno. (Dick move btw.) but either way, he basically ignored Jason his entire life and throughout HoO. He was hands down one of the most distant godly parents of the seven and of a lot of main heroes we’ve followed in the series’. So Jason couldn’t really depend on him for help or guidance an awful lot and basically felt like he didn’t have a father. But at least he had Juno.
Juno was a good patron to him. She helped him where she could. She actively and genuinely cared about him. She tried to make herself available for chats when he needed them as much as she could. Gave him presents (his gladius) and praise when he did well, pep talks for what was ahead. As pseudo foster mothers go, she really wasn’t bad. Closest thing Jason had to a parent, and yeah, he could’ve had worse. He did have worse with his alcoholic slightly off the rails actual mother who gave him away, and had worse in a dad who never spoke to him or saw him or lifted a finger to help him until the very last second and who also gave him away. I kinda gotta figure after that kind of treatment from both your actual parents, getting what he got from his patron was probably very appreciated.
And Juno/Hera is the goddess of marriage and family among other things. Throughout the series it’s pretty much her biggest hang up. And obviously she wasn’t always the best mother (poor Hephaestus) to her actual kids, but she kinda held Olympus together. Stopped them all tearing each other apart. Family was important to her and something she valued. Obviously she hated when her husband cheated on her and had someone else’s kids. Honestly? That’s pretty reasonable to be unhappy about. But she watched the rest of her family, literally forever, having kids willy nilly when they wanted to. Obviously Artemis didn’t, but she didn’t want kids and she had the hunters so that’s fine. For someone that loves family so much, it’s very possible she could’ve been a little envious of everyone else having huge families. She still had her Olympian family, but maybe she would’ve liked to have some demigods of her own, if it didn’t involve cheating which she just won’t do. She favoured original Jason and was his patron too, so she was happy enough to adopt them, but it still wasn’t something she did often. So she didn’t get a lot of mortal kids and might’ve felt like she was missing out. But at least she had Jason.
So, being given another little adopted demigod, hell yeah she probably loved mothering him. He was totally her kid. He didn’t have any parent or family to be there for him, she didn’t have any demigod kids of her own and knew she never will. That’s hella cute that they can adopt each other.
Everyone loves found families lately - well this is basically that. Kinda forced at first but doesn’t mean they wouldn’t grow to love each other. They helped each other, could depend on each other. Juno is literally the patron of Rome as well. So even if Jason hadn’t known from the off that he’d been given to Juno, he’d have still had the sense that she had his back along with the rest of Rome, so he might’ve asked for a little help or guidance before HoO, maybe while he was Praetor too. And Juno being New Rome’s patron would’ve probably kept an eye over Camp Jupiter and especially when Jason rose to Praetor she could’ve been paying more attention to him from then. Watched out for him during the Titan War.
I want to know more about them. Especially if Jason was fully aware that she was his patron the whole time before HoO. I want them to have had some sort of relationship. I want them to like each other at least a little. Nico and Hades got closer eventually. Percy and Poseidon (and honestly a bunch of the gods) got on well. Mars adored Frank. Aphrodite seems pretty cuddly with her kids in general. I don’t think it’d be a terrible stretch for Juno and Jason to have each other’s backs.
I want to know if Jason ever made offerings for her along with Jupiter. Burnt food at CHB for her as well as his dad.
I want to know if Juno ever helped him out on earlier quests at all, whether he knew it or not. If she ever gave him and maybe Reyna too, sort of a Praetor deal, counsel.
I want to see Juno fully lean into having Jason as her favourite, as her chosen hero. I want to see her lend some power to him when he needs it. I want to see Jason with the Blessing of Juno. How many demigods would’ve ever gotten that? That’s unheard of. I want it for him. I want to see him marching on Mount Othrys to take down Krios and topple the throne, not with the blessing of Jupiter (although I would also love to see him with that, that would be so cool!) but with the blessing of Juno, patron of Rome. I wanna see him monologuing Krios into intimidation like he did to the giants: I'm the son of Jupiter, I'm a child of Rome, consul to demigods, praetor of the First Legion. I slew the Trojan sea monster, I have the blessing of Juno: Patron of Rome. And she also happens to be my stepmom, dick.
I talked about it in another post before, him getting her blessing. Supposedly with her Roman counterpart she’s supposed to be militaristic, strategic, etc. A blessing from his dad would be like an explosion of power, don’t get me wrong. It’d be like Thor in Infinity War. Magnificent. He could totally burst into the palace and fry Krios and destroy the throne. But I think it’d also be pretty damn awesome if he got zapped with her blessing and became like the ultimate military leader (kind of like Frank with Mars’ blessing I suppose, but more strategic instead of hitting the protein shakes), leading the troops in the invasion and being a total Praetor before he even became Praetor.
Side note: It’s probably not possible but can you imagine if he got blessings from both of them?? I doubt you can have two at a time, but that would be spectacular if he did. Especially from Jupiter and Juno. He would be incredibly powerful, no wonder the Legion made a big deal out of him in the early part of the series. Always was a little disappointed we never got to see cool Roman Jason. I love Jason, I do, but he wasn’t exactly what we heard about in The Lost Hero and Son of Neptune. It never felt like we saw his full potential. So I’m just gonna sit in my corner and dream it up instead lol.
Anyway, this was purely for me because I have a lot of feelings about these two and I couldn’t find anything about them at all or not anything positive. But if anyone else likes them or has ideas or there is stuff you can point me to, please do, I want to get involved in it and find people that are into this so bad!
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